These people.
Personally, if I were Hillary, I would be furious these scumbags have latched on to my reputation and legacy. It really isn’t fair to her.
And I think we are officially to the point we can ignore these idiots. They are just nuts.
by John Cole| 92 Comments
This post is in: Did You Know John McCain Was A POW?, PUMA = Propping Up McCain's Ass
These people.
Personally, if I were Hillary, I would be furious these scumbags have latched on to my reputation and legacy. It really isn’t fair to her.
And I think we are officially to the point we can ignore these idiots. They are just nuts.
Comments are closed.
Sweet Jesus.
Calling those people idiots is an insult to idiots.
Chris Matthews encountered Clintons4McCain last evening live in Denver, and utterly showed them for the disengenuous nutcases they are. See the video:
Matthews was so staggered by the sheer, transparent phoniness that he kept bringing it up again for the rest of the evening, at one point comparing them to the crazies you’d find wandering around a Port Authority bus terminal.
Funny, funny, funny.
I’m afraid to comment. I dont wanna be That Guy Who Broke the Website.
Maybe if I keep this short, Breakable BJ wont cra…
kid bitzer
given that republicans are smart and ruthless, i think it is safe to assume that the puma groups are now pretty well infiltrated, if not stocked, by rove’s regulars. this is no longer about clintonistas, it’s about republican operatives flying that flag.
take a photo of the ‘clintons for mccain’ group. in time, we’re going to be able to name and circle every paid republican operative in it, just like we can with the so-called ‘yuppy riot’ they put on in florida in ’00. those were no random yuppies; they were paid members of the republican machine, every one. and the same will come out about the pumas and ‘clintons for mccain’.
>>to the crazies you’d find wandering around a Port Authority bus terminal.
That just shows how much of an asshole Matthews is. Those crazies genuinely believe what they’re saying; the PUMAs? Not so much.
kid bitzer
and, yeah, i was pretty impressed with chris matthews uncharacteristic toughness in questioning that mccain supporter who was spreading the madrassa lie.
he was almost acting like a journalist, asking questions and all.
i think it’s because in this case, his journalistic duty lined up with his general misogynistic dislike of women.
i doubt if we’ll see the same devotion to hard questions when the next liar is wearing a flight-suit and a codpiece.
The good news is, I was able to get on Balloon Juice this morning – yay!
The bad news is, I looked at that post. What a certifiable bunch and yes definitely, Hillary should be very concerned that some of her supporters have gone so far over the deep end.
Kevin K.
I’m hoping Hillary will drive the final stake through the black heart of the PUMA “movement” tonight. I think Cristi Adkins & the Teddy/Michelle one-two punch yesterday tapped it pretty far in.
That Hardball takedown was hilarious. I’m pretty sure that was Ann Coulter.
On a related note, more reason to love Chuck Todd.
The unfortunate reality is that by today’s standards, these idiots make for great “political” television… well for FOX anyway.
They’re the fruits of a sick tree. Hillary wanted to fight till the bitter end over the Presidential Nomination, but she choose to do it in a political climate that was inevitably going to sprout this kind of hatred and vitrol. I’m a little surprised Republicans haven’t tried to hype up Disaffected Hispanics Who Would Have Voted For Richardson Who Are Now For McCain or something.
That’s what I’m seeing too. I’d be surprised if one in three PUMAs was actually a Clinton supporter before Super Tuesday. The “movement” was born to be co-opted.
“Ann Coulter thinks about dead people when she’s making love”.
Conservatively Liberal
As having any relevance? Yes. For ridicule and derision? No f’ing way! :)
I have been saying that these assholes are a bunch of racists, and this is the icing on the cake. What a bunch of sick racist fucks. When the PUMAs pop in here for their fun, I will make sure to call them exactly what they are.
A bunch of racist ratfuckers without a shred of decency or humanity in them.
The ridiculous benny that the Republican operatives get (and I realize I’m being obvious) is that they can get as racist, sexist, and insane as they want, and still be “painted” as disgruntled Democrats. IOW, they never get called on their shit.
Y’all were betting awhile back who and when would be the first to use the N-word? It’ll be this group. Republicans hiding as Democrats. And the headlines will falsely scream “Democrats call their own a N#gger!”. Just watch…it’s coming.
Frank Jacobs
Agreed++. John, get on a real damn service already. Seriously – Blogspot would be a real step up at this point. I’ve loved coming to Balloon Juice for the last several months, but what with all this Micky Mouse database bullshit it’s become such a crapshoot I’m starting to consider it as an afterthought, if at all.
