I knew the house remark by McCain would make it into a commercial, but sweet jeebus that was fast:
Direct hit.
I did not even hear of McCain’s comment until 7 am this morning, and they already have a commercial up and plan to air it nationally. At any rate, you know what to do. They are spending the money well:
Yes! This is how it’s done.
That kicks ass.
This is the biggest screw up of the election. An unforced error like this should be GOLD. McMaverick = Out. Of. Touch.
Yeah, so much for that “new” kind of politics.
Use Rove’s playbook, throw away the moral high ground.
Meanwhile, they have Rove.
FAIL. This isn’t a smear, this isn’t twisting his words. These are juxtapositions of two accurate statements that undercut the BS narrative McCain has built and the media perpetuates.
i’ll give it a B
an A would’ve mentioned that he had to have his staff go count them for him.
how many voters out there need a staff to count their houses for them ?
Translation: MCCAIN IS FUCKED.
Obama: street-fighter.
Time to get bloody.
Sure it isn’t.
Go ahead, get down in the mud with the pigs.
Let me know how it works out for you.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
You really are a Spaceball, you know that don’t you?
The Other Steve
I like the voiceover. It’s not that “OH MY GOD WE ARE DOOMED!” style that you get with so many commercials. It’s a soft voice raising doubts.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Wasn’t it Hillary who said that she was a ‘fighter’?
I like the “hmmm” with the red foreclosure sign on-screen. Nice.
Dark Helmet?
Dr. Squid
We already know how it feels to lose. (Thanks John Kerry.)
Now you’ll know too.
Now a quick primer for conservatives…
True = good
False = bad
McGolddigger attacking Obama’s patriotism = false
Obama attacking McGolddigger’s real estate holdings = true
Quiz for conservatives: Which is good and which is bad? Hint: saying they’re both bad because they’re both attack ads is not a legitimate answer.
Ouch. That one’s gonna smart. Was it just me, or was there a not-so-subtle dig at McCain’s apparent lack of, er, mental facilities as well?
Explain how it is a smear. A smear obviously twists someone’s words, takes them out of context, or attributes argumentative positions that the person doesn’t hold.
Given your handle this shouldn’t be hard for you at all, right?
I’m surprised it hasn’t rolled out as a photoshop meme.
John McCain For Pres.
” I’ll have my staff get to you.. “
Dr. Squid
You failed the quiz.
Bedlam UK
wow, how did noiq manage to talk shit about that one?
getting in the mud? The guy doesn’t know how many goddamn houses he has in a time of economic turmoil.
sitting in his $500 dollar shoes calling Obama Elitist.
He gifted that one to the dems. Noiq probably thinks Obama should apologise for not having enough houses to warrent being president !
I’m not thrilled by it, but I know why it has to be done.
OT but I gotta know. Apparently Scarlett Johanson is making an appearance at an Obama rally here in Phoenix today. It’s happening at a private residence. Is this at your house TZ?
Grand Moff Texan
Elite (rich), and out-of-touch (senile). Brilliant! The cool thing about Obama going negative is, he doesn’t have to lie.
Whereas, when I go negative, it isn’t as pretty.
See, that’s what I suggested the other day, that they are going to go in for the kill after convention.
Grand Moff Texan
Why? Because it told the truth?
Shut up, loser.
You know this hurts McCain when Limbaugh is already defending it.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
McCain : number of houses :: Poppy Bush : electronic scanners
Yes, it’s throwing away the moral highground, yes its fairly asinine, but 2004 proved pretty definitively that asinine personal attacks get you elected.
Good – I personally think he is an incompetent. He damn near blew it for Bush in how he spent campaign money and where he sent Bush to campaign late in the 2000 election (and you could say he did blow it but Scalia saved him from himself) and with his candidate bravely leading a war against (so they said) the perpetators of the biggest attack on US soil ever, he just barely eaked out a victory.
RoveMcCain responds:Boot, meet junk
manne hussein malon
That’s the Republicans little go-to card anytime Obama says anything remotely confrontational. “I THOUGHT HE WAS A NEW KIND OF POLITICS?”
Sorry dudes, he’s (1)not lying/smearing and (2)a politician.
Sorry that you assumed this guy was a naive lightweight, but you aren’t going to get a free pass on repeated gaffes every single day by McIdiot.
Laura W
Short and very, very SWEET!
Although Cleek’s point is right on as well.
I just turned CNN on and Obama was talking about this very issue either live or a bit earlier.
