Everyone is linking to this Presidential Watch ’08 map of the blogs, so here is where we are:
I cropped it to fit the page and cut out some of the outliers, so go here to see the whole thing.
by John Cole| 20 Comments
This post is in: Blogospheric Navel-Gazing
Everyone is linking to this Presidential Watch ’08 map of the blogs, so here is where we are:
I cropped it to fit the page and cut out some of the outliers, so go here to see the whole thing.
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Notorious P.A.T.
I can see my house from here!
As always, baloon-juice and its star-chamber manipulate the dsicourse of the entire nation. DANCE PUPPETS! DANCE!
I spel gud.
All your blogs r belong to us.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Stuck in the middle with you.
I see the Big Dipper right next to the ghost of Frank Zappa.
But where is Malkin? Oh there, on the Red Dwarf.
I’ve been looking through the information that accompanies this map, and it seems straightforward, all except how sites are categorized. Is it John’s (and Tim F.’s and Michael D.’s) support for Obama that makes BJ blue? Because the PresidentialWatch folks seem to use Democratic/Progressive and Republican/Conservative interchangeably, but I’d guess John would call himself a conservative Democrat; I imagine there might be other sites run by liberal supporters of McCain (as strange as that may sound. . .)
Powerline qualifies as an infopit? Are we sure about that?
You’re a liberal queer. They done got you pegged, Cole.
Well, Powerline is a pit, so it’s half right.
Hey, you’re right in the middle with Andrew Sullivan and Confederate Yankee!
How’s that for an interesting dinner party?
Dennis - SGMM
Soon the mass of Balloon Juice will start drawing other blogs to it. Once that process begins the event horizon of BJ will expand until there is only One Blog.
I for one welcome our new blogging masters.
Wow. It looks like Balloon Juice is the centre of the Universe.
Admit it. Who did you sleep with John? Wait. Let me rephrase that. Replace the Who with How many
John Cole
I suppose I will have to provide the BBQ grill.
it’s full of stars!
I’m disappointed that usmc.mil is red.
. . . and NPR and some other interesting neighbors.
So… what the HELL is an “Infopit”? I searched the website, and it’s not defined. Sounds like “infodump” or something bad, but I can’t tell!
They must’ve generally stuck to the more mainstream sites as far as the ones considered “left” in compiling this, because High Clearing & this site are the only ones I go to regularly listed. They do include Lew Rockwell & Antiwar.com as far as the conservative ones though, so whatever…