President Bush – Asshole (redundant, I know):
“Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along,” said Bush, in what White House aides privately acknowledged was a reference to calls by Obama and other Democrats for the U.S. president to sit down for talks with leaders like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
“We have heard this foolish delusion before,” Bush said in remarks to the Israeli Knesset. “As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American Senator declared: ‘Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.’ We have an obligation to call this what it is — the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history.”
What a fucking jerk. Nobody has ever sugested negotiating with terrorists – NOBODY. What Barack Obama has suggested, and what was made clear by the Obama campaign this morning, is that:
“Instead of tough talk and no action, we need to do what Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan did and use all elements of American power — including tough, principled, and direct diplomacy — to pressure countries like Iran and Syria. George Bush knows that I have never supported engagement with terrorists, and the President’s extraordinary politicization of foreign policy and the politics of fear do nothing to secure the American people or our stalwart ally Israel.”
We should have a January 20, 2009 countdown ticker at this blog, and I think we should have a national celebration when this criminal leaves office. I mean a truly national celebration, with fireworks, street parties, city proclamations, etc that would be televised all over the world. I want President Bush’s last day in office to be the most huniliating experience of his life – one where the American people show him how absolutely jubliant they are that he is no longer the leader of this country. We could call it “National Thank Fucking God Day” or something like that.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Mass gathering in front of the White House. As Bush heads into Marine One for the last time, everybody starts to sing in unison:
“Na na na na, na na na na, heyyyyyyyy, goodbye!”
the last street party i went to in chicago in january was when the bears won the super bowl. nearly froze my ass off!
i do agree with the sentiment, however. i can’t wait to get this crowd out of the white house, senate, and house of reps. and i’m really looking forward to attorney general john edwards starting hiis investigation of bushco misdeeds.
every day John McCain must get up, and after his morning Metamucil, gets on his knees and prays to God that George Bush doesn’t say anything stupid that day.
Thursday = FAIL.
Doug, that is exactly what I was thinking when I read this. I think it might catch on.
My GOPer co-workers are still in denial as to what is coming. Oh, they’ve resigned themselves to Obama winning in November, but they blame McCain on believe (sincerely) that after 4 years of Obama, America will come begging to them again.
They have no idea how pissed people are at them.
Every time I hear Bush speak it’s like fingernails across a blackboard.
I agree with you, there should be a day of National Celebration in honor of his leaving office. (This assumes he actually goes and doesn’t come up with some excuse to install himself “President for Life.” We’ll know on January 20th.)
Ironic, really, considering the business dealings that Bush’s grandfather Prescott had with …the Nazis.
OMG! Bush threw his grandfather under the bus!!!!
I would suggest negotiation with terrorists, such as some of those in Hamas. They may be terrorists, but they’re also (thanks to Bush) the legitimate government of the Palestinian territories. Ignoring them isn’t going to change that.
If politics required only dealing with upstanding, peacable people, nobody would ever negotiate with anyone.
Are we sure about this? I mean, are we sure Bush knows? Because he’s been on TV a lot the last eight years, and I’ve come to the conclusion that George Bush is pretty stupid, and there are a lot of things he just doesn’t know.
Wasn’t Bush’s grandfather a nazi sympathizer?
Dennis - SGMM
Rep. Tom Davis (Va.) suspects the truth:
House Minority Leader John Boehner was quoted as saying, “No one could have anticipated that assisting a drunken, lying, amoral, little gargoyle to ruin the country would have a political down side.”
In other news, the Republican leadership is expected today to announce a change in direction by re-naming their party “The Aristocrats.”
Soylent Green
Dont sugarcoat it, John. Tell us how you really feel.
Six out of ten Republicans think George W. Bush is aces. So fuck ’em, they are not invited to the party when the stupidest man in the history of the world is no longer president.
Can we move turkey day to January?
I think we could call it W.R.A.D.: Whitehouse Reclamation Accomplished Day!
I, for one, will be dancing in the streets of DC.
Prescott: If only I had traded more with Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.
Every day, something makes me smile.
From Politico:
It hardly needs repeating for the Balloonitics, but there is a simple historical fact that needs to be stated every time the subject comes up — The Nazi Appeasers Were Conservatives!
