Turns out, it wasn’t a tumor at all. Everything is fine. Surgery took about 20 minutes. It’s funny, I have had 2 previous surgeries that involved general anesthesia. I’ve always remembered the “going to sleep” part. This time, I don’t remember a damned thing.
So, anyway, how about a bit of sanity from Hillary to celebrate?
Hillary Clinton today reiterated her vow to stay in the presidential race, but she said it would be a “terrible mistake” for her supporters to vote for John McCain over Barack Obama.
Good to hear both things! But I really don’t think Hillary’s sanity will last…
She knows it’s over. And I’d be thanking her, except that she is still hanging in there trying to get a few more dollars out of the wallets of people who can’t afford it so that she can refill her already bloated bank accounts.
And take dollars that could go to beating John McCain.
Ambinder thinks Edwards is in flight to put a stake in her heart at 7PM tonite.
Well NARAL was a good start to the day. If Edwards did endorse and told his pledged delegates to vote for Obama it would be a pretty big stake.
Tim C.
I know this is not the way a lot of people think but….
I am in the minority that believe that Hillary strategy and tactics at this point are designed to and will have the ultimate effect of helping Obama win the Presidency.
Item of the first: Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by ineptitude. I honestly and truly do not think Hillary was intentionally race-baiting in her comments last week. She choose her words poorly, just as she has run her campaign poorly.
Item of the second: I agree with the notion that Obama loosing to a still running opponent is less damaging than loosing to an opponent that has dropped out. Hillary has send ‘dog-whistle’ signals for the last week that she knows it’s over. I may not care for Carville, but the man is NOT stupid. He wouldn’t be saying ‘it’s over’ unless it was okay with Hillary for him to say ‘it’s over’. Hillaryis44, Taylor Marsh, etc, are no more the Hillary campaign than Al Sharpton is the Obama campaign. They don’t count.(please note: I am not saying Al Sharpton = Taylor Marsh, I am saying an Apple is different from a Volkswagon is different from a polar bear)
Item of the Third: Money. Hillary’s campaign is in deep financial doo-doo. She has much more fundraising potential as a candidate than as a former candidate. She needs to retire her debt.
Item of the Fourth: People who read, much less write in the comment sections of third-tier (though really awesome :) ) blogs are not normal in any sense of the word. Us getting mad at each other is not a tempest in a tea-cup, I don’t think it even counts a random brownian-motion. Our feelings have absolutley no impact on the outside world. We don’t help our candidates by calling people names. Idiocy is a self-identifying trait. Let it be.
Yay, Michael! So you have a clean bill of health, then? And can you tell us what the not-a-tumour was, or is it none of our business?
i’m glad to see/hear she didn’t take the cheap “Hamas Loves Obama” shot that McCain has been pushing (in between naps and worrying about Cindy’s tax returns). she certainly could have, and judging by her previous behavior, i expected it.
good for you, Sen. Clinton.
Hope it wasn’t Lemmiwinks
[ sorry, it’s just too funny ]
Now you can do your best Schwartzenegger imitation:
“It’s not a tumah.”
Excellent news, all around!
Tim C.
Oh yeah, I forgot.
Glad your not dying Mike.
I am in agreement that Senator Clinton staying in did and does offer benefit to Senator Obama’s candidacy.
At the same time, there’s diminishing returns, and I think the time for her to be attacking him and giving the right wing talking points is over.
So 1) As Ahnold has said, “eeets Naht Aw Toomah!” Good for you!
and 2) Good on her for making the statements that the whole “hamas supports Obama” thing is crap and that it would be foolish to choose McCain.
Perhaps we’ve reached the acceptance phase?
Oh welcome back Michael and glad to see you aren’t dead.
Rick Taylor
Congratulations, that’s good to here!
Edwards sure can’t have been happy, being put on the spot to defend Clinton’s hard working white American voters comment. It’s been pretty clear where he stands for a while, with his continual comments that Clinton can stay in as long as she wants, so long as she doesn’t attack the likely nominee.
I also wanna add that I miss Hillary the wonk. It was actually a tough, tough decision during my primary.
I think a wonkish Hillary is a good Hillary.
By the way, you might want to ask your doc what the hell he was smoking if he mis-diagnosed a cancerous or pre-cancerous tumor.
Wow, way to take a position, Edwards. That’s like Argentina declaring war on Germany the week before the war ended.
Rick Taylor
Agreed. At least for me, she came across the strongest when she stuck to policy.
It’s confirmed, Edwards endorsing MUP
It’s official. Edwards Endorses Obama
Wolf Blitzer says it’s official: Edwards about to endorse Obama.
I agree, even if it did put me to sleep.
DAMN IT! You people are way too fast.
At least we have three different sources.
I don’t think Michael D. said it was cancerous or pre-cancerous.
Glad it wasn’t serious. Good health to you!
Thank you.
Wow. I thought I heard shrieks of outrage.
No one could have possibly forseen that NARAL and John Edwards would turn out to be puppy-stomping ReThuglicans. If Gore comes out for the MUP the air will be thick with skull shrapnel.
