An alert commenter points us to something kind of amusing:
Cindy Hensley met John McCain more than 20 years earlier at a party in Hawaii. He was a 43-year-old naval officer, married at the time. She was 25. They married a year later — in 1980 — and they signed a prenuptial agreement, which was fairly rare at the time.
Just so we are clear- visiting your grandmother while vacationing in Hawaii, the state where you were you were born- elitist.
Meeting the millionaire heiress daughter (who you will soon begin an affair with and divorce your first wife and then go on and buy a ton of houses) in Hawaii and then going on and honeymooning in Hawaii – not elitist.
The GOP rules for this shit can be really damned confusing, so I will try to keep you up to date.
Jay B.
Love it.
“Funny John McCain should think Hawaii is so elitist. That’s where he met his second wife, while still married to the first. You’d think it would hold a special place in their heart.”
GOP Rule 1..∞ : Dems are bad, mmm kay?
“Meeting the millionaire heiress daughter who you will soon begin an affair with and divorce your first wife is not elitist.”
And don’t you know by now John? The GOP’s rulebook is incredibly simple:
1) Fuck you, I got mine.
2) Anyone smarter than me is an elitist.
3) Anyone poorer than me is forbidden from mentioning class warfare.
That’s really about it, everything else is a derivative. From pretending to be a beer chugging Nascar fan to complaining about the economy they’ve perfected the art of acting like the average Joe while raping the middle and lower class for everything they’re worth and not being called on it.
They’re pretty much the Cartman of the political world. It’s pointless to expect decency or even-handedness.
This just proves McCain isn’t gay.
What was Obama doing in Hawaii? Visiting his grandmother. The dude is, like, 40 and he’s spending his vacation at his grandmother’s house? That’s pretty gay.
So apparently Johnny boy doesn’t own any houses, they’re all owned by Cindy. What a maverick!
I expect the McCain Team would respond with:
“John met his wife shortly after he was a POW, and still a Naval Officer. Did you hear that he was a POW? It seems you haven’t, by the tone you’ve taken here. If you were tortured like John McCain, you wouldn’t forget this. Like, ever. Because he’s a POW.”
Now that the McCain campaign has announced that their ad retaliating for the ‘Houses’ ad is going to hit Obama on Rezko, I would imagine it’s safe for the Obama team to hit back on Keating 5? That scandal name might not ring a bell with a lot of voters, but they will recall something about Savings&Loan.
Johnny’s a kept man.
what a Maverick!
Keep flogging that log, John.
Maybe it will eventually sit up and take notice.
Look, this is really easy, buddy.
McCain was a POW.
Obama needs to build a sturdy bridge to the idea that McCain may look like you but doesn’t live like you. He doesn’t know anything about economic hardship and it’s reflected in the way he votes. His father and grandfather were admirals in the navy and although John finished near the bottom of his class, he was still selected to be a pilot because he was the Admirals son. Remember the coaches son who couldn’t play worth a dam but started anyway? That’s John McCain. John McCain has always lived a life of privilege.
He’s a guy who divorced his first wife and 30 days later married Cindy who was 18 years younger and worth over 100 million dollars. John doesn’t have to fly on comercial airlines like the rest of us because John and Cindy own their very own private jet. While you struggle to pay for 1 home John MCain has 10(?) homes to choose from worth millions and millions of dollars.
And when it comes to comes to governing who do you think John McCain looks out for? It’s not you. He’s a rich guy and he’d like nothing better than for the rich to get richer. That’s why he’s wants more tax cuts for millionaires.
John McCain says he wants everyone to be rich but John McCain seems forgets one big thing. Who is going to teach our children, build our houses, put out our fires, lock up our criminal and tend to the sick? John McCain’s answer shouldn’t surprise anyone. He wants more tax cuts for the rich and he wants to kill social security by privatizing it and turning it over to Wall Street. John McCain doesn’t understand main street and seems to think everyone lives on easy street like him. John McCain may look like you but he doesn’t live like you and never has. John McCain is out of touch.
We’ve had wealthy presidents and politicians in the past who although they were rich, looked out for the little guy. FDR and JFK immediately come to mind. I don’t have a problem with wealthy politicians just wealthy politicians who want the rich to become richer. That’s John McCain.
Hitting McCain on economic issues is a rich vien that will continue to bare fruit with the working class. Also, it moves the discussion away fron National Security where McCain has an advantage. John McCain may look like you but he has never lived like you. Pound, pound, pound that message home.
Jay B.
I know that he was held captive by the North Vietnamese, but in this case I’m thinking he means that he’s been a Prisoner of Wife.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
It’s funny that McCain is coming back with Rezko BS and hiding behind Cindy trying to claim the houses are all hers. So much for wearing the pants in the family and being a Mans Man…..
