We needed another one.
7:30 Maxine Waters got the biggest cheer in quite some time.
7:45 pm: Flipped to MSNBC and listened to Scarborough babble for 5 minutes. Next is Luke Russert. Back to c-span.
7:55 pm: The list of Senators who are dynamic speakers does not include Jay Rockefeller.
8:00 pm: I hereby declare this a PUMA free thread. They are more irrelevant now than they have ever been.
8:50 pm: Ok. It appears we are back. I switched to MSNBC during Etheridge, and I watched Tammy Duckworth lay some serious damed wood on John McCain. She ripped him a new one, and they need her out there more often.
9:00 pm: Big cheers for Bill.
9:28 pm: He was nicer than I thought he would be to the opposition.
9:52 pm: Do my eyes deceive me, or did John Kerry just throw some haymakers? Even more shocking, they landed.
9:55 pm: Brace yourself for some Sully love directed at the Big Dog.
10:35 pm: Biden needs to pick up the tempo.
10:47 pm: Biden’s speech is, by far, the worst of the night. Just seems to lack the pacing and, I dunno, something. It is just flat.
Jon H
I hear the big event at the Republican convention will be McCain crash-landing on stage and re-breaking his arms.
Beer and the convention. Not a good combo. PC +1.
I’m just waiting to see who will be the first pundit to say, with a straight face, that Hillary Clinton still doesn’t mean it.
Convention + Age of Conan = good combo.
Speaking of time to go home and slaughter some picts.
Jon H
“I’m just waiting to see who will be the first pundit to say, with a straight face, that Hillary Clinton still doesn’t mean it.”
They’re waiting for Hillary to offer Barack and Michelle one of Chelsea’s eggs.
gypsy howell
Meanwhile, over in the alternate universe of NoIQ, the seppuku knives are being sharpened. A small taste of what’s going on over there:
And from the sublime to the ridiculous….
There’s a mental image I didn’t need — a NoIQer taking off her big girl panties.
I believe it was Ron Fournier in a piece today from AP. I don’t know what happened to AP, but apparently they want to make Reuters the only remaining unbiased giant international wire service.
The maker of Enzyte got a 25 year sentence for fraud today.
He ripped off $100M in the scam, probably mostly from wingnuts.
With any luck we will all get less spam.
Does anyone else hate the 08 DNC poster on the podium? Does the graphic design mean the Democrats hate America?
secret pantsuit messages? wow, it would be funny if it weren’t so sad. it would be sad if it weren’t so funny.
gypsy howell
But either way, you have to admit it’s pretty fuckin’ funny.
— gh +3 in a Wingate
Aren’t we all!
John O
I don’t care what any of the gasbags say.
I’m going to take a little time tonight to set aside my cynicism and be proud of the giant leap for mankind we’ve taken, win or lose. (Winning would help the pride take hold a lot better, though.)
I have a feeling there are a lot of people in this country with some sort of happy daze on. It’s quite a moment in time.
And I’m with John, I look for some fire tonight from the Big Dog and Biden, too.
They’re both awfully smart and funny and tough.
Aaahhhhhh. That’s some awesome crazy. I get messages from Hillary in my fillings. And she says NoQuarter visitors need to be medicated.
Jay Rockefeller is sending me a secret pantsuit message to punch myself in the nuts.
Sad to say, but the body language experts actually deserve the screen time more (but none of them deserve more screen time)
Dennis - SGMM
No way. That would make us all POW’s – my friends.
True story from my house:
Mr Dewberry: “Why are you screaming Fujimori, you idiot! at the teevee?”
me: “Because Matthews just said that nowhere in Europe or South America had any country elected someone of a minority ethnic group and that’s what makes America great. Fujimori’s who I could think of off the top of my head.”
Mr Dewberry: “Why aren’t you watching C-Span?”
gypsy howell
On a more serious note, I will admit I cried for a couple minutes when Hillary turned over the nomination to Obama. A historic night.
