Crosby is just sick.
Sick, I say. That steal setting up the third goal was just, well, silly.
*** Update ***
It is now 6-0, and the fans are now openly taunting the Flyers.
by John Cole| 55 Comments
This post is in: Sports
Crosby is just sick.
Sick, I say. That steal setting up the third goal was just, well, silly.
*** Update ***
It is now 6-0, and the fans are now openly taunting the Flyers.
Comments are closed.
The Grand Panjandrum
I knew you would have a thread about it. Yea. That was a thing of beauty. Looks like your Penguins are dominating.
The Grand Panjandrum
Heh. 30 seconds into the power play and now its 4-0.
And then there were 5 . . .
5-0 now! Penguins are going to the finals!
The Grand Panjandrum
BTW has Crosby started shaving yet? Jesus he looks like he MIGHT be old enough to have a drivers license.
null pointer exception
I think it is hilarious how all the links on HillaryIs44 site (including why Hillary and why not Obama links) ink to coming soon page.
J. Michael Neal
I’ve seen horses that have less prominent front teeth than Crosby. Incredible hockey player, but he looks pretty goofy when he smiles.
Big E
OK….. Pens win….
You’ll see the Flyers again….
Pens still suck French Canadian Moose
Taylor Marsh just put her foot down and took her commenters to task for spewing vitriol at Ted Kennedy.
She closed down the comments for that thread and called them out.
Sorry I’m not link saavy, but go to TM and scroll down to read what I consider a display of TM’s decency and perhaps a step back from the lemmings’s Hillary precipice.
Oh, here’s a slice from Taylor Marsh:
And here’s a link to it.
Penguins fans can taunt all they want. In the end, they’re still living in Pittsburgh.
it always amazes me when certain players make plays that are ordinary and happen all the time (brett favre comes to mind in football) they are lauded as doing something incredible solely because of who they are. if other players with lesser names do the same exact thing barely anything is said. but then again the majority of pittsburgh fans will never be mistaken for knowing anything about hockey.
Portland Obama rally draws 75,000!
some pix here:
Nellcote, thanks for the link.
I am awed. But, not surprised.
I’ve been waiting for this kind of showing to manifest.
Wow. Just. Wow.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Colonel Nicholson: “What have I done.”
zoe from pittsburgh
What’s your beef with Pittsburgh exactly?
(menacing glare)
On the other hand, a hockey player who still has his teeth is a rare thing and should be cherished.
dr. bloor
Shorter Taylor Marsh: Who could have predicted?…
Good riddance to the Flyers. Next up, it’s time for the Dallas Stars to go away.
Mets 6, Yankees 2, top of 8th. The utter humiliation continues.
Congratulations now before I am compelled to root for Detroit.
I’ll tell you what’s sick: you’re talking about hockey in May, during baseball season.
Shocked! I am SHOCKED to find …
An experiment:
1. Buy a keg or two of beer.
2. Turn your stereo up to 11.
3. Hand out beer to anyone who wanders by.
4. Continue until the cops show up.
5. Convince the cops that you don’t know where these people came from or why they’re pissing in your neighbor’s flower bed.
Christ on a Craftmatic. Tell me she isn’t one of the cretins who has been on a banning spree.
When the alternative is the Pirates or the Phillies, what do you expect?
b. hussein canuckistani
Nicely put.
Is there any doubt at this point that the pro-Hillary blogs are stuffed to the rafters with ratfucking Republicans?
Nah, republican obama bashers take a different tone of idiocy and are more likely to talk about how Obama is a closet muslin and is just waiting for the opportunity to surrender to islamofascism.
J. Michael Neal
That’s actually a very interesting image.
jack fate
As a born and bred Buffalo Sabres fan, nothing warms my heart like sticking it to the Flyers. Nice job. Now let’s hope those kids shame Hasek (may his putrid, back-stabbing and vodka soaked soul rot in hell, even though he is the best goalie between the pipes, evAr!) in the finals.
Big E
re: jack fate Says:
“As a born and bred Buffalo Sabres fan, nothing warms my heart like sticking it to the Flyers.
Buffalow sucks the Big French Canadian Moose
as much, maybe even more then the Pens in PISSBURGH,
might be an interesting final to watch … Pens & Wings……
Splitting Image
I was visiting my folks for Victoria Day today and someone struck up a conversation with me on the bus about Pittsburgh winning and the Flyers being out.
On the way home, there was a guy on the train playing the guitar and singing “My Old Kentucky Homestead”.
Strangely enough, both of these things made me think of Balloon Juice. This probably means both that I am paying too much attention to the Democratic primaries and I read this blog too much.
Morris Richard
Gee, the bandwagon jumpers in the hockey hotbed of Pittsburgh have discovered the Penguins again.