The Grand Panjandrum
Congrats and I certainly hopes this means you got a clean bill of health!
Hillary who? Isn’t she a Senator from back East somewhere. I guess my point is that I don’t care if she stays or goes. It is up to her to decide when the time has come. I’m in GE mode and plan to work my ass off for Obama.
As much as I can’t stand Clinton, she has more balls than this blow dried twit Edwards. I hope she lets him have it with both barrels.
Bill Richardson is a man who did the right thing and took his lumps for it. Even if Edwards’ endorsement helps Obama he’s still a prick.
Michael D.
Actually, it looked very much like a tumor. It was actually a tumor, in the strict sense of the word – an uncontrolled growth. But in the end, it was just a nuisance that could be dealt with easily.
Cool. It’s about time Edwards leapt off the fence. But at this point, will it really matter? Most of Edwards’ supporters are already supporting Obama. Is he a superdelegate at least?
Uncontrolled growth? Remember, if it lasts more than 4 hours, see a doctor, it could be a sign of a serious side effect!
I sort of have to agree here. Edwards should have come out sooner, though now coming off of WV it is good news it would have been better had he endorsed sooner.
Oh, thank goodness, Michael. I was self-diagnosing a Morton’s neuroma — another painful nuisance — last week, but it turned out to be some stress-related bruising that cleared up after a couple of days.
Hopefully your nuisance will be just a memory soon.
w vincentz
Good to find that the Edward’s endorsement is real ( I posted it on a different thread).
Did anyone read the open letter from John Conyers to the pResident regarding Operation Bite ( pre-emptive war with Iran without congressional authorization)? It’s over at pottersville.
He’s not a superdelegate, but he got 19 delegates (plus 13 from Florida, and it would in reality mean that the 55 uncommited delegates in Michigan would go for Obama). Unsure about if he has control over them though, there were a lot of different rules regarding Mitt Romney’s delegates when he decided to support McCain.
The post on the Edwards endorsement just went up on talkleft. It is kind of entertaining to watch the temperature rise in the comments section.
Reason No. 1,125 doctors should stick to lay terminology when giving pts. a diagnosis. My mom nearly killed me when a doctor called with biopsy results and told her I had Herpes Zoster.
I bet that bastard was sorry he didn’t just say Chicken Pox after she screamed down the phone.
Just Some Fuckhead
That’s great news, MD. I’ve been worrying.
MyDD On the Edwards Endorsement:
Glad you’re okay, Michael.
correction to the above, that was the Taylor Marsh reaction.
Talk Left is having conniptions over the Edwards endorsement. Haha! And they are a censorish bunch over there-
“Congratulations on Hillary’s WV win (none / 0) (#9)
by Joe Beese on Wed May 14, 2008 at 04:39:37 PM EST
Now we should expect the superdelegate momentum to shift – the way McAuliffe said last night?”
“Joe Beese (none / 0) (#20)
by Big Tent Democrat on Wed May 14, 2008 at 04:41:42 PM EST
you were suspended yesterday and told not to comment again until Thursday. Due to your disregard of you suspension, I am extending your suspension to Friday.
Your comment will be deleted momentarily.”
John S.
Talk Left really is a fucking riot. Clearly, this endorsement means:
Edwards’ plane lands soon
A Learjet? That’s elitist. He should fly coach. How else would he be able to connect with hard working white Americans?
Well it just totally ate the news cycle for one thing. It’ll be talked about without end and ends talk about WV plus it will look like Obama is picking up a champion of the working class “white man”. Clinton was also scheduled to be on several shows today talking up WV, this just killed any coverage being about her appearances.
WTF are they smoking at Talkleft? I am starting to think that they are only trying to keep their traffic up.
Which will it be:
Edwards – Misogynist elitist stealth republican
Edwards – Another effiminate out of touch girly man.
Love some Taylor Marsh wisdom.
He’s been adding four a day for the last 3 days. And with the news about Edwards’ endorsing, I doubt he will run out until they run out.
I don’t remember where I read this, but it’s likely that an Edwards endorsement before Pennsylvania or North Carolina might have hurt Obama because he’s actually not that popular in North Carolina (he didn’t carry it in 2004). I have no trouble believing that Obama and/or his people considered this and wanted him to wait until after North Carolina and West Virginia. They’ve been pretty astute about strategy all primary season, and this is a perfect time to do this. No doubt David Bonior’s support will help solidify organized labor behind Obama as well.
A comment on the abc blog:
That’s my vote. We’ll see another replay of “the boys are teaming up and picking on the poor little girl!” we got after they both criticized her in that early debate.
The NARAL endorsement helps muffle that, though.
Dennis - SGMM
Dreggas Says:
Well Barack may have a penis but he’s still not white. So there.
Endorsements haven’t swayed voters that much this primary, but I have to agree with a poster over at TalkLeft (if the post is still there, since it was positive towards Obama…) this news will kill Clinton’s win in West Virginia.
Anything negative from when he loses in Kentucky will be outbalanced by Oregon.
