This is precious:
Rep. Tom Davis stomped on the concrete floor of the Capitol basement when asked by reporters about Republican fortunes at the moment.
“This is the floor,” he said, by way of explanation. “We’re below the floor.”
Inside the meeting, Davis had just presented his colleagues with what he said was a 20-page memo outlining his prescription for a way out of this mess. He did not offer details to the press, yet did not spare the party and the president scathing criticism in his public comments.
“The president swallows the microphone every time he opens his mouth,” Davis said.
He believes Bush’s staunch opposition to the Democratic housing bill and the SCHIP bill, for example, is hurting rank and file. Look at yesterday’s vote on the SPRO, where Republicans defied the president in droves. Lo and behold, the White House says today that it will not veto the bill.
No one could have predicted that loudly opposing insurance for children while investigating a 12 year old’s countertops would be bad politically.
I hope the Republicans keep listening to the Malkin/Red State wing of the GOP and call for more purity- that will really show them! We just haven’t been conservative enough! We haven’t stayed true to our conservative roots! I think Dick Cheney should be McCain’s VP! Or George Allen!
I really should not be enjoying this so much, but I simply can not wait until the entire GOP congressional contingent consists of a few idiots from Alabama and James Inhofe.
*** Update ***
Unintentional comedy at Red State:
That doesn’t explain why McCain is running 15 points ahead of a generic Republican, and in fact has a decent chance to win the election.
McCain has benefited mightily from RUNNING AWAY FROM YOU WINGNUTS FOR SEVEN YEARS. Do I need to link to all the times you called him a traitor for the gang of 14, or a terrorist sympathizer for opposing torture, or treasonous for diverging on your beliefs about global warming?
Having Ann Coulter scream she would vote for Clinton over McCain and similar sentiments from you “true conservatives” as you fellated Multiple Choice Mitt and defended the failure George Bush was the best thing to ever happen to John McCain’s general election chances. The reason the Republican brand is toxic is because they listened to you “true conservatives.” Have fun with that.
PS- I hear “true conservatives” all oppose the GI BILL. I think you should all rally around opposition to that! Show them you really, really mean it! Let the whole nation see how “principled” you really are! It will be awesome, I promise!
Well, I guess it’s time for another “Contract With America”. How about if you let us live in the basement, we promise not to steal the drain pipes.
John McCain: Older than Israel.
Mister Magoo for President: Bush’s Third Term.
Nope — Inhofe’s going DOWN in 2008!
John Cole:
Exactly. The only reason the Republicans are doing so poorly is because they simply haven’t been pure enough in their devotion to free market ideology, to capitalism, to fundementalist/evangelical concerns, and to immigration.
The party can never hope to retake congress unless they kick out all the illegal immigrants, and develop a completely free market health care plan.
Oh, and they should use dog-whistle politics to insult all the people with South and Central American heritages – because that’ll really play well with all the white folks, and there aren’t enough Hispanics legally in the country to worry about them.
And they should do everything they can to alienate gay people, single parents (those sluts), black people, and especially anyone who thinks we should pull out of Iraq, and all the soldiers/whiners complaining about their injuries or PTSD. And anyone who speaks French should be waterboarded for information, or, you know, just for the fun of it.
That’s how to build a majority coalition!
Please, please, please be more pure. Please be more ideological. It’s really all I want for Christmas this year.
Dennis - SGMM
In the coming weeks it will be fun to watch them all bloviating about being “McCain Republicans.” “I would have gone to Vietnam too, if it hadn’t been for that pilonidal cyst, all those deferments, other priorites, but I would have gone too. Really.”
it really is nice to see that they’re getting their comeuppance for their eight years of sycophantic defense of the Clown Prince. if they’d only shown a little spine, maybe called him on some of his insanity, they might not be facing extinction.
way back in 05, when Karl Rove said this:
i wrote to my Senators (Dole and that other Republican) asking them to join Democrats in calling for Rove to apologize. Dole wrote back saying, in effect, that Rove was a great man fighting for our country, and that she supported him fully. you can’t imagine how happy it makes me to see her trailing in polls today.
Would an Italian do instead? (h/t Atrios)
By definition — if its failing, its not conservatism.
Dennis - SGMM
I think that their recent vote against motherhood puts them on solid conservative ground.
Poor Liddy, even viagra can’t raise her poll numbers.
