I know, I know. That is like asking “How much is infinity?” So while an exact measurement of the idiocy at this last bastion of Hillary support is, shall we say, difficult to attain, I can report that they are stupid enough that they took this spoof at FDL seriously:
I know we’re not supposed to directly quote AP stories without paying them serious cash, but this story is so important and has such major ramifications for this election — which will of course decide the leader of the free world — that I feel it vital to get this information out there immediately. The AP is to be praised for their tough-minded professional journalism.
See for yourself:
It simply does not get any better than this. I might as well shut down this blog, because there will never be anything better than this. I have screenshots of the rest for when they inevitably disappear it, but you might want to chronicle some of the comments.
Such luck- I fell asleep on the couch, woke up to go to bed, but needed to turn off the lights in the office, and while in there I stumbled across this at memeorandum. What a score.
*** Update **
Still not getting it. Someone please tell her that even the author of the FDL piece acknowledges it is a spoof.
I just posted about it in the open thread… It’s too funny…
Fail pundit is failing badly.
Times like this make me wonder if – had Hillary won the nomination – these people would be acting so batshit fucking nuts. Or whether we’d see a wacky Obama-cult springing up on the other side of the sphere. :-p
Perhaps SusanUnPC forgot the snark tag and smiley faces. :)
just another HO
Ok I will vote for Obama….”just messing with ya man”
McCain ’08
Oh, Susan, Susan, Susan. You used to be smart. It wasn’t so long ago. Where did you get the stupid pills? Did you order them online from some shady internet drug site in India? Did Larry get them for you from his CIA-narco connections? Aren’t they illegal in today’s War On Drugs or did some quack write you a prescription you shouldn’t have?
Stop taking them. Find a 12-step program. There must be a Stupids Anonymous in the Greater Seattle area. You can lick this if you want. You can still be for Hillary. There’s just no sense in being so Stupid about it.
From insane SusanUnpc
Now THAT’S funny.
Yo John Cole-Uppity Woman called your mother a ho in the comments at No Quarter! It is so on!
The good news is I remember back in the days where reading the comments there used to make me very very angry and frustrated and sad.
I am so glad I can read them and laugh now.
But some of these people are NUTS. I will say it again. I can understand why some people preferred Hillary and I can even understand why some people are a little bitter.
But how in hell they got to the point where they hate Obama that much is beyond me ? What in hell has he done that would deserve such contempt ?
They should change their name to “No Darkies”.
Have you guys seen this? Hillary supporters trying to kick out Obama.. haha.. that should be fun.
I still get furious reading that damn blog.
For those of us online that never played in the GOS sandbox, this touches me not.
I never got the Kos thing anyway. Everything progressive comes from a former Republican? What?
Everything progressive comes from a guy (Greenwald) who only became politically aware in late 2005?
I’ll take my ‘organic’ way of politics over that.
Wow. When I wrote the thing I thought it was a pretty obvious shot at how the media focuses on trivia.
Man am I stupid. Thank goodness for No Quarter to explain my point for me.
For the record, I don’t disagree with my friend Melissa McEwan that the comments were tasteless & misogynist, but then again, it’s Bernie Mac. Live, the connotations of what a comedian says are obviously different from what you see on a transcript; transcripts don’t *do* irony, for instance.
The main point was that for the AP or anyone else to care about this sort of crap is pretty damn stupid. The fact that the category label for this at FDL was “snark” might have provided a tipoff. Oy.
Thers, I’m someone who got outed by Jeff, just like you.
I didn’t read the FDL link because it’s all Libertarian Mona stuff, I suppose.
I can’t understand how libertarianism has transformed into progressive what with Mona/Hypatia calling all progressives racists.
How do you guys sort yourselves out?
I actually bought, yes bought! Bernie Mac at $6/share yesterday. I think this has all been an hysterical run on the stock. I guess I’ll find out in about 30 hours if I’m a moron!
I can save you 30 hours of waiting.
You’re a moron.
The Grand Panjandrum
This is absolute, incontrovertible proof that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is real and loves us very much. Mark Twain would have written that post were he alive today.
George Smiley
pwnt, jackasses. all your basest instincts are belong to us.
Says the moron who took this spoof seriously
Wow that was weak, even by your standards.
These PUMAs are laughing stocks
This is the joke?
People got their panties in a wad over that? Jesus. Lighten up people. Grow a soul.
Rob (Formerly) In Toronto
I tried to read the comments over there and was just stunned at the complete lack of a sense of humour those folks have.
How does one get to be that deranged? Oh, I forgot, they are Republicans. I mean seriously, does anyone really believe that the folks that post there are or were ever actually Democrats?
Matt Weiner
That is like asking “How much is infinity?”
Are we talking cardinals or ordinals? Is it the number of integers, reals, sets of reals, functions to sets of reals, or something else? Are taking accessible numbers here? By Cantor’s ghost, you got to help me out.
Tee hee, former math nerd. You missed an amazing Pirates game (which I was following on Gamecast).
Scott H
I wouldn’t click-through on a link like that one, but since I figure they obsess on their traffic, I wanted them to feel the mock.
By the way, do you think Obama has ever called his wife a c**t? Since Barry is still alive, my guess is “no.”
Yeah, like if a candidate sang “Bomb bomb bomb Iran”, or called social security a disgrace—that would surely end a presidential bid.
Oh, never mind.
bob loblaw
just wondering if somebody could explain to me what a ‘PUMA’ is, since i haven’t been following the hillary dead enders much…
i suppose i am NOT aware of all internet traditions.
They are the storm troopers of the Nation of Whiners.
I think the problem comes from Susan not being aware of all internet traditions.
John S.
Myiq hasn’t had standards since visions of Hillary danced in his head.
PUMA = party unity my ass.
I am aware of a select few internet traditions.
Someone should tell Larry that Hillary is out and actively supporting Obama , which means of course their candidate betrayed them .
Hillary is treating …Hillary …unfairly…I’m so lost….
Digital Amish
I’m wondering if these peoples’ energies would be better spent pressuring McCain to pick Hillary as his running mate. Wouldn’t that be their ‘Dream Ticket’?
See, this is the sort of thing they would post seriously themselves, so there is no wonder they wouldn’t get it.
Good morning, John.
I heard that once Johnson use to be sane and rather reasonable.
Once his buddies the Wilsons supported Hillary he fell off the cliff of that sanity and has remained crazy ever since.
I guess he is still wallowing in the self pity of Hillary’s loss and it’s eating his brain = what little there was to start with.
How stupid is John Cole? Yeah I know it’s like asking how negative is minus infinity…
Obama will be Potus.. Just messing with you guys.
So, John: tell us how do you really feel about Mac’s comments ? Did you like them?
Grow up man.
Webpages only disappear at Barack Obama’s Offical Website.
Can’t take dissent John? LOL at you.
Joe Smith
“Stupid” is not recognizing the point that SusanUnPC was making – calling women “ho’s” is unacceptable and CANNOT be satirized. Barack Obama condones this behavior.
John Cole has been had by his own very breathless assumptions. Are they likewise laughing at themselves (unknowingly) at the Orange Cheeto? My guess is yes!
Jeff in Fremont
“The sad part is they really do not understand that belittling others makes them look small.
People who feel good about themselves do not have to make sick jokes about others.”
“It is NEVER ok to make fun of someone for any reason at any time-EVER. I don’t care who is doing it or where it is. UNACCEPTABLE. My Mama raised me better than that.”
Yep, these are actual comments on No Quarter. Apparently it is wrong to make fun of anyone…unless that person is or is a supporter of Seantor Obama.
What a pathetic batch of hippocritical dumbasses.
Itchy Brother
The lack of intelligence and common sense among the denizens of sites like NQ is confirming my belief that they are populated with a large number of republicans.
Some people say it’s due to a tragic Flowbee accident.
Phoenix Woman
Oooh, the racist sockpuppets from NQ are here!
John, check the IP addresses — do they all trace back to SusanHu/UnPC/Chicagoan/whatever name she’s using today?
I used to read Larrys blog, then he seemed to start spinning out of control with his hatred toward Obama. I wrote to him and had a bit of a pleasant exchange…reminded me of how charming a John Bircher can be, at first. I don’t know what happened, but I stopped reading his blog some time ago.
Us Anglos take ourselves too seriously, maybe Obama should created a Department of Comedy to get us to lighten up and take the finger off the trigger. (Doesn’t sound like Bernie Mack would be appointed)
John Cole
They are almost criminally unfunny, and they simply fail to recognize that no one here is laughing at Bernie Mac’s joke, nor does anyone here think it was appropriate to call people a “ho.”
What we are laughing at is the utter inability to recognize the FDL post as snark. One of the commenters said something to the effect of ‘how were we supposed to know it was sarcasm?’ Gee. I dunno. How about the first sentence:
Now, if you think that the fact a comedian told an off-color joke at a fund-raiser is vital information, no wonder you will not get that it was sarcasm. Everyone else here on planet earth recognizes it for what it was- a funny post by Thers mocking the media. The whole idea that we are going to clutch pearls over a comedian’s lame joke is just silliness, especially with everything that is going on.
Hell, the next thing you know these folks are going to be shocked and upset that George Carlin may have uttered a dirty word or two. Or maybe even seven.
Rod, the “your comment is awaiting moderation” tag applies to every time there’s a new commenter.
It happened to me my first time posting here, and unless John was trying to censor my viewpoint on Hola Fruta, I doubt it was done maliciously.
Wow! I just took a look at the comments on the NoQuarter site. Yeesh, I guess I didn’t think the divide between HRC! and BO was *that* deep – of course, the comments represent a wee sampling of the population, but…
As far as the ‘ho’s go… Well, Hollywood certainly condones use of that word as well as perpetuating a wide variety of stereotypes in the movies, TV shows, radio, music, etc. and it makes a lot of money. Thusly, shut up, ho’s, you’re getting paid. And you’ll cause a lot of unnecessary trouble for good people like Eliot Spitzer.
hahahahahahahahaha! Bitches.
I Will Remember In November!
Answer: Not quite as stupid as a blog that does not take seriously a man who wants to be president who can not even produce his birth certificate.
Answer: Not quite as stupid as a blog that does not question a candidate’s sincerity when he flips and flops on ALL his “core” beliefs.
Answer: Not quite as stupid as a blog that does not question a candidate’s use of accusations of racism and divide to the point of accusing ANYONE of questioning him as being racists or practicing “politics of the past.” How does that work if he becomes president? Are we then permitted to question his decisions, motives, acts, speeches, policies, etc? Will it be verboten to question HIM? Will oversight agencies such as inspector generals, GAO, some congressional committees be even needed anymore? I guess we can look on the bright side, the government budget will be reduced considerably because “The ONE” can do the job of many, NO?
Answer: Not quite as stupid as a blog that accepts a candidate that received the earliest secret service protection of anyother candidate for president that a camera crew busted into where he was staying with his family caught him off guard when asked to interview his 10 and 6 year old daugthers. (Note: IF a candidate wants to “show off” his adorable kids that is fine with me (and benefit from the process) but don’t insult my intelligence and say it was a spontaneous act and acceptance).
Answer: Not quite as stupid as a blog that does not ask “why the only U.S. blood relative (kids excluded) of a candidate is hidden away from the public review and questioning about a candidates formable years.” I quess we can just take the word of “the one” on how/where he was born, raised, etc…because to ask is…well you know..verboten.
I hope your glee is matched by the size of your balls because when Obama implodes AFTER the convention (the republicans are not stupid); I “hope” you have the balls to post at NQ along with a picture of you eating crow.
John, John, John… don’tcha see? It doesn’t matter that the spoof was visible from space to anyone with a moderate grasp of the English language. By pointing that out, you have outed yourself as a member of the man-centric maleocracy who would gladly help Obama lock all us hos in the kitchen until we make you a sandwich.
Was that it? THAT’S REALLY FUNNY! I laughed, then cried because “bitch, give me my money” only goes so far and the postal carrier is a woman and ugly. Even if I filmed it, I don’t really want the sort of viewers who’d be attracted…
Dude, there’s way more offensive stuff on Two and a Half Men, How I Met Your Mother, and CSI.
zoe from pittsburgh
Wow. The unending stream of manufactured outrage from Hillary’s blind-with-rage deadend followers is exhausting.
Seriously, folks, get a grip. Hillary herself seems to have accepted that she lost, why can’t you? Or perhaps this is just how you live your lives in general– bitter, angry and looking for ways to explain why you are fundamentally so completely miserable?
There is more to life than this. Really. Hanging onto such rancor and bitterness doesn’t serve a productive purpose whatsoever. Stop holding onto it like it is some kind of badge of honor. Let go already. Let go of your impotent rage and find some happiness.
“Take my wife, please.”-Rodney Dangerfield
I cannot begin to comprehend how that joke made Dangerfield’s wife feel, or how humiliating that is to millions of American women with unloving husbands.
Then there’s Dangerfields’s ignorance of the nature of divorce proceedings. One cannot simply reqest aloud that one’s wife be “taken” away; grievances must be documented on paper by hired legal staff and filed with the courts.
Oops. Rodeny Dangerfield s/b Henny Youngman. But my point about the joke’s hateful rhetoric and brazen disregard of the realities of the law stil stands.
Itchy Brother
Wow. The unending stream of manufactured outrage from Hillary’s blind-with-rage deadend followers is exhausting.
I’m convinced that most of those people are/were not Hillary supporters. They are obama haters — both Dems and Repubs. Take a look at the founder of the PUMA PAC, Darragh Murphy. She was outed by rumproast as a Repub. You can easily confirm this for yourself. Just go to the FEC website and search her name. You will see that the only campaign contribution she gave was $500 to McCain.
I Will Remember In November!
“Seriously, folks, get a grip. Hillary herself seems to have accepted that she lost, why can’t you?”
Becasue of this little thing called “democracy.” You might have heard of it? Because it is painfully obvious you do not practice it. Hillary is not the MESSIAH. ALL her edits are not “followed” faithfully by her supporters. We are not programed to only accept Hillary’s edits. We have independent…let me say that again..we have independent minds. We have family and children we are raising to be independent and to be CRITICAL thinkers not sheep..NAAAAA!