How Neville Chamberlain, who was soft on genocidal tyranny because he, as a Tory, agreed with large parts of the National Socialist project got characterized as a liberal icon, is beyond understanding.
Prescott Bush is just bonus. The whole Republican party, both the elitist and populist wings, was isolationist, which is to say, objectively pro-holocaust.
QUESTION: What is the difference between an [i]ass[b]hat[/b][/i] and an [i]ass[b]hole[/b][/i] ???
I often hear these words used in contexts that suggest they are completely synonymous. If there is a distinction, the best I can guess what that might be on my own is that an “asshat” is someone who doesn’t know the difference between their head and their ass, whereas an “asshole” is someone whose anal opening is where their mouth ought to be.
QUESTION: What is the difference between an [i]ass[b]hat[/b][/i] and an [i]ass[b]hole[/b][/i] ???
I often hear these words used in contexts that suggest they are completely synonymous. If there is a distinction, the best I can guess what that might be on my own is that an “asshat” is someone who doesn’t know the difference between their head and their ass, whereas an “asshole” is someone whose anal opening is where their mouth ought to be.
I hope he keeps talking. More of this, every day til November, please!
That’s putting it mildly.
Obama should’ve said “For the good of our country, George Bush needs to shut up, sit down and quit pretending he’s capable of conducting a viable foreign policy. We’ve had more than enough of his bumbling idiocy.”
Re: Celebration
Think of it in terms of the end of Return of the Jedi. Not the Ewoks dancing, but the general celebrations all over the Empire…
A capital suggestion…
– PonB
Not really. It’s an asinine argument, but deceptively simple.
Liberals want to prevent wars. Chamberlain tried to prevent a war. Therefore, all liberals want to appease Hitler. Furthermore: Chamberlain’s attempt to accomodate Hitler was fruitless. Ergo, all attempts to prevent war are pointless.
I’ll celebrate when Bush is convicted for war crimes.
I’ll bring the Moët & Chandon.
All this time I thought Iran was preparing to invade Poland. Gotta stop getting my news from Limbaugh.
El Cid
I think it would be a very bad idea for Obama to do what I heard he is suggesting, and that is installing Hasleem Nasrallah of Lebanon’s Hezbollah as the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Call me cautious, but it just sounds too radical. And with a name like “Hussein,” I had a damn ’nuff a Hussein a-eady.
Well, the only problem with Bush’s dumb analogy is that this time, the U.S. rolled the tanks into Iraq. Not invoking Godwin here, but we were the aggressors. So the whole thing kind of falls apart if you look at it as a member of the reality-based community, doesn’t it?
Please please please let us get to January without launching another war.
(Of course, if we do make it and O’s elected, there will be a terrorist strike in this country in February and the Dem’s “appeasement” will be blamed, rather than Bush’s totally failed handling of 9/11. God, do I hate that guy and what he has done to this country.)
Anonymous Jim
Reagan negotiated with Gorbachev. What a pussy. This explains why the USSR did so well and was able to overrun the US.
Well, Ahmadanijad is Hitler, so it’s reasonable to suspect that he has designs on Poland. What’s ‘Operation Fall Weiss’ in Farsi?
Dennis - SGMM
Interesting that he’s upped the ante by lumping the radicals in with the terrorists.
Inasmuch as Bush has labeled nearly everyone who dislikes us either a terrorist or a radical his opportunities for negotiation seem a bit limited anyway. Maybe he should just pink slip Condi Rice and the rest of the State Department.
There’s exactly ZERO chance King Bubble-Boy will suddenly be allowed out of his bubble on this day. If necessary, they’ll pre-record a GOP celebration, then play it for him on his TV and tell him it’s live, and nationwide.
I truly believe Bush has absolutely NO IDEA exactly how hated, dispised, and/or repulsive he is to most Americans. Should he actually return to a quasi-private life, he’s going to be stunned at the anti-Bush vitriol peeps will print and opine on….
I’d like to see Obama snub the scrub during his inauguration.
