Dear Pastor Warren,
We know you promised to rise above partisanship and avoid “gotcha” questions when you host Obama and McCain at Saddleback Valley Community Church, but you have no idea how god damned desperate we are this year. Can you please act like a partisan hack AND REPEATEDLY STATE THAT OBAMA WANTS TO KILL UNBORN BABIES AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY?
If you don’t, the baby Jesus may weep. If Obama doesn’t travel through time and abort him, too.
they’re sending this out as an “urgent email alert” too.
Never mind that McCain openly opposes policies that would actually reduce abortion–age appropriate sex education, access to birth control and the morning-after pill, etc.–no, he’s all about telling women when and how they’re allowed to fuck, so he’s the good guy.
Saddleback Valley Community College
I’m pretty sure that should be Saddleback Church, which is the
small citymegachurch that Warren built out in eastern Orange County.Hell, the church probably has more seating capacity than any single building at Saddleback College.
Dennis - SGMM
After ignoring all of Red State’s other attempts to contact him, I’m sure that Pastor Warren will cave when he reads that tear-stained blog entry. Or not.
And it looks like Saddleback is going to come out of this pretty well off, even if the Red Staters are pissed at ’em. From a church email:
I knew people who went to that church were rich, but holy Jesus is that a lot of money. They must be trying to price out the DFHs.
I’m not sure exactly how I got on Red State’s mailing list, and at times have thought to unsubscribe. However their mailings are so hysterical, I just can’t bring myself to do it.
If you’re anything like me, and I know I am, then a visitor to your blog probably decided to sign you up so as to “educate” you. That’s why I got WorldNut Daily emails for the longest time.
See, honestly, I got my fair share out of it at the beginning.
Although the little tag at the end subtly suggesting that abortion is the exact same thing as segregation except a million times worse was cute.
Two stories later they also have a funny little ditty about how Obama favors Infanticide.
All I can think is: “Three more months of this?”
Dennis - SGMM
If Obama does get fair and equal treatment at Saddleback you can be sure that the IRS will be all over that church ten minutes after the event is over.
oh really
Personally, I’m hoping for the traveling back in time option. That doesn’t seem any less plausible than the idea of this country electing McCain after eight years of Bush.
Two things.
First this worked with George Snuffaluffagus.
Second if it doesn’t work they can use it in a different email campaign. Kind of like how McCain gave Obama crap for not going to Iraq then gave him crap for going to Iraq. Either way it’s a win with the type that reads Red State.
I wish I could be that optimistic, but I was of the same attitude about this country electing four more years of Bush after the first four years.
Just saw on Olympic coverage that someone has shot the Arkansas Democratic chairman
There are days when I feel that way, but then I look back at the polling in 2004 and realize that Kerry never had a consistent lead over Bush the way Obama has had over McCain, and that’s with polling data that is based on a lot of guesswork about turnout this November, because we’ve never had an African-American candidate at the top of the ticket before.
Are you sure those are tear stains?
Anybody read the news that Arkansas Democratic Chairman was shot
The interesting bit was this:
This looks suspiciously like another creep who is blaming “liberals” for their woes and decided to take matters into their own hands. If true, that makes two incidents where people are listening to crap on talk radio and then shooting someone. Hope the guy pulls through. The other guy can rot in jail.
As Incertus observes, the request is limited to a specific gotcha question on abortion: Please stay far, far away from questions about McCain’s views on contraception. He’ll either not remember what he thinks (bad) or will honestly tell you what he thinks (worse).
null pointer exception
OT but sorta related.
Christian nuts are literally praying for rain during Obama’s speech at the convention.
That sounds about right. And it is just ‘Saddleback Church’. I may try and go to the debate. I have a few coworkers that attend the church that can probably sneak me in. Coming up with a good Christian disguise might be tough – I’m especially atheist-looking.
And I understand Obama is planning to bite the head off a fetus at the convention like Ozzy would. It’s a lifelong dream of his. That’s why he’ll be in the stadium – Coliseum-like, you know, so he can revel in the sound of tens of thousand cheering radical baby-killer defeatocrats.
And no, it wouldn’t be the first instance of a fetus showing up at a Democratic convention.
haha.. damage control. Some folks are saying that people are calling into call in radio shows to say that the shooter was some leftist who was upset that the democrats were going centrist. Yeah right.