El Doh
I do enjoy the irony coming from some of the more ardent Hillary supporters that runs something like: “Sexist pigs, picking on a girl!”
Paul Weimer
Shorter Talkleft:
This is great news for Sen. Clinton because it shows how desperate Sen Obama is to counteract his defeat in West Virginia and his weakness amongst working-class White Americans.
And this either tarnishes Edwards, or its sleazy on his part, or its opportunistic, or he really doesn’t care about Health care.
And its awful that these party leaders are stomping on Sen. Clinton like this!
For those like myself without cable. CNN is going to stream the Edwards endorsement here.
El Doh
Endorsements that matter are the ones that come with a patronage machine. Mayors in particular — Villaraigosa’s did a lot for Clinton in CA, for example.
Feet on the ground, and all that.
Well John can now enjoy being lumped in with the likes of:
Bill Richardson, Chris Dodd, Keith Olbermann, Jim Hightower, A long list of other senators and House Members as well as NARAL, SEIU and other organizations who officially hate America and want democrats to lose in November and were never progressive or really friends to the Democratic Party.
Notorious P.A.T.
Glad to hear it, Michael.
%@$&#*^!@! I thought about going to that rally but my laziness prevailed. Now I’m going to miss history in the making.
Here’s a good one:
They really are approaching bushian levels of delusion.
I would guesstimate that a lot of that crazy you guys are quoting is actually spoof.
And that would be quite wonderful. As they say, when you can’t tell the spoofs from the crazy ….
We win.
Emily’s list is now smacking NARAL for their endorsement LOL.
– Emily’s List on NARAL endorsement
Bob In Pacifica
Glad to hear things are okay, Michael. I’ve had one surgery where I went under and it was the creepiest experience in my life, coming out of it. It seemed like it took forever to regain the use of my body, lying there, and I really had to take a piss. Did not like it at all.
Another good one:
El Doh
“Hillary only loses to Obama by a small margin, so she should be the nominee!”
I’m completely at a loss as to a response to “virtual gang rape”.
Wow, sounds like the NY Chapter of NOW
John Cole
Pledged delegate lead- check.
States won- check.
Super-delegate lead- check.
Popular vote lead – check.
Number of donors- check.
Money raised- check.
What the fuck else do they want to measure? Penis length?
You forgot, there’s a clinton in this race…
Michael, Glad about the good news. John, your comment was excellent. Pat Buchanen is now on MSNBC touting the importance of Kentucky. LOL..
I’m waiting for Pat Buchanen to tout the importance of Puerto Rico..
Remember John, they don’t agree that he’s winning the popular vote up to this point.
Congratulations, Michael! I’m very glad to hear you’re well. :)
Rick Taylor
This is beginning to remind me of Iraq, where whenever the death toll goes up it’s a sign the enemy is desperate and we have them on the run.
No, the number of testicular appendages.
Conservatively Liberal
I am glad to hear that everything was as expected! Nothing worse than going in for one problem and finding it is worse or finding something different. Great news!
I have had numerous operations, and I don’t get along with anesthesia very well. One time I came to sitting on the floor of the post-op area with a can of Sprite. The post-op people were surprised when I asked them how I got there. They told me that I was talking to them and seemed lucid, and that I asked for something to drink. Then I sat down on the floor and started drinking the soda. On the way home, my ride had to stop so I could open the door and barf out a crapload of anesthesia, soda and bile.
I never went back to that hospital.
One time, as I was being put under the anesthesiologist told me to count backwards from 100. All I could remember was I got to 97 and that was it. After the operation, the doc told me that I pulled an excellent joke on the OR personnel and they fell for it.
It seems that I stopped counting and told them that there was a fly in the OR. They asked ‘Where?’, and I pointed up at the ceiling. They all looked up, and my arm dropped like a log as I went under. They were in a panic for a few until they realized that the pattern on the ceiling could look like flies to a drugged out patient.
He thought it was funny as hell, as did I. But I don’t remember a thing about it…lol
Glad to hear it wasn’t a big deal.
I went into the neurologist on Tuesday thinking he was going to take a sample of something in my spine. Dodged a bullet. He says it’s a pea in my spinal column and wants to wait 6 to 8 months to see how fast it’s growing.
Now I know why Mama told me to eat slowly. Turns out, Peas can get displaced!
Forming a throbbing Arc de Triomphe.
Zuzu's Petals
Michael –
No idea there was anything worrying you. So glad all turned out well. You’ll need your strength for this marathon !
Good news, Michael. Glad to hear it.
carsick, I hope your news is just as good when the time comes. — And chew more carefully in the future.
A bit of insanity from Barack reported by yahoo news.
“Senator Barack Obama’s campaign is steering the candidate’s wealthy supporters away from independent Democratic groups, calling into question what had been expected to be the groups’ central role in this year’s Democratic offensive against Senator John McCain.”
The great new guy “democrat” Obama wants to take control. Why am I not surprised?
She’s only been saying this, like, forever and a goddamn day.
Hardworking white post-menopausal females will respond in droves, I promise you/