1.) Broder takes a buyout. Broder and Bush both gone within a 20 day period- 2009 is shaping up to be a very good year.
2.) Count me as a fan of Glade Plug-ins. I prefer Clean Linen.
3.) Must be a slow day at the Sadly, No! empire, as they, too, attempt to justify cheating.
4.) I need a high quality microphone and a solid set of earphones for the mac at work. Any suggestions?
5.) The Heather Bresch scandal gets more interesting.
6.) NARAL endorses the magical unity pony. I expect a certain contingent of the Hillary supporting blogosphere will launch another wildly successful letter-writing campaign shortly.
7.) I don’t care what you haters say, I still like the band Rush. Listening to them right now, as a matter of fact.
8.) WV Supreme Court Chief Justice Elliot “Spike” Myanard, who was caught cruising the French Riviera with the CEO of Massey Energy, lost yesterday.
9.) Thank you, Hillary:
Hillary Clinton on Wednesday reiterated her vow to stay in the Democratic presidential race, but she said it would be a “terrible mistake” for her supporters to vote for John McCain over Barack Obama.
Sen. Hillary Clinton vowed to stay in the race, saying she’s “not going anywhere.”
“Anybody who has ever voted for me or voted for Barack has much more in common in terms of what we want to see happen in our country and in the world with the other than they do with John McCain,” Clinton said on CNN’s “The Situation Room.”
“I’m going to work my heart out for whoever our nominee is — obviously I’m still hoping to be that nominee, but I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that anyone who supported me … understands what a grave error it would be not to vote for Sen. Obama.”
10.) Another bloated farm bill. This time weighing in at $290 billion.
More as I remember the other stuff I was thinking about earlier.
The new Rush album was the best I’ve heard in years.
I like #9.
It’s going to be an awful of fun this summer, watching Hillary Clinton return to the places where the Republicans helped build her up as the Friend of the White Working Class, and tell them “John McCain would be a disaster for you. He doesn’t understand your values, and he doesn’t care about your problems.”
About number 9–it’s great and all to make fun of Hillaryis44 and No Quarter and Talk Left, but it’s good to remember that Clinton has been saying this for the last few primaries, which is why I think the claims that she’s trying to submarine Obama so she can have one more shot at 2012 is Red-State-quality silly.
Lede over at Taylor Marsh:
Those misogynists at NARAL can’t handle a strong woman’s voice.
Well she needs to, remember they used to claim Obama and his followers were the ones saying they’d never vote for Hillary and supposedly we were the worstest ever for it. Then the polls came out showing it was, again, the reverse and that more of her supporters wouldn’t vote for Obama. Egg meet face.
Echo without Bunnies or Men
I still like Rush, fuck da haters. They’ve been together nearly 40 years (RIP John Rutsey), sold millions of records, they still sell out every damn arena they play, and have influenced leagues of musicians as they have one of the most talented lineups rock and roll has ever seen.
Oh, but it’s not ‘cool’ to say you like Rush for some reason.
People trot out bands like Radiohard (the most overrated band ever) or Jack Johnson (boooooring) or whatever pimple of the month Rolling Stone editors get a hard on for as the epitome of being cool, but let’s see any of these amateurs last that long with a dedicated following.
Now, my wife hates Rush and she makes no bones about it, and that’s just too damn bad, honey. I will see them in three weeks at the Gorge in George, WA, see you there!
Ugh. Air fresheners = migraines. What’s wrong with just having air-scented air? Open a window.
Rush is fuckin awesome. It was my first favorite band (back when I was in like fourth grade) and I listened to NOTHING ELSE for about two years until middle school and the grunge takeover occurred simultaneously. I burned out on them bad, but around the time I finished high school I came back to them and they’ve been in my top few bands ever since.
I still haven’t heard the new one (because I though the three prior albums were shit), but I will try it at some point, I promise. My favorite album is probably either Signals or Roll the Bones or maybe Hemispheres (which about covers all their styles).
4) the Shure sound-isolating earbuds kick ass.
7) i’ll always have room on my external HD for Rush – if only for Moving Pictures and Permanent Waves. don’t play ’em very often anymore, but they’re nice to have around.
