This is just so damned awesome I am posting it in a thread of its own.
I could really watch this all night.
*** Update ***
Heh- Monty Python was there first:
by John Cole| 79 Comments
This post is in: Excellent Links, Republican Stupidity
This is just so damned awesome I am posting it in a thread of its own.
I could really watch this all night.
*** Update ***
Heh- Monty Python was there first:
Comments are closed.
[…] Via. […]
Excellent decision. I want to find a way to have this playing on a constant loop in my living room.
If Tweety would do this even once a week, I could bear him. It’s that he does it about once every four months, and in the meantime shits all over everything like cat with diarrhea that drives me up the wall.
I just found out about the chumby today. Pretty sweet, and you could do just that…
I feel you owe John Amato at Crooks and Liars a via on this story. I believe he broke it and I believe he deserves the credit.
Interesting. But I want it ten feet high, like a video screen from “Brave New World.”
Yes, surely it was impossible that the dozens of political junkies that post here (esp. including the site owner) watched and blogged this live.
That’s really what most of us want out of news/interviewers – just call out the bullshitters. That was pretty nicely done by tweety. Stewart does that too, but with less humiliation. Can’t wreck the guest train. Colbert has pretty much ruined getting congressmen on now – other than Eleanor Norton Holmes.
John Cole
LOL. Scroll down, I liveblogged it.
Notorious P.A.T.
Don’t know if anyone has ever posted this here, but what the hell? Let’s pile on.
Why Winston Wouldn’t Stand For W
George W. Bush always wanted to be like a wartime British prime minister. He is. But it’s not the one he had in mind.
By Lynne Olson
Sunday, July 1, 2007; Page B01
President Bush’s favorite role model is, famously, Jesus, but Winston Churchill is close behind. The president admires the wartime British prime minister so much that he keeps what he calls “a stern-looking bust” of Churchill in the Oval Office. “He watches my every move,” Bush jokes. These days, Churchill would probably not care for much of what he sees.
Indeed, the more you understand the historical record, the more the parallels leap out — but they’re between Bush and Chamberlain, not Bush and Churchill.
Like Bush and unlike Churchill, Chamberlain came to office with almost no understanding of foreign affairs or experience in dealing with international leaders. Nonetheless, he was convinced that he alone could bring Hitler and Benito Mussolini to heel. He surrounded himself with like-minded advisers and refused to heed anyone who told him otherwise.
In the months leading up to World War II, Chamberlain and his men saw little need to build up a strong coalition of European allies with which to confront Nazi Germany — ignoring appeals from Churchill and others to fashion a “Grand Alliance” of nations to thwart the threat that Hitler posed to the continent.
And so on, and so on.
Here you go sir, one extra large smacked ass with a side helping of bitch slap.
von Laue
Someone link to the short version. This is as boring as all fuckout.
I see the words Kevin James and an embedded youtube, I expect to see Leah Remini’s rack. This sucks like those fucking UFOs from V when they were stealing Earth’s water, John Cole. Meeeeaah.
My God, that guy is like a live case of the exams I’d get when I used to teach Western Civ.
Hallelujah! Mathews deserves some shit but that definitely scored him points in my column. Wow. If only that happened more often.
I say write to the show and express your approval. It cant hurt. If they see there is ratings in ripping dumbasses to shreds, they might do it more often.
the guy’s pure, distilled, GOP.
While watching this, I was reminded of a post you wrote months ago in response to a David Brooks column on “the death of conservatism.” Excerpts of your dispatch are worth reposting here:
“For starters, people got tired of being associated with these drooling retards. Then, when they realized that these drooling retards had ideological allies running the show in the Bush administration and then began to experience their idiotic policies, they moved from disgusted to outright hostile.
Like me. It had nothing to do with Burke, and everything to do with what the party had become. A bunch of bedwetting, loudmouth, corrupt, hypocritical, and incompetent boobs with a mean streak a mile long and no sense of fair play or proportion…
…That is why the Republican party is in shambles. The majority of us have decided that the movers and shakers in the GOP and the blogospheric right are certified lunatics who, in a decent and sane society, we would have in controlled environments in rocking chairs under shade trees for most of the day, wheeled in at night for tapioca pudding and some karaoke.”
Behold Kevin James, drooling retard.
The Grand Panjandrum
Heh. Stupid must not hurt much, either that or homeboy is a masochist. This guy makes Sean Hannity sound like fucking Einstein.
Dennis - SGMM
Stupidity at that level suggests that his nervous system is not organized enough to feel pain.
Why didn’t they just cut that idiot’s mic?
“Drooling retards” is definitely apt for this asshat.
They were probably laughing too hard.
