6:20 pm- Might as well start early, as it is going to be a long night. To start, a true conversation I just had with my mother:
Mom: So, are you going to watch tonight?
Me: Sure. It will be great political theater, and regardless of your politics, it is a historic first for the country that you want to experience.
Mom: Oh. I was talking about the Steelers (pre-season game).
6:23 pm- Looks like McCain took the high road for a change:
Good for him.
6:27 pm- Right now, 9/11 truthers led by that nitwit Alex Jones are blasting their nonsense through megaphones at the MSNBC set, and although it is irritating because you can barely hear the show, I have to admit there is a sort of karmic irony. After all, David Gregory and his cohort torture the American public blasting their insipid bullshit through the airwaves every night, now they are getting a dose of their own medicine.
7:03 pm- BTW, while I admire the balls it takes to pull this off tonight, and I have mocked the wingers making fun of the greek columns, I would be lying if I didn’t think this whole soiree was a bit much. But, however, I have learned to trust the instincts of these guys, so, I will just sit back and enjoy, rather than second guess.
7:20 pm- Andrea Mitchell sounds drunk or exhausted. I bet her make-up is going to be teh awesome after a few hours of marinating in the 80-90 degree heat.
7:34 pm- Lot of rumbling about Pawlenty. Looks like Mittens might get shut out.
7:35 pm- Obligatory shout out for C-Span.
7:45 pm- So to play along at home, text “DNC” 62262 and you get a response. Not really sure what it accomplishes.
8:20 pm- Harumph. This is kind of slow.
8:23 pm- Bill Richardson: “John McCain can pay hundreds of dollars for his shoes, but we’re the ones who will pay for his flip flops.” Heh.
8:32 pm- I love Stevie Wonder, and he is much preferable to that good awful band last night.
That convo with your mom was my first laugh for the day. Thank you!
I blame Obama.
Max Power
Very classy from McCain. Perhaps he’ll call off the PUMA concern trolls planted by his campaign for today.
Unlike Mccain, the night is still young. I’m betting he’s just greasing the monkey before the onset of slippery mischief.
Let me be cynical for a second: That ad is arguably intended for his true base, the media. It’ll let them gush about the John McCain that exists only in their BBQ-fueled dreams, and will probably immunize him from having to take responsibility for the mountains of crap coming our way next week.
J.W. Hamner
Damn, I was hoping for an unhinged scurrilous attack to finally stick a fork in the Maverick image. Oh well. Classy makes me happy as a person, but disappointed as a Democrat.
For any other sports team, that would be just wrong.
Sigh. After the past couple of months, I have a hard time viewing that ad by McCain as anything other than a very shrewd, calculated political move.
I think it’s fair to state that McCain’s a much better politician than he is a candidate.
You are an innocent. There are no high roads in republican land. Now when Obama throws a punch at McCain in his speech the republicans will point out what a meenie he is to poor old honorable POW McCain. This ad is too clever by half.
Don’t know what to make of this.
I loved that “tomorrow we’ll go back at it line”.
In other words, tomorrow his campaign, without his knowledge or approval, will point out that Obama is the anti-Christ.
I can’t wait.
Amy Alkon's Testicles
By “back at it,” does McSame mean he’s promising to continue the lies, distortions and personal attacks?
No thanks.
High road? No.
Shorter McCain;Congrats on being black. As a white man, it sounds good if I condescendingly support your blackness.
Also, today’s comedy is brought to you by Marc Ambinder, who reports that Team McCain is having trouble giving away tickets to the event in Dayton, and is having to bus in supporters.
I wonder if they’ll bus in some black folks.
The Grand Panjandrum
If McCain stopped running his bogus attacks ads I’d give him a bit of credit. But, we know politics is a dirty game and he is still running those attack ads in swing states.
INteresting drive today though. I up in the Hanover, NH area today. Over on the Vermont side of the river its all Obama. Not one McCain sign all day long during my little tour. Over here on the NH side I see a mix of signs, but it is still mostly Obama. Not surprising with Dartmouth College being right here that you see more Obama signs. I guess in the southern part of NH its mostly Obama as well. Evidently north of here is solidly McCain. It will be interesting to see what happens in NH. (If Vermont goes for McCain you can look for me being the next Miss America. Its about that likely.)