Whoever posted the link to Al Giordano;s post on the underdog/front runner issue this morn, thanks. I’d never seen his blog and I read every comment in that thread.
How come so many flame wars over here when there is so much educated discussion going on in between? It’s hard to filter through. I could go to HuffPo for that kind of school yard stuff.
John McCain has experienced several senior moments dealing with foreign policy issues. Unfortunately, the press has largely ignored his gaffes and it takes a statement like this for people to wake up. All I can say is HALLELUJAH!
The Moar You Know
MyIQ goes for the high score! He shoots! He…faceplants? Oh God, turn off the camera, no child should have to see that.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have all witnessed a very somber event today. We hope that, in spite of his total failure, that MyIQ can rejoin normal society someday. It’s true that he will be mocked and spat upon for committing such epic fail, but we hope his spirit, and he, can carry on.
John Cole
The problem, NOIQ, is Obama weathered all those charges before. Go check out inoculation theory.
This attack on McCain is new, because most Americans don’t realize he is filthy stinking rich.
But superiq, this is the kind of information that hard working white people need to reach a decision.
By the way, we all know it’s you who is holding on to the infamous whitey tape.
Fess up flowbee.
In his rebuttal, McCain forgot to mention that he was a POW.
Check out this Architectural Digest spread of McCain’s house in Phoenix. For a guy who trys to portray himself as such a badass, he sure lives in a wussified house. Where’s the trophy room? Where’s the bear skin rug?
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
NOIQ was the same guy who was supporting Fightin’ Hillary and calling Obama the next Dukakis just a couple months ago. Dude isn’t serious, he’s just full of Obama haterade.
Ow! Obama hit me square on a NERVE! Must… Not… Lose… Temper…
(A big, green old wrinkly guy is last seen bounding over the horizon… in a $500 pair of loafers.)
@ myiq2xu
Well, you’re right: McCain mentioned argula! Oh noes! Argula is to Obama as water is to the Wicked Witch of the West.
Just about everything McCain mentioned is a distortion and a smear (just to help your big brain out a bit here) and as such can be responded to and deflated (ideally by surrogates). We’ll see where this all goes but it seems to me that in a political campaign there are times and ways in which hitting your opponent hard makes sense. And this seems to me to be one of those times.
Le yipe! Le that’s going to leave un mark!
All done without attempts to equate McCain with tramps, suggest that he’ll screw the hot babes or some sort of cult figure.
Simple. Obama is not Clinton.
And he likes the e-spankings ya’ll dish out. Wash your hands when you’re done.
IMO McCain’s statement sounds as though he’s a little testy.
the McSame campaign will try to counter by saying those are Cindy’s houses. That will go over big with all the macho men repugnants.
This will leave a mark.
McCain responds:
damn, you can smell the desperation in that response. they’re all over the place, they’re seriously on the defensive here. vacation in hawaii? what, visiting your home state is elitist now?
seriously, you can tell that mccain’s camp knows its a pretty big opening and they’re going to take a beating over this.
makes sense that myiq would see obama’s ad as worthless while mccain’s mealy response is a strong, ass-kicking statement.
wingnuts to iraq
myiq2xu really is a Republican.
Kick some ass Barack.
Gramps McCain is out of touch!
in what order would McCain’s houses be called, in event of a 3AM crisis ?
Speaking of senior moments is there subliminal advertising going on over at Politico. Whenever Ben Smith posts a blog about McCain (in this case about him forgetting the amount of houses) up pops this advert
PS) if I hit submit and discover I have screwed up those links please don’t yell at me. I am a dinosaur remember.
D. Mason
That’s the kind of simple attack ad that is needed. It’s not just about what’s in the ad but also what’s not in the ad. And no I don’t mean “the truth”, whatever that is, since both sides view their candidates ads as truthful. The thing that’s not here but is present in McCains ads is the over the top(to the point of silly) Paris Hilton/messiah type rhetoric. The sharp contrast between this and the just shy of comical McCain ads is a powerful element that shouldn’t be overlooked.
The near pathological need for schadenfraude is truly breathtaking.
The Moar You Know
Yeah, but his daughter is hot.
a little dickish, too.
Jay B.
Yes, it’s throwing away the moral highground,
Why on Earth would anyone think this? Jesus Christ, people are worried about and struggling with their mortgages (maybe you’ve read the papers recently) — and the Republican candidate, in a perfect caricature of what many of us think about Republicans, can’t remember how many houses he owns.
