All of a sudden the asinine Holocaust remarks from Tucker Bounds and Goldfarb make more sense:
Barack Obama has caught up to John McCain in Florida. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state finds Obama with a statistically insignificant one-point advantage over his rival, 46% to 45%. When “leaners” are included, the Democrat leads 49% to 47%.
Over the past six months, McCain has maintained leads ranging from seven to sixteen percentage points. Last month, McCain led 48% to 41% in the Sunshine State.
A big push for Obama this month in Florida comes from unaffiliated voters. Last month, he had just a three-point lead in this demographic. This month, he leads by twenty-three.
You can almost hear them at McCain HQ- “Oh, shit. We are losing Florida. Time to scare the shit out of the Jews.”
I so hope McCain picks Romney. The already hilarious campaign will get twice as funny.
Notorious P.A.T.
Here comes Obama’s Jewish problem again. Only 60% of Jewish Americans have a favorable opinion of him. Good news for McCain!
Now that Obama has placated the Jews and assured them he’s just as keen on killing brown-skinned Muslims as McCain is enter Bush.
Bush orders the attack on Iran mid-October, putting Obama on the spot just before the election. If he can’t get his lips unglued from Israel’s ass and ends up supporting the attack, he loses lots of voters on the left. If he denounces it, he’s an ANTI-SEMITE.
All McCain has is war – Bush will give him one for the road.
Yes, because if there’s one thing the Jews are know for, its being gullible and stupid. Good luck with that Oldey McOlderson.
Obama has a serious problem among black voters. Only something like 94% of them say they support Obama, and I think Bubba did better than that in one of his elections.
OT, but I gotta post this. The halarity is too damn much. This is all you need to read:
I have it on good sources that he’s refused to visit Canada when he found out he couldn’t fish there for Nemo, pulled out of a trip to England when he discovered that it’s not actually Doritos that come with the fish and tartar sauce, and refused to go to NASA when he found out it wasn’t the one in the Bahamas.
The retarded just makes my day.
The Grand Panjandrum
Ta-Nehisi had this video from Jon Stewart on his blog. It might be the best take on the issue I’ve seen or read this election cycle.
Obama being welcomed by the Israeli President
Once again McAsshat is pWned!
OMG! The Israeli President is meeting with a known terrorist!
The Moar You Know
Hunter loves him some hunting on the
sucker’staxpayer’s dollar:The Grand Panjandrum
Thanks for the link. Dayamn. McCain challenging Obama to go to the ME is having Unintended Consequences. Jesus Babbling Christ why didn’t he just challenge Obama to some one-on-one hoops.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I’m hoping that McCain picks the Exorcist, Bobby Jindal, for Veep. Exorcisms are hilarious.
Part of my support for Obama comes from his pro-genocide policies.
I just like him because he reminds me of Hitler.
Just Some Fuckhead
I think he’s targeting the ones who voted for Buchanan in 2000. Ya know, the old and stupid ones.
There has been more of Teh Stupid coming out of the McCain campaign during the past 24 hours than anything that happened during the entire Democratic primary.
That’s OK. I’m sure that there are boneheads who think that Obama is keen on killing light-skinned Muslims, too.
While Jindal sure is stupid, see already mentioned fondness for excorsims, creationism and more, he’s not THAT stupid.
OT, but, Olympic Deal Sealed: Obama Makes $5 Million Buy.
It gets even better, a german paper interviewed Angela Merkel and she said she’d have a hard time refusing a Shoulder rub from Obama and that he is well put together physically, emotionally and politically.
Of course that calls for cueing up some Lily Von-Schtupp.
I’d settle for Charlie “I swear I’m not gay” Crist of Florida. That looks more likely today than ever before if McCain is hemorrhaging support in the state.
John S.
Or we could just say he’s an asshole with an axe to grind because he can’t say the word ‘Israel’ without getting the vapors.
Wait, are we talking about Obama or Wilfred?
Wow. I knew McCain got this wrong, but it’s amazing how spectacularly he got it wrong.
Y’know the CBS thing, with McCain saying this?
Well, the obvious point was that the Anbar awakening came before the surge. But, that sheik he was talking about? Well…
Are you always this stupid?
Oh noes. It’s only July and Grampy has thoroughly Godwinned himself already. I mean, where do you go from here? You rant on too long about how all your opponents are nazis,etc., and pretty soon you’re reduced to the Mr Hilter sketch. Poor McSame. This is what comes of being unaware of all the internet traditions.
w vincentz
Who IS that ol’ guy that threw himself under his own Straight Talk Express… bus?
Now, watch him bow out of the campaign for “health reasons” so that one of the other abominations can claim the nomination.
From Tucker Bounds lips to Larry Johnson’s ears
OMG, Obama is using posters with his visage on it, just like the Nazis did! And using German on posters in Germany! And giving a talk at a famous place in Berlin, where Nazis also had speeches!
I’m seeing a pattern here!
yes. yes he is.