This is just great:
Liz Trotta: And now we have what some are reading as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama…
Erik Shawn: Obama.
Liz Trotta: Obama. Well, both, if we could.
Eric Shawn: Talk about how you really feel
Is it sexist and misogynist to call Liz Trotta an awful human being? And while it would be extremely unfair to blame the junior Senator from New York for this wretched woman’s awful comments (and I am not), I would like to thank Senator Clinton for her leadership in helping to push the important issue of political assassination to the forefront of our national political discussion.
She picked the scab, Fox News provided the pus.
I think you mean pus, not puss. Wouldn’t want you to set off someone’s misogynodar by mistake.
But Krugman says that the MUP needs to wave something and get the party to come together because Clinton said something dumb. Or something. I love Krugman, but he’s been off when it comes to the primaries.
How scary is it that this was such a flippant thing to say? So breezy and easy to make a joke about assassinating an american citizen. Souless and inhumane.
I’m gonna have an ulcer before all this is over. Our political history is littered with sacrificial lambs. Nothing changes until somebody dies.
What a nightmare.
John Cole
Christ, thanks for catching that. I would have spent the next 6 years being called named for that spelling mistake.
This IS a breezy and easy concept for many modern conservatives. Many seem to see politicians (at least liberal ones) as legitimate targets for assassination, since their policies can affect so many people. That’s how they rationalize it.
The first time I heard this, I couldn’t make out exactly what she was saying, and now that I have, I would like to express what an evil sack of a human waste this woman is. Imagine if someone on CNN had said something similar about GWB, the white hot outrage from wingnuttia would be enough to warm the planet several degrees. Liberal media? Bullshit by the truckload.
She said something incredibly stupid and horrible, but at least she apologized this morning.
I still don’t respect her, but she at least owned up to her idiocy reasonably well, apart from the “to anyone I’ve offended” shit. It was offensive. No need to weaken the apology with the “if” word.
Oh, and good post, Named.
Krugman really needs to go back to writing about economics. His political insights are no more interesting than those of some random blogger. Why should the NYT publish them, any more than they’d publish his recipes?
Dangerous word. But Y ?
Bob In Pacifica
She still hasn’t apologized for working at the Washington Times.
Notorious P.A.T.
It’s against the law to threaten the president. Is it against the law to threaten a presidential candidate?
Don’t care. What slips out on the fly is often what is really thought about underneath. I have no doubt she would be delighted by the demise of a candidate that is shaping up to be a very large electoral threat to the GOP. And I’d bet good money she only issued that apology at the demand of FoxNews.
And I love her description of this political season as “colorful”.
And how hard is it to make political humor without it being related to candidate assassination? How is that what immediately comes to mind when trying to make a joke?
I wouldn’t blame Hillary’s stupid remark for Trotta’s stupid remark. Fox News doesn’t need anybody’s encouragement to spread hatred and malice.
I agree, Ted. That’s why I don’t respect her. I’m giving her minimum points for an apology, that’s all.
does she perhaps have a work address to where we can send giant bags of dogshit?
if sent to her home, only she has to deal with it. but if we fill her coworkers’ place of business with giant, smelly, steaming piles of crap (of which my one dog alone is capable of providing), then her coworkers will start to hate her guts, which is no less than she deserves.
Garrigus Carraig
Another, less important typo: “List Trotta”.
“Colorful political season” What a sorry putz. Joking about how she wishes Obama dead. Colorful as in funeral black maybe. I’d say not only no apology but a big shovel to dig herself deeper. Maybe together, her and Hilly can dig themselves to China.
I believe Hillary wasn’t thinking about Obama being done in with her remarks. This twisted witch was. Saying, “I’m sorry, that was a bad joke,” does nothing to clear up what motivated the thought in the first place.
I wasn’t comparing their original statements but rather their non-apology apologies.
Chris Johnson
Sicily has NOTHING on us anymore. Machiavelli would be as happy as a pig in shit here. Classic empire-decline moment if only you can recognize it as such.
The first thing we do is let go of our pretenses of being a moral force inherently leaning to the good and righteous.
Second, start to get some practice in with acting morally and decently on purpose without pretense.
