Everyone has called it for Obama, yet I am listening to Hillary deliver her acceptance speech.
It looks like we are going to have to run against McCain and Clinton for the next five months, so donate here:
*** Update ***
To the convention. Fuck her.
*** Update #2 ***
That crowd with Obama is psyched. I am really proud he has won, and I think he is a great candidate.
*** Update #3 ***
Obama is giving mad praise to Hillary. Good thing he is the nominee and not me, because I would wave a giant foam middle finger and then moon her.
Conservatively Liberal
I am not hearing anything about unity. She wants…
You’ve got to give it to her–she’s giving a terrific speech. It didn’t hurt that she followed that catatonic speech by McCain.
John, you watching it too? I never really realized just how full of crap this woman really is!
Wait for it… Waaaaaaiiiiiiiitttttt foooooorrrrr iiiittttt!
The Commander Guy
Yep. She still looking like she wants to burn the house down to get her way.
No Decisions Tonite.
Ya burn it down Hillz.
I think this is actually a not full of crap speech. The question is where she goes from here…
Oh fuck, she’s going to poll the fucking voters on what to do? Give me a fucking break.
Fuck that shit.
In Vino Veritas
Fuck it, this chick is psycho. She’s a complete sociopath. I hope Barack doesn’t have any rabbits.
Amen… FUCK HER foreal!
She even talked about South Dakota as if Montana doesn’t exist!
zoe from pittsburgh
She’s really not conceding– at least her campaign told the truth about that tonight. She started off a little bit conciliatory but then launched into a speech that does sound a great deal like her victory speech. Whaaaa???
Anyways, good for her, she ran a very hard campaign and and actually helped to truly vet Obama. She gave him the opportunity to show us what he’s made of when faced with a tough, any-means-necessary opponent. So, for that, we do owe her a big thanks.
Now it’s time for her to exit, stage left.
As for the people in her crowd shouting “Denver! Denver!”? Go on a drinking binge if you’d like. Cry. Scream. Vent. Be sad and angry. But don’t hate Obama for winning and don’t screw over the whole country (and the world) because your preferred candidate didn’t win. Give Obama a chance, open your mind, you might be surprised by what you see.
Isn’t it obvious? She wants to keep trying to blackmail Obama for the VP slot. Fuck her indeed.
Which is why she’s full of crap.
zoe from pittsburgh
She’s really not conceding– at least her campaign told the truth about that tonight. She started off a little bit conciliatory but then launched into a speech that does sound a great deal like her victory speech. Whaaaa???
Anyways, good for her, she ran a very hard campaign and and actually helped to truly vet Obama. She gave him the opportunity to show us what he’s made of when faced with a tough, any-means-necessary opponent. So, for that, we do owe her a big thanks.
Now it’s time for her to exit, stage left.
As for the people in her crowd shouting “Denver! Denver!”? Go on a drinking binge if you’d like. Cry. Scream. Vent. Be sad and angry. But don’t hate Obama for winning and don’t screw over the whole country (and the world) because your preferred candidate didn’t win. Give Obama a chance, open your mind, you might be surprised by what you see.
So much for earlier kumbaya I guess.
Bob R
No decisions tonight?
All delivered from two floors below street level! A bunker! I thought the end of the Bush years would mean we would no longer have trouble telling the difference between The Onion and real news.
But not tonight!
She has not yet begun to fight.
Warren Terra
This site is rather seriously straining under the load.
I’ve tried to post this a couple of times, and I’ll try again, but the main thing for me in Clinton’s poisonous speech was that (after the first sentence or three) it was entirely about Clinton, her campaign, and her supporters. No mention of Obama, and no mention of McCain. And she’s still asking for money.
She will carry her scorched earth campaign through the entirety of McCain’s Hundred Years in Iraq.
I think she’s really and truly fucking insane.
Umm, she’s not going anywhere. She’s trying to blackmail Obama into picking her for veep.
Dear God please don’t let him pick her.
I really don’t think she will go to the convention. Maybe I’m delusional but I really don’t after that speech. It had it’s divisive moments but I just didn’t hear to the degree that y’all are hearing it.
Maybe I just need to clean out my ears or I’m too blinded by MUP glitter.
Just Some Fuckhead
I can’t wait til her first State Of The Union…
“So, in closing, where do we go from here? I really don’t know. Please visit Whitehouse.gov and send me your ideas.”
She also asked her supporters for help anyway they can. Meaning please continue to donate. Geebus.
To the convention. TO THE CONVENTION! A war she wants, a war she gets. No mercy.
unhinged cain
Joe Max
The speech was fine.
All that has to happen is a meeting with Obama. Big deal. She’s got an army of followers that Obama needs, so it’s time to make a deal. It’s completely normal primary politics.
If she bent knee to Obama in that speech tonight before a deal is struck, her followers would revolt. That would be bad for Obama. Clintonistas need to feel they get something out of the deal if Obama wants their unqualified support. And he does.
So no, not fuck her. It’s for the best all around.
Well, she has to pay off her campaign debts somehow.
It was pretty clear to me. Hillary is saying, “I would have won,” so if Obama doesn’t …
What a poor excuse for a Democrat.
No decision tonight.
And not congratulating Obama for his win.
This is beyond fucked up.
Olbermann confirmed what I thought I heard. Terry Mcauliffe actually introduced her as “the next president of the United States.
It would almost be worth Obama paying off her campaign debt to keep her away from the VP slot.
I posted this in the last thread.. On CSPAN, the organizers were playing “Won’t back down” by Tom Petty. That’s a war cry.
wasabi gasp
Pathetic fucked-up sociopaths are hot!!
I listened to the whole thing, as painful as it was. I did not hear that she’s taking this to the convention.
I think she concedes later this week.
I agree with you Joe Max. To me that speech is the speech she needed to give tonight.
The Grand Panjandrum
Who cares if she concedes. Hell she’s got some leverage but she won’t be the nominee. That’s all I give a shit about. Her campaign is over.
Looking forward to Obama’s victory speech. We get to see McCain and Obama on the same night. The contrast will be decidedly in Obama’s favor.
Soylent Green
“At last that thing is dead.”
MUP MUP MUP MUP!!! Here he is!
Well. She did say she wanted folks to go to hillaryclinton.com and share their thoughts with her.
Let’s :)
I can only hope that he has the smarts and spine to say, “No.”
I’m still baffled about why so many people have become so emotionally attached to a self-centered, triangulating incrementalist. I’d vote for Clinton over any Republican if she had won, but I just can’t see being enthused about it – especially after she spent to much time dissing Dems.
No FUCKING way, we’re going to accept her as VP. I might have relented, but this speech has pissed me off. It was a good speech, but I’m had it.
On to Obama! Chris Johson, I hope you’re watching :)
It was all me, me, me, all Hil, Hil, Hil. All hail Hil: “I held your hand when you came back from trick or treating.” “I looked into your soul as your children tried to memorize what the letters NCLB meant.” “I teared up as Harriet Christian talked about how she hates n*****s.”
She started off mentioning Obama without her customary vitrol and disdain, and I thought she would do the right thing. But then she started stoking the same old b.s. fires about 17 million votes will not be denied, I’m a better C-in-C, yadda, yadda.
Here comes BO to take the stink out of the tonight’s political laundry that Hil left behind.
Just Some Fuckhead
Obama showed up ten minutes late for this speech. If he shows up ten minutes late for his swearing-in ceremony, HRC really is gonna be our next President.
Am I the only one who felt like this was a redo of Fred Thompson?
After bombing in SC, he gave a rah-rah never give up the fight speech, then quit the next day via fax.
I think when Clinton leaves the race, it will be done quietly, with as little embarrassing fanfare as possible. Maybe she’s waiting for Obama to throw her a life preserver.
Also note the call for her supporters to “have a conversation with her” at her website which has a link for donating, why look at that, right there in the corner. Feel free to click on it.
I doubt she will take this to the convention. She knows it’s over.
Conservatively Liberal
WP is borking out again.
No decision ‘tonight’? Gee, who could have guessed that? Now go to her website and throw some more money away!
Obama got a hell of a yell from the crowd to start out with.
I’m really impressed by how quickly and thoroughly the Clintons have destroyed their reputation.
Watching Obama.
Hey . . . what is that?
Is that a flag pin?
I knew she wouldn’t go anywhere.
The hostage crisis continues.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
A thousand heads just exploded.
Compare and contrast the audiance when McCain spoke with the audiance when Obama speaks.
In Vino Veritas
It’s completely normal primary politics.
It’s completely normal for this chick to hold the Democrats hostage, to gain leverage on a night when Obama wins the primary? Huckabee, when it came his turn to concede, did so graciously; this chick, given the same opportunity, throws a fit. Screw that noise jack, this chick is screwed in the head.
Let me be the first to say: “THIS IS EXCELLENT NEWS!! FOR MCCAIN!!!”
Warren Terra
Oh no, Obama is saying he will be the Dem nominee. He’s not giving the Clinton supporters time to come to terms with reality. Lanny Davis will not be pleased.
Robert Johnston
Sounds like Clinton was just as pissed off over health care as Krugman was. At least the only coherent and earnest parts of her speech were the bits on health care, while the rest was particularly inane political gobbledygook.
I’m betting she plays much nicer if Obama gives in on health care, which has the virtue of being a concession in to her on the one issue where the two differ and she’s right.
Tom in Texas
The black dude crossing his arms was classic. The ovation she got and his speech so far is perfect.
Obama is more gracious than Hillary, what a surprise..(not)
And compare and contrast Obama speaking about Clinton with how Clinton spoke about Obama.
