Given John McCain’s well known inadequacies regarding computers, the internet, and technology, to include admitting to never sending email and having his wife and staff handle email for him, this WSJ headline about McCain’s position on technology regulation was unintentionally funny:
McCain Tech Plan to Continue Hands-Off Approach to Regulation
I thought he used Wikipedia?
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
Given that his staff is limiting his use of his own Cell-phone I doubt he was personally using anything.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
Oh and given that T-Mobile has that new way to give/take minutes as a way to punish kids it’s fair to say John McCain’s campaign has “T-Mobiled” him.
He has a cell phone?
Next thing you’ll tell us he can use an ATM all by himself!
Dennis - SGMM
McCain’s computer.
Is it me or has the site been down all day? I’m jonesing man.
OT, John you ought write something about how the GOP is gaming the NYT bestseller list through bulk orders. Obamanation is number one, but with a dagger, meaning a lot of bulk orders and that doesn’t mean people buying the book are phat.
Probably a warehouse somewhere in Riverside with 200,000 copies and a piping hot incinerator.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
it’s been down most of the day. Serious jonesing here as well.
maxbaer (not the original)
Would this policy extend to the predilictions of the Foleys, Vitters and Craigs of the party as well?
Is McCain in charge of tech support?
I doubt it’s the GOP, as they don’t have the cash to spare. It’s the other side of the conservative welfare system–the same people who buy Hannity’s books and Coulter’s books and the rest, and then give them away for joining their conservative book club.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
well it is word press which is not far removed from printing press which is about the only tech McCain is familiar with…
I have seen it asked here before but never answered.
Why is Balloon Juice so unreliable?
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
It’s also the CostCo’s and Wal-Marts who buy bulk so they can sell the shit for less than you’d pay at Barnes and Noble. However I fully expect to see this book on the clearance shelves within a couple weeks. One Kossack had a great idea with regard to re-arranging the books on the shelves, sticking Suskind and McClellans books in front of the Corshit.
Dennis - SGMM
That would amount to a hands-off policy with regard to ejaculation. If the Republicans, and most of their base, had to keep their hands off of themselves they’d be even more angry and frustrated than they are now.
And by “unreliable” I mean physically loading to my browser.
The content is very reliable.
Just thought I needed to clarify.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
My guess is the use of wordpress and it’s use of MySql which can’t really handle a heavy server load. It’s great if your site is small with little traffic but John draws the attention of the GOS himself (among others) and much linking and reading ensues.
Warren Terra
I’m not sure John gets to tweak McCain on technology until his own website gets a more stable back end.
I note that John promised us a complete overhaul in July … but I can’t remember whether he said which July.
Why, if I paid a dime for the entertainment I get at Balloon Juice I might demand a refund!
Anyone else see this unofficial Obama attack ad? It’s fierce.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
That’s it, we start a new campaign, “Every sperm is sacred” and that male masturbation is nothing but abortion as it wastes sperm which must be used in procreation.
That would surely fuck with the wingnuts and definitely get the right wing blogosphere up in arms since masturbation is all they have.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
Is that the one done by the guy over at dKos? I can’t see it from work.
GOS uses MySQL; FYI.
Ditto with the availability issues, I have not been able to access the site all day, do you realize what that meant? I actually had to “do some work” I mean good god, the humanity, I was forced to actually, in a literal sense, do something that my employer pays me to do. I have been traumatized beyond reason. This has got to stop. (PS, just a bit of back story, my boss is an attorney in the process of retiring, my job at the moment consists of opening up the doors in the morning, answering the phones, counting the ceiling tiles, paperclips, etc., paying the bills once a month, occasionally going to court, it’s hard trying to fill an 8 hour day with that, I liken it to being in solitary with access to the internet).
I found it from Ta-Nehesi Coates. Might be–lots of graphs in it.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
Obama is already firing back
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
GOS also has a server farm with backups and redundancy built in.
Dennis - SGMM
Poster “Anne,” over at The Carpetbagger Report made a great catch:
Would people think I was a Luddite of McCainsian proportions if I asked what “GOS” meant?
Bill Arnold
Would people think I was a Luddite of McCainsian proportions if I asked what “GOS” meant?
Great Orange Satan
GOS is “Great Orange Satan,” aka Daily Kos.
John goes out and leaves Tunch in charge of feeding the hamsters
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
Which obviously means feeding them…to himself.
I know it’s fashionable to hate on Joe Klein, but this is pretty good.
As noted above, this ad, which is by a Gossack, is brilliant. Which makes me think: what is BO waiting for? Let’s smack Wrinkly White-Haired Guy around a bit.
And yeah….. maybe I’m too much of a internet geek, but IMHO anyone, in today’s world, who is that computer clueless is de facto unqwalified to be president.
Sister BattleAxe of compassionate something says I hate word press but I also love Balloon Juice; so I’ll just put up with it. So folks are we going to bomb Russia to insure a McCain win?
Just Some Fuckhead
He recently upgraded from this.
Long as it’s not a DDOS attack: I was worried the Russians we’re gonna be heading John’s way.
if you can see the WordPress error page telling you that it can’t establish a database connection (which i did, most of the day), the problem is not WordPress. WordPress is working at least well enough to tell us all that the database has shit the bed.
See, I think this is a FAIL. Until last week the majority of Americans had never heard of Russian Georgia. After nearly six years of the Iraq disaster, I just can’t believe even a slim majority can be cowed into thinking it’s a hot idea to invade a place on the Russian border that they’ve never heard of no matter how much the chickenhawks Godwin it. And then there’s this: land wars in Russia did in Charles VII of Sweden in the 17th C., Napoleon, and Hitler; and the British did not do so well in the Crimea. “Never fight a land war in Russia” is a truism of history. a bombing campaign would only be a prelude to a land invasion because bombing alone would only trigger retaliation, and we don’t have our superduper Missile Defense Shield (which of course is only aimed at the Iranians) in place yet and which probably won’t work anyhow. The nasty contingencies down this particular path are just too numerous to calculate. Besides, Gates says we’re not, and he’s still sane.
Ten times the number of deaths suffered in Iraq, and in just one year. You know what that means.
For the love of God and humanity, remove them from harm’s way in those dangerous streets of the USA.
But, Chimpy Bushitler and the evil Automobile Cartel have conspired to gin up even more travel so that they HAVE to put our poor overtaxed drivers and passengers in danger via totally unnecessary travel. Our brave boys and girls are near the breaking point as it is. I’m sure the Jews are involved, too, although we’ll need a Wilfred post to explain it to us…
He also promised ‘non-political’ charity drives beginning in May, way back when the Act Blue graph was being posted every other day. That didn’t happen, either. Because a guy who’s already drowning in hundreds of millions of dollars in donations obviously needs the extra $5K or so more than some charity rabble.
Actually, the quote was “Never fight a land war in Asia” by General Omar Bradley.
Never fight in Russia in winter is just common sense.
BTW – Russian winters are 9 1/2 months long
My favorite use of this truism is:
Obviously I meant – Never fight a land war in Asia – above
If death is on the line, hang up the damn phone!
I don’t know why, there are so many liberals here. You’d think they’d be able to keep this site alive.
Where’s that new site you promised us, dawg?
MyIQ: They let him use an ATM once, but he kept trying to feed it a kitten.
Yes. Thank you. That made my week.
John StraightTalk McMaverick already got a big FU from John Cougar Mellencamp when his campaign used Little Pink Houses without permission, simultaneously demonstrating McStraightTalk doesn’t understand copyright laws OR the lyrics of the damn song.
Now. if only JB & JCM would make a McCane bashing ad together… Bwaha.
Dennis - SGMM
Followed by 2 1/2 months of poor sledding.
