SNL is not on tonight, and that is a slap in the face. In fact, come to think of it, everything I don’t like is a slap in the face.
This, however, is a kick in the face. Consider this an open thread.
*** Update ***
I see our boy Goldfarb and Slick Billy Kristol have both read their Nixonland, and are doing their best to stir shit up with the Hillary dead-enders. The Weekly Standard/McCain campaign collusion continues in earnest, with the same predictable ham-handedness. Although, if you have read Hillaryis44 or any of the other cult websites, I am sure they are dumb enough to get played the fool.
Laura W
Did you know I wore McCain’s POW bracelet?
Apologies. I’m all wound up now and my choices are MSNBC Lockup or Rick Sanchez.
I still say that Pat Buchannan is the President of PUMA. I don’t know why that was not clear to me before (4 Ketel Ones and tonics.)
Can we please make a list consisting of all the Republicans who have endorsed Obama? You know, the Jim Leaches, Susan Eisenhowers and Lincoln Chafees of the world.
That’s the real story — not some fictional group of ‘PUMAs’ who apparently only the Right-wingers seem to know about.
John Cole
You know where else there was no SNL?
Viet fucking nam, man. Viet Nam.
Please, let them. I’m sick of wondering if I might be too cynical. People who show their support for women’s rights by voting for McC^nttrollop will confirm my opinion of homo sapiens.
What I would like to see is not a slap in the face but a good old ass kicking about this damned “Experience” shit,Some one should point out that just sitting on your ass and drawing your paycheck is NOT gaining leadership experience.
I live in a small town, we have a now not so young man who is not completely mentally developed, what might be called a halfwit, but one thing tommy can do is ride a bicycle. He wears out one or two a year. Now when it comes to riding a bicycle there is not anyone in town who has more experience at it, but you know what? Tommy is still and always will be a halfwit. experience in itself doesn’t produce capability .
I am also reminded of the story of the man who had worked at a plant for 15 years but was turned down when he applied for a supervisor position that was open, when the job was instead given to someone with only 7 years experience he questioned why his 15 years experience wasn’t enough to earn him the job whereupon he was told by the big boss “You don’t have 15 years experience, you have one years experience 15 times” . John McSame is in the same condition he doesn’t have 20 + years experience, he has one years experience 20+ times. there is a difference
i’m looking forward to the expose several months down the road exposing them as a gop-linked ratfuck operation. who have roped in some unhinged, spiteful women.
it seems to obvious that it’s provocateurs — because it provites endless cable chatter about the angry old white women hillary supporters; who hillary is secretly egging on to cause embarrassment of obama at the convention as she plots her 2012 white house run.
Conservatively Liberal
Yes, but did you know that St.John of McCain was a POW?!
Oh please, please, please McCain, pick Romney.
McCain-Romney anagrams:
C my nice moran (apologies Bugs Bunny)
C McMoney rain
Mo canny crime
Nice army con – m!
Obviously I have way too much time on my hands.
Leo, add Chuck Hagel. Not an official endorsement, but he’s definitely not cheerleading for McCain:
wasabi gasp
My good Samaritan drew me skits in the dirt, man, skits in the dirt.
It’s almost as if the 90’s never happened. Kristol giving a character reference for Hilary Clinton to be the Vice President of the United States. I swear, we must be in some sort of sub-space time warp and soon will be sling shotted back to 1959 to an early episode of the Twilight Zone.
Two clear ways to aproach this. First, Team Bush probably had more government experience than any cabinet in history and look how that turned out. Second, The Whippersnapper has more experience than Lincoln did. I agree with you, the experience argument is a red herring, experience don’t mean shit if you don’t learn anything and experience becomes an albatross if it increases inertia.
PUMA cult leader
I did not ask you for your opinion.
In other news I hope McCain does some face slapping himself and picks a pro-choice candidate. I gotta think with the seven houses meme, my first choice, Romney is out.
I cut and pasted this from a comment by jnail over at the Jed report. Apparently McCain is still anchoring his campaign from a place where he can’t watch SNL. This is becoming phobic.
PUMAs sounds like some brand of porn fetish to me; MILFs x cougars.
Did y’all see Obama’s speech is gonna get the skycam treatment, just like a football game? I just hope it doesn’t fall off its wires.
Blue Buddha
I dunno about that. While Buchanan was all giddy about the GOP during the Clinton years, he doesn’t really like the GOP anymore… especially once Bush decided to invade Iraq. He has pretty much defected from the Republican party and teamed up with people such as Lew Rockwell and Ron Paul to bring back traditional conservatism (as opposed to neo-cons). I dunno if it was the general incompetence of the GOP or their desire to invade anyone at the drop of a hat which turned him off… could be both.
Oh good fucking lord. Say it ain’t so.
wasabi gasp
My good Samaritan drew me a Ethan Allen drop-leaf dining table and a set of 4 Windsor Bowback side chairs in the dirt, man, in the dirt.
It’s been a long time since a showing of SNL wouldn’t be considered a violation of the Geneva Convention. Fuck waterboarding.
Conservatively Liberal
‘The guard drew a picture of a ham sandwich in the dirt, then he drew a cross on it, slicing it into four pieces…
I found the will to live. I stood up.’
I swear I heard this on the intertubes:
PUMA is the reincartion of the Knights Templar!
3:14 am. That’s when they used to wake me up to beat me, except that one time when the guy loosened by ropes so I could draw a smiley face in the dirt. No, wait. . . ., I mean the guard drew a cross in the dirt. I remember it well.
Is a kick in the face a slap in face? You would think so.
How about a shotgun blast in the face, then? Isn’t that a slap in the face? Again, you would think so. But if it was, why didn’t that lawyer guy challenge Cheney to a duel at twenty-paces?
If not, why can’t that martial arts guy claim his kick was just an unfortunate accident?
You see what else Cheney has done? He’s screwed up our very notions of honor and responsibility.
For no other reason than the sheer entertainment value, I watched Pravda’s reaction to Biden’s coming out party this evening. Oh. Dear. Gawd. I don’t think I’ve witnessed such Code Orange Concern Trolling in over two years.
And have you noticed over the past couple of months that almost *all* these guests / commentators / pundits / ass-hats they’ve had on are doing great impersonations of Fred Barnes’ speaking style? The “word” (buh buh buh) “syllable” (buh buh buh buh) “syllable word word” (buh buh) “word” bluster that you *know* is a lie if only you could have understood any of it?
And Geraldo? Stick to the “missing white woman / girl / child” schtick. At least there you sound like you still maybe have a bare shred of credibility.
Phoenix Woman
Over at TPM, they quote Chuck Hagel pulling the rug out from under the RNC boilerplate attacks on Obama-Biden (h/t Martin):
Remember, gang: Hagel is everything McCain claims to be. He’s still very much a conservative Republican, but he’s not a fricking moron, especially where military matters are concerned.
In this case its like that mean trick you learn as a kid where someone fools you into slapping yourself.
So who’s doing the fooling?
wingnuts to iraq
I heard McCain was a POW
Jim Henley
I spent some years without a face, in Vietnam.
The Dangerman
With all this POW talk, all I can think of is the Adam West Batman series; ya know, when he and the Boy Wonder would kick some ass with the cartoonish “whams”, “slams”, and, of course, “POW’s”.
I want to know how I can become a W.T.F. official.
via politico:
Nothing like responding to the recent VP announcement by extolling the wisdom of Obama and contradicting the core message of your oppo campaign!
John baby, you’ve ceded the high ground. Go for the gold!
Dennis - SGMM
More from the wrong about everything Kristol:
Biden has been either the ranking member or the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee since 1997. Kristol’s dismissive “such as it is in either case” suggests that, for him, the true measure of foreign affairs expertise is whether or not one has been held captive by foreigners.