As usual, this speech so far is just reconfirming why I’m a total MUPPER.
Conservatively Liberal
Seems that the Obama crowd has no problem applauding Hillary. Interesting contrast with her people, eh? Obama is doing a great job of praising her, but you know this will only piss off the hard core element.
Did he just say that Bill and Hillary ran a race in Texas?
Just Some Fuckhead
What gets Hillary up in the morning are the loud drunken giggles of Bill pulling another all-nighter in the spa with three coeds.
Saw that too. Producer couldn’t have called that switchback fast enough! But seriously, Hillary’s supporters should be taking notes.
I believe Obama’s been wearing a flag pin on and off for a while now. A voter gave one to him on the campaign trail.
The first voter that tells an exit pollster on camera in November that he voted against Obama because of flagpins is getting a whiskey bottle smashed over his skull.
OK, apparently he ran McGovern’s Texas operations.
Anybody else notice all the “middle aged white women” in the audience? I’m lovin’ that.
Just Some Fuckhead
Makes it harder to identify the shooter.
I love that Obama is pissing in the Republican’s tent before they even get in it!!
the same one he was given in PA. That’s class.
Soylent Green
It’s possible that everything Hillary has intoned for her followers for many weeks now is just a marketing pitch to separate them from their money. She may need to keep feeding their fantasy all summer that this isn’t over. She wants back the millions she loaned her campaign and needs the suckers to cough it up.
If she had simply conceded tonight, the spotlight would be off of her.
She knows by NOT conceding tonight, the media will keep talking about her. Her puppets can keep it going, repeating the same vitriol, and hurting Obama’s chances in November. Also by her NOT conceding tonight, she will not be pressured into campaigning for Obama. Its a blackmail trick. Either put me on the ticket, or I will hold you hostage for the next 2 months….
That IS her ultimate goal. It all comes down to this. It is all about HER. And what SHE feels she is entitled to.
Hell, that’s not just classy . . . that’s smooth.
dr. bloor
The gaggle of talking heads on CNN were ridiculing her after the speech. They’re not giving up any air time to let Lanny and Co. regurgitate yesterday’s news.
I can’t contain it anymore. I despise Hillary with almost the same intensity with which I despise the Bushes. She is beyond narcissistic.
If she thinks she’s getting a party to support her after this childish display she’d better get the fuck out of her bubble and do some real talking to people.
Goose bumps.
Damn, this is great.
The spousal unit and I were talking about that last night. He thinks someone needs to bury an Obama 08 t-shirt somewhere in that convention center. I lean toward Obama stickers on every single seat in the place.
After this speech by Obama, nobody will be talking about Clinton. Or McCain.
This speech is hot.
If I were a wingnut watching this speech…well, I’d be scared…and not just because of all the young black people…
Site violator: In Vino Veritas
Oh, heh. Sorry. That’s the other site.
Seriously, while this is obviously self-serving crap from Clinton, it might be a necessary step in walking some of her supporters back from the ledge. Were she to dive headlong into a concession speech I think the real deadender Clinton Baathists would go berserk.
Oh, and no matter how shitty her campaign was and some of her behavior was, at least give her the respect that a 60-year old grown woman and United States Senator deserves. Vindictiveness does not become the victorious.
Just Some Fuckhead
Oh yes.. he’s going to shoot down the nasty campaign shit before it starts.. fucking brilliant.
OMFG, kids. Aren’t you glad tonight that you are part of this?
This guy is just incredible.
That’s how I saw it. Give her a few days to let things cool down, let the narrative of Obama as the presumptive nominee fully take hold, and Clinton may never have to make a formal statement. She can just back away and let it happen.
He really is. And I was pretty sure he couldn’t impress me anymore. Oops.
McCain should take more trips around the country and fewer to Iraq …
zing …
that puts to bed the nonsense that photo ops in Iraq are the only measure of keeping us safe from the terists …
Obama dissects this Rethug crap like a cook at Benihana wielding a ginsu knife …
that’s why he’ll win …
Si se puede, indeed, man.
i am not letting Hillary’s pathetic attention-grabbing ruin my enjoyment of this night.
Barack Obama made history tonight, and defeated the biggest name in Democratic politics in the process. the guy is a f**king hero, even if he loses the general.
she can go fuck herself. i’m ready to donate money to her inevitable republican senate seat challenger–i want her out of the government, period.
and no, that wasn’t a sexist double-entendre.
Just Some Fuckhead
Like when you drop off a toddler at the babysitter.. just let them become interested in a new thing and then back out slowly and quietly. Brilliant. And fitting.
The Other Steve
This is funny! Redstate is attacking Obama for saying he fought 54 contests.
They’re saying 50 states, plus DC, plus the five territories. That’s 56 you moron!
Somehow they forgot that Michigan and Florida weren’t contested.
wasabi gasp
Presidential presidential nominees are hot!!
Ditto man. Just like his speech at the 04 convention, I am pumping my fist here. Can someone gimme a HELL YEAH!
In Vino Veritas
Hillary Clinton, at one time, was a proud strong American woman. Now, she’s just another jilted chick.
Anyway, this brother is the shit. Maybe we’re overreacting about the chick. 20 years from now, no one will remember her speech tonight…this dude’s blowing it away.
Did she really say “To the convention”?
I heard her say “No decision tonight”.. and yeah, it was a shitty speech with little mind towards “unity”, but I didn’t hear her say “To the convention.”
Now THAT was a speech!
Wow. What a fucking finish.
Just Some Fuckhead
I agree but in fifty years when every President is a person of color like every NBA player now, we’re gonna be like “Man, this shit is fucked up..”
Sweet Jesus. I watched part of the McCain speech. I watched the Obama speech.
This November is going to be an utter destruction. My God, it won’t be close at all. Obama is going to crush McCain.
Great speech.
null pointer exception
That’s what Barack just told Michelle
Wow. These last few months have been tough, but in the last 30 minutes, it all became worth it.
This is a moment to savor. I am Barack’s biggest fan, and he has flabbergasted even me. That was something to remember.
This is indeed one of the most historic days of my life.
I’m so glad I turned this on tonight. So darn glad I didn’t miss this.
Its times like this I regret that I don’t have cable.
I need a transcript of that last paragraph because it was so intense I missed it!
As someone who got on board the Obama train fairly recently, and who used to disdain him as just a telegenic empty suit, I have to say that this speech is fucking awesome so far. He’s really taking it to the enemy.
I think whoever came up with the idea of giving this speech in St. Paul deserves a promotion. This is amazing stuff.
Corner Stone
No. Fuck you John Cole, Republican extraordinaire.
And Tymezone:
“OMFG, kids. Aren’t you glad tonight that you are part of this?
This guy is just incredible.”
Hope you enjoy sucking O cock you fucking fool. This stoopid sentiment will hopefully be your epitaph. You fuck.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Stay classy, In Vino Veritas.
Awesome speech by Obama. Here’s to hoping it doesn’t fall on deaf ears.
The Other Steve
You may be right. It may not have been safe for her to concede. The crowd might have rushed the stage and accused her of being a Hillary hater.
17,000 people inside the XL Center, another 15,000 outside. Good fucking lord.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
I dare say someone’s bitter.
In one of her speeches, Michelle Obama said “The minute he is elected, the world will look at us in a different way”.
I think it’s already happening. I just saw newspaper front pages from around the world, and there’s huge excitement. It’s a great night.
Chris Johnson
Dammit, hillaryclinton.com doesn’t have a “On to Denver? yes/no” poll anywhere! There seems to be nothing on the site where you can say ‘please, just leave’, even nicely. If you even send a comment you have to give your name and address and you’re signing a statement that says “I’m with you Hillary and I am PROUD of everything we are fighting for”.
Well, shit.
Is there anywhere on the damn site that you CAN tell them what you really think? Or is it a Michigan Election, where you can tell them anything as long as it’s “I’m with you Hillary”?!?
Somehow I’m not nearly as fired up as I should be tonight, being an Obama supporter since ’07 and all.
I suppose I’ve already reached the euphoric height once I parsed the math and realized that Sen. Clinton had no (feasible) route to the nomination. And that was months ago. Instead, I’ve been doubling down, readying for the general. And trying very, very hard to ignore the primary.
So, in that sense, tonight’s almost . . . anti-climactic. It was a great speech, tho’ (but they’re all great speeches – it’s kind of exhausting).
No, no, no! Donate to the Democratic primary challenger! Force her to pull a Lieberman.
Compare that 32,000 that with the bizarre speech and “crowd” for McCain tonight and those numbers will just make you giggle.
The Other Steve
I take it you do not approve this message?
I liked Obama’s delivery, but the content is boilerplate platitudes. No goosebumps here.
Corner Stone
” I am Barack’s biggest fan, and he has flabbergasted even me. That was something to remember.”
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Could your knees bend any further?
The speech is here.
John, I don’t think I have ever requested that somebody else’s post be taken down before? But I am doing so now WRT to the 9:43 post above.
Thanks. I just don’t think it is something we need to have here right now.
Warren Terra
In vino Veritas, you were legitimately called on your “chick” comment, the person calling you on it was correct, you shouldn’t defend it.
There’s plenty of ways, both mannered and crude, to express outrage at Clinton’s incredible behavior without resorting to sexist stereotypes and diminishing terms. And that’s even terms that fit, and I don’t have any idea why that one would.
Please, slam Clinton as an individual, without attacking her for her gender. We can be better than that.
Where did you see the front pages?
El Cid
The bitter runner ups are pissed off again that Obama can actually give a speech which brings people together and actually articulates how Democrats differ from Republicans.
