Via the Impolitic, this:
During the trial, which was held in Panama City yesterday and today, Ponce de Leon High School’s principal David Davis admitted under oath that he had banned students from wearing any clothing or symbols supporting equal rights for gay people. Davis also testified that he believed rainbows were “sexually suggestive” and would make students unable to study because they’d be picturing gay sex acts in their mind. The principal went on to admit that while censoring rainbows and gay pride messages he allowed students to wear other symbols many find controversial, such as the Confederate flag.
Not to sound like a broken record, but WTF?
Do I make you horny, baby?
Seriously. How do you engage in legitimate debate with people who think that rainbows make people think of gay sex?
How’d that snail get into the hola fruta?
Davis X. Machina
How can you get a principal’s certificate and not at least have heard of Tinker v. Des Moines, if not actually read it.
In any event, when I was a teenager, everything made me think of sex, if not necessarily gay sex.
same people who fired a guy for wizardry.
backwards ass motherfuckers running around this country.
stupid backwards ass motherfuckers, so you can’t even educate them.
Nice to see a school where the students are likely more mature then the principal.
kid bitzer
at the same time, he does get one thing right:
the confederate flag never makes anyone think about sex.
I’m going to suggest that Mrs David Davis go checking through her husband’s credit card statements and dresser drawers. After seeing the long line of closeted homophobes in the Republican Party, me thinks the principal protests a bit too much.
Does staring up at the sky after a thunder shower make you horny, Principal Davis? Do you find yourself drawn to the boy’s locker room just to… you know… hang out? GayPrincipalStillInTheClosetSayWhat?
I think the press release got this part wrong. Let me fix it:
Something tells me, however, that he already kinda likes to picture gay sex acts in his mind.
How can you look at that snail and NOT think of sexy young naked boys.
You don’t. You just mock them mercilessly, and play “It’s Raining Men” at the loudest possible volume.
oh yeah?
Seriously, that MAD TV sketch totally captures today’s movement conservatives. Replace “Sexy Young Naked Boys” with “Scary Muslim Terrorists” or “Godless Leftwing Anti-Americans” or pretty much any other boogeyman and it just describes a slightly different wing of the party.
jack fate
You don’t. Mock them instead.
And yes, that snail turned me on.
I can guarantee you where he gets his information. Conservapedia’s Statistics page – the gift that keeps on giving:
Most viewed pages
Main Page [2,660,007]
Homosexuality [2,400,797]
Wikipedia [395,922]
Arguments Against Homosexuality [333,025]
Homosexual Agenda [332,971]
Ex-homosexuals [317,848]
Homosexuality and choice [312,265]
Examples of Bias in Wikipedia [294,971]
Homosexuality and Health [293,177]
Theory of Evolution [288,221]
And yes it’s always about the same. Nothing about anal sex and cancer today, though. That’s unusual. And they seem to be moving more and more into what’s wrong with Wikipeida. Used to be all the top 9 (excluding the home page) were “teh gay.”
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Exactly. I’m betting this guy wears two wetsuits.
I’d be Nothernly Aggressive all over that.
Well here we are again with Jerry Falwell and the Teletubbies promoting the Gay Agenda.
Look, we have to face facts. A certain percentage of people in this country are ignorant morons. We can’t make them go away, and we can’t shut them up.
So our calling is to out perform them. Outpersuade them, out politic them, outvote them, outgovern them.
We’ve seen how they govern, and they have given us a great opportunity to capitalize on their failures, this year.
Let’s seize that opportunity and take the country away from them, and then work to earn the right to keep it away from them.
Why do you think that Kermit the Frog sings about “The Rainbow Connection?”
Talk about yer subliminal messages….
I just got fired for looking at that snail online….
johhny rotten
Not trying to jack the thread, but I respect the opinion of people who comment here, and I have a question.
Could Lieberman be the GOP VP? I was reading his remarks today about Obama being a terrorist appeaser, and it really struck me how weird that was – what’s this asshole’s point? And I think he really wants another shot at the VP.
He actually scares me more than anybody, because I could see this kind of “unity” ticket having some pull in the suburbs. Fuck.
I think you’ve just found the site mascot. All he needs is nickname.
These words, and the entire comment, should be used in a campaign ad for Barack. Well said.
Then of course, there’s this classic insinuative dialogue from SPARTACUS, by blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo.
In this scene, sensitive poet Tony Curtis washes the manly Laurence Olivier in a steamy bath:
*Now* look at that snail and tell me it doesn’t make you think of Teh Gay.
