I added 6-7 links from our thread the other day.
Try to guess who they are.
*** Update ***
This is good news- Greg Djerejian at the Belgravia Dispatch is not dead. He sort of dropped off the face of the earth for a while there.
by John Cole| 33 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance
I added 6-7 links from our thread the other day.
Try to guess who they are.
*** Update ***
This is good news- Greg Djerejian at the Belgravia Dispatch is not dead. He sort of dropped off the face of the earth for a while there.
Comments are closed.
[…] […]
[…] Anyway, tipped off by John at Balloon Juice, I’ve learned Greg’s posted a new update explaining his silence (keep in mind he and his wife had a baby last year!), as well as pointing to some ideas for the future: In coming weeks/months I promise to better explain what I can honestly represent might be in store here at B.D., but I’m afraid professional and family commitments look set only to become more intense, not less, which doesn’t necessarily bode well for this space. Still, don’t count me out just yet, since the inception of this blog back in Belgravia in early 03 I’ve enjoyed the freedom to post on matters foreign policy, and being able to wade into policy debates on occasion remains important to me. But to blog with the requisite frequency and depth takes tremendous energy, and I’m afraid even super-human efforts would have me coming up short hours-wise. So, a different way forward will need to be determined, and I’ll be thinking through the ‘hows’ better once I come up for air. […]
August J. Pollak
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Stiftung Leo Strauss
The Field
Just One Minute
Those are my guesses.
John Cole
You got three right.
That sounds about like the maximum percentage of right I can ever be.
I’m changing one of my answers to Oliver. But I’m not sure which one. Maybe The Field.
I ingore most other blogs so that you don’t have to.
Is there any good ‘check out what Hugh Hewitt (or Dennis Prager) said today’ blogs? How about Savage?
Nice grammar. I write like a kitten.
I’ll bet this isn’t one Many Florida Jews Express Doubts on Obama:
A shvarzer who thinks Arabs are humans? No way. It’s funny to see this article ignored by the same people who screamed about Appalachian racists.
Yeah. Funny you never hear the Black side of the story, not in the white owned MSM – they could have referenced Malcolm X’s take, for example, but that would have been too difficult.
From Media Matters this morning.
Sexism: America’s Shame.
Speak out, stop this outrage.
Please add that Amy Proctor chick to your “Chicks we read, mock, mock further, then spit up pop on our monitor ‘cuz she’s so fucking stoopid” list.
This is what we call a shpongle intervention.Are you shpongled?
Ned Raggett
Ta-Nehisi’s work is a far too late discovery of mine just this past month. Wonderful writing through and through.
And that’s great about Greg! I was just checking his blog the other day and thinking, “Is he just gone for good?”
The Senate today passed the GI Bill/Iraq war funding bill with most endangered GOOPers voting for it ( quite a passel) –enough for a veto over ride.
As usual idiot house wingnuts plan to thwart the veto overide vote, also denying Bush his blood money for the Iraq war.
Ooooooooohh. Ear candy….
I’ve seen you around the comments long enough to wonder who you think you’re talking to. As enlightened as this blog and it’s commenters are (most of them anyhow), it is still the kind of place where a thread on Battlestar Galactica temporarily turned into a “women are bitches” thread.
For the media to be called out on it, the people the media serves would have to 1) care and 2) think it’s bad. I really don’t see a lot of either of that except in women who are called Feminazis.
Paul L.
A outrageous setback for the “for the children” progressive defenders of the Texas CPS against the creepy pedophile religious nutbags of the FLDS from a activist right-wing court.
Texas Appellate Court Rules Against State’s Seizure of the FLDS Children:
Of course progressives would rather use the Janet Reno method of dealing with religious nutbags to avoid these problems.
Fake 911 call that prompted the raid.
Underaged mothers turned out to be adults.
w vincentz
There’s a lot to be ashamed about. Like for instance, my girlfriend (who unfortunately was born with three teats).
I went shopping for bras with her and, low and behold,
There were absolutely no D-A-DD cups to be found.
You can laugh if you want about her condition, but I’ll continue to support her, even if the bra manufacturers don’t.
To me, three tits are better than two. Heck, the more the better! They will continue to have my support even if Victoria’s Secrets and Playtex don’t support her.
