Now that Joe Biden has been tapped as Obama’s running mate, it is time to get down to the very serious business of calling him a pussy, an appeaser, soft on terror. Michael Rubin of the AEI and Iran are the weapon of choice, Fred Hiatt’s Washington Post is just the vehicle. If it helps with the Jewish vote, well, that is just a happy coincidence.
Fucking wankers.
*** Update ***
Yuval Levin chimes in at the NRO. “Damning,” he tells us, without telling us anything at all. The party of Rove knows, instinctively, to attack the opponent where they are strongest, and turn it into a liability.
Rubin is one of the creepiest fuckers in the creepy fucker collection that is AEI.
The lesson being that if all Democrats do to this sort of mudslinging is to cry foul, then they’ll fail. This sort of thing needs to be turned on its head. The War in Iraq has been an incredible boon for Iran, or at least Ahmadenijad and the ruling party. John McCain and Joe Liebermann deserve at least a Whitmann’s sampler from Tehran for all they’ve done for them.
Or perhaps not. Russia and China are chopped liver, I guess.
But perhapses aside, Biden admits publicly that the White House has been lying about Iran for years, so that makes him Iran’s favorite senator. Because when it comes to Israel’s security as imagined by Israeli right-wing hacks, American democracy and constitutionalism does not count for shite.
I have to give the political stuff a rest for the moment. I am just getting too stressed out by the breathless hatefulness oozing out of what seems like every media pore. The speeches? I love ’em. The commentary? Makes me want to kill my TV and my computer.
The only thing I hope to see tonight is HRC telling the PUMAs to take a hike, for all the right reasons. I hope, and pray, that WJC recognizes that HRC could end up being very powerful in the Senate if she stays there, and he has a place for being a diplomat if he actually throws his Big Dog weight behind Obama. One thing’s for sure–with a McCain presidency neither of the Clintons will be anything but has-beens of the good ol’ 90s. I would think they would want more than that.
AEI vomit all over the Washington Post. They should be proud.
We’ve got all these commie-fascist-traitors in our midst, and they only become apparent when they run for higher office. Funny how that happens.
I can’t wait to hear about how Biden and Obama went toe-for-toe in the “most liberal voting record in the Senate” award.
Just Some Fuckhead
You ain’t seen hateful ’til you watch that Larry King show last night with four ostensible McCain supporteres: Ben Stein, Marsha Blackburn, Lars Larson and Michael Reagan. It’s instructive in that it shows why Republicans win despite having less support and less popular ideas: they are perfectly ruthless and proud of it.
While there isn’t likely to be a Democratic corrolary show opposite the Republican convention, even if there was, it would be a few “Democrats” like Joe Klein and Pat McCaudell saying nice things about Republicans if for no other reason than to appear nice and non-partisan.
And when did Michael Reagan become Jewish?
Sure, “damning” if your main interest in life is wacky Likudnik crap. If you happen to be interested in what’s good for the U.S.? Could be a different story.
Jon H
I take it Rubin thinks we should be selling Iran weapons, like Reagan did?
Jon H
Rubin’s background:
Ph.D., history, Yale University
M.A., history, Yale University
B.S., biology, Yale University
Well, he must be an expert.
Duros Hussein 62
The speeches? I love ‘em. The commentary? Makes me want to kill my TV and my computer.
Do what I do. Stick to C-Span.
And in the “You Just Can’t Make This Crap Up” Department: the goopers admit to having a Ministry of Truth to dump on Obama during the convention.
To a newspaper, The Denver Post. The guy said it.
Ilan Goldenberg, an actual expert, describes it as the “Office of Special Plans Analysis of Joe Biden”.
With apologies to Sam Cooke:
Don’t know much about history
Don’t know much biology
Don’t know much about a science book
Don’t know much about not bein’ a crook
But I do know that I hate Iran
And I know that if there’s a war again
What a wonderful world it would be
I believe this republician says it all about Obama and Democrats as featured in Andrew Sullivan site under “The Leach Speech”
– Amen to the C-SPAN coverage. While the bobbleheads are holding forth, or commercials are playing, C-SPAN shows Democrats dancing. YMMV, but it works for me.
– To the topic at hand: I assume that this is the same Iran who has not attacked us or threatened us? Whose only crime seems to be “Possessing Oil While Muslim”?
– Driving out to an appt and back this morning, I listened to some Boortz and some Rush. What is the one word I never heard spoken? “McCain”. Not once. It’s all Obama Obsession, all the time.
How much do we need to get you to a real server that can handle the load, John? Or is WordPress Error just a ploy to keep all but the diehards away?
Does Pajamas Media do this to you because they don’t like you anymore, John?
John Cole
We just installed a plugin which may fix the problem.
Just Some Fuckhead
Please tell me “We” isn’t you and Tunch. Not because Tunch can’t do webdev but because the slippery slope to Catlady Status starts with referring to yourself and the cat(s) as “We”.
dear John
I am a great fan & reader. You are as essential to my sanity as air is to my body and your site keeps going down this week.
