With a bullshit marinade:
While the traveling press corps was shipped off to a barbecue restaurant here, John McCain charmed his way through an interview with a local TV reporter. Surae Chinn of KCTV posed such less-than-penetrating questions as “How important is Missouri?” and “Have you chosen a running mate?” and — addressing the candidate’s wife, Cindy — “How do you make your marriage work?”
Moments later, though, the Republican candidate seemed to grow annoyed with the Kansas City Star’s Steve Kraske, who pressed him on his recent comment that “nothing is off the table” when it comes to strengthening Social Security.
When Kraske said that McCain presumably wasn’t ruling out a payroll tax hike, McCain interrupted: “That’s presuming wrong.” When the reporter rephrased the question, McCain said: “If you want to keep asking me over and over again, you’re welcome to.”
It was a brief moment of friction that highlighted how the captain of the Straight Talk Express is having a bumpier ride with journalists than when he ran for president eight years ago. The popular image of the campaign — McCain bantering with national journalists in the back of his bus — has, in reality, all but vanished. The traveling press is now routinely stiffed in favor of five-minute sit-downs with local reporters.
Don’t worry, John. You still have ABC News and Fox. Jake Tapper, Rick Klein, and company are your one network wrecking crew that will chum up any bullshit you need. After the late-night assist Tapper threw you last week on the race card BS (pro-tip: Jake Tapper has never blogged that late before, ever), you have no room to complain about the media.
Dug Jay
One major problem with you post re ABC and Tapper, is that the American public by very wide margins agree with them, e.g., the vast majority don’t see the McCain ads/comments as racist in any way, but by wide margins, they do see Obama playing the race card in much the manner he did all those years in Chicago.
John Cole
Dug- Of course they do when you spend 5 straight days telling them it was racist without even so much as mentioning the McCain campaign commercial that had Obama on the dollar bill and Mt. Rushmore.
For christ sake, wanna check a poll of what percentage of people thought there were WMD in Iraq in 2002-2003? You can include my stupid ass in the affirmative column on that one.
John S.
And you can include Dug Jay in the affirmative column for “People that still think there were WMD in Iraq”.
He’s your classic American idiot.
How did I miss your post on the 31st? Must have been buzzing around for weasels elsewhere. Jake Tapper did come close to blogging late on a non-ekection night back in June. He stayed up late to report at 10:18 p.m. that McCain was “pouncing” on Obama comments made in an interview with, GUESS WHO, Jake Tapper of ABC. He also stayed up late to report important findings from the Flegler sermon several days after it happened.
The dead giveaway to me was his failure to report whether McCain’s people had any comment to his as yet unpublished interpretation of Obama’s remarks as an accusation or racism and xenophobia. You can interpret it two ways.
First, Jake is a lazy sloppy reporter who is biased toward Obama so he only bothered to call his favored side, the Obama campaign, for a comment. Second, Jake was fed what the McCain campaign interpretation would be but told it had be in response to something that appeared in print somewhere first.
As for Dug Jay, he should check all three videos of Obama’s comments on the dollar bills made in Missouri. The predonomately white audiences are laughing because Obama was not charging racism,, he was making a joke. Note to trolls and other bigots, people of color do not usually make charges of racism in a joking context.
I have seen the Rasmussen poll alleging that most people think Obama’s comments were racist. Read the question.
I think a substantial number of people who said there was racism were responding to the dollar bill comparison, not Obama’s charge.
Dug Jay
As the Reverand Al said several years ago about Obama’s days in Chicago, “The dude’s better than Jesse or I ever were on our best days when it comes to good ole race baiting.”
That poll by Ras probably did NOT include a sample of the ad McCain released in June with Obama’s photo on a C note, which predated the comment in which BO referenced the currency scenario. Gin up a controversy, play victim. Jedreport seems to be on top of this garbage.
Well, now that we have DEFINITIVE PROOF, discussion over it seems.
We’re really not worthy to compete with your superior intellect around here Dug Jay. My hat’s off to you, sir.
I assume then, Dug, that you always take Shapton and Jackson at face value and consider them legitimate sources on matters other than “Obama sucks.”
And of course Dug Jay, being the racist troll he is, dug up the two individuals the media always rely on to protray the black community, two self promoting chuckleheads who would crush you if you were between them and a camera. The white audiences were laughing. Race baiting and race cards are tricks used by a majority to appeal to the prejudices of the majority against minorities, Duggy. That’s why, when Johnny Cochran was asked if he, a black attorney used the race card in O.J.Simpson’s defense. Understanding the question was related to the fact he was playing to a predominately black jury, Cochran said he had, and “played it from the bottom of the deck.” Meaning, he, a black man, appealed to a majority black audience prejudice against white police. He played it in reverse. That is why Rick Davis used the “bottom of the deck” langauge in making his charge against Obama. He wanted to throw in the O.J. thing. He played the race card while making a false charge of Obama playing the race card and the media for the most part didn’t even get his sick joke.
Obama’s audience was white. You cannot, as a person of the opposite color, play the race card to appeal to prejudice of the majority against yourself.
The Briscoe Kid
Don’t expect ABC News to come clean about the sources that lied to them about the anthrax/Iraq connection, because shining a light on this story would call attention to McCain’s poor judgment again. McCain was all too eager to promote the false link between Saddam and the anthrax attacks.
Foxhunter, for some time I have been trying to point out that the media has been obsessed with race. They are the ones that cannot get beyond it. There are bigots of all colors, stripes, and partisan allegiances, and the media is always willing to give them voice.
The fact of the matter is that ABC and Jake Tapper have gone overboard. Jake and ABC obsessed on the Jesse Jackson “nut cutting” tape and the Bernie Mac joke throughout July. Tapper even went so far as to say Bernie Mac’s joke at an Obama fundraiser, where his character used the word “Ho,” to describe his wife, would cost Obama with Hillary supporters. He did not mention, and his comment section censored, McCain’s joke about Chelsea Clinton being ugly because her father was Janet Reno.
Jake Tapper appeared on This Week yesterday and pronounced himself “vigilant” in watching for race charges, and was quick to promote himself as having called Clinton on “race card” usage during the primaries. I wanted to puke when he said “we had back friends over for dinner and I asked them if they thought the Britney-Paris ad was racist….” Jeez, the old “some of my best friends are” defense. Classic White Liberal Missionary Imperialism. He did not report on whether those friends thought his charge that Obama was making charges of racism was accurate.
Watch the tape of This Week. Jake was defending himself without anyone charging his with anything. Guilty in my book.
Sorry for the typo. Jake claimed he had “black” friends over for dinner, not “back” friends. Jake is such an up “front” guy he doesn’t have “back” friends. So Obama and Co. had better watch theirs when Jake is around.
I can haz credible survey?
Not that I don’t trust your automatic fiat of the facts, but I’d like to see a little more proof than “Dug Jay’s word for it” that “the American public” agrees “by very wide margins”.
I’d also like the survey divvied up between black respondents, white respondents, and other minorities, if you please. Dollars to donuts, black people weren’t any less miffed at the ad than people with the last name of “Hilton”.
Of course, black people aren’t voting for John McCain anyway, so I suppose he can safely embrace the 50% + 1 strategy of “fuck you, liberals”.
Back is probably appropriate, as that is the door they were let in and out of.
Dug Jay Says: