Olbermann’s interview with McClellan was a classic example of how real journalists conduct interviews. Good for Keith and good for McClellan for answering the questions with minimal spin.
“Check out this new YouTube: Young Hillary Clinton.”
I’m so tired of her I don’t care enough to click even if it’s making fun of her.
Interesting, the Military judge in Guantanamo presiding over the case of a Canadian teenager (well, now 21 but 15 when detained), has been replaced. The military says he’s retiring (which is odd since the trial’s still ongoing). T defence lawyers think it’s because
of the judge siding with the defence on a number of evidence disclosure issues in the controversial military tribunal case.
I want to throw a question out here which has been bothering me about Scott McClellen’s book. Is’nt there something terribly wrong with writing a tell all book trashing the administration while the president is still in power? How will future presidents be able to trust any of their staff if they live in fear that a book could be just around the corner.
Shouldn’t there be some kind of contract with these people preventing them from writing books while the president is still in office? Or am I completely off my rocker?
Off the rocker. If you want people to talk about what a great president you are, try acting like one. It’s that easy. People are loyal to those that deserve it.
Rick Taylor
I want to throw a question out here which has been bothering me about Scott McClellen’s book. Is’nt there something terribly wrong with writing a tell all book trashing the administration while the president is still in power? How will future presidents be able to trust any of their staff if they live in fear that a book could be just around the corner.
Well, they might try not starting wars under false pretenses and not outing undercover CIA agents, or declassifying documents purely for partisan gain; that’d be a start.
Interesting, the Military judge in Guantanamo presiding over the case of a Canadian teenager (well, now 21 but 15 when detained), has been replaced.
Well….fuck me sideways. Imagine that. Get the wrong (almost) verdict and….KABLAM!…you outtie a job.
This would be funny if it wasn’t so unfuckingbelievably fucking sick. We truly have become the old USSR.
Bahrain’s king has appointed a Jewish woman as the country’s envoy to the United States.
What, o what will Michelle say.
Jon H
“What, o what will Michelle say.”
‘Ethnic cleansing!”
Jon H
“Does anybody else think Hillary might sue somebody is she’s not awarded the nomination?”
Obviously. Lanny Davis is her id.
Butt Face
Shitty Thread
Zuzu's Petals
Just saw “Recount” on HBO.
Oh. My. God.
Some exaggerations, some oversights, but it still brought back all the outrage of the day.
I was so outraged at the time, in fact, I flew from California to DC and stood in the freezing rain for hours just so I could hold up my banner as GWB’s limo passed. Painted in big red letters:
At the end of the day, I took it and hung it on front of the USSC building.
Zuzu's Petals
on front = in front
Warren Terra
By the by, John, if you want to hit your target of raising $20,000 for Obama in May, you might want to rattle the tin cup a bit.
Another episode of * politicians say the darndest things:
Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., showed no signs of stopping on the trail in South Dakota and cited an old Arkansas, saying in an off-handed reference to her campaign: “you can’t tell how far a frog will jump until you punch him.”
Another blow Clinton has had to face is one that concerns her finances. Clinton, whose campaign is approximately $20 million in debt, said in Huron, S.D. that she is the most fiscally responsible candidate.
“If you will vote for me next Tuesday, you are voting for the most fiscally responsible candidate on either side of the aisle,” said Clinton.
Atrios has two old videos up right now. It’s easy enough to watch Tom Friedman’s “suck on this” speech, a mere 10 FUs ago, and feel disgust for a stupid, vapid man.
But as someone who supported the invasion, it’s no fun at all to watch the Janeane Garofalo clip. We were all supposed to roll our eyes at her because she was just some silly almost-celebrity. But if anyone had bothered to consider her arguments instead of stigmatizing them, it would have been clear that she was considerably more thoughtful and well-informed than Tom Friedman or Colin Powell or almost anyone else.
This is a great ‘all in one place’ post about Iraq War propaganda
Similar sentiment, but in Al Jaffee’s world the phrase is “snappy answers to stupid questions.”
Dennis - SGMM
Does anybody else think Hillary might sue somebody is she’s not awarded the nomination?
Does anyone think that she won’t? She’s the true heir to the nomination after all. She’ll go to the U.N. if she thinks that it will get her the nom. A half dozen lawsuits in jurisdictions sympathetic to her or hostile to the Democrats should tie things up nicely.
PK Says:
I want to throw a question out here which has been bothering me about Scott McClellen’s book. Is’nt there something terribly wrong with writing a tell all book trashing the administration while the president is still in power? How will future presidents be able to trust any of their staff if they live in fear that a book could be just around the corner.
