Karl Rove- The GOP Must Stand For Something:
Why is it tough sledding for Republicans? Public revulsion at GOP scandals was a large factor in the party’s 2006 congressional defeat. Some brand damage remains, as does the downward pull of the president’s approval ratings. But the principal elements are the Iraq war and a struggling economy.
That is just it, Uncle Karl- the GOP does in fact stand for things. It stands for the Iraq war, it stands for $126 dollar a barrel oil, it stands for $4 a gallon gasoline, it stands for bloated budgets and huge deficits and diddling pages and secret detention and opposition to stem cell research and hostility to homosexuality and torture and domestic surveillance and permanent war and the Bankruptcy Bill and Terri Schiavo and the Prescription Drug Plan and the failed response to Katrina and blocking SCHIP and the breakdown of the military and and Global Warming denial and Guantanamo Bay and torture and the AG scandal and, most of all, it stands for partisan name-calling while the country is flushed down the drain.
See- you all stand for lots of things.
Have fun in November (but don’t worry- you almost have the party whittled down to the “true” conservatives).
“Some brand damage remains”. Fascinating. And in other understatement news, “the war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage”.
You make it sound like these are bad things.
…and mendacity, and neo-McCartyism, and jingoism, and warmongering, and hypocritical religiosity. and for the past 8 years, it’s stood by and for George W Bush.
hope ya choke on ‘im, ya buncha fuuggin dooshbagz
The GOP does stand for something; it stands for hovering above your face, giving you a hot carl for eternity.
An AMERICAN hot carl.
People with country club memberships? People who ‘winter’ in the Med?
I think John has well summarized the legacy of the current GOP.
Fortunately, the party has nominated Mister Magoo, who has dedicated himself to carrying forward these lofty ideas and principles into the next term. The stampede of voters away from this pathetic figure may kill a few people who get trampled on, but in the end it will give us an all new all Democrat government next year.
Oh shit.
Then we have to start the party death watch all over again with a new party. Nothing destroys our parties faster than power.
I think that means the assholes who are impressed by Bush’s lie about having given up golf to “honor” the troops’ sacrifices.
Helena Montana
“(but don’t worry- you almost have the party whittled down to the “true” conservatives).”
Pretty soon we’ll be able to drown the right wing in the kitchen sink, forget about the bathtub.
Dennis - SGMM
A quick OT: my local NPR station is saying that the California State Supreme Court has just overturned the state’s gay marriage ban. No details yet.
Jay B.
they also stand for double standards, hypocrisy and the right to be a closet case who votes against gay rights. Don’t forget that!
So the R’s spent $3 million, 42% of their cash on hand, to lose 3 of the reddest districts in the country. The U.S. government, heard on NPR the other day, is giving China a whole half a million dollars for earthquake relief.
Let’s get a petition going for the R’s to send the other 58% of their cash on hand to China. After all, the Chinese actually could use it to dig themselves out from under the rubble.
This is snarky and serious at the same time.
Beth in VA
“most of all, it stands for partisan name-calling while the country is flushed down the drain.”
–yeah! Here it gets personal.
Signed, Beth aka “appeaser”, “surrender monkey”, “unpatriotic traitor”
what’s a “hot carl” ?
Don’t forget the womb. The GOP will never betray its incessant desire for government control of the womb.
nevermind…just checked the Google. Yum.
b. hussein canuckistani
What’s wrong with a toilet?
It’s up at ABC now.
Well said John. And Karl Rove wondering what happened to the Republican Brand is like a turd saying “Dude, what stinks in here?”
Details here.
Take your separate but equal and shove it!
Dennis - SGMM
Thanks, Doonhammer and jake. This is just plain good news.
Yikes. I understand that listening to Karl can get your blood up, but he’s just a propagandist, nothing more. Sort of a fat Hugh Hewitt.
BTW, you mentioned torture twice.
John Cole
It pisses me off.
BTW, you mentioned torture twice.
That is a mistake – it should be mentioned at least five times.
One of the best things to happen to American politics is that the cult of genius has been stripped away from Rove and the Clintons. A living myth had grown up around those three that they were soooooo much smarter than everyone else and that their actions defined how to play politics at the highest level. But now we can see that they have no secret insight into how to win elections or anything like that.
John Cole
Great, it is Gavin Newsome all ovcer again. Now we get to listen to wingnuts scream “activist judges” and gay-bash from now until November.
Kill me now.
This, at least, I’m not too inclined to complain about. It makes whoever’s in charge look bad, sure, and the GOP definitely didn’t intend to get the blame for it, but it seems inevitable sooner or later and may be good in the long run.
