Sigh. You all know I’ve been a fan of Dunkin Donuts for quite some time–and have touted their strong position in favor of immigration enforcement.
Charles Johnson notes, and many readers have e-mailed about, Dunkin Donuts’ spokeswoman Rachel Ray’s clueless sporting of a jihadi chic keffiyeh in a recent DD ad campaign. I’m hoping her hate couture choice was spurred more by ignorance than ideology.
Is Ray’s blunder worth boycotting DD over?
You go for it, Michelle! I say you fire up a national boycott of Dunkin Donuts based around the organizing principle that… a celebrity wore a scarf in a commercial.
More here.
Joe Beese
Malkin’s shtick is aging about as well as Gallagher’s, isn’t it.
The Moar You Know
Hate couture? Why have I not been informed? I liek couture.
Is she serious?
The people have gone off the deep end so hard they’re going to be wandering in the wildness of irrelevancy for the next forty years.
When is someone going to force Malkin to take her meds?
Don’t tell her that. I enjoy watching them do this.
What are her countertops made of?
I’m with Ted. And besides, as long as she’s doing this kind of stuff, she’s not lucking into something that people might actually give a shit about.
Good thing we have the ASPCA or Malkin would throw a stampy-fit on this critter.
yeah, she wore a black and white patterned scarf, around her neck. the pattern is similar to one Palestinian men often wear.
[SLAP!] Pipe down, you…
Keeping going Michelle, you’re doing great!
The moral of this story is that everyone should look to the sky and thank God (even Atheists) they aren’t Michelle Malkin nor one her devoted Wraiths.
Wraith = Something shadowy and insubstantial.
Hilarious title John.
Andy K
I, for one, plan to follow Malkin’s lead by boycotting the education system until “Algebra” is renamed “Liberty Math”. I’m also thinking of boycotting the any brewery and distillery that doesn’t substitute the phrase “Democracy Juice” for “alcohol”.
That will show them.
Please note the crescent shape of this jihadist’s moustache. Note the full beard. The affinity for nubile virgins. Note the clothes, which are definitely not PatriotWear&trade.
Coincidence? I think not. I love that “secret sauce” as much as the next person, but I’m not willing to die for it.
Now…. where’s that package of Depends?
Eural Joiner
The stupid…it hurts!
On another note – just got back from visiting my staunch conservative friends in the backwoods of SC (well, used to be backwoods…it’s rapidly turning into a suburb of Charlotte). They were staunch Bush supporters until the immigration thingie and since then have seen the late are now very unhappy with the current state of their party. This past weekend they are openly boasting that they (and everyone they know) are going to vote for Bob Barr come election time this November.
Don’t know how much that applies to the state as a whole but I don’t think McCain has a real strong grip on the traditional Southern base. Just thought I’d share it for what its worth.
If it didn’t work this time………. well, WordPress sucks.
In other news, the Communist Party in Russia is not pleased with the new Indiana Jones movie’s depiction of them, and called Harrison Ford and Cate Blanchette “second rate actors”.
With no self-awareness or sense of Irony, they want the movie banned in Russia.
Goddamit – Is it Hate Week again?
I always liked their coffee. But then coffee, qahwa, is Arabic – shouldn’t we boycott Colombia or something?
I want a donut. Now!
I like how Michelle, at the end of the post says that it was probably all innocent anyway, and that she’s giving D.D. the benefit of the doubt.
So, Michelle, if you don’t think it amounts to anything nefarious, why write the fucking idiotic post about it in the first place?
I’m so tired of her “it would be irresonsible NOT to speculate” pieces of bullshit. All she’s doing on her site is egging on those people who loathe anything that is different from them, all while maintaining an innocent “Who, me? But it was just a little joke!” façade.
Yeah, this donut talk is making me crave them as well. And I don’t have any.
if she doesn’t let her rage out a little bit each day, she’ll become constipated and bloated – and then her pants won’t fit. it’s for her health.
If Rachel Ray had worn a scarf with polka-dots, would la Malkin be slamming her because of the dots’ resemblence to the Japanese flag?
Good one, that. Andy knows a bit of Arabic.
Eat a six ounce Donut and gain 5 pounds. How so you say. Because there deliciously evil.
Check it out, billionaire Carl Icahn thinks Obama would be a disaster:
You’ll have to excuse Icahn, he just awoke from an 8 year coma.
Because the Faux Outrage Beast must be fed, and in a pinch your average American Sweetheart will have to do.
You can kill your donut cravings by going to the Malkin post to see the “delicious” donut pictured there, radioactive green covered with little bugs or mini chocolate chips or something. (Wait a minute, isn’t green the Islamofascist color?)
Mmmmmmm, doooonuts…
Memo to True Wingnut Assistance Team:
Re: Rachel Ray incident.
Could be nothing or could be something that threatens our children and our way of life. Just to be safe get me a full countertop, a verifiable Blood Equity Index and go back to, say, the 4th grade, up to the present day and look for any references to hoummous, baba ganoush, Turkish Delight (note: the candy, not the Larry Craig type) and Arak (not Iraq). Important: leave out falafel.
What is really sad here is that the scarf is not a Kefiyyah, which has a specific pattern and is made of cotton. The Rachel “I’m too lazy to cut tofu” Ray scarf is a paisley job made of silk.
The whole issue was on ‘Atlas Shrugs’ two weeks ago, and it was thoroughly ridiculed then. Now it is recycled by Malkin… sad, really. Malking and Hillary are circling aroung the curved universe of stupidity and meeting in a black hole of suckitude.
Davis X. Machina
Miss Ray’s supporting our troops.
Here’s the same product from my favorite Army-Navy store.
It’s a ‘Woven Coalition Desert Scarf’.
Available in Green/Black, Tan/Brown, Khaki/Black, Coyote, White/Black, White/Red
The Ultimate Wingnut Dilemma:
Frito-Lay runs an ad in which Chester Cheeto sports a keffiyeh.
Rick Taylor
The ironic thing is she’s as committed in her fervor that women not ware scarves as one might imagine some muslim fundamentalist could be in their fervor that women wear them.
Hey, there’s no need to attack Mathematics! After all, I’m pretty certain DD is selling Liberty #FF9900 Juice under an unpatriotic name!
This is also why the McCain camp is headed for ignominious defeat in November: These morons, these Teri Schiavo Can Come Back, 6000 year old Earth, Rapture Book Readin, My God Beats Your God, Social Security Sucks, To Hell With Healthcare, WarrenTerra Fightin, Iraq Liberatin, Iran Nukin stupid motherfuckers are McCain’s BASE and the world now sees how completely crazy and clueless they really are.
The “conservative movement” (which never existed) ends with a whimper, not a bang.
Enjoy your summer, Mister Magoo.
Oh, and ….
{ voice of Homer Simpson }
Doh …. nuts.
In a perfect world, all food would be donuts.
“hate couture” is clearly a play on “haute couture,” which is a French term that can only be used by high-end design firms licensed by the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris. A French-based pun based on government-regulated high fashion? I thought the liberals were supposed to be the elitists.
I’m not sure it’s possible for Malkin to have written a more ironic statement if she tried.
isn’t this the sort of out-of-control hyper-sensitive political correctness which rat-wingers used to rail against?
Not that, you know, I don’t expect hypocrisy from them or anything.
Hillary/Malkin 2012
Now there’s a ticket with real potential!
You’re Canadian, you don’t understand the nuance of today’s American Wingnut Warrior. This Michelle post simply follows one of the many how-to chapters in the Wingnut Masturbation 101 Bible.
Dipshit A writes whatever brain dead bullshit breezes through above their shoulders. This technique requires a caveat like “Maybe I’m seeing this wrong and too negatively.” Dipshit Chorus B then jumps tearfully bleating “No, No, NO!, it really is a secret conspiracy to unravel America handing it to the terrorists. Unlike the evildoers, you’re being naive and innocent Dipshit A!”
In that masturbation technique, the chorus provides the strokes until all participants are spent. It’s sex for wingnuts.
But where do the wetsuits come in?
wasabi gasp
Update: terror scarfs are as American as mom, baseball and apple pie.