I’d start North and work my way South…
The Critic
Yeah, I’ll go with the consensus here that anyone who goes out and admits that he thinks rainbows will make kids think of gay sex is engaging in a little projection. People most often want to ban what is most tempting to themselves. As someone once remarked, the only people who think about gay sex as much as homophobes are gay people.
What ‘unity ticket’? Joe is no longer a Democrat.
I’m surprised they didn’t start by changing the name of the school. Ponce?
True story: until I was in college, I thought the rainbow sticker on cars indicated support for the Rainbow Coalition, even though the sticker & the driver didn’t seem to go together.
And a Steelers helmet. And maybe a beer.
something in her south would be burning after my sherman went through…well…wait a sec, if it’s burning it’s a bad thing.
Ned Raggett
Quite right. And sometimes, there’s a story where the first paragraph puts me right back in those times.
Tax Analyst
Only if he wore a wetsuit.
Snaily McRainbow.
Oh, no way that story’s real. Either that, or Marci has a lot of problems with her last name.
Jay in Oregon
No way.
*rubs eyes*
There’s no FUCKING way you found a story where the prudish mom’s last name is “Milfs”.
Jay in Oregon
Wow, Scrutinizer ninja’ed me.
Wow. That is more profound than it appears at first site.
sight. Duh
Ned Raggett
Friend actually found it first and posted the link in a similar ‘oh you might find this interesting.’ I clicked, read the name and nearly choked on my iced tea.
Frankly, the fact that it’s written by one Scott Pesznecker is even worse. This whole thing is a Judd Apatow movie waiting to happen.
Rainbows make me think of Jesse Jackson. Banning them is RACIST!
Along I30 somewhere between Dallas and Texarkana there is someone’s ranch on the north side of the road, called the “Rainbow Ranch”. The marque spanning the entrance if of a large rainbow and includes the designation of the military division that I assume the owner was a part of.
I always wonder: was the owner a “don’t ask, don’t tell” kind of soldier, or, for the past 40 years, has he been pissed that his ranch’s symbpl has been co-opted? (Or maybe he doesn’t even care).
How does one reason with these people?
You’d think they’d take down that popular page meter. It’s quite embarrassing for them.
protected static
He’s probably a vet of the 42nd Infantry.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Could Lieberman be McThuselah’s running mate? I guess it’s possible, but I wouldn’t put real money on it. There are plenty of genuine Republicans who would boast wider appeal (not to mention exhibit an obvious pulse).
I mean, seriously, can you picture a ticket that screams “old and tired” more than McThuselah/Lieberman?
Ask them if they like gladiator films?
Perry Como
Things that make principal David Davis think of gay sex:
– Rainbows
– Triangles
– Things colored like a rainbow
– Rainbow colored triangles!
– The guy he’s sucking off in a public park restroom
Ah – that’s it. I recognize the logo and the “42nd” now.
Or the guy who is sucking him off.
Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock?
I like movies set in women’s prisms.
he’s said multiple times that he’s not interested in the job. and certainly being a swing senator is a more powerful position than VP.
but, you never know…
Can we argue with the AP?
Headline on MSNBC:
Sounds like the Dems hate the troops, right? Now read the first few lines:
I ask yet again…what in the FUCK is going on? Passing a bill is now rejecting that bill? Wha?
Adjusted to comply with the theme of the thread.
Seriously, what possibly leads you to believe you could given that level of stupid. These are the same people who nod knowingly when one of their chief Deciders of Family Values proclaims SpongeBob a stealth icon promoting a gay orgy lifestyle. Some people you’re just never going to reach. Your only hope is that Darwin can.
I don’t think I will ever see snails in a heterosexual manner again.
Just Some Fuckhead
This is the most amazing Hardball I’ve ever seen. Finally someone calls the right-wing noise machine out. I’ve sat through some pretty piss-poor television for a long time to witness that.
Blue Buddha
The headline is quite deceptive, because they don’t get to that point until the 4th paragraph:
It comes on the heels of the unexpected defeat of a $163 billion bill covering the costs of funding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Republicans withheld support for the funding measure in protest of Democratic tactics. That kills the war funding for now, but it’ll be revived next week in the Senate.
Just watched Chris Matthews shut down a Bushie. The Asshat kept going on and on about a appeasement. Matthews asked him to explain what Neville Chamberlin did wrong before WWII. The bushie couldn’t explain what it was.
Matthews can be a clown most of the time, but this was entertaining.
Rick Taylor
Actually, people who argue rainbows will make people think of gay sex are downright reasonable compared to people who can’t handle basic math. At No Quarter, they’re posting that Hillary wins the nomination if the super-delegates vote as the Obama campaign has argued they should.
You see, if the super-delegates support the choice of the voters in their state, according their spread sheets Clinton will beat Obama by 2 super-delegates! Even more if you count Michigan and Florida. Therefore, by the Obama campaign’s own rhetoric, the nomination should be Hillary’s. If they’d ever argued that pledged delegates ought to be ignored, which of course they haven’t.
I’ll be interested to see if this argument gets picked up by other pro-Hillary sites.
I’ve never heard it called that before…
Thanks. In my rage, I missed that. Pretty important, natch.
b. hussein canuckistani
I have a theory that Seinfeld will do more than anyone else to destigmatize the ghey in the minds of upcoming generations. In the past, when two hulking, muscular Florida football players are confronted by homosexuality, the expected response was violent revulsion. Now, it can be laughed off with a clever catch phrase “Not that there’s anything wrong with that!”. Let them hear it often enough and they may start to believe it, or at least not be threatened by it.
Principal Goofball is fighting a losing battle.
Blue Buddha
Yeah, Matthews has veered left again in the past month or so. In the past year or so, he’s been bouncing all over the place between kissing Bush’s ass and bashing him. I think it’s because he’s been hanging out more often with Olbermann lately.
Required reading for David Davis.
Wear two wet suits and a dildo up the rear?
My father is an ENORMOUS homophobe (at least when it comes to gay men… he would probably think lesbians getting it on is hot). He hates them with a passion. I am absolutely certain that if they announced tomorrow that the gays were going to be rounded up and put to death, he’d be OK with that. No joke.
If it weren’t for the fact that he has a violent temper which I didn’t wish to provoke, I’ve long wanted to point out to him that if gay male sex disgusts him so much… he probably shouldn’t spend so much time thinking about it.
Davis went on with his repartee.
I’ve suspected that little slippery amphibian for a while now. He’s not only maybe gay, but green as well. How anti-American can you get.
You can’t. And what they’re doing really pisses me off. It’s bad in the blogsphere, but to spew that crap on television is just too much.
The crap on the NARAL boards is disgusting and now they’re doing this.
These crazies need some backlash of their own. They’ve become that which they fight against and I doubt they’d even see that.
Cognitive Dissonance is a powerful thing.
Grand Moff Texan
Davis needs it in the ass. Now, and real hard.
I couldn’t start it myself, being only a card carrying member of va-jay-jays for America, but given the diaries on the GOS about the disgust with how NARAL was treated and the general disgust with, what I can only conclude, is the femi-nazi wing that supports Clinton and has been doing this shit it my behoove those so upset by these actions to start a counter argument/group of their own and unite…just a thought.
Now they have an organization
Joshua Norton
Teh Stupid – it’s spreading!
What’s really strange is that didn’t Barack endorse and campaign for Leiberman when Lamont was primary-ing against him, and wasn’t Leiberman Obama’s “mentor” as a freshman Senator?
What an asshole Lieberman is.
In his mind, he means. Seriously, the sun comes through the clouds, the water vapor diffracts the light into its constitutent component wavelenghts, and we see a rainbow and think “Hey look! That’s so beautiful! A rainbow!”… and this guys sees the same rainbow and thinks “Hey look! That’s so sick! Faggots sucking each other!”
WTF, indeed.
Goddammit. I clicked on it while at work. I shouldn’t have done it. I wasn’t thinking it through. I shoulda known better. Hell it was from Cleek. I did know better. Having a screen full of confederate flags is bad enough for the co-workers to see, but that AND swimsuit hotties? Hoo boy. No way to explain that that makes me look good.
And oh yes this carpetbagger would bag her on the carpet. In a New York minute.
Bedlam UK
Best way to fix the country / world, take all the ‘safety’ labels off everything and let nature take its course.
Death of the moron Society
‘warning; coffee is hot’
‘warning; wet floor is slippery’
‘warning; rainbows cause gay sex’
There was an SCTV parody of Ben-Hur, which featured two Roman Centurions greeting each other with,
“Hail, Gluteus!”
“Hail, Maximus!”
Does this mean that California is now officially a schwing state?
Does this make him a size anti-queen?
El Doh
He’s said a lot of things that turned out to not be true, so I wouldn’t count that for much.
His position of power is a most compelling argument, though if the Democrats get some spine and take his committee assignments away from him that would reduce his influence.
Don’t see that happening though. Don’t see him being offered VP spot either, so it doesn’t really matter.
If the dems take a few Senate seats so that Leiberman’s vote is no longer the swing vote, I can certainly see him losing his committee assignments, especially with President Obama in the White House applying power to the Senate Leader to castrate his old mentor. Especially after bullshit like this.
“So, how are you going to appease ME, Leiberman?”
The Briscoe Kid
Did you know that snails have both a penis and a vagina. And they’re into S&M. Seriously.
Isabella Rosselini shows us how snails do it in Green P0rno
Leiberman is going to be working out of the Senate broom closet starting in 2009.
As far as the gay marriage affecting the turnout in November, how many people will go to the polls to vote against teh gay that wouldn’t turn out to vote against that colored boy? Seems like there’s a lot of overlap in those constituencies.
How do you engage in legitimate debate with people who think that rainbows make people think of gay sex?
You can’t.
That’s the point.
These people do not want a discussion. Their views are irrational, and a rational action would challenge them. So they remain irrational.
Thus they ignore you if you are rational, and if you ever act irrational, they’ll note how irrational you’re acting.
Thus they refuse to work with you on intelligent, civil grounds, leaving ignoring them, going around them, or irrationality your only choice.
Thus mockery, as noted, is as close as we can get to a rational discussion.
Damn you John Cole! That rainbow snail is making me obsess about mucous-enabled, gay and hermaphroditic (h.t. Briscoe Kid) mollusk sex.
– p.z. meyers
This shit is really making my blood boil. I try to be calm and reasonable whenever possible, but I’m ready to put my foot up the asses of some of these women.
This is the stuff that ticks me off combined with the attacks on NARAL and the general ANYONE WHO DOESN’T SUPPORT HILLARY IS A TRAITOR TO THEIR GENDER! I get ticked about those who say anyone not voting for barrack is racist (though there is evidence given WV of racial factors in exit polls). I don’t believe all Clinton supporters are like this but the fact that these people would pull this is a disgrace.
There was a diary over at the GOS by one saying they would vote for McCain and didn’t care about the Supreme Court because they were past the age to have children. They said they didn’t care about equal pay because they own their own business etc. etc. It was absolutely horrid.
Now that I’ve seen that rainbow snail a few more times, I’m becoming convinced it’s a lesbian. She’s starting to look hot. Nice curves.
why don’t they change the name of the school first?
ponce – a man who is effeminate in his manner and fussy in the way he dresses
oops…ya beat me to it.
(i searched for “ponce “, not “ponce”.)
I’m with you there. I get pissed off about gender identity politics, just as I do about racial. It’s all bullshit! I am seriously thinking about using my new blog with some counter-measure. But I don’t know if I want to. I really have to think about it. I have to be calm and rational and right now I am pissed and rational. lol
Like I said, these people are the very thing they fight against. But that makes sense when you really think about it.
Because rainbows actually make the people you want to debate think of gay sex and they assume that applies to everyone else.
Crazy people can be hard to diagnose because they just figure that everyone hears voices and there’s nothing wrong with them. I think a big hunk of the ‘family values’ crowd is the same way – they’re trying to protect everyone else from the weird shit that they almost exclusively suffer from.
grumpy realist
Methinks the queen doth protesteth too much….
Aaak! One of the uninitiated has discovered the Gay/Judy Garland connection. He must be destroyed.
Jesus Two Stepping Christ. This shit is so stupid you’d have to break it down word by word to give the mocking it deserves. I bet he’s busily cutting California off all of the maps in the school.
protected static
How much time have you spent among church-going blacks? Hell, even many non-church-going blacks… There’s a lot of resistance to gay rights among African Americans, some of it based in religion, some of it in the perception that gays are riding on the coattails of the civil rights movement, some of it in the particular tropes of black masculinity…
That said, there’s a lot of support for gay marriage in CA, and it’s become less of a hot-button issue among many but the most rabid. Toss in Obama’s potential to deliver a large youth turnout where there’s a lot of support for gay rights overall, and it may turn out alright (he says, hoping he’s right).
protected static
(And I’m all in favor of vicious mockery myself, albeit with a slightly different soundtrack… There’s a time and place for rational engagement, and on the other hand there’s this crap. Mockery it is.)
(cue up Thrill Kill Kult’s ‘Sex on the Flag’ cranked to 11)
Rainbows make THEM think of gay sex, because as we’ve seen, an awful lot of these anti-gay types are into kinky gay sex when no-one’s looking.
It’s like a lot of gay people themselves say: if you see gay, if you think gay, you are gay.