I once wrote to Dole, because ICE was trying to extradite back to Mexico a 12 year old girl who had walked to NC to be with her father after her mother died. (She was not, in the end, sent back.)
Liddy sent back a form letter about the horrors of illegal immigration.
I really hope she soon has to hang around the house all day with Bob and his Viagra.
given my folks forwarded a chain letter to me about the whole “obama didn’t put his hand on his heart” non-sense. When I called to wish my mother a happy mother’s day I was sure to tell her I was doing so despite the fact that republican members of congress voted against a resolution recognizing her as a mother.
John Cole
I went to NoQuarter for the first time in months today, and was pretty fucking shocked at the image they have posted. These people are Hillary’s base?
Close enough! French, Italian, Spanish, it’s all just pidgen Latin anyway! Let God sort it out!
That’s how you build a majority coalition!
Piled high, Deep
Man it is the sweet posts like this one that keeps me coming back.
yep that be them. But no it’s Obama’s base who is mean and nasty.
– Bill Clinton h/t Sully
The right wing will never die , just as their most enthusiastic supporters will never learn to spell.
Chris Johnson
…around a small, pitiful fire? For warmth?
Rick Massimo
I’m confused. Is this guy trying to say that “a generic Republican” is still like Nelson Rockefeller and George Romney?
This is gonna be awesome.
Some Guy Named Matt
If you still have a copy of the letter’s I’d send them back to her and ask how she feels about the situation now.
Chris Johnson:
Around a cute, defenseless puppy to kick it till it’s a dead, bloody, pulp.
It’s a conservative purity ritual, you wouldn’t understand.
When’s the next installment of the Obamacles coming out? I think that after West Virginia it should be based on Deliverance, with Terry McAuliffe as Ned Beatty.
i hope i saved it.
Scratch that…John McCain as Ned Beatty.
Do the Republican congresscritters really think that Barack Obama is their silver lining? Could the schadenfraude possibly get any better?
big news in the Land of the Lost: HRC’s back on top of the popular vote (counting FL and MI). they are very excited.
in other words if the math were non-euclidian
Shh, John! If you goad them into opposing the GI Bill, it will be SCHIP all over again!
Also, I do not wish to be thrown into a briar patch.
hey buddy, don’t bring that elitist foofaw around here. we don’t want nothing to do with your so-called “expert” opinion. math is math and Hillary is the next president!
followed by:
what a disgusting piece of shit that man has turned out to be.
Dennis - SGMM
2 + 2 = Shut up!
Rick Taylor
I stopped going there way back when they were putting put videos of a black panther giving a speech about they had to kill all the white people, and somehow linking this to Obama.
I’ve never understood why John Cole ever considered himself a conservative. He’s obviously not a religious conservative and he’s not a small government conservative.
I understand despising the R’s for the spending hypocrisy, expansion of government, the Delay and FRC wing of the party.
But also attacking the small government wing as seen in SCHIP? SCHIP pretty clearly is a major expansion of govt insurance that eliminates private insurance (See CBP/J. Gruber).
Cole seems to want the R’s to become the party of Clintonian Democrats.
Lede over at Taylor Marsh now that NARAL Endorsed obama:
Just so we have it straight — all comedy on Red State is unintentional.
Poke around. You’ll find those mofos can’t tell a decent joke to save their lives.
Dennis - SGMM
Seems to me that the Clintoian Democrats are becoming the party of the R’s.
Dennis - SGMM
Clintonian, that is.
John Cole
It was not that they were opposed to it, as if you go through the archives here you will see that I repeatedly stated I was skepical about the bill in question.
It was HOW they opposed it that sent me through the roof.
Well, as I read the other, if a conservative is a liberal who got mugged, a liberal is a conservative who was denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.
Or because they had a kid they couldn’t afford to insure in the richest nation on Earth.
And no one here wants the R’s to be Clintonian Democrats. They are screwing up in the most glorious fashion imaginable and do not appear to fathom why their fresh, brilliant ideas are not playing with the electorate at all. We celebrate them for exactly what they are.
Damn. That is hilarious.
The Moar You Know
Dammit, I went there. I read the stupid; I can’t unread the stupid.
However, it did give me some perspective. I used to be concerned over the level of Hillary-hate around here. Not any more. Even at our very worst, the denizens of Balloon Juice are, by comparison to that retard-fest John just sent me to, decent, civilized, literate, well-spoken and sane – and polite to the point of scariness.