(OK, maybe it’s the +3 talking. But it was pretty emotional.)
TalkLeft has also gone nuts today. As you might expect, they’re all up in arms about the roll call. I’m not quite sure exactly what they were objecting to, except of course the outcome.
Ok, I tried watching MSNBC.
Joe Scarborough still an awful, awful person.
Max Power
I hereby declare this a PUMA free thread. They are more irrelevant now than they have ever been.
Are you saying that stooges planted by the McCain campaign are irrelevant?
How about Evo Morales in Bolivia ?
And technically Sarkozy was the son of immigrants.
OH SHI- I didn’t know Hillary could sing!
I hate to do this but I need to make a correction on the last thread since nobody else did.
Hillary Clinton is a ‘trouper’ with a ‘u’ not a ‘trooper’ with an ‘o.’ It’s especially unfortunate to all her a “trooper” after all those nasty insinuations of what Clinton’s troopers were supposedly up to while he was Governor…..
That said, she’s made of some strong stuff, and I’m glad she’s on our side….
And Rigoberty Menchu in Guatemala ? NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER
He’ll captivate the Un-Dead electorate.
No shit.
“Born in the USA and therefore eligible for the presidency” is actually a good song for Obama.
Dennis - SGMM
big girl panties = cargo parachute with leg closures
Ryan S.
*SOB* plz it makez the Etheridge lady stop…..
See, Benjamin, together how long did that take us? 25 seconds? The air vacuum inside Matthew’s head where actual information could be stored is quite large.
McCain could actually use Born In The USA as his song and it would almost fit, for a change.
This has not been proven. I have super secrit documents that prove Barack Hussein bin Obama is actually a cephalopod born in Antarctica. It’s in a report issued by a former Congressional-person-thingee, but I won’t say who.
gypsy howell
“Actual Information” would only get in the way of the Big Narrative that’s taking up so much space in his head.
Wake me up after Reid stops speaking, please.
Jon H
“As you might expect, they’re all up in arms about the roll call. I’m not quite sure exactly what they were objecting to, except of course the outcome.”
No kidding. Shocker: When the ultimate outcome is a foregone conclusion, state delegations will act to curry favor with the winner (by throwing all votes to that person). Arkansas and New Jersey will no doubt be calling in those chits if they want federal assistance in anything.
Jon H
“The air vacuum inside Matthew’s head where actual information could be stored is quite large.”
That’s the National Strategic Hair Reserve.
Robert Johnston
They’re even more irrelevant than Cialis at a eunuch convention or the typical McCain POW invocation.
Jon H
“Born in the USA and therefore eligible for the presidency” is actually a good song for Obama.”
And Obama could probably get Bruce to sing it that way.
Conservatively Liberal
A McCain mouthpiece just told Tweety how tough McCain is. He was on the Israeli border getting out of a helicopter. This guy noticed that McCain had blood “flowing” down his face. It seems that McCain “hit his head on a nail” and cut his head getting out of the helicopter. He got fixed up in the back of a vehicle and they went on their way.
McCain really should stop flying in those wooden helicopters.
From the racist PUMA RiverDaughter:
Hillary is so strong that she can be forced into voting for Obama? They are supporting a woman who “folded” like a lawn chair and gave in, and yet they claim she would be a tough, no-nonsense president? Stupidity must be a prideful point for PUMAs.
These PUMAs are nothing but ratfuckers through and through. I have been reading the PUMA posts at various places, and it is more than clear that the majority of these twisted fucks are naturally that way.
It’s what Republicans do best. Ratfuck.
So, her family is begin held prisoner by Markos Moulitsas?
dr. bloor
All Daschle needs is a gap between his front teeth and Paul Schaffer.
Jon H
I would have given Daschle big big money to come on stage dressed as Malcolm McDowell from A Clockwork Orange.
He’s a dead ringer.
Conservatively Liberal
They would probably stick.
Jon H
“This guy noticed that McCain had blood “flowing” down his face. It seems that McCain “hit his head on a nail” and cut his head getting out of the helicopter.”
Moron. The head has lots of small blood vessels so a negligible injury can produce amounts of blood that appear significant.
That’s why Shiites and professional wrestlers cut their heads.
Is Tom Daschle auditioning to be on SNL with those glasses or what??
dr. bloor
With his service record, I doubt the Navy will let him near the expensive goods anymore.
Here we go…
Whoooo! Tam-may! [Lights Bic]
Ahem. Pardon my outburst but Duckworth is 10 pounds of awesome in a five pound bag. I hope she rubs the GOP’s face in that “Cut & Run” ad in 2006.
Jon H
(‘Moron’ in reference to the McCain proxy, not Conservatively Liberal)
What are the chances that Clinton comes out to the band playing “Who’s down with OPP?”
Conservatively Liberal
So tonight I post and then read the blog entry. It’s what happens when you are +20 or more (hits).
Did someone kill a skunk? ;)
Jon H
Um, a bunch of dems dancing to ‘chain of fools’ is maybe not necessarily the best tactical thinking, regardless of the merits of the song.
John Cole,
Did you fall asleep? The convention didn’t end with Maxine Waters.
Either someone is unconscious or has a really wicked sense of humor…playing “Chain of Fools” right before Bill takes the stage?? Too funny. And mean.
Laura W
Chai chai chai
Chain of fools.
I dig this band.
Shoot me.
Need to shoot the remaining .5 in anticipation of Mr. Hillary.
Jon H
Except when it include Jennifer Garner and Jessica Alba.
Why are they singing Chain of Fools?
So dumb.
wasabi gasp
I’m guessin’ the store was all out of World’s Best Grandpa mugs, so they gave Harry Reid a Senate Majority Leader seat instead.
Just as a primer, Biden suggested that Iraq be divided into three sections. Fred Kagan, in his structure for the surge, dismissed Biden’s suggestion by name — directly.
But now, we have Biden’s plan in effect. The whole of Iraq is divided along sectarian lines. They are divided because of the surge.
So the surge succeeded in implimenting Biden’s plan.
gypsy howell
OK Big Dog. Bring the Unity Pony on home now.
Conservatively Liberal
My snarkOmeter is up and functioning well tonight, but thanks! :)
Now for Mr. Bill!
Jon H
“What are the chances that Clinton comes out to the band playing “Who’s down with OPP?””
How about the Radiators, “Suck the head squeeze the tip”.
What? It’s about eating crawfish, you perv.
Wow, Bill is doing a good job.
Jon H
Bill’s chewing the scenery. It’s good. I just wish he’d mentioned how, seven years ago this month, president Bush received a certain memo from the CIA, which was ignored.
My best dream includes both of them. I almost fell off the couch when I saw both of them there.
dr. bloor
Not so much for Obama as against McBush, but that’s fine.
He sure does like Joe Biden, though.
I wish he would stop saying the opponent is nice. I actually don’t know whether or not McCain is a nice guy.
The Moar You Know
Well, Bill Clinton is burying the hatchet. Right in the backs of the PUMAs and the Republicans, two groups that sorely need it.
Remind me to never get on that guy’s shit list.
John O
The Great White Shark of American politics.
He pissed me off all the time from my lib-lite perspective, but he’s still one of the smartest men ever to walk the planet.
t jasper parnell
John Kerry is going to give a speech? Yikes.
Kudos, Bill. You brought it.
Great speech, but someone needs to take that godawful band out back and shoot them.
Those Clinton’s are pretty damn amazing…
I’m with you J.C., I don’t see how they do it…
Addicted to Love?
What is the DEAL with this musical selections? Following Clinton with Addicted to Love?
