It was easier to sympathize with this after I remembered the first time that I tried to eat a dumpling with chopsticks. Hopefully NASA has some rocket scientists who can figure out how to hit the bowl before winter sets in and Phoenix goes dark for good.
Just-released footage suggests that the Phoenix lander’s problems could be more serious than we thought.
It’s always a bitch when you’re vibrator’s on the blink.
should be “your”
“Hopefully NASA has some rocket scientists who can figure out how to hit the bowl before winter sets in”
There’s a hole on the side, it’s called a ‘carb’. Cover it with your thumb while the flame’s on it. Then, keep inhaling and it’ll clear the chamber. If you can’t figure it out by winter, call me.
Yeah, especially given your brain wasn’t a gajillion miles away from you chopsticks.
oops! To borrow Andy’s comment: “That should be “your”.”
no, not on purpose.
I love Vietnamese pho and can make it work with chopsticks as long as there are flat noodles in the broth. But round noodles? It gets ugly…
w vincentz
Danged robots!
I’ve hated them since Hal.
Humans are the only “smart” way to space exploration.
Yeah, they need more thrust to bring along all the life support, but gee whiz, it is just so much more exciting.
OH, for the Mars mission that brings humans to the lovely red surface, I propose a crew, Bush, McSame, Cheney, Condi, and Gates.
Bon voyage!
plug it, unplug it, don’t strain.
Dennis - SGMM
The Martians put plastic wrap on the ovens when JPL wasn’t looking.
[Shakes robot arm at Marian pranksters]
Dennis - SGMM
that’s Martian. Everyone knows that the Martians worship the FSM.
Oh-Oh!! and don’t forget Tom Delay and KKKarl Rove.
Pardon my being self-referencial here, but, all this inane commentary is just not doing for me tonight. Maybe I should crack open a beer or pour myself a gin.
Hasn’t any politician made a gaffe today?? At least we could spew snark all over it.
With Hillary’s campaign suspended and McCain’s candidacy not to be taken seriously, Britney’s no where in sight,…
uhoh, are the DT’s already kicking in???
What is the purpose of the “T” at the end of your comments?
It appears to be his version of “Seacrest – out”
It’s the first initial of my real name. I put it there as a way of saying “I am T and I approve this message”.
and like that.
and that too, Kevin.
Or sometimes it may stand for: ” The Great and Powerful T has spoken!!”
and at other times: “Nah sucka!!!” *
*Whitey translation: “Take that!!”
Fuck Bill O’Reilly
Great video of one of Billo’s asswipe “producers” trying to ambush Bill Moyers and getting pwned.
(from dkos)
I didn’t click on the video because I have PTSD from being rickrolled several threads ago.
Phoenician in a time of Romans
Why are we sending vibrators to Mars? I thought Mars needed women!
Y’all just don’t get it. See, this multi-million dollar instrument is on the cusp of detecting life on Mars, and suddenly it fails! How many more failures do their have to be before you sheeple wake up?
Dennis - SGMM
Turns out that the problem may be that There Are Clods on Mars:
And you thought that all the clods were on Earth.
Clearly the Martians are hiding their nuclear weapons program and we need to invade before they get it up and running. I mean, Mars, god of war? Duh! I’ve already heard of an underground group of radicals that is making landing strips for gay Martians right here on our own soil!
Fortunately and by complete coincidence, Haliburton just started a space exploration division so unless the Democratic-controlled Congress wants the gay Martians to nuke us and then assault our ashes they’ll authorize the pResident’s $100 bazillion jillion budget for Operation Major Tom.
Whatever happened to those big, heavy, non-hydrocarbon containing glass Gatorade jars that he’s drinking out of?
Those were cool.
Dennis - SGMM
Wait ’til the Martians start beaming us with their diabolical Gay Ray. Larry Craig will get the GOP nom by acclimation.
The only way to prevent gayness is by cutting taxes and building more pointless weapons systems.
Rick Taylor
The Rick Roll post didn’t fool me (I didn’t know what Rick Rolling was, but I was sure it was going to be some sort of joke). But this one got me.
I thought it was interesting that a 1 mm screen was too small for Martian soil to be sieved. But, then again, I’m an earth scientist, so how could I have known that Mars’ soil is on the order of gravel?
Just the idea that the soil is so cohesive is extraordinary, as in, outside our experience. I hope they can shimmy it into the vessel though–they only have just so many test tubes.