Sadly No! gives us Bush’s Legacy.
Great. Now it’s Massachusetts and California.
Interestingly, the Washington State Supreme Court upheld our Defense of Marriage Act just a few months ago (to my considerable surprise, as I’d expected it to go down). Maybe next session.
Up yours with your separate but equal!
Quick Lurk
Jake: “And Karl Rove wondering what happened to the Republican Brand is like a turd saying “Dude, what stinks in here?”
Now THAT’s funny!
It only gets them aroused.
Guess I’ll be busy this summer, trying to get everyone I know or can talk to to vote that awful amendment down.
Honestly, if they want to “protect” marriage, then that freaking bill should eliminate no-fault divorces.
I’m thrilled and scared that we are getting full rights finally. :-))
Scott H
That sad sod, Rove but it counts for them all, can’t even frame an idea in terms of principle or morality or ethics or dignity – it’s “brand damage.”
Awww. Does the good news harsh your mellow?
Look, if you think the Brown Squirts will shut up in November of this year or the next year or the next five thousand Novembers after that, please detach from the outside world now.
Unless you’ll find the wailing and gnashing of teeth because there is a black man in the White House less annoying than ZOMG, CIVILIZATION WILL END!
Personally, I’d rather have them freaking out because of something positive than the general outing of freak we get because somewhere on the planet a not st8 person is alive and not completely miserable.
Except that 6 out of 7 of the justices were Republican appointments. Undercuts that argument somewhat.
Dennis - SGMM
Rove clearly assumes that campaigning on issues like gay marriage, gun control and abortion will once again distract voters from the fact that they’re struggling to afford gas, groceries or their mortgage payments. And there’s nothing like reasserting conservative principles to get people over having to tell their kids that they can’t afford to send them to college. It’s going to be a great year for Republicans.
Considering that, does anyone actually believe our current leadership (Texas Oil Men) care one iota about drilling for more oil or building more refineries? Conservatives are fools to believe the Dems are the sole reason we get neither. Yet somehow, to blame the Dems makes Limbaugh look insightful.
dj spellchecka
i think that part of what caused the “brand damage” is the realization that the gop doesn’t have popular ideas [or solutions]about energy, health care, the economy, the environment, iraq or anything else.
Don’t forget Poland!
Looks like you hit most of the high points. Of course there are numerous smaller ones like self-righteously pushing Abstinence Now! on one hand while the other is feverishly dialing their favorite gay/straight/?? hooker. But yours is a good list worth repeating.
And it’ll work. Getting people to believe their world is being taken away isn’t too hard. Add to that that the opposition is running a ‘beneficiary’ of liberal affirmative action policies and away we go. Barack Obama, a half white, half black child of unmarried liberals from the sixites is the future the southern strategy was afraid of. Monocles are crashing to the ground as southern gentleman reel in horror.
But it’s just what we can expect from an administration who compared going to war as rolling out a new product.
Fair enough, can’t blame you one bit. Just mentioning for stylistic purposes.
as someone who grew up under Reagan and Bush I, and wondering where the hell the Democrats were i read about, like FDR and Truman, this is shaping up to be the single most rewarding election in my lifetime.
if what i think is gonna happen happens, it’ll simply never get better than this–a total D takeover, perfectly timed so history can record this country utterly rejected George W. Bush.
Ahh, that’s the good stuff.
Quite frankly, I thought that Al Gore winning the 2000 election was proof enough. And yet the inexplicable 2004 results show that most of America was either smoking a bong packed with crack and salvia or they really, really, really like torture.
But yes, you’re right, it’ll still be fun to watch the Republicans weep for all of 30 seconds before the MSM-aided bullshit blitzkrieg, a la Bill Clinton, is unleashed…
Ed Drone
There are some things a toilet just won’t put up with.
I know this has been said before but I have to say it again, there’s no competing with the fervor and dedication of a convert. John is going to end up making the rest of us look conservative if this anti-republican party wrath stays alive for a couple more years.
I love it.
Bill Arnold
Many kitchen sinks have garbage disposers. Many kitchens have big knives to cut stuff up so that it fits down the garbage disposer. It’s the only way to be sure.
Fafblog is back. Dare we hope for Billmon’s return also?
J. Michael Neal
Look, don’t blame Darren McCarty for all of this. He’s a fourth line wing only playing because Franzen is hurt. Besides, he’s Canadian.
J. Michael Neal
We have to buy oil over there, so that they don’t buy oil over here.