It couldn’t be more perfect, apt, or on point if McCain wrapped it in a bow and told Obama: “Here, son, show you have some sense about how people are doing these days”.
yes its fairly asinine, but 2004 proved pretty definitively that asinine personal attacks get you elected.
Again, how is this an “assinine personal attack” in any way?
And McCain’s response is weak. It’s not that Americans hate the amount of money people make, but they don’t like the pure arrogance of hoarding.
Oy. John, this is why Democrats have a hard enough time winning. No one can ever agree on how to “message”, people unilaterally surrender, they complain if a campaign doesn’t hit hard enough — only to meet another swatch of Democrats who complain that the campaign is hitting back too hard, and then there are those who bitch because their candidate (who would have been magically different!) lost.
Will Rogers was right 80 or so years ago and it still goes. The Democrats just aren’t an organized party.
georgia pig
I suspect Obama may have played this about right. The problem he’s always faced in going negative against McCain is the POW/war hero teflon. He needed for McCain to go clearly negative first and he needed to be able to clearly limit his attacks McCain to domestic issues. This was the first real opening, i.e., McCain can’t deflect this like the Phil Gramm “whiner” stuff. Biden as VP may make sense here, too, because one thing Biden is good at is snark. He can be a pretty effective attack dog on foreign affairs and national security, so Obama doesn’t have to do it. Biden can highlight McCain’s relative ignorance and tendency towards hip-shooting on foreign affairs. The plan is to paint McCain as insulated and out of touch, irrespective of his past heroism.
Phoenician in a time of Romans
The opportunities to play on this just write themselves, don’t they?
“Okay, I want everyone in the room to raise their hands.”
“Right – everyone who doesn’t own their own homes, put your hands down.”
“Everyone who owns just one home, put your hands down.”
“Okay – the rest of you – can you remember how many homes you own? If you CAN remember, put your hands down.”
“Those people with their hands still up – you’re John McCain’s base. Get out. Everyone else – let’s start talking about rent, mortgage payments and what the Republicans have done to the economy…”
Really? How did he throw away the moral high ground? By pointing out that Cap’n McFlyboy has seven houses in the middle of a housing crisis? Oh noes! That’s not change you can believe in!
I don’t see Obama lying. I don’t even see him distorting the facts as they stand. He’s not playing nice – delving into an opponent’s personal life is considered a bit of a low blow – but I think we’ve passed the “low blow” phase of the political campaign some time back when Clinton was battling for Texas and Ohio.
Yeah, this would be really painful if McCain hadn’t had his media goons harping on all of these little smears endlessly for the past six months.
McCain is once again squarely on the defensive. The old codger is a gaff machine and he’s paying for it every time he opens his mouth.
>Boot, meet junk
Fail more. According to McCain, Obama’s still middle class.
C’mon, by McCain’s own standard Obama’s not rich-upper middle class, maybe.
Finally, the MUP is spittin the red spectrum of the rainbow! BTW I hate McCain’s house in that Architectural digest.. shit.. it looks like a page from a furniture sale page or something. Way too busy… where’s the expansive space?
Does a non-POW really want to debate with a POW?!?
[Facepalm] Oh no, don’t mention the convicts!
Maybe he’s trying to make Camp O blow all of its money on ads.
I haven’t really watched the commercial—no sound on computer right now—but the nice thing about this kind of attack is that if McCain accuses them of lying about the number of houses, he has to fess up the “true” number and draws more attention to it.
More like this please…
We keep saying that. And it keeps on not happening. I wish Obama had hit him earlier on much harder, before people had their fantasy version of McCain firmly fixed in their minds. It’s true that voters view McCain as the negative campaigner by six to one, but is that really helping Obama? Very few admit to responding to negative ads, and yet it seems that most of us do.
I hope I don’t sound like a concern troll, but I’m a bit depressed about this.
it’s in the back. they used to keep McCain’s soul there. till it died.
Good Catch.
sir, charles keating is on line 2 for you.
And not very creative, either. Raising taxes? The Republicans are as constitutionally incapable of not inserting this old chestnut into every discussion as they are of not inserting 9/11 into every discussion. When was Arugulagate again, February? Tired, tired, tired.
I was thinking Major Asshole, myself.
Uh…let me guess. Someone kicks you repeatedly in the balls, you kick back?
An A+ would’ve mentioned that the staff only got within three of the correct number of houses…
Hey myiq2xu,
Since Obama only makes $4 million, doesn’t that make him middle-class by McCain standards?
Hey look, it’s McCain supporter myiq2xu!
Shouldn’t you be off somewhere writing about how the war McCain will start with Russia will be a good thing for the United States?
Jay B wrote,
When measured against an ideal, of candidates campaigning mostly on their ideology—what they’d actually do when in office.
But of course we have to deal with realities here, not ideals.
does any average voter actually remember that anyways? arugula? WTF is this old coot talking about?
So far I prefer The Whippersnapper’s counterpunching to 1) Kerrey’s refusal to punch at all, and 2) Rovian fairy tale tactics.
John’s rope-a-dope theory looks better every day. Obama has to give McCain some room to come up with these gems. Right or wrong, Obama will never be the deer in the headlights. If you’re not hearing from him, he’s up to something.
jibeaux wrote,
Yeah. It reminds me of some Onion bullet-point summary of Bush’s reason for deposing Saddam. One was “Saddam threatened to raise US taxes.”
Tax Analyst
Hey, next time don’t hold back, OK?
I haven’t had the opportunity to look at Obama’s ad yet (I’m at work and video streaming is verboten during our business hours), but from the reactions here I think I’m gonna like it.
Well, I think the voters had their vision of McCain fixed in their heads for at least the last eight years. So there’s nothing Obama could’ve done to prevent that; given that, it then really becomes a question of how Obama can attack that pre-existing image.
And letting McCain paint himself as the negative campaigner first might be part of Obama’s strategy. Or they might subscribe to the whole “don’t launch a new product before Labor Day” strategy. Or maybe they’re just starting to be effective (I doubt it’s this but who knows).
Whatever the case, there are going to be some ups and downs between here and the election, but the truth is that McCain is anything but a mortal lock at this stage.
wasabi gasp
The punch should have contained something about McCain being so out of touch that he can’t even remember the number, not the number itself.
These folks buy houses the way other people buy shoes.
Ask yourself how many Average American Families could tell a ‘cute’ story about wifie buying a condo and hubby is all reluctant, but turns out they love it so much, they bought another one? Isn’t that just too ADORABLE for words?
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
In the middle of a housing crisis, where market values are dropping and mortgage brokers are on Congressional life support, the Republican candidate for President literally forgot how many houses he owns.
If this isn’t a moment like Dukakis in a tank or Poppy Bush not knowing what an electronic scanner, its really gosh darn close to it.
TPM is saying that the Obama camp is deploying surrogates to sixteen states to hit McCain on the “houses” gaffe.
The gift here is twofold. It gets the message out to voters that McCain is completely out of touch with their economic concerns. And it also gets the message out that the guy forgot how many houses he owns – a definite senior moment.
Good to see them pushing on this.
“but from the reactions here I think I’m gonna like it.”
You know, the more I think about it, the more I think that that reaction is the most important response. The convention starts Monday and instead of people being worried about another collapse, they’re going to be pumped up for the election. This raises the enthusiasm of the base and will come across well on the news, much better if it were a dejected Obama group fighting off the Clinton deadenders.
D. Mason
HAHA I like it. McCain: So senile he forgot about the number 7.
If not, it raises another interesting question: What is it about Politico’s reader demographics that makes Pfizer think it’s the perfect place to advertise Alzheimer’s drugs?
And what makes them think anyone in their target audience will remember the ads?
It’s a good line of attack because it hits you in the gut, where most of your nerve endings are, according to Stephen Colbert’s gut. On the one hand, there are far better reasons to oppose McCain than his being rich and clueless. On the other hand, lots of people don’t particularly care about those reasons. He can’t lose, McCain cannot come out of that looking good. He can try to turn it back around (a million dollar house, oh no! I thought presidential candidates lived in Shady Acres Mobile Home Park!), but it’s just not one he can win.
ObamaCamp: You’re absurdly wealthy!
McCainCamp: Oh yeah, well you’re not even rich and worry about the price of things, like food and housing!
I mean, this should be succinctly summed up in some video somewhere, don’t you think?
Yawn. Wake me when Obama’s camp starts whisper campaigns about illegitimate children or starts rampantly push-polling with same.
Otherwise, go vote for McCain, or Nader, or whoever the fuck you’re going to vote for (because for you it was Hillary or bust, you creepy freak), and STFU.
Jay B.
Doug H. calls it.
And liberal, this captures perfectly what Republican politicians really think. Obama has talked himself blue about his vision for America (and he’s even thrown in actual policy too), it’s also important to point out where your opponent errs. Even in “new politics”.
