Wow, when you really have absolutely nothing, this is the shit they’re forced to run back to. No, they can’t find anything to slam the man for, so they pile on the ole’ lady.
Fucking scumbags.
It’s a quiet Friday. Surely there’s some stoopid goin’ on…
Depends. Is Dubya sleeping in this morning?
Wait until he wakes up and gets his cup of coffee. Then we’ll see some serious Grade-A stoopid.
Wow, when you really have absolutely nothing, this is the shit they’re forced to run back to. No, they can’t find anything to slam the man for, so they pile on the ole’ lady.
Imagine if Michelle’s last name were Cheney? Several Tennessee pols would be getting a good old Gitmo style face-drowning in someone’s undisclosed location about now.
The Bush administration is on the verge of implementing new air quality rules that will make it easier to build power plants near national parks and wilderness areas, according to rank-and-file agency scientists and park managers who oppose the plan…
The administration has been systematically chipping away at air quality regulations in our national parks since 2003. What the Republicans can’t fuck up through greed, hubris, and ineptitude they fuck up deliberately.
Interesting reading Greenwald et al regarding the Cal Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision.
This is the big question to me. The logic behind the decision is that you can’t exclude marriage from same-sex couples as a group. It would be like saying people from different “races” can’t marry.
However, there’s a proposition which will probably be on the ballot in the fall (a constitutional amendment) that would ban same-sex marriages. If the Cal state constitution promises equal protection and the amendment on its face is discriminatory, how can it survive judicial review? Wouldn’t the section of the state constitution that guarantees equal protection have to be changed? And can it be changed without violating the U.S. constitution? Can you have a constitution which specirically violates equal protection?
Maybe these are all naive questions which will be answered shortly and brutally. It just strikes me that when people start amending the constitutions in order to treat people unequally that the end of law in America is at hand.
ThinkProgress notes a passage from John McCain’s speech today in which McCain warns of the dangers of appeasement:
Yes, there have been appeasers in the past, and the president is exactly right, and one of them is Neville Chamberlain. I believe that it’s not an accident that our hostages came home from Iran when President Reagan was president of the United States. He didn’t sit down in a negotiation with the religious extremists in Iran, he made it very clear that those hostages were coming home.
Think Progress proceeds to fail history 101:
McCain’s praise of Ronald Reagan is wholly misplaced. To recap, during the Iran-Contra affair in the 1980s, hostages were not released because of Iran’s fear of Reagan, as McCain suggested. In reality, Iran released them after Reagan administration officials infamously sold arms to the country, which were transfered to Ayatollah Khomeini. As a result, 11 Reagan officials were convicted of crimes.
Uh, Red State? Did you ever stop to consider that they were talking about AP reporter Terry Anderson, Anglican envoy Terry Waite, a Marine Colonel and a CIA station chief, among others, who were all hostages in Lebanon when Reagan negotiated with the Iranians for their release, going as far as to violate federal law to transfer weapons to secure their release? No? Didn’t think so. So ignorant. So douchy. I am ashamed to be related to the Regnery’s by marrage.
peach flavored shampoo
Imagine if Michelle’s last name were Cheney?
That would be really weird, since she’s wedded to a man who’s last name is Obama (Osama?).
“(The ruling) is not the way a democracy is supposed to handle these sorts of heartfelt, divisive issues,” said Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage, one of the groups helping to underwrite the gay marriage ban campaign. “I do think it will activate and energize Californians. I’m more confident than ever that we will be able to pass this amendment come November.”
Tyranny of the majority is the greatest inherent threat to democracy. If the majority can “vote” to restrict equal access to the civil law there is no reason for the minority to participate in the system.
Basic civics folks.
Joe Klein is a reliable source of stupid. You can always count on him when the chips are down.
Josh E.
Just go to Instapundit whenever your stores of teh stupid run low.
Check out the following link to a Tennessee GOP ad attacking Michelle Obama here.
The ad focuses on Michelle O’s comment about being proud about America for the first time and then asks “ordinary Americans” about what makes them proud about America. The first guy interviewed is proud every time he jerks off on looks at the American flag. It gets better from there.
I love these Republicans. Under their rule, gas has gone up to $4 a gallon, house prices have collapsed and Americans are fucking hording rice. Pretty soon we’re all going to be wearing barrels on suspender straps and this is the best they can come up with by way of answers.
However, there’s a proposition which will probably be on the ballot in the fall (a constitutional amendment) that would ban same-sex marriages. If the Cal state constitution promises equal protection and the amendment on its face is discriminatory, how can it survive judicial review? Wouldn’t the section of the state constitution that guarantees equal protection have to be changed? And can it be changed without violating the U.S. constitution? Can you have a constitution which specirically violates equal protection?
