You have to give the Malkin folks credit- they are consistent:
Actually, Michelle Obama has a point here: the $600 stimulus package tax rebate is kind of a gimmick. But she chose a typically Obamesque way of expressing the thought, complete with an implication that taxpayers are wastrels who will just blow their money on luxuries:
“You’re getting $600. What can you do with that? Not to be ungrateful or anything. But maybe it pays down a bill, but it doesn’t pay down every bill every month.
“Barack’s approach is that the short-term quick fix kinda stuff sounds good. And it may even feel good that first month when you get that check. And then you go out and you buy a pair of earrings.”
Have you seen the price of
arugula at Whole Foodsearrings at Tiffany’s?
They remind me of my family’s Jack Russell terrier when he was younger- he would see a ball, and that was it. It was all he could think about. He had to have the ball. You could see the thoughts running through his head as he pestered you to play with him or if you had put his ball away in the house:
“Won’t you throw the ball? Please? Just a little more ball. No. I will not sit down. I need more ball. Good owners throw the ball. Beautiful, lovely, wonderful ball. MUST. HAVE. THE. BALL. Why do you hate me? Ball. Please throw the ball. Ball. Ball. Ball. Wonderful happy fun ball. Ball is the source of all good. Ball. Ball. Ball. I need the ball. Throw the ball. Please. Ball.”
Now just replace the word “ball” in the previous paragraph with “Obama is elitist,” or, depending on the day, “Marxist” or “Muslim,” and you don’t need to read Malkin or her lackeys until after November.
*** Update ***
By the way, this will come as devastating news to the folks pushing the book Grand New Party, as it appears that even Wal-Mart is elitist, what with their wide selection of earrings from the $250- $3,000.00 range. So much for the Sam’s Club Republicans, as Sam’s Club is apparently elitist, too. Once you have lost Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club, what do you have left, non-elitists? Dollar General?
On a serious note, it never ceases to amaze mt that the more these guys try to show they are in touch with “middle America” (I just broke my own ban), the more they reveal how out of touch they are with the common experiences of most people in this country.
Wow – first cab off the rank.;;
Anyway, Malkin just plugs her pre-existing phrases into every news story..
If the story was ‘Obama rescues nun’, Malkin’s take would be that Obama only did it to combat the “muslim smears”.
Balls also describes the content of Michelle’s posts.
But you must admire the lengths to which the fRighties will go to avoid talking about … that other guy. You know. The one running for president as a Republican. Yeah. Him.
grammar nazi
That should be Obamas, not Obama’s.
tip to see-dubya: it’s usually best if your strawmen aren’t solid gold and diamond-encrusted.
Dennis - SGMM
The Obama’s are elitists all right. Everyone knows that elitists start with a middle class background, get an education and then work their way to the top.
Give me your run-of-the-mill sons and grandsons of admirals or beer heiresses every time – they understand my problems.
In the meantime, Cindy McCain is saying, “$600 for earrings? Ewww…I’d never wear cheap junk like that.”
I don’t know if the Obamas are elitist and I don’t care…many of our presidents had money, great education and social standing (the Obamas have one of the three, good education) but I do care that they have no real experience in legislating or in running an office or even a business. I do care that the Obamas have said that Americans are mean, bitter and hold religious beliefs because they are mean and bitter. I do mind that their friends and assocaites have publicly stated that America is an evil place. Just what exactly have the Obamas done to DESERVE the White House? Oh yeah, they’re young, they can give speeches (never mind the negativity and lack of vison in them…they SOUND good), and they’re black and the campaign plays the race card so well and who wants to appear to be racist and uncool anyway and, blah, blah, blah. John McCain will be the 44th President of the United States. If Barack deserves the presidency because of the color of his skin; John McCain deserves the presidency because he sat in a POW camp for 5 years while defending his country!
To avoid “m*ddle america”… How about “breadbasket america” because that’s more accurate anyway?
So to Malkin, the only place to buy earrings is Tiffany’s.
A much more sinister story I read on (hey, I read it for the laughs) was this post entitled “educating the Kumbayah candidate”
She’s discussing her syndicated column, in which she rips on Obama for “blind, deaf, and dumb Kumbaya liberalism”
She then quotes a “The New Yorker” article entitled “Making it” where, somewhere on page 8 or 9 of the 15 or so pages, TNY quotes a speech from Obama shortly after 9/11 in which he states “We must also engage, however, in the more difficult task of understanding the sources of such madness.”
This is highly disingenuous, because she starts the quote in the middle of the paragraph with “We must ALSO.” In other words, there was a whole lot of stuff refuting her direct claim in the paragraph before it, but she conveniently chose to ignore it.