Around about now I’m a bit fed up with anybody trying to call out the basic decency of Americans, because it’s become apparent that we’re essentially not. Maybe in 1945 or so, we were that naive, unselfish, and generous.
Now we’re entitled as fuck and want to be applauded.
Time to enter a new stage, like every single other failed empire in the history of the planet…
Interesting choice of words. Freudian slip?
Big deal. It would have been offensive if she used profanity.
No. She is a stupid bitch, just like Hillary. If you go on a propaganda network and joke about assassinating people, being called a bitch is almost a compliment. I can think of far worse things, but am too well mannered to write them down.
The only way a lot of “decent Americans” would have gotten upset about this would have been if, at the end of her statement, Justin Timberlake had walked in and ripped off half of her shirt.
Christ. Someone refresh my memory, wasn’t it FAUX Snooze that lead the charge when Bill Mauer made a comment that the fRight interpreted as a desire to see CtCheney get blowed up?
But this is somehow just a silly joke caused by the (crikey!) “colorful” political season. Sure. Tell it to the friendly folks of the Secret Service. They love jokes.
What I hate most about stupid vile sewer dwelling disease carrying vermin like Liz Trots* is I hate conspiracy theories and thinking there’s a hidden meaning in what people say.
Tinfoil hats just aren’t me, but with the crowd of assclowns running around these days I also feel like I’m being naive if I don’t at least wonder if what they say and what they say they mean (or don’t really mean) is what they really mean. Know what I mean?
*Whoops, just kidding Liz, love ya!
I disagree with you, John, when you say “And while it would be extremely unfair to blame the junior Senator from New York for this wretched woman’s awful comments..” Junior senator created the context in which the comments were made. After all, what were troglodyte Trotta and her co-conspirators talking about when this toad popped out of her mouth?
BTW, someone above made a comment which seems to imply that Machiavelli lived in Sicily – it was actually Florence…
Her wikipedia page is already getting a lot of edits. It is forever part of her resume.
John Cole
Sure, Clinton is responsible for pushing the issue of assassination to the front of our political discussion, as I noted, but Sen. Clinton is in no way responsible for Liz Trotta’s nasty remarks. Only Liz Trotta owns that crap.
Trotta’s remark is not to be forgiven, and no apology will suffice unless she declares herself the sorriest person in America. As I’ve said before, Clinton’s remark was not evil, but was high degree sleazy.
Chris Johnson
Didn’t mean Machiavelli was Sicilian. Surely you are a bad human being to make that completely unwarranted assumption ;)
The prospect of peak oil, another Depression, what have you doesn’t frighten me or make me ashamed.
But when this crap goes down like with Trotta, where the response is “hyuk, talk about what you really mean!” rather than “…I beg your pardon?” “…um, what the FUCK now?”
That’s when I want to give up and go country-shopping for somewhere else to live that is not so deeply shameful.
Civilisation dates back to the ancient Mesopotamians. Did we not get the memo?
Chris Johnson
But then, we have just lately bombed the shit out of Mesopotamia, it being between the Tigris and Euphrates which is in IRAQ, so maybe we’re really just wanting to call this whole civilization thing off then?
Other people have been invading Mesopotamia ever since they got that civilization thing going – starting with people who lived in what is now Iran. We’re not even the first of the Westerners to do it, not be a long shot. Alexander, the Romans, and then the Brits as soon as the Ottomans wore out. But all that history is what makes civilization so spicy, right?
No, Machiavelli would roll his eyes and say: “I told you stupid shits how to get what you want by not being stupid shits. I wash my hands of you.”
Dear Ms. Everett, ([email protected])
I have just watched a replay of a news clip in which one of your contributors called for the assassination of a US Senator and likely presidential nominee. Regardless of one’s politics, this is beyond acceptable behavior for any news publication. My family expects an apology. If one is not forthcoming, we will honor any call for a boycott of any of your sponsors’ products.
Let’s see how the CORPORATE MEDIA reports on this. Obama used the word “bitter” and made a big fuckin deal type of firestorm out of it. Trotta suggests the assassination of a presidential candidate, who happens to be black, and it is not worth mentioning. Have Keith suggest this about McSame, and it would be non stop ranting for days and calling on MSNBC to fire him. HYPOCRITICAL FASCISTS.