It’s 4:11am. I can’t sleep. I lost over $8,000 in my 401k this week. Enjoy my misery.
By the way: I don’t get this……….
Later at an event in Brandon, South Dakota, she said, “Earlier today, I was discussing the Democratic primary history and in the course of that discussion mentioned the campaigns that both my husband and Sen. Kennedy waged in California in June in 1992 and 1968, and I was referencing those to make the point that we have had nominating primary contests that go into June. That’s an historic fact.”
Is she on crack? Does this make any sense to anyone? WTF is Clinton on about?? Am I missing something due to insomnia??? I mean, WTF? I don’t understand the reference. Not a bit. Well, yes. There is a nominating contest – one she’s lost. But other than that, what the hell is up with the Bobby Kennedy reference? It makes no sense, to me at least??
Update: Michae D. + god knows how many. And Helvetica sucks, John.
John Cole
Yeah. I hear you.
John Cole
PS- Why the fuck are you worrying about your retirement fund fluctuations 30 years out?
Michael D.
Because I hate it. I blame Alberto Gonzales.
Michael D.
And, I plan to retire at 45. And if I drink any more tonight/this morning, that will be modified to 35.
She will not allow herself to accept that she can’t win so the only criticism she is capable of responding to is the one where people accuse her of creating a long primary that is bad for dems.
Hillary is applying the transitive property of equality here.
if a = b and b = c then a = c
or in this case:
if hill = long primary AND bobby = long primary then bobby = hill
everyone loves Bobby right?
Michael D.
Stemler: Go to bed, for fuck sake! Sleep for me!
would love to, but…
Conservatively Liberal
Maybe because she knows that she stepped it in royally this time, and she is going to keep the ‘front’ up that this was all about the primary season running late. Of course, she conveniently forgets that 1968 is not 2008, and they were not even at the halfway point when RFK was shot.
The discussion was about ‘why’ she should stay in the campaign. Being that she has referenced the RFK bit a few times in the recent past, she decided to spit that line out yesterday. Why? I would bet she was probably tired, so she was probably a bit careless and didn’t couch her words to cover her ass (her usual MO).
She looked tired and worn out, I have seen many comments today about it. When she first commented on it at that store, she looked like warmed over death itself. You could tell that she knew she was in trouble, but she didn’t look like she had the spirit to keep up the cheery facade. Her statement then reflected that.
In her carelessness, she let slip her inner thoughts as to ‘why’ she would stay in. It was clear that when she mentioned Bill and June of ’92, she was saying ‘he was still plugging away at it even then’. But when she mentioned Bobby being assassinated right afterward, she made it clear that ‘shit happens’. Then the wrap up with ‘I don’t understand why’, as if she was bewildered that people were not seeing what she is seeing. Being charitable, she was saying that she is the insurance policy for the party.
But in her exhaustion and desperation, she crossed a deadly line that our history is replete with examples of: Presidential candidates and Presidents sometimes get killed in America. Obama supporters are more than aware that there may be some crazy nut out there who just might decide that they want to be in the history books and get famous. Nuts are like that.
But to bring up the specter of assassination in a presidential primary with an AA candidate who is winning was just too much for most people. Yes, we know it is a possibility, but it is something that we really don’t want to talk about. Jinx and all of that crap.
But to hear a losing presidential candidate of her stature basically say that they are staying is as an insurance policy for the party is just too much. What if, heaven forbid, there was some nutjob worshiping her and they decide that Hillary is trying to tell them something? Crazy people can be like that, as our history shows.
Get some sleep dude. I am supposed to run the night shift here…lol!
You guys are all up in the night.
Michael D.
That’s a lot of “But’s.” You make my head ache.
Actually, I think that Senator Clinton has now been on short sleep for so long that she’s incapable of making sense. I’ve been there myself, and she’s showing signs of that dangerously earnest free-association thing. She needs to go to Hillary +6 or +7, then sleep for three or four days. Otherwise she’ll carry her campaign on less out of a belief that she can still pull off a win and more out of a belief that it’s still March.
When you’re stupid tired to the point that you babble out “hard-working white Americans” one week, then two weeks later you manage to mangle a relatively innocuous statement that campaigns have run into June before into a creepy, “Nice candidate you’ve got there. I hope nothing… happens… to him,” it’s time to stop taking those 3AM phone calls for a few weeks.
(I’m guessing exhausted on the basis that her comments simply doesn’t have any upside at all. To qualify as evil, there has to be a point. Since I don’t know of any upcoming states populated entirely by Bond villains, I don’t see the win in making creepy comments about assassinations.)
Hopefully, this will forever kill the “3AM phone call” idiocy, though somehow I doubt it.
Conservatively Liberal
I like a good but.
Michael D.
If I ever get a phone call at 3am, I will kill someone. Good thing I am Canadian and can’t be presnit.
I wish I could sleep. Kill me now….
Michael D.
A man after my heart….
Conservatively Liberal
Quiet night on the coast here tonight, as usual. The wind is coming in off of the ocean, and it smells like ‘ocean’ outside. I can hear the buoy clanging and the foghorn in the distance. They used to turn the foghorn on when the fog rolled in, then one day they decided to leave it on 24/7. Now we are so used to hearing it that you have to pay attention to notice it.
But it saves them the trouble of having to look for fog!
how many plus are you if you’ve had .75 liters of port straight from the bottle?
Conservatively Liberal
My wife might have something to say to me about that…lol! When it comes to but’s, she has my full attention. :D
Well, I like a good butt, but that is not really relevant. As soon as I caught wind of this (yes that was to accentuate the butt reference), I decided to avoid the tubes for awhile. Unfortunately I watch MSNBC, so KO let me have it, and then I went out for a few… weekenders, and I am only now trawling the ways for the overall reaction.
I don’t have the capacity to transfer the depth of animosity I have for her comments, but I feel good that literally millions of other people have made a good show of doing so.
Conservatively Liberal
I would say ‘three sheets to the wind’ if it was a quarter of a liter, but at three quarters of a liter you should be at full sail.
Just watch out for sandbars.
Conservatively Liberal
That is something we can both agree on. It was heartening to see that many others felt the same horror when she said what she did. That this time people were not going to let her get away with it.
After the ‘hard working white Americans’ crap (I hate even writing that!) she spit out, then the civil rights invocation in Florida, she tops it off with this assassination crap. Isn’t there anyone in her campaign that can pull her aside and tell her that she is making a complete disaster of herself? She used to have some on the left and everyone on the right pissed at her. Now she has everyone but her hard core supporters pissed. She doesn’t have much further to fall before she hits rock bottom.
At this point, it almost seems that she has lost control of herself. It is sad to see this happen, but she brought it on herself. She has always seemed to think that she was above anything that anyone says about her, and she thought that would work this time.
Nope. It is over.
September can’t come soon enough.
Are we there yet?
Conservatively Liberal
The end is near?
As I mentioned in another thread, there is no way that anyone can extract any sense from her statements about the 1968 presidential campaign.
The 1968 campaign did not last longer than this one.
Only 13 states held primaries in 1968.
Robert Kennedy entered the race on March 16. Lyndon Johnson announced that he would not run for re-election on March 31, and the eventual nominee, Hubert Humphrey entered the race very shortly after this. Humphrey never won a majority of votes cast in primaries, but was supported by the party machine. In fact, Humphrey could have dropped from sight until the 1968 convention and still won the nomination.
On the other hand, RFK did not lead in total votes cast in the primary. Eugene McCarthy led all the candidates with more than 2,000,000 votes cast, but he trailed Humphrey in delegate totals, and could never mount an effect challenge to the front runner.
And from March 16 to June 6 is not even three full months.
So Hillary’s statement is nearly 100% fact free, and too confused for anyone to draw any conclusions that remotely relate to her insistence on staying in the race. The reference to RFK’s death is both gratuitous and offensive.
Similarly, Senator Clinton’s invoking her husband’s 1992 presidential bid is also flawed.
As best as I can figure, she is trying to work out some personal psychological issues with respect to Obama. She appears to be jealous that key Democratic Party leaders — and particularly the Kennedys — love Obama, but do not love her.
Senator Robert Byrd carries a copy of the Constitution in his pocket. When he endorsed Obama, he gave him one of his personal copies of the Constitution. Ted Kennedy asked Obama to fill in for him and give the commencement address at Wesleyan. This is immensely personal to Senator Kennedy:
Or even more simply, she kept trying to appropriate every past political struggle, from abolitionism to the vote fraud in Zimbabwe, and never considered the possibility that invoking Robert Kennedy might come across as incredibly offensive and incredibly insensitive.
I mentioned to a colleague very early in the primary campaign that although I admired Senator Clinton, I feared that she lacked her husband’s political instincts.
It’s worse than I thought. She not only has screwed up big time, she seems temperamentally unable to extricate herself cleanly from this mess that she has created.
She is like a boxer who keeps going even though she has been routed on every score card. She wants to continue to the 15th round even though there is no point and she is only hurting herself, not scoring against her opponent at all.
Someone needs to look her in the eye and get her to understand that she’s done, for her own sake.
Conservatively Liberal
Something funny from a poster at Al Giordano’s site.
As a South Dakotan, I’m just happy to see something interesting happening here. First Obama finally came out swinging against Bush and McCain a couple of weeks ago, and now this. It’s a nice departure from the usual stops national candidates make in South Dakota. Typically they toss out a generic speech with fill-in-the-blank South Dakota references, then move on.
Conservatively Liberal
‘Interesting’ is one word to use. I think that ‘mind blowing’ are two good words to use…lol!
It definitely isn’t boring, that is for darn sure.
You cannot discuss Senator Clinton’s campaign rationally.
You never have and you never will.
Nor can you explain why your 401(k) is tanking or why you think Obama can fix that for you better than she can.
Where are all these crazy emotions coming from???
It’s especially amusing that it’s Democrats involved, since we haven’t had a Democratic governor since the 70’s, and the Democratic Party frequently can’t even find candidates for state and local offices. Somehow we manage to send Democrats to DC,though.(McGovern,Daschle,Tim Johnson, Stephanie Rissler)
I was amused to see John Thune mentioned as a VP candidate for McCain based partly on the goodwill he earned for beating Daschle. Those people don’t realize what an advantage a Republican has here.
Conservatively Liberal
Opinions are like assholes, and from what can I see you have more than one. It’s the same with all of you Clintonistas; whenever your candidate fucks up, you attack to distract. She sure has been keeping you people busy, eh? Well don’t fret because your retirement in on the horizon. This time your ‘sweetie’ blew it, and she blew it royally. This is the end, my friend, so enjoy the last parting shots you get to take now.
Saying anything else to you would be a waste of my time, so have a nice day!
Conservatively Liberal
One of the last refuges for the Repubs? Good.
SenatorPresident Obama is going to put Mr. Magoo and the Repubs in the retirement home this fall. Now that Hillary has taken herself out of the race, Barack will soon be able to give his full attention to Mr. Magoo and his cadre of cronies.The right is not going to know what hit them this fall. They see it coming, and they are going to be desperate to derail Obama. We are expecting that, and we are ready.
After this fall, Republicans just might have to be listed as an endangered species. If that happens, it’s a good thing that the Democrats will be ready to have them listed and protected, eh? ;)
I am looking forward to a liberal application of whoop-ass to the right this fall.
Please keep trying to gin up some fauxrage.
You are fueling a backlash against Obama and the media.
I think she means that the only way that she is going to stop campaigning to be the POTUS is if someone shoots her…anyone???!
I’ll give some advice to the various Clinton supporters who may be hanging around.
This is nothing new.
Staying in a race, just because the front-runner may have a scandal or something, quite frankly is bad enough. Really. It means that you have no positive reason to stay in the race, that you don’t think your message is more attractive or can convince more people. No, it’s simply cynicism.
This however, isn’t something you even think about. It should be outside your mind entirely. Shouldn’t even subconsciously think it for a split second. And that’s what I think happened.
And this strategy, of waiting for Obama’s fall?
If you think that will happen, what you do is you put yourself in as positive light as possible, so when it does happen you can take up the mantle with as little fuss and bother as anything. Edwards, btw, was doing it right. If Edwards was in second place, and Obama was caught with a live boy, so to speak, it would be a smooth transition.
But this thing of trying to grease the skids? If something DID happen to Obama or his campaign, she very well could be dragged down as well.
The unfortunate reality is that her campaign really does bring up the specter of the Bush administration, where even those things I disagreed with, they couldn’t even do them RIGHT. Does anybody really need another administration who can’t do things right?
I don’t think so.
Obama is standing in for Ted Kennedy at Wesleyan University’s graduation commencement this weekend.
IOW, Obama = A Kennedy brother.
If I were on Obama’s staff, I’d be tightening up security extra-special in Middletown.
I wouldn’t put ANYTHING past the Pantsuit Tinfoil Hat Brigade.
dr. bloor
Dear Michael,
Never, ever check your retirement portfolio’s value during a Republican administration.
That said, your bigger problem is that you’re invested in American dollars rather than loonies.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Keep digging for that pony.
dr. bloor
Ah yes, how silly of us to not see that HRC’s tasteless, self-serving comments about the assassinated brother of a man just diagnosed with a life-threatening illness are GREAT NEWS!!! FOR HILLARY!!!1!
John S.
Remember ‘bittergate’ that you and your pals and Hillary all milked like a Jersey cow? Well, it’s Hillary’s turn – and I assure you, she will not come through it nearly as well.
Just stick to FOX News like the rest of your ilk, and all will be well children…
Dug Jay
401k down eight grand in one week, eh? Well, as you look back on this past week in the near future, you’ll find that a mere $ 8k loss was pretty insignificant….small change relatively speaking compared to what you will have subsequently lost.
As the market comes to increasingly forsee a big Democratic sweep in the fall elections, and an increasing likelihood of an Obama victory, the market (and the economy, generally) will almost certainly collapse. Obama has announced support for raising capital gains tax rate by 100% and restoring the full double taxation of common stock dividends, not to mention restore tax rates to the pre-Bush levels. He argues that the “little guy” doesn’t benefit from those capital tax breaks, and only the fucking rich will be hurt. As even Paul Krugman acknowledges, those higher rates on capital gains and stock dividends will severely depress equity values of assets of the “little guys,” who do have holdings of stock in their 401k’s, pension plans, and other IRA forms of savings. Get ready for economic times that will make the 1930’s look like swell times again. In the not too distant future, you will look back on that lost “$8k” as chump change.
Another viewpoint on the fauxrage:
Susie said it.
hey myiq-
i’m going to make you the same offer i made to that troll Justin last night–for every head-up-your-ass comment you leave, i’m gonna donate $1 to Obama.
Justin pussed out after only five posts, but i know you can do better than that!
so…get started! there’s gotta be so much stuff from TalkLeft you can clip and paste here, so get going! i wanna give Obama some more dough.
No, actually BooMan says it.
Dang. Forgot to close the block quote. Everything starting with This, oddly enough is me.
There’s a limit on donations, better make it Fiddy Cents or you’ll be done in a week.
Dennis - SGMM
Any rational person knows that there are simply things that you do not say. Clinton went ahead and said one of them. She did it in the same tone deaf, thoughtless way that she analogized her Quixotic campaign to the civil rights struggle, Florida 2000, and the election in Zimbabwe. What she said was appalling, no spin or twisting needed. She has become, as I posted a couple of threads ago, the downer cow of the Democratic party.
Economic collapse. Pandemonium on the streets. Dogs and cats, living together. MASS CHAOS!!!
I’m glad I already have my post-apocalyptic wardrobe picked out
RFK Jr.:
Is he a troll too?
ha! probably a good idea, jake.
just soze you know, myiq, i’m not going to count them up as you go today like i did last night–its too nice a day outside, and i want to take the dog for a lot of walks.
so i’ll come back at the end of the day, and count ’em up. considering how much time you compulsively spend here, (muttering to yourself “ah-ha! THAT will piss them off!” after each one I’m sure), I’m prepared to drop some serious coin to Obama.
heck, let’s see if we can make it up to $50. that’ll be what Hillary’s campaign has left, so it’ll be perfectly symmetrical!
dr. bloor
Better make it $100–there’s always another kid with a bike out there.
Only $1?
People here were chipping in $25 per comment just a month ago.
ok–one last one.
first off, that’s $1. keep reaching for the stars, myiq!
secondly, no, RFK is not a troll, since he doesn’t come here just to piss off the other people around him. that takes a very specific kind of madness.
i don’t go to hillary blogs and piss on them, because, as wrong as i think they are, i have some sort of grudging respect for them–they care a lot about this and their candidate. but what’s the point of “going” somewhere just to make people mad? i asked Justin the Troll that last night, and he didn’t answer me.
people who go to a blog just to throw grenades are sad, sad people, who didn’t get enough attention growing up, and the internet provides them with safe, secure anonymity.
but instead of just writing responses telling you to f**k off (which i don’t like to do, and bedsides, they obviously don’t work), i’m turning a negative–you and your posts–into a positive–donating money to the next President of the United States.
yes, i can.
i don’t make that much money, so i can’t afford $25 per.
that means i’m working class, i guess, yet i don’t support Our Lady of Perpetual Fakery. gee, maybe i AM an elitist!
$3 so far.
It is so good that you are here to be so completely outraged. It seems the son of the assassinated man is not outraged. But then clearly he does not have the moral stature and standing you have as he seems to support Clinton. What a boor!
Conservatively Liberal
empty chose that specific name to honor Hillary, her campaign and the checking account they use to pay their bills.
Now that is dedication!
dr. bloor
I see an explanation here–one that no one disputes–but no approval. Got anything that quotes him as saying it’s a good strategy on her part?
Besides, I should think that you, Myiq=72 et al would be pleased to have this issue linger. Between coverage of Obama v. McCain on foreign policy and their respective options for veeps, There’s precious little else that can get “your girl” on the front page of the newspaper these days.
Joe Beese
I give myiq2xu credit. I would have expected somone insecure enough to make boasts about their IQ not to venture outside the heavily patrolled confines of CorrenteWire’s comments area this weekend. But then again, Lambert won’t let you use a misogynist taunt like “pussies”, will he?
That said, no insult I could contrive could hurt you one-tenth as much as your own knowledge that Hillary’s campaign has gone from dead to decomposing – and that she will remembered not only as an incompetent failure, but as a moral disgrace.
Happy holiday weekend, everyone.
We don’t need to do that anymore, now that Obama has won.
Here’s my theory on the real story behind the Clinton’s fanatical drive to the Presidency:
Bill and Hillary forgot something they hid in the vents at the West Wing, and the only way to retrieve it and avoid an eventual scandal is to win this race.
I hope it isn’t sex tapes….
Dear heart, are you prepared to argue that Clinton’s comments were not, in fact, both tasteless and historically false? If so, by all means, bring it on. We could use a good laugh.
As for our other dear little chum, I went looking this morning for that “backlash”. Alas, I was unable to find it anywhere. Perhaps you can provide a few links? We’ll be right here waiting for you.
John O
About that 401K. The good news is that if you lost $8K last week you have a healthy balance, and I read up thread you’re a long way from theoretical retirement.
So, anyway, about a year ago, I took a good hard look at the world and announced to the big family that my unqualified financial advice was to put the money in a mattress, or mattress equivalent.
Why? I said, “He (Bush) has ruined everything else he’s ever touched in his whole life, why should the economy and markets be any different?” This was way back in the good ol’ days when gas was about $3.25.
As a result, I’m only down about 2% this year. I am a genius.
That being said, I DO think things will get worse first, just so the GOP can blame those crazy Dem economic policies, the ones that left Bush and Co. in such bad fiscal shape in 2000.
Chris Johnson
I learned fairly recently that out of a max $600 bribe BushCo was promising to give me, they’re actually bribing me $300. Presumably because I run my own business and actually earned… profits a bit over the $8000 you lost sleep over. For the WHOLE YEAR.
I wish you were in the US so I could know what they were proposing to bribe YOU, with your retirement account with more than $8000 in it. (it’s not EMPTY now, right?) If they turned around and bribed you the full $600, I would laugh till I cried.
The argument is that Obama might get capped like my Dad, so she should stay in the race. That’s a defense?
Rick Taylor
I still don’t think she was intending to imply Obama might get killed; I think she was so wrapped up trying to suggest a comparison with herself with the Kennedys she made a terrible gaffe. But it doesn’t matter, she said what she said; I think Obama’s campaign got the initial response exactly right; no attempt to figure out what she was up to, a simple statement her remarks had no place in the campaign.
As much as I love this place, i doubt much of the larger world is paying much attention to a blog called “Balloon Juice.” When Obama made his bitter comments, it wasn’t Hillary’s doing, she didn’t force him. Similarly, no one forced Clinton to say what she said. Under the kindest interpretation, her remarks are bizarre and open to misinterpretation; it’s not surprising that many in the media, not necessarily Obama partisan’s, are reacting the way they are. On top of her hard working white voter comments (which were my breaking point, where I believe she really did intend to argue she should be selected over the pledged delegate leader because of her appeal to white voters) she’s shot herself in the foot. You were not shy about deriding Obama supporters for crying foul and blaming others over bitter-gate when it was a genuine gaffe on Obama’s part; I think that applies now.
Rick Taylor
My best guess is she was trying to make a connection between herself and the Kennedy’s, and she’s been pushing so hard and in such a bubble for such a long time, she said this without intending any suggestion about Obama, and without getting how offensive people would find it. Regardless, people are sitting here trying to figure out what she could have had in mind is telling. I think the Obama campaign had the right idea; it doesn’t matter what she had in mind and will only drive you mad trying to figure it out; they were inappropriate, just leave it at that.
I remember thinking after her hard working white voter gaffe that the condition she was in, she should suspend her campaign as much as for her own reputation as for the party. It seems that was right.
Well, I’m all in for the primary, maxed out to the Obama campaign, and I intend to do the same for the general.
We are going to to crush Mister Magoo aka John McCain like a beer can under a Hummer, and as soon as you Hillosers stop stamping your feet in denial of the reality here, we can get to work on winning an election where all the states count.
Rick Taylor
A headline from the online washington post
Not something you want to see in the morning if you’re campaigning for President.
And here is the New York Times, which originally endorsed Senator Clinton (Say What? Hillary Clinton Does it Again):
Meanwhile, the GOP leadership is becoming … concerned … that McCain is not being nasty enough:
Rick Taylor
I think the times gets the tone just exactly right. No attempt to divine what the hell she meant, noting the remarks were offensive and the apology was a non-apology.
Notorious P.A.T.
Hmmmm. . . if only there were some way we Democrats could eliminate said turmoil, and rob the Republicans of a potential advantage. . . hmmm. . .
w vincentz
So…Hillary, John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Sirhan Sirhan are at the rifle range, sighting in their rifles.
Hillary turns to the guys and says: I remember when my daddy taught me to shoot behind the barn. Then we went to the duck blind. Later, all the gun training came in handy when I shot those snipers at Tuzla.
John Wilkes chimes in: That’s nothin’ honey. Have you ever taken a shot in the balcony?
Hillary blushes and replies: Only with those three boys back in high school.
Lee Harvey says: Hillbabe, I like your thinkin’ but have you ever taken a shot from six stories up?
Hillary says: No, I haven’t but I’m pretty sure Bill has. I can’t remember the name of the lady he was with though.
Sirhan Sirhan chimes in: Hillary, have you ever shot a Dem in the back?
Hillary pauses, then says: Are you including Obama?
All three turn and look straight at her. They calmly raise their rifle barrels to her tired face.
She begs for mercy. “I really didn’t mean it!”
(to be continued)
Rick Taylor
Please don’t.
w vincentz
Rick Taylor,
IF (repeat “if”) I offended anyone, it is my deep regret.
IF you think those are my words that end the story, well, maybe we can get some targets and head to the shootin’ range with Hillary.
I’m sure 8 years of Republicans gutting oversight and regulation and Greenspan fucking things up with too easy credit had nothing to do with it.
Isn’t the name myiq2xu, well, elitist?
And yet three former chairmen of the SEC and a former chair of the Federal Reserve issued a statement in mid-May supporting Obama.
Volcker (appointed by Carter, re-appointed by Reagan), Ruder (appointed by Reagan), Levitt (appointed by Clinton), Donaldson (appointed by GWB) said, in part:
Which position is more credible? I just can’t decide.
Conservatively Liberal
Some good statistical analysis of Hillaryis44 over at Kos. The comments have some more info about them, and are pretty good too. Short version: Few posters with a lot to post about, probably mostly puppets, lots of ratfuckers.
Just what I thought.
Well, I’m sure the same people who lost their shirts in the Depression of the 1990’s are frantically pulling their resources out of the market . . . oh, fuck it. I can’t even say this with a straight face. Jump in a fucking lake, Dug Jay. The last eight years have been a economic apocalypse by any measurement available. The only people running scared from the Obama economic plans are corporate raiders like Carl Icahn and government-contract blood ticks like Blackwater. Those people can GO FUCK THEMSELVES.
My financial advisor, who is, otherwise, a very good guy, and a very good financial advisor, is also a Rush Limbaugh/John Birch type crazy. When our conversations stray to politics, which they sometimes do, he warns me about how Democrats are bad for the market.
What he ignores, of course, is that it is the Party of Torture which is largely responsible for our current, sad state of economic affairs, i.e., lax regulatory efforts at the FEC, “off-the-books” deficit spending, the whole kielbasa.
Dug, while you are one of the biggest fucking idiots who ever visits here, I do grant you one thing. There will be economic hell to pay for the failures of your sad, incompetent, racist, perverted, sociopathic excuse for a political party. Fortunately, that hell will be paid for under several successive Democratic administrations, and actual adults will do what government is supposed to do, govern.
Nice try, now crawl back in your hole please.
I just found proof that the delusional disorder that has plagued the Clinton campaign has spread to her supporters. Check out this sparkling piece of “logic” from the NY Times comments section:
“HRC is right on the mark. How safe is BHO? Better to be safe then sorry. Anything can happen and in these sad times I’d rather have a presidential candidate who looks at all the possibilities then one who thinks nothing bad will ever happen. The murder of BHO would be terrible, but it’s not out of the question”
I’m speechless.
Chris Johnson,
He does live in the US…
McCain is older than Helvetica.
I was going to snark that, but why bother. Just as the retard class is certain Eve had a petting zoo of dinosaurs, they’re just as faith based on how smart they are on the market and economy. Despite all historical evidence to the contrary. From Market Watch before Decider Man’s full brilliance is factored in…
In addition, the party of fiscal responsibility historically racks up deficits at a 2:1 advantage over Dems. While they excel at repeatedly telling everyone just how smart they are on the economy, they seriously suck when they actually touch it.
But, you can capitalize on that. Especially when someone of Decider Man’s caliber comes along coupled with a Pub controlled Congress for six years at the helm. The GW Bush years have been good to me financially. When you can absolutely count on stupid staying the course in the economy and markets, you can make some money.