If a state constitution violates the federal constitution, the federal wins. That much is clear. However, if an amendment to the state constitution “violates” itself, I think you’re really just looking at a rewriting of the original legislation. So, in short, you are stripping equal protection from the state constitution in this particular instance. It would be like the repeal of prohibition amendment.
That said, I don’t remember if any DOMA laws got passed at the federal level. And its already been determined that equal protection doesn’t involve sexual orientation. You can, for instance, discriminate in hiring practices or wages or promotions based on the sexual orientation of your employees. So there’s not much in federal law that defends same sex unions.
Decided FenceSitter
If the Cal state constitution promises equal protection and the amendment on its face is discriminatory, how can it survive judicial review? Wouldn’t the section of the state constitution that guarantees equal protection have to be changed? And can it be changed without violating the U.S. constitution? Can you have a constitution which specifically violates equal protection?
IANAL but I’ve spent enough time around them, which sort of judicial review? If you are talking SC judicial review, and they amend the state constitution then the law has changed. This amendment CHANGES that equal protect to specifically exclude gay marriage (perhaps not de jure, but de facto that’s what it does).
And as far as a national review, well we’d need an equal protection that recognizes sexual orientation as a class description that is need of protection – and there is no equal protection amendment, there is the 15th Amendment which states, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” However, who you like to fuck is not in there. And considering the current court make-up they would either not take the case, or rule against those who want same-sex marriage.
Pretty soon we’re all going to be importing wearing barrels on suspender straps to wear and this is the best they can come up with by way of answers.
The first guy interviewed is proud every time he looks at the American flag. It gets better from there.
This is how the Republicans have built their brand since Reagan – making people Proud To Be American™ through either empty jingoism or openly damaging crap like aggressive wars. Carter had the nerve to say America Isn’t Great™ because we should be driving 55mph and wearing sweaters indoors, plus he didn’t nuke Iran.
So, not much has changed, I guess.
If the Cal state constitution promises equal protection and the amendment on its face is discriminatory, how can it survive judicial review?
IANAGoodL but a constitutional amendment changes the constitution. So there isn’t judicial review as to whether or not the constitution is constitutional, if that makes any sense.
As has been otherwise said, federal law trumps state law, U.S. Constitution trumps state constitution, but I wouldn’t expect much action from the current USSC. That said, any consitutional amendment to that effect in California seems to me to be quite unlikely to pass, doesn’t it?
dj spellchecka
off topic, but the new york times has updated information on the spygate story john has been following…
Maybe it’s just me, but can any of the neocon sites speak in an active voice? It’s gotten to the point where I scream and scare my kids and wife. Who aren’t even home.
The comments at Red State are hilarious. Their defense of the post seems to be “Well, yeah, Reagan did negotiate with Iran to get the second batch of hostages released, but McCain is specifically talking about the first release just after Reagan took office. So, ipsie dixie, McCain is right, Reagan didn’t negotiate with terrorists.”
I was planning on saving this, but, damn.
Umm, if you gotta smell his dick hasn’t he already played you for a fool?
But damned funny!!!
I was planning on saving this, but, damn.
How could I not?
Jeezus, the comments is just full of people talking smack. That said, that’s one crazy video.
BTW Obama fires back at the Tennessee Republican Party essentially calling them cowards for not being able to challenge him but instead reduced to attacking his family. What a bunch of tools. It’s not the time they’ve sunk so low. I hope feverently that fine whisky sippin folks of Tennesee repuidate these fucks.
can any of the neocon sites speak in an active voice?
Colin Powell referred to Rumsfeld’s style of speaking as “third person passive once removed.”
Wow bago, ain’t that somethin’ else. He’s toast, of course…
There’s a religious right group asking the CA Supreme Court to postpone the enactment of the same-sex marriage ruling until after the November election (when people have a chance to vote on the referendum overruling it).
This is a big deal. Looking at the Canadian experience with same-sex marriage, it made a huge difference that by the time the government got around to trying to do something to roll back the decision, there had already been hundreds of same-sex couples legally married because the court decision had immediate implementation. Many of the fence-sitters who might have been okay with continuing to prohibit marriage for couples who never were allowed to marry in the first place just in case of unintended consequences felt very differently about actually taking away marriage from people who had been legally married for months or years, where the consequences for those couples were obvious and real. The eventual Conservative government tried a sort of middle way where new same-sex marriages would be prohibited but existing ones would be allowed to stand (prompting more than a few “political shotgun marriages” by people trying to get one before they went away), but that was so logically incoherent that the effort dwindled away into ignominious defeat.
The best way to kill the CA referendum this November is for voters to be presented with the stark reality that voting for it would annul the happy (and probably photogenic) marriages of hundreds or even thousands of their fellow citizens. The ADF certainly know this, which is why they’re trying as hard as they can to make sure that no such marriages happen between now and Election Day.
this is good news : the mother who was involved in the MySpace hoax that led to a teenage girl’s suicide has been indicted.
NickM Says:
Check out the following link to a Tennessee GOP ad attacking Michelle Obama here.
The ad focuses on Michelle O’s comment about being proud about America for the first time and then asks “ordinary Americans” about what makes them proud about America. The first guy interviewed is proud every time he jerks off on looks at the American flag. It gets better from there.
I love these Republicans. Under their rule, gas has gone up to $4 a gallon, house prices have collapsed and Americans are fucking hording rice. Pretty soon we’re all going to be wearing barrels on suspender straps and this is the best they can come up with by way of answers.
There was some st00pid in the comment thread there that I spoke some truth to. I’m a pretty soft-spoken guy, but I am so sick of these so-called Democrats who “will vote for McCain if Clinton (Obama) isn’t the nominee”. Hold your damn nose while you vote and just fucking DEAL.
The ADF certainly know this, which is why they’re trying as hard as they can to make sure that no such marriages happen between now and Election Day.
plus, having that on the ballot will give the crazies another reason to come out and vote R.
negotiate with ‘em? he sold ‘em weapons!
You damn right he did. He’s the direct cause of most of the shit that’s gone on here. Weapons to Afghanistan, that theater got us well trained future terrorists. Weapons to Iran. He probablyfucking sold weapons to groups in Africa. I don’t who the fuck was telling him to do this. The U.S. was the biggest seller of arms in the world. The world is fucked up because of the running of guns by our friends in the Reagan administration.
It’s one of my primary reasons I don’t vote republican nationally. Everytime we do, some jack ass from the Reagan administration is in charge. Everybody in that administration should be considered poison. Of course, chimpy has gotten the union of reagan and nixon folks all in one kettle. It’s no wonder this country is in the pits.
dj spellchecka
orogeny Says:
The comments at Red State are hilarious. Their defense of the post seems to be “Well, yeah, Reagan did negotiate with Iran to get the second batch of hostages released, but McCain is specifically talking about the first release just after Reagan took office. So, ipsie dixie, McCain is right, Reagan didn’t negotiate with terrorists.”
well if mccain was talking about the first set of hostages, the ones taken during the carter years, let’s not forget to discuss the october surprise….
The October Surprise was a plot where representatives of the 1980 Ronald Reagan presidential campaign conspired with Islamic Republic of Iran to delay the release of 52 Americans held hostage in Tehran until after the 1980 U.S. Presidential election. In exchange for their cooperation, the United States would supply weapons to Iran as well as unfreeze Iran’s monetary assets being held by the US government.
Jimmy Carter had been attempting to deal with the Iran hostage crisis and the hostile regime of the Ayatollah Khomeini for nearly a year. Those who say that a deal was made point out that certain Republicans with CIA connections, including George H. W. Bush, arranged to have the hostages held through October, until Reagan could defeat Carter in early November, and then be released, thereby preventing an “October surprise” from the Carter administration in which the hostages would be released shortly before the election. The hostages were released the day of Reagan’s inauguration, twenty minutes after his inaugural address.
there was an ongoing debate for over a decade over this actually happened or not. congressional investigations said no, three different books, all entitled “october Surprise,” said yes.
peach flavored shampoo
I hope feverently that fine whisky sippin folks of Tennesee repuidate these fucks.
Me likely your tone, but methinks that if percentages of this happening could mathematically actually go negative, they would here.
Aside from Memphis and Knoxville, that state is quite racist. And xenophobic. And anti….fill in the blank.
If the Cal state constitution promises equal protection and the amendment on its face is discriminatory, how can it survive judicial review? Wouldn’t the section of the state constitution that guarantees equal protection have to be changed? And can it be changed without violating the U.S. constitution? Can you have a constitution which specifically violates equal protection?
IANAL but I’ve spent enough time around them, which sort of judicial review? If you are talking SC judicial review, and they amend the state constitution then the law has changed. This amendment CHANGES that equal protect to specifically exclude gay marriage (perhaps not de jure, but de facto that’s what it does).
And as far as a national review, well we’d need an equal protection that recognizes sexual orientation as a class description that is need of protection – and there is no equal protection amendment, there is the 15th Amendment which states, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” However, who you like to fuck is not in there. And considering the current court make-up they would either not take the case, or rule against those who want same-sex marriage.