Shit, even Tim Kaine stepped up on this one. The Democrats will be hitting this hard all the way into the convention.
It’s going to be a punchline on Leno, Letterman and everywhere else tonight.
It beggars belief that ANYONE, nevermind a politician, would whiff on how many houses they’d own.
This thread is some of the best evidence for how corrupt politics has become for the right. An ad with *facts* about what a candidate has said is considered mud slinging. This was not “Senator, when did you stop beating your wife?” This was an accurate representation of McCain’s answer to a question. Some of us can tell the difference. The rest of us are 28%-ers.
It’s a threefold gift, if you ask me. The third gift is Obama showing us all that the gloves are off.
Giddyup on that.
McCain responded by attacking Obama for making $4 million last year. I thought you had to make at least $5 million to be rich.
Brother Flaming Taser of Warm Reason
Let’s not forget Cindy’s wonderful recipes for “Passion Fruit Mousse” and “Ahi Tuna with Napa Cabbage Slaw”: Not elitist.
Eating arugula: Elitist.
Well, you see, the problem is the Kaiser stole his word “seven”… he has “dickety” houses.
I absolutely love McCain’s comeback. There’s some awesomely bad flaws in there. The state has no private beaches–it’s against the law. Yes, there are some that are hard to get to because the property owner doesn’t make it accessible, but that’s a hard thing to explain.
And by the way, judging from the absolutely hilarious picture Wonkette has available, there were some people on that private beach with access to cameras.
I wasn’t going to donate, but MyIQis2’s comments convinced me it’s worth it.
Just sent Obama $100. Suck it, asshole.
I’ll see your arugula and raise you a pied a terre.
Off-topic, but an Iraq vet running for Congress in Minnesota took a nice hit at Lieberman:
I hope somebody in the MSM figures out to interview Madia during the RNC in Saint Paul.
And now Obama’s using most of the points mentioned in this thread (“the staff had to get the number,” “$5m is rich,” “at least 4”) on the stump.
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
This is excellent news! For JOHN MCCAIN!
If there are any typos here, it’s because I’m typing blind with my eyes rolled into the back of my head.
myiq2xu Says:
This isn’t a smear
Sure it isn’t.
Go ahead, get down in the mud with the pigs.
Let me know how it works out for you.
August 21st, 2008 at 10:54 am
pathetic…..myiq you had better material during the primaries…now you just look like you’re going through the motions.
The Other Steve
The problem with the arugula attack is that you’ve gotta know what arugula is in order to understand it, and if you know what it is then you realize it isn’t that big of a deal.
Maybe if he’d said caviar, it would have been a good joke.
John S.
Lordy, myiq1/2xu is in rare form these days…
How much rat can a ratfucker fuck if a ratfucker can’t fuck rats?
Goddamn that tastes good. How’s he going to answer that? “Obama’s lying about me, it’s only five?”
McCain is damn lucky he wasn’t on videotape.
J. Michael Neal
Makes me wish I’d donated to Obama’s campaign back when I had a job eight years ago.
Hey, those things are great, but you have to remove the antlers first.
Obama ad on McCain and Reed (and “convicted felon” Abramoff): More of the Same.
John Cole:
Even better, this should represent the breakthrough of what I’ll call the “Fat Cat McCain” meme over the “Celebrity” meme. The “Celebrity” attack never could carry much weight because there was no video to really support it, nothing like an on air tantrum or pushing cameras out of the way.
But now McCain’s given Obama the gift of incriminating video: nothing says “Fat Cat” like not being able to remember how many houses you have.
Just add a bushy mustache, a waistcoat, a monocle, and you’ve got the perfect caricature. Much like the “Monopoly” character, McCain already has the body form of a walking gonad. This ad should seal the image in everyone’s mind.
Especially when you also realize he was talking to organic farmers in Iowa that grow arugala when he made that comment.
What a crazy guy, talking about issues that would concern his audience.
J. Michael Neal
It sounds French. Obama should have called it Freedom Lettuce.
Conservatively Liberal
No shit, and this sting was a doozy!
When it comes to
myiq2xu’sGoatBoy’s ‘nuggets’ of wisdom he likes to drop here, it’s more like floats like a turd, stinks like a goat.JDRhoades
No, Honorable John, but you keep bringing it up, so we though we’d just take that boot and jam it up YOUR ass for a change.
The Other Steve
I do think it’s funny watching myiqis2 complaining about Obama having an attack ad.