And you have to give the team credit for building a winner the old fashioned way- assemble shitty enough teams year after year, get choices at the top of the draft often enough, and eventually you stumble into once in a lifetime players that even a moron can recognize as talent.
Now management can show their genius, picking in the bottom of the draft rather than the top. Also , we’ll see exactly how long the team can hang onto Crosby and Malkin (as well as a supporting cast who can tie their own skates) after their first contracts expire. And then the bidding can begin again for the Penguins new hometown. Because them fans in Pittsburgh just love their hockey team.
J. Michael Neal
That’s going to be tough, since he isn’t the starting goalie any more.
Chuck Butcher
since your email doesn’t like me I’ll blog whore here
Bakack Obama In Pendleton Oregon
John, use as you see fit.
jack fate
Well any way it happens is fine by me.
Thanks for the link and post, Chuck.
At this point in the race, more than anything, I appreciate hearing about Q&A and general audience impressions in different places. Sounds like it went great.
The Red Wangs/Pens Final will be outstanding.
Say what you will about “Sid the Kid”, but he makes this old Haligonian proud. Just check out Wiki for a run-down of his various records, awards & accomplishments.
For a “city” that’s known for little else, ‘birthplace of the next Gretzky’ isn’t a half-bad nail to hang our hat on.
A Pens / Wings Stanley Cup final?
I hereby root for injuries.
“the fans are now openly taunting the Flyers”
Knowing Philidelphia the way I do, I assumed that Philly fans were the ones doing the taunting.
Lovely to meet a fellow Bluenoser, ripdash!
Jack H.
Pens/Wings would be a treat to watch. You have to go back a long way to find that much offensive talent on both teams in a final series.
Pens in 7.
Krista, cheers & ditto from a fellow herring-choker!
I always thought that “herring-choker” meant you were from N.B. (which does apply, as that’s where I grew up.)
I first learned to skate when I was 4. I learned that defensive move where you lift the stick and take the puck away by the age of 5. Its not that special. Looks sweet tho. Very embarrassing for the other guy.
And Malkin’s better.
John Cole
That was kind of my point- he made the guy look like a fool (“That steal setting up the third goal was just, well, silly.”).
Did you all read my post or just decide to get fired up about the Pens and vent your spleens.
Well my spleen’s intact and I like Pittsburgh, it’s the only team other than Boston I cheer for even though they stole our colors, so lighten up. At least I didn’t wait until they reached the eastern conference finals to notice them.
The pens may have sucked for a decade or so but they were never boring to watch, can’t say that for any other team of the last twenty years so suck it all you other teams. I do think I keep my non-bandwagon cred what with my screen name.
J. Michael Neal
When has Detroit been boring to watch? I can understand fans of other teams being bored seeing them succeed yet again, but that isn’t because they were playing a boring style.
I don’t know about that. You may have just joined the bandwagon a long time ago. Maybe after they traded for Barrasso and became a good team that won Stanley Cups. Were you a fan before Lemieux was drafted?
Anyway, I don’t see anyone beating Detroit unfortunately. I hate Detroit. I guess it comes with being a temporary Avs fan after they traded for Bourque.
Big E
re: John Cole “vent your spleens”
nah…just sharing bodily fluids ;-)
and pride with the Flyers charge back from last year’s dismal effort to the prodigious leap forward they made this season…. they rebuilt & came a long way in a very short time….. there will be a long term battles between Richards and Crosby…. making for some excellent cross-state hockey ..
If he had said fifteen years I was going to say Detroit also. But Pittsburgh has been sick since Mario showed up in ’85. And Detroit sucks. :) Of course Boston hasn’t been any good since ’90 so who am I to talk.
oh well, maybe next year. Until then, Go Pens. I hate Detroit and Dallas is best watched if you suffer from insomnia.
Morris Richard
Barrasso, I’m sure there are a half dozen or so fans in Pittsburgh who stuck with the Penguins through thick and thin. But there’s a reason the team was looking to relocate west not too long ago. The front running fans in Pittsburgh are interested in hockey as long as they have a winner. The organization sucked itself into the best player in the game a generation ago and drew some temporary interest. History is repeating itself with Crosby and Malkin, but as soon as they are gone and the Penguins take their rightful place on the golf course in April, interest will wane, and anywhere will look better to the ownership.
Funny, my first comment at a political blog ever… had to be Hockey that drew me out.
I’m a big-time Flames fan, but I consider both Pittsburgh and The Flyers in my “next tier” of teams I like. My point? I’ve really enjoyed watching the Penguins this year. They look like they’re having so much fun, they’re talented, and they’ve made Hockey fun again.
Big E
official……. Pens vrs. Wings
I have no real affiliation either way so………..
I’m guessing Wings in 6….
should be fun to watch tho’….. buying extra Bourbon and a local smooth Victory Beer to medicate myself for the carnage….
good hockey to all