A virus discovered that grows on other viruses.
Original couplet composed by mathematician Augustus de Morgan (1806-1871):
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite ’em,
And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum,
by Tim F| 12 Comments
This post is in: Science & Technology
A virus discovered that grows on other viruses.
Original couplet composed by mathematician Augustus de Morgan (1806-1871):
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite ’em,
And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum,
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Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Microscopes are a Satanic plot to wheedle money from taxpayers, and funnel it toward the shiftless atheists who have invented “micro-organisms” in order to line their pockets at our expense.
True science only thrives when piously extracted from the mother lode of Knowledge, the Holy Bible.
I agree with Scruffy. I don’t trust this science mumbo-jumbo.
I can guess their function! They’re trying to give me a homo-log! My log isn’t going near any homos! Are we clear on that?
They shouldn’t have admitted they’re from France. That’s a dead give away to their plans… I’m gonna go pray now while watching porn. Maybe some good girl-girl stuff to reaffirm my non-gayness.
An apt description of the GOP as well.
Sorry, I just like seeing a virus described as “giant.”
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Excellent point, Martin. I should point out that this line was obviously written by a homosexual:
If fleas really are Sodomites, as he implies, doubtless it’s because they’re in league with the Devil.
I wonder if the mamavirus feels all achey and has a headache?
Ronnie P
Can cancer cells get cancer? I think that’s how it was cured in Infinite Jest.
Its turtles all the way down.
Oh. My. God. We have beaten the Virus on this day.
Humanity takes the first step in triumphing over it’s second oldest and second most implacable foe.
The only foe greater than the virus?
Old Age
DeMorgan was just riffing on Swift:
At least he still has a theorem to fall back on for his fame. :-)
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Just as long as those turtles aren’t homosexual, I’m okay with that.
I’ll be darned, I always assumed it was Ogden Nash.
The things you learn at Balloon-Juice.
The first time I ran into this, me too. Who know that Nash had such deep literary (and mathematical) influences?