Alternatively, a future US Supreme Court could follow the compelling logic of this California court decision, which in turn looked to the 1948 case, Perez v Sharp, in which the right to interracial marriage was upheld.
Here the court did not create special classes of people who needed protection. Rather, it asserted that all citizens had a fundamental right to marry, and that it was up to the state to demonstrate that there was some greatly compelling reason to deny that right to any particular group of citizens.
The due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects an area of personal liberty not yet wholly delimited. “While this Court has not attempted to define with exactness the liberty thus guaranteed, the term has received much consideration and some of the included things have been definitely stated. Without doubt, it denotes not merely freedom from bodily restraint, but also the right of the individual to contract, to engage in any of the common occupations of life, to acquire useful knowledge, to marry, establish a home and bring up children, to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience, and, generally, to enjoy those privileges long recognized at common law as essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.” … Marriage is thus something more than a civil contract subject to regulation by the state; it is a fundamental right of free men. There can be no prohibition of marriage except for an important social objective and by reasonable means.
The great weakness of many conservative opponents of gay marriage is that they falsely claim that gays are asking for “special rights.” The great weakness of some supposedly progressive defenses of gay marriage is that they waste time trying to catalog groups or “communities” which need protection, instead of simply asserting that gays are citizens and inherently have the same rights as everybody else.
Me likely your tone, but methinks that if percentages of this happening could mathematically actually go negative, they would here.
I’m under no illusions about Tennessee. Some people just can’t seem to get over certain things. It’s sad. They’ll be two generations behind the rest of us.
If they can’t adapt, fuck em. Maybe we’ll drop their number of delegate representing them down to further marginalize them. heh.
From Wired via Sully, education makes Republicans stupid:
Among college-educated poll respondents, 19 percent of Republicans believe that human activities are causing global warming, compared to 75 percent of Democrats. But take that college education away and Republican believers rise to 31 percent while Democrats drop to 52 percent.
I want a MUP t-shirt. Who wants to design one and put it on
There’s a fundie group in San Diego protesting Starbucks use of a mermaid as their logo (which was the original logo) claiming it’s a nude chick. They are saying starbucks should change their name to “slutbucks” or some such bs thing.
So is Cindy McCain fair game now? I hope not – there are some skeletons in her closet, and much as I do not care for her, it would be a sad spectacle to see her humiliated and ruined in the public eye just as a way to keep the playing field even. Chicago rules, and all that.
Maybe McCain will protect his wife from a Britney Spears-like fate by really getting out there and putting a stop to this sort of attack on Michelle Obama.
Maybe McCain will protect his wife from a Britney Spears-like fate by really getting out there and putting a stop to this sort of attack on Michelle Obama.
An monkeys will fly out of my butt.
Not only is Balloon Juice Number one for Skull Fucking a Kitten.
It is now Number one for Fuckstain McCain.
Fuckstain McCain Skull Fucks a Kitten.
Well, this is heading to early fisticuffs, and I expect we will see McCain has a glass jaw pretty soon. Serves him right for the Hamas/appeasement nonsense over the last few days. The Goopers are spoiling for a battle of wits, and have sent a moron and an old man with dementia to team up on a guy who could take them both out after spotting them 40 IQ points.
After Hillary Clinton’s historic 41-point victory in the West Virginia primary, two questions loom: How long will Barak Obama cling to his shattered dreams of the presidency, and how much damage will be done to the Democratic Party by his stubborn and divisive refusal to accept the obvious?
After Hillary Clinton’s historic 41-point victory in the West Virginia primary, two questions loom: How long will Barak Obama cling to his shattered dreams of the presidency, and how much damage will be done to the Democratic Party by his stubborn and divisive refusal to accept the obvious?
May 16th, 2008 at 11:54 am
That’s it, their membership in the reality based community is officially revoked….Here’s their sign.
Dreggas, not only is their membership revoked–the word ‘reality’ has taken out a 1,000-yard restraining order on them.
In all fairness though, if it was just the headline (without that basketful-of-crazy first paragraph), it would be defensible…if you interpret ‘accelerates’ in a 32 feet per second per second Wile E. Coyote kind of sense.
The Corrente folks really are over the rainbow. Alas, it appears to be ergot poisoning rather than recreational drugs.
Let’s brush up on our German!
Submitted by lambert on Thu, 2008-05-15 13:16.
Gleischaltung. Because remember, no matter how hard I try, I’m never cynical enough. See Stoller’s money quote today on Obama’s consolidation of power:
Quoting Donna Darko:
The organizing and mobilization scholar in me is totally impressed. But the conflict theorist and skeptic of authority in me is totally horrified.
It’s a two-fer, isn’t it?
You thought you were just voting for a candidate, but instead you were voting for permanently institutionalized Obama Movement, “a Google-like center of immense political and administrative power,” that bypasses the Democratic Party whenever the fuck it wants.
Well, if this Google-like center is that powerful, why isn’t it talking about universal health care?
Answer: Because it doesn’t want to. It has other things on its mind.
One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small…
Tom Hilton Says:
You want stupid? Okay, you asked for it:
Clinton Election Juggernaut Accelerates
After Hillary Clinton’s historic 41-point victory in the West Virginia primary, two questions loom: How long will Barak Obama cling to his shattered dreams of the presidency, and how much damage will be done to the Democratic Party by his stubborn and divisive refusal to accept the obvious?
Isn’t “juggernaut” sexist?
Apart from this, these people love to either make stuff up or are incapable of making common sense conclusions. For example, they make the following ridiculous claim about past California elections:
Democrats would do well to remember that Hispanics in California went strongly enough in 2003 to Republican Schwarzenegger that he crushed his main rival, popular Latino and Democratic leader Cruz Bustamante. It was a reflection of the enduring appeal of machismo, still a strong cultural tendency and one that favors the war hero narrative of McCain.
Bustamante was not popular at all, and was perceived to be an incompetent and a bumbler. And the weasel words “strongly enough” allows these guys to pretty much lie about those election results. Here’s the real skinny (California’s Recall Election):
According to a WCVI turnout study, Latinos cast a record number of votes in the recall election compared to other special and gubernatorial elections. Yet turnout lagged below the state average, similar to the 2002 elections.
Moreover, Latinos were divided. Nearly half voted for the recall according to exit surveys and support for Latino Democratic Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante was modest at about 60%. “Latinos felt torn. On the one hand, real dissatisfaction with Sacramento, the unpopular Governor Davis, tax hikes and the economy fueled critical feelings towards the Democrats –the party that traditionally gathers 70-85% of the Latino vote in California. On the other hand, a poorly run campaign by Bustamante fraught with missteps, and deep-going divisions among Democratic Party and Latino leaders disillusioned many Latino voters. Together Republicans Arnold Swarzenegger and Tom McClintock gathered about 40% of the Latino vote in this ‘perfect storm’ context, despite their anti-immigrant rhetoric,” analyzed WCVI president Antonio Gonzalez.
And none of this stuff about the results of an unusual special election which tossed out the unpopular and ineffective California Governor Gray Davis tells anybody much of anything either useful or predictive about a presidential general election.
Gleischaltung [sic]. Because remember, no matter how hard I try, I’m never cynical enough. See Stoller’s money quote today on Obama’s consolidation of power:
Remember, kids: if you play the Corrente Godwin Violation Drinking Game for more than 15 minutes at a time, you could severe liver damage. And also, for the love of god, don’t drive!
Ooh, I got one!
LJ at No Quarter is wishing he could kidnap and brainwash Karl Rove to be head of the DNC.
That stoopid enough for ya?
How old is this, again?
Wow, when you really have absolutely nothing, this is the shit they’re forced to run back to. No, they can’t find anything to slam the man for, so they pile on the ole’ lady.
Fucking scumbags.
Depends. Is Dubya sleeping in this morning?
Wait until he wakes up and gets his cup of coffee. Then we’ll see some serious Grade-A stoopid.
Imagine if Michelle’s last name were Cheney? Several Tennessee pols would be getting a good old Gitmo style face-drowning in someone’s undisclosed location about now.
Dennis - SGMM
There is this:
Clean-Air Rules Protecting Parks Set to Be Eased
The administration has been systematically chipping away at air quality regulations in our national parks since 2003. What the Republicans can’t fuck up through greed, hubris, and ineptitude they fuck up deliberately.
Bob In Pacifica
Interesting reading Greenwald et al regarding the Cal Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision.
This is the big question to me. The logic behind the decision is that you can’t exclude marriage from same-sex couples as a group. It would be like saying people from different “races” can’t marry.
However, there’s a proposition which will probably be on the ballot in the fall (a constitutional amendment) that would ban same-sex marriages. If the Cal state constitution promises equal protection and the amendment on its face is discriminatory, how can it survive judicial review? Wouldn’t the section of the state constitution that guarantees equal protection have to be changed? And can it be changed without violating the U.S. constitution? Can you have a constitution which specirically violates equal protection?