And seriously, when someone is making that big of an ass out of himself, it would be a crime to stop the show.
Chris Johnson
I said it in the other thread and I’ll repeat- the interesting thing is to see WHAT causes people to reach their breaking point.
With John, it was largely moral issues.
With Tweety, it’s clearly the idea that people are treating him like a not-history-knowing idiot. He might be all for torture and neoconservative empire, but you’re NOT going to tell him that talking to enemies is itself ‘appeasement’. Not him! He knows what happened in 1939!
Well, fair enough then.
I expect this is a tipping point- don’t expect moral outrage from Tweety, but I almost feel sorry for the next clown who tries to manipulate Tweety with historical analogies, and if John is any guide, we can expect to see Tweety re-examining a lot of stuff that seemed to make sense to him at the time. Specifically, he’s going to be re-examining the Bush junta’s behavior against the backdrop of history. It won’t be a pretty sight to Tweety.
Forget waiting for outrage about stuff like torture etc- but Tweety might well surprise us with some totally unexpected bullshit-calling. The only thing I can predict is: it will make Tweety look smart and historically well educated.
Go Tweety- you ARE apparently better educated than our President and government. We’ll get our moral outrage from Olbermann and his kin. Go right ahead and be the historical analogy watchdog all you like, you’ll find plenty to do.
Well that is very refreshing to watch! :) Finally the idiot on the lunitic fringe of the right is treated with the sarcasm and scorn that he deserves. Now if only we could do that with the rest of the MSM and this administration….it’s like dumping a gallon of bleach on a big pile of sh*t.
Nah, when a guy is hanging himself like that, it’s best to just keep feeding him rope. Even Mark Green (a twit unto himself, btw) was trying to intervene and save the poor bastard, but he kept on running towards the cliff’s edge fullspeed ahead.
It was hilarious. And I bet his callers will all call in and tell him how wonderful he was, despite the public humiliation.
Chris Johnson
And they DID cut his mic. Right at the end there when Tweety was signing off. The guy does NOT stop, his mic is cut while he’s still ranting and raving. Predictably…
slippy hussein toad
So, are we learning that Right Wing nutjobs get their talking points in bulletized memos, and don’t actually KNOW WHAT THE FUCK they’re talking about?
i’m gonna use “stupid must not hurt much, or you’re a masochist” the next time i encounter one of these neanderthal right-wing blowhards. it has the double effect of ruthlessly insulting them and leaving them blissfully unaware that you’ve launched at them a verbal petard. brilliant!
Reverend Spooner
This is a win-win for the Republicans.
I can only take a couple of viewings because that clip is the epitome of “Right Wing Noise Machine”. Midway through, I was basically begging Matthews to say “JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!”. It’s a great smackdown, but Kevin James is the proverbial nails on the chalkboard.
Anybody know this guy? Why was an obvious d-lister on with Tweety? Even the a, b and c-listers won’t get Bush’s back anymore? Maybe it has occurred to the hacks that the 28% is so brain-dead they don’t really need to make an effort to defend the administration anymore; just sit around and collect their wingnut welfare.
Bot LaBeer
Wikipedia’s Kevin James page:
James’ Wikipedia page was edited to include this just minutes after the Hardball segment ended – It was scrubbed shortly after that by an anonymous source but has since been restored.
My apologies. I saw this first at work on C&L with a 3:55PM time stamp (and did not see the PDT). Then, after I got home an hour later, I saw it here (timestamps 6:27 and 8:48, no time zone), at TPM (timestamp 6:57PM (and did not see the EDT), and Americablog (timestamp 8:12PM ET). Since I did not see it live (at work), I thought that John Amato had picked this up at ~4, John had youtubed it at ~7 and you and John Aravosis were linking to Josh’s youtube. Seeing the time zones, I now realize that all of you were seeing it live and John just beat you to posting.
I’m sorry, I have to pay more attention to the time zone markings on post time stamps.
Notorious P.A.T.
If they had robbed him of the chance to speak, he would probably have resorted to flinging excrement at the camera.
The Moar You Know
Smart people who come to realize they’ve been used by stupid people can get really unreasonably upset about it.
Bot LaBeer
LOL … Looks like the Wikipedians are fed up with whoever’s been scrubbing the Hardball segment of the page (it’s been scrubbed and restored well over a dozen times since it first appeared). Now editing has been temporarily blocked.
Poor Kevin. It sucks to live in a world where not everyone agrees with historical revisionism.
This is why I need to get back to doing a blog I guess.
This was pretty funny and I was laughing like hell when I watched it just like John. But to me the real question I have sitting here thinking about it is this:
Did Chris Matthews just draw a line in the sand and declare to the morons on the right that Barack Obama simply will not be swift boated?