The bitters are pissed off that, no, the Democratic Party doesn’t need the runner ups to grant the nominee anything. He just took it.
Unfortunately for most here, the problem is that he failed his vetting. Apart from Rev. Wright, “bitter”, and lapel pins, he’s shown what I think are his true colors: he’s a nice guy but an empty suit. Get ready for President McCain.
Fuck Redstate. They’ve gone Colonel Kurtz with the Freepers.
I hope EE is happy now.
Davis X. Machina
Hats off, gentlemen, a poet.
I could poke out someone’s eyes because my nipples are that hard.
Russert just said MCcain had to present himself to America as “a comfortable old shoe”. That ought to be a winner.
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
Let Hillary go, guys. Stop bitching about her, stop giving her oxygen.
We have McCain, and we need to focus like a laser on him.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
You’re missing out on hearing Grampa John read “My Pet Got And That’s Not Change You Can Believe In” before bedtime! Hurry!
The guy just said that college education is the “birthright” of every American. For example.
That shit’s no platitude: it’s a god damned revolution.
The first sentence– the literal FIRST FUCKING SENTENCE– out of her mouth during the speech was a lie. South Dakota got the last word? Montana must not count, since it’s going for Obama.
God I hate her so much.
Conservatively Liberal
Obama nailed it out of the park tonight. What a way to top off the primary! He laid it on thick in regards to Hillary, and then laid waste to McCain and the right.
I am looking forward to his battle ahead with McCain. I might have to look in to buying stock in popcorn companies. Frito-Lay might be a good investment too, what with the increased chance of keyboard kommandos overdosing on Cheetos.
Hillary who?
Rome Again
How much did McCain pay Clinton to pay you to say that?
To use what was said at the GOS about the imagery of Obama being in the same place where the repug convention will be held:
Corner Stone
“John, I don’t think I have ever requested that somebody else’s post be taken down before? But I am doing so now WRT to the 9:43 post above.
Thanks. I just don’t think it is something we need to have here right now.”
Hey, you and Brian Willimas agree. Obama is teh shiz. You must be very proud.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Ooh. Wright, bitter, lapel pins, nice guy, empty suit. BINGO! And I didn’t even need the free space.
Clockit, tag it, Obama has the nomination for fifteen minutes and already we have at least two Rethuglican trolls. Man they work fast, gotta give ’em that.
I don’t think it will be a cakewalk. But I think that the GOP’s bag of tricks is empty this time. 2004 was the last hurrah for those motherfuckers and I think a lot of them know it. They see the tsunami roaring across the ocean towards them, but they can’t paddle out of the way fast enough, and they’re going to drown like rats.
Good riddance. Tonight I saw speeches from two senators, and a president.
All I can think of is the part in Evita where Eva wants Juan to appoint her Vice President. He points out that she’s dying, then quickly backtracks, to which she responds:
“Then I must now be Vice President!”
Judging by the reference to O cock, I suspect one is Larry Sinclaire.
As a matter of fact, I am, yes. This is a great night.
From the Economist’s blog, on Sen. McCain’s speech:
The Economist. This general election’s gonna be just, I gotta say it, awesome.
Rick Taylor
I didn’t see it myself, but Al Giordano didn’t see it that way. We’ll find out soon enough.
Anybody have a can of TrollAway we can spray the thread with?
Just Some Fuckhead
Time to hit the streets and register more voters.
Can’t wait to see the MSM take apart McSame’s gaffes. This is going to be fun . . ..
Rome Again
Sorry, I have no Troll Away, but perhaps these cans of “Clinton’s Broke” and “McCain’s Insane” will help?
I’d be bitter too if I sold my bike and video games to give money to a losing millionaire.
Corner Stone
What I love here is this – more than 18 million DEMOCRATS voted for someone who is not Lord, God, Savior Obama.
Yet, anyone who says Obama isn’t their choice is automatically a REPUBLICAN.
Let me make that clear – a REPUBLICAN like John Cole who voted TWICE, TWICE, for George Bush.
You fookin kool-aid drinkers can suck it right along with the mentally challenged John Cole when Obama gets his ass handed to him this Nov.
Dude, I was part of his campaign for one weekend… I *am* part of it. Let the clarion call ring around the world. America has put forth its *brightest* star. We’re seeing the next President of the United States. Someone who represents all of us and I am DAMN FUCKING PROUD!
I had tears in my eyes not just because of him but what he represents. I believe he represents the best of all of us. He brings forth a pride in my country that was stagnant for the past 7 years. Even if he loses, I’ll always remember what emotions he invoked in me, and that’s all that I care about.
Rome Again
Me also!
Economist blogger makes teh funnies.
The Commander Guy
Gawd I love Montana.
And I’ve seen some of the crazier survivalist parts of Montana.
But I’ve seen some of the best parts of Montana too.
Montana is all good tonite.
Wow–Bernstein on CNN (it’s the only cable news I get–leave me alone–just said that Clinton had originally planned to be more combative than she was, and she toned it down because she didn’t win as big in Puerto Rico as she’d hoped for. Maybe she really does realize it’s over.
More from the Economist:
That (anonymous) blogger has some serious snark in their bag.
Conservatively Liberal
Naah, it is fun seeing the trolls spin and spit all over the place. I bet they even have wipers installed on their monitors to sweep away the Cheetos-flecked spittle that collects. Sometimes we get some great trolls here, but so far we are only getting the mundane trolls this eve.
We can keep hoping for a higher quality troll, but you have to take the source into account. Since the right has distilled itself down to its lowest common denominator, expect the deranged perverted racists like CS to come out of the woodwork.
You know me, I hate to say I told you so. Heh. Okay, I’m lying, but ….
Even I, who think Mister Magoo is a disaster as a candidate, have been shocked at just how bad he has been lately. This guy has been handed a 3-month freebie by events and a flaccid media, and what has he done with it? As near as I can tell he is already losing ground and the real campaign, where he goes one on one with Barack, hasn’t even started until an hour ago.
Having seen the first 30 seconds of round one, does anyone doubt the outcome of this fight?
I hate McCain (look, his house until about a year ago is about 7 mins from where I sit, I know him pretty well) but right now I am embarassed for this guy. He is shockingly bad.
Corner Stone,
You are a traitor to the Democratic Party.
Go away.
Better tremble, the whisper today is going to be roar in November. Hide, motherfucker, because it’s going to bring down your house. Laugh while you can.
GOS is saying that John McCain came in third in tonight in the Montana caucus.
DougJ, is that you?
Well we heard 3 speeches tonight.
2 by U.S. Senators..
And one by the future President of the United States of America………..BARAK OBAMA!!!!
Just Some Fuckhead
Third contest from the end and she still doesn’t understand proportional delegate allocation?
Chris Johnson
Hey wait. I say ‘rictus’ jokes are out of bounds on McCain. Like another BJ commenter said,
“The North Vietnamese broke his mouth several times, my friend”.
No low road, guys. NO low road.
We don’t need it, our candidate doesn’t take it, as a country we do NOT need to go there anymore.
Props to McCain for being a real survivor, and he should stay in the Senate because he’s not big enough to be President.
Rome Again
Minus the nearly 25% who voted for Clinton as Republicans at the behest of Rush Limbaugh after McCain secured the Republican nomination, you mean – right?
Yet, anyone who says Obama isn’t their choice is automatically a REPUBLICAN.
…um, only when they say they’d vote for McCain over Obama, which makes them REPUBLICANS.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Ah, very bitter and very drunk. I’ll wait for you to sober up and realize if you’re for the Democrat or for more dead Iraqis, Iranians, and American soldiers. We’ve got a few months, I’m patient.
Just Some Fuckhead
Dude.. try to find the speech on Tivo when you have some time. It was scary.
I think you mean Dug Jay.
“GOS is saying that John McCain came in third in tonight in the Montana caucus.”
Don’t get too excited. It was on 2/5.
D.N. Nation
Hey! It’s Laaaaaaaarry Johnson!
Wow. What a fucking disgrace, this jackass.
Just Some Fuckhead
God, Brian Williams is just so fucking regular folks.
I did too. I sat here with the tears running down my face like a kid. I know how lame that sounds in a biker bar like this place, but it’s true and I am not ashamed to say it. I haven’t been this jacked up about a politician ever before.
Now, if I could choose how to celebrate this event? I would fire all pundits on all cable channels and get all new ones starting tomorrow morning. Just send them all home. Thanks, we appreciate your efforts, now we are going in another direction. Please clean out your desk and this officer will walk you out of the building …
Corner Stone
“Minus the nearly 25% who voted for Clinton as Republicans at the behest of Rush Limbaugh after McCain secured the Republican nomination, you mean – right?”
Oh, yeah. Ummm, wait a second. You mean the “cross-over’ votes the post-partisan Obama wins?
I for one saw the R’s caucus in TX-22 for Obama. Where do you think they will be in Nov?
Davis X. Machina
When you put it that way, it’s really quite a small price to pay for our being rescued from the twin specters of slightly higher marginal rates of income tax and gay marriage, isn’t it?
There’s an update. The caucus was in February.
You shoudn’t take it so hard.
Heh. I saw that before he struck it through. Ooops.
Perfect imagery.
Chris Johnson
As for Hillary:
Pay off your debts.
Give that kid back his money.
Then and only then will I even BEGIN to listen to your nonsense about you representing large numbers of people.
You’re not representing them, they’re representing for YOU- you are LOOTING them.
Even the Clinton supporters who are lurking have to admit, that was a damn good speech.
Group hug?
