It looked like this (actual response here):
You better bring some better game than “hysterical diatribe,” McCainiacs.
by John Cole| 36 Comments
This post is in: Election 2008, Humorous, Movies, Assholes, General Stupidity
It looked like this (actual response here):
You better bring some better game than “hysterical diatribe,” McCainiacs.
Comments are closed.
Dance like a butterfly while speechifying and sting like a scorpion.
i love how there are no shortage of pundits (on MSNBC, at least) saying “I think Obama has over played this” or “This might be a mistake on his part” or some variation thereof.
everyone is always so quick to guess that Obama is going to make some horrific gaffe that will END IT ALL.
my god, the guy has pulled off an amazing upset, one that no one would’ve bet on a year ago–he over-raised, out-thought, and out-maneuvered the most famous brand-name in democratic politics, and now he’s facing the most reviled president in fifty years, and yet, in the eyes of so-called experts, somehow he’s always on the precipice of f**king it all up.
Can you smell what Barack is cooking?
Do you get the feeling, as Sully has said a few times, that the GOP has no idea what’s about to hit them?
Obama basically just did “The Dozens” on McCain and Bush, and they’re too fucking stupid to realize it.
When it comes to rhetoric, Obama is bringing a cannon while McCain is brandishing a 2 inch folding knife.
Everytime Bush/McCain opens their mouths, Obama is going to come back with a version of …
“What did you say Motherfucker? Sit your punk ass down and shut the fuck up until I say you can. Because you haven’t proven that you the balls, smarts, or facts to speak the truth. Got it, Bitch?”
No, no, no! Barack! You’re doing it wrong! You’re supposed to do what Paul Begala and James Carville say — cede the ground on national security and stick to just the economy!
And go duck hunting! Barack Obama must don some neon orange hunting clothes and go hunting in the appalachian mountains! Vague political theatrics are the only way to close the immense toughness gap the DLC says we have with Republicans.
Forget that. They’ve declared his campaign dead done-for kaput on at least four separate occasions.
1) Early on, before Iowa, when Clinton had an “insurmountable” lead in all the polls.
2) Jeremiah Wright v 1.0
3) “Bitter”-gate
4) Jeremiah Wright v 2.0
There’s probably more I’ve forgotten. Let’s just say that there’s no shortage of MSM hyperbole when it comes to this guy.
Should Know Better
Ok, that photo is hawt.
Divisive Issues not included
Oh yes, let the repukes try and run away from their base by not throwing out red meat. Let them try and say “We’ll help your pocketbook” when everyone knows they fucked it up in the first place.
Channelling Samuel L. Jackson even
And here you Have the Huckster in KY addressing the NRA making jokes about Obama ducking because someone had pointed a gun at him and KKKarl trying to pull his usual bullshit.
They are so in for it and I cannot wait. “Bring it On” indeed.
I have a feeling that this is going to be the story of the weekend, and beyond.
Sorry, the link button is not working right now, so …
While I’m not going to go so far as to call it an easy victory, I will say that these next few months will be FUN! I hope November is equally enjoyable.
Oh it’s interesting to see the response on Hillary leaning sites. MyDD has a recommended diary (written by some guy with lots of Z’s in his nick) and a front pager praising it. The objections are from people who are making it obvious that they’re Republicans. Talk Left? They don’t seem to be very interested in it.
How does Clinton get any traction though when McCain, Bush, and Obama are all talking to each other directly and no one seems to care about her?
Robert Sneddon
In his speech, Senator Obama repeated a signature phrase that I’m sure you’re going hear again and again from him in the next six months:
“George Bush and John McCain”.
Boat anchor politics. Come November it’s going to be nothing but bubbles from the Navy guy.
I’m smelling blood on the water, ladies and gents. It’s going to be a democratic feeding frenzy on helpless GOP meat.
Another observation is that Clinton is completely being pushed out of the news with this three way spitting match. I haven’t thought about Clinton in two days!
Fe E
I live for the times when Barack drops the people’s elbow on these clowns!
I love the look on Steve Buscemi’s face at the end of that scene.