That’s gross, cover that up. Your Obama hatred is showing, and it’s got white pus all over it.
Rick, Great line.. send it on and print it often..
Conservatively Liberal
A Democrat taking his wife and kids to Hawaii = ELITIST = BAD! ! !
A Republican going to Hawaii and meeting his future trophy wife that he cheats with and then dumps his current wife for = GREAT AMERICAN = GOOD! ! !
To be a good republican, you can cheat on your wife, have sex with hookers while wearing a diaper, solicit sex in men’s rooms and do just about anything you want just as long as you believe in Jeebus, turrists, endless war, giving money to the rich and give our national resources to big companies to exploit.
There is no such thing as a good democrat, they are all America haters.
For John McCain I think his new motto should be
Can’t keep track of his houses? How can he keep track of the country?
How many houses you got, John?
How many wars are we in?
How many fingers am I holding up.
Watch him fumble through all three.
Houses, the Bumper Sticker –
John McCain: He needs a staff to remind him where he lives.
Obama’s VEEP!
You know that Hawaii has many important US Naval facilities. Visiting Hawaii is the patriotic duty of every US Sailor. Going for a vacation, that is elitist.
Laura W
Wolfman Blitzer opened up his 4pm Situation Room show with: “Obama hits McCain where he lives.”
It was the wittiest thing I have ever heard that man say. EVER. Kudos to the people who wrote it and put it on cue cards.
OT but since I listen to this crap all day while I work from home, why do we have a seemingly well-educated and well-coiffed Sec of State that is unable to form 10-word sentences without 5 of those words being “UH”??? It is excruciating to listen to her. As soon as she opens her mouth I get all OCD about waiting for the “UH”, and then I start counting the “UH”s, and then I start shaking and sweating under the crushing cascade of more “UH”s.
I hope McCain picks her as VP! That would finally get me off of cable news, and all news shows, for life. While some of you were over on CNN watching AN AMERICAN POW HERO CANDIDATE’S STORY, I was enjoying the Project Runway designers making drag queen couture. Engaging!
What was Gene Upshaw’s relationship to Obama? “Sudden, unexpected death, just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a week ago…”
John S.
Ratfucker, heal thyself.
Gerald Curl
A violation of UCMJ Article 134. An officer, but no gentleman.
Zuzu's Petals
Uhm, McCain didn’t just go to a party in Hawaii.
He went on the taxpayer’s dime. It was a military reception and he was on Navy business.
And bonus point: THEY HONEYMOONED IN HAWAII ! ! !
McCain Marriage Profile
Oh, give myiq2xu a break. His candidate just shot himself in the foot big-time. That can’t be an easy thing to watch.
Mqiq2xu is no Darrell. And where is Paul L? I’d love to hear his take on this.
Warren Terra
By the way, off topic but surely not far from anyone’s tohughts, did you see the latest veep rumor?
About as credible as most of the rest …
John Cole
Updated with the honeymoon stuff.
What do you all think of the new category?
D. Mason
Not laying low because he’s embarrassed of his candidate I can guarantee that.
John S.
Holy shit, yes!
I was driving home listening to NPR when I heard her sound byte and thought exactly the same thing. And the clincher was her saying “We’ll have an agreement when we have agreement”, as if it was the most clever turn of phrase ever coined.
I think it’s the George Bush Effect™.
New tag is pretty funny. I would have just kept it to “Did you know I was a POW?” But its all good.
>Uhm, McCain didn’t just go to a party in Hawaii.
>He went on the taxpayer’s dime. It was a military reception >and he was on Navy business.
That’s why it wasn’t elitist – he was traveling with congressmen – it was political. Both that trip and the honeymoon were political vacations.
Love the new category John. Kerry was beat up so much for supposedly saying he was Vietnam over and over, but he never used it as a catchall defense for ever stupid fuck up in his life or in his campaign like McCain is doing. I have to say we really are seeing what Atwater/Rove politics has driven this country to – the other side has to be demonized. Simple debates over issues are just not enough and get lost in the backwater. Part of the continuing dumbing down of America.
Zuzu's Petals
Heck yeah!
I wish there was a way this could be turned into a Colbertism (like “truthiness”) that would shame them/make them a laughingstock, but whew, it’s a fine line. (Not that they count on that or anything.)
Why? Your mother does it for me.
Conservatively Liberal
This might be better in another post, but has everybody listened to the actual question?
There is no way to misconstrue that and Mrs. McCain part of the original question.
How is Obama the one “attacking” the wife? If McCain didn’t like it, why didn’t he object to the question outright?