Yes they are obviously just another tool of the patriarchy which all this time has lulled women into a false sense of security which makes them think they have an actual right to choose what they do with their bodies and what comes out of their va-jay-jay’s. But now their evil mysoginist plot has been exposed and they really are nothing more than a front group to help a black man screw a white woman!
[ / snark ]
John lives in Pennsylvania, and the quarterbacks there give off a powerful stench.
Ahh. If you like Rush, no wonder you’ve got a soft spot for Muse.
I’m Canadian, so I can rag on Rush as much as I like. They’re famille, eh?
FWIW I like rush but get so tired of hearing Tom Sawyer on the radio. They have some tunes that are far better than that one IMO.
Zuzu's Petals
Has anyone seen this, or am I just slow on the pickup?
President Apostate
Aside from the fact that it is almost totally inaccurate (see comments on the NYT site), it is basically a cut and paste of Daniel Pipe’s smear piece at the nutjob Front Page site:
Obama and Islam
Good work, NY Times. Every wingnut site on the intertubes has picked up this piece of hackery and run with it. Check out Memeorandum (I can’t embed a third link without pissing off WordPress).
So is that Edwards endorsement coming up after all?
He lives in W. Va, no? Does the racism waft through the air, too?
Echo without Bunnies or Men
I hear you Dreggas, it’s their biggest hit ever so what can you do?
I remember a time before radio stations were all preprogrammed when you could call your local rock station DJ, who was actually sitting in a booth in the same city you were, and request to hear “The Analog Kid” and they’d play it. Maybe even “Free Will”
Didn’t you hear? NARAL is a discredited right wing outfit. Or so the not-at-all delusional commenters at TalkLeft say.
About #2 … You may want to be careful breathing that “freshened” air; there are lots of nasty chemicals in air fresheners. Check out this link:
Zuzu's Petals
At least one take-down of the Luttwack smear, from, you know, an actual Muslim:
Obama Islam Smear Changes Stripes
Snowball USB Microphones, pricey but impressive quality. Windows support is a bit lacking tho.
D. Mason
I would like to add this random link, from North Alabama.
Grado SR 60 headphones are excellent old-school style phones.
M-Audio, Samson and others make large-diaphraghm condenser microphones that can be plugged into a USB port.
And FWIW I like Echo & The Bunnymen too. LOL. Free Will was good but I also like “We Are Young”
Heh. The S.O. pulled out all of his ancient Rush tapes this weekend and Played Them Loud.
DJs still play that thing? Cripes, thank God for Pandora. I remember when you could hear 2112 on the radio.
So get offa my lawn.
What’s up with the Jamie Holts generic repetitive praise, is it some sort of traffic-bumping technique for his blog that can be spammed forth into the interwebz?
jack fate
Yeah, the fascists over at The Poor Man Institute have been kinda relentless about it, too.
I was debating politics with my friend in AL just yesterday (I had to rub in the “Squirrel In Every Pot” campaign slogan) and he told me about this guy… and what a shame the govt isn’t seriously considering alternatives. Yammering about alternatives, yes, but not actually pursuing them.
Count me as an Echo & the Bunnymen fan, also.
#9: Also, good for Hillary!
Not much details in there about how it works, but it almost sounded like the system uses electricity generated by the gas engine to do hydrolysis on water, then feeding the newly liberated hydrogen into the fuel mixture. If so, it gets around the pressurized hydrogen danger, but the efficiency would depend on how much power is needed for the hydrolysis.
Whenever I hear rush played on the local classic rock station (since it’s the only place to hear good metal short of KNAC.com) it’s always Tom Sawyer.
My favorite in the link to the farm bill was help for “geographically disadvantaged” farmers in Hawaii and Alaska. First, I didn’t know there were any farmers in Alaska. What do they grow? Ice cubes? “Geographically disadvantaged”? Duh – their in Hawaii and Alaska. Didn’t they know that before they decided to become farmers? I live pretty deep in the South. If I decide to start farming mink in my back yard, can I get a government handout?
Of course I also like Joy Division, Bauhaus, Alien Sexfiend, old and new Nosferatu etc. etc. etc.