John Aravosis had a good catch on that one. News stories have described McCain’s hoped-for 15K people as “5 times his biggest crowd to date”. So, his biggest crowd so far has been 3000 people. I’m pretty sure there are high-school football teams that draw that many people on a regular basis.
Max Power
I wonder if they’ll bus in some black folks.
I think they’re going to CGI them in, Olympics style. Or else they’ll be following the Kirk Lazarus path to blackness.
That ad is arguably intended for his true base, the media.
I’d like to find out if he spends any actual campaign dollars to air it. He should. It might not be red meat for the wingnut base, but it’s a bucket of water on Obama’s fired-up base.
zoe from pittsburgh
It’s not as if he’s taking a break from negative campaigning. Rachel Maddow just pointed out that while he’s running that ad he’s also running his other negative ads in other places.
I can’t wait for her new show to start…
Sure, but McCain has some unique challenges getting his supporters to a rally. Many of them have fallen, and they can’t get up.
His delivery is off a bit in the ad, but it’s a nice gesture and a clever political move.
I bet it will take the surgeons 12 hours to wipe the smile off David Broder’s face.
The Thinking Man's Mel Torme
Stephanopplebopple had misty eyes and a tent in his shorts when discussing it earlier.
John Lewis kicks much ass, I must say.
Good for him.
GAAAAA!!!!! It’s a concern troll and it gets McCain seperated from the Rovian/Lee Atwater shit that’s coming. Don’t fall for it. Jeezus. Look at what happened last time when the Dems got concern trolled at the convention, layed off, then got mocked for being soft and purple band aided. Fuck.
And of course a couple days ago he was yelling at Michelle Malkin. She’s been in an orgasm of outrage ever since.
The Grand Panjandrum
I actually turned on the hotel room TV and switched to MSNBC for that cup of awesome. Hah!
I’m glad John Lewis is speaking. He’s a great American. (We stopped by the Lorraine Hotel the other day as we were driving out here to New England. It was raining. I still remember that day very clearly. I’m glad I had a chance to visit it. It is now the National Civil Rights Museum.)
How can you tell the difference?
Speaking of loathesome people, here’s a bit of schadenfreude if you dislike Joe Lieberman as much as I do.
Faux news just led off with: “150 years ago Barack Obama would have been somebody else’s property as a slave.” Then they spent the next 5 minutes mentioning that he’s “black”. That weird-eyed anchor who was saying this ended with “how can he possibly live up to those kind of expectations.” Damned with faint praise? A backhanded compliment? Or reminding everyone that whitey needs to watch out for darky?
Rep John Lewis had a nice line in his speech about MLK “we must march now, we must march like we have never marched before, we must march to the ballot boxes.”
Wow, now McCain realizes that something important happened today! I mean, he was a POW and all, so he didn’t know who Martin Luther King was.
John, I just donated $ 20. It’s so you can improve your server. I think you need a fund-raiser.
Christ, how many times do we have to fall for this. Ask McAddled if he’s so high road, why’s he questioning Obama’s patriotism? Why’s he associating with the same assholes who told South Carolina he had a black child out of wedlock.
You mean Brit Hume? Well, anyway with that logic I guess we’ll never have a black president. And the more time passes since slavery, the likelihood will keep going further down.
And is FoxNews indicating that they think their audience is mostly southern? There are plenty of places in the country that haven’t seen slavery in quite a bit longer than 150 years. It was the holdouts that needed an ass-kicking to end the practice.
Rome Again
C-Span is your friend, John.
I flipped over to MSNBC from CSPAN for 1 minute and that was enough. Bleh! Back to actually watching the convention. It is a bit on the boring side right now but still better than listening to those putzy pundits.
Those of you watching MSNBC, I’m impressed by your fortitude.
John Cole
FFS- no one is falling for anything. Cripes, we even predicted McCain would do this.
what dmsilev said.
this is pandering to the media.
now, when Obama or whoever is mean to poor dear sweet Johhny McBBQ, everybody will say “oh, but he’s so honorable and plain spoken ! BE NICE TO HIM!!!!!!!!”
fuck that old wizened douchebag.