Just Some Fuckhead
Jesus man, show some dignity. The rest of your assholes stop staring at him. His, uh, sister, uh, dropped some bad acid and hijacked a busful of penguins. It was tragic. Go clean yourself up man. I’ll get you a beer.
Corner Stone
“You are a traitor to the Democratic Party.
Go away.”
Hey Ben?
Fuck you, you fucking fuck. I’ve pulled a straight D ticket in every election of my adult voting life. In every national and every dog catcher, etc.
I’ve given money, time and GOTV to D candidates for the last 20 years. What’ve you done?
Fuck you.
Otto Man
Please tell me someone else saw Terry McAuliffe’s insane ramblings on “The Daily Show.”
It may be the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. Frothing, rambling, apparently drunk, and he even said “Kiss my ass, Obama.”
Yeah, there’s definitely going to be a unity ticket.
Rome Again
Two words: Rush, Clinton!
Viewing ONE caucus makes you an expert on ALL caucuses? HAHAHAHAHA!
Republicans WANTED Clinton to knock her down. Republicans voting for Obama are more of a mystery, either:
1. they think the black man is easier to beat, or 2. They really don’t like McCain.
From what I’ve seen, many of those Republicans interviewed who voted for Obama really don’t like McCain and are finding something in Obama that they are comfortable voting for, although I’m sure there is a bit of the former as well.
Rush Limbaugh did not say “vote for the black man” he said “Vote for Clinton”.
After that speech, I’d even hug myiq.
In a manly way, of course.
grumpy realist
Well, now the question is whether the average American is more freaked off by having a black man as president or a crotchety old geezer that wants to keep us in Iraq another 100 years….
(And McCain going around bellowing “Damn it, I am NOT George Bush! I represent change!” has to be one of the funniest starts to a general election that history has ever seen. Hee. Gentlemen and Ladies of the Snark, start your engines.)
Winning right feels good.
Big fuckin deal. I was putting in yard signs in 1956 for Adlai Stevenson.
Fuck you.
Rome Again
Prove it! You can’t. ;)
You can say whatever shit you want on a blog, but unless you can back up crap like this, you will be called on it.
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
As some one who worked in the Obama campaign in NC, I suggest you try actually talking to some of the GOpers for Obama. Maybe you’ll find out why they’ve not just voting, but organizing for him as well.
Corner Stone,
For your filthy language, you now will also go to Hell when you die.
Studly Pantload
What’s this? Timmeh Russert is looking forward to when Obama/McCain meet in person to discuss policy differences in specific detail? Is he hereby recusing himself from moderating any of the Gen Election debates, then?
Congratulations BJ community and US Democrats. Quite a milestone achieved tonight. No matter what happens from this point on from an outsider looking in, it’s a reflection of social maturity. You guys rock!
Just Some Fuckhead
When I was eleven, I sold my western flyer bike and digital football game and donated the money to the Carter campaign.
Davis X. Machina
You got nothin’.
I used to put bags of flaming dog poo on the front porches of Whigs.
Brian Williams is an ass. Will someone kindly remind him that the appropriate place to jerk off is at home?
Nora McDonald is soo freakin’ preggers!
Chris Johnson
JSF- no I mean it. Even if ‘tortured rictus’ is a perfectly accurate description, it is NOT the reason McCain shouldn’t be president.
Hell, it’s not even a reason to consider him a BAD PERSON. If he was your bud, you’d soon get used to it. I have a cat with a twisted mouth- she’s an old stray I took in- and I think she’s adorable.
Dammit, this is an opportunity to get rid of that sort of politics for real- we can defeat McCain on the damn issues and pave the high road, make it expected. As long as we’re not Diebolded into submission we won’t have to say a SINGLE UGLY THING. We can act like adults. Wouldn’t that be nice? Wouldn’t it be nice to conduct a Presidential campaign where we make a point of respecting our opponent’s good qualities and sacrifices since he doesn’t have to be painted as a monster to be honorably defeated?
For those of you who saw the McCain speech- which I didn’t- do you really find a need to pile on that dude with personal insults, for God’s sake?
Keep it CLEAN.
Stay away from Shakesville then lol.
Then you know (or should) that sometimes your personal favorite doesn’t get the nod. Suck it up, stop whining, and get with the program. Are you still a democrat or not?
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
Amen, brother. Big hugs, and props, for Clinton on that speech.
I may not agree with her reasoning for staying in, but I think that was one of the best speeches I’ve heard her give all the long primary season. And it was a speech about being a Democrat, and what that stands for, far more than any of the biz over voters and delegates that’s currently giving us heartburn.
There’s an ambulance at Taylor Marsh’s house.
A SWAT team has been called to Larry Johnson’s. Some kind of hostage situation or something.
Film at eleven.
If the skies were cloudless, McCain wouldn’t have anger issues.
Rome Again
Thank you for proving my point!
Bob In Pacifica
Re Clinton:
“Its a special lack of grace
I can see it in your face”-“Barrytown,” by Steely Dan
The Bill Belichick of politics.
Corner Stone
“Big fuckin deal. I was putting in yard signs in 1956 for Adlai Stevenson.
Fuck you.”
Gotta admit. Can’t beat that. That’s the tops. Good luck with your wheelchair and oxygen.
My point is this – for those who say anyone who doesn’t swallow the black spiny jism of Obama must be a REPUBLICAN can suck my freakin kook.
And no, one example doesn’t make me anything on caucusing. But I will tell you that I witneessed R’s standing in line for O. Period.
The Moar You Know
Shorter Corner Stone: Hillary promised me a job in her administration. Now I have to go back to working the counter at Starbucks.
Rick Taylor
One thing I’ll say for Hillary Clinton’s campaign; I can never guess how they’ll floor me and outrage me next, even as I keep thinking I couldn’t possibly be stunned after what I’d seen before.
Maybe the press is being misleading here, I hope so. But according to Fineman, the Clinton people are saying Clinton doesn’t want the VP slot, but whatever you do, don’t you dare pick another woman for the spot. I’m floored. And I hope Fineman got it wrong.
Oh wow, my first bike was a Western Flyer.
Just Some Fuckhead
No one is saying it’s a reason he shouldn’t be President. They’re just making fun of him for looking like a dick every time he read a joke.
Just Some Fuckhead
It was prolly yers. I stole it.
Now now Moar,
There are plenty of good, upstanding people who work at Starbucks, I’m sure they wouldn’t want to be lumped in with a moron who can’t figure out that cornerstone is actually spelled out as one word.
Everybody calm down and read Joe Max’s comment again. He’s dead right.
I’ll cop to that too, TZ
Who would have ever thought that a middle-aged, white guy, sitting in Daytona Beach, Fl, would be crying and shaking his fist at the TV and shouting “Tell it, brother” as a black man accepted the nomination of his party for President of the United States of America?
I’m proud of my country tonight. Very Proud.
Obama: “Uh, Hi, Hillary, it’s Barack. Congratulations on winning South Dakota. Uhmm, yeah, call me back. Thanks.”
Corner Stone
“You can say whatever shit you want on a blog, but unless you can back up crap like this, you will be called on it.”
What-eva. This is John Cole’s motto as well. For all we know he will be pulling the lever for the R candidate AGAIN.
Rome Again
Eight years ago a bunch of Dems got together and created the “We’re Sorry” site where many of us likeminded liberals tried to show the world the embarrassment we all felt about the Bush 2000 theft. Does this night make up for it? I’d be so happy to know the world might think differently of us, finally, after the embarrassment this nation has suffered through for the last eight years.
Did you note her choice of songs: “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” “Simply the Best,” and “Won’t Back Down”? Subtle… very subtle….
The Moar You Know
Jesus, racist much? My family is from the South, KKK on both sides, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything quite that offensive from any of them. I mean, seriously, take a look at that comment, I think you’ll regret making it.
(Long time listener, first time commenter.)
If you go to hillaryclinton.com, you’re given a “wonderful” form to fill out to tell Hillary you support her and everything she stands for. But, in the corner, there’s a “contact us” button. I used that to leave the suggestion that she drop out.
All it probably will do is annoy some intern for five seconds while he deletes it, but it felt good.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Yeah, I can wheelchair squaredance better than you can do anything, pal.
But anyway, I did in fact put in Stevenson yard signs. I was ten. In my house, you either did Dem work or you didn’t eat.
Also, never post drunk. You might regret it later. Just friendly advice.
J.D. Rhoades
Note the diffrence in their chants?
Obama: “Yes, WE can!”
Clinton: “Yes, SHE will!”
Sure. And Bill and Hillary are are so vetted already. Please. You saw what Bill did with that little VF article. They would get killed this summer.
Fortunately, that’s not going to be a problem. Obama won. Get over it.
Corner Stone
“Now now Moar,
There are plenty of good, upstanding people who work at Starbucks, I’m sure they wouldn’t want to be lumped in with a moron who can’t figure out that cornerstone is actually spelled out as one word.”
Ooooo, burn!!! oh, wait.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Hi, welcome to Balloon Juice! You’re obviously new here, so let me hand you this free brochure that points out all the times where John said he’d hold his nose and vote for Hillary if he had to.
So I just e-mailed my boss and told him I wouldn’t be at work on January 18th-21st. 2009.
Just Some Fuckhead
I’m too tired to make the requisite “Bitch is Back” joke. Night kidz. I got a big day ahead of me tomorrow ragging on Clintards. I’ll prolly spend the whole morning dialing four digit extensions and screaming “BOOYA” into the phone.
OK, there are at least two things wrong with that post.
Rome Again
TZ, for me this is the perfect cherry topping to a certain conversation we had in a parking garage several months ago, right before Obama’s rise to success. Do you remember?