Shouldn’t there be some kind of contract with these people preventing them from writing books while the president is still in office? Or am I completely off my rocker?
Staffers serve at the pleasure of the president, but ultimately they are accountable to the American people. Presidents ain’t monarchs or despots, no matter how much they would like to think that they are. They should live in fear that they will be exposed if their actions are unethical or criminal or betray the public trust.
Fear of exposure is a very nice counter to the tendency of some presidents to rubber stamp documents as classified or to try to evoke executive privilege over every conversation and decision that takes place in the White House and subsidiary bodies.
Some conservatives love to rationalize abuses of police authority with the line that “if you have nothing to fear, then you have nothing to hide.” Funny how they don’t like it when it is applied to them.
Nellcote Says:
Another episode of * politicians say the darndest things:
Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., showed no signs of stopping on the trail in South Dakota and cited an old Arkansas, saying in an off-handed reference to her campaign: “you can’t tell how far a frog will jump until you punch him.”
The Sun Queen is a woman of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. In Pennsylvania she was the Blue Collar Momma, tossing back shots of Royal Crown, and going out deer hunting with the boys. Here she has transformed herself into Buffalo Hillary, coming down from the mountains in her beaver pelt pant suit and talkin’ all just folks style in the local lingo.
Well, there was a crazy storm here last night in the black forest, I’m going to dinner with another english teacher and then we’re going to the english department party where we will be star attractions for sure! I’ll try and fill you in on next open thread later!
I’ve created a plugin for WordPress that will automatically link every mention of John McCain in blog posts to one of the nine articles suggested by Chris Bowers. It’s a thousand times easier than manually linking every single mention. It can be downloaded here, if anyone’s interested.
She’ll go to the U.N. if she thinks that it will get her the nom.
I’d like to help you, son, but you’re too young to vote.
It’s an open thread, so this isn’t really off topic.
I’m not really appalled that politicians are misusing “popular vote” totals that are obtained by adding together numbers that are not at all comparable (e.g., votes in open primaries, closed primaries, and various forms of caucuses). After all, that is what politicians do.
But I am appalled that no one really calls them on the fact that this is completely bogus. Even if you figure out what to do with MI, FL, IA, etc. the whole concept of adding caucus votes to primary votes as if they were the same thing is fatally flawed from the very start. Paying attention to which states are counted and how just distracts from the fundamental innumeracy of the whole project.
Cris Says:
She’ll go to the U.N. if she thinks that it will get her the nom.
I’d like to help you, son, but you’re too young to vote.
Sometimes I wonder what Hillary will do,
‘Cause there ain’t no cure for her nomination blues
Read Talk Left now! They’re all bummed because it looks like Clinton doesn’t want to use BTD’s argument to seat FL/MI and since Talk Left know much more than Clinton’s lawyers, it must be over.
Disclosure: I am a 33 year old African American woman and a native New Orleanian. I have an educational background in History, African American studies and Women’s studies in both undergrad and grad school. I had been the lone Black woman in many classes and discussions with self proclaimed white feminists (male and female). Since 1992, I remember being told accounts of the racism inherent in the Feminist movement. My professors were older women, both Black and White, and I honestly believed that their recollections were of things that were long since past. This primary season has shown me that the opposite it true. Because of this, I choose to embrace being a Womanist and not a Feminist.
My Feminism led me to insert myself into a situation where I believed an African American male was assualting a group of young white people. I aligned myself with those White people because I saw a woman crying and all three were being chased by what I believed to be a stereotypical Black male. I sided with a White woman. I comforted her on a Metro platform in DC while the police investigated the altercation. She hugged me and cried and thanked me for helping her as did her friends. I wanted to help her as I wanted to help all women who were assualted. Turns out I was wrong. The poor crying White woman boarded the train before letting the Black man exit, bumped into him and called him a series of cuss words of which Nigger figured prominently. She started the fight and threw the first punch.She threatened to stab him with the shaft of a broken umbrella and chased him through the subway car with it. When he turned around and whipped her ass along with her male friend, it immidiately became a racial issue. He became the aggressor, and I sided with one organ (my uterus) over another (my skin). Her tears became a deadly weapon and I was her unwitting accomplice. Too many Black men were sent to their deaths because of the tears of lying, manipulative White women.
All that to say, I don’t give a flying fuck about Hillary and her tears or who makes fun of her. She is purposely using the damsel in distress defense to play on the emotions of people who still believe that women are less than in terms of emotional and physical strength and ability. She opened herself up to it and she deserves every bit of shit thrown at her. She has earned it. Hillary is a bold faced liar and an opportunist. I am not offended by this at all. She made her bed.