Seriously, though. I’m getting a little tired of hearing how everyone America doesn’t like is just as valid a threat to world peace as the entire German Empire circa 1932.
Where are the legions of Panzer tanks that Iran plans on rolling out? How many U-boats are we up against? What barrage of V-1 rockets and mustard gas do we expect Iran to launch?
Oh? The Iranian military budget is 1% of the American military budget? And we’ve got several thousand nuclear ICBMs while they’ve got… a non-existent program that may or may not be used entirely for civilian purposes? Shit! We have no chance! Doom! Death! Despair!
Let’s just surrender now before the big bad Iranians eat us alive.
That sounds strangely familiar.
I am irate and can not wait until November! I’m sending him another bag of pretzels!
El Cid
The Iranians are simply planning to use their dramatic lack of objectively measurable world-altering forces against us.
Remember, there is no animal more dangerous than a weakened, wounded, angry bear which is really far away.
Dog whistle politics for the Jewish vote in Florida = a vote for Obama is a vote for hamasnazi.
Now we wait for the 13 Jewish Democratic Senators to denounce Bush’s speech and stand up for the putative nominee of their party. Right?
Frank Jacobs
Thanks, Jim. I was about to say the exact same thing.
Er, I mean, dolgoi dorognoi idyotyeh, tovarisch.
We could play waterboard drinking games.
Does anybody reall “Hands Across America”?
How about if we put together a “Middle Fingers to Bush Across America”?
He’s gonna give his campaign stump speeches for McCain, and they’re gonna be asinine, which I can accept. However, going to Israel on its 60th anniversary before the Knesset on what is presumably a state visit and use it to make these political speeches is the lowest of the low. If we had a functional Justice Dept, I would have expected questions of Hatch Act violations given that his trip is presumably a diplomatic mission. However, we don’t, so instead the debate gets framed as “Let’s ask the Obama camp for their response. Now let’s ask the McCain camp about how it ties into Hamas.”
Ah yes. Democrats as NAZI sympathizers. That worked really well the last time.
Exactly. It makes the person gibbering about tanks and Poland look like a bigger pantswetter than he already is because the threat of Islamofacistterrists doesn’t come anywhere near that posed by Axis powers and it never will. Either that or it gives the impression that the speaker thinks NAZIs were a very loose association of thugs, some of whom took their orders from a guy living in a cave. You’d almost think the speaker doesn’t want to acknowledge that the NAZIs were elected or somethin’.
I’ll be there and I don’t think I’ll be alone.
Yard signs that say:
“99 problems but a Bush ain’t one.”
(with apologies to Jay-Z)
Look out! Bob Gates is a NAZI appeaser!
Yard signs that say:
“99 problems but a Bush ain’t one.”
(with apologies to Jay-Z)
National Thank Fucking God Day!!!!!
You made me spit out my coffee, laughing!
Damn you!
El Cid
I have no doubt that the super-delegates will listen to Bush and switch to Hillary, now that it’s clear Obama will create a Department of Appeasement.
as sad as it sounds, with either McCain, Clinton, or Obama, we will more than likely see improvements as far as foreign policy is concerned….. so I totally agree with a countdown ticker…..
Obviously, though, I’m still totally down for the MUP, and I still hate Hillary, and I have no interest in McCain’s continuation of Bush’s economic policies….
There’s a site that has a countdown clock (they also sell a countdown keychain, so be warned).
You know how in the past 3 turnovers of Presidents (Reagan to Bush, Bush to Clinton, Clinton to Idjit) they had a tradition of the incoming President escorting the outgoing President to Marine One for a farewell flight? I think this time around, it’ll be Obama escorting Dubya to Con Air for a one-way trip to Super Max.
A-fucking-men! Actually, I think I’ll throw a party! What a great idea!
w vincentz
Tanks rollin’ into Poland, tanks rollin’ into Baghdad…and the difference is?
Heck, at least the chimp gave up golf (like that’s goin’ to amount to a pile of steamin’ goodies!
Then I watched McSame give his “I have a dream” speech. These rethugs must be gettin’ some purty good drugs.
Notify the DEA! I see headlines, “GOP Crackheads, BUSTED!”