So there’s Fujimori, there’s that President with the very French name Sarkozy, of Greek-Jewish-Hungarian descent, six of the first seven presidents of Finland were ethnic Swedes, then there’s Brazil, where everyone is a minority, there’s Surinam, which has had presidents of both African and Asian origin.
And there’s also the almost forgotten Charles Curtis, vice-president to Herbert Hoover and 3/8 Native American.
On local talk radio this evening, the host had on a former NY congressman named John LeBoutillier, a conservative pundit who believes McCain is unfit for office. His reason: McCain’s actions, back in the early ’90s, relating to POWs left behind in Southeast Asia.
Apparently, the US was supposed to make reparations to North Vietnam in exchange for the POWs. We paid 1/2, and got 1/2 the prisoners. We then welched on the second half. According to “Boot”, McCain had a chance to reopen the investigation in the early ’90’s, but chose instead to vote to normalize relations w/Vietnam and let the “POWs left behind” story disappear down the Memory Hole.
The radio host, a conservative, was fucking gobsmacked, as was I (just previous to Boot, a vet had taken McCain to task for failing to support the GI Bill). If I knew his, I had forgotten it, but some preliminary research indicates that it’s true. Needless to say, McCain’s pimping of his POW story makes Boot a bit……ummm… agitated.
So, I can assume that Tweety and the Boyz will be on this story straightaway and forthwith?
Damnit. Bill has still got it*. That was some seriously great shit. There were a couple of lines (especially the ones about America’s power and example) that were perfect, and he actually made me miss him again. Obviously, the blabberheads will find some chinks in the armor, but his words were unequivocal support. Good stuff.
*Unlike the band, which seriously needs to have its plug pulled.
D. Mason
Think of it as an attempt at inoculation.
MSNBC stalking Chevy
Hey, was that Gerald Ford I just saw on MSNBC’s coverage?
PUMA burgers anyone!! The White Haired Devil stuck it to wingnuts one more time. God help me, I do love it so.
John O
They’re professionals, and their love of self v country has always been overstated and overblown by the Andrew Sullivan’s of the world.
They’re also both very competent, brilliant, and politically savvy.
It’s about goddamn time someone started to attack the Republicans. The Dems need to keep it up to win. As Gore and Clinton did it for the win.
And I hated them for it. :)
Montysano – that stuff about POWs is total nonsense. There were no POWs left behind, and that’s far right fever swamp stuff (that was one of the things the crazies hated about Kerry as well, you may recall – he co-chaired the commission with McCain that determined that there weren’t any POWs left behind.)
I love how CNN is ignoring John Kerry completely and interviewing random people…
Clinton’s best line, and, in a nutshell, what McCain and the neocon cheesedicks will never understand.
As far as these things go, not a bad a speech from Bill C.
Still, McCain was a POW and all that…
Kagan will be held up proud next week
John Kerry’s speaking now. I only realized it because I saw him in the background over Tom Brokaw’s shoulder on MSNBC. They’re too busy blathering to show it.
I guess it’s only this party’s last presidential nominee. I mean, who cares about that guy?
Jon H
Kerry seems old. Like, more than 4 years older than he was in 2004.
The Thinking Man's Mel Torme
So I guess Brokaw is trying to be a major league stooge tonight: “McCain was in a POW camp when Bill Clinton was writing letters to his ROTC commander trying to get out of the draft.”
Narrative never dies.
Perhaps the band was hired through the KarlRove Talent Agency?
The Grand Panjandrum
I listened to HRC ask to set aside the rules and Pelosi take the Yays and Nays on NPR. It was a beautiful thing. So was the perfectly cooked al dente Linguine w/White Clam Sauce at Giuseppe’s in Ardsley, NY. That a couple of glasses of good Chianti and I doing great.
Why do you people pay to be tortured? You know that’s what cable/satellite TV is: Pay-to-be-gitmo’d TV. Whew!