Which is sad, because I am sure I’m missing some pretty important posts, such as this one. Man, I am going to be spreading the word on this and emailing the link to as many people as I can. It is far past time these PUMA people are exposed for the tired old cranks and sociopaths that they truly are. Thank you for bringing this batshit-crazy video to our attention.
Conservatively Liberal
I hope these HRC supporters are happy when their misguided victimhood gets us 4 more years of Bush’s policies, and a reversal of Roe vs Wade.
Zifnab’s right, BTW. This is a predictable result of how Hillary ran her campaign.
It’s bad enough I need to brainwash this morning after the mental picture of Coulter “making love.” But let’s get one thing straight right now – Coulter could not possibly “make love.” She might fuck something, and that something might be dead, but she is completely incapable of anything resembling “love.”
Now, sweet Jeebus, where is my Brain Drano?
The Moar You Know
I doubt very much that more than 10% of them are actual Hillary supporters. Most of them are Republicans posing as disgruntled Dems, trying to drive a wedge into the Democratic party, as that’s the only way they could possibly win this election.
I hope Hillary has figured this out (I am not sure that she has, and my fear is that she will continue treating these people as legitimate) and strikes back at it hard tonight, otherwise the ratfuckers pulling this op will get a twofer – a divided Democratic party that loses this election and a discredited Hillary. The stakes for her at this point are pretty high; if Obama loses, rightly or wrongly she’s going to get blamed for it – and four more years of Bush Republicanism is going to wreck this nation so completely that anyone who enabled it to happen won’t have a political career.
Notorious P.A.T.
Such as it is.
Completely disagree on that one. How Hillary ran her campaign has absolutely no connection to how her supporters reacted to her loss. The hard core dead-enders causing all this are nothing more than people unable to admit defeat. Hillary had nothing to do with their psychoses.
Hillary herself has moved on and you better believe her loss hurt her more, on a personal level, than it did any of her supporters. It was the definitive end of a lifelong dream. She will never be president and she knows it.
Compare her gracious acceptance of the end of this dream with the unhinged nutcases over at She was not the cause of that.
Jon H
“Personally, if I were Hillary, I would be furious these scumbags have latched on to my reputation and legacy. It really isn’t fair to her.”
Dude, does the name “Lanny Davis” ring any bells?
She can dance with the people what brung her.
Completely disagree on that one. How Hillary ran her campaign has absolutely no connection to how her supporters reacted to her loss. The hard core dead-enders causing all this are nothing more than people unable to admit defeat. Hillary had nothing to do with their psychoses.
Hillary herself has moved on and you better believe her loss hurt her more, on a personal level, than it did any of her supporters. It was the definitive end of a lifelong dream. She will never be president and she knows it.
Compare her gracious acceptance of the end of this dream with the unhinged nutcases over at She was not the cause of that.
Blackface? Really? in 2008? That’s weak sauce.
Strange, I’ve been involved with PUMA since Day 1, and I’ve never heard of any of those people.
Jon H
“Compare her gracious acceptance of the end of this dream with the unhinged nutcases over at She was not the cause of that.”
I dunno. You’ll notice there’s no comparable,,,,, etc.
There’s not even a comparably insane or
You guys keep bemoaning the possibility of a McCain Presidency. I can’t reiterate enough how much that isn’t going to happen. Even were Obama’s ground game not to enter in to it, he’s got the leads he needs in the battle ground states, and he’s made impressive inroads through a number of former red states – like Virginia and N. Carolina. Electorally, McCain is simply out gunned.
But even beyond that, Obama is plowing the lion’s share of his impressive campaigning efforts into 50-state-strategy outreach centers and voter drives. He has been aggressive in mobilizing his voting block. This is a strategy that Kerry and Gore largely neglected, and its the bedrock of the Obama election game. McCain just won’t be able to compete.
Can you infiltrate a group you founded?
Notorious P.A.T.
Here’s a good laugh for those of us who need it:
FoxNews reporter goes to rally, people won’t talk to him, so he accuses them of not believing in freedom of speech (?) so they start speehifying. Hilarious )
Notorious P.A.T.
Oooh! Secret evidence!
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
As someone who has “been involved with PUMA since Day 1” don’t you think you had better find out who those people are? Because it certainly appears that you’re closely associated with racists.
Once you get bigot on you it’s very difficult to get off.
The bottom of that link takes you to a pic of Carville, wearing PUMA sneakers. What a fucking jackass.
Miquy, you ARE one of those people.
Jon H
“Once you get bigot on you it’s very difficult to get off”
Sadly, many people seem to get off on being bigots.
Jon H
“The bottom of that link takes you to a pic of Carville, wearing PUMA sneakers. What a fucking jackass.”
What do you expect from a guy whose wife is responsible for publishing Jerome Corsi’s crap?
for me, tonight is Hillary’s last chance to put a nail in the PUMA coffin. she can go on stage and tell them in no uncertain terms to FUCK OFF and STOP THIS MCCAIN BULLSHIT.
they may not listen (in fact, they won’t, this isn’t even about Hillary anymore), but at least Hillary can formally divest herself of them.
if she does any less than that, then we know, deep down, she’s ok with them, and thinks she needs them for 2012.
i don’t want to be disappointed, Hillary. please step up the plate, and knock these racist morons straight out of the building.
Conservatively Liberal
I agree. If she would not have wasted time and money on an impossible lead for her to overcome, the race would not have gone off the deep end like it did and we would not have all of these loonies up on the ledge threatening to jump. Hillary was all about Hillary, just like some of her rabid supporters are all about themselves. They don’t care about the direction of our country, all they care about is that the Sun Queen lead it.
Hillary bears some of the responsibility for putting these idiots up on the ledge, the media another part for feeding the frenzy and the idiots themselves for being the selfish/racist fucks that they are. But none of this would have happened if it were not for Hillary. The bad thing is that you know people are going to remember this mess, and you can bet that it will probably be some time again before another woman candidate will have a real chance.
She gave the ratfuckers cover to operate under and her actions helped to fracture the party to a small degree. While her candidacy was historic, her campaign was anything but.
No, I’m not.
And if they are affiliated with PUMA now, they won’t be for long.
Getting your hopes up is your decision, not the candidates. How you react to loss is your decision, not the candidates.
Obama has his share of inflexible asshole supporters the reason we’re not hearing about them is that Obama won. Go back to the DailyKos archives from the primary and you won’t have to look very hard to find comments stating that they would never vote for Hillary if she won. That inflexibility isn’t Obama’s fault any more than Hillary dead-enders are Hillary’s fault.
How long have the “state’s rights” people been trying (the amount of effort is suspect) to decouple the “Stars and Bars” from the specter of racism? Once your movement is hijacked there is no return.
Hillary knew that the crap she was spouting about McCain being more qualified, the dog-whistles about secret Muslims, etc. were all just crap. She never let her followers in on that secret, and apparently some of them took her at her word. This was totally predictable (in fact, I think it was totally predicted right here on BJ), and the fact that the Republicans found the PUMA rat and decided to fuck it dry is also completely predictable.
Notorious P.A.T.
Yeah, I saw that too. FOX News clearly sent out one of their most obnoxious drones in the hopes that he would provoke a fistfight to give them grist for their “angry leftists” meme.
No matter how the crowd actually reacts, FOX will cut back to the anchors saying “look at those out-of-control democrats!”
It’s pretty clear there’s a number of different factions here working under the aegis of PUMA.
You’ve got the ‘post-rationalists’ who worship at the altar of some idealized hybrid of Christ and Mary of Nazareth with Senator Clinton’s face.
You’ve got the undercover Republicans trying to stir up trouble and divide that Democrats, knowing a united Democratic party in unbeatable.
You’ve got the Clinton supporters who haven’t bothered to transfer the enthusiasm they had for Clinton over to Obama, and as such continue to know nothing about him and therefore continue to have reservations.
Then you’ve got the Clinton supporters who aren’t actually Democrats, such as a bloc of primary voters in places like VA, who are registered Democrats but invariably vote Republican at the Federal level.
And then you’ve got the “Clinton supporters” who are actually just McCain-supporting or non-aligned racists and have found a convenient cover for their “politically incorrect” speech.
For the most part, PUMA is a coalition of the most awful people in politics, all taking up Clinton’s “cause” as a banner under which they can take their rephresensible selves public.
Those who are genuinely concerned about sparking DNC reform and “vetting Obama” are the minority. And really, even that minority is suspect, because campaigning to eliminate caucuses or to decide candidates based on popular vote only is a worse system than what the DNC has in place now, so much of *that* movement is focused on dubious goals, anyway. What makes it worse is they’re willing to work for a Democratic loss in order to blackmail the DNC into initiating reforms to make the Democratic primaries less… democratic.
The PUMA movement may not be racist down to the last man, but they aren’t exactly the best Democrats the party has to offer, either.
That was the most precious part of the whole clip. It was such quintessential troll behavior. If I’m an asshole, and you tell me to stuff it, clearly you do not believe in the first amendment.
I’m still investigating, but so far I can’t find any evidence that the people mentioned by rumproast are or ever were affiliated with PUMAPac and/or JustSayNoDeal.
In other words Mr. Cole, you may be republishing false and defamatory information.
You better check your sources.