Best part about the “kick in the face” NY Times story is right in the lede:
If kicking an official in the face isn’t the biggest breach of sportsmanship what would be? Shooting him in the face with a shotgun then having him apologize to you?
Al Capone’s vault…’nuff said.
Holy cow! I don’t think I’ve ever seen such bad sportsmanship at the Olympics before.
No, LP, that’s the second-best part. As Darkrose noted above, the best part is that the sport’s governing body is the WTF. You’ve got to expect some strangeness.
It’s more than this. As you know, Joe Biden failed to recapture Tuzla. He didn’t make an effort, while Hillary did it herself single-handed. Personally, I think that’s what won Bill Kristol to her cause.
And BTW, there’s a whole thread over at NoIQ devoted to Billy Kristol’s masterpiece. Go find it yourself if you dare. It’s kind of late and might give you nightmares at this point.
Dennis - SGMM
Delia, I had totally forgotten that. Hillary’s slapping aside the muzzle of the sniper’s Dragunov and then calmly explaining that it takes a village is a moment that deserves more attention.
I tried to reason with one of the HillaryIs44ers from my home state, but my first post, which was entirely respectful, was deleted and I was banned. There is no hope for those folks. They’ve degenerated into a cackling bitches coven.
The only things I can think of are throwing an event for money or juicin’.
At least the Cuban Tae Kwon Do player kicked the referee with a completely natural leg. And for free.
Hart Williams
Er, Saturday Night Live’s debut was in 1975. We were out of Vietnam by 1975, and “Vietnamization” ended with the stunning collapse of the RVNs and the frantic evacuation of the Saigon Embassy and shoving all those helicopters into the ocean from the aircraft carrier decks.
I know that it must have SEEMED like a SNL skit, but it was actually real. That may be the reason for the confusion.
Just clarifying.
Say, you suppose “Iraqification” is going to work out the same way?
Nahhh. Iraq has only been coincidentally just like Vietnam so far. Couldn’t possibly continue.
Never mind.
Maureen Dowd’s column picks up the meme that McCain is overplaying the POW card. I think Team McCain may have officially jumped the shark on that one.
Maybe we’ll get to see an Obama supporter throw a People’s Elbow on one of the rare PUMAs who slip in. CAN YOU SMELL WHAT BARACK IS COOKING?
Conservatively Liberal
In reading over at TalkLeft, I think I figured out part of the reason Jeralyn is having a problem with the PUMAs, ratfuckers and dead-enders at her site. They are the ‘regulars’ there now, and the sane people abandoned the place long ago. If she chases them off, her blog is going to be dead in the water until sane people find out and return.
What I find funny is that I would have expected the after-primary positions of Taylor Marsh and Jeralyn to be reversed from what they are now. Taylor just seemed battier, and Jeralyn seemed more level headed, and it turned out exactly the opposite.
Go figure.
Hillaryis44 is run by a former Ross Perot supporter (Alex Rodriguez), which is pretty interesting because the guy supported Perot over Clinton in 1992, and now he expects everyone to believe that he is a hard core Hillary supporter? Unfortunately, the dead-enders that hang out there do believe in the ratfucker.
One of the regulars there is a white woman married to a descendant of Thomas Jefferson (Sterling Paula Abeles aka Paulie Abeles aka Spega aka Spabeles). Her claim to fame? She pretended to be a 67 year old black woman who was a descendant of Sally Hemmings, all so she could infiltrate a Yahoo Group of Hemmings family members to spy on them in an attempt to keep them out of the annual Jefferson family reunions. It was successful, and her husband said that the information she got was ‘very helpful’. I guess her new cause is keeping a black man, his wife and their kids out of the White House. Yes, she is/was a Democrat and a loud and proud PUMA.