Golly. Imagine Bill and Hillary doing the right thing and the rat fuckers in the establishment media being wrong about the Big, Hugest, Awesomest Floor Fight Evah.
Good on Hillary. She proved, once again, she is a great politician. Now the Chicken Little’s can get their panties in a knot over those Big, Mean Republicans.
Kerry is ripping into McCain’s flip-flops. He even said “Talk about being for it before you’re against it!”
Also: “Before he ever debates Barack Obama, John McCain should finish the debate with himself.”
Good thing PBS is actually showing the speech, unlike the fucking cable nets.
jack fate
He’s a former President, so he’s got the decorum that comes with being the Most Powerful Person in the World for 8 years. Outside of acknowledging that he knows John McCain, I’m not sure he even referred to any Republican by their name. (I may be wrong, however.) But I would think this is the kind of stumping he will do. Not out of animosity towards Obama, but towards stewardship of his legacy.
I don’t necessarily mind the tradition that former presidents rarely are too critical of a sitting president.
I’m sure Bill, in particular, really enjoyed making all of those media doomsayers look like total idiots.
Damn but I wish that John Kerry had been half as effective at defending himself four years ago.
Still, hell of a speech.
Kerry was really good
Don’t forget CSpan. I actually liked the person who was speaking for Kerry. It was a very emotional guy that didn’t show up 4 years ago.
dr. bloor
Big John kicked some serious ass there. Each candidate is ultimately responsible for his campaign, of course, but when I’m reminded that the US passed on Al Gore and John Kerry for the likes of Chimpy McCokehead because the ineffectual DLC fuckwads kept them bottled up, it makes me crazy.
null pointer exception
Jesus. Kerry was on fire! Too bad he waited for 4 years to say all this.
Kerry rocked it. awesome.
Anyone watching Mathews go after Mike Murphy on MSNBC?
Tax Analyst
Excellent speech by Clinton…but I was really pretty sure he’d come up big in that spot. Considering how much they ticked me off during the campaign it’s amazing how warm and fuzzy Bill & Hill have made me feel the last couple of days. It didn’t surprise me that they’d come through for the party when push came to shove, but it did surprise me how very well they did it.
And…like Jake said, THIS was a fantastic line…
“People around the world have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power.”
It hasn’t been said better, at least in my memory.
Classic bullshit from the pundits — Amy Sullivan of Time here on Bill’s speech:
It was actually U2’s “Beautiful Day”.
Can’t they at least be accurate with their bullshit musing?
J. Michael Neal
Tweety has turned on the Republicans. Seriously. He just ripped Mike Murphy in four different directions.
Tammy Duckworth is flat out awesome.
Jon H
“It was actually U2’s “Beautiful Day”.”
They did play Addicted to love somewhere along the line tonight.
Dennis - SGMM
Two of the most obnoxious, divisive people in the Democratic party buy a round and everyone responds; “They’re the salt of the earth, by God.”
The Thinking Man's Mel Torme
Did anyone see the sack of sh!t called “Mike Murphy” on MSNBC saying the Clintons were going to vote for McCain?
Even better was Tweety’s takedown.
Scott H
I’m loving how the speakers keep swinging the spotlight back on the shabby treatment of military veterans.
They did play “Addicted to Love”. It may have been right after Beautiful Day as he worked throught the crowd.
Kerry was excellent with his “Candidate McCain vs. Senator McCain” schtick. Expose the fraud for what he is. More of that please.
This is my boom stick.
(and Axelrod hasn’t even started)
She could lay down on a fire to let him walk over her and the pundits would be saying, “Well, it’s only third degree burns. There are at least 95 more degrees before you get to normal, so obviously she’s not that committed to supporting Obama”.
Nice little ‘misspeak’ by Biden there..’this is the America we get if George….John McCain is elected..’
Pure insanity from Riverdaughter:
You can’t make this shit up!
Did they cut Richardson? Wasn’t he supposed to go after Kerry? WTF?
Jon H
I disagree John, I think Biden started out slow with the touchy-feely-ordinary-guy stuff, but he’s ripping now.
Really? Everyone else I’m reading is loving Biden.
JasonF, that’s a parody site. It’s great. Has those strange ducks spot on!
Tax Analyst
Yeah, but considering how many folks were belly-up-to-the-bar it was hearty round.
And it was a lot better than if they’d shit on the bar. Would sooner have been better? Well, I’d have preferred it, but the timing of this may actually work out to an advantage in the final analysis.
HEY! Barack showed up! Say…did you folks know he was BLACK? Uh-huh, it’s true.
Just Some Fuckead
Here’s a phrase you can throw under the damn bus:
“John McCain is my friend..”
I’m so sick of hearing Democrats say that. I don’t really give a fuck if John McCain is Nancy Pelosi’s retarded brother. He’s the enemy here and it’s time we stopped coddling him.
Lerner said they moved him to tomorrow.
Just Some Fuckhead
Here’s a phrase to toss under the damn bus:
“John McCain is my friend..”
Jeez. Like that fucking means anything. Democrats are too good for their own good. Just slit the old fucker’s nuts and quit trying to hump his leg.
Just Some Fuckhead
I see you’ve set up the blog to automatically post my comments twice, John. I think that’s a very good idea.
A person who can’t recognize Addicted to Love from the first fucking beat is a person who was born within the past three hours or on Mars. Confusing it with Beautiful Day is just bee-zar. Fussing over the song played during a former president’s appearance is bee-zarerer and I speak as someone who is terminally pissed at Cadillac for using Led Zep’s Rock n’ Roll.
Maybe they’ll go back to obsessing over Hillary’s outfit. The string of turquoises are a signal she’s being oppressed, just like the Native Americans!
The Moar You Know
It doesn’t mean what you think it means. I used to work for a guy. If he used your first name you were OK. If he used your last name you had fucked up. If he used “Mr.” and your last name it was gonna be a bad day.
If he used “my friend” you were about to get a can of whoopass broken out on you.
John O
No. This is one of the most interesting things I find in human nature: The ability to assume everyone else is like you with respect to perception, but somehow unlike you with respect to reality. K-Lo made the same mistake a day or two ago regarding M. Obama’s speech, in which she said, “Mission Accomplished,” and went on to claim that the Mrs. Obama she believes in is somehow different, and more importantly less authentic, than the one her own eyes saw. K-Lo believes Michelle Obama is an angry negro, and damned what her eyes and ears tell her.
So it goes with McCain. We ALL have friends we disagree with, often very substantively, but it doesn’t mean we don’t like them personally. I don’t think McCain hates his country, or hates me, I think he’s living in an alien, ancient world of non-interconnectedness and a paradigm of “us vs. them.” What’s the big deal?
This failure to look in the mirror is constantly amazing to me.
Camper Joe
Hey John, I think Biden’s was the weakest between him, Bill, and Kerry. However… it was stronger than anybody else without the last name of Clinton, Kerry or Obama.
She did, and they do. Some very good speeches by other veterans like that CSM and the Congressman that followed her. C-Span is much better.
Now switching from C-Span to the cable heads, notice they’re saying the same thing. Don’t agree. Thought his speech was very good and went after Bush/McCain well.
C-Span is really much better. Don’t have to put up with those dips saying what I should be thinking.
Just Some Fuckhead
It doesn’t even need to be said. Here’s something that actually means something that can be said instead:
“John McCain is George Bush’s handpicked successor.”
See, no nonsense about friendsies, scored a direct hit.
Think of it like:
“And Brutus in an honorable man.”
Context is important.
John Cole
Exactly. Even Pat Buchanan is likable in his own way, even if you accept exactly who and what he is.