I am piggy-backing on ‘wankers’ here. Do you ever read Talk’Left’ (sic)? That site blames everything on Obama. All Hillary’s failings, Bill’s amazing lack of character, the crazed nature of her supporters.
All Barack’s fault. All would have magically disappeared naming Hillary, but many Americans–and I voted for each of these diseased limbs called the Clinton’s TWICE–are like you and me and want them out of our public life.
The Clinton’s selflessness has led them to have 100’s of millions of dollars, so wanting them out of Public Life would allow them to enjoy the humble fruits of their great service.
wank-o-meter at Talk Left: no remaining skin on penis/woman treated for entrenched vibrator syndrome.
Thanks for being here, John Cole.
Rather than save this for the open thread tonight, which will be massive, I figured I’d post this here. The link at the bottom talks about Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa and how, when his son met Joe Biden at the 2004 convention, he was impressed with a gesture that Biden made. Vilsack’s son was going to be vacationing on the Jersey shore, and Biden gave the kid his home phone number in case he needed anything, because his parents would be far away in Iowa. That seems like such a decent and humane thing to do. If the Obama campaign wants a good piece of information out there, it should have Vilsack spreading that story as fast as possible.
OT, but one of the guys behind Swift Boats has started a new group that is targeting McCain.
Perhaps the right will finally acknowledge these guys were fucking insane in 2004, and they’re fucking insane now. I won’t hold my breath though.
sadly, no.
Don’t forget retarded! It’s worn and practiced like a Medal of Freedom against the oppression of critical thought.
Yeah, as opposed to the surplus of brilliant judgment already in the books brought to you by the Bush/Cheney brain trust. Short roll of the tape in a couple of major areas affecting Iran.
Bicycle/Segway challenged Commander Guy whacks the country Tehran fought an eight year war against. Took care of that evildoer regime for Iran. Republican vaunted competence in nation building ensues. Today, Iraq’s secular constitution replaced by one that begins with No Law before Islam and led by a president whose political party, Dawa, got its start in Iran and long funded by Tehran. For years that party had been on our list of state sponsored terrorist organizations. Not now. Maliki, Khamenei, and Ahmadinejad are all good buddies signing mutual defense protocols recently. Heckuva job.
Now if those damn ungrateful top turbans in Tehran couldn’t at least give thanks to Bush and the Republicans along with Allah for that, how bout at least acknowledging the magic of our oilman president.. You know, Oilman Guy who said in being an oilman and Decider he could “jawbone” prices down. And that our control in Iraq could only help that.
Let’s see how he’s done. When he gave his 02 SOTU address unveiling the identities of the Axis of Evil unmasking Iran, oil was around $18 bbl. (I like the chart at that .gov link). Today, it’s around $115 bbl. You would think those cheap bastards in Tehran would at least give Bush and Cheney each a token tip of a few billion for favors rendered.
Yep, I can see how Biden could be a threat to that brilliance. You need McCain to stay the course.
Vote Republican! National security plus oil independence through retarded nation building one oil producing country at a time! The Onion endorses this message.
Naaww. But things should start to get interesting.
OT unless the fact that the post refers to someone referring to the democratic nominee as a pussy can be thought of .. Aaah what the heck. Just go read the damn thing. It will be good for you.
The Other Steve
Rumors are flying…
Daddy Yankee endorsed John McCain
McCain said his favorite song as Gasolina.
The rumor is, the song is about Cocaine.
Who is this guy? I had never even heard of him until just now.
To be fair, all of this did huge favors for Saudi Arabia as well. And if we’re going to get into a serious discussion about who pulls the Bush Administration’s strings, I think a quick survey of everyone with the name Abdullah might bring you a more accurate set of info.
Should GW or – heaven forbid – President McCain start flinging bombs at Tehran, I promise you that the Iranians will not be pleased. The little blockades and economic sanctions and violations of Iranian sovereignty that the US conducts every day seem to put a different spin on the whole Washington / Tehran super-secret friendship theory.
I mean, Reagen was absolutely ass up for Saddam back in the early eighties, and that didn’t stop GW Sr. from rolling in the tanks come ’91. I think this is just another classic case of Republicans fucking up the Middle East.
The Other Steve
No idea. I’m not hip either.
In 2008, Time magazine employs Mark Halperin. Their judgment would appear to be less than bulletproof.
I think it’s proof that anyone’s expendable to the Zionist narrative because Sen. Biden is on record as being quite friendly to the Zionist worldview.
When I was a young Senator, I used to say, “If I were a Jew I’d be a Zionist.”
I am a Zionist. You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.
The Moar You Know
Goddamit, John, your site is less reliable than my old Buick.
He’s the biggest celebrity in the world…
There’s no Washington/Tehran super-secret friendship, and I wasn’t suggesting one. Simply that Tehran to date has really benefited from the retardation and magic touch you can count on that is Bush/Cheney.
i’m starting a website John, you deserve better than this. I deserve better than this, your fans deserve better than this. This site has been down the majority of the day. Do you know what that does to ADHD fans like myself??? We keep clicking and clicking and refreshing and clicking and refreshing and ITS ALL A BRICK WALL . . . I get no work done because all I can think about is, What’s going on behind that crappy blank WordPress Error screen??? What am i missing??? something AWESOME is going on AND I CAN’T SEE IT!!!!! (grrrrr).