Shame on the criminals.
Reality might come from behind the bars when they’re all doin’ hard time.
Damn, Michael. Tell us how you really feel. :)
Dave S.
I’m with Punchy on this. Nothing in W’s life has ever been his fault and that is not going to change now.
Even if the external Bubble goes away (I doubt it will) his own internal Bubble will shield him from reality. This guy is a psychology Ph.D. dissertation just waiting to happen.
To paraphrase Hamlet, the rest is brush-clearing.
I was thinking the exact same thing myself, what do we need to do to get this National day of celebration off the ground.
I also think we shluld make it an informal national holiday from here on out, I’ll be glad to take a personal holiday for the rest of my life to celebrate the day George Bush left office…
Grumpy Code Monkey
See, to me, this is just sad. Truth is we should have impeached the little fucker three years ago and forcibly removed his sorry ass from office.
We made Nixon resign because as a nation we said, “no, you’re no longer fit to hold this office.” And the sad thing about that is, apart from the whole abuse-of-power/constitutional-crisis thingy, Nixon was arguably a good President.
But we couldn’t do it with this jackass? A man whose life and administration are defined by incompetence and failure? That’s our fault, ladies and gentlemen. We allegedly own the fucking government, and we should be able to remove the incompetents and criminals as we see fit. But we’ve allowed ourselves to be cowed and bamboozled by criminals and sociopaths, and they’ve got us so scared of our own fucking shadows that they can brazenly cheat and steal and we won’t do a goddamned thing to stop them.
No, I will not be celebrating the fact that we let Bush serve two full terms. Heckling him as he leaves office under his own power isn’t humiliating enough; heckling him as he’s physically dragged from it in irons is more what’s needed.
Reverend Spooner
If nothing else, at least this episode has taught us not to forget Poland. Mission accomplished!
Olbermann suggested last night, in his Special Comment, that there will indeed be celebration when the Asshole-in-Chief finally hits the bricks.
Last night’s Special Comment was especially spittle-flecked. Something about Bush’s “I gave up golf” schtick seems to have sent Keith over the edge.
Just curious: for the rest of you, what is your take on Olbermann? I started off as a big fan and watched religiously, but now………. eh, not so much.
Ceeeeelebrate Good Times COME ON!
I actually think if Obama is elected we should THROW parties for people in other countries. Sortof the follow up to the “Sorry Everybody!” website that started after the 2004 election. “Sorry Again, but it’s finally over, have some cake!”
Things you have to worry about Dubya doing before leaving in January:
1) He’s bound to issue pardons to practically every person who worked in his White House. His dad did it to cover his ass for Iran-Contra. Given the damage Dubya is leaving behind, you can count on this.
2) The ‘tradition’ of outgoing administrations committing small acts of vandalism in the exec offices. Remember how Bush’s people cried foul over the amount of vandalism Clinton’s people did? And it turned out the Bush people exaggerated the extent of damage? Expect the Bush people when they leave to be thorough in their destruction, probably up to arson, and then claim the incoming Dems are ‘exaggerating’ what they did.
3) I’ve got people coming into the library pointing out an executive order called Directive 51 that they think Dubya can use to override the November election and declare dictatorship.
It’s not gonna be as much fun as you think it is to get vermin out of office.
International Thank Fucking God Day.
People will be celebrating around the world. Believe me.
b. hussein canuckistani
You have made me a very happy man.
Talk about fucking jerks .. look in the mirror.
Obama saw himself in those words .. the fucking jerk.
Neo, I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Hey! Asshole Commander Guy:
“Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.”
You stupid fuck.
here is a little WordPress Bush Countdown Widget i just whipped up.
it’s very very simple. anyone with a minimum of PHP skill should be able to customize it however they like.
w vincentz
Keith O’s advice to the chimp was to “SHUT THE HELL UP!”
Obviously, he didn’t take the advice.
The USA set the standard at Nuremburg regarding how Nazi war criminals must (MUST!) be dealt with. Reinforcing the very same standard in these troubled times will not only restore credibility of the USA with our global neighbors, but also will demonstrate the profound JUSTICE on which this nation is based and that so many have given their lives to preserve.