The Truffle
Mr. James is confused. Here’s a bio of Neville Chamberlain to help him.
Chris Johnson
Well, I also watched him yell at Michelle Malkin for trying her level best to float the ‘Kerry shot himself’ meme without actually coming out and saying it.
Same deal- he saw through the ploy, but then he got REALLY MAD when she wouldn’t drop it.
I don’t think anybody’s going to be swift-boating on Tweety’s show. It obviously pisses him off more than anything. He seems to accept many things if they’re sincerely meant, but he flips right out when you try to manipulate him or use him.
Bot LaBeer
Apparently “swift boating” is passe. Looks like the wingers are going for something more like… “Porch monkeying”.
Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA) via Politico:
Class… It’s their new thing.
Billy K
Good for Matthews, but my questions is, does he (Matthews) realize that this is exactly the level and depth of dialogue that’s been engaged in for the last 8 years? It’s not just this nobody Kevin James pulling this crap.
It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t know anything about Neville Chamberlain or what appeasement is, because IT’S JUST THE SAME AS OBAMA!!! IT’S JUST THE SAME!!! YOU HEARD ME!!! IT’S JUST THE SAME!!!
Bot LaBeer
James is a columnist for This is the picture of Kevin James that accompanies the articles.
Nothing too remarkable about the photo, but the moment of LOL comes when you see the author’s name in the footer of the photo.
The problem with Chris, is he likes to hear himself talk. He also will grasp on to an idea or analogy or something and beat it into the ever living ground. Once you understand and accept that you can watch him every night like I do.
I find him entertaining when you don’t take him so seriously.
Studly Pantload
Matthews is an opportunist, always looking for blood in the water. I’m surprised no one’s bought up his interview on one of the primary nights with the Obama surrogate who touted Obama’s legislative initiatives w/o being able to name a single one. It has nothing to do with Chris supposedly feeling that he’s had one-too-many of right wing Kool Aid drinkers, and everything to do with exploiting a chink in the armour for self glory’s sake.
That said, even if Matthews’ motives weren’t altruistic (from a lefty viewpoint), tonight, the results were still insta-classic.
Martin says:
An ironical exception to that being — Stewart’s filleting of Tweety during Matthews’ recent book tour!
Well you people are going to regret it when Adam Putnam engineers a Gingrichian revolution and returns the House back to the Republicans in 2008!
America is conservative! Look at the redstates maps!
Everyone loves us cause we are strong and manly and have families!
I’m gonna go rub one out the men’s room now.
The Briscoe Kid
Dumbest moment in the whole frakking segment: When Kevin James backed up his argument by citing the execrable Path to 9/11.
This smackdown reminds me of an old bar joke:
A baby seal walks into a club.
My favorite of all time.
Wow, all I wanted to do after watching that was kick Kevin James in the junk. Repeatedly…
My last class in European history was in high school over 20 years ago & I could still tell you what it was the Chamberlain did wrong.
Chuck Butcher
Sure, I’m as gleeful as anybody about the ignoramous James being given the long drop on a short rope, but I didn’t notice the offense taken in regard to the Knesset giving the appeasement line a standing ovation…people you might expect to have a passing familiarity with WWII history.
Or has anybody noticed that of Democratically elected governments the only one that seems more conservative than the US is Israel? Could that explain a standing ovation for pandering stupidity? I don’t mind ignorant stupid people much, except when they are leading things.
Chuck, I don’t think you’re going to find a safer applause line then saying “Hitler Bad!” in the Israeli parliamentary body. Just saying…
Ahhh, what a nice way to cap off the day.
Thank you, Mr. Cole; Mr. Matthews.
(Now there’s a sentence I wouldn’t have expected to cobble together.)
pseudonymous in nc
And there’s a genuine historical debate about whether it was wrong. That’s to say, it was obviously a capitulation and the subsequent conquest of Czechoslovakia was a given, but a war in 1938 rather than 1939, given the comparative state of re-armament, might have put Hitler in London in 1940.
None of this departs from the fact that an animatronic wingnut with a computer-generated script could have done better than Kevin James.
Tony J
Actually, no. Given the condition of the German military and the economy at the time, standing up to Hitler over his demands on Czechoslovakia and forcing him to fight a war to get what he wanted would almost certainly have wrecked the rebuilt Wehrmacht and led to Germany going bankrupt during 1939, followed by a military coup and a German Civil-War in the early 1940s.
Reverend Spooner
Nah, the German generals themselves said they couldn’t have broken through the Czech defenses of the Sudetenland. Meanwhile, Britain and France would be threatening Germany to the west, and sooner or later might’ve even invaded the Rhineland.