Another regular there (Paul Villarreal aka Universal) made the Rev. Wright-GD America/planes crashing into the towers on 9-11 repeatedly that is on YouTube, and the same guy recently wrote a three part ode to why St. John of McCain is teh greatest!
The non-racist Hillary supporters who are hanging out with these people are ignoring all of the ratfucker warning signs, and the merry pipers/ratfuckers are standing aside and leading them off of a cliff.
RiverDaughter is another one of the scumbags who I believe is either a racist Democrat or a ratfucker. I have read the crap that got her banned at Kos and if she is a Democrat then she is no loss to the party. Let the repubs have her, she should fit right in with the rest of the white hood and gown crowd.
If anything, Obama is going to chase the racists out of the party, and good for that. I believe far too many of the former Hillary supporters see race as the problem with Obama, and they are just using Hillary as cover for their prejudice. This gives them an out so they can say that the party left them, allowing them to place blame anywhere but on their racist heads.
The closer we get to the election, the more distilled these shitpots online are going to get. Expect lots of dirty deeds, and since they fit a narrative that some of the press want to push, don’t expect them to go away any time soon.
Laura W
I know it’s a tad wordy and will be called elitist because so many don’t know what albatross or intertia mean, but I’d put that on my bumper with pride.
You know, the PUMA’s and the dead-enders need to be reminded constantly of two things: John McCain voted to remove Bill Clinton from office and publicly told a despicable joke about “why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly” when Chelsea was still a little girl.
If Bill Clinton had any cajones he would have smacked the old bastard in the nose for that. Instead, he and Hillary praise him as a great American. I don’t get the Clintons sometimes.
Conservatively Liberal
Intertia is the resistance an object has to a change in its state of motion in the third dimension.
Bob In Pacifica
The whole Hillary endgame is because she was always the Military-Industrial Complex candidate. Getting her into office would have been better than McCain. Her liberal credentials are a mile wide and a micron deep. Their last best hope would have been getting her on the ticket and then popping Obama.
I’ve met a couple of women who were giving up the po’ Hillary routine at the beginning of summer, but once you asked them to explain what H. Clinton was owed they realized that there was nothing there. I suspect many of the prominent deadenders are operatives. (At least we can trace the resumes of “former” CIA employees like Johnson and Steinem.) I suspect guys like Kristol get their monthly envelopes. Don’t know about Big Tent but I suspect greatly. Thinner envelope, though.
That’s because he’s carrying water for Wal-Mart.
Who the fuck is Melissa McEwan and how does she rate a spot at the Guardian? She’s and her echo chamber are absolutely OUTRAGED! about Joe’s lame crack regarding his wife.
Bob in Pacifica wrote,
I agree that the M-I complex probably liked Hillary—certainly big biz does. But in terms of ideology, she and Obama are pretty much the same. (Disclosure: I voted for Obama and have given him quite a bit of $$, both now and in the primary season.) If you look at their Senate voting records at Americans for Democratic Action, they’re extremely similar.
And some political scientists who the guy looks to for this kind of thing says Obama is slightly more liberal than Hillary, but only very slightly, which jibes with my own assessment.
I think Obama is better overall—he’s at least marginally better on the Iraq war—but in terms of plain ole ideology, they’re not much different.
I think you are correct. It’s like a ratfucking orgy going on.
Notorious P.A.T.
I will always cherish this election cycle, if for no other reason than implanting the term “ratfuck” into my political vocabulary.
MARGINALLY better? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Oh speaking of SNL, Victoria Jackson is a wingnut.
Exactly. Experience increases resistance to change. The albatross metaphor though is no doubt lost on America’s illiterati.
you’re upset about some TV show, but can’t understand why half the Democratic party is luke warm to The One ?
Rome Again
I’d like to see where “half” is cited, and don’t give me some news pundit’s take on things.
Watching on DVR so I’m a bit behind…
HOLY SHIT, Michelle is awesome!
Shots of audience crying, awesome!
Cutest kids EVAR, awesome!