Fortitude? I can’t stay away from the powder keg that is the Matthews-Olbermann professional relationship. Not to mention the Maddow-Buchanan one. Poor Gene Robinson has to sit there and feel awkward every time a tiff breaks out.
Jim F.
http://www.demconvention.com is doing a nice live feed too.
Rome Again
Well, since the Aztec calendar says most of the world is supposed to die on 12/23/2012, this is the last chance… and sorry Hillary, but, you had your chance.
John S.
Johnny McCain likes to get too dirty to be a nice, clean douchebag.
I think ‘fuck that old wizened douchenozzle‘ is more appropriate.
Granted, the powder keg does make it very tempting. The only problem is they seem to have the interesting tiffs when something is actually occurring at the convention I want to hear. I’ll just have to settle for Youtube or Daily Showto show the fun stuff later.
McCain just wanted to get his face on TV. This is the ad equivalent of being the dumb kid at the back of the class that no one is paying attention to, so he drops a few million in political ad money to get his face plastered on all the buses in case people forgot he was still standing around.
Happened all the time in middle school.
Intrade has Pawlenty trading at 53.6, up 29.4 since closing. Mitt is down 14 to 31. Looks like the Governor of Minn. it is…
True. But the best one so far was the Scarborough-Shuster tiff. Joe gets angry enough to bring in ‘manager’s office’ issues out on the air (“three times you slept through your alarm clock and didn’t come on my show!!”). Hilarious.
I wonder if Crist will wait until after the election to cancel his wedding. I think it’s supposed to be in December, so that gives him some time.
Rome Again
Yes We Can!
I love it. :)
If the only benefit of taking this thing to mile high ends up being getting rid of that damn band, i am willing to put up with accusations of hubris.
This is sad, pathetic.
A proud old war hero showing us the way he could have run an election campaign had he not been a Republican and in bed with Rove, etal. The sooner America deposits that slimy party in the dustbin of history the better for US and the World.
Fixed. Even that site is wrong. The Mayan Calendar is what predicts the end of the world in 2012. THe History CHannel re-runs the special all the time.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
This phone stuff is awesome!
would a colostomy bag be more appropriate?
What is up with the lighting in that ad? McCain looks like Col. Kurtz. I half expect him to start talking about snails crawling on straight razors.
The text messaging map is cool.
That Obama campaign knows what it’s doing. /newsflash
Hawaii outlawed slavery in 1852, and there’s no evidence Africans were ever imported there.
I will predict right now that TPaw will be a total douchebag of a VP candidate.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Sheryl Crow = Teh Hotness
Laura W
I am so not a Crow fan.
I like to be able to understand the words to songs.
(God. I sound just like my dad 40 years ago.)
I am sorry I missed Melissa last night. She has 8x the talent Crow does, IMO.
crowsdays till Scarborough finally gets his repulsive ass fired.I heart C-Span
Rome Again
Oops! ::blushes and then laughs hysterically::
“Hey, I’m human, I make mistakes sometimes”.
Matthews and Olbermann just did a great bit of snark about McCain not being able to fill up his venue tomorrow for the VP announce.
I do think the set is a bit over the top, but it reminds me of the old question you ask in a job interview: Can you see me doing this job?
He’s just getting folks comfortable with the image of him acting as President. Maybe evoking the success of the European trip.
Or maybe I’m over-thinking it?
No problemo hon, you know I got your back ;)
Mittens hasn’t had a chance since the McCain houses thing broke out.
You add your mobile number to Obama’s database. Later, they’ll probably text you and ask you to text people in your phone’s contact list and have them text that as well. Then come election day, you’ll be text-reminded to get your ass to the polls or something. This was how it was explained on NPR during the drive home anyway. They’re hoping to get as many people in the stadium as possible to text that, and hoping to make it as viral as possible. Supposedly part of their ground game plan in Colorado, which the Obama campaign sees as very high priority to win.
gil mann
I only know her singles, so I can’t really argue, but the Inconvenient Truth theme she won the Grammy for makes me want to mix recyclables with garbage.