I wish to thank you for the most amusing few minutes of a moron digging a hole deeper and deeper. Oh, and then deeper.
Reality far outweighs fiction.
Oh my freaking God, why didn’t they just cut his mic? That guy is absolutely beyond obnoxious. I really, really hope that that’s just his radio shtick and he’s not like that in real life. If he is, it’s a wonder he hasn’t been beaten to a pulp by this point.
“There’s a difference between talking to somebody and appeasing them”. Matthews actually gets that (although, being Matthews, I think he can just tell which way the wind is blowing and is starting to trim his sails accordingly.)
Or has anyone noticed that of Democratically elected governments the only two that are actively involved in occupying the territory of a foreign people and systematically depriving said people of basic human rights are the US and Israel?
What, are you kidding? We got us a coalition of the willing! Kazakhstan’s holding the Iraqis down!
Kevin James' Left Testicle
Shut up, you appeasers!
The political right-wing whack-jobs, like the religious right-wing whack-jobs, over and over again prove that the less you know about the genuine factual history and context of what you babble and preach about, the louder and longer you go on about it. Facts dilute the ideological goal and power of the message.
Tweety earned points toward redeeming himself, but he has a long way to go. I’d love to have heard some of the political conversations he and Olbermann have had.
That guy is so stupid he doesn’t know what the word “do” is. Not only did he sleep though history classes he likely slept through English/Reading classes as well.
kate r
I dunno. I don’t see the brilliance…I flash on the Daily Show’s Douche-off.
Hey, look! Matthews again?
They’re both bellowing the same thing over and over.
kate r
Oh, wait. I finally held my nose and watched it all the way to the end and I take it all back. Once they sort themselves out a bit, there’re some great CM zingers. “It’s giving away things to the enemy. Not talking to the enemy” is worth the wait. Okay, Chris. I’m sorry I didn’t get past the snorting and bellowing.
Of course it is his show, so CM could dump Kevin, get in that last word. Infuriating when O’Reilly and Limbaugh do it ..(but for some reason didn’t bother me so much here. Huh.)
b. hussein canuckistani
Awesome. It was like the Marshall Mcluhan scene in Annie Hall, only real.
The clip is awesome and James is a complete moron. Unfortunately, there are masses of people out there just as stupid as he is who believe that James (and Bush) are right.
Inigo Montoya
You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.
Matthews did get something sort of wrong.
The USS Cole bombing was actually at the tail end of Clinton (Oct 12 2k). It should have been BUSH that followed up on the bombing. As others have documented, Bush competely ignored the warnings from Clinton about AQ.
Would a land-for-peace deal with Hammas be the same as what Chamberlain did?
Just asking.
He should also have pointed out that Clinton did send missiles after al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and bombed some buildings in Africa. So he didn’t “do nothing” as James was screaming.
Douglas Watts
“No” would be the short answer.
Thanks for playing.
Clinton also arrested, prosecuted and convicted for life those involved in the first WTC attack. Also executed Tim McVeigh for OK City.
yet another jeff
Hitler Bad, Olive Tree pretty.
Anyone remember April Glaspie, US ambassador to Iraq before Iraq invaded Kuwait, and her meetings with Saddam Hussein?
But isn’t McVeigh a wingnut taken to extreme in action? I’m sure many of the “drown da federal guvmint in the bathtub” types secretly admire McVeigh & think of Clinton as traitor to his race for allowing him to be executed.
Also, regarding Chamberlein, whatever woulda/coulda/shoulda happened, I think it is wrong for one nation to tell another sovereign nation to give up half it’s territory even if the ploy would have been successful in appeasing Hitler. It’s the British Empire paternal colonialism attitude that still linger in our own body politic to this day. It was an immoral & illegal action that didn’t even achieve the desired end.
Hadn’t watched that Hardball clip until now. That’s funny. It’s like watching Morans Guy come to life in video and audio form.
You know, I’d like to see a video of this guy and other patriot warriors like him doing the side straddle hop. Have a feeling it’d look like another vid I’ve seen on this blog.
mere mortal
It was, indeed quite a smackdown, and Matthews followed it up this evening by making the number of times the clown couldn’t answer his “big number” or whatever, at 24.
What go lost in the volume of cable television was Matthews’ point in all of it. It wasn’t to embarrass a guy who didn’t understand the terminology and history of his polemic, it was to note that the WWII analogy was inapt. Appeasement is not tolerating your opponents or talking to your enemies, WWII appeasement was ceding sovereign states to an expansionist militarized power in hopes that they will be satisfied.
Though watching one of the thousand Republican yapping heads who churn the cable TV shows with their three sentence talking points yelled over and over getting the crap beaten out of him was really fun.