That movie is awesome.
I was thinking (although I can’t find it) that there was something in Kipling about the wisdom of fighting the Afghan, as in “don’t even think about it”.
BushCo….. all wrong, every fucking time.
And big fucking mosquitos
Just Some Fuckhead
McCain needs to stick with John Philip Sousa and Fanny J. Crosby.
oh snap
i can has 527s ?
GOS also uses snowflake babies in its stored procedures (new feature in MySQL 6). Suck on that libs.
maxbaer (not the original)
Yes, but the French and Germans didn’t have George Bush as their commander in chief.
What’s this “Balloon-Juice” crap?
w vincentz
Nice to know that “WordPress” really doesn’t hate me.
Shit, certain addictions are difficult to break.
I’d type more but, umm, I forgot…what was the topic?
Pass it Henry!
ooooh, (cough), what was I saying? You forgot too?
I got the firefox plugin ‘speed dial’ which gives you a list of website by screenshot and balloon-juice has the wordpress error as the screenshot. :-)
Teh google also uses MySQL. So does slashdot, which originally coined the slashdot effect later adopted to other popular sites (digg effect etc). In other words, it can definitely handle a heavy server load.
That being said, this site was linked from Sully’s site today, so it’s likely the increased traffic from there and other popular sites (like the GOS) are behind it being unavailable from time to time.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that John Cole would ignore an important story like this one.
Might as well advertise this place as “fair and balanced”
Laughed so hard the cats look worried.
Just Some Fuckhead
Maybe you should do a name change for the good of the blog.
J-Cole’s House of Crazy?
J. Michael Neal
It sounds a lot like being unemployed, except you’re getting paid. Want to trade?
The campaign already exists. It’s called Catholicism.
Nah. McCain is just buying enough copies to put one in each of his 200,000 houses.
My theory is that every time somebody fails to properly embed a link, John kills the server for an hour as punishment to us.
Well to veer off on a slightly different McMavericky angle, when Joe Klein finally gets pissed off at Mr.Straight Talk, he really stays pissed.
Anne Laurie
I was thinking (although I can’t find it) that there was something in Kipling about the wisdom of fighting the Afghan, as in “don’t even think about it”.
Well, there was quite a bit of that in most of the early poetry, plus large chunks of KIM. But I suspect you’re thinking of Kipling’s anti-Russian poem, the one with the refrain:
“… Make ye no truce with Adam-Zad, the Bear That Walks Like A Man!”
Given John McCain’s well known inadequacies regarding computers, the internet, and technology, to include admitting to never sending email and having his wife and staff handle email for him, this WSJ headline about McCain’s position on technology regulation was unintentionally funny:
It might have passed over John Cole’s head that McCain favors net neutrality, a far more important issue than his technical skills re: email.
McCain has been criticized for not using Google for research, (by Morford of some SF rag, if I recollect), as though such ability indicates technical knowledge. It is also funny that the ability to send an email is considered a great technical achievement by McCain’s critics: What a laugh.
That stuff is easy these days, nothing to it as your ISP gives you a CD, and you click a few icons and say “OK” when prompted. Who cares ?
This is just pointy clicky stuff, any idiot can do it. Anyway, why is email and Google searching of any importance to a president ?
My guess is that McCain could learn this stuff in an hour, if he wanted. When was the last time Obama landed an airplane onto the deck of an aircraft carrier ? Could he learn that in a short period of time ?
Obama may be good at sending email, my friends, but McCain has proved his worth to his country by putting his life on the line for her. Obama, the community organizer v. McCain the Navy aviator in war. I’ll take a man who put his life on the line for his country over a do nothing “community organizer”, far left state senator, and a U.S. senator with no accomplishments to his name.
Paris Hilton and Obama are a good match, tho’ I hope Obama won’t go all Edwards on Michelle.
How many decades has it been since McCain actually pulled off this feat and what does it have to do with the qualifications needed to be president? After all, George Codpiece Mission Accomplished Bush managed it without actually having the mad skillz.