Rome Again
If anyone hasn’t checked out this diary on Kos, you need to:
This is just awesome!
Maybe the McCain campaign could cop the idea if not the technology of Obama’s text messaging idea by giving out a phone number for everyone to call to hear a pre-recorded message naming the VP pick. ;)
Hell, it’s like the Clintons. Just when I doubt their abilities they show me why they got so far in this profession.
What map do you speak of? I am in between cell phones, and am enjoying every day of it.
Rome Again
Yes, thank you. That was freaking hilarious though.
Laura W
I hope MICHAEL McDONALD sings at least THREE songs like S. Crow!
In the pantheon of male musicians I lust for, he’d be, um…number one?
I’m going back to Daily Show and Colbert from last night till Sheryl’s done.
How funny was Stewart on the MSNBC potato head drama? I loved that he highlighted Blow Joe’s pathetic “style”. I think the only person I’ve not seen Joe go off on is Chuckie T. Keep makin’ friends, Joe. We all just keep emailing and phoning your bosses every time you bully your peers. Er, co-workers.
Laura W
I can’t really argue that.
gil mann
Oh, God, really? Really? C’mon. This is like that nonsense about “SEX” being spelled out in Farrah Fawcett’s hair. Subliminal advertising got debunked forever ago.
And 76% of DailyKos respondents think it was intentional. I wonder how many of ’em made fun of Ann Althouse for finding “NIG” in the 3am phone call ad.
Okay, I have CSpan up and MSNBC in my Picture-in-Picture so I can switch back easily and see what is occurring. This is because Ted is an evil influence on me.
They are showing Gov. Kaine’s speech and I can see that CSpan has a more significant lag in their live broadcast. Weird.
t jasper parnell
Has anyone else dropped by K-lo’s House of Crazy? I wonder if all those there posting have any idea how petty, irrational, and generally dopey they sound.
they get paid either way. so, i bet they don’t even bother to pay attention.
bears are losing… surprise, suprise.
wonder if they can shoot the moon?
Which is really a damn shame, when you think about it.
gil mann
Laura, if you dig Etheridge[sic, I’m sure], try to find a clip of her on NPR’s “Wait Wait.” She was adorable.
I’d hunt it down for you, but I’m sure that by the time I found it WordPress would be back in thwart mode.
On the huge screen at the stadium they had a US map with stars flashing over each state as text messages came in (or so it was explained).
There’s no ME like bald-from-chemo ME rocking Joplin at the 2005 Grammys.
Jon H
62262 = 6 222 6 = 6 6 6
OMG! That’s so metal!
Did John McCain actually air this “ad” in any market? I’m thinking that most of the stuff he’s putting out these days aren’t actually aired on radio, TV, or paid advertisements on the internet. Instead, he releases it to the media and lets them air it for free and run endless segments about how Obama …(insert McCain talking point here)….
He shouldn’t get any credit for running a positive ad if he didn’t actually spend any money to put it out on the airwaves or on the net.
Go Richardson!
“John McCain may pay several hundred dollars for his shoes, but we’re the ones who’ll pay for his flip-flops.”-Richardson
About the texting thing, a reporter was up in the “nose bleed” section of the stadium and the two guys up there said they had been texting their friends all day about the campaign. It seems to me that Obama (and his team of course) have got this whole technology thing nailed. Time and time again this evening MSNBC have said this is not just an acceptance speech, it is a campaign exercise in snagging volunteers, every one of those people in the stands (other than the delegates) “pledged” 6 hours of volunteer time as well as providing their cell phone numbers, they volunteered for phone banking, etc. I am continually amazed at how damn smart this campaign is. I mean really. I see it every day at my office, at 4:30 or so the volunteers start wandering in to start making phone calls, the volunteers are out in neighborhoods registering voters like you would not believe coming back to the office with completed voter registration forms every day, I mean really every damn day. On the other side of the coin, haven’t seen a sign of the McCain camp. NC is going blue this year.
Did you get that from a puma site? Be honest now.
The Moar You Know
erm, no, although I am unable to seperate my reaction to her horse-like visage from my reaction to her utter and total lack of ability to sing, play guitar, or write songs.
If you really want some insight into how Sheryl got big, google “Kevin Gilbert” and read the story about she literally rode him to success and fucked over the “Tuesday Night Music Club” folks in the process. She is not a nice person, to say the least.
The howl in the last verse she did then. Gave me shivers.
Indeed. That was historic. It is one of my top two favourite awards-show performances — the other being k.d. lang’s version of “Hallelujah” at the Juno Awards last year. (If you haven’t seen it, watch it — and prepare for goosebumps.)
I was tuning in and out during the last couple of speakers, but Richardson was excellent. And excelente, as well.
null pointer exception
fuck. I have to read all 83 comments :(
Laura W
I get chills thinking about that performance.
And even before her cancer, she did those truly awesome Lifetime benefit concerts for breast cancer, Women Who Rock or Girls on Guitars or Chicks Who Flick (+3, sorry)…with the Wilson Sisters, and Lauper and Crow, et al. Those are some amazing shows. I have them packed away on VHS somewhere.
When the opening chords of Barracuda start up to begin one of those shows…my head explodes. (It is Barracuda, right?) I need to pace myself with the Ketel One here. I’m SO sleep deprived from all of this late night non-excitement.
Off to find ME on NPR…
Richardson brought it, there. Watching Kaine, on the other hand, I was glad he didn’t get the VP nod, because we’ve already got more Christianity in this election than the whole “no establishment of religion” thing suggests is appropriate.
Well at least during the down time most of the people bopping and swaying and waving flags to the music are gifted at keeping in time with the music. I don’t think republicans will fare as well in that department.
Jon H
Litlebritdifrnt wrote: ” I am continually amazed at how damn smart this campaign is.”
I received an email from the Obama campaign a while back, in which they were trying to recruit programmers for a campaign website project. I don’t know, but I suspect they got the information from my FEC-required ‘occupation’ information provided with my contributions.
That’s pretty damn sharp.
Incertus wrote: “Did you get that from a puma site? Be honest now.”
Nah, I noticed it and it amused me. ;^)
Krista: THANK. YOU.
Loved Bill Richardson kicking all kinds of ass in two languages. The speeches started out slowly this week, but have really hit on all cylinders the last couple of nights.
Hey, Take 6! I haven’t seen them in years. Awesome. Hi Stevie!
I’m actually pretty impressed with the pacing of this, considering the big space they’re filling. The balance of speakers, film and music is good and I’m not noticing any technical glitches. :::knock on wood:::
Damn, I really want Mormon Mitty.
Multiple ChoiceAll of the Above Mitt just writes the comedy himself.But the Boys of RedState too seem fairly confident Pawlenty is it. Don’t know much about him, but he looks really boring.
Laura W
U R My Hero
t jasper parnell
I predict that Obama, among all manner of calls for Red and Blue to come together, hammers the current Admin and McCain as dangerous, out-of-touch extremists. I also like the Curtis Mayfield.
KD Lang could talk me into a sex change operation with the way she sings.
As always, Stevie brings the chills, and yes, it was fantastic to see Take 6 up there as well. Just as smooth just as beautiful as always.
Plus, anytime I get to see Gene “Gravy throat” Robinson and Maddow chair dance together I’m a happy man.
Yeah, a while back I got an email from the campaign specifically asking lawyers and paralegals to sign up to help with voter protection efforts. They’re tapping into the skills of their supporters. Very cool.
I very much approve of the entry music for Al Gore.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Al Gore is in da hiz-ouse!
Conservatively Liberal
I heard Stevie Wonder playing and I had to go look to see if it really was him or Memorex. Damn he has an excellent voice, and it sounded like a studio recording rather than live.
Al is up and running! Go Al!
Jon H
I hope Obama enters to the sound of ‘Shaft’.
Ryan S.
The music is light years better tonight than last at least.
Rome Again
[666 – this is not correct numerology method]
OBAMA texted is 6+2+2+6+2 ~~> 18 (1+8) ~~> 9
BARACK is: 227225 ~~> 2+2+7+2+2+5 ~~> 20 (2+0) ~~> 2
HUSSEIN is: 4877346 ~~> 4+8+7+7+3+4+6 ~~> 39 (3+9) ~~> 12 (1+2) ~~> 3
TOTAL NAME VALUE: 9+2+3 ~~> 14 (1+4) ~~> 5
Tell me, is anyone here more concerned about the number 62262 incorrectly calculated in numerology as 666 or are any of you more skittish of a man named Son of Cain ~~> (Mc – son of) Cain?
Stevie Wonder is awesome. Not many artists hold up so well over so many musical styles as him.
I like the stadium. I think the sentiment behind it is right on the money – mainly because I generally can’t stand the Democratic Party (I can’t stand the Republican Party more). But if Obama can shift the sense that he is the establishment candidate and that this is an election for the benefit of the Democratic Party to the sense that he is the candidate of the people and this is an election for the benefit of the people, then he will win over MILLIONS of voters. More than the Red/Blue split, the biggest voting bloc are the voters that are just fed up with self-serving politicians and political parties. Every effort he makes to open up this election to all voters will pay off. This is just one of those efforts.
Conservatively Liberal
Nail it Al! I love that line.
Jon H
“[666 – this is not correct numerology method]”
Also, all numerology methods are made of fail.
null pointer exception
Al needs to slow down a bit.
Al is not my favorite.
‘Bout fuckin’ time somebody made the Lincoln connection. WTF took ’em so long.
The Moar You Know
That’s a first. Interweb heroism. I’ll take it :)
Don’t like her now? Read this and find some reasons to loathe her.
I’ve been wondering, who will be the musical acts at the Republican convention?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I hope Barack Obama enters on a white horse to the groove tracks of Barry White’s Love Beware while women dressed as flamingos do an interpretive dance of my life’s journey.
gil mann
I like how they played him off with “Let the Sunshine In” in reference to the fact that he was among the first to warn humanity about the hole in the ozone layer.
That or somebody just liked The 40-Year-Old Virgin.
The Thinking Man's Mel Torme
Holy hell, Florida is going berserk with the text messages. I may have to rethink my home-town pessimism. I don’t really understand the concern about education though, considering how our economy is in the crapper.
Laura W
Just made the mistake of turning to Fox News. Hannity and Colmes was on with the loathsome Dick Morris. What a fat slimy toad that fuck is! No wonder he had to hire hookers. Who would fuck him?
Stevie is great! (I’m on DVR delay.)
gil mann
I can’t believe this is the only link I can come up with, but apparently this guy’s been pretty much erased from everything except my memory.
J. Michael Neal
I dunno, guys. Chris Matthews is delivering Obama’s speech for him. This is almost creepy.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
“I want a President who puts Barney Smith in front of Smith-Barney.”
Folks, you know what to do – time to examine Barney Smith’s countertops.
Tell me where to send the donation to make this happen!
I suppose Bruce has no objection to this team using Born In The USA.
I heard Rage Against the Machine was going to play.
Uh… but not actually at the RNC site, for some reason.
I heard Rage Against the Machine was going to play.
Uh… but not actually at the RNC site, for some reason.
Michael D.
I see the word “CHANG” Is McCain trying to associate Obama with Chinese people???
Rawstory is a pretty good site, but they’re partisan to a fault and look for anything to turn into a MAJOR concern.
John — this is how to resolve the Steelers-Obama dilemna (via the Post-Gazette)
All around them at Homewood Coliseum were hundreds of equally thrilled Obama supporters, who watched the Steelers’ preseason game on two big screen TVs while they waited for Mr. Obama to take the stage.
They chanted his name during commercial breaks. Some pinned Obama paraphernalia to Steelers jerseys. Others sported T-shirts silk-screened with the candidate’s face. Campaigners registered voters and doled out signs for the crowd to wave when Mr. Obama finally took the podium hundreds of miles west, at Denver’s Invesco Field.
The Homewood rally was expected to draw at least 1,000 people, organizers said, and was one of some 200 organized parties that Obama supporters were holding in bars, restaurants, homes, college campuses and convention centers across the state.