Heh, hehh, too bad the same can’t be said about him when he leaves
Rush is on tour (for the second year in a row, damn) and their last album has been pretty good, way better than the previous ones. Another reason to love this blog. BTW I like Radiohead. I’ll be seeing them in Vancouver, WA.
Also if you like Rush, you should listen to Porcupine Tree. Steve Wilson is a huge Rush fan, and got Alex Lifeson to play on his latest album. PT has replaced Dream Theater as my favorite progressive band.
Best lyrics for the times ever:
“Pariah dogs, and wandering madman barking at strangers and speaking in tongues..”
Which can describe all sorts of people..
Echo and the Bunnymen did a great cover of “Don’t Let the Sun go Down on Me” on the Lost Boys soundtrack.
Actually, despite the geography, Alaska has a short growing season but the soil is very rich in nutrients and is excellent for growing certain crops (the same goes for Hawaii). Of course Alaska is also a great place to grow some killer weed, or used to be, especially in the Mantanuska valley.
The Moar You Know
Saw them this Sunday in Irvine. They still kick ass like you wouldn’t believe; if you get a chance to see them, take it. You will not regret it.
Tim (The Other One)
Mic: Shure SM-57 or SM-58. All around quality workhorse.
Headphones: Sony MDR V500 (or whatever the latest incarnation is in that line.)
Trust me, this is the elitist shit.
I think we now know how the Obama campaign will help Hillary out of her debt.
The two campaigns agreed to raise money together.
Now the eventual nominee (Obama) will get most of the money raised. But I’m sure the rest of it won’t be anything to sneeze at and will help Clinton with her debts.
dr. bloor
And you could prop up a helluva corrupt administration with the people who are likely to walk out this time around. I guess the cocktail weenie platter has been pretty well picked over at this point.
Geddy Lee is GOD, eh!
In Hawaii, I know about the pineapples and those cool little bananas that taste like apples. What else do they grow there? You said certain crops in Alaska – just out of curiosity, what are they?
D. Mason
greynoldsc00 I agree with your friend. It’s bullshit that tech like this has existed for years and been kept quiet by interested parties.
This man, who looks like a pretty much working class kind of guy, whipped this thing up in his garage with 1 year of research. He took his older Cadillac with shitty gas mileage and pushed it well beyond what your average Honda delivers. Not to underestimate or dismiss his ingenuity and ability in any way, but imagine what could be done with some decent funding and a team of professionals.
It’s offensive.
Dennis - SGMM
“Spare Us the Cutter.”
The Moar You Know
Yes, cleek, they sure do – for a list price of $500 I expected a lot, and they deliver. Second best piece of audio gear I’ve ever bought – first would be my Mackie HR824 monitors.
Blue Raven
2 – Those plug-in melty things are a waste of time, money, and petrochemicals. Febreze air freshener would be safer. Ozium or essence of orange oil safer still.
3 – *half a dozen remarks I could make suppressed at risk of a flame war over football on a politics blog* I agree to disagree on that one, John.
6 – Gosh, Avedon was saying just the other day that Obama was being mostly silent about reproductive rights. What did NARAL hear that she didn’t? *snrch*
7 – Rush is a fine band. I am still very glad I saw them live back in 1986.
9 – Gods, I’m burned out. I see Hillary say something I think is the absolutely right thing, and I wait for the other shoe to drop.
I think before it was taken over by Clear Channel, our classic rock station played 2112 completely. They also used to play the first two parts of 2112 from the live version.
The funny thing about that radio station was that they played a shitload of AC/DC. So much, that I thought someone from the band died and this was like some tribute. But then I was new to Portland at the time. When AC/DC actually came out with a new album, they played it for like a week and went back to playing all the old stuff. I’d have preferred if they quit altogether. I hate AC/DC. I know Rove loves the song “Dirty Deeds, Done Dirty Cheap” :)
He doesn’t talk about music all the time.
“I’m going to work my heart out for whoever our nominee is—obviously I’m still hoping to be that nominee, but I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that anyone who supported me … understands what a grave error it would be not to vote for Sen. Obama.”
That’s not a concession, but the phrasing shows that she does in fact understand where she is. It looks like we’re winding down and the conspiracy theorists were wrong fortunately.
Rush rules and Audacity (previous post) rules too. Grace Under Pressure, Hemispheres, 2112, all rule. Didn’t like much from the early-90s to early 2000s though (Vapor Trails was good), new album definately rules.
The Moar You Know
Ahhh, here we go – I was trying to remember the model number.
Shure SE530
The sound is truly amazing and I don’t say that lightly. But then again, so is the price.
That’s exactly what my friend was saying, in fact (he’s a mechanical engineer himself) that guys in his plant think about this all the time. According to him, the only drawback to the process mentioned in the article was that it runs really hot and you have to be careful not to toast the engine. My feeling is the govt cares too much about the oil companies and the American auto industry is just trying to stay alive… tho admittedly I have no knowledge on what it would cost to design and produce engines to handle this.
Ahhh — Echo and the Bunnymen! I saw them years ago at the Masonic Temple in Toronto. The show was awesome (they played this, which still gets me), but my night was somewhat spoiled by some stupid bitch who brought her real live bunny “Echo” to the show. The poor thing obviously was having a hard time with the sound levels.
I know I am probably real late to this party. But, I stumbled across ‘The Confluence’. What does she call herself? Riverdaughter?
the entire place has come unhinged.
I think political blog junkies don’t realize that most people aren’t paying near as much attention to politics. Most people in the Hill camp don’t see ‘Barry’ as some sexist pig out to destroy Hillary and Roe v Wade.
For the love of God, please let this primary end. People are losing their minds.
I know lettuce is grown in Alaska during their growing season, remember seeing pictures of heads of lettuce that looked like some form of gigantic mutant lettuce they were so huge. They also grow a lot of hay, barley, oats and potatoes (Yukon Gold).
Boy he fooled NARAL then didn’t he?
Which will obviously be me. So of course I’m going to work my heart out for myself. Duh. I’m inevitable. Mark, Bill, Terry, Howard and everyone told me so. They are still telling me so and I believe them.
Heh. Hope is for sissies. I know I will be the nominee. It’s my destiny. Everyone says so.
Will each get a few bucks off their gas for the next few months and a leprechaun’s pot of gold just as soon as I find the little fuckers. I think they may be hiding out with my automatic delegates.
The white lady. Me. See how that works out so perfectly? I love the absolute perfection in that.
Him? The one who’s still desperately trying to steal the crown that has been mine for the last year by having the nerve to actually win this primary? Pshaw! He’s irrelevant.
I have those idiots in the DNC and party so frightened of what I may or may not do they won’t dare cross me. They’re terrified of being on my shit lists. Did I show you my shit lists? Richardson – Judas. Kerry – Dead to me. Wow, there are a lot of names on here and I’m adding more every day. Here take them. I have lots of other copies.
Got to go, I have some imaginary supporters I have to wave to from the plane and I need to practice my clap clap, point point routine. I messed it up the other night. Clap point, clap point simply will not do for Madame President.
“Madame President”. Can’t they change that to something with a little more oomph? You know, something that appeals to white hardworking white Americans? Madame Snow White President or something that really accentuates the white part. I’ll get Mark on it.
Harsh. The last time I listened, our Focus Group Tested Play List Chemically Castrated Classic Rock Broadcast Franchise would occasionally crank out The Spirit of Radio and Living in the Limelight.
Maybe they played T.S. but I always changed stations after the first note.
I think I’m the opposite of just about everyone here. I hate Rush but I do like Tom Sawyer. :)
Eural Joiner
You know I’ve never gotten several things about music:
1) I’ve been a Rush fan since high school (early 80’s)and I’ve seen them on several tours. Now every song doesn’t always grab me but every album has something to offer. I could listen to anything they do and get something out of it.
2) I’m a big Radiohead fan too. I also like Nine Inch Nails and Muse. But according to the “internets” I can’t do that – I have to vigorously support one and only one band/style of music and rage against the others. I don’t get it – especially since I see lots of similarities in their respective music (especially NIN and Radiohead).
3) Rush’s new live album is good – but man, the years are taking a toll on Geddy’s vocal range for sure!