The decision to address you on this question in an open letter comes with some trepidation
Trepidation? What, is he afraid the Saddleback Security Team is going to swoop in and haul him off to an undisclosed location?
To say nothing of the arrogance. Warren leads a 22,000 member church, but he should make his decisions based on a request from some affected, self-important, thesaurus-wielding Uriah Heep with a RedState account?
From the WaP rag
“Gunman Critically Wounds Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman ”
Looks like Red State may want to encourage its readers to stop Dems using their gun rights …
Random Asshole
“Shorter RedState?”
I thought that internet traditions require any statement following “Shorter ______” to be in blockquotes.
Reminds me of that part in Perlstein’s Nixonland where when Bremer shoots Wallace they plan to break into Bremer’s sealed off room to plant campaign material from liberals so that they think Bremer is some kind of a left wing nut (instead of the right wing nut they suspected he may turn out to be).
Extraordinary rendition to Laguna Woods.
Ever since I started reading that book, I’ve been seeing Nixon’s
fingerprintsslime trail everywhere, and not just because so many of the names are the same.Calouste
And if Obama gets an even vaguely unbiased treatment by Rick Warren, how long will it be before redstate starts referring to his church as “Brokeback Church”?
My bet is about 10 seconds after Warren has left the stage.
James F. Elliott
It’s nice to know that Hunter Baker’s move to more prominent blogs still hasn’t diminished his douchebag propensities.
Good ol Red State. This diary, one on the RS front page now from Erick that Obama supports infanticide, and a recent one from Leon stating Obama is morally depraved.
Yeah, they’ve been whipping out their “big” guns trying to get their base excited and aroused. Problem is they’re packing and working with tiny little single-shot derringers. They got no
ballsmagazines.Don’t know what’s funnier, these dorks, or that they think they should be taken seriously.
And the women damned well better not get knocked up! Love how these hypocrites have these views on birth control yet they are out screwing around… UGH!!!
No freaking way in hell would I pay up to $2,000 to a feel-the-Jesus megachurch to get possibly a green-screen valium experience from McCain, nor even a transcendy one from Obama.
However, I could open up the wallet and definitely get behind this kind of party…
Breakfast included with ticket price along with thoughtful morning-after pills and discount coupons for future abortions.
I Kan Haz Politikul Relevancee?
I fully expect the RedState server to crash when Obama is elected. Awesome.
I think Red State will find An American Carol to be world-class entertainment.
Ha ha! OOOOooooh Nelly! The most implausible hypothetical in the history of implausible hypotheticals.
They’ll usher Obama up to the stage using 4 drop-dead 21-year old busty crackers, in bikinis. They’ll park an unopened scud of 8-Ball in a clear jimmy sack and a container of Jerri Curl next to his seat. Warren steps up in a white robe, and opens up by asking McCane what his favorite color is, and then turns to Obama and inquires as to whether he’s stopped fucking hot WHITE broads yet. Any attempt by Obama to explain why he golfs lefty will be met with an accusation of “playing the race card”.
Shouting at the Rain
SpotWeld Says:
All I can think is: “Three more months of this?”
Think harder. It’s more like “Four years and three more months of this?”
I look forward to every day with great anticipation.
The Moar You Know
Best part of that vomit-raising “open letter to Rick Warren” from RedHate:
I find it terribly unlikely that the sad sack of crap who wrote this pearl-clutching novella eight or nine times has his psychotic missives sitting in a pile of “fan mail”. More likely they have been passed along to the Secret Service for general creep quotient.
voice of reason
Traveling through time and aborting baby Jesus – actually, if feasible, that sounds like a very good plan. Even merciful, compared to my impulse (I am very much against torture of any being, except for God, the only entity in the universe deserving of torture. If He returns, he should be tortured. How much torture? The precises quantum of pain representing the sum total of pain, physical, mental, psychic, emotional – suffered by every human being in the history of the world.
hello from a ¨vacation¨in El Salvador, it just tripped me out to see Saddleback Valley Church mentioned on one of my favorite news websites…It literally is a 2 minute drive from my parents house but I wont be there, all for the best probably…should be interesting! Thanks for keeping up the good work while I´m slowly spending money that German people have given me to teach them English!