Lt. Hiroo Onoda, who finally quit 29 years after Japan’s formal WWII surrender
Some people are still stuck in the denial stage:
Big news folks – it looks like our efforts in contacting those Superdelegates are starting to pay off, so keep on writing to them (ok, maybe Donna B’s a waste of time). There are unconfirmed reports, based on phone banking efforts to reach out to Super Ds, that eight previously Obama SDs expressed that, given the opportunity, they would vote for Hillary at the convention.
In the immortal words of some blogger somewhere:
And they call Obama supporters a cult?
John S.
I wonder how long it will take after Obama is elected for myiq to stop turning up with his sour grapes schtick (if only we were smart enough to get behind Hillary). Probably somewhere around the third of fourth year of his second term.
That would put him 21 years behind Lt. Onoda, which would still be a
valiantquixotic effort.Jake
Meanwhile, Big Tent Democrat over at TalkLeft is suggesting that if he wants to win, Obama should make the case that a McCain presidency would be a Bush third term.
That guy’s a fucking genius, I swear to God.
John Cole
You just can’t slip anything by that crowd, can you?
Notorious P.A.T.
One of us! One of us!
On the plus side, there are only a dozen people posting to that board. On the Internet you could find 1-200 people to support anything.
Uh huh. The same band of idiots has picked up the story over at NoQuarter. Oh the stupid, how it burns.
The Bearded Blogger
Dare I say it?
For Hillary!!!
Hillary is now the Ron Paul of the left
b. hussein canuckistani
Who? Didn’t she run for Governor or something? It was so long ago…
Kevin K.
Actually, that delegate story was floated by head PUMA Will Bower last week at the same time he announced the PUMAs had raised $10 million for Hillary in a one-day (July 4th) fundraiser. In addition, he stated that all PUMAs have developed the ability to fly and that Harriet Christian discovered a cure for the AIDS virus.
They’re just that fucking awesome.
I hear the SDs all flipped after watching the Whitey tape! Pass it on!
I’m quite happy to note that, for all intents and purposes, Hillary’s pretty much disappeared from the media. Even the Unity rallies were pretty low key, and Bill’s managed to keep his mouth shut in the wake of it all.
Now we’ll see what happens when she’s not selected for the VP, and I’m sure the convention will have it’s share of Hilldrama, but still. It’s been kinda nice.
The Bearded Blogger
Maybe the other posters on that site are just humoring alegre…
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Hillary is more for party unity than a few of her supporters? Egads, you would think that those that haven’t followed her calls have another reason for not supporting the inadequate, unqualified, and all the other resume rejecting adjectives black guy.
Hey! You take that back! I like Ron Paul.
Not for President, mind you, but he seems like a cool enough guy.
I think the word you’re looking for is ‘misogynist’.
There was some Hillary Dead-Ender giving a TV interview outside of the Logan Circle Whole Foods in DC last night. He was saying it was 14 Obama superdels that were going to vote for Hillary. You could actually *smell* the crazy. I really wanted to walk past and say, “Yeah, dude, but as long as Obama has the Black Helicopters, there’s nothing that can stop him.”
Wow. Just wow. I guess these people are like the Hillary Holdouts recently featured on a Southern California puiblic radio show (Hillary Holdouts)
These folk not only continue to raise money for Hillary, but seem intent on protecting Hillary’s political legacy against any other female, either hoping that Clinton can somehow become the presidential nominee, or at least making sure that she become Obama’s VP choice whether Obama, the Democratic Party, or even Hillary herself wants it or not.
Ah, but she lurks even when not in the limelight. Even though there have been Obama-sponsored fund raisers to help retire some of Hillary’s primary debts, the Washington Times reports that she is soliciting donations not only for a future Senate campaign, but also for a future presidential bid (EDITORIAL: $$ Hillary $$):
Hillary certainly seems to be hedging her bets in trying to keep the hopeless alive.
And I keep waiting to see both Clintons, Al Gore and even Jimmy Carter hit the campaign trail more actively on Obama’s behalf (OK, well, maybe not Carter so much). I keep waiting for the Democratic Party to creatively unleash these people, along with Kerry and Edwards, to make the strongest possible case for demolishing the Republican Party’s vile regime.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Or its just the Moonie Times trying to scare up the base again. I could see Hillary keeping ‘just in case’ money, but consider the source.
phoebes in santa fe
I love the fact that the reports of the SD vote switch from Obama to Hillary are “unconfirmed” by the writer.
Hell, I can also make a bold statement that’s “unconfirmed”.
Are these people idiots?
either that or Republicans
This story has also been reported in the New York Observer and the LA Times (Hillary Clinton launches fundraising for 2012 already!)
The Moonie Times was reacting to the story about Clinton’s fund raising efforts, not creating the news. The LA Times report notes the following about the permission slip that Clinton has sent to potential donors:
Golly, it seems like only yesterday when Obama was being pressured to help poor Hillary retire her campaign debt because it was the right, gentlemanly and non-sexist thing to do.
FWIW, Chris Dodd is trying to do the same thing (he has to wait for a ruling from the FEC because he took public funding).
In all fairness I would note that the “hedging” Hillary is doing with regard to putting money into her 2012 primary/GE coffers is legit and it’s for the Senate Primary, then to take on whoever the repukes throw up against her in the senate GE of 2012.
That she needs money for the primary is, to me, a sign she fears being primaried after this past Pres Primary. Given her behavior she should be worried. There were stories that her debt would affect her senate run in 2012, some rule saying a candidates debt from a previous campaign must be paid prior to fund-raising for a new campaign.
Of course if the Mayan Calendar is right then the whole world goes to HIAHB come Dec 22, 2012 so not much to worry about lol.
Now it’s fixed.
Crayon? Feces? You are forgetting the feminist angle (further “evidence” of Obama supporters misogyny). The angry letters were written with menstrual blood, sexists.
wouldn’t that be in short supply among the key Hillary demo? That is women over 50?
LMAO! Touche!
Oh John, ye of little faith!
I will sit on the throne of Constantinople, look out over the multitude of the Byzantines, and take mass at the Hagia Sophia soon enough.
Don’t you fret, vengeance for 1453 is at hand. As soon as Hillary takes Denver and Prince Lazar defeats the Turk on the Field of Blackbirds justice will be done.
Hillaybe44 or the heavens fall!
You have to love any blog where Byzantine humor is featured in the comments.
And here I thought that was just John McCain’s new stump speech.
Are you kidding? You actually think McCain’s heard of the Byzantines? He’s still working on teh Googles.
I think McCain’s new stump speech is closer to Pope Urban’s 1095 rant at Clermont.
John Cole
And, because this is the internet, it is wholly appropriate that Byzantine humor was preceded by off color quips about feces.
Of course. And because this is the internet there is a yahoo group dedicated to “Scat” singing created by a person thoroughly disgusted by what he found when he typed “Scat” into a search engine…
Expect some big league shenanigans at the convention.
One thing I could always count on Dems for was to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Just Some Fuckhead
This time victory won’t get her vicious fangs in our precious defeat.