I don’t know, in all honesty, what bothered me more over there at NoQuarter – the insane and irrational hatred for a fellow Dem, or the utter and appalling lack of literacy shown by the commenters.
Actually, on further thought, it’s the lack of literacy. This is the 21st century, you’d think most people would have at least a minimal grasp on reading and writing.
They are getting hungry too, anyone of them that looks weak will be eaten. Then perhaps some of the strong might survive.
They probably should rename the GOP to something more suiting.
Like The Donner Party.
John –
I just spoke to a friend of mine who voted for John McCain. I asked him why, and he responded…
“Dude, he was awesome in ‘Die Hard.” He fucked up that horrible piece of Euro trash in the highrise. Imagine what he will do to Osama Bin Laden”.
When I reminded him that that was John McCLANE, not John McCain, and that John McCain was a 72 year old, multi-term Senator from Arizona who wants to continue many of the Bush policies, he responded…
“Oh, fuck. We’re screwed.”
Dennis - SGMM
Hey! “Reagan Democrats,” you know; the ones who helped to elect and re-elect George W. Bush need a candidate too.
Yeah, he just now noticed. Imagine the shock. $50 says all of these CHUDs are claiming Bush was a stealth Democrat the minute he’s out of office.
Union Station men’s room, third stall on the left.
I still have strong beliefs that most of the pro Clinton blogs will come around and support Obama, or at least not activly campaign against Obama or support McCain.
I have no such belief when it comes to No Quarters.
John Cole
NoQuarter is quite clearly a ratfuck.
Dennis - SGMM
He won’t be able to hear them in Paraguay.
That poster of Obama on NoQuarter is awful. He looks like a sock monkey my daughter had when she was little.
The Moar You Know
Hate to tell you this, but quite a few of them have been for a while. First saw that starting over at LGF after the 2006 elections.
This would be a good place to link to a youtube of Eddie Murphy singing ‘Kill The White People’ on SNL. I can’t, no youtube at work.
Like that fiscal conservative, small government wing and party that rammed through the Prescription Drug Bill. How many hundreds of billions and constantly counting for that brilliant piece of healthcare legislation? And the real beneficiaries?
Vote Republican! Just Say No! to a limit on zeros added to corporate welfare checks! Do it for the children.
I went to NoQuarter for the first time in months today, and was pretty fucking shocked at the image they have posted. These people are Hillary’s base?
I knew they were over the edge when they started linking to Debbie Schlussel and Sean Hannity. Something (Obama?) has clearly driven them insane. NO QUARTER is not much different than Stormfront at this point.
They are not Hillary’s base, though. they are only part of her broad coalition. She also has the old ladies’ vote locked up. Can you imagine if Obama ever called her supporters a “broad coalition”. Jeez, Ferrarro’s head would explode. Taylor Marsh would need a straight jacket.
Terry McAuliffe as Ned Beatty
Squeal like pig!
Eddie Murphy singing ‘Kill The White People’ on SNL
Eddie also did the ghetto poet:
Dog is barking in the night
Do he bite?
Kill my landlord.
Kill my landlord.
w vincentz
Didn’t Darth Cheney put in a campaign appearance for Davis?
OT— Just heard that Edwards will endorse Obama tonight in Grand Rapids, MI.
“So does Larry Craig,” Keith said.
The Republicans tears are like candy! I eat them up! More!
Down in the lower right, in small type, is the source of the poster… ‘’.
So it’s totally lost on them that their Obama-hatred has led them to join ranks with their enemies.
Sad. And I used to have respect for Larry Johnson.
Mike G
I hope the Republicans keep listening to the Malkin/Red State wing of the GOP and call for more purity
You’ve got the right analogy there.
It’s the GOP Purity Ball. Creepy authoritarian daddies and their deluded, eager-to-please little girls, all pledging their chastity to the golden age of St. Reagan’s pure conservative ideology that never existed in real life.
Now do you realize how it always drove us crazy that we were actually LOSING TO THESE PEOPLE?
Does anyone know someone in a coma about to be pulled off the tubes? I think the “true conservative” Republicans should get together and do one more big clusterfuck celebre a la Terry Schiavo… Yeah, that’s the ticket… Americans love being told what to do in their own families and bedrooms. It has worked so well in the past for them…
Huge fan of the Bose earbuds. Don’t use a mike, so can’t help there. (Bose ‘buds work with PCs to…).