For the love of gawd, keep the DLC capitulators away from Obama’s general campaign. You know, the one’s who piss their pants in fear whenever the repubs get up in arms about something our side has said.
As for the media: You incompetent punditards aren’t happy unless Democrats are bent over taking it up the wazoo from the Republicans, so shut the fuck up. All of your predictions for this primary have proven spectacularly wrong so people should listen to you, why again? If there were any standards in “journalism” you’d all be out on your collective asses.
I suppose witnessing a Democrat with an actual spine is probably causing some cognitive dissonance for the media. I can understand that, I’m shocked (and very, very pleased) myself.
I find it very interesting that Senator Clinton has stayed out of this so far. At least two possibilities occur to me:
1. Senator Clinton is beginning to reconcile herself to the idea that Obama will be the nominee, and is letting him assert himself prominently on the national stage.
2. Senator Clinton figures that anything that the GOP does to attempt to topple Obama helps her chances to snag the nomination.
Either way, it is decidedly odd that Team Clinton has yielded media attention to Obama.
yet another jeff
That’s because Hillary has the Whitey tape and she’s going public on Monday.
For such a skinny effette city boy, he sure kicks ass and will suckerpunch these neoclown fools. I only wish that Kerry had been this good. Never mess with Chicago.
This is my favorite movie clip EVAH! “…stick it up your ass and pull the trigger until it goes click.”
The best.
Hell yeah, it’s The Dude!
One of my favorite lines of dialogue in movie history.
The Grand Panjandrum
The Dude abides. Fucking, EPIC. This might be the funniest and most appropriate cultlural reference yet this campaign season. Fine work, my man. Fine work indeed.
w vincentz
Fine work, yes!
I’m changing his name from MUP to Barack-attack-back, or Obama-the-slammah.
Where’s Hill-the-shrill lately?
She spoke out against Bush and defended Obama yesterday. Don’t have the link, but I believe it’s discussed at TPM. She appears to be working on the party unity thing now, so let’s let up on her and focus on the real opponents.
The Washington Post once did an entire story on how much Bush loves his Oval Office rug. Though I don’t think he was actually quoted as saying, “It really ties the room together.”
yet another jeff
And THAT is where I thought cleek’s nick came from…”pull the trigger until it goes cleek”
MyDD shows signs of walking back from the edge. TalkLeft is a write-off.
MyDD shows signs of walking back from the edge. TalkLeft is a write-off.
Check out NO QUARTER. Complete insanity.
Rick Taylor
She did speak up, something I was glad to see.
Blue Raven
Now, that’s the Hillary Clinton I would’ve been happy to vote for. Good to know she’s still there.
maxbaer (not the original)
Love the photo, Jake. Can we go with this as a theme song and just substitute Obama where necessary?
zoe from pittsburgh
CNN and MSNBC were all atwitter over Obama’s speech today– they showed it live and then kept playing key parts all day. Then they had nonstop commentary with almost everyone praising it, acting sort of surprised that this kind of thing was coming from a Dem.
Personally, I was completely and totally floored. A democrat talking fiercely about foreign policy? A democrat responding to insane assertions about a mysterious “some” who are just like Nazi-appeasers? A democrat taking a story that would usually put them on wobbly defense turning it around into an aggressive offensive??? A democrat calling Bush and the republicans LIARS?????
This is not my Democratic Party. If this is a dream please don’t wake me up.
A couple of touches I liked:
Almost the very first thing he said was about Bush and McCain’s comments being “divisive” and “politics as usual”. So in the first sentence, he ties the whole thing back to his campaign theme.
Secondly, he whacked in a reference to the “100 years in Iraq” policy,
Thirdly, he referred to McCain “embracing” the Iraq policy. That’s the word to use – if they can get someone behind him with the picture of McCain hugging Bush, even better.
Looked like he hit every single point clearly and hard.
FLOAT LIKE A FLOUNDER STINK LIKE A SKUNK i dont care for OBAMA he is a ultra-liberal demacrook who wants the NAU and like the rest of those in WASHINGTON D.C.(DISTRICT of CRINIMALS)