Maybe these are all naive questions which will be answered shortly and brutally. It just strikes me that when people start amending the constitutions in order to treat people unequally that the end of law in America is at hand.
Whee! Get the popcorn, Obama is going to smack down Bush.
Hey, it’s a response to stupid. It counts.
Oh, and this may have been linked before, but the maverick has been shown to be a hypocrite about Hamas.
Red State:
Uh, Red State? Did you ever stop to consider that they were talking about AP reporter Terry Anderson, Anglican envoy Terry Waite, a Marine Colonel and a CIA station chief, among others, who were all hostages in Lebanon when Reagan negotiated with the Iranians for their release, going as far as to violate federal law to transfer weapons to secure their release? No? Didn’t think so. So ignorant. So douchy. I am ashamed to be related to the Regnery’s by marrage.
peach flavored shampoo
That would be really weird, since she’s wedded to a man who’s last name is Obama (Osama?).
Gay marriage opponents vow to fight California ruling
Tyranny of the majority is the greatest inherent threat to democracy. If the majority can “vote” to restrict equal access to the civil law there is no reason for the minority to participate in the system.
Basic civics folks.
Joe Klein is a reliable source of stupid. You can always count on him when the chips are down.
Josh E.
Just go to Instapundit whenever your stores of teh stupid run low.
Check out the following link to a Tennessee GOP ad attacking Michelle Obama here.
The ad focuses on Michelle O’s comment about being proud about America for the first time and then asks “ordinary Americans” about what makes them proud about America. The first guy interviewed is proud every time he
jerks off onlooks at the American flag. It gets better from there.I love these Republicans. Under their rule, gas has gone up to $4 a gallon, house prices have collapsed and Americans are fucking hording rice. Pretty soon we’re all going to be wearing barrels on suspender straps and this is the best they can come up with by way of answers.
If a state constitution violates the federal constitution, the federal wins. That much is clear. However, if an amendment to the state constitution “violates” itself, I think you’re really just looking at a rewriting of the original legislation. So, in short, you are stripping equal protection from the state constitution in this particular instance. It would be like the repeal of prohibition amendment.
That said, I don’t remember if any DOMA laws got passed at the federal level. And its already been determined that equal protection doesn’t involve sexual orientation. You can, for instance, discriminate in hiring practices or wages or promotions based on the sexual orientation of your employees. So there’s not much in federal law that defends same sex unions.
Decided FenceSitter
IANAL but I’ve spent enough time around them, which sort of judicial review? If you are talking SC judicial review, and they amend the state constitution then the law has changed. This amendment CHANGES that equal protect to specifically exclude gay marriage (perhaps not de jure, but de facto that’s what it does).
And as far as a national review, well we’d need an equal protection that recognizes sexual orientation as a class description that is need of protection – and there is no equal protection amendment, there is the 15th Amendment which states, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” However, who you like to fuck is not in there. And considering the current court make-up they would either not take the case, or rule against those who want same-sex marriage.
The first guy interviewed is proud every time he looks at the American flag. It gets better from there.
This is how the Republicans have built their brand since Reagan – making people Proud To Be American™ through either empty jingoism or openly damaging crap like aggressive wars. Carter had the nerve to say America Isn’t Great™ because we should be driving 55mph and wearing sweaters indoors, plus he didn’t nuke Iran.
So, not much has changed, I guess.
IANAGoodL but a constitutional amendment changes the constitution. So there isn’t judicial review as to whether or not the constitution is constitutional, if that makes any sense.
As has been otherwise said, federal law trumps state law, U.S. Constitution trumps state constitution, but I wouldn’t expect much action from the current USSC. That said, any consitutional amendment to that effect in California seems to me to be quite unlikely to pass, doesn’t it?
dj spellchecka
off topic, but the new york times has updated information on the spygate story john has been following…
Maybe it’s just me, but can any of the neocon sites speak in an active voice? It’s gotten to the point where I scream and scare my kids and wife. Who aren’t even home.
I was planning on saving this, but, damn.
How could I not?
The comments at Red State are hilarious. Their defense of the post seems to be “Well, yeah, Reagan did negotiate with Iran to get the second batch of hostages released, but McCain is specifically talking about the first release just after Reagan took office. So, ipsie dixie, McCain is right, Reagan didn’t negotiate with terrorists.”
Umm, if you gotta smell his dick hasn’t he already played you for a fool?
But damned funny!!!
Jeezus, the comments is just full of people talking smack. That said, that’s one crazy video.