(woo-sah) (sigh) don’t go away like that, we need your snark like we need air. and if you go away again, i may have to file another psycho-ex-girlfriend-style rant again. no one wants to see that.
Does anyone know why people were singing We Shall Not Be Moved on MSNBC? It didn’t seem to be apropos of anything.
Agreed. I’m looking forward to the convention open thread tonight (yes, I’m that tied to a computer, as a grad student), and I don’t want to miss the venom and cattiness because WP keeps messing up.
Bill H
Does anybody know why MSNBC decided to do its coverage in front of a bunch of screaming people wearing tinfoil hats, so that they have to yell at each other and the women have to keep brushing their hair out of their mouths, and the viewer can’t hear shit?
I don’t remember Levin being so distraught when someone in Cheney’s office was accused of offering up a plan to use American soldiers to attack American soldiers in order to start a war with Iran. IOKIYAR.
I think you might be missing the abnormally large ass-reaming the Bush / Cheney cabal has also kicked their way. If I accidentally leave you with winning lotto numbers after I’ve finished skull fucking your pet cat, I’m not sure if you’ve “benefited” from my retardation as much as you might think.
Goddammit. I got work done today, and it’s ALL YOUR FAULT!!!
Fix your damn site, or I might get work done tomorrow.
The Moar You Know
Gee, I’m sure that’s entirely by accident. Undoubtedly the GOP convention will suffer from similar issues.
I know the PUMAs have been staking out the MSNBC set. Could that be it? The MSNBC online feed is the convention itself, not the bobble heads.
The Moar You Know
I love my kitty, but for 20 million from the Lotto I might just let you and MyIQis1/10yours skullfuck her until you both drop.
I think Tsulagi has a point. Tehran has kept themselves in power for almost thirty years by throwing up the spectre of “The Great Satan” and our good friends the Israelis, and the population, who are in general a pretty smart, fairly liberal and formerly pro-western bunch of folks – in no way of the same bent as their so-called leaders – ate it up like a starving man on steak and came back for more.
For a case study in how exaggerating threats from other nations can give one carte blanche to rape the shit out of your country, see: Bush/Cheney, 2001-2009.
John McCain constantly votes against veteran’s benefits. This begs the question, why does a veteran hate other veterans?
Thank you. I’m there too. It’s gotten soooooo bad that if AQ commandos were to storm the broadcast stage of a major US network and hold the anchor and all the pundits and anlysts hostage on live TV, I’d be at home screaming at the TV: “Shoot them! Shoot them now! Please for the love of God just shoot the fuckers! ! ! !”
And that would be…?
Yeah I did. You were too retarded to notice it was the neighbor’s cat. Thanks for the lotto win. Sorry kitty.
Your site is getting like the old NT blue-screen of death … that Fing world press screen … right; you are just using that as cover when you find a new beer to drink and drink and drink …
*sigh* one more time, everybody together.
WordPress is not the problem. MySQL is not the problem. is the problem.
The Moar You Know
Commander AQ: “We want ten million or all the NBC people die.”
America: “No thanks”
Commander AQ: “Ummm…OK. One million?”
America: “No, really, it’s cool. Go ahead and shoot them.”
Commander AQ (sweating): “C’mon, give me a break! I’ve got Brian Williams and Katie Couric here! Ten grand or I blow their heads off in primetime!”
America: “That would be so awesome I might spooge in my pants.”
Commander AQ (figures it out): “We want ten million dollars! Phone in your pledges, America! When we get to ten million, we will shoot Brian Williams and Katie Couric live on TV!”
(every phone in studio starts ringing)
Dennis - SGMM
That’s barbaric and disgusting – ten million without close ups and instant replay?
They just didn’t specify which world he was influential in.
I assume it’s the same world where Super Dave Osborne hangs out.
Just Some Fuckhead
demimondian's ghost
Those are extra, and will only be available if further pledges are forthcoming.
… to moderate my previous statement a little bit, it’s perfectly possible that gives you kickass service if you pony up for a dedicated server. So in part, the problem is that BJ is on a shared server. (Maybe it’s Charlie and Sarah’s Wedding site screwing things up.)
Well, to be fair, I probably don’t deserve any better. But I’d be happy to benefit undeservedly from an upgrade.
Though I remain convinced that Tunch is somehow responsible as part of a pay-attention-to-ME effort.
Just Some Fuckhead
It’s prolly John accessing his teen porn collection. I can forgive a man for getting hooked on Sasha Gray ATM.
Apparently, he’s a superstar in Puerto Rico. That will get JMC a lot of electoral votes!
Rome Again
No, his initials are NOT JMC, they are JSM, that’s right, read those letters out loud together as if they spell a word. ;)