TZ: So who do you like?
RA: Ummmm, I’m seriously looking at Barack Obama!
Warren Terra
From a blockquote upthread, Larry Johnson actually calls Obama “Barky”. .As in ‘Rhymes With Darky’.
I checked. He really does call him “Barky” in a front page post there.
I realize it’s probably pointless to say it at this point, but anyone who voluntarily associates with Johnson from this point really needs to have his obvious racism pointed out to them.
Ooooo, burn oh, wait.
That’s not even a sentence. You have proved my point.
The Moar You Know
John – looks like you yanked Corner’s trash post – please yank mine from 10:32 as well that quotes part of it. Can’t believe anyone in this day and age would say anything that horrible.
No shit? Hell, all this time I thought you were Adlai Stevenson.
Corner Stone
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
The comedy stylings of the late Bill Hicks anyone? The dude was awe inspiring. Fuck anyone who can’t take it.
Oh for the love of god, here comes Pat Buchannan…..
I’m gonna go with overt racism, severely limited sexual knowledge, possible sexual abuse in childhood, poor metaphor crafting, and an imagination that prompts disturbing triggers on personality tests.
Wha’d I leave out?
The Moar You Know
Damn right, I was one of them for a couple of years. But it’s a pretty low-wage, dead-end job, just sayin’
Yeah, I’m crying.
I never thought I’d see this.
wasabi gasp
corner stone,
You made a stupid choice and lost. Don’t sweat it. No biggie.
Enough people made the smart choice, so your stupid ass is covered too.
No thanks necessary. :)
w vincentz
Con Lib,
I agree with you. We deserve better trolls. This looks like troll neophyte night. What happened to the quality trolls?
Now, on the topic…
McInsane, a poorly delivered same-old speech in a retirement home.
Hillary, a defiant (denial riddled), and lie filled rant in a bunker, to the deciders in her cult (no decision, send money).
Barack, an electric speech delivered with grace and passion to an enthusiastic crowd (huge) where a vision of the future of “we the people” resounded.
There is no doubt. The next President has spoken and will rip the GOP to shreads.
Tonight was historic. I’ll remember it.
Otto Man
The hooked-on-phonics approach makes him sound Scottish, so I’d add sheep fucking to the list.
Corner Stone
“Hi, welcome to Balloon Juice! You’re obviously new here, so let me hand you this free brochure that points out all the times where John said he’d hold his nose and vote for Hillary if he had to.”
Oh, thanks. You mean the brochure where John votes TWICE for GWB? That B-J?
Listen, the dude hates HRC and has for pretty much ever. He can’t escape the mindfucking that is the last 15 years of his life.
In a time of uncertainty he reverts to his programming – hating HRC, and all things Clinton.
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
My background: I did Meetups and other organizing stuff for the Obama campaign for about 2 months, before life issues got in the way.
In discussions with roughly a dozen or so GOPers of various stripes (former Bushies to long-log GOPers) who were involved, at that point, not one mentioned the guy who was becoming the GOP nominee, at that time. Indeed, the only persons who too the energy to trash McCain were my Conservative friends, a couple of whom HATE McCain with a passion.
No, I’m afraid you’re quite wrong. I don’t mean to speak in stereotypes, but what comes up, again and again, when I talked to these Conservatives to Obama is the ideals expressed in that speech, tonight, towards the end. The language of unifying, of pushing forward as One America. The language of his ’07 DNC speech. They like his way of engaging every side of a debate, and frankly not running from a goddamn honest fight. It’s telling that these people are willing to vote for him because they perceive him. by and large, as a honorable man.
And yes, I really did here that, again and again. I read it, again and again — look at the anti-abortion guy who was denied community for supporting Obama, and look at his reasoning for such support. Read around the web of the conservatives who back Obama, and you’ll see that same quality. About the only Conservative who I think pushes Obama because of his Clinton hatred is Sully, in fact, and I’d even argue it’s only a partial reason.
Indeed, ask Cole why he’s supporting Obama, and why his mood shifted on the Clintons — ’cause he didn’t start with these positions, and used to call Obama the Magical Unity Pony.
In short, and again — actually talk to these people, and you’ll see why they support Obama. Just blovating on a blog’s comment section about what you think might be a reason isn’t a reason, at all.
The Moar You Know
Never mind, the shit post from Corner Stone is still there. Dude (or dudette) you have got some issues. I’d say you’re a horrific example of a Hillary supporter, but you quite obviously are not. More like a Stormfront member than anything else.
That’s a big nugatory, Ghostrider. I’m not “concerned” about anything (at least not much). I support John McCain with very few reservations.
And the way it looks from here, it’ll be President McCain before too long. John Cole and most of the commenters here seem to be working under the assumption that once we make it through controversies like Rev Wright and lapel pins Sen. Obama is just going to waltz home. But that neglects the fact that, leaving aside all those things, Barack Obama has shown himself to be an empty suit. And that’s something you can’t hide for the duration of a general election campaign. And frankly, most of y’all have all the critical thinking skills of 14-year old boy band groupies.
Fwiw, and you can care about this if you want to, I personally didn’t vote in any Demo primary. But if I had I would have voted for Barack Obama in a heartbeat. I’m all about killing the Wicked Witch of the West.
…childhood animal abuse, arson, cross-dressing, bed-wetting, fascination with bodily functions such as elimination, sexual abuse of farmyard animals….
Great minds think alike, as they say :)
Corner Stone
“You made a stupid choice and lost. Don’t sweat it. No biggie.”
Stupid? Thanks yo. 18 million *real* democrats must’ve been led astray. Their bad.
Of course they will…they are already. Those WTF looks are sooo yesterday. Finally, you’re back to having a President (crossed fingers) who can not only string his words together he does it so beautifully it makes you weep. You deserve a break and rest from the stress and I think he’s the man to give it to you.
El Cid
Obama iz em-tee soot. He not married to Preznit so he not hav experenz.
Jon MKane is lider. He help break saving & lone bank system early on. This big complishmint. Now he help do some ecknomiks Republicans do for 7 yrs but he say he difrint now.
Corner (America’s Shittiest Website (TM)) Stone:
You might want to go on over to Hillaryis44, where I’m sure they’re probably calling for Barack to drop out again. All the real Democrats are over there. You like pink, right? More than black, anyway?
wasabi gasp
Now you’re talkin’.
Turn that frown upside down. :)
My favorite TalkLeft quote from tonight:
Worried! That’s it, yeah. He’s worried. There’s no fooling you, is there.
In their defense, a few brave souls at TL did offer measured praise of Obama’s speech, though mainly in the context of “he finally said nice things about Bill and Hillary, whew, that’s all I was concerned about. I can hate him a little less now.” But I guess that’s a start.
Corner Stone
“Yeah, I can wheelchair squaredance better than you can do anything, pal.
But anyway, I did in fact put in Stevenson yard signs. I was ten. In my house, you either did Dem work or you didn’t eat.
Also, never post drunk. You might regret it later. Just friendly advice.”
I think this one speaks for itself.
Now he help do some ecknomiks Republicans do for 7 yrs but he say he difrint now.
hee hee
Not to mention – the Republicans were against McCain before they were for him. This 2008 Democratic primary fight has been nothing compared to that 2000 Republican slimefest.
Anyone else hear Scott Rasmussen on … gulp … Hannity this evening make the following salient point?
It’s not the presumptive nominee that ultimately chooses his or her running mate, it’s the convention delegates.
Does this mean she can force her way onto the ticket? Does this mean he has no way out but to choose her now?
BHO is an empty suit because his suit is not festooned with flag pins. Flag pins are important, because their sight helps simpletons feel warm and fuzzy about everything and not have to think about the hundreds of thousands of deaths that have been caused by the goons who make it a point to wear them.
Has anyone ever mentioned how incredibly bad you are at this?
What a hell of a speech. The McCain crew has got to be shitting their pants. They have a ton of work to do.
Obviously, this is in reference to Sen. Obama’s “lean” and “muscular” physique, which has “no excess body fat,” as was disclosed by his doctor. I’m in pretty good shape myself (in a skinny sort of way), and my suits (no matter how well tailored!) always look a tad “empty.”
I’ve always said that fat men look better in suits. It’s that whole robber- baron look, with the watch fob and vest and cravat and all.
Corner Stone, you’re actually the reason I wanted Clinton to lose. I actually like her, and I had no problem with the way she played the primaries. She did a few things I didn’t care for, but politics is tough business. Her die-hard supporters like you, the Taylor Marsh, hillaryis44 and correntewire crew are projecting when you call Obama supporters cult members. It’s fucking over. Get used to it. I’ve never seen such a graceless bunch of losers.
The Moar You Know
olvr, Rasmussen and Hannity are idiots. Stop watching Fox.
Well gee Koz, I guess it must really suck to have accidentally nominated a RINO who has demonstrated the ability to kiss ass in a “Democrat” congress.
Corner Stone
Hey Gus?
When Nov comes round and you’re blaming HRC for the crushing loss BHO has been dealt?
Actually, no. My uncle ran it and Bill and Hillary worked for him.
Chris Johnson
Koz, all Presidents are empty suits. They’re not gods, or kings. Bush was an empty flightsuit with a plastic codpiece. Clinton is an empty pantsuit. Do you expect these people to go out and personally run things as if there was no courts and Congress?
The President is the suit WE wear. It’s not empty, because we are all in it.
I don’t believe for a second that Obama is as feckless as you claim- not a black Detroit political organizer who ran for office and won. Called on his Ivy League connections, did he? Daddy gave him an oil field, huh?
