I decided that the footnote in the last post was distracting, so I moved it here. The babaganoush at Istanbul Grille is excellent, as is the rest of their stuff. Give them some business if you’re in the Shadyside/Oakland part of Pittsburgh so that they’re still there whenever I can eat out again.
Open Thread
by Tim F| 15 Comments
This post is in: Did You Know John McCain Was A POW?
Okay, first off: baba ghanoush is two words, not one.
Secondly… that sounds like a terrorist main dish. Traitor.
And John McCain was a POW.
And he has never even baba ghanoush in his life. Or arugula.
But he’s still big into Ahi Tuna. Yummy – thanks, Cindy!
Okay, first off: baba ghanoush is two words, not one.
Secondly… that sounds like a terrorist main dish. Traitor.
And John McCain was a POW.
And he has never eaten baba ghanoush in his life. Or arugula.
But he’s still big into Ahi Tuna. Yummy – thanks, Cindy!
Local news (link still not updated) John McCain got a death threat.
Wing nuts were alerted erlier that this would happen. Prayers were sent and all that.
Warren Terra
Have you seen the latest veep rumor?
No less credible than some others I’ve seen …
Mike P.
Frickin’ elitist.
zuzu's petals
Unbelievable. Some batpoop crazy 9-11 truther PUMA has filed a petition in federal court to enjoing Obama from being nominated…because he is not a citizen. No kidding.
I don’t want to link directly to the freeper and PUMA websites where this is showing up, but google Phillip J. Berg and watch what comes up.
You know, regarding energy, I don’t know why nobody has pointed out that we orbit a hydrogen bomb that has been exploding for billions of years, and pretty much provides all of the energy on this planet, one way or another. Hell, the only reason we have an atmosphere is because we were lucky to suck up a bunch of ferrous materials when this planet was forming, and thusly creates a magnetosphere that deflects the highly charged particles that would boil away our atmosphere. We’ve been working on fusion power for 40 years, but containing the field is a bitch when you have to run fluid dynamics operations on highly chaotic plasma. The sun gets away with it because it is so frickin big and so far away that minor fluctuations are mostly kept in check by gravity, and after 93 million miles and a magnetic buffer, they just manage to make some pretty lights rather than blowing up the reactor.
We have a free, relatively stable reactor a MILLION times the size of the planet shooting more energy at us than we could ever use. Let’s tap that bitch!
Conservatively Liberal
It would be funny if someone made a tongue-in-cheek McCain campaign commercial using the ‘Cindy flies everywhere she goes in Arizona, the McCain’s have so many houses that they have their staff keep track of how many they have, $500 loafers,and other ‘rich’ material on McCain’ and have the narration done using a Robin Leach ‘Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous’ voiceover to set the snobby tone right. There has to be enough material out there to make a ‘good’ ad like this.
That would be ‘rich’! ;)
Do they put french fries in the falafel sandwich?
Is that the place across from The Luna on Craig? I keep meaning to stop in there but never have.
Paul L.
Strange that this comment is not getting approved at Steve Benen’s new home at the Washington Monthly.
Remember this post Steve?
An ‘ominous trend’ for Fox News’ ratings
Small problem
Fox News gets boost from political programs
The Luna is still there?!? I used to go to the Luna on Thursday nights back when I went to school in Pittsburgh in the early 80s. After the Luna, we’d go to the Dirty O for a chili/cheese/onion dog. Burp!
Random Asshole
Istanbul Grille?
When’d that open? And in what building? (I lived in Shadyside a few years ago and go back every few months.)
I might have to check it out soon. I have to say, though, that for that kind of food, I’ve always been a fan on Khalil II (sp?) on Baum and Morewood.
Tim F.
Answer to people asking about the location: the Grille I know is on Center & Graham, just down the street from the Giant Eagle.