Isn’t that why you supported Hillary? Because she could fight?
i dunno… all those pie quotes start to get old, quick. i wish there was an easy way to give him new material.
4tehlulz, aww yeah. Cross-propagating memes.
wasabi gasp
Surely, you won’t find any arugula (or any other faggy leafs) in John McCain’s 500 cubic feet of refrigerator space.
The Other Steve
Iowa grows a lot of crops most of these yahoos have never heard of.
Republicans view farmers, working people, and other “ordinary Americans” the same way they view “the troops”: they love th them in the abstract without having or wanting any idea of how they really live, and while having nothing whatsoever to do with them in real life.
Yeah, that would have been a nice touch, especially during their “Obama-elitist” campaign. Not too many voters can relate to having their people let them know how many houses they currently own.
Good ending on the ad too. #1 theme Obama’s campaign needs to run is McCain=Bush. Put McCain on the defensive. When they whine that’s not fair, double the ad buy.
McCain lives on unicorn blood and mandrake
Holy Wheels Coming Off Batman:
They literally cannot open their mouths at this point without using the term POW – it’s getting up in Rudy G territory now.
OMG I just blew the peach I was eating onto my keyboard. Too funny.
John McCain:
Which brings us back again to the Celebrity meme. I mean, was that ever really a smart place to go, coming from the party of Ronald Reagan? Coming from a man who has guest-hosted Saturday Night Live?
Does a man with a net worth of at least 100 million, and up to 200 million by some estimates, really want to attack someone for making 4 million?
What in the world is John McCain thinking? Is he even thinking at all?
Shorter McCain:
Houses are like children. The number of houses we have is really not important; what’s important is that we love them all equally.
Noun verb POW
Jonathon Martin at Politico:
Finally, the Obama team is back on offense. And just in time for the convention, too.
From BFR:
You know, I may be okay with this Biden thing if he can pull another “noun, verb, and 9/11” moment with McSame’s harping on being a POW.
Biden: “Okay, John, we get it already: you were a POW. You served your country honorably then. But it doesn’t win you any arguments on where the country goes after 8 years of Bush…because you’re promising 4 more.”
(Shorter soundbite-friendly version of that, plz anyone?)
Ladies and Gentlemen!!
Hear it now, straight from the lips of Grandpa McBush:
Does anyone remember that show “Good Times”? I was a kid when that crap ran and I instinctively hated it for pushing the idea of “Poor happy black folks.”
And now comes Senator John McPOW (R-Hanoi Hilton) telling us to pity the poor billionaires. We need to give them a permanent tax cut.
Meanwhile in McCainville, if you have the ability to educate your children (whatever the flaming hell that means) you’re really rich and shouldn’t complain when we grind you a bit harder. That would be selfish!
You know what? If he really thinks that, I’d like to see him swap places with the “rich” guy who lives from minimum credit card payment to minimum credit card payment.
Smug fucking putz.
Tim (The Other One)
I think Cindi’s Cute Coronado Condo anecdote is gonna go over big in say Flint, MI. or Pittsburgh, PA.
Anyone…Anyone ???
To be clear: “Yes, John McCain has several houses. But Obama has a house, too! And um… Lettuce!”
That’s your comeback, Thurston? McCain should fire his entire staff and go back to watching MATLOCK!…
wasabi gasp
But, if you did, John will let you know that, like other regular Americans, the price is of no concern.
Dirt Cross! War Hero! POW! PO Fuckin’ W, Bitches!
That house commercial is damned good. I am sending money to the Obama campaign and I hope they run that thing, tv and radio, 24 x 7 for the next 3 months.
That house commercial is damned good. I am sending money to the Obama campaign and I hope they run that thing, tv and radio, 24 x 7 for the next 3 months.
Zuzu's Petals
Well, he did manage to get that in when he talked about it:
Obama Jumps on McCain House Comment
It is funny how they pulled that off. And the way the “liberal” media runs to them to get the skinny on what the real americans think. And surprise surprise real americans hate class warfare and think the democrats are going too far!
harlana pepper
OW!! That is choice! Eat it, bitchez.
harlana pepper
The leading Republicans have been dirtbags for ages now. They deserve each and every pile of shit you can dump on ’em. No lookin’ back now.
Tax Analyst
Oh, yeah…just had a chance to look at that commercial…I put $50 in the “ActBlue” thingee this morning…I think that might be worth another $100 after my AMEX monthly billing cycle cuts off for August.