Nothing would pease me more than to see Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and many others frog marched in leg irons from the inaugural podium after President Obama’s inaugural
address, to the awaiting transport to the Hague where they will satand trial. The USA and the rest of the nations of the planet deserve and demand this resolution of the crimes that heve been committed.
Tax Analyst
Well, it appears that Bush “gave up golf” sometime in 2003 due to a knee injury.
That’s a slightly different story than claiming to give it up in 2007 because our servicemen and women are at risk in a war.
Michael, your “National Thank Fucking God Day” is your best idea since the one that got John to take you on-board as a thread-ster…wish I could remember it now, it was really a good one, too.
This is beyond lame duck. This is a President who has become utterly useless. This is a President who is now surrounded by people who have decided there is really nothing he is good for except to prop him up with a set of talking points that will prep the way for the next GOP canidate.
This is a “Weekend at Bernie’s” President.
Fuck that we should organize a special event for the sunset of the bush admin, because as we all know the Moon rises after the sun sets. National MOON THAT INSOLENT PECKERWOOD day.
I’m curious…has this ever happened before? Has there ever been a time where a sitting President went to a foreign country and made this kinds of statement about the other party’s candidate, the person who could very well be the next President of the US? Can you imagine the brouhaha in the media that would have resulted if Bill Clinton had done something like this to Bush in 2000?
I wish I could feel that jubilant when he leaves office. I’m afraid I won’t be able to enjoy that kind of happiness until the bastard is convicted of war crimes and locked up in a cell whose key mysteriously disappears.
Seven and a half years of gross incompetence and negligence and a popular meme on the thread is how Bush’s grandfather was a nazi supporter, so, as a result, Bush sucks.
I’m somewhat tired of the guilt by association that has been going on during the entire democratic primary, lets not just assume that its OK to do it here because Bush is a fuckup.
sorry.. one more thing.
Is this all just a calculated attempt to make people think that McCain might actually be a good president in comparison?
Yeah, me too. Your posts are so much more enlightening and entertaining, who needs Olbermann?
I used to love Olbermann too. I watched for interesting news and really enjoyed the humor. Now, also, not so much. The tone of his show has definitely changed – he’s becoming a little too much like Hannity or (horrors) his arch nemesis, O’Reiley. The special comments used to be, I thought, heartfelt and well thought out. Now, they seem to be spittle-flecked bloviating, and he is reducing himself. to O’Reiley’s level of discourse. Last night, he looked like he was acting (cue outrage). Keith probably needs to back off a little from the ledge before he goes comepletely over. For humor and satire, I guess I’ll have to stick with Joh Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
Dennis - SGMM
This December, Bush will give the traditional speech in which he highlights the accomplishments of his outgoing administration. The networks have promised in advance to carry all ten seconds of it live.
Guess Petraeus and Crocker have some splainin to do to Commander Guy. Because they were negotiating with Sunni tribes that had been actively killing US troops and aiding AQ. To use Bush’s words, their ingenious argument with the extremists was that they had been wrong all along in doing so.
Then, we not only negotiated with them, we began arming, training, and funding them. More byproducts of success just waiting to drop.
w vincentz
McCain (McWar) looking better by comparison? Huh? The one who doesn’t know the difference between Shia and Sunni? The one who crones “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran” like a poor Brian Wilson wannabe? The one who gave a speech this morning with so many delusions and future visions (perhaps drug induced)? The “gas tax vacation” guy? The I like torture now but I was against it once guy?
Oh please! The war criminals supporter?
Barack will rip though him like a wet fart after a hard night of drinkin’ cheap beer.
Burn in Hell, Mr. Bush…. burn in Hell. And take your psycopathic fuckstick buddy Cheney with you.
Rick Taylor
I guess Bush’s remarks are what Liebermann is referring to here? Via Americablog:
Apparently May 15 is New Spoof Tryout Day here.
So far, I haven’t seen an act that I’d call back to the second audition.
Maybe if you guys backed off just a notch on the use of the term “spittle-flecked?” That’s pretty much a tipoff at this point. Also, if you would refrain from posting under more than one handle to the same thread, that would make it a little harder — and more fun — to pick you out.
You’re right…dumb question.
Up until about the Clinton administration, it was considered appropriate for presidents and potential presidents to speak of each other in mostly vague and respectful terms, as a nod to the dignity of the office.
Luckily, we had a president like Clinton who pretty much made a laughingstock of the dignity of the office, and we don’t have that constraint any more. Now presidents and potential presidents just trashmouth each other whenever they feel like it.
cc: Jimmah
I checked and he domain names “” and “” are taken. Sigh.
Somebody should put up a site where you can upload photos of yourself flipping this asshole the bird. Way cool, but you’re gonna need one motherfucker of a hosting plan.
Oh, the hypocrisy.
Shorter Bush: Dealing with nazis and totalitarian regimes should be left to Republicans, because it is soooo profitable.
Imagine without Fritz Thyssen there wouldn’t have been quite so much money in the Bush fortune and Prescott’s loser grandsons would have had to find real jobs. Sure, it wasn’t technically illegal to be banking for the Nazis until the U.S. declared war with them, but the war had been going on rather a long time before then in Europe and even before then, it certainly wasn’t moral to be dealing with them. It took an act congress and the threat of government seizure to get him to behave. Sounds like a Bush all right. What a blow hard. Did he also again criticize Myanmar/Burma for post-hurricane handling?
w vincentz
I don’t know how to do the link thing but there’s an editorial over at the Philadelphia Daily News that’s well worth the read. Treacherous.
Well sometimes things have to get really bad before any change can happen. So thank god that Bush was there to make that happen. Only a person as arrogant and stupid as Bush could have single handedly destroyed the Republican brand in less than a decade. Amazing when you think about it, yes? The Republicans will be out wandering in the desert for 40 years after this, and Bush will be referred to as Herbert Hoover Jr.
Here’s a link to the Philly Daily News piece that vincentz referenced above.
That is just about the most devastating editorial blast at a sitting president I have ever seen.
And well justified.
Here’s the Philly link. Will Bunch nails it.
Hear, hear.
What other country? It’s Israel, America’s parasite. Don’t worry, Schumer, Feinstein, et al. will be denouncing Bush and standing up for Obama in just one jiffy.
Sorry ’bout that TZ.
No prob orogeny.
What’s ironic here is that George Bush may be the thing that really unites the Democrats right now.
That guy is ….. something else, that’s all I can say.
No spoof. I’ve watched Countdown nightly for probably close to five years now. In the last year or so, the tone has changed remarkably. Oddball basically gone, “worst people” the same ones, over and over (with this Administration so many othersw are ripe for the honor), homor almost completely missing. Compare Keith’s original Special Comment against Donald Rumsfeld and last night’s – the difference in tone is markedly different. His moral outrage meter has hit stratespheric heights and is starting to come off as an act, rather than the sincerety he used to project.
The original mix of hard news with humor was what attracted me to the show in the first place, and I miss it. Oh well, maybe when Bush is gone Keith will calm down a little bit.
I just hope the Party will show some cojones and really burn Bush on this one. I’d love to see McCain put on the spot…”Senator McCain, will you denounce George Bush’s treasonous, anti-American rhetoric?”
w vincentz
Thanks TZ.
If the Dem leadership doesn’t act now (Pelosi and Reid), it is my hope that Barack makes this a part of the party platform in Denver.
For me, Olberman has always been someone I could only handle in small doses. I’ve always enjoyed his special comments when one or another of the blogs I frequent linked to one, but I’ve never been able to watch one of his programs all the way through.
I recall during Bush’s inauguration his limo getting egged and a lot of signs with the word “Thief” on it, his exit will follow the same pattern.
We need to see a lot more like this.
Odd that Obama would mention Reagan .. does Obama have “a cake and a Bible” ready ?
George Bush can’t sink much further in the polls and even if he did what would happen? He’s already going to be the worst president in modern time. So since he has nothing to lose anymore, the GOP will use him to attack Obama.
Exactly. To my mind, Bush has exposed the rank hypocrisy of his party’s behavior and McCain is obligated to step back from it … or we get to hang it around his neck like an obese Albatross.