BUT, even if he was that useless and had done nothing for himself-
the simple fact that the American people now want to wear THAT SUIT- is a beautiful thing, and you should be proud of that as well. If that is the way we really want to look, we don’t actually need Obama- we only need the guts to take that high road, to care about our fellows whether or not they agree with our every whim, to take our damn country back from the way-of-being symbolized on the one side by Karl Rove and on the other by Hillary.
Obama can symbolize that for us- that’s powerful and inspirational, and he wears it well.
But we’re voting for a vision of ourselves, and you can’t take that away from us- it’s not yours to take.
The Moar You Know
Gus: Corner Stone is not a Hillary supporter. I know it claims to be one, but it isn’t.
You’re a really shitty troll.
Niner, I know that. Call it oppo research.
Still, you gotta say, it’s an interesting point.
Rome Again
Weren’t you still flirting with the Hillary campaign then? I think you were. I think this meeting happened within a couple of days of her appearance on Letterman where you were singing her praises. :)
But, if you want to say you were, I’ll let ya!
I’ve never seen such a graceless bunch of losers.
Not since 2006, anyway.
Obama should offer Hillary a seat on the Supreme Court.
The 28%ers would have a collective stroke.
That troll is unworthy of your eloquence.
If it had any basis in reality, maybe…
Oh dear.
$100 says McCain doesn’t break 40% of the popular vote.
I already have money out there on him not breaking 35%, but I want to take your money more than I want that money, so I am going 40% on this wager.
Money, mouth, put it up, Jack.
A Different JC
Thanks, SGEW for the Economist link. Another great line in that economist piece (among many great lines):
Au contraire mon ami.
In fact lapel pins was one of the main reasons that caused me reevaluate Sen Obama. First, he campaigns for the Senate and the Presidency while refusing to wear them. Then he goes on record as intentionally spurning them as a symbol of cheap patriotism. _Then_ some months later he catches some heat for that and some other things, and he turns around starts wearing them.
I still believe that he’s a mensch and he’s obviously given some good speeches. But let’s face it, empty theatrics _is_ the essence of the Obama campaign, and frankly I don’t think he has any other game plan.
That’s beautiful. Sincerely.
Howdy. I know we’re not supposed to feed the trolls, but is for Corner Stone:
I caucused in TX, as well. I was an Obama precinct captain. Three of my fellow captains were dyed-in-the-wool Republicans who had had enough with their current leadership. They worked their asses off to help organize our precinct and one served as delegation chair, ensuring that all our precinct’s delegates—both Hillary’s and Obama’s—got to the right place at the right time for the county convention.
So don’t give me that “I saw Republicans caucus for Obama” crap. I’m sure you did, and that’s the point: people of all stripes have joined a movement. It’s not about party. You need to get that through your head or you’re going to be very angry for a very long time. A majority of citizens have decided that they want to make a change in their nation’s destiny. Your angry spouting makes me feel the same way my late-great-aunt’s latent racism did: sad for you, because the world has moved on and you haven’t moved with it.
Ride the wave or be ridden over.
The Moar You Know
No, and no. In theory it is possible that delegates could force a candidate onto a ticket. In practice, no Presidential candidate has ever had a VP forced on them.
And it won’t happen here. Superdelegates (and quite a few of the regular delegates) are angling for administration jobs. Forcing a candidate to take a VP they don’t want isn’t going to enhance anybody’s job prospects.
With a regular TV and a digital TV converter box, you could get the secondary digital channels that carried the speech live.
Great speech. Obama deftly handled both Clinton and Obama.
The post-speech talking heads are citing sources that say Hillary wants the VP slot and also wants the Obama campaign to pay off the Clinton campaign debt.
These people truly have no shame.
wasabi gasp
McCain’s Chitty Chitty Bang Bang machine is all fart, burp and wheeze.
I was in reluctant acceptance mode WRT HRC up until about January or so. Not because I was a fan, but because I didn’t think she could lose this contest and we were going to have to get behind her.
Your negativity on her, and his momentum going into and coming out of Iowa, sold me on his candidacy. At that point I wasn’t sure he could win but I went all in for him.
As soon as he started to be the front runner, her behavior became repellent. I went from not liking her to despising her in about 30 days.
Larry Johnson’s repug sources are… yadda, yadda… Typical cia, disinformation, cointelpro bs. He’s gotta be a repug plant duping Hillary’s peeps. Three Repug House seats are toast so far and they’re hanging on to a tape to torpedo Obama. What a maroon.
The MUP was trancendent. Last time I heard a speech even worthy of being spoken in the same language was Mario Cuomo’s “Tale of Two Cities” keynote address of the 84′ or 88′ Dem Convention where he ripped St. Reagan a new spleen. Considering some of Obama’s earlier speeches that’s doing something.
The thing that impressed me most was the crowd’s vibe to him. They were cheering right over him speaking. They were starved for what he was givin off, he lit ’em up, and it had the same effect on me and the missus.
Giving that speech where the Repug convention will be held was the finest act of political territorial pissing in modern American history. This spot is MINE, motherfucker.
McCain will be on life support after the first debate.
Obama never refused to wear flag lapel pins. Thanks for playing. No parting gifts.
oh really
In this campaign, every chance Clinton has had to show some grace or do something to warrant respect, she’s made the other choice. Tonight she could have let Obama have his night; instead she goes with “no decisions.” Apparently, Obama’s victory has come as a complete surprise to her. I really hope Obama’s people have concluded that she can’t help him in the general election and that keeping track of both Hillary and Bill will suck up a huge amount of time and resources. It’s great to have the primaries and caucuses over, but is there any way to get beyond Clinton? I sure hope so.
A Different JC
Woops, seems someone posted that line above (ctrl-f didn’t find it? why?). Sorry.
I wish Barack would go back to the open-collared shirt and jacket more often. :( I was hoping he would legitimize it as a serious look, so I could go into the office without a tie by calling it ‘Barack Casual.’
He still does it at smaller events, but he really dropped it as soon as the primary started heating up. Oh, well. Man, I hate ties. You’ve failed me, Barack! I’m voting for the candidate in flip-flops and a Hawaiian shirt! Where the Hell is Terry McAuliffe when I finally need him!?
Try again.
The Great and Mighty Google does not take your half-truths and lies lightly.
That’s cool that you’ve got a job, health insurance, a hybrid car, and no friends or relatives in the armed forces, but sadly, your idiocy may be irreversible. :(
Well, what sucks far worse is to have Republican caucuses in Congress who are myopic, often corrupt and often stupid, who have no prayer of doing anything this election cycle except getting slaughtered. If anything the conventional wisdom underestimates the monumental hurtbag the GOP has put itself into, so please don’t think this is all mindless homerism.
But at the Presidential level, I really don’t think Barack Obama is what the general election voters are looking for, and I think his supporters are misreading it to think that he is.
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
You know, I wonder about guys like you, sometimes.
I read up on Obama — on all the candidates — before I picked him, way back in the spring of ’07. I wanted, for the record, either Gore or Feingold.
Obama’s got plenty of depth, is the problem. Have you, for example, actually checked out his Senate record, compared it to, say, Clinton’s? Or looked at what he did in the IL Senate? Or hell, read any of the good articles that have been written about his work as a community organizer? I even have had discussions with someone who’s known him since his Harvard years, and spoke first-hand to me about his work as Editor of the Review, and how he’s carried those lessons to today.
All these are available with 15 minutes on Google, and tell me far more about what he would do, and has done, than all the stupid pins and preachers and crap that runs endlessly on CNN as “news”.
The important things, the issues he cares about, like the War, like Health Care (did you know he and Clinton worked together on a Health Care bill?), like Energy — he’s not changed on them, and he’s not demagogued them, either. If his actual deeds beat out, for you, him wearing a pin or not, well, I daresay we have different ways of viewing what’s critical in a candidate.
FWIW, Obama’s speech at the 2004 Convention was the first time I’ve heard a speech that I thought compared with Cuomo’s — in fact that was my exact thought at the time, because those were the only two speeches I’d ever heard that really made me feel a sense of pride at being a Democrat. I was sold on him at that moment.
For my money, though, out of this season, his speech in Philadelphia was the one for the ages. The first JJ Dinner last year, the primary-win speeches in Iowa, SC, and tonight, those were all amazing… but the Philadelphia speech, I think, set the tone for his campaign.
Rather than hide from the racial-smear tactics he took it by the horns, which takes a very, very rare kind of courage in a Democratic Presidential candidate. And he put the issue to bed deftly (where it would have remained if Jeremiah Wright wasn’t such a windbag), which was all the more amazing.
He’ll be a good candidate. I’m proud tonight.
Corner Stone,
I realize you’re probably bitter with the win and all and decided to unleash it here. No worries dude, we got enough love for you as well. Join the unity. Feel the love. You’ll soon forget all about Hillary and you’ll instead want to join on the bashing of McCain. You do want to bash McCain don’t you? You want to rail against Republicans. You’ll realize we all want the same things. Join us! We’ve got a country to take back.
Well, shit, let’s just bag it then. Why, oh why, did you not bring up these concerns earlier?
(I’m just killing time waiting for slow-as-hell videos to upload. I’m gonna quit feeding the trolls any minute now. And whereTF is myiqisthesameashardworkingwhiteamericans, anyway?)
Chris Johnson
Fountainhead- he’s apparently an American too.
Yes he bloody well is.
He just needs help understanding what’s really happening here. We HELP each other when things get too crazy.
Again: the President is the ’empty suit’ the American people wears. He doesn’t personally make stuff happen, but he gives us an idea of what we can be, what we’re about.