Sexism? I don’t see it in this instance. I see White female priveledge and someone calling her on it.
Disclosure 2: 4 years ago, my then boyfriend, a 40 year old Jewish male, raped me while telling me I was his Black bitch and his Nigger. That is probably the best example anyone can give of the intersection of racism and sexism (I am light skinned, so not as “Black” as most, and he did not like Black men at all). I continue to date whomever I like regardless of race, and I do not want to play oppression olympics.
Race takes a more important role than gender does in most Black churches. Of course, this is what led to many Black women walking away from the Civil Rights movement and what I believe led to its abject failure. I had been very critical of that, but because of what I have noticed this primary season, I now see it as a means of survival. I thought the sermon was hilarious and truthful, but terribly out of place in the pulpit and potentially damaging to the Obama campaign.
Disclosure 3: Obama is my third choice. Hillary
My first was Kucinich after hearing him and his wife speak at the National Network to End Domestic Violence’s lobby day on the Hill last year. I truly admire him and am in love with his wife, Elizabeth. They are both brilliant, and humble, and this country was done a great disservice by the media that paid more attention to her tongue ring than to his policies.
My second was Edwards. He announced his campaign steps away from where my grandparents house was completely washed away in the lower 9th Ward. I believe he understands what the average right wing Christian does not: Jesus was more concerned with the plight of the poor than with whom was sleepiong with whom.
Although I met Obama in 2004 (and in a room full of swooning women, he was very gracious, and kind, and appropriate in behavior), I did not believe people in this country would ever vote for him simply because of race. I never expected him to get this far, and I’m happy to say I was wrong.
I’m not voting for him because he is Black, just as I would not vote for her because she is a woman. I would have voted for her had she become the nominee before this primary season. But not now. She (and Bill) threw every person who looks like me under the bus and has alienated many. People I know have long memories, far longer that a primary season.
Disclosure 4: I affectionately call my girlfriends bitches (and they do the same). This is never acceptable from a man. Similar scenario with Nigger.
I truly believe that Hillary is a conniving, usurping, opportunistic, lying, destructive bitch/whore/cunt, and I do not mean that in a cute way. And I do not feel badly about that at all. And I don’t give a flying fuck if anyone is offended by that. Do I believe B O has said some stupid things? Yes I do. But I do not believe he has intentionally set out to discredit voters because of their perceived allegiances. Has he missed opportunities that were teachable moments? Yes, and he would be talking non stop is he did take advantage of every teachable moment. Do I believe Hillary was unfairly attacked for being an intelligent woman with her own opinions? Yes, but in the 90’s. That is not entirely what I see is happening now. I believe a lot of this does indeed have to do with her sense of entitlement and her willingness to destroy any one who gets in her way.
I just watched the video for the 4th time on Fox News and I still fail to see what was so offensive. It was truthful and funny. And believe me, I’m sure everyone in the church was reacting to that the same way I did. I have memories of a crying White woman who got a deserved ass kicking by a Black man. I see a Presidential candidate using her 1 White priveledge 2 White femal priveldge (and you’d better believe there is no such thing as Black female priveledge. We are still the mules of the world.) and 3 her privledge as a President’s spouse to try to take what she has lost fair and square.
Someone made fun of her for reverting to the crying and distressed woman tactic.
Initially, I was enamored with Shakesville and its war against privilege on the campaign trail. But just like Talkleft, Hillary changes people. It’s kinda become a “all critiques of Hillary are SEXIST!” echo chamber over there. And anyone who does not live by the axioms laid out by the “feminism 101” tab is immediately ostrasized as a “troll”. This particular dissenter, even though a woman, was actually banned,(albeit because a mod said she violated code of conduct, but her point was never refuted, only mocked) which speaks to the divide between Black feminism and White feminism. I shouldn’t really be surprised, it is a feminism blog and not a dem blog, however they claim to stand against all priviledge. But how in the world do you count 104 acts of sexism on the campaign trail, and only have 40+ acts of racism?
The G spot takes on white feminists dismissal of AA feminists’ issues.
Lukasiak is doing some fine frog punching over at TL. He’s hoping that Clinton will say Obama can’t win and that she should keep the primary going past next week. Man, the true believers are always the last ones to recognize reality. Clinton herself I have hope for, but Lukasiak and other crazed followers are a lost cause.
The G spot takes on white feminists dismissal of AA feminists’ issues.