I’ve even stopped watching Stewart and Colbert. There’s just no longer anything funny about this shit. For me, I think the Rev. Wright frenzy was the last straw. He’s a flawed character, to be sure, but the morality at the core of his message, the call to be more Christ-like, was undeniable. The MSM pile-on that followed was the stuff of nightmares.
Now, I’ve gone back to the History Channel and “Seinfeld” reruns.
I did, however, enjoy this mashup of O’Reilly’s ’80’s freakout.
Remember when the Dixie Chicks, at a concert in London, said they were ashamed the president was from Texas, and all the conservative blogs and radio hosts went apeshit? Because you don’t criticize the president when you’re overseas?
I can’t wait to hear how this is totally different.
Dave in ME
Gotta love this coming out the same day Bush attacks Obama as an appeaser:
Just to be clear… any of you who voted for Bush should have to walk around the mall with your pants down singing the “Star Spangled Banner”. It’s fitting punishment. I’m sure many of you are nice people and all, but you foisted a cretin upon the rest of us who can’t vote in your stupid elections.
Billions of people around the planet could see that this guy was a two-bit used car salesman. Why could you? Is it some defect in the American character to be suckered in by somebody who speaks in BBQ? What exactly?
Dave in ME
Gotta love this: Bush family helped Nazis
I don’t know, but in some places it still works. Here in Alabama, Bush has a 52% approval rating. You figure the state is about 28% black, in which community his approval rating is below zero, that means that more than 2/3 of the whites in Alabama think he’s just doing a wonderful job.
I bet the traditional outgoing-prez note Dumbass leaves in the Oval Office for President Obama just says “have fun!”, w/ a smiley face underneath.
Anything less than criminal charges is itself criminal. There needs to be a statement made, as soon as possible, that conduct like that of the current regime is NEVER to be tolerated again. Otherwise, we might as well just say “fuck it” and have another revolution.
Read the comments at Taylor Marsh. In short, they agree with Bush. They are not Democrats, or sane:
Okay, go out and design a bumper sticker that has “NTFGD” in some bold color and below it the date “1/20/09.” Or you can do the reverse and make the number bigger, but where I live, there’s already a lot of people driving around with a bumper sticker that just has the date. You can make it red white and blue — just be prepared to do a lot of explaining.
I don’t even want to think what No Quarter is like right now.
Try the following —
Maybe you can get someone to make up lyrics that go to the tune of Bye Bye Birdie and record them and play them on the site, while there is a montage of stupid Bush tricks in the background. There are a lot of possibilities.
The Populist
Why do I have this fear that if Obama were to win, a “devastating event” will take place on US soil and the President will declare martial law and hold onto power.
Why do I feel this way? I hate to even THINK it can happen, but I just don’t trust these guys to go quietly into the night.
I think Marsh and other hard-core pro-Clinton/anti-Obama bloggers are in the same place that Sullivan, Aravoisis and some others in the blogosphere would have been if the primary had gone the other way. After spending so long spouting off about how the other candidate is the spawn of Satan, there’s just no way they can just admit the loss and move one. It has become way too personal for them to back off. At this point, I don’t think they’ll give up until Obama starts his second term.
Oops. I should have checked more closely, but the dot com is already taken, but dot net appears to be open.
I’ve got five dollars for the first reporter that asks him if that WWII Senator was his grandfather…
The Populist
On top of that Bush does not read ANYTHING. He isn’t curious nor wants to be enlightened. He is a true dogmatic ideologue. He also says what’s written for him as he hires only those who will write the words that make him sound tough.
Some days, I just want to say “fuck it! we’ll do it live”.
The amount of drunk I am going to be on Jan 20th will be staggering.
Sweet Jeebus, someone needs to talk these folks down from the roof. There are numerous comments that agree with Bush:
Diplomacy = terrorist appeasement
From the comments:
Just a note: there are, and have been for centuries, Jews living in Iran.
This is just plain freaky.
Michael D.
We’ll all be so drunk we’ll be staggering!
Good lord. That’s depressing.
