Republicans are so funny, what with their family values and everything:
U.S. Sen. David Vitter can use campaign funds to pay some legal costs from his involvement in an escort service scandal, according to a draft opinion prepared for the Federal Election Commission.
The commission is scheduled to take up the issue Thursday, when it can adopt the report, make changes or ask its staff to redo the recommendation.
The legal expenses stemmed from the Louisiana Republican being tied to a Washington, D.C., escort service operated by Deborah Palfrey, who was convicted of running a prostitution ring that catered to the powerful. She committed suicide about two weeks after her conviction.
Vitter has acknowledged involvement with the service and apologized for what he called a “very serious sin” but has dodged follow-up questions.
He was not charged in the case and attorneys ultimately did not call him to testify at Palfrey’s trial, though they said they might.
Vitter’s lawyers asked the FEC to rule on whether the senator could use campaign funds to pay about $207,000 in legal costs, and whether his campaign committee could reimburse Vitter $70,000 for fees he already paid.
I am sure people will be lining up to fund his re-eRection efforts. Thank God Vitter has co-sponsored the anti-gay marriage bill, or we might lose our moral bearings.
Did you say, “ridicurous”?
Ed Drone
Isn’t Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens making the same request?
And isn’t it likely to be granted, as well? And isn’t this a fine kettle of fish, when campaign funds can be used in this matter?
For that matter, isn’t this fraud? I think people who have contributed to these snakes’ campaigns should sue them, and swear out warrants for arrest.
Yeah, I know — fat chance.
LOL! So Diaper Dave, too cheap to pay his own attorneys defending his inability to keep his dick in his diapers maneuvers to have campaign contributors pay them. I’m sure he sent out a letter first asking what they thought about that. Maybe he can ask them to pay for his diapers too.
Vote Diaper Dave! Not only living the vaunted code of Republican family values, but now showcasing party honor and integrity too. His hookers approve this message.
Have you seen the stages for the Republican and Democratic Conventions? They reveal a lot.
Are you kidding? Vitter might as well put out a sign that says “Senator for Sale, highest bidder”. His vote is still just as valid as every other Senator’s. His filibuster power is still just as potent as it every was. He’s still got connections, a committee seat or three, and the ability to edit and submit legislation for review and vote.
David Vitter is an incumbent Republican Senator in about the only state left that’s trending red when the rest of the country is trending blue. He won’t have any trouble finding the cash. It’s just a question of who can buy him out first.
Good thing for him that he’s in Louisiana. When I lived there, the motto was “best government money can buy.” We elected Edwin Edwards 4 times, after all.
Aren’t they just so cute with their moral outrage?
nota bene
If you give to a Republican candidate, what are the odds that you’re just paying for their future defense lawyers?
Joshua Norton
They could all get together and do their own reality show. I’m thinking something with Larry Craig called “Quit Stalling”
You see, this prostitution investigation that ensnared Senator Vitter was all an awful partisan witch hunt from the start. Poor guy, getting attacked by the traitor liberal media and those vicious liberal prosecutors, who can’t stand a good, moral family man who made some mistakes.
So – it makes sense that Senator Vitter be allowed to use his campaign funds to pay his lawyers. Because … um … this is just politics. He was just defending himself against the liberals, after all. Yeah. And avoiding criminal prosecution is just a continuation of his moral crusade.
Or a remake of “Raising in Arizona,” where Sen. Vitter carefully sets Sen. McCain down, then says to the RNC clerk, “Ah’ll be takin’ these Huggies, …an’ whatever campaign-contribution cash y’ got.”
Well, it is their fault. Now us heteros have to go out and nail high-priced whores to prove we’re not at all tempted by the prospect of marrying another man.
Gay Veteran
CFisher, I fixed your sentence:
Well, it is their fault. Now us heteros (LIKE SEN. VITTER) have to go out WEARING DIAPERS and nail high-priced whores to prove we’re not at all tempted by the prospect of marrying another man.
can he use campaign funds to buy pampers?