You guys aren’t seriously buying the hydrogen guy are you? Unfortunately we are forced to obey the second law of thermodynamics. It takes energy to convert water into hydrogen and oxygen. You can’t get more energy out than you put in.
You can’t get more energy out than you put in.
This is one reason I’m kind of skeptical about hydrogen, but it is possible to use stationary energy sources like big solar farms or wind to do the hydrogen conversion for mobile applications. The efficiency is low, but it might be useful enough not to write it off entirely.
So far the scariest thing about hydrogen, IMO, is the extremely high-pressure tanks they’d need for hydrogen gas in cars. Yikes.
I also like how Bill Clinton is out there saying what a terrible guy Obama is because he obviously would have cheated in FL and MI if he were just like Hillary instead of being all mean and all because he actually followed the rules (BILL CLINTON EXPANDS ON FL, MI ):
The Grand Panjandrum
Now imagine Clinton and Huckabee as VP candidates debating one another. Jesus! Who would win the best squirrel recipe contest? They could introduces their
siblingsspouses and have a tobacco spitting contest. Hee haw! Or, maybe Bubba and Reverend Huckabee could have a Battle of the Bands!b. hussein canuckistani
I wore out the grooves on A Farewell to Kings and Hemispheres (in red vinyl!) in my youth, but then I discovered Punk and New Wave and never really got back into the Rush Thing, even though they are national icons.
Still, I wouldn’t mind hearing Cygnus X-1 one more time.
Billy K
By earphones, I assume you mean headphones (don’t use earbuds for audio production). Just go to any Guitar Center and spend $50 on a pair of Sennheisers (or Shures, AKG, Audio-Technica, or really anything – I just prefer Sennheiser). You’re not going to tell a whole lot of difference in that price range, but any less will be crap and spending any more is silly unless you a) have a serious studio and b) really know what you’re doing.
As for a mic, nothing beats the old standby Shure 58* (get the one with the switch for $5 more). But you’ll need a $100 audio interface (just an external audio card that plugs into USB). The other way to go is the Blue Snowball – it’s a USB mic for about $125 that requires no interface or phantom power. I haven’t used one, but I’ve read good things.
*I also really like the Electro-Voice N/D767a, but that’s for singing. I assume you’re doing podcast type of stuff?
If I recall, it’s possible to convert your car to run on natural gas (I know buses in some cities have done this). Not sure what the required pressure is for that compared to hydrogen though.
Billy K
Oh, forgot one thing: Rush sucks.
While I have my doubts about the guy’s claims, I think you’re forgetting that the idea is to tap the stored energy of the hydrogen. You may as well say that the 2nd law proves that the internal combustion engine can’t work, or that nuclear bombs can’t work. But the energy costs of any inefficient system would be damn high, I agree.
Holy shit. My 12 year old cat has just decided that it would be awesome to drink my leftover tea, which is something he’s never shown any interest in before. I do not want to think about what could happen to a highly caffeinated lactose-intolerant cat. Be right back.
Edwards finally endorsed Obama!
When it comes to technology, there are very few easy* discoveries around anymore that will lead to a fundamental technological shift. I can’t name the last “sudden impact” device that was introduced by someone that A) wasn’t backed by a large corporation budget or B) suddenly leaped over basic engineering principles that has thwarted others.
Therefore I am very, VERY skeptical about this claim. If this is even close to being true, an external energy source has to be contributing (breaking hydrogen out of water molecules, then burning the hydrogen – resulting in water – is a zero energy game as best as I remember – it was a long time since I took Chemistry). The guy may get 53 miles per every gallon of gas, but how much do all the other consumable cost?
Secondly, to believe that all automobile manufactures have been sitting on this technology is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. Why would Toyota go through all the problems, hassle and R&D costs to make viable hybrids when this hydrogen “technology” was right there for the taking? Automobile manufacturers have been playing with hydrogen technology for a long time, so I seriously doubt they just didn’t “look under the right rock”.
This reminds me too much of tachyon motors that some people were claiming to have made in their garage during the ’80’s.
* Easy meaning something that a hobbyist or an expert could discover or invent in their own garage and without a huge R&D budget backing them up. This is especially true for concepts or technological problems that have been around for a century. The Tesla roadster has only come about now because of continuous incremental change in battery technology AND a group of people willing to spend millions on the project.
That’s awesome. Joint fundraising, Clinton is urging her supporters to vote for Obama, and the long primary has created literally unprecedented turnout and involvement in the primaries. It doesn’t feel safe to be this optimistic and cheerful about politics.
Josh E.
Yep, Riverdaughter’s batshit. Here’s a classic:
This is some good up-is-downism.
Rush definitely rocks. For me, Free Will, Trees and Red Barchetta are perfect cranked up all the way for the convertible on a spring afternoon.
Almost makes up for Loverboy and Celine Dion. Almost…
Forget about Mississippi, nothing pleases me more than to see “Spike” Maynard go down.
Broderr’s going to continue to do his column as a contract writer, so he’s not gone.
The Grand Panjandrum
We are talking about the Democrats so nothing is a lock until we actually vote. But things do look pretty darn good. But I imagine thats what the people sitting in the grand ballrooms of the Titanic were thinking just before it hit that big ol’ icecube.
This is bad news for Obama. A total repudiation of his campaign.
Crazy Farm Bill…I literally have a neighbor way down here San Diego who get a quarterly check for 5K for a farm he inherited from his mother. Its a dairy farm in the Midwest I still running and still getting subsidized. The guy just laughs. Its all bout the Great American Family farm.
P.Luk at Talk Left on Edwards’ “surprising and disappointing” endorsement of Obama:
Actually, some of the peeps at TalkLeft are saying that.
protected static
John, this ‘Jamie Holts’ character kind of raised my eyebrows with his previous innocuous comment and semi-bogus URL (sorry, but my first thought when I saw it was that it reads like something generated by a registrar’s “Sorry, that domain is already taken, but these aren’t” script.). Seeing this latest comment, I decided to check out his site, using a JavaScript-safe browser.
The short story is that ‘Jamie’ looks like a better than average comment spammer. WHOIS shows that the domain is brand new, it has next to no content, and it ‘blogrolls’ spamtastic sites: bulk email software, splog generators, key-logging software, gambling sites, get-rich-quick schemes and so on…
Best to take off and nuke him from orbit; it’s the only way to be sure.
The Grand Panjandrum
How bout some levity? A little creative Flippin’ Out. Yea. Thats what I’m talking about. You knew it was coming.
protected static
…and I see that in the time it took to investigate and write my post, he’s gone. Good. He’s infesting other political blogs, so if anyone runs across ‘his’ comments elsewhere, you might want to alert the site owner.
I just have to say that the Glad Plug-In point was a bit disorienting. But not necessarily in a bad way.
The Other Steve
Headphones: Depends on what you are doing. I have two sets of headphones I use… A pair of Sennheiser noise-canceling fold up jobs I got for $125, which I use to drown out all the people.
And then I have a pair of Sony MDR-V6 headphones, if I actually care about the quality. These are full over the ear type, and they also help drown out the people but they’re a bit hot to wear after a while. Apparently there are some Beyerdynamic phones that use a similar ear pad that you can buy and replace the vinyl ones from Sony. I am going to do that some day soon. I’ve had these Sony’s since 1987, and have already replaced the pads twice and they’re still going. Very popular headphone… I see them in a lot of pictures out of studios and such, not that I’ve ever been in a studio.
As for mikes. I don’t know. Anything by Shure is good. I have a buddy who is an engineer at Shure in Chicago and he assures me they make good stuff.
The Other Steve
If Obama doesn’t repudiate and denounce this John Edwards endorsement, I’m going to have to vote for John McCain.
Saw this in the comments section of talk left and it cracked me up:
To which Armando replied:
more Hawaiian crops…sugar cane, coffee & macadamia nuts. It’s the shipping that’s a bitch!
Where’s Pee Lugie? I want to hear his response to this development.
i’m pretty happy with my $75 pair :)
Three choices:
Sennheiser PX-100 if you want highly portable and outside the ear.
Sennheiser RS120 if you want wireless (I thought all wireless were crap before I was gifted these).
And the Grado SR60 or SR80 for pure audio goodness.
