“Fascislamism” [Mike Potemra]
It’s Bernard-Henri Levy’s word for that segment of the Muslim world that defines itself through support for political violence and oppression. In his forthcoming book Left in Dark Times: A Stand Against the New Barbarism, he has also unearthed a great quote from the journal of the writer Paul Claudel. From May 21, 1935: “Hitler’s speech: a kind of Islamism is being created at the center of Europe . . . “
Now not only do we have to worry about the Islamofascists, but the Fascislamists and the Liberal Fascists. And don’t even get me started on the wankers at the People’s Front of Judea.
I have lost track of how many times the Corner has taken to imitating Monty Python.
“Fascislamism” ?
that K-Lo’s one crazy mutha-zizzlamism fuc-kizzlamism ! fuh shizzlamism!
I, for one, am a Liberal Islamofacislamist.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
Now if only they could imitate the Judean People’s Front crack Suicide Squad.
The least they could do is make up terror words that are easier to pronounce.
The way these neoconservative clowns create new terror genres is a page right out of Shakespeare’s Hamlet:
I…words fail me.
Conservative pundits would be a great source of endless humor and entertainment if so many people didn’t take them seriously.
/Hands 4tehlulz a napkin and a drool cup.
Yeah, stuff like this has that effect on more than a few. What scares me is the people who don’t try to pound the stupid out of their heads the minute they’re finished reading.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the bold contribution of the 101st Fighting Keyboardists of the Intertrons. Inventing new, increasingly unpronounceable names to call your enemies. It’s like 3rd Grade all over again, except someone somewhere who is reading this drivel has his hand hovering over the nuclear button.
“Time will pardon Paul Claudel, Pardon him for writing well.”
K-Lo…not so much.
Ed Drone
Soon we will see the enemies of Islamofascism square off against the enemies of Fascislamism for the rights to the term “Cryptislamodemofascislamisticism.”
[“Cryptislamodemofascislamisticism” © 2008 Ed Drone; all rights reversed.
Cryptislamodemofascislamisticism is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious !
Christ, I wish I had even one little clue as to what that means.
I love the way they always couch some nasty bit of human nature as “new”. Now it’s the New Barbarism, as though there was some not-so-long-ago age free of barbarism. Perhaps during the 1970’s? Yeah baby, that’s when Idi Amin put a sack of hammers in a prison cell with all his political enemies and told them last one standing goes free.
I’ve had similar arguments with Wingnuts who argue that the 20th century was the bloodiest century evah, then blame it on secularism or Darwin. Right. Like putting entire cities to the sword, practiced all the fucking time back in the day, wasn’t somehow bloody.
It’s particularly ironic given that their model of human thought is rationality and they assume that people are capable of great evil (hence the need for punishment and big guns).
BTW JC, I love the Monty Python clips, makes my day every time.
Third Eye Open
dime-store neologists…
I’ll stick with just being a beer drinking misanthropist and call it a day.
The Moar You Know
Goddammit I am so sick of this shit.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
This bears repeating and it bears further repeating to include that those cities and people were put to the sword in the name of religion.
Lib-ruls are always using them big words to confuse us Murkans.
I thought they were the Islamopopular Fascist Front?
It is ironic that the theme of the GOP convention was announced today to be “Putting Country First”. K-Lo ends the post with, “There is a universal dynamic at work, whenever a fetishization of the collective is allowed to gather steam. “
Since when did wingnuts get a hard-on for French writers?
BHL (as Bernard Henri-Levy is known in France) is a total ass, a media philosopher, not taken seriously by anyone with half a mind.
While he has more substance than Jonah Goldberg, that’s only because he got a real education.
Sometimes, particularly the Christian Crusaders. But I think more often than not it was punishment for not surrendering the city and the savage bloodlust that accompanies battle.
Off topic but pretty interesting:
Cap'n Phealy
I betcha he got dizzy thinking about how cool he was after he wrote that.
“I just created a new enemy!”
David Hunt
Give the poor schlub a break. Creating enemies is one of the few things they’re good at.
On the other hand, the Derb passed on the crack pipe today:
When I 100% agree with the Derb, it makes me want to make sure I’m not Calipygian +12
Who’s afraid of Cryptislamodemofascislamisticism when THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING??
I’d be interesting in seeing the percentage of foreign policy “crises” which the Kagans haven’t analogized to Hitler in 1938. I’d bet its not a large number.
Not really true. The Vikings, for example, put people to the sword just for the sheer thrill of it.
The Neo-Cons are taking their cues from the French now? They shall now be known as “Nouveaux-Cons”.
Hon! Hon! Hon!
Well, yeah, for starters. But then they settled down on the land they stole, began keeping cows and making cheese. And composing long epics with lots of alliteration.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
True, it was all part of their conquest and pillage strategies, however that was viewed favorably under their own religious traditions (though religion was not the sole factor). The claim that the 20th century was the bloodiest ever with secularism as being partially to blame is complete and utter horseshit and ignores a long history of violence and war in the name of various religions, christianity being only one of many.
You’re all a bunch of BalloonJuicifascists.
The Mongols destroyed everything in their path and built nothing in its place. They were responsible for the destruction of the zenith of Islamicate civilization from Northeastern Afghanistan to Syria, something that Islamic civilization never really recovered from. Baghdad suffered terribly
Hello I am just reading this blog with my wife and our au-pair and I’d like to say how shocked we are that a pleasant collection of Norwegian folk songs should be turned into an excuse for Islamofascist-Fascislamists propaganda of the shoddiest kind.
What’s gone wrong with the world? I can’t even take a bath without 6 or 7 Islamofascist-Fascislamists jumping in with me. They’re in my shirt cupboard and bin Laden and al-Zawahiri are in the kitchen now eating my wife’s jam!
Ohhh! They’re climbing up my legs!! I can see them peeping out of my wife’s blouse!!!
Hey, the Mongols didn’t stop with Islam. They swept all the way through Asia, including China and Korea. Only Japan escaped. According to Wikipedia, the Mongols didn’t even invent the barbecue that bears their name.
The long history of violence and war in the name of religion is largely a myth. And even here other myths are more interesting. The myth of the Trojan War bases years of bloodshed on little more than lust and ego. Athens and Sparta fought over ideology, power, and territorial rivalry. Alexander of Macedon made use of the superstitious power of religion to sell himself as a god, but it had little to do with his scorched-earth ambitions. The Persians kicked ass all over, but allowed the survivors to keep their own religions. Zulu expansion was rapacious, but was more cultural than religious-based.
Genghis Khan, the Moguls, the Tokugawa Shogunate. Even with many of the European Wars during the Christian era, religion was an excuse for other motives.
And ironically, many of the neo-cons who want to rail against secularism exploit phony claims about Islamo-fascism in order to make more palatable a fetid, war-mongering brand of American exceptionalism.
As always, Star Trek is the source of wisdom on this point:
haha, you put in teh dramatic pause. I can actually see Kirk saying that.
“They shall now be known as “Nouveaux-Cons”.”
Oo, oo! Maybe Bush will try to pronounce that one!
Big E
re: “Fascislamism”
I had mine removed last time I was in the hospital, damned nurses and their rubber gloves…. OUCH BABE!
grumpy realist
*sigh*…so it looks like we’re back to having another “war started over a damn foolish thing in the Balkans”?
Time to haul out the A.J.P. Taylor again….which is why I say that nobody, bar none, is more cynical and realistic about humans than a damn good bloody historian.