The fact that Americans are choosing to align themselves with Obama speaks volumes about who we’re able to become, where we want to go. I’m not surprised to read about GOPers going for Obama. They’ve been cheated too- they haven’t been getting the opportunity to vote for an honorable person for some time, and they’ve been bullshitted a lot, and they like being able to extend trust. That’s been betrayed and manipulated. Their chances are much better with Obama. If he doesn’t agree with them he tells them off! What he loses in pandering he gains in establishing he’s honorable. Some Republicans will go for that… which teaches me a little more about them… same as a Republican, John Cole, publically re-evaluated a lot of stuff and doesn’t hide from his bad mistakes of the past. I LIKE these guys, whether or not I agree on every point with them. I’ll listen to them more carefully if I think they in turn are honorable…
And in the end we are all voting for a vision of ourselves, and I’m goddamned proud of anyone who openly sees themselves as Obama sees us. He could be a cleverly made robot running off a Dictaphone for all the difference it would make- the important thing is WHAT we are getting starry eyed about, and Obama is far more eloquent than I am at being able to outline that.
All I’m doing is explaining what it means.
Pride is not something you pump up with aggression and nationalism and flags and pins. That’s shameful. Pride is something you have to EARN. You have to do right, you have to take responsibility, you take care of your people and are true to your word and you accomplish things.
Tonight I’m just a bit more proud of the country I live in.
Not because Obama is alive and took the nomination- but because for the most part, we WANTED him to. We weren’t too cynical, too bitter or whatever. Lots of us also wanted a female President- great! I’m less happy about how many of us wanted the style of politics she hammered us with- but on the whole, we showed that we wanted the high road.
BIG PROGRESS for our relatively young country! :D
I admit, you had me going me up until this. Keep working on it and you could be a decent spoof.
Anyone watching CNN? I swear, they’re just fucking with Lanny Davis. They’ve got him set up in a place where almost all you can hear is the crew tearing down. It’s obviously getting to him–he’s getting as twitchy as the crazy robot in Futurama whose head explodes every so often.
Shaving his head, pulling on his black tracksuit and lacing up his Nikes so he can hitch a ride on the comet with p.luk, BTD, Jeralyn, Taylor Marsh, Jerome, and the entirety of hillaryis44, I’m guessing.
Hmm. Haven’t been over there, but I did assume they were just calling for him to drop out again.
Rick Taylor
For those who missed Hillary and McCain’s speeches, they’re at Talking Points Memo.
Chris Johnson
Hey, rather than rail against Republicans, how about we take the few minutes required to figure out whether they’re misguided but decent people, or howling sociopathic assholes, and then we build better communications with the guys who are decent, and rail against the ASSHOLES?
There’s gonna be some of both- just as there is in the Democrats.
How about it?
I think most of the decent Republicans to which you refer are no longer self-identifying as such.
Shorter Corner (space) Stone:
Please don’t notice the space between my moniker. If you do, I’ll fall down. Thanks.
Corner Stone
“$100 says McCain doesn’t break 40% of the popular vote.
I already have money out there on him not breaking 35%, but I want to take your money more than I want that money, so I am going 40% on this wager.
Money, mouth, put it up, Jack.”
If this is to me you old crotchety fool? Let me know how I can contact you off this board. I’ll put that $100 up for personal money or to a charity or whatever.
Conservatively Liberal
Shorter Corner Stone: “I like to talk about dicks a lot, they just go so well with my personality!”
Ratfucker trying to pretend to be a Democrat? Massive fail. Return to troll school, and spend less time on the subject of dicks. It is a clear giveaway that you are a Republican.
My wife made the observation during his speech that after seven years of Bush, it sure is nice to listen to someone who knows how to clearly and concisely use the English language to get a point across. Unlike listening to Bush, where you can actually feel your brain cells committing suicide as they try to process whatever he is saying.
She’s right. Obama is easy on the ears and worth listening to. Contrast that with Yawn McBu$h and his ho-hum performance tonight.
This fall is going to be tough, but Obama is going to kick ass.
Corner Stone
“Shorter Corner (space) Stone:
Please don’t notice the space between my moniker. If you do, I’ll fall down. Thanks.”
Oh noes! Psuedonymous handles are the death of us all! Noes!!!
I can HZ Cheezburger?
Exquisitely brutal! Like being waterboarded with Perrier. Slightly chilled, naturally.
acceptancespeech was ahhh, gracious for about 45 seconds. Then it was about Meeeeeeee! Even tonite you could sense her maneuvering for some sort of power brokering mischief. I think she wants to be anointed the Kwizatz Haderach as a consolation prize or sumptin’. The bright blue eyes give it away.phobos
Now you’re just creeping me out. What is it with you people?
Conservatively Liberal
Hopefully Mua’dib will come riding in on a sandworm and put a stop to that. Maybe time for the Gom Jabbar?
The Moar You Know
Jihadists are scary people. Regardless of whether they’re toting an AK-47 and a Koran, or two wetsuits, a GOP card and a Bible, they live in a reality that’s not the same one that you and I live in.
They’ve had to change the color scheme of their site from pink to grayish-pink so it matches the brain matter from all of the exploding heads.
(For the sake of the joke, let’s just pretend the folks at hillaryis44 have brain matter.)
Ya know, I’m starting to like Corner Stone… must be the vodka.
Drop dead, you racist asshole.
Rick Taylor
I expect that by now from the Clintons; it’s always about them. That line where she says “I see you” is beginning to give me the creeps. I’m wondering if it’s even possible for her to campaign full heartedly for anyone but her as the nominee.
That’s “haz” douchebag. Not HZ. But whatever, it’s probably the space that’s getting in your way. Because where there’s a space there’s a douchebag.
Next ‘net meme you’d like to prove your ignorance of?
If two of ppGaz’s personalities bet each other, who wins?
Wtf? As a community organizer he picked up alliances with the likes of Rezko and Pfleger, and as near as I can tell his primary accomplishment was to build a big enough public profile to get a seat in the Illinois Legislature. While in the state Senate he was a pawn of Sen Emil Jones, to the extent that he did anything at all. And as a US Senator, he’s done just about fkkkk-all.
Nowhere can John Q Voter take a look at Obama’s record and see where Obama has picked an issue that relates to normal Americans, taken some heat and stayed with it till he made an impact. That’s how you earn your label, and Obama hasn’t earned his. What’s left over is YouTube videos and lapel pins.
Now in all fairness to McCain, it’s kind of hard to build momentum in your speech when the audience members have to stop clapping every ten seconds to catch their breath.
For the hundredeth time I’m voting Republican so it’s not my fkkkkin’ problem (concern troll my ass).
Dude, embrace your issues. It’s the only way out. Self hate is some twisted shit, it’ll eat you up in the long haul. About 20ml of Brompton’s Elixir when you feel that urge comin on, and hide or give a close relative your car keys. No belt or sharps, ground floor only, of course.
We’ll talk about how you can tend the rabbits once it kicks in…
Conservatively Liberal
That is quite a coherent argument you have there, but you won’t sell anyone here with it. You drone on too much, so spice it up a bit! You still won’t sell anyone here, but maybe you will say something worth laughing at.
We like cheap thrills here, so dance for our entertainment!
ppGaz, I guess.
Koz, if by normal, you mean someone like you, let’s have it. How often do you eat at Applebee’s? Is there a salad bar?
(I haven’t read all 3606906860868 comments, so forgive me if this is a repeat.)
Dammit Conservatively Liberal, you posted almost exactly what I was going to say…
Honestly, Koz, if you are such a wanker that you think that anyone here is going to change their mind and decide to support McCain on the basis of your regurgitating all the same crap that we have heard before, and on this night in particular, then you are so stupid you might even vote for McSame…
No, wait… you ARE!!
Go on, say something else stupid, so we can mock you…
Did Corner Stone seriously compare himself to Bill Hicks upthread? Wow. See, just saying naughty words a lot doesn’t make you a brilliant, edgy comedian. It just makes you pathetic. Seriously, who jumps on a blog and just starts telling everyone else on the thread to fuck off? Meth is a hell of a drug, I guess.
Conservatively Liberal
I am sure many here were thinking the same thing. It’s the BJ collective hive mind-meld on how to handle trolling. ;)
Cut with D-Con or something. Damn. That is some seriously unhinged stuff. “Spiders! Spiders! Alien spiders are crawling in my brain, man! And Obama put them there!”
Somebody tell Koz he’s doin it wrong.
Chris Johnson, thank you for saying the things that I’ve been thinking and couldn’t get written fast enough to make it into this monster thread.
IIRC at one point during the Civil War Lincoln was queried about Grant’s drinking problem, and he replied by asking to have a case of whatever Grant was drinking sent to his other generals.
I’d like to have some of whatever it is that you’re using to celebrate tonight.
Tonight is not the only time, nor will it be the last time, that I am goddam f*cking proud of my country, but sheeeeet does it feel sweet !
And this pride comes not because we are perfect, but because of how we somehow find a way to man-up about our imperfections and deal with them, and do so in a way that lets us look our children and grandchildren in the eye as we pass the baton to them and say “we did our best, and I think we gave you a better place to work with than the one we inherited”.
Considering the example that John has set, very publically and personally, in how to do this with brutal honesty and self-reflection and passion on this blog, I can’t think of a better place to celebrate this very American capacity for reinventing ourselves than right here at BJ.
MUP for the win ! What a speech and what a night.
Chuck Butcher
quit worrying about Hillary, she still has a senate job and if she tries to screw this up…
Rome Again
Thank you! That’s how I remember it too.
Rome Again
TZ has a GREAT favorite charity that could use the help! :)
Rome Again
If you take the Republican form of government and play the “Civilizations: Rome” game using those standards, you lose. Not establishing taxes sucks community resources dry. Starting wars sucks the community resources dry. Of course, in the game, unlike real life, there is no such thing has “credit” so it’s a pay/go system. Once the community dies, it’s no longer yours, when enough communities go away, you lose.
Conservatively Liberal
The wife and I toasted Obama over a couple of White Russians tonight. I hope that isn’t too elite of us. ;)
He earned his win, and I hope he plans soon for a few days off with the wife and kids. They need some time to recharge and recuperate after this long slog. He needs to rest up and get ready for the main event this fall.
We want him in top form!
I have been enjoying the reading at Hillary sites, they are in total meltdown right now. Anyone buy stock in cheesecakes?
Rome Again
That’s why several people on this thread admitted to shedding a tear or two for the wonderful speech he gave, where he talked about issues that were important to us, because he’s not what we’re looking for? Go crawl back into your hole, you have no clue what you’re talking about.
Obama is EXACTLY what I want in a president. He speaks to the issues that are important to me, and after the last seven plus years if he doesn’t speak to the issues that are important to you, all I can say is you must have enjoyed the Bush regime of corruption and corporate welfare.
Conservatively Liberal
I hope I am never proven wrong, but to me, Obama is one of the first politicians who exudes ‘honesty’. He does not seem like a bullshitter, he prefers to deal straight. That is why he talks to us the way he does, like adults. He will tell us as it is, not as we want to hear it. That is why people like him as much as they do. He talks to us, not at us.
I want that in a president, even if I don’t agree with him on a point. I want to know why he sees it differently than I do, and I think he will be honest enough to tell me in a way that is not condescending.
I do not put Obama on a pedestal, I know he is only human and I do not expect him to fulfill my every wish. But I know he is a person who will lead us forward and out of the messes we are in. We may not like the path to the solutions, but I think he will try to do right for the people of this country. I think he wants what is best for all of us, and not the select few.
He recognizes that it is the worker who built this country, not the rich guy. The rich guy never would have gotten rich without the hard workers who made it happen.
Money don’t do crap until you have people to put it to good use. Obama knows that, and I think he will help to reverse the messes we are now in.
John Cole – Your Updates are some of the f*ckingest funniest things I’ve read in my life.
Not sugarcoating things is what the reality-based community is all about.
I thank the GOP (honestly) for chasing you out of the party. You are a treasure.
There’s no doubt that Obama’s Bobby Kennedy redux act has struck a powerful chord in the emotions of many Democrats. But, the general election voters have a different makeup. I see a lot of anxiety out there, and I don’t see how Obama can address it.
Btw, Obama supported the Farm Bill which just made it through Congress last week or whenever, whereas McCain voted against it. So when the Kool-Aid wears off you might ask yourself just who it is that’s behind corporate welfare in America.
Conservatively Liberal
Keep hacking away at it Koz, I am sure you will get the attention you are seeking. Funny that you would tie Bobby Kennedy to Obama, when it was Hillary who brought him up in the first place. But whatever turns your crank.
Troll minds, when they show evidence of having one, are an interesting study. You are not interesting.
Wank wank wank voters worried. blah blah farm bill. Meep meep meep kool aid.
Your candidate is an unimpressive old coot with anger management issues, who who crapped all over US millitary personnel by voting against benefits for returning soldiers, and we have the problem?
Was that the right way, Conservatively L.?
Conservatively Liberal
Good start. ;)
Crack that whip!
By the way, Koz, did it really take you 2 hours to come up with that post, or were you otherwise engaged with your pants off fwapping away over McCain porn?
Rome Again
Granted corporations being in control of farms is a nasty thing, but at the moment, we have to eat, and that’s the only way to get food to the people. If you don’t like eating, that’s up to you. Are you suggesting that McCain doesn’t have any corporate interests? Are you sure you want to go there?
Whatever, if that’s how you see it, just follow my example regarding the extent to which I’ve ignored your crap.
It’s got nothin’ to do with Hillary’s assassination gaffe. Like Bobby Kennedy, Barack Obama has made a powerful emotional connection with millions of Democrats across America. Once the Kool-Aid wears off, you might figure out that’s not the same thing as a successful Presidency, or even a successful Presidential campaign.
Rome Again
You might realize your candidate lost today… or perhaps not!
Rome Again
Via MSNBC Late Night with Dan Abrams, headline: Clinton lost three superdelegates today.
Hmmmmm! Is THIS going to be a trend?
Rome Again, Koz isn’t a Hillary supporter…
he’s.. wait for it… voting for the guy who stood in front of 200 people tonight and flubbed his speech….
Conservatively Liberal
When you get it through your thick head that there is no Kool-Aid involved, and that people like us have our own reasons to support Obama that have absolutely nothing to do with the reality that resides within your expansive mind, only then will we be able to have an intelligent conversation with you.
Until then, more cowbell!
I agree to the extent that in some ways McCain is a weak candidate. In other years, his temper would have sunk his candidacy. But, he does project a very strong aura of substance, forged in perserverance. Obama doesn’t. As I see it, that more than anything, is what the general election voters want. There’s a lot of anxiety on the ground, and the public wants somebody it can trust to lead them through it.
Did you even watch the speeches tonight?
Compare and contrast…
Actually don’t bother… I agree with CL – you’re boring… come up with something entertaining and incisive and we can talk.
and don’t forget to send in your invoice to the McCain campaign for using “aura of substance, forged in perseverance”…
I hope they think they’re getting their money’s worth with you being ignored and ridiculed by the four people who are still on this thread.
Grain prices are high already, we don’t have to subsidize them even higher. Especially to produce ethanol, where 1. the process to create it consumes almost as much energy the end-product ethanol and 2. starves a substantial amount number of poor countries out of an affordable food source.
No, I read them.
I’m taking everyone’s word for it that Obama won on delivery. But I don’t anybody’s paying much attention to McCain tonight anyway. Tonight is all about the Democrats. My reasons for think McCain is going to win in the fall are different.
Tom in Texas
I assume you think this because he could’ve held his speech on his tour bus and fit everyone in?
Rome Again
while not knowing the difference between Sunni and Shiite. Classic!
Rome Again
Change doesn’t happen overnight, if you don’t like it, perhaps you should join the green movement, but that would be unfathomable for you, wouldn’t it?
This world has a lot of problems, and has been under the thumb of corporatists with a lot of bad ideas. If you want to support them, that’s your own business. I see change coming – but hey, you’re not for change if you’re voting for Bush III.
By the way, I said you were a Clinton supporter earelier, same thing, Clinton’s acting like a Republican these days, and she’s supporting your candidate too! I predict McCain’s strongest vocal support will be from the former Clintonites who haven’t a freaking clue what they’re doing.
Rome Again
I see that now. I was avoiding Koz all day. I was playing with more entertaining trolls. Apologies.
No apology needed… many of the trolls blur into one another after a while…. and Koz is not a particularly distinguished example of the species…
Conservatively Liberal
The fact that Koz doesn’t ‘listen’ to speeches but rather reads them tells me that he is unable to compare and contrast the actual delivery of these speeches and how the crowd received them. Whoever came up with the not-so-bright idea of putting McCain on TV on the night that Obama cinches the delegate count for the nomination deserves an award. From the Obama campaign.
They thought that McCain could get out front with a ripping speech and let the air out of Obama’s tires, and instead Obama just drove over him and left him for roadkill on the political highway. On the night that Obama is the Democratic party superstar, McCain gave a speech that was supposed to catch the attention and detract from Obama’s win. Instead, it fell flat on its face, just like his campaign.
Mr. Magoo indeed.
People like Koz are going to grasp at anything that they can to validate themselves and their opinion, and trying to discuss anything with people like Koz will get you nowhere fast. There is no desire to engage and talk, their only purpose is to deride and demoralize supporters. They don’t want to be engaged and involved in meaningful debate about issues, they don’t have the time for that.
Or the intellectual capacity.
Michael D.
Only if you were doing it at the Applebee’s salad bar.
Tim F.
Go to John McCain’s Senate website and see if you can find a picture of the GOP candidate in a lapel pin. No? Try his campaign website. If you’re still stumped, do a Google image search. There are no lapel pins anywhere.
How can that be? John McCain is a full-blooded patriot, right? But if he was a patriot then he would sport one of those smarmy made-in-China lapel pins. So John McCain must hate America too. I guess that come November you’ll just have sit at home and cry.
In the interest of giving the devil his due, Koz is right about the farm bill. It’s horrible. I understand that Obama is from an agricultural state and might have felt like he needed to vote for it, while Arizona doesn’t do a lot of agriculture (other than prickly pear), so McCain voting against it wasn’t a particularly courageous vote either. Still, it’s something that tempers my enthusiasm for Obama a bit. I still think he’s leagues better than McSame, and I think he’ll be great for the country, but I think it’s best to keep expectations from getting too high.
Chuck Butcher
In Pendleton OR Obama was asked about the farm bill by a rancher. Essentially what he said was that he didn’t like the corporate subsidies but he took what he could get in regard to the good parts and that was what they could get.
Pretty straight talk about the political process. The actual answer occupied about 8 minutes and ranged across more topics that folded into it. He shines at this and I’m a tough audience.
Grain prices are high already, we don’t have to subsidize them even higher.
Could you please explain in your macroeconomic wisdom exactly how grain subsidies RAISE grain prices? I am terribly curious.