I’m all in favor of equal Nippillry.
Chuck Butcher
I’m sure a lot of us found the removal of all kids emotionally satisfiying, the problem with it is that satisfying breadth poisons the case. I don’t care how many women and men get together sexually, it just isn’t my business, kids are another deal altogether. But…
I have had dealings with a child protective services agency and their self-delusion of omnipotence is vast and organizational in nature. My dealings with them were in a case where there was no evidence to back their position and all kinds of evidence that it was hooey, it dragged on for over a year. By the time it was over the state judge (Circuit Court) was ready to blow a gasket with the State. This thing finally involved 3 separate judges and two separate trials with the State getting its ass handed to them in all of them. One ADA was gone within a couple months (the one leading it) the Child Protective Services head and some staff all gone or kicked sideways and out of the game. Yes, everyhing went my way in the end. Try a year of this crap.
I have no sympathy for the FLDS, but I also have little to no trust in those agencies’ ability to act correctly. In many states your legal rights in regard to these agencies are seriously weakened, caution is required in any dealings with them.
Yeah, posford tend to be. Let’s hook ’em before we pull in the spanish guitar.
Surabaya Stew
Let’s see, I suggested:
Mr. Furious,
The Dilbert Blog
Pam’s House Blend
The Field
The Devil’s Excrement
Well, 1 out of 5 isn’t too shabby! Right? Whatever…
Anyway, I am glad to see The Field take an honored position on your blog roll; you have made a wise choice, Mr. Cole.
Jon H
Hillary’s organizing a 2000 GOP-style ‘bourgeois riot’ to make the DNC give her what she wants on MI/FL:
alicublog ~ Roy’s so tough he drinks Fantastik.
I didn’t speak up in that last thread, so I’ll do it here. Something Awful. Not politics, but worth a read.
I’m talking to America.
My, my, my. What shall we do, then, with this little gem from back in February?
Meanwhile, 11-year-old Akshay Rajagopal answered “Bolivia” to clinch the 20th annual National Geographic Bee on Wednesday (Nebraska boy, 11, wins National Geographic Bee ).
The question, by the way, was, “Cochabamba is the third-largest conurbation in what country?”
Apparently, Akshay was the youngest of the 10 finalists, all boys.
Senator Clinton has demanded that Obama, the Democratic National Committee, Alex Trebek (who has hosted the Geographic Bee for 20 years), and all men over the age of 16, reject and denounce the abject sexism of the National Geographic Society in not automatically awarding the first prize to Hillary.
When asked by she thought she merited the child’s $25,000 scholarship winnings, Senator Clinton tossed back a shot of Crown Royal and snarled, “I’ve been to over 80 countries, so I’m more qualified than that kid. Besides, I got campaign debts to retire!”
Digby has a great post up on the sexism in the media.
Go read the whole thing.
And please, for fucks sake don’t make this into another Obama vs. Clinton crapfest. As Digby says:
Warren Terra
I see that my suggestions at 6:13 PM (which I appear to be unable to hyperlink, possibly because of the hyphen in the URL) were one-for-three. I claim victory, of course.
Chuck Butcher
Today’s afternoon tally of hits on my site show 40% coming in from Balloon Juice. I’d like to thank you for stopping by in large numbers. As you might guess, the reward for writing is being read.
Good work.
The really insidious thing about this sexism is that it resulted in Clinton winning more votes, which as you know, is usually fatal to a political campaign.
Flogged by constant sexism, and then staggering under the load of all those votes, she is going to end up having to give up her quest to establish gender equality at the highest levels of government.
Has anyone noticed that John McCain was forced to renounce the endoresement of John Hagee today?
Of those not already guessed:
Rump Roast
The Street
…Wha? Blogs4Conservatives??
Seek help.
Since this is an open thread: Let the spin begin!
Four years ago I would have been shocked if anyone suggested this was somehow arranged. Now I’ll be shocked if I don’t hear something along those lines before the 3-day weekend is over.
The MUP gets $50 if voodoo, witch doctors or black magic are mentioned.
Kind of a no brainer:
Crypto anti-semitism and a pro-gun message wrapped up in one ball of teh stupid!
A sadder, but more touching story, is Senator Ted Kennedy’s noble gesture in the light of his personal health challenges: