Clark Stooksbury, discussing the Greek columns nonsense:
I’m not paying close enough attention to know if this whole Obamamessiah business is justified. For all I know, Obama might literally believe himself to be a Greek God; but even if he does, he would still be less arrogant than George Bush and most likely less dangerous than John McCain.
Jon H
John McCain: “I went to war, and when I came back, I couldn’t lift my arms over my head.”
Tammy Duckworth: “I went to war, and when I came back, I could lift my legs over my head.”
Note: Not real quotes. The fake Duckworth quote is not a sexual joke.
Ya wanna look at Bush’s 2004 Greek Temple?
This whole affair is just more gooper bullshit. But hey, have you heard that John McCain was a POW?
What a bunch of pathetic idiots. Does anyone remember when every single person on television for the Republicans at their convention in 2004 compared Bush to every single great world leader that has ever existed?
I fully expect the wingnuts to caricature the Obamamessiah horeshit they created (with help from dead enders). Maybe they’ll pass out paper halos at their convention, or little bobbleheads of a black Moses. It won’t be a Baby Jeebus though, that would give the Thumpers heart failure.
Jon H
Moving this from the overlong open thread below because it’s a great photo.
Tammy Duckworth is Hard Core.
Put that up next to the GOP’s purple heart bandaids from 2004.
Equal Opportunity Cynic
This whole affair is just more gooper bullshit.
Indeed. Because every second that we or the media spend talking about this tomfoolery is one less second to reflect on the Bush/McCain record.
Just drop it. It matters not a whit if they “win” this point or not; they only win if stuff like this dominates the discourse until November and everyone infers nothing serious must be at stake in this election and stays home.
The classical architecture on the stage is a reflection of the great monumental buildings of our own Republic? From the White House to the Mermorials.
A visible symbol of the democratic and republican ideals this country was founded on.
For the wingnuts, i find this especially awful as they’re always going on about American values and stuff. How stupid of them, rather cynical, because they DO know what it means. They are just betting that most of Americans don’t.
Oh yeah, and Bush did it first.
This is why most of the rest of the world thinks we’re a nation of morans. True story: I have a neighbor in her 70s. Her niece and niece’s husband are both scientists at CERN in Switzerland. My friend said that Bush was in France for the 60th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy in June of 2004 and her relatives watched it on TV. Bush was obviously chewing gum in front of these aged French veterans. Also, when he got up to speak, the wire that runs up his back to an amplifier in his ear to feed him his lines started misfiring and spluttering, and the live mic picked up the voice of the guy who was feeding him his lines, so everyone who was watching heard his lines before he said them. The American press protects us from these embarrassing performances, but the rest of the world knows all about them. Then the goopers stage these ridiculous top-gun performances and enough of the people allow themselves to be fooled that he gets re-elected.
Jon H
The GOP doesn’t like the ‘Obamessiah’ stuff because, to them, the true messiah is Reverend Moon.
I find all this just hilarious. Have you seen the RNC convention stage? It’s like Hitler, Stalin, Kim Jong-il, the Party, and Norsefire got together to design an event stage, started with the Reichstag under the NSDAP, decided it wasn’t nationalistic enough, and added more flags. That floor is supposedly made of black laminate, too, so it really is a black and red color scheme.
Okay, maybe I’ve overstated my opinion a bit… it doesn’t look quite as bad to me any more, but my initial reaction was “Nurnberg rally.” Now I just think it looks straight out of V for Vendetta. And maybe it will look less fascistic when it’s full of fascists–you never know.
Oh, and guess what I just found. I don’t know who this Gilmore guy is, but he’s one arrogant, presumptuous motherfucker.
Wilde: “I wish I had said that”
Whistler: “You will, Oscar, you will”
Hahaha, the top post on Riverdaughter’s house of crazy has them recycling the picture of Obama not giving the finger to Clinton, and our buddy mynoiq is shilling for McCain.
Having Obama win in November will be even sweeter if these fuckers all have some sort of Heaven’s Gate-like denouement.
She’s faking it. Jeebus…look at the kerning on that photo, it’s obviously been photoshopped.
You know she has gold countertops that she doesn’t clean, she just has replaced.
Mike D.
Back when they were building all those Stately Column Buildings, it was described as “the Greek disease” by the kind of people who don’t wear black socks with sandals. Tacky lottery winners and other vermin put up facades on front of their their private homes, complete with phony second floor and semi-circular columns holding up a whitewashed roof that just about covered the front porch. One part Potemkin Ranch House, two parts _Blazing Saddles._
The bad news is that plastered pine rots and fades away while marble lasts forever, especially if it’s a national monument or a place in New York where Andrew Carnegie ever used the john but didn’t flush.
Fun fact: the Parthenon (or not — it was one of the giant “aliens built it” temples) was in great shape, upright columns and roof and all, until a few centuries ago when the Venetians got into a scrap with the Greeks. The Venetians said, “Look, high ground. And marble! Instant fortress! You know what, let’s move the ammo dump in here — way over there, away from the high command and the map tables and so forth.” One very lucky Greek shell later, there was a rash of battlefield promotions, a shortage of ammunition, and a seriously fucked-up pagan frat house. Sic transit gloria mundi. One day the Washington Monument will be described in guide books in terms of length instead of height, you know….
Thomas Edward Theadore
Things i wish i had written:
“DENVER — With her husband looking on tenderly and her supporters watching with tears in their eyes, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton deferred her own dreams on Tuesday night and delivered an emphatic plea at the Democratic National Convention to unite behind her rival, Senator Barack Obama, no matter what ill will lingered. All across America women of a certain age dolorously wept and lachrymosely vowed to hyperalgetictly vote for John McCain”
–Patrick Healy, NYT
Thomas Edward Theadore
Why do you hate America? Sure, we all have these stories, I remember when the current president’s dad pounded xanex and puked on Kiichi Miyazawa back in !992, but do I bring them up. No. USA! USA! USA!
Thomas Edward Theadore
Fuck the NYT and their sign up shit-
Published: August 27, 2008
DENVER — With her husband looking on tenderly and her supporters watching with tears in their eyes, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton deferred her own dreams on Tuesday night and delivered an emphatic plea at the Democratic National Convention to unite behind her rival, Senator Barack Obama, no matter what ill will lingered.
Mrs. Clinton, who was once certain that she would win the Democratic nomination this year, also took steps on Tuesday — deliberate steps, aides said — to keep the door open to a future bid for the presidency. She rallied supporters in her speech, and, at an earlier event with 3,000 women, described her passion about her own campaign. And her aides limited input on the speech from Obama advisers, while seeking advice from her former strategist, Mark Penn, a loathed figure in the Obama camp.
But the main task for Mrs. Clinton at the convention — reaffirming her support for Mr. Obama in soaring and unconditional language — dominated her 23-minute speech, and she betrayed none of the anger and disappointment that she still feels, friends say, and that has especially haunted her husband.
Thomas Edward Theadore
What kinda name is “Duckworth”? She’s some kinda chink or something, right? Not a real american like McCAIN. Seriously, if you haven’t done at least 5 years in a Hanoi tiger cage you have no business talking about foreign affairs. Legs are, after all, optional.
Thomas Edward Theadore
Wait. wtf kinda name is “Stooksbury”? Are we all just getting weird and wacky now, making up funny names for ourselves? Seriously, Tennessee? Next you will suggest that we listen to West Virginia residents, and we all know the line gets drawn there.
I believe i will call myself “Professor Wonderfulness Happymeal” from now on.
Professor Wonderfulness Happymeal
If Tammy Duckworth is so smart, why did she end up in Iraq?
Like seriously, who signs up to get their legs blown off?
That stuff is for poor and/or stupid people.
Professor Wonderfulness Happymeal
Oh I see how it is, drink a couple of beers, change your nym to Happymeal and speak truth and your comments “await moderation”.
Someone pointed this out to me, and I’m now really wanting to see this.
Speaking tomorrow night at the DNC in a primetime slot? Nathaniel Fick. Name doesn’t ring a bell? Then perhaps you should have been watching Generation Kill.
Professor Wonderfulness Happymeal
All you elitists with your HBO.
Sure he has a funny name and legs, but did he spend time in a tiger cage in VietNam? No? Then who the fuck cares about his whiney-ass stories?
Remember to have lots of bottles available for the GOP convention drinking game.
We’re all going to need it.
zuzu's petals
Next time someone wants to tell you the troops don’t like Obama:
Army Times: Troops Contribute More to Obama Campaign
Note that for those who are deployed overseas, the ratio is Obama over McCain 6 to 1.
Thomas Edward Theadore
No way “zuzu’s petals” or “TenguPhule” are real names.
You people are crazy thinking anyone will listen to you with your silly names. Duckworth? Stooksbury?
Why not just come right out and admit that your name is Stalin?
You are willing to vote against your best interests for a muslim and a guy who supports that Amtrak boondoggle.
Shame on you.
Thomas Edward Theadore
Oh, I see, change your nym to Professor Wonderfulness Happymeal, write several posts of comedic gold that get held for “moderation” and then deleted.
Conservatively Liberal
In perusing the dead-ender cesspool posts, I am noticing a difference in some of the ratfuckers. Some are proclaiming that the Democratic party left them and it is time for others like them to join up with John McCain! I can almost read their ratfucker minds saying ‘strike while the iron is hot!’, it is that obvious.
Some posters are saying things like ‘Well, I don’t know what to think. Hillary has accepted it, maybe she is right.’, but most of these voices of reason are being shot down though some are standing up to the abuse and telling the rats to fuck off. Good.
I knew
myiq2xuGoatBoy was a ratfucker, and a pretty lame one at that. It shows in his limited depth of thought and lack of any real substance. He functions well only when he has a receptive audience, and falls apart when challenged. He is happy when people agree with him, and he falls apart when people don’t. He doesn’t post just because he wants to say something, he does it because he is trying to validate his sad existence.I wouldn’t validate his parking ticket.
He chose to be with the racists and dead-enders, and I say let him have them. I can understand a disappointed Hillary supporter sitting out the election, but to vote for McCain? No, that doesn’t make a bit of sense. McCain is 180 degrees from Hillary, and there is no way to equate the two other than to say that they are both Senators. The similarity ends there.
Haha. I love when they give Will Bower airtime for him to amply demonstrate how much of a doltish oxygen thief he really is.
Although the glee on the PUMA’s face at the end, when she sicks an attack dog on the faux Obama, was actually quite repellent. But I don’t want BTD to accuse me of race-baiting, so I’d best stop right there. We all know that people who complain about being called racists are almost invariably definitely not actual racists at all. Nope.
I’m a former Clinton voter and I’m glad to see Hillary and Bill back in the game and moving to distance themselves from these freaks.
Rome Again
You’re new here, aren’t you?
We’re ALL moderated the first time we post. Your posts weren’t deleted. Your stupidity is on display for the entire BJ world to see and mock. ;)
Have a great day.
Rome Again
They’ve had this date marked on their calendars for such a long time. Give them their celebration, for ever 5 GOP ratfucker they’ll probably rein in 2 votes. (this is only a guesstimation, but, I’m sure it’s not too far off).
Bill Clinton stated tonight that along with Hillary and himself, they were bringing 18 million votes with them. Sorry Bill, the truth is, you’re only bringing in about 17,999,940.
Hillary for the Surpreme Court, Al Gore for head of the EPA and Bill, as always, looking to score … . Kerry, head of the DOJ?
Have any of these assholes ever been to DC?
The real fun begins at the debates. And I hope they keep Duckworth front and center. Her story shows she’s got more balls than anything on the GOP side.
One of the issues that democrats have missed completely it seems to me is Osama Bin Ladin. They should all have talked about him. Asked where is Bin Ladin? You can be sure the republicans will constantly talk about and own 9/11 at their convention. Why doesn’t any democrat bring up the false 9/11, Iraq war link? Not even mentioning Bin ladin gives the impression that neither party is interested getting justice for the victims of 9/11 any more.
IIRC, Biden had a line about Pakistan and Afghanistan being the location of the people who actually attacked us on 9/11.
Rome Again
He called it the real central front in the war on terror.
Thomas Edward Theadore
wow. That is some crazy. Really wish you hadnt shared.
hey Rome, still hanging about eh? Remember the first time we chatted, I was some other long forgotten nym and you were all like, “Dude, I’ve been here longer than you, I was here for Shiavo!” ? And i was all like, “ha ha ha, who cares”?
Special times for you to treasure for a lifetime.
PS: No way that’s your real name.
John S.
I’ve known since the day after the Florida primary.
I presume we won’t see too much of him around here anymore pretending that he’s voting for Obama now that he has embraced his ratfucking in earnest. I still can’t fathom what drives people like him and p.luk from supporting Clinton to supporting McCain.
It’s like a vegetarian going into a restaurant and ordering a salad, and upon being told that their item is unavailable ordering a steak (rare) instead.
Rome Again
What was your first clue?
Rome Again
NoIQ isn’t going away, as a matter of fact, I suspect he’s already picked up a new name and is already posting.
Re: supporting Clinton to supporting McCain – they were never supporting Clinton. The jig is up, though I suspected it all along.
Thomas Edward Theadore
Silly person,real people have real names like Theadore or Edward or Thomas.
The right-of-centers in my office are all atwitter this morning with what a hateful person Harry Reid is and how awful John Kerry is as a human being and a senator.
Last night must have been a good night.
Dunno, lol
Clinton Cougar
“Hahaha, the top post on Riverdaughter’s house of crazy has them recycling the picture of Obama not giving the finger to Clinton, and our buddy mynoiq is shilling for McCain.”
Hillary has started something big here. Something that will forever change this country in an amazingly positive way. We must continue to support her no matter how many times she begs us to stop. Cougar Pride!!
Rome Again
I assure you the person behind this persona has a real name. Why does it matter?
zuzu's petals
AKA “Operation Chaos.”
zuzu's petals
AKA “Operation Chaos.”
Actually, it’s more like a vegetarian ordering a salad with iceberg lettuce, and upon being told that they only have argula in stock, flips out and accuses the restaurant of catering to elitist clientele before ordering the aged filet mignon.
…ordering the crate-raised veal more like.