Obama is unfit to be president not because he is white, black, purple, blue or red. HE IS UNQUALIFIED. The DNC ran a corrupt primary that ended with your candidate winning/selected which is why you do not feel (I think you do understand) the outrage of people who expected a fair primary.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Yep, the Yale grad and four-year junior senator from Illinois from Illinois is ‘unqualified’ as opposed to Harvard grad (IIRC) and eight-year junior senator from New York.
Then again, should we be surprised that the black man is ‘unqualified’? Why, following that line of thought, the DNC is engaging in – gasp – Affirmative Action!
Fuck off, wanker. Jesse Helms is dead, I’m sure there’s room for you and your NoDarkies buddies at the cross burnings now.
Itchy Brother
Obama is unfit to be president not because he is white, black, purple, blue or red. HE IS UNQUALIFIED.
Oh, I see. He’s unqualified because you shouted it in caps. Well that’s certainly a strong argument.
A black guy walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender says to him, “Wow that’s so cool. Where’d you get it?” The parrot turns to him and answers “Africa is full of them.”
What? It’s funny. Jesus, grow asoul.
SusanUnPC, IIRC, was the one who spearheaded that ridiculous multi-thread analysis of how Obama gave Hillary the finger during a speech. I seem to remember giving you the hat tip for smacking her down on that one too. So, nice job (again).
I Will Remember In November!
Obama being questioned before being president:
“You are a racist and politics of the past.”
Obama being questioned and he is president:
“You are still a racist and you are practicing democracy of the past.”
Why can’t someone believe/think Obama is not qualified without being a racist?
Wow, the NoQuarter Flying Monkey Attack Squad is really out in force this morning.
Free clue to members of the NQFMAS: When you’re caught taking an obvious satire seriously (and it was even labeled “snark”, so yes, “obvious” is correct), or otherwise made a fool out of, the proper response is to quietly slink away and hope people will forget. Doubling down on your original stupidity only makes you look stupider.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Because you haven’t given any reason other than saying UNQUALIFIED in all caps?
Because you’re part of the group that wanted to believe in the Whitey tape even more than you wanted to believe in Santa Claus?
Because you’re more fixated on your hatred of Obama than you are true progressive causes like war, the economy, and torture?
Now run along, little Klanner. The GOP needs more coded racists like you to fill in the ranks of all the dying unreconstructed Dixiecrats. They’ll need all your help in putting Macaca Allen against Obama next go-round.
I Will Remember In November!
Sticks and stones…sticks and stones…
If I need to provide reasons why he is not QUALIFIED, where are your reasons he is? In other words, you show me yours…I’ll show you mind? But it is a little unfair, your list will be much shorter and much more disappointing.
Oh Yeah…
Someone posted a spoof(humor)-From now on we should call Michelle Obama, “Ho Obama!.”
So funny!!!! Isn’t it???
That’s so very lovely and refreshing to read on this thread after so much trash.
But, I am not angry at No Quarter and the trolls from there. Its all very sad, really. I alternate between feeling pity and feeling nothing at all about them.
“I’ll show you mind?”
Somehow…I don’t think you’re capable of showing us mind, I Will Remember. Yours or anyone else’s.
Susan UnPC’s defense is that it was not obviously a spoof? What is she, a UFO believer who would have had the same reaction to Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds spoof?
Look, the FDL ‘spoof’ piece is not really all that funny. I’m sure the author thinks that it’s a spoof because the language is excessive and sarcastic, but the story being “reported” is not so unrealistic as to really seem like a fake story.
So yeah, some people misread it. I wouldn’t have. But if people are misreading what is supposed to be a ‘spoof’, perhaps it doesn’t make all that much sense to blame the readers. One of the basic rules of good writing is that, if readers don’t understand what you’re doing, then it’s not their fault.
Urbaniak, why are you attributing Henny Youngman’s most famous one liner to Rodney Dangerfield?
Matthew B.
Really, “bitterness” doesn’t have all that much to do with it. No Quarter might have been a haven for bitter Clinton supporters once upon a time, but they’re outnumbered now by the folks who are terrified at the thought of a negro in the White House.
Itchy Brother
Oh Yeah…
Hmmm, let’s see… PUMA PAC Founder: Darragh Murphy
Presented by the Federal Election Commission
Individual Contributions Arranged By Type, Giver, Then Recipient
Contributions to Political Committees
02/28/2000 500.00 20990076175
Total Contributions: 500.00
This is …. what?
What’s the total story here?
I wish all those ho’s at NQ would shut up and iron a shirt.
Kevin K.
She was outed by rumproast as a Repub.
I appreciate the plug, but my intention wasn’t to out her as a Republican, but prove that she’s not a hardcore Democrat who was forced to support McCain by Donna Brazile and Keith Olbermann. She was clearly supporting MCain in 2000 as well ad her excuse that she was saving the nation from “empty suit” Bush by donating $500 is utter hogwash. I guarantee if McCain had gotten the nod in 2000, she would have voted for him over Gore.
Hell, tell the believers in Bigfoot that the guys who filmed the most influential piece of “evidence” admitted that it was a hoax on his deathbed, or that hundreds of people have accurately recreated crop circles and shown how easy they are to form. It doesn’t matter. Believers want to believe… whether it be Fundies screaming the Earth is only 20,000 years old (and humanity only 6000), or whether it be the Norry-type kooks awaiting the big UFO event on the day the Mayan calendar ends, or whether it be the MUPpets still buying into the “hope and change” bullshit Obama is spewing.
Funny…you all sound the same to me. And the irony of calling yourself a critical thinker, yet falling for a spoof post is absolutely hilarious.
Dear John,
I have never heard of your obscure blog and today I am very glad to know I did not waste my time reading it. I have no idea who you are or what your educational qualifications are, but it seems that your ego cannot be contained in that balloon. You write self-important, so-called intellectual musings about politics, the economy, etc…and one of your post made fun of NoQuarter for not failing to see the humor of the FDL spoof. It doesn’t surprise me that, like many of Obama’s self-important supporters, you failed to criticize Obama’s non-admonition of a sexist and offensive joke, but chose to wag intellectual superiority over people you perceive to be your opposition. Thanks to people like you, Democrats now have a candidate who sneers at their worries about abuses of the Constitution. Thanks to people like you, we now have a flip-flopper who cannot be held accountable by his supporters. You failed to see what Hillary supporters saw in Obama, that he is willing to sell you out and betray liberal causes for his own gain, and you are only too happy to indulge him.
So John, maybe you need a mirror for your mind to show you that you have become a joke–you and every other single Obama supporters who defend his selling out his supporters.
I won’t bother urging you to do the right thing. I’m sure that, like many other Obama supporters, the Kool-Aid effect is now irreversible, as evidenced by your most recent action.
Don’t bother trying to stuff your ego into a balloon. It’s not going to fit, and the balloon juice that leaks will be toxic to other people nearby.
“Urbaniak, why are you attributing Henny Youngman’s most famous one liner to Rodney Dangerfield?”
I just woke up?
Kevin K.
Oh man, I just read SusanUnPC’s response post. What an ignoramus. And I love how Flowbee took the opportunity to drop the “n-word” one more time in his update. NQ has reached the point where it’s so predictable, stupid and vile it’s not even fun to rubber neck at anymore. They should change the name of the blog to Anti-Idiotarian Rodham and be done with it.
p.s. It’s great that two stellar feminists like Larry and Susan are adding Truthteller (the guy who repeatedly referred to Michelle Obama as a “blow job queen” among other things) to their new Blog Talk Radio “network.”
Humor is subjective; satire is objective. Satire is author’s intent; humor is entirely up to the reader.
This totally incorrect. Satire is best when it is right at the edge of believability. If you’re on the wrong side of that bell curve, it is hardly the author’s fault. If you’re talking about an informative essay, than, yes, the author should be precise and clear. But in many forms of writing–novels, poetry, fables–the reader is asked to interpret the meaning. Therefore, the if the reader doesn’t *get* something, it’s either genuine ignorance or willful ignorance on the reader’s part.
He corrected himself the post immediately following.
Isn’t there a ratfuck filter?
Holy crap! Did these NQ posters have their collective sense of irony surgically removed? Their ability to completely miss Thers’ point about the trivialization of political reporting, while getting distracted by the idea that this might have any impact on Obama’s campaign is the ultimate measure of desperate wish fulfillment.
And the fact that they also don’t understand one can critique the AP’s reporting without condoning Mac’s remarks is the cherry on top of this uber-irony sundae. Apparently, like Bush, NQ-ites don’t do nuance, or critical thought for that matter.
I Will Remember In November!
Fruitbat Says:
Typical. Caps now misspelling. OKay, I will go first.
My overall belief is that Obama has serious issues with his father abandoning him (and rightly so). His grandparents took him in, raised him when first his father left him at 2 and his mother flew off to parts far and wide to pursue other men. YET (those caps again), he writes a book called “dreams of my father.” Huh. Oh wait, now he is praising his grandparents and his mid western up bringing. His father gets a whole book (which I understand is critically acclaimed and very well written) and his grandparents get a few lines to win an election AFTER (I just can’t help myself) getting thrown under the bus.
Second, Obama has associated himself with the most radical of people who suppport a radical racial agenda because he is trying to prove to his dead father that he is worthy despite the white blood that runs through his viens. Remember when Obama Sr’s parents heard about Sr and Obama’s mother wedding, Sr’s parents wrote they did not want white blood spoiling the Obama blood. Does Obama blame his white side for his father so easily being able to abandon him? This is why Obama stayed (and continues in my book) with Rev Wright, NOI, Louis Farranken, Pleger, Ayers…. He is proving that he was worth his fathers love. This is a tragic thing but it should not be played out using the American citizens as props.
Third, I believe Obama is running for president so he does not have to do any Sentorial duties. It sounds weird but I believe it is true. He appears to like all the glitter and spotlight but not the hard work. A community organizer… talking with folks to get them to do something…really hard work. Although being a community organizer is probably very stressfull, IF (I know I need help, do you know of a 12 step program?) you cared for the people you are helping organized. Obama’s law firm years or months, where are the work products? State senate, different circumstances same questioned, where is the work product? As I understand it once the ILL demo’s controlled the state senate, the once minority leader now the majority leader , Jones, HANDED (I give in to the urge, if it is wrong I don’t want to be right)Obama all the bills he “championed” and then passed. All those state senators who were harrassed and laughed at trying to pass those bills under state republican rule, were brushed to the side and denied their due because Majority leader Jones wanted to me himself “a United States Senator.”
Lastly, do I need to even address Obama’s hope and change crap (well by using the word crap I guess I addressed it). The only thing Obama changed was the democratic party. It is gone bye bye. When Obama loses the democratic party will cease to exist. Hope? Hope for public financing, the defeat of telecom immunity, the immediate withdrawal of our troops from Iraq regardless of what the “bush” generals say, banning of guns so the police can have a fighting chance against the escalating murders in most major cities? Hope my A$$$.
On June 25 I switched from a registerd democrat to an independent. No, longer will I believe that one party is better than the other. I am a critical thinker who votes what makes sense TO ME. I own my vote and from now on I am going to ACT LIKE IT.
Ed Marshall
Don’t bother trying to stuff your ego into a balloon. It’s not going to fit, and the balloon juice that leaks will be toxic to other people nearby.
Versus humble, little, ole you who have convinced yourself that you and a handful of bitter-enders are going to bring down the party over your candidate losing. I’ve got news for you, you are part of a tiny, tiny, little cargo cult that doesn’t merit anything other than derision.
Stop being such a skanky ho.
I read the blogs at NoQuarterUSA for a good laugh. They truly are the dumbest bloggers on the net. They literally have an orgasm over every new “rumor” or smear attack on Obama. The dumbest one of them all is someone named “xdcc” who claims that Obama has a fake birth certificate because he’s really a Communist spy that was planted here 47 years ago as part of a “Trojan Horse” campaign to infiltrate our government. Of course, “xdcc” doesn’t explain why the Communists chose a black baby for their secret plan, or how they knew he would grow up to run for president 47 years later.
NoQuarterUSA still insists they will replace Obama and get Hillary as the nominee. The spew nothing but outragious lies and constant smear attacks on Obama.
If they are an example of the kind of people who support Hillary, then I’m glad she’s NOT the nominee. They are clearly deranged, pathetic, and willing to repeat any lie they hear to further their insane quest.
Hillary is shooting herself in the foot by not denouncing these idiots. No one is going to want to help her future career if her biggest supporters are just a bunch of wild-eyed lunatics.
Anyone else imagining an aging cougar, in the bar, hoping some young cat will feel her up? Keep the drinks coming barkeep.
And Cthulu will rise from the sea, making sweet love to the Kraken, while dancing to Jesse Helms “black” banjo, racistly strumming along to an old slave song in the background.
yes folks, the end times are upon us. REPENT! REPENT, I say and Saint Hillary will protect you.
C’mon you guys, NQ is a complete ratfuck operation.
Nobody takes it seriously.
Who the fuck cares?
Who the fuck cares?
Someone who thinks the Republicans aren’t stupid? Clearly a Republican.
(Yeah I know, don’t feed the trolls, but this one was so easy)
I Will Remember In November!
Its funny. You guys are bashing NQ for missing the snark but you yourselves can’t see Obama’s candidancy as the Joke it is? How ironic?
BTW Cassidy, I’ll match my kitty against yours anyday. Let us see who has the “old” one.
Just An Udder Ho
GoBombAYoMomma fans simply HAVE to have someone to demonize, don’t they?
How would they ever get through the day if they didn’t have someone to hate?
That’s what they call them where I grew up, anyway. Or did you mean the shoes? In that case,
I Will Remember In November!
too easy, I’ll say…cut and paste and add the word “Lie.” Can you support your conclusion that I lied?
Just An Udder Ho
Yeah, those Stoopit Republicans are so stoopit they have managed to hold occupy the Oval Office almost non stop since LBJ.
Stoopit, I tells ya!
Better ratfuckers and spooftrolls, please.
Isn’t there a number we can call to get better material?
The Moar You Know
This thread needs to be chiseled into marble and set inside its own national monument as the most glorious example of self-ruin evar seen on the interwebs.
Truly, this is one for the ages. I had no idea the denizens of No Quarter could be so…entertaining.
[quote]A black guy walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender says to him, “Wow that’s so cool. Where’d you get it?” The parrot turns to him and answers “Africa is full of them.”
What? It’s funny. Jesus, grow asoul.[/quote]
It is kind of funny, although the correct telling involves Jews and Brooklyn. See, normal people aren’t offended by this kind of stuff, especially when it comes out of the mouths of comedians, b/c the recognize it as this thing called a “joke.” That implies a level of levity and/or not-entirely-seriousness.
OTOH, the mentally ill and really stupid people often can’t identify these qualities and therefore get confused and frustrated and frightened. And forget about satire–that’s waaaaay out of their conceptual reach.
“A black guy walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender says to him, “Wow that’s so cool. Where’d you get it?” The parrot turns to him and answers “Africa is full of them.”
What? It’s funny. Jesus, grow asoul.”
It is kind of funny, although the correct telling involves Jews and Brooklyn. See, normal people aren’t offended by this kind of stuff, especially when it comes out of the mouths of comedians, b/c the recognize it as this thing called a “joke.” That implies a level of levity and/or not-entirely-seriousness.
OTOH, the mentally ill and really stupid people often can’t identify these qualities and therefore get confused and frustrated and frightened. And forget about satire–that’s waaaaay out of their conceptual reach.
Jason McLane
Heck just forget about satire out of their abilities to understand. They don’t even believe in freedom of speech. My posts were removed and altered. That is how I now know that I hate Obama, because some jerk changed my statements into anti-Obama rhetoric.
Just An Udder Ho
I used to worry that my granddaughters would suffer under the rule of Republicans who would take away a woman’s control over her own body.
Now I worry that my granddaughters will suffer under “Democratic” rule that encourages a gangsta rap society – a society that regards women as whores.
Women may need to form their own party.
See now you made them really really mad. Now they are going to bitch about Hill getting robbed for twenty years instead of ten.
John S.
Has myiq started posting there yet?
So this November idiot thinks Obama is “unqualified” based on a lot of armchair psychology? If we only elected people who didn’t have personal issues for office, no one would be qualified to run. Jeez.
The Moar You Know
I’d be terrified if I thought you weren’t a spoof.
What strikes me the most is how I Will Remember bases most of his/her criticism of Obama on perceived, assumed pop-psychological nonesense that have little to no relationship to his public policy or his campaigning to date.
Putting aside the many questions this raises about how that position is relevant or even accurate, it leaves one open to a lot of return fire that I don’t think I Will Remember would appreciate. When some insane person from the right disdains Hillary Clinton, calling her a power-hungry harpy who is reacting to her husband’s successes and infidelity, is that a fair assessment? Should that be the basis for all my opinions about her public policy?
The Moar You Know
No, the “November” idiot thinks Obama is unqualified because he’s black – but will protest mightily that such a thing never entered its mind.
Just An Udder Ho
People got their panties in a wad over that? Jesus. Lighten up people. Grow a soul.
A self respecting woman who has worked as hard as any man to earn her degrees, her career, and anything she may have should just laugh off being called a whore.
Grow a brain.
Just An Udder Ho
I’d be terrified if I thought you weren’t a spoof
I’m not a spoof.
I’m a 56 year old woman/wife/mother/grandmother who holds three degrees, owns and operates a small business, and occasionally teaches for a semester (as an adjunct) at a local college.
You guys REALLY need to wise up. But you won’t. Not before the election, anyway. And frankly, without some serious intervention for your obvious psychological problems, I doubt you’ll wise up then.
Just An Udder Ho
Not speaking for Pam here, but it’s clear to me he’s unqualified simply because of his thin resume. He’d be unqualified in any color.
Ed Marshall
I’m terrified. We’re doomed without the risible pocket of filth that you guys represent. Well…no….
Just An Udder Ho
If you are doomed, it’s only because of the limitations of your own mind, Ed. Since you obviously do not grasp the fact that you are alienating potentially half the electorate by calling them risible pockets of filth, I can only conclude that you are cognitively gimped.
I Will Remember In November!
Fruitbat Says:
What strikes me the most is how I Will Remember bases most of his/her criticism of Obama on perceived, assumed pop-psychological nonesense that have little to no relationship to his public policy or his campaigning to date.
Putting aside the many questions this raises about how that position is relevant or even accurate, it leaves one open to a lot of return fire that I don’t think I Will Remember would appreciate. When some insane person from the right disdains Hillary Clinton, calling her a power-hungry harpy who is reacting to her husband’s successes and infidelity, is that a fair assessment? Should that be the basis for all my opinions about her public policy?
Well yeah it has already happened…it is called the DNC and MSM and Obamabots. Hillary is a big girl. She can take care of herself. She has been “disdains” and taken apart by anyone with an inclination to do so and 18million people still voted for her. It is called democracy. Give the people all the information (not pundit dribble and conclusions and opinions) about all the candidates and LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE. If the people know all about Obama and choose him…so be it. I will be disappointed but it will be FAIR.
My minds. Let me show you them.
Just An Udder Ho
Seen ’em, bago.
They’re ugly.
You missed the point of my post, I Will Remember. The question wasn’t “can Hillary take care of herself?” It was “is it fair to judge Hillary the way you’re judging Obama?” Because I honestly don’t see the point of determining your candidate preferrence based on how a person may or may not feel about their father.
Right. Because that’s what Obama wants his daughters to be when they grow up, right? Have you seen his ipod play list? Rap isn’t exactly his cup of tea. You’re falling into some kind of strange stereotype that all blacks at all ages like rap and hip-hop. Rap has many flavors and gangsta rap is just one of them. There are some good ones out there too. (and I hate rap)
Here’s some homework for you. Have a decent conversation with a black person that’s a little more than “hi there” and you might realize some things about them.
This whole story really gives legs to the theory that republics brains are really different than the rest of ours. Anyone who is upset by Mac’s remarks aren’t really democrats. Anyone who gave MsIsane money over Gore isn’t really a democrat either.
Guys, I hate to break into the laugh fest, but ABC had two posts up on the Bernie Mac story and they WERE TAKING IT SERIOUSLY.
The ABC commenters made the No Quater fan club look like at least a third quartile fo the Gene pool, and when anyone, like myself, tried to remind people of the joke John McCain told about Chelsea Clinton being ugly because janet Reno was her father, the trolls would froth in denial until ABC deleted the offending quotation.
Just An Udder Ho
Welp, cain,
Referring to women to as hos, bitches, pockets of filth and the like makes a pretty clear statement.
Why don’t you guys know this?
Just An Udder Ho
Guys, I hate to break into the laugh fest, but ABC had two posts up on the Bernie Mac story and they WERE TAKING IT SERIOUSLY.
Ed Marshall
Since you obviously do not grasp the fact that you are alienating potentially half the electorate by calling them risible pockets of filth
No, you don’t grasp the fact that you don’t represent anywhere near 50% of the electorate. More on the order of .05%, I’m honestly more worried about alientating 9/11 truthers or disciples of Harold Ickes than Hillary dead-enders from a statistical standpoint.
Now anyway, I wouldn’t have said that a month ago, but you people still in the trees at this point? That’s nuts. That’s seriously nuts. Most of them I don’t *want* back, like you and your freaky “gangsta rap” schtick or the November shithead and his fantasizing about Obama the Affirmitive Action candidate.
Sorry, I didn’t read all the wasy down the thread before posting. Looks like the ABC posters have left the Disneyland News Channel and are swimming over here, lowering the gene pool faster than Bush is lowering the Dow.
So I guess I will post my John McCain joke.
“Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.” John McCain telling joke at Republican fundraiser, June 1998.
So now, the Bernie Mac joke says what about whose character?
As part of my cruising for Weasels program prescribed by my physician to cure me of the imaginary feelings I have about our economy, allow me to throw this bait out:
Fruitbat Says:
What strikes me the most is how I Will Remember bases most of his/her criticism of Obama on perceived, assumed pop-psychological nonesense that have little to no relationship to his public policy or his campaigning to date.
Fruitbat, shame on you for automatically dismmissing the Transgendered coommunity with your use of a slash implying
I Will Remember is either male or female instead of possible both. Instead of his/her, shouldn’t you have used
him/&/orher? Your name would imply you should know better.
Just a little more bait for the trail.
Hey Udder. Know who else has three degrees? Phil Gramm.
But he no longer teaches in a local college, his small business, UBS is posting billion dollar psychological quarterly losses, and he no longer speaks for John Mc Cain.
So you better not try and say Phil put that Hillary and Janet are lesbian joke off on Phil.
Bernie Mac should have known better to perform a “comedy” skit with a rather touchy subject. Obama should have known better to respond with his only kidding comment.
Seems that many on the FDL blog took that post seriously, too. Personally, Obama disgusts me. Anything that puts him in a bad light is alright by me.
Oh, yeah, and Udder, funny you should mention “bitch.”
Wasn’t it a woman at a John McCain fundraiser who asked, in reference to your friend Hillary Clinton, “How do we beat the bitch?” I seem to recall, after nervous laughter, the first words out of John McCain’s mouth were “That’s a good question.” I could be wrong but I think it is on YouTube.
You could look it up. You have three degrees. Like Phil Gramm.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Just An Udder Racist.
Just An Udder Ho
No, you don’t grasp the fact that you don’t represent anywhere near 50% of the electorate
No, Ed.
You don’t grasp the fact that the 50% of the electorate I am talking about, can read. Even us filthy hos know when we are being kicked.
FYI, Ed, you obviously think I’m a PUMA. Not so. I have voted straight D my entire life. I voted that way because I believed in voting rights and social justice. But
I can’t say I will vote straight D this fall.
Just An Udder Ho
Wasn’t it a woman at a John McCain fundraiser who asked, in reference to your friend Hillary Clinton, “How do we beat the bitch?”
I don’t like it any more than I like it when my previous team uses the word. I expected better of Democrats, is all.
My bad. I won’t make that mistake again.
Just An Udder Ho
Just An Udder Racist.
See, that’s why you guys are gonna lose.
You’re not hearing what’s being said to you.
I’m not a partisan. I’m a middle class woman with middle class concerns. I hate the misogyny I see coming from Obama supporters. HATE it.
Do you hear`that? CAN you hear that?
It seems like you can not hear what’s being said to you.
If you do hear it, why in the world would you conflate misogyny with racism?
They are not the same thing at all.
I could say something here about battered women syndrome. That generally helps flush out the female of the weasel species, but because Udder responded, I think she is just a troll. I know Fruitbat is a troll feedder. Please Fruit and others, don’t feed the trolls. They just slobber all over your little table scraps of reason begging got more.
Unlike dogs and cats, they cannot be trained to go outside or in a box to do their business so they end up crapping all over what should be a leisurely humorous thread.
Just An Udder Ho
Oh, noes!
LA Confidential Pantload
Ed Marshall,
Think you meant David Icke. Unless Harold Ickes is doing some sort of Snake-People for a Sister campaign for Sen. Clinton
Now, over at the ABC thread, as I was saying, the site censors were deleting any reference to McNasty’s jokes and mysogynistic comments. Those feeding the anti-Obama flames, however, were basically white male racists with jokes about “turning it into the Black House” and other such jewels. However you could get a dig in every now and then. Except of course when you mentioned the real obscene joke, that ABC and all the other networks have been covering up John McCain’s lie about Phil Gramm not speaking for him. You see, while John was saying that in Michigan, Phil was at about the same time speaking for John to the Wall Street Journal in New York. The networks do not like it when you point out John McCain is a liar. Expecially when you can prove it and at the same time call em on the fact they are covering it up for him. That gets instant deletion and all your posts go to moderation purgatory.
Frankly that is a lot more important than bad taste jokes for the future of the middle class of both sexes.
Just An Udder Ho
I could say something here about battered women syndrome. That generally helps flush out the female of the weasel species, but because Udder responded, I think she is just a troll.
Now there’s a persuasive argument.
If you don’t agree with me, you’re a troll.
If you don’t like strangers shitting on you and calling you a ho, bitch, pocket of filth or weasel, you’re not a Democrat, you’re a troll.
You guys are not listening. Because you’re not listening to what middle America is saying, you’re going to lose.
End of story.
John Cole
Udder ho,
Click the arrows above the comment box and start blockquoting and embedding your hyperlinks. It isn’t a misogynistic plot, it is common courtesy.
As someone who lurks and occasionally posts on NQ, I must say that it is impossible to underestimate their complete lunacy.
There’s at least one diary a day about Obama’s birth certificate, the purported falseness of which has been debunked by the right blogosphere, such that LGF says that it makes the right look like idiots to claim it’s a fake. Plus this goes with the claim that his mother might not have been married when Obama was born (who cares?) and very oddball claims about how old a mom had to be when her child was born for the child to be a citizen, even that Hawaii wasn’t a state when he was born. For some reason, they think that Obama visted Washington state when he was three weeks old (but there’s no evidence for this) and this is somehow suspicious — although why that would be suspicious is never explained.
And then you have the faux feminists who claim that Obama is no good on reproductive right – yes, really – despite the fact that McCain’s record is completely and utterly anti-choice and even (if he can’t remember it) against covering birth control.
But perhaps the most amusing are those who can’t remember their cover stories — that they used to be Clinton supporters — who use oddball right wing rhetoric, like calling Obama a Marxist who wants to impose socialized medicine and the nanny state on all of us, or that McCain has won the Iraq war for us all and protected the US from crazed Muslims, or who make blithely delivered homophobic remarks.
Just An Udder Ho
Thanks to Juan Cole for letting us use his blog for this discussion.
My summary:
Obamabots ain’t ready for PrimeTime.
Have a nice life, guys!
The other bad thing about trolls is they keep yapping and louder as if you can’t hear them. As a result, you cannot figure out what they are trying to say because it is a long blast of noise. Trolls never can figure out that it is not that people do not want to have an intelligent discussion of issues among other intelligent people of both sexes. They just don’t want to talk to trolls because the topic to a troll is all about themselves (three degrees), and in a forum like this, where humor abounds, they think the slightest witticism becomes a social movement induced phobic insult of their very personally troubled troll being.
“I’m a middle class woman with middle class concerns. I hate the misogyny I see coming from Obama supporters. HATE it.”
I’m a middle class woman with middle class concerns and I have NO CLUE what you’re talking about. Misogyny from Obama supporters? You have to be joking. How about a single example other than a rude stand up routine from a comedian/ Would that be too hard for you?
You know what I hate — It’s people making false claims about a good Democrat while touting a Republican who is bound and determined to take away from women their right to control their own bodies — and to do this in the name of feminism.
And I hate the idea that the Democratic party is anti-woman because a particular woman didn’t get the nomination. The person who did get the nomination is supported by a majority of women now and was supported by a majority of Democratic women under 50 during the nomination fight. Are all those women anti-women? I think not. The college-aged students I work with — all of whom consider themselves feminists — think this sort of rhetoric is pathetic. And I have to agree.
The way to stop feeding trolls is keep posting about em without mentioning their name. They finally get tired of being ingored and go away.
I don’t know if it was the stark reality of the
homophobic crudeness of the McCain joke that shamed old I Will into utter silence, or the weasel bait.
Now if they had been weasels they would have taken the bait and right now they would be posting away, trying to gnaw their little weasely legs out of the trap. Your male weasel usually is making scatalogical comments now. Your female weasel, well they are usually smarter. Sometimes they just sniff around the bait and go back to their nest.
Eventually both the male and female wasel will bare their teeth and soul and launch into some right wing self revelatory babble.
I prefer the male weasel because I am a male weasel flusher and get off to that excrement laden violence they display in the trap. But either way, troll, weasel, who cares. Just gotta get em outta the house.
I just can’t wait for BO and the FIRST HO to be living in the “WHITE HOUSE” because the spoofs will be everywhere!
Just to think of it sends a thrill up my leg, I’m tellin’ you.
Oh, yes. There will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth at FDL over the insulting “spoofs” about BO and HoBamaMama that offend their sensibilities, and there will be mockery of those sensibilities in response. There will be a million mockeries to come.
Hey, where’s your sense of humor!?
I’m just messin’ with you, man…
Does that sound like a President to you?!
I’m just messin’ with you, man….
Oh, the rich opportunities there will be for “spoofs” to come. I’m looking so forward to it. Aren’t you?
Who said the ho’s could speak? Get me some powder…
Poor John, just can’t win. He gets the flak for his co-posters’ posts, and Juan Cole gets the credit for his blogging hospitality.
Oh, the humanity!
Get serious people.
Just an Udder Ho is worried about what her “granddaughters” might end up with?
This is the worst troll material I have seen in here in years. This crap wouldn’t even make it to the first call on Last Comic Standing. EpicFlail(tm)
Give it up. This ain’t exactly our first rodeo.
NoQuarter is home to the most insane people on the internet. They actually believe Obama is an undercover Muslim posing as a Christian to win the presidency. For that to be a true, a little Muslim boy had to have been sitting at home and one day he said “I know! I’ll start calling myself a Christian because one day I’m going to be running for president and America will hate Muslims because I predict a terrorist attack!”
I deeply hate the people at NoQuarter
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
I don’t know. Jesse Helms might be dead, but there are still others like him out there.
Conservatively Liberal
I see that we have some ‘new’ members, like ‘JustAnotherHoWhoWillVoteRepublicanThisFall’. It seems like every time Larry “Tiny” Johnson craps out his latest brainfart and John posts about it here, we get an influx of ‘democrats’ who luv everything
HillaryMcCain and hate everything Obama.Of course, they protest about what good democrats they are when we point out their obvious ratfucking ways, and they really think they are fooling us.
We need higher quality trolls and ratfuckers! Damn it, this was the top blog last year, and we deserve better asshats than the ratfuckers that NoDarkies and Paid Unemployed McCain Asshats are sending us.
Not only do they believe Obama is an undercover Muslim posing as a Christian to win the presidency – but they also think that he has lived his entire life pretending to have been born in Hawaii when he was instead born in some other country. All the kids he met in school are either in on the plot or were its earliest victims.
I Will Remember In November!
Fruitbat Says:
You missed the point of my post, I Will Remember. The question wasn’t “can Hillary take care of herself?” It was “is it fair to judge Hillary the way you’re judging Obama?” Because I honestly don’t see the point of determining your candidate preferrence based on how a person may or may not feel about their father.
July 13th, 2008 at 3:18 pm
Yes, it is fair and I honestly believe it is proper to cast one’s vote on the why a candidate may or may not feel about their father/parent. You might want to sit down for this next statement…Candidates and even presidents are PEOPLE…people with huge egos…but people nonetheless. They are not “chosen” with celestial powers that immunes them from troubled or not idea upbringings. They all bring that into office with them. Bill Clinton is a womanize in no small part to the relationship or lack there of he had with his father, JFK jr as well. So the question is can the American people live with a person’s “shortcoming” including lousy or not idea upbring? Short answer: GWB and Senior.
All the posts rolled into one. Shortened for those who have no wish to continue to read bullshit. It warms my heart to see the racist leaving the party.
Conservatively Liberal
When Obama wins this fall, the endless popping noise you will hear across the country will be the sound of Republican, Ratfucker and Racist heads exploding.
The three R’s, so to say. ;)
I am sure that quite a few pops will be from Obama supporters opening up the champagne (elitists!). We will be glad to contribute to the cacophony of explosions, but in a positive way.
Welcome to the Ratfuckskeller.
Bierbloggen! Gemütlichkeit!
I should know better than to respond, but okay, I Will Remember, if parental relationships appropriately form the basis of one’s appropriateness to lead, then do feel free to tell me all you’ve learned about Ms Clinton’s heritage. I’m sure in your quest to find the best potential leader, you thoroughly vetted her past and ignored her policies and positions. Since they’re so much less relevant. Then you can show me the psychology degree you have, as well as the copious notes you took when you were analyzing Barack Obama, since that’s probably the only valid means to come to the conclusions you have about his psychoses, ego, and megalomania.
Rome Again
Oh Gosh, I just hate it when I have to agree with you. Please go back to being intolerable, agreement with you makes me very uncomfortable.
Rome Again
John, someone is playing with site links again. I just went to refresh and this time I ended up with a 1 inch square pop up window with the thread url at the top (light blue background) that said “click here to take a survey”.
You really should complain to PJ for this crap.
You’d think if the Hillary dead-enders were so upset that Obama didn’t denounce Mr. Mac for a misogynistic joke, they’d really be raking John McCain over the coals for calling his wife a cunt.
Just sayin’.
Rome Again
IOKIYAR, of course, even to Hillbots.
Conservatively Liberal
What I find humorous are the ‘assessments’ of Obama as being unfit to be president. IMO, there are three types of AntiObamaites; Republicans/Ratfuckers, Hillary diehards and racists. Figuring out which is which is fairly difficult now, but after the convention it should be pretty easy.