I too hate American Airlines.
The Populist
Michelle Malkin = Hypocrite.
Look at the scarf she has sitting beside her in this photo:
Well, Malkin is just using the scarf to hide her countertops.
I see some hollyweed residents have threatened they leave the country if McCain is elected WELL FRANKLY WE COULD CARE LESS BECUASE WE DONT WATCH THEIR PUTRID MOVIES
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Olbermann’s interview with McClellan was a classic example of how real journalists conduct interviews. Good for Keith and good for McClellan for answering the questions with minimal spin.
Check out this new YouTube: Young Hillary Clinton.
Jon H
“Check out this new YouTube: Young Hillary Clinton.”
I’m so tired of her I don’t care enough to click even if it’s making fun of her.
Interesting, the Military judge in Guantanamo presiding over the case of a Canadian teenager (well, now 21 but 15 when detained), has been replaced. The military says he’s retiring (which is odd since the trial’s still ongoing). T defence lawyers think it’s because
I want to throw a question out here which has been bothering me about Scott McClellen’s book. Is’nt there something terribly wrong with writing a tell all book trashing the administration while the president is still in power? How will future presidents be able to trust any of their staff if they live in fear that a book could be just around the corner.
Shouldn’t there be some kind of contract with these people preventing them from writing books while the president is still in office? Or am I completely off my rocker?
Off the rocker. If you want people to talk about what a great president you are, try acting like one. It’s that easy. People are loyal to those that deserve it.
Rick Taylor
Well, they might try not starting wars under false pretenses and not outing undercover CIA agents, or declassifying documents purely for partisan gain; that’d be a start.
Well….fuck me sideways. Imagine that. Get the wrong (almost) verdict and….KABLAM!…you outtie a job.
This would be funny if it wasn’t so unfuckingbelievably fucking sick. We truly have become the old USSR.
Meh. Politicians need to live in fear more often IMO.
Following on the “Gospel Coins” story Wilfred posted earlier, the military now says it was one Marine with half that many brain cells.
Always remember that others may hate you but those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.
The Commander Guy
RandyH – good youtube link.
what happened
The Other Steve
Very nice of him.
The Other Steve
Olbermann’s interview with McClellan is already up on msnbc.com. Wow! This is awesom.
Well, it’s awesome msnbc is putting stuff online so quickly.
Does anybody else think Hillary might sue somebody is she’s not awarded the nomination?
This from the BBC:
What, o what will Michelle say.
Jon H
“What, o what will Michelle say.”
‘Ethnic cleansing!”
Jon H
“Does anybody else think Hillary might sue somebody is she’s not awarded the nomination?”
Obviously. Lanny Davis is her id.
Butt Face
Shitty Thread
Zuzu's Petals
Just saw “Recount” on HBO.
Oh. My. God.
Some exaggerations, some oversights, but it still brought back all the outrage of the day.
I was so outraged at the time, in fact, I flew from California to DC and stood in the freezing rain for hours just so I could hold up my banner as GWB’s limo passed. Painted in big red letters:
At the end of the day, I took it and hung it on front of the USSC building.
Zuzu's Petals
on front = in front
Warren Terra
By the by, John, if you want to hit your target of raising $20,000 for Obama in May, you might want to rattle the tin cup a bit.
Another episode of * politicians say the darndest things:
Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., showed no signs of stopping on the trail in South Dakota and cited an old Arkansas, saying in an off-handed reference to her campaign: “you can’t tell how far a frog will jump until you punch him.”
Another blow Clinton has had to face is one that concerns her finances. Clinton, whose campaign is approximately $20 million in debt, said in Huron, S.D. that she is the most fiscally responsible candidate.
“If you will vote for me next Tuesday, you are voting for the most fiscally responsible candidate on either side of the aisle,” said Clinton.
J. Michael Neal
At first, I thought you meant Michelle Obama, and I didn’t know the answer.
Yes, quite.
I see John McCain’s VP shortlist has been leaked
What does that mean? Do I even want to find out?
Elvis Elvisberg
Atrios has two old videos up right now. It’s easy enough to watch Tom Friedman’s “suck on this” speech, a mere 10 FUs ago, and feel disgust for a stupid, vapid man.
But as someone who supported the invasion, it’s no fun at all to watch the Janeane Garofalo clip. We were all supposed to roll our eyes at her because she was just some silly almost-celebrity. But if anyone had bothered to consider her arguments instead of stigmatizing them, it would have been clear that she was considerably more thoughtful and well-informed than Tom Friedman or Colin Powell or almost anyone else.