John O
Oh, and I don’t think this was Biden’s best effort, but I’m very confident he’ll wear well with the American electorate. He’s one of the few non-artificial forever-politicians in Washington who doesn’t get all caught up in what he says when it comes to “political correctness.”
This won’t fail to impress non-moron Americans still uncommitted.
John O
It is testament to the fall of the “Republican Party” in recent years that I have come to respect Pat Buchanan for his knowledge of history and adherence to his core beliefs. The man isn’t fake; even when he’s called out by his colleagues on the air for rank concern-trolling or some other stupid shit he just laughs at being busted.
Even though I think his core beliefs (at least a lot of them) are absolutely insane.
I’d enjoy a dozen beers with Pat.
Some guy
I think Biden’s speech was really good. I liked it. It was not as good as Kerry’s, which for me rocked it out, or Bill’s which was masterful. But he really connected to working class people, stressed the economy in a human way, and brought a kind of rambly passion to it. He is not an orator, but he knows how to connect. I thought it worked well.
I thought Biden’s speech sucked (the “that’s not change, that the same” was completely and totally lame). The lead was good, however. Getting his bio was also very useful. I honestly always believed he was born rich. I knew he was elected to the Senate at 30 and couldn’t believe a poor could accomplish that.
Moment of the night had to be Michelle Obama’s reaction to hearing the story (which you know she had heard before) about Biden losing his wife and daughter, and nearly both sons, in a car crash — and his willingness (rightfully) to give up the Senate to care for them. She is so genuine. You can’t fake that shit.
Ever heard a Southerner of a certain age say “Bless his heart?” It means “He couldn’t find his ass with both hands and a map.”
Don, LOL. I’m going to mentally add that quote to the end of “John McCain is my friend” from now on.
And I’m going to add “…Romans, countrymen…” everytime I hear McCain say, “My friends…”
And the fact that McCain was probably there when Shakespeare wrote that line makes it even more enjoyable.
Thanks for that.
Hunter Thompson apparently did. Pat Buchanan is just a political geek like the rest of us.
Creepy at times, but who isn’t.
wasabi gasp
John McCain is my friend. I pat him on the head.
Yep. I had heard that Clinton was working on his speech up until the last minute. But the Old Rogue came through.
He made up for a lot of past BS by being incredibly generous towards Obama, especially when he noted that as a former president, he was in a unique position to know what he was talking about, so that when he said that Obama was ready to be president, Clinton was laying the smack down as only he could.
And earlier when Hillary called for Obama to be named the nominee by acclamation — well, this was an incredibly noble gesture. One commentator who was standing close by said that he could see tears in Senator Clinton’s eyes as she walked away afterwards.
Riverdaughter and her ilk have officially gone from being merely pathetic to being certifiable. They are in need of some serious medication.
John O
Yep, phobos, ’tis true.
And I do believe I’ve read everything Dr. Thompson ever wrote. A genius of a writer, and a professional when it came to recognizing and separating the difference between political hacks and human beings.
His stuff on Luntz is priceless.
John O
I thought that quote from Riverdaughter was fake, it was so stupid.
Evidently not.
Wow. Now THAT’S some hard-core bad analysis.
Jon H
In addition to what others have said, consider that this is also saying “I am John McCain’s friend”, therefore, how much of a pacifistic socialistic DFH could I be?
Jon H
Tammy Duckworth: Hard Core
alex milstein
I loved Joe Biden’s speech. I missed all the others, but I didn’t know that much about Biden, the person, and his speech made him seem exceptionally REAL to me. That whole story of his life, his mom smiling, the fact that he takes the train home every night to see his family, to me, he was a living example of AMERICAN FAMILY VALUES. It’s important for that stuff to get out there. It makes our team look so much more human.
Then again, back in 2004, I asked some friends…how can anyone look at John Kerry and George W. Bush and not realize who was the better, brighter, more compassionate candidate? Somehow they still made the mistake.
I liked Biden’s speech too. He seemed so real.