You ought to try living here. If anything, the right wingers here are becoming more entrenched in their belief that all the bad stuff that comes out about Bush is a product of the lying “liberal media.”
TZ said:
Especially when, like me, you live in Alabama. OTOH, I love spending time in the Black Belt region, where progressive politics is alive and well.
I am convinced, as I said on another thread, that many of the commenters at these sites are just double agents. “Now that I am a Republican?” No, I don’t see it. Refusing to vote — yes, I see that, unfortunately. Really, many of us going to have to do one on one outreach.
The Grand Panjandrum
The only retirement Bush/Cheney deserves are those few moments before a firing squad performs its duty.
there’s a difference between a partisan and an ideologue: the former fights for his party (right or wrong); the latter fights for what he believes in. people who would switch from calling themselves “Democrats” to calling themselves “Republicans” based on defeat in a primary election contest are not ideologues.
it might take more than patiently explaining the policy effects of a Republican president.
Damn, this is getting more play than I thought. I really didnt think Bush’s comments were that big a deal, simply b/c he’s such the friggin’ jackass in everything else he says and does. IOW, they were disgusting, but par for the course.
So I’m shocked (and encouraged) at how visceral everyone’s response has been. Apparently, even a man this dumb shouldn’t be saying this shit. GLAD THE MEDIA FINALLY FUCKING GETS IT.
Rick Taylor
It would be nice if Hillary Clinton would chime in to push back on the “appeasement” attacks of Bush, McCain, and Lieberman. Maybe she’s already said something and I missed it.
I absolutely agree. I thought so at the beginning of this process when all kinds of insane hate were directed at Hillary when she was the front runner, and I’m even more convinced now that the exact same flavor of nasty is directed towards Obama. This just isn’t the way liberals usually argue issues. Not to say that they aren’t often extremely critical and occasionally wacko, but I’ve hardly met any that are so totally full of vicious hatred.
If I were a minion of Rove, trying to stir up bitterness and mistrust within Dem ranks is exactly what I would do.
i originally wrote “the former fights for his tribe…”
i should’ve stuck with it.
OMFG There just aren’t words…
I suppose the Republican attacks on that appeaser Dwight Eisenhower will be coming soon.
Fucking moronic children. Throw your goddamn tantrums, assholes, because you’re about to become fucking irrelevant.
I’m hoping that my neighbors who trot out an insane amount of illegal fireworks every 4th of July do the same for the final exit of Shrub (provided he doesn’t invoke NSPD 51).
“And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro’ the night that Bush is no longer there.”
Michael, I am so on board with this. Someone should truly organize these events in cities and towns all across America. There needs to be a slogan, t-shirts, I love the fireworks idea. Let the asshole leave office with not only a bang but a whimper. And I like the name. Thank FUCKING GOD DAY! Obama should declare it a national holiday. Everyone gets the day off to drop to their knees and give thanks for the fact that we can finally rid ourselves of the worst president in the history of the US. I think if International media picked this up, the US’s reputation would soar. After all, most foreign countries don’t hate Americans, they just hate the clowns that make our policy.
I don’t agree with the Original statement, but it is so funny that you liberals think everyone thinks like you because CNN tells you so. Furthermore, you compare any white man that isn’t a far left nut case to Hitler. Go Fuck yourselves
It is pretty sad but it is so funny that you dumb ass libs think that odumma is going to win in nov. Even with an economic slump the dems will lose. go hug a tree and bitch about everything you little cry babies
you dumb as libs forget that you live in the greatest country in the world and you want to fuck that all up by turning this country into a socialist nightmare like the countries in western europe. Unemployment over there has allways been about 10% which is twice as high as are’s at this momment. there economy sucks all of the time compared to ours. you fools want to elect people with similar views as their leaders. What a bunch of asses. Hope you like being taxed to death. Libs can eat a dick
All you stupid libs act like bunch of cry baby bichies
Tom in Texas
Carl: I think your pearls of wisdom would be best served on a page where others can read and mock them. try our main page. You can comment there if you are looking for a response. I suspect you will get some. And I’m pretty sure whichever post you read will say something to outrage you, so your opportunities are limitless.