This is a great ‘all in one place’ post about Iraq War propaganda
Nukes & Spooks
Got it from memeorandum
1. Simple answers to simple questions.
2. Yes
The Other Steve
More likely she’ll finally file the divorce papers.
Similar sentiment, but in Al Jaffee’s world the phrase is “snappy answers to stupid questions.”
Dennis - SGMM
Does anyone think that she won’t? She’s the true heir to the nomination after all. She’ll go to the U.N. if she thinks that it will get her the nom. A half dozen lawsuits in jurisdictions sympathetic to her or hostile to the Democrats should tie things up nicely.
Staffers serve at the pleasure of the president, but ultimately they are accountable to the American people. Presidents ain’t monarchs or despots, no matter how much they would like to think that they are. They should live in fear that they will be exposed if their actions are unethical or criminal or betray the public trust.
Fear of exposure is a very nice counter to the tendency of some presidents to rubber stamp documents as classified or to try to evoke executive privilege over every conversation and decision that takes place in the White House and subsidiary bodies.
Some conservatives love to rationalize abuses of police authority with the line that “if you have nothing to fear, then you have nothing to hide.” Funny how they don’t like it when it is applied to them.
The Sun Queen is a woman of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. In Pennsylvania she was the Blue Collar Momma, tossing back shots of Royal Crown, and going out deer hunting with the boys. Here she has transformed herself into Buffalo Hillary, coming down from the mountains in her beaver pelt pant suit and talkin’ all just folks style in the local lingo.
Open thread, eh?
Well, there was a crazy storm here last night in the black forest, I’m going to dinner with another english teacher and then we’re going to the english department party where we will be star attractions for sure! I’ll try and fill you in on next open thread later!
I’ve created a plugin for WordPress that will automatically link every mention of John McCain in blog posts to one of the nine articles suggested by Chris Bowers. It’s a thousand times easier than manually linking every single mention. It can be downloaded here, if anyone’s interested.
I’d like to help you, son, but you’re too young to vote.
It’s an open thread, so this isn’t really off topic.
I’m not really appalled that politicians are misusing “popular vote” totals that are obtained by adding together numbers that are not at all comparable (e.g., votes in open primaries, closed primaries, and various forms of caucuses). After all, that is what politicians do.
But I am appalled that no one really calls them on the fact that this is completely bogus. Even if you figure out what to do with MI, FL, IA, etc. the whole concept of adding caucus votes to primary votes as if they were the same thing is fatally flawed from the very start. Paying attention to which states are counted and how just distracts from the fundamental innumeracy of the whole project.
Sometimes I wonder what Hillary will do,
‘Cause there ain’t no cure for her nomination blues
Read Talk Left now! They’re all bummed because it looks like Clinton doesn’t want to use BTD’s argument to seat FL/MI and since Talk Left know much more than Clinton’s lawyers, it must be over.
Controversy in Shakesville over Pfleger’s comments about Hillary
A commenter rallies against the stat quo..
Initially, I was enamored with Shakesville and its war against privilege on the campaign trail. But just like Talkleft, Hillary changes people. It’s kinda become a “all critiques of Hillary are SEXIST!” echo chamber over there. And anyone who does not live by the axioms laid out by the “feminism 101” tab is immediately ostrasized as a “troll”. This particular dissenter, even though a woman, was actually banned,(albeit because a mod said she violated code of conduct, but her point was never refuted, only mocked) which speaks to the divide between Black feminism and White feminism. I shouldn’t really be surprised, it is a feminism blog and not a dem blog, however they claim to stand against all priviledge. But how in the world do you count 104 acts of sexism on the campaign trail, and only have 40+ acts of racism?
Too sense also puts in two cents:
Can we call a white preacher racist for criticizing a white person? If we can’t, then who can criticize white people?
The G spot takes on white feminists dismissal of AA feminists’ issues.
Lukasiak is doing some fine frog punching over at TL. He’s hoping that Clinton will say Obama can’t win and that she should keep the primary going past next week. Man, the true believers are always the last ones to recognize reality. Clinton herself I have hope for, but Lukasiak and other crazed followers are a lost cause.
I too hate American Airlines.
The Populist
Michelle Malkin = Hypocrite.
Look at the scarf she has sitting beside her in this photo:
Well, Malkin is just using the scarf to hide her countertops.
I see some hollyweed residents have threatened they leave the country if McCain is elected WELL FRANKLY WE COULD CARE LESS BECUASE WE DONT WATCH THEIR PUTRID MOVIES