BTW Obama fires back at the Tennessee Republican Party essentially calling them cowards for not being able to challenge him but instead reduced to attacking his family. What a bunch of tools. It’s not the time they’ve sunk so low. I hope feverently that fine whisky sippin folks of Tennesee repuidate these fucks.
Colin Powell referred to Rumsfeld’s style of speaking as “third person passive once removed.”
negotiate with ’em? he sold ’em weapons!
fuck the hoary myth of Reagan.
Wow bago, ain’t that somethin’ else. He’s toast, of course…
There’s a religious right group asking the CA Supreme Court to postpone the enactment of the same-sex marriage ruling until after the November election (when people have a chance to vote on the referendum overruling it).
This is a big deal. Looking at the Canadian experience with same-sex marriage, it made a huge difference that by the time the government got around to trying to do something to roll back the decision, there had already been hundreds of same-sex couples legally married because the court decision had immediate implementation. Many of the fence-sitters who might have been okay with continuing to prohibit marriage for couples who never were allowed to marry in the first place just in case of unintended consequences felt very differently about actually taking away marriage from people who had been legally married for months or years, where the consequences for those couples were obvious and real. The eventual Conservative government tried a sort of middle way where new same-sex marriages would be prohibited but existing ones would be allowed to stand (prompting more than a few “political shotgun marriages” by people trying to get one before they went away), but that was so logically incoherent that the effort dwindled away into ignominious defeat.
The best way to kill the CA referendum this November is for voters to be presented with the stark reality that voting for it would annul the happy (and probably photogenic) marriages of hundreds or even thousands of their fellow citizens. The ADF certainly know this, which is why they’re trying as hard as they can to make sure that no such marriages happen between now and Election Day.
this is good news : the mother who was involved in the MySpace hoax that led to a teenage girl’s suicide has been indicted.
There was some st00pid in the comment thread there that I spoke some truth to. I’m a pretty soft-spoken guy, but I am so sick of these so-called Democrats who “will vote for McCain if Clinton (Obama) isn’t the nominee”. Hold your damn nose while you vote and just fucking DEAL.
The Commander Guy
Sullivan is tells us that our lady of perpetual outrage is mildly outraged again.
plus, having that on the ballot will give the crazies another reason to come out and vote R.
You damn right he did. He’s the direct cause of most of the shit that’s gone on here. Weapons to Afghanistan, that theater got us well trained future terrorists. Weapons to Iran. He probablyfucking sold weapons to groups in Africa. I don’t who the fuck was telling him to do this. The U.S. was the biggest seller of arms in the world. The world is fucked up because of the running of guns by our friends in the Reagan administration.
It’s one of my primary reasons I don’t vote republican nationally. Everytime we do, some jack ass from the Reagan administration is in charge. Everybody in that administration should be considered poison. Of course, chimpy has gotten the union of reagan and nixon folks all in one kettle. It’s no wonder this country is in the pits.
dj spellchecka
orogeny Says:
The comments at Red State are hilarious. Their defense of the post seems to be “Well, yeah, Reagan did negotiate with Iran to get the second batch of hostages released, but McCain is specifically talking about the first release just after Reagan took office. So, ipsie dixie, McCain is right, Reagan didn’t negotiate with terrorists.”
well if mccain was talking about the first set of hostages, the ones taken during the carter years, let’s not forget to discuss the october surprise….
The October Surprise was a plot where representatives of the 1980 Ronald Reagan presidential campaign conspired with Islamic Republic of Iran to delay the release of 52 Americans held hostage in Tehran until after the 1980 U.S. Presidential election. In exchange for their cooperation, the United States would supply weapons to Iran as well as unfreeze Iran’s monetary assets being held by the US government.
Jimmy Carter had been attempting to deal with the Iran hostage crisis and the hostile regime of the Ayatollah Khomeini for nearly a year. Those who say that a deal was made point out that certain Republicans with CIA connections, including George H. W. Bush, arranged to have the hostages held through October, until Reagan could defeat Carter in early November, and then be released, thereby preventing an “October surprise” from the Carter administration in which the hostages would be released shortly before the election. The hostages were released the day of Reagan’s inauguration, twenty minutes after his inaugural address.
there was an ongoing debate for over a decade over this actually happened or not. congressional investigations said no, three different books, all entitled “october Surprise,” said yes.
peach flavored shampoo
Me likely your tone, but methinks that if percentages of this happening could mathematically actually go negative, they would here.
Aside from Memphis and Knoxville, that state is quite racist. And xenophobic. And anti….fill in the blank.
I wonder what Verizon did to annoy this guy.
Alternatively, a future US Supreme Court could follow the compelling logic of this California court decision, which in turn looked to the 1948 case, Perez v Sharp, in which the right to interracial marriage was upheld.
Here the court did not create special classes of people who needed protection. Rather, it asserted that all citizens had a fundamental right to marry, and that it was up to the state to demonstrate that there was some greatly compelling reason to deny that right to any particular group of citizens.
The great weakness of many conservative opponents of gay marriage is that they falsely claim that gays are asking for “special rights.” The great weakness of some supposedly progressive defenses of gay marriage is that they waste time trying to catalog groups or “communities” which need protection, instead of simply asserting that gays are citizens and inherently have the same rights as everybody else.
I’m under no illusions about Tennessee. Some people just can’t seem to get over certain things. It’s sad. They’ll be two generations behind the rest of us.
If they can’t adapt, fuck em. Maybe we’ll drop their number of delegate representing them down to further marginalize them. heh.
From Wired via Sully, education makes Republicans stupid:
I want a MUP t-shirt. Who wants to design one and put it on
Ride the MUP!
Vote Obama ’08
back of the t-shirt
Balloon-Juicer’s for Obama
There’s a fundie group in San Diego protesting Starbucks use of a mermaid as their logo (which was the original logo) claiming it’s a nude chick. They are saying starbucks should change their name to “slutbucks” or some such bs thing.
So is Cindy McCain fair game now? I hope not – there are some skeletons in her closet, and much as I do not care for her, it would be a sad spectacle to see her humiliated and ruined in the public eye just as a way to keep the playing field even. Chicago rules, and all that.
Maybe McCain will protect his wife from a Britney Spears-like fate by really getting out there and putting a stop to this sort of attack on Michelle Obama.
An monkeys will fly out of my butt.
Not only is Balloon Juice Number one for Skull Fucking a Kitten.
It is now Number one for Fuckstain McCain.
Fuckstain McCain Skull Fucks a Kitten.
Well, this is heading to early fisticuffs, and I expect we will see McCain has a glass jaw pretty soon. Serves him right for the Hamas/appeasement nonsense over the last few days. The Goopers are spoiling for a battle of wits, and have sent a moron and an old man with dementia to team up on a guy who could take them both out after spotting them 40 IQ points.
Don’t Kerry it, Barack!
Tom Hilton
You want stupid? Okay, you asked for it:
Clinton Election Juggernaut Accelerates
Tom Hilton
Sorry, I misspelled ‘stoopid’.
That’s it, their membership in the reality based community is officially revoked….Here’s their sign.
Tom Hilton
Dreggas, not only is their membership revoked–the word ‘reality’ has taken out a 1,000-yard restraining order on them.
In all fairness though, if it was just the headline (without that basketful-of-crazy first paragraph), it would be defensible…if you interpret ‘accelerates’ in a 32 feet per second per second Wile E. Coyote kind of sense.
The Corrente folks really are over the rainbow. Alas, it appears to be ergot poisoning rather than recreational drugs.
Let’s brush up on our German!
Submitted by lambert on Thu, 2008-05-15 13:16.
Gleischaltung. Because remember, no matter how hard I try, I’m never cynical enough. See Stoller’s money quote today on Obama’s consolidation of power:
Quoting Donna Darko:
The organizing and mobilization scholar in me is totally impressed. But the conflict theorist and skeptic of authority in me is totally horrified.
It’s a two-fer, isn’t it?
You thought you were just voting for a candidate, but instead you were voting for permanently institutionalized Obama Movement, “a Google-like center of immense political and administrative power,” that bypasses the Democratic Party whenever the fuck it wants.
Well, if this Google-like center is that powerful, why isn’t it talking about universal health care?
Answer: Because it doesn’t want to. It has other things on its mind.
One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small…
Isn’t “juggernaut” sexist?
Apart from this, these people love to either make stuff up or are incapable of making common sense conclusions. For example, they make the following ridiculous claim about past California elections:
Bustamante was not popular at all, and was perceived to be an incompetent and a bumbler. And the weasel words “strongly enough” allows these guys to pretty much lie about those election results. Here’s the real skinny (California’s Recall Election):
And none of this stuff about the results of an unusual special election which tossed out the unpopular and ineffective California Governor Gray Davis tells anybody much of anything either useful or predictive about a presidential general election.
The desperation of these people is really sad.
Funny I remember the recall (and voted for it and for Ahnold). Bustamante, much like Davis was a tool. I wanted both of them gone.
Tom Hilton
Remember, kids: if you play the Corrente Godwin Violation Drinking Game for more than 15 minutes at a time, you could severe liver damage. And also, for the love of god, don’t drive!
Don’t you know who I am? I’m the juggernaut bitch!