On the other hand, if McCain could take an hour to become a participant in the way that information travels in the century in which he wants to be president, why doesn’t he just do it instead of touting his ignorance of it as a point of PRIDE?
Oh, and don’t forget to collect your McCain points.
Wait, this kind of support
or this kind of support?
Hmm. Actually, do you have any fucking idea what net neutrality is? Because I don’t think you do.
No, he’s criticized for not using Google as though such ability indicates an ability to learn new things, which it does. How the fuck can someone walk into a job such as this without any indication that he has a desire, let alone an ability to learn new things.
If it only takes an hour to join, well, the entire rest of modern civilization then he’s an even lazier old bastard than I though he was. Honestly, isn’t he even curious about the internet? He’s a senator. He votes on and speaks about issues that are directly related to the internet and is running to be our executive, and he can’t even take an hour to see what it’s about? Isn’t that a little bit like a CEO that doesn’t understand what much of his company even does and doesn’t even want to understand?
he also admits not knowing anything about economics, but votes on those issues, too. he doesn’t seem to know anything about Social Security, either.
he’s dumb as a Bush
Dennis - SGMM
Apparently, John McCain is one idiot who can’t do it. Using a computer is a part of everyday life for many Americans. That McCain doesn’t use one, and doesn’t know how to use one, is just another point where he’s out of touch with the rest of us.
No he doesn’t — McCain opposes regulations that would ensure net neutrality. This could be construed to mean that McCain is fine with monopolies: ISPs that provide broadband services being able to block subscribers to their service from accessing any content that the ISPs don’t want them to:
How many decades has it been since McCain actually pulled off this feat and what does it have to do with the qualifications needed to be president?
3-4 I believe. How many years has it it been since Obama risked his life for his country ? Zero would be the correct answer.
Oh, and what does email and Google searching really have to do with being president ? In any case the idea that such “expertise” is indeed that is idiotic.
I work in the IT field and the notion that using email and Google represents any real knowledge is laughable. It’s just some user doing the pointy-clicky thing on something setup for them by a sys admin.
If it only takes an hour to join, well, the entire rest of modern civilization then he’s an even lazier old bastard than I though he was. Honestly, isn’t he even curious about the internet? He’s a senator. He votes on and speaks about issues that are directly related to the internet and is running to be our executive, and he can’t even take an hour to see what it’s about? Isn’t that a little bit like a CEO that doesn’t understand what much of his company even does and doesn’t even want to understand?
Your post is a bit incoherent, but I’m guessing that you’re suggesting that McCain should use the internet for reliable information, to form his policies.
What would you recommend ? Balloon Juice ? Democratic Underground ? Freerepublic ? Wikipedia ? LOL
If this is where you think a president should get his information, then vote for Obama.
Apparently, John McCain is one idiot who can’t do it. Using a computer is a part of everyday life for many Americans. That McCain doesn’t use one, and doesn’t know how to use one, is just another point where he’s out of touch with the rest of us
I don’t vote based on whether a candidate is in touch with me, I vote based what the candidate professes he will do.
If you vote is based on some “He’s like me” thing, then I guess G. W. Bush must have been a big fave of yours.
McCain is an idiot ? LOL You should be such an idiot: Navy Captain, congressman, U.S. Senator, nominee of his party for president, and polling data looking better than it should for him.
On the idiocy scale, I’m afraid you out poll McCain by a wide margin. Just my humble opinion of course.
he also admits not knowing anything about economics, but votes on those issues, too. he doesn’t seem to know anything about Social Security, either.
He’s honest. Did Geo. Washington know anything about economics ? No he didn’t, that’s why he got Alexander Hamilton as his Sec. of the Treasury. Clinton got Robt. Rubin to his credit
So are we to assume Obama knows something about economics ? Why ? His educational background is in the law, not economics or finance.