She is shameless, to a T.
I, for one, am going to ponder this issue over lunch today while enjoying my arugula at Applebee’s salad bar.
Heh, this reminded me of something from The Onion.
Notorious P.A.T.
I don’t get it.
Is it elitist to suggest that someone might spend $600 on earrings? Is it elitist to suggest that some people owe so much money on something (student loans, mortgate, etc.) that $600 won’t pay it all?
Maureen – Doesn’t it worry you that John McCain appears to get the support of his Vietnamese former captors. What do they know about those years in the POW camp that suggest McCain will be good to the Vietnamese, who are still Communist you know. And by the way, given that John MCain crashed foru other planes where there was no evidence of mechanical error, maybe John McCain was telling the truth that there is nothing special about being shot down, particularly if you are not competent in flying a plane. Just sayin. Kinda like making the cop who rescued you once, but who’se done a lot of dumbass things in bars and when people aren’t looking, mayor of your city.
Michelle and Barack Obama are middle class people who through merit have acheived much. What is there not to like? And sure they probably upgraded from the local supermarket to Whole Foods but so what? At least Michelle isn’t quoted as saying that only way to get around Arizona is in a private plane. Now that is middle class.
The wingnuts have their theme, and they’re going to beat it into the ground, no matter what, facts be damned.
Kumbayaaa, Kumbayaaaa, Kumbayaaaaaa!
Go Michelle M!
Blue Raven
maureen says:
Mo, face it. Clinton lost. That “no experience” thing should have died with her chances back in March. Continuing to flog a horse’s skeleton doesn’t give it a heartbeat any more than supporting McCain will save this country from itself.
Are they really serious? Oh, the irony!!!
What I find outrageously hilarious about that entire snippet is the fact that they are talking about Michelle Obama. You know, the black woman from the South Side of Chicago who, very recently, set off a firestorm of coverage about the off-the-rack dress she wore on the “The View” that retails for $148.00.
All of this while McCain’s wife just said, “..the only way to get around Arizona is by small private plane” and is an HEIRESS for goodness sake! Not to mention she prefers tailored Escada suits for $3K a pop. That’s real accessible to the “middle America” (whatever that means) crowd.
My ribs ache. Seriously. That was a good one. We really should do this again sometime.
Tony J
Tony J
Sorry, sorry. I forgot it was Malkin we’re talking about.
Notorious P.A.T.
You’re right. Still, I can usually see what they are trying to get at. Is 600 bucks too low for earrings? Too high? Having never bought earrings b efore, I have still noticed that they tend to be made of valuable stuff, like gold, diamonds, etc. 600 sounds about right to me.
$600 would pay what I’ll owe on my son’s fall semester college tuition at City College Of New York, after he gets his NYS Tuition Assistance Program money.
I’d take it gladly. It’s twice what I bring home in a week, and who’d buy earrings when college is so cheap?
(CCNY used to be FREE, by the way. I believe it was “Democrat” (and alumnus!) D.P. Moynihan who led the charge to make it cost something. “Free” was OK for Irish and Jews, but for Puerto-Ricans and African-Americans? They wouldn’t “appreciate” anything that didn’t cost them!)
ANYBODY who could look at $600 and think “earrings” is way above my station.
They won a crack at it on a game show we call the primary. However, there’s still a final elimination round to go.
Or, alternately: No, I don’t know what they’ve done to deserve the White House. Committed some horrible sin in a former life, I’ll wager.
What’s with the retro doo wop stuff in the wingnut troll songbook this year? Obama, yomomma, NObama, ding dong.
Can’t understand why Malkin didn’t think John knew their songbook. Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran was popularized by the Beach Boys, but it is a doo wop cover.
I think our hypothetical Nun would have to be probed for her “associations” with a certain “ahem” priest from that cesspool that is our Second City’s politics. How did her convent get that strip of land the kids play jacks on?
Thomas Jackson
Gotta love these progressives from the politburo. Rebates good tax cuts bad. Or in progressive paradise we’ll rdistrbute the income so the progressives get their fair share from all those running dogs of capitalism.
The Dalibama elitist? The question is as hypocritical as it is sophomoric. When does the coronation begin or is the proper phrase deification?
Jim Henley
Well, I don’t know that he did a very good job of “defending his country” WHILE sitting in the POW camp.
just an FYI to that piece of trash Malkin
It’s never ever Tiffany’s.
It’s Tiffany…us real elitist married for 25 years so we’ve been in that store once Democrats know that :)