Sen. Hillary Clinton vowed to stay in the race, saying she’s “not going anywhere.”
In a sense, that’s true.
Kudos to her for stressing the importance of voting for whoever the Dem nominee is, too. Yay.
p.lunatic doesn’t make sense, how the hell would he be able to differ between what makes and doesn’t make sense?
Hoo-boy, more logic from P.Luk at TalkLeft:
Good stuff…
poor Armando. i hope he can work through those anger issues. pissed off and wrong is a terrible way to go through life.
Damn you BFR, I was about to post that :)
“If this were a dictatorship, it’d be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator”
I guess Armando got his own little dictatorship over there.
NARAL endorses the magical unity pony. I expect a certain contingent of the Hillary supporting blogosphere will launch another wildly successful letter-writing campaign shortly.
According to folks on the GOS, the comments on NARAL’s blog are getting insanely nasty.
I forgot to include my snide comment about introducing Mr. P to my good friend Mr. Occam since they’ve clearly never met.
Man, the hilarity on TL just doesn’t end:
I mean, I guess but…on second thought, No.
I can’t believe that Edwards bitched about not getting a jet ski :)
That actually sounds pretty snarky. Possibly someone else disregarding their suspension?
I saw Rush in concert back in the ’80’s. I can’t remember which album the tour was, but I do remember they were pretty damned good in concert. Best drummer I’ve ever seen live.
I doubt Armando or Jeralyn are able to see the snark and the spoof anymore.
Conservatively Liberal
I really feel dirty dragging this in here, but this comment from p.hukstain at TalkLeft just takes the cake:
Let me get this straight; p.hukstain says that Edwards is only endorsing Obama so that when the SD’s realize what a failure Obama is and abandon him, then Obama will endorse Edwards. Thus the men are conspiring to deny Hillary her rightful victory. Right. M’kay.
I bet p.hukstain really had to rummage around in his colon to pull that jackalope out. I guess it fits his narrative that the men of the Democratic party are keeping Hillary down. They are plotting and conspiring to keep her out of the Oval Office.
One good thing is that when this is over, p.hukstain will be reduced to nothing more than roadkill on the information superhighway. I am happy to have had a hand in running him over a few (dozen) times. Hell, I will even stop, back up and do a burnout on his remains.
I hear Pat Buchanan saying (after the Obama/Edwards rally) that this is their move to ‘deny Hillary her victory after WV’. I wonder how p.hukstain feels about the company he is keeping.
Hmmm… p.hukstain = Pat Robertson. Pat Robertson = p.hukstain.
Yup. Perfect fit. They are both p.hukstains.
apparently he doesn’t even know how to be an administrator of a Scoop site, either. What kind of “suspension” is it when he doesn’t even prevent the guy from posting?
Man.. I’m waiting for when he’s going to endorse Geddy Lee?
John Edwards is clearly a race pimp.
Conservatively Liberal
Fixed. Geddy Lee is great, but Neil is an awesome f’ing drummer.
yet another jeff
I’ve told you before…the budget isn’t fat, it’s just big boned.
Hillary would use her Mountain Momma skills to shoot and skin the squirrel.
But she wouldn’t cook it.
Whenever I read something by p.luk I imagine he’s talking with the same nasal monotone that ‘Ted from Nebraska’ had on Morning Sedition. It naturally fits.
Although I’m no expert, I’ll cast another vote for the Snowball USB mic. Mine works fine. I think it was around $80.
I have a lesser grade Shure earphone than the 530 (older 3xx version). It’s fine. For the price of a 530, you could get Sennheiser 650 headphones. I’m sure the 530s are awesome, but I find it hard to believe they could beat the 650. (But if you share an office, your officemate will be able to hear the music – not so with in-ear.)
I suspect either of these is overkill if you’re letting the computer do the D-A conversion for you, or if you’re playing iTunes downloads or other non-lossless source. (I know, I know: I didn’t believe I could hear the difference, either, especially since I have no golden ears, but I splurged and bought a HeadRoom D-A converter and headphone amp with the 650. I’ve twice been surprised when something I thought I’d ripped losslessly from CD sounded grainy, only to discover it was from iTunes.)