This is a rhetorical question, of course, I’m just reveling in schadenfreudenish glee.
first rate sleuthery .
Why I’m so teary at this moment of true political love. It should be law that every third rate politician find such well financed bliss with a rich sugarmama with a drug habit. It’s just so Red, White and POW.
Obama shouldn’t have focused on the 7 houses, rather, he should have given McCain and the viewers the choice of questioning whether he can remember how many houses he has and whether McCain simply lacks the courage to give the straight talk about his 7 houses to the assembled crowd.
I’d be interesting to see which choice McCain made on that one. He’s got 7 houses? Good for him. But so what? Kerry probably does too, as does Ted, but Kerry and Ted at least would know and admit that they have 7. And that’s the point. By focusing on the houses, Obama opened the door to a reasonable line of retort. And the memory/courage gambit could be played on the draft question and every other gaffe/flip-flop McCain has done. Challenging his age and his courage would sure as hell get McCain’s back up, too.
Warren Terra
Ah, well, at least MyIQ~U responds to its proper title, even if only with a ‘your mama’ joke.
Cindy McCain having all the money, houses and everything else that counts, doesn’t that mean she also got McCains balls in her hands?
What kind of influence does she have on McCain and his decisions? She’s obviously getting something for bankrolling his campaigns… Only a selected few has their own bought US Senator…
What would you call someone like McCain? Without the prenup he could have been considered a golddigger, but with it he really is just a trophy husband with some extras…
maxbaer (not the original)
LGM pointed out that he gave his daughter a $700,000 loft as a graduation gift.
Would that be considered elitist?
Nice! But you know you’ll just have to keep adding to it as they keep trying to distract.
Conservatively Liberal
I thought I heard a blurb on MSNBC a second ago that said that two McCain campaign offices had received threatening letters with a ‘white powder’ in them. If this is true then are we to forget that the recipients of the first ‘white powder’ envelopes after 9-11 were liberals, not conservatives. Why would the target change now?
If this is true, this has the marks of a ‘black bag’ inside operation designed to make it look like liberals are trying to kill an important conservative. I am digging for more info about this and thought I would put it out there for others to look into. I could be wrong in what I heard regarding who was sent it, but I am sure that McCain’s campaign offices were mentioned as the two.
Conservatively Liberal
Yup, it was the McCain campaign offices that were sent the letters.
maxbaer (not the original)
Holy Crap! You got that new category right. Maybe I missed this here somewhere, but… McCain’s spokesman today:
Laura W
Olbermann on a tear tonight. “McCain’s Meltdown” in progress…
Regarding the Hawaii angle, anyone gonna point out that maybe McCain has simply forgotten that Hawaii is a state now?
Republican family values love story material there.
While still married, 40-something Straight Talker in dress uniform starts hitting on rich, 20-something blonde. Leaves the military reception taking her to a hotel for drinks. Get the blonde drunk in private. Smooth. I’m sure one topic of conversation before “by the evening’s end, I was in love” was your wife who waited for you while you were a POW and now crippled from an accident.
After hooking up with blondie, you get around to legally separating from your faithful spouse in January of the following year. Divorce her by April. Marry rich blondie in May. However, though blonde, not stupid enough to marry your ass without a prenup.
Alert Pat Boone. Maybe they could make this into a Xmas special. An American love story brought to you by the party setting the standard for non-elitist family values one hooker, Congressional page, gay meth dealer, bathroom encounter, wetsuit+dildo BDSM, and blonde bimbo at a time.
Reiterating Zuzu’s Petals above,
Kraaaahst! Will no one ask where this secret “private Hawaiian beach” is?
Last I heard, they were all public beaches in super-elite Hawaii. It’s a very elite public, you see.
About who is and who isn’t an elitist.
In 2007 the McCains paid $273,000 for household staff.
Oh no they aren’t: IOKIYAR & WCDWTFWW!
And the new tag make me larf. I’m still hoping someone will form POWs Against McCain, tho’. There have got to be a lot of guys who find his shit tedious.
I only heard the office in Colorado received a threatening letter with a white POWder.
The really interesting part is that he sent out so many oogie vibes to either Cindy or her family that they pushed for a prenup – back then almost unheard of.
Ol’ John’s getting a bit long in the tooth. With the prenup and all, I wonder why Cindy hasn’t traded him in for a newer model?
Conservatively Liberal
A campaign office in New Hampster got an envelope of white POWder too.
zuzu's petals
At least one, anyway.
Why I Will Not Vote for John McCain
If McLost doesn’t know how many houses he has… then he doesn’k know their locations. So how can he find his way home?
Burr Deming
Before we make a choice we may regret for the next four years, the accusations against Barack Obama should be carefully considered, as they are here.