My God, the comments are priceless. One of the saner types had this to say:
“tropicalwave12 said: I sometimes wonder if we are overreaching reactionaries.”
to which, some brownshirt replied:
“Nope – just cautious. As anyone with law enforcement background, and anyone who has been in the military for any length of time, will tell you, if it looks out of place, check it out. If there’s nothing out of order, no harm, no foul. [Papers please, may I see your papers]
But situational awareness demands that you notice everything, no matter how trivial it might seem. [Including, no doubt, the type of countertops every recipient of public aid may have]
And, as MM indicated, this doesn’t mean an immediate boycott of DD, just give the management the benefit of the doubt.”
Reading crap like this, and then reflecting on the fact that the Doughy Pantload writes an entire book linking liberals with fascism, makes me wonder what bizzaro world I’ve fallen into where up is down and the sky is green.
re Icahn: Yeah well, Warren Buffett endorsed Obama, so there ya go. :)
Matthew B.
See, this is the most ridiculous thing — it isn’t similar to a Palestinian keffiyeh pattern, apart from the colour scheme. It’s just a black and white scarf.
This is so stupid that, despite the warning of the category tag, I actually clicked the link just to confirm that yes, she really thinks Rachel Ray is pro-jihadi.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, my eyeballs have a date with Clorox…
Well, I would say that Michelle didn’t latch on to the true awfulness of Dunkin Donuts’ fall from grace. If you click through her links to their website you will notice that they are pushing not only lattes but iced lattes. This can only be a nefarious plot to undermine the character of hard-working Americans — white Americans — and I’m surprised Michelle missed it. She must be falling down on the job.
You know what really cracks me up? They don’t get how utterly stupid they sound.
let’s be realistic, though. we’re talking about people for whom the statement “Hitler was a vegetarian therefore Whole Foods is fascist” is a deep insight. i don’t think we can expect them to be able to do advanced pattern recognition – just being able to match colors correctly is pretty big achievement.
This is why it’s important to accessorize. Add a US flag lapel pin, and she’s 100% pro American again.
Pass the donuts.
According to the Masters of Snark over at Sadly, No! Atlas Shrugged covered this about a week ago. I thought at the time Ms. Shruggernaut was trying to get five minutes of fame with her own version of MM’s Absolut Freak Out.
Now it appears MM is running the story without crediting Pammy-kins.
Fingers crossed for two harpies of the fRight getting into a knock down drag out.
Well, things have been pretty slow. People like Malkin remind me Vegas crap table crews trying to get some players to start a game when the table is empty.
BTW, the real Palestinian colors would be red, green, white and black. It was (and still is I think) illegal to wear a kufiyah like that in the Occupied Terri tores.
It is funny but you all need to get out more – Ted Swedenburg posted on the campaign against Urban Outfitters just a few days ago. he also has written a lot about the kufiyah wars – although he did get a few things wrong.
Back in 2003, did they boycott Dunkin’ Donuts for serving French crullers? Or at least insist they be called Freedom Crinkledonuts?
Notorious P.A.T.
As opposed to all the great Russian actors, such as. . . uh. . . uh. . .
O.M.G! This is proof that Michelle Malkin is a defeat-o-crat who secretly hates America.
This to explode Malkinites’ heads that really is kufiyah and karen Hess was also a food critic.
Yakov Smirnoff!
The title of that post was great, too: Axis of EVOO.
As I’ve noted elsewhere, this is made all the more amusing by the fact that Dunkin Donuts is partly owned by the Carlyle Group.
The green/black one is beautiful!
I just bought 3.
Thanks Rachael, Michelle, John, and Davis X Machina!
The Moar You Know
Phoebe – soak them through a few buckets of water first, and don’t wash them with anything else; they bleed dye like crazy at first.
Eh, cleek beat me to the “funneh” answer. As a latte-sipping elitist fan of Andrei Tarkovsky, I can assure you that there are many fine actors of the Russian persuasion.
In Soviet Union, movie protests YOU!
Since I’m all in Stanley Cup mode, and the man’s name is plastered on my shirt, I was worried Evgeni Malkin said something dumb. But I wasn’t worried given his limited grasp of English. But then again, here’s another damn immigrant, coming over here and taking a job an American could do! And he don’t even talk English good!
Yep, that’s right, the name Malkin is plastered on my back right now.
OMGs, Dunkin Donuts probably killed more people with trans fas than AlQaeda!!!!!!!111
o__O “Crusader vogue cotton headdress”?