Shorter Tent Pole Democrat: I want you to know, that this going down, on your p e r m a n e n t record.
Visage Voo
Our family web business has used two pairs of Sennheiser PC150 combo mic and headphones for several years, and have been totally pleased with sound quality and durability. The current model is Sennheiser PC151, around $50 street price.
Sennheiser makes high quality gear, and this is a great solution, particularly if you travel and want a portable headphone/mic combo without any tradeoffs in performance.
neal peart
Thanks John. Geddy, Alex and I dig your site. Come check us out; we are on tour right now.
Gray Lensman
I like the Sennheiser PX100 or the PX200 (better bass) because they sound good, fold up to fit in a drawer and don’t cost much. The only in-ear buds I can stand are the ones by Koss. They work great with the iPod or Mac and cost $20. ‘way better than the Apple ones.
The various USB mikes (Snowball, etc) work well for podcasts. I haven’t tried much live music with them. The Shure 57 and 58 are hard to beat at the price but they do require an interface.
Bill D.
Red Barchetta, cranked.
Finally visited West Virginia last year, at Harper’s Ferry. Neat. I’m looking forward to seeing more one of these days. Dolly Sods here I come, preferably in early October.
I know it may seem shocking, but there are approximately 2 million people in Alaska and Hawaii who enjoy eating the same kinds of foods that we regular folks do. It’s not all polar bear steaks and pineapple.
Transportation costs make imported fresh foods rather expensive (fresh = water content = heavy). (Until the 1970s, these costs tended to be prohibitively high; as fuel prices continue to rise, this may become the case again.) To help meet these demands, there are people called “farmers” in those states who grow fruits and vegetables, raise cows, pigs, and chickens for meat, milk, and eggs, and grow feed crops for the cows, pigs, and chickens.
Specialty agriculture for export is big in Hawaii (pineapple, macadamica nuts, etc.), not so much in Alaska.
It’s fun to mock federal farm policy, and there’s lots of room for mockitude, but let’s focus our antipathy where it belongs. For all the jokers in San Diego laughing about their quarterly checks, there are thousands of actual farmers who don’t get a dime. It’s all about what you produce and, to a lesser extent, where you live.
The most recent Ag Census data (2002) shows 609 farms in Alaska; only 72 of those received any government payments. In Hawaii there were 5,398 farms, of which only 113 received government payments.
You can’t go wrong with a Shure SM 57 – it’s a solid professional mic that’s been used for decades to record all kinds of things, including the President of the United States.
I think the WH press office started using the 57 with Reagan; they’ve definitely been using it ever since. Look at any press conference photo, and there are a pair of 57’s on the lectern (2 for redundancy, not for stereo). If it’s good enough for the “Great Communicator” it should be good enough for an obscure blogger from Appalachia. (c:
Yes, there are better announce mics (Shure SM-7, Electrovoice RE-20 , Sennheiser 421, U87) but these are two to five times as expensive as the 57.
If you’re doing location work, get an EV 635A.
For headphones, the Sony MD VR 6’s are pretty standard in the broadcast industry. AKG K141s are as well. I prefer Senheiser as a rule. One word of caution: good headphones will reveal all kinds of flaws that are masked by computer speakers. You might find some things are unlistenable on the headphones.
Per Isaiah Poole at FDL, in 1988 against Dukakis Jesse Jackson only got 14% of the vote in WV. Either Obama has made a little progress or Jackson was a protest vote by the time WV came around.
One more for “Tom Sawyer” being far from Rush’s best song.
She is like, YEAHHH! when “Limelight” comes on, speaking of an entirely different genre.
The likely wailing and gnashing of teeth at the Hillary blogs over this treason from Edwards is something I cannot take right now. I can write myself about the plum post he must have been offered to sell out universal health care. I hope desperately that Obama did not offer him the VP. A cabinet position would be OK.
Just because I said I could write it myself didn’t mean I AGREED with it.
b. hussein canuckistani
If that’s really Neal Peart posting, I’ll buy the latest Rush album just for being cool guys.
b. hussein canuckistani
D’oh. I guess the misspelled name should have been a giveaway, but after Wil Wheaton showed up, anything seemed possible.