If any real Democrat says that they are voting for McCain, they will be either a ratfucker or a racist. No real Democrat will vote for McCain this fall, and that is that.
Lancelot Link
Shorter “No Quarter”;
“You needed that job, and you were the best qualified, but they had to give it to a minority.”
Hey I Will be Forgotten long Before November :
Why don’t you critically think your ass over to a dictionary and look up the difference between Edict and Edit . You’ll then be surprised to learn you are very wrong Wayyyyy up the page there , you can’t follow an Edit , you dolt…Sigh, nevermind.
And neither Jesus Himself, since you cited the Messiah, nor Hillary were or are empowered to issue Edicts, which are more the job of Popes and Mullahs …not that you need to actually Understand the words you’re trying to use …
Dictionary, amazing tool , has all the other books in it .
I Will Remember:
You have a right to vote for whom you choose and for reasons that you choose. Or vote against.
You eviscerate your own argument for being concerned about Obama’s absent father, however, when you use the examples of JFK and B. Clinton. Yes, both were womanizers, and this was most regretable and undoubtedly painful to their wives and children. However, both did good things as presidents. In other words, they were human and fallible as we all are but still managed to do good things as well as stupid things while president.
I don’t have precognition so won’t venture to say exactly what Obama will do, but based upon his record, which either you or Udder miscited, I believe that he can also rise above his absent fatherhood issues to do good things. He will govern from a position of trying to achieve consensus, based upon his record and his writings, and his current positions. As such, he will piss off people with various points of view, because he will try to find positions that give everyone something, but no one all that he/she wants.
And PLEASE get over the birth cert. thing, ok? He was born after Hawaii was a state, and so what if he can’t produce the original? I have no idea where my original is either, so when I recently applied for Social Security, I had an official birth cert. from the state of Kentucky, which looked nothing like an original does. Moreover, it looked very similar to the birth cert. of Obama’s which I’ve seen on the Web, and is clearly produced on a computer. So what? It was readily accepted by Soc. Sec. If such a cert. is good enough for the SSA, it’s good enough for me. And screw the querning; such birth certs aren’t in anyway intended to look like the originals. If you don’t believe me, apply for one from your state of birth and see what it looks like.
Incidentally, it’s irrelevant if his mom was married to his dad at the time. And had he been born in Hawaii before it was a state, he would still have been ok to become president. This issue was settled back when Goldwater ran, as he was born while Arizona was still a territory.
a. pismo clam
No, I like the way Conservatively Liberal said it, because it’s just true. No real democrat will vote for McCain in November.
People might dislike Obama or wish he was better at representing their beliefs and still vote for him. Why not? I wasn’t crazy about Clinton, and I voted for him twice. No one can rationally claim that their vote should be used to punish Obama for misogyny displayed in the media, never by Obama, especially if their vote would go to a man who has never especially respected women, either personally (calling his wife a cunt, dumping his first wife once she got fat & crippled) or in the public sphere (being against abortion).
McCain’s record is here: http://www.ontheissues.org/Senate/John_McCain.htm
Obama’s is here: http://www.ontheissues.org/Senate/Barack_Obama.htm
Can you NoQuarter and PUMA fuckheads please just get a clue and leave the voting to us adults? Party unity isn’t a fucking joke, and it’s not a goddamn slogan. If there’s a Republican president in the office in 2009, the Supreme Court will help make this country look like it did in 1922. Are you not getting enough 5-4 votes to make this understandable? Can you talk to someone with a fucking clue?
If you’re a Democrat, you will vote for Obama in November, or you don’t actually have democratic values. There has not been a choice this stark in decades. It’s really not debatable, not with McCain as option B.
Also, although the Udder Ho granny has apparently taken a hike, I can’t find a better example of unconscious racism than to think that a black president means that we will somehow all live in a world of rap music. Challenging her on it didn’t cause the clue to drop. I am embarrassed for her stupidity and her racism — unless she’s a republican ratfucker, in which case I am embarrassed at my naivete.
Bedlam UK
I think I may be missing something. Ok, I dont get Mac’s joke. I understand it, but miss the humour. My bad.
And ok, some peeps really actually thought that the story about this being the MOST important thing to destroy Obama must really be out of touch.
But are they really saying that Obama should have condemned Bernie Mac for being sexist?
Have they ever seen a comedian? Ever?
Please tell me that that bit is /snark. Expecting the possible next President of USA to condemn a comedian for using the Term ‘ho’?
I heard that Prodigy made a song ‘smack my bitch up’. I hope when Obama and McCain have finished with Comedians they will move onto the Music industry.
Wait. Didn’t McCain call his missus a sexist term too?
So Obama, dont forget Politicians too.
An Outhouse
911The primary changed everything. They will soon be discussing Chappaquiddick and Yalta.bmc
What up, man? Can’t you take a joke?
I’m just messin’ with you, man!
Where’s your sense of humor. That cover’s just a SPOOF!
It’s like I said above. The spoofs will go round and round, and one day you’re up, the next day, you’re down. Mocking No Quarter one day, recriminating the New Yorker the Next.
It’s the hypocrisy, stupid.
Hey, I’m way late, and wasn’t planning to stop back by but I was curious to see how well my plan worked. It was a shame to see I WILL REMEMBER forget my analysis and come back for one more round, but….
I can’t pass on BEDLAMS’s question. Over at another site, maybe ABC, where the toothless were gnawing over the Bernie Mac quote in between diddling their second wife (third cousin), someone attribute the joke to Bedlam’s national hero, Winston Churchill. I will have to paraphrase Churchill’s version, but I wish I could e-mail it to Udder since it makes the same point, is told by an erudite Englishman, and she would have a hard time blaming it on Obama or claiming it called her a name.
A man (Churchill?) is at a cocktail party talking with an elegant, but obviously interested and intoxicated woman. After some small talk he says to her,
“This may be rude of me, but I have always wanted to ask a woman of your obvious class and intelligence a rather impertinent question. It’s just theoreticaly, mind you, but somewhat racy. Do you mind?”
“Go ahead,” says the lady.
“Well, if a powerful, intelligent man were to offer you a million pounds, would you sleep with him?”
“You know, I probably would,” the lady replied.
“Would you sleep with me right now for a ten?”
“What kind of woman do you think I am,” the woman stormed.
“We’ve already established that. Now we’re negotiating over price.”
Humor sometimes requires the proper cultural framework, as do intelligence tests, to be effective.
Holy moly. Ok, I admit: I had never gone to that site before. My eyes! My eyes! I’m floored by the level of vapid batshitty-ness. Won’t be going THERE again.
Wow, John.
BTD and Jeralynn were right about your website and the commenters it attracts.
Seriously, I have never seen the like of the commenters at No Quarter. It’s a train wreck. I honestly wish that you and Sully would quit posting links, John. These crazies shouldn’t get extra traffic. The sad part is, I think that half of them don’t get that they are racists (I love the irrational “rap video America” fear). And god, could the whole “ho” thing be more childish? It’s garbage like this that continues to make me angry with the Clintons, they stoked this fire and now we all have to deal with it.