Oh, wait, didn’t Yosemite Sam where one of those?
Bob In Pacifica
In San Francisco the donut shop business is controlled by the Cambodians. First and second-generation immigrants. I wonder if corporate headquarters for Dunkin Donuts is eyeing westward expansion and sees the immigrant community as a threat to their growth.
If Dunkin wants a part of the West Coast they’re gonna have to make better coffee. I saw Bear Grylls on the African plain looking for sources of water. He grabbed an elephant turd, held it high, and squeezed and drank the brown liquid and I thought, “Jeez, Dunkin Donuts coffee, even on the African Savanna.”
Bubblegum Tate
Damn, that’s fantastic. So is “Liberty Math.”
I say we get rid of that evil Hindu-Arabic numeral system once and for all. From now on I’m going to party like it’s MCMXCIX.
gypsy howell
And I demand we rename Altoona “Freedom Fish, PA” !
Michelle is a loon.
Yikes, and thank you, Moar.
Too funny! Papist.
Hume's Ghost
One of the commenters at Malkin’s said that the people working at the Food Network are anti-American fascists.
Speaking of Carl Icahn, can anyone explain to me what he actually does? From the coverage I’ve read of the Yahoo imbroglio it seems like he’s basically a corporate pirate.
Goseph Gerbils
Llelldorin Says:
Trés drôle. Now shaddup before you get #000000listed. (Don’t mind me, I’m just #009900 with envy.)
r€nato Says:
I was thinking exactly the same thing. Yes, there is such a thing as “political correctness” (an expression coined on the left with ironic intent in the first place as a gibe at simpleton followers) and that is how it works.
rachel Amends:
She will, Oscar, she will.
And now I won’t have to. =)
Does it even matter to John that Malkin answers her own retorical question by saying no.
Selective cut-n-paste helps “Keep Snark Alive”!!
And so it goes…..
Does it even matter to John that Malkin answers her own retorical question by saying no.
Should it? She does say no, but to entertain the idea at all is pretty loopy. Srsly. Writing “I’m hoping her hate couture choice was spurred more by ignorance than ideology” in all seriousness about Rachel Ray’s scarf is wacka-wacka.
Make mine a large coffee with cream only.
Wood, apparently.
I think Malkin is just going after soft targets now. She must be able to save a bundle not sending the Kountertop Krüe out.
Not to mention the digits 0-9. I propose boycotting any establishment that doesn’t exclusively use roman numerals.
Silver Owl
Malkin is lucky America not the nasty bitch she is. Cause her ass wouldn’t even be here to annoy the shit out of me.
I propose boycotting any establishment that doesn’t exclusively use roman numerals.
As phobos said, party like it’s MCMCXIX.
I support this idea. It’d cut government spending – I don’t think there’s a Roman numeral for the trillion. And the corporate leeches could say goodbye to all those extra zeroes at the end of their salaries.
Oops, MCMXCIX, not MCMCXIX. I must hate freedom, or something.
No negatives. No deficit spending. Problem solved.
Of course, like the metric system, Americans would be too stubborn to learn the new system and would all suffer a psychosis because Lost would be on channel VII and they would never be able to find it.
Prior to the late ’60s or thereabouts, Catholic women wore terror-scarves by the millions! In church!
What… the… fuck.
They’ve pulled the ad…
If my eyes rolled any harder at this crap then they’d fall out of my head.
While I agree this is ridiculous because her scarf looks simply like a scarf, I’d like to play the devel’s advocate. We must remember symbols have always represented an important part of all cultures throughout time. Had Rachel Ray worn a swastika arm band or white hood the world would have been appalled. I am amazed that certain forms of dress have become en vogue. As an expatriate from the U.S. it disturbs me that we can be so insensitive especially after 911 and I can only attribute this to ignorance. For many of us living elsewhere in the world, we see up close what these symbols represent. These organizations and governments actively support the suppression of women, the banning of freedom of religion and speech, and the tacit acceptance of violence against innocent human beings all in the name of a cause or belief. Have we become so P.C. that we refuse to tell the truth or are we somehow hoping that our own human/democratic values are also shared by all? Read, listen and observe. Actions always speak louder than words. Remember, symbols are powerful messages!