It was past time a long time ago. Would that certain sites (I’m thinking Salon) stop seeking out nuts, thereby obscuring some legitimate, if somewhat undeserved, demographic challenges in the election.
The Moar You Know
John Cole
Fucking sue me then, douchebag.
Crusty Dem
OK, with all this talk of PUMA’s and ratfuckers, I have to see what they’re saying about Michelle’s speech over at Larry’s house of extreme douchebaggery. If I don’t survive, remember me as an asshole..
Zifnab please. These are the Democrats we’re talking about. The party whose politicians have shown time and time again that they could fuck up the assembly of a 6 piece jigsaw puzzle if you started them out with 5 of the pieces already assembled. The party whose political campaign advising class has shown time after time that they couldn’t run a “Pepsi Challenge” election without screwing it up. The party whose members are so used to lousy pols and lousy campaign advisers that they’ve been trained to actively look for every possible dark cloud that could be hiding behind a silver lining.
I’m not surprised that the question has become “how is Obama’s team going to fuck this one up” – I’m more surprised that Obama’s team seems to be doing the right things for a change. Despite the criticism they’re getting, they’re doing a much better job than any Democratic presidential campaign that I’ve seen in a long time (including Clinton’s campaigns in ’92 and ’96). The Democratic Party seems to have some life in it for once, and maybe they’ll be able to figure out where that final jigsaw puzzle piece goes this time around.
ooh, John, i think you’ve been threatened by myiq!
better be careful, if you piss him off he might get obnoxious.
Conservatively Liberal
Absolutely. It don’t matter if they are found and kicked out, it was PUMAs who did this and nothing will change that. Of course, the ratfuckers will deny that they had anything to do with this and they will act all outraged (they have the acting outraged down pat by now).
When you lie down with dogs…
What is the purpose of PUMA? What what it do for its members, at least the members it is supposed to represent. What can PUMA change? Where is the list of demands that must be met or they will jump? No list? The what the hell are you idiots trying to accomplish? What have you accomplished, other than to divide and sow dissent? Justify your existence if you can.
Obama won the primary and that is the end of it. PUMA will not accomplish anything now, nor was there any chance that it ever would have been able to. There is nothing for them to ‘win’ now, the primary is over. Anything they now do is divisive and detrimental to the Democratic candidate.
What it comes down to is that if you are a PUMA then you are against the Democratic president and acting in favor of the Republican candidate. You are accomplishing nothing else at this point.
That and this video just made you irrelevant. But I am sure that you will come up with a suitable conspiracy theory to cover this too.
Well it’s nice to finally put a face to the myiq2xu moniker.
Nice little group you’ve got there. You guys probably have a blast shopping the white sales together.
The Moar You Know
The imagination reels at what this must entail. Perhaps picking through chicken entrails? Throwing yarrow stalks? Huffing gasoline and waiting for visions of your dead mother to tell you what’s going on? Overdosing on Paxil?
The mind of myiqis1/10yours is such a dark and mysterious place.
At this point, anyone associated with PUMA has made a choice to be with the racists.
You can’t kick them out, because there’s not really any group to kick them out of. They’ll call themselves PUMAs and there’s nothing you can do about it.
So you have a simple choice: Quit PUMA or be rightly called a racist sympathizer.
What kind of dumbass joins PUMA and lets himself get played by Republicans and racists?
Of course, in myiq’s case, the nuts are searching YOU out.
Notorious P.A.T.
Well, that settles it, since we all know how boundlessly competent the Clinton machine is.
Notorious P.A.T.
When you make speeches about how “hard-working white people” support you, don’t be shocked when blackface shows up.
myiq2xu’s protests are particularly funny given that we’ve known that lots of PUMAs are racists for a long time now.
harlana pepper
Ladies, Lamictal is now out in generic form. Pleeeezz, get back on yer meds. You are embarrassing the mentally ill of America.
Yep. You can’t start a movement based on hate and expect to control it. Hate is a poison that eventually destroys everything it touches. PUMA is rotting from the inside out as we speak.
Remember the scene in Life of Brian where Brian tries to convince his followers that he’s not the messiah? I think that’s where Hillary is now.
I’m hoping that she’s pissed enough at the McCain ads featuring her that she’ll come out swinging tonight.
Blue Buddha
Blue Buddha
Nor is there a or If there was any GOP candidate with a huge following this election, it was Ron Paul.
So cut their noses off to spite their faces..this goes for any Democrat that voted for McCain because they are pissed about Hillary losing.
I voted for her in the Oregon primary. It was a very tough choice and I can not stress that enough. Two very qualified people who are NOT John McCain or any other GOP who would bring more of the same horrible crap that we’ve endured for the last two terms.
But I am pleased that Obama won, too. And I’ll support him all the way.
So what the fuck is wrong with you people? The PUMAesque crowd. Are you fucking nuts? Take the pity party and get the fuck out.
RonPaulis44. This should be one of the more entertaining sideshows in Mpls. next week.
gil mann
Cruddy on Day One
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Elsewhere, OJ is investigating who killed Ron and Nicole.
Careful — PUMA might mass its forces and bring 50-60 people to a convention hotel near you!
I guess that you don’t care about accuracy and truth.
I should have known.
Well, I guess you have to go and officially start John Cole My Ass now. Enjoy being part of two poorly organized temper tantrums!
Just Some Fuckhead
I’m pretty sure you’ve accused John of being a ratfucking GOP operation more than a few times since you went on the rag so yeah, you shoulda known.
Kevin K.
That’s a pretty humorous comment coming from a guy who now resides at The Confluence where not only are opposing points of view not allowed in the comments, but now the moderators have taken to altering the comments they don’t agree with.
Your moral indignation is a farce.
And as far as PUMAs distancing themselves from racists and xenophobes, why were Andy Martin and Cristi Martin hanging with them in Denver?
I hope PUMA copyrighted and registered their name/logo/etc so that no one can do this stuff in their name and make it seem as if they’re OK with it. Seems as if they really need to worry about loose cannons (which is saying something from a [small] bunch of loose cannons).
Kevin K.
Whoops, “Cristi Adkins.”
The Moar You Know
the best way to sum up myiq if i ever heard one, and right from the horse’s ass!
Rome Again
Get out while you can. Be glad you aren’t someone who has been coming here for years and is seriously addicted to a site that is almost never available.
Rome Again
Speaking of crazy PUMA “Democrats”, why is Mitt Romney at the Democratic Convention? Is he there to try to provide cover for the PUMA crazies? What other reason could there be?
Kevin K.
Just Some Fuckhead
So in 40 years, Tagg can tell voters how his daddy was “with” Obama at the 2008 Democratic convention.
Rome Again
I’ve wondered about that marriage for years, now I no longer seem perplexed. It all makes sense now.
Texas Dem
You can talk about Roe v. Wade to the PUMAs and Hillary dead-enders until you’re blue in the face, but it will do you no good. A significant number of them don’t care either because they’re beyond reproductive age or because they don’t think the right to an abortion is in danger. Like a lot of other Americans (who are overwhelmingly pro choice, according to most polls) many of them take abortion rights for granted. They won’t pay attention until Roe is overturned, at which point what has been an advantage for the GOP (allowing them to have it both ways, getting the votes of pro choicers who want to keep their tax cuts) will turn into a huge liability.
MYIQ is obviously scrolling impaired otherwise he/she/it would have discovered the credits of this “movie”
“Member of the Tribe Productions and Typical White People Productions are proud members of PumaPAC” the co-writers of the script are both big hillary supporters, although it has to be said that the guy Ken Sabra takes the obsession just a “tad” far, not that there is anything wrong with portraying Hillary as Joan of Arc or some such thing, nope nothing wrong at all…
PS) The ad at the top of his Myspace page linked above is for a free Obama/Biden sticker from Moveon right now, man he must be pissed :)
Rome Again
But, isn’t she the supposed expert on the VRWC?
So, is this the reason why she was meeting with Scaife?
::rolls eyes::
Rome Again
You don’t have to go to Kos to find that. I’ve said it here myself (and I wasn’t the only one). I would not vote for Hillary if she won. That doesn’t mean I would vote for John McCain or anyone else either. I simply would have stayed home.
I have the right to choose whether I found Clinton’s behavior during the primaries to be the kind of leadership qualities I would choose in a president, and found I couldn’t, but that doesn’t mean I’d screw the party by voting for the opposition. If you think that’s a problem then go fuck yourself.
John McCain spent 5 years in a home with no blog service when he was a POW in Vietnam, in fact there was no blog service or intertrons at all!
Since I can’t post as John McCain :P
(feel free to delete my other posts John)
Swift-boat vets against…McCain
Seriously it should just be AAA operators against McCain.
Rome Again
I’m sure you know the legal name of every single PUMA.
Conservatively Liberal
I tracked Paulie Abeles down using her posts at Hillaryis44, and I posted the info about her and her husband (President of the Monticello Association) about two weeks before Politico figured out who she was.
Her husband and her wanted to keep blacks out of the annula Jefferson family reunions, I guess they have graduated to the ‘big time’ now and they are trying to keep Obama out of the White House.
Proud PUMAs to the bitter end, just like Mikey.