1.) Ta-Nehisi is right- this whole pick is just bait. Speaking of mooseburgers, I have no idea what they taste like, but I just went grocery shopping to pick up some stuff to grill for the holiday, and the price of beef is now so prohibitive that buffalo meat is competitive. Why buy beef when you can eat the better tasting and leaner bison for just a slight bit more? I should probably check the farmers market to see how much locally raised beef is selling for now.
2.) Jindal is on CNN doing a briefing, and say what you will about his bizarre beliefs, he seems far more competent than the folks from Louisiana during Katrina.
3.) I think this is a very valid concern:
What’s our job when they become parodies themselves? I mean, that durn McCain campaign, doing all the work so there’s nothing left for tne snarky bloggers.
4.) New game. Find your favorite silly talking point. Right now it is a toss up between “She has more executive experience” and “She knows foreign affairs because she lives next to Russia.”
5.) As far as Palin goes, while I remain flabbergasted that he picked her, I really don’t think Democrats need to attack her. First, that is what they want, to turn her into a victim and a rallying cry (FFS people, read Nixonland already). Second, the more I look into what there is known about her, there really is no need to attack her. Just give her a microphone and let her go, and I am sure hilarity will soon ensue. Sooner or later, some enterprising journalist is going to ask her the difference between Sunni and Shia, or something else, and Joe Lieberman won’t be there to whisper in her ear.
Consider this an open thread. I will add to it as things pop into my little head.
As Rush says,
Palin = Guns, babies, Jesus.
I don’t know, John, a good hamburger kicks the crap out of a good bison burger. The key is to find ground beef with at least 30% fat content. It’s bad for you, but hot damn does that make a fine burger. Lean meat just doesn’t cut it for burgers.
Not that she’s clinging to any of those, of course.
Blue Buddha
…and probably a far more qualified choice for VP if McCain was trying to “play to the base”.
Totally agree. She would look like such a clown next to Biden in the VP debates (assuming she doesn’t “fall on her sword” before then).
Or someone is going to ask her how long she thinks a woman who has an abortion should go to prison for.
Or is going to ask her if insurance companies should cover birth control.
Ideology aside, Jindel could for sure be competent. Would he? Unfortunately, bad ideology trumps competence. That makes me sad. I wish it wasn’t true. But it is what it is.
t jasper parnell
Here is an interesting discussion of Palin’s faith/creed/confession.
check the farmers market to see how much locally raised beef is selling for now
Not cheap, but it’s far better than the tasteless stuff you can get at the Giant Eagle. Even better are the pork products available there: bacon that doesn’t disappear when you cook it, well-spiced sausage, and smoked pork chops (among others).
Ella in NM
Maybe so, in a normal world. But, in the Orwellian Bizarro World I see on TV lately, I bet hard, cold cash the journalist types will be too “polite” to be caught asking her the hard questions. “Gee, why bully the poor thing? It’s not her fault McCain picked her!”
My biggest fear about all this is that the media, in it’s ever increasing gutless “fair and balanced” derangement syndrome, will work to help create the illusion that she’s just as competent as Obama, simply by not embarrassing her with pesky questions.
And the “folks” won’t even know the difference.
Bigger fear? That this choice is a decoy for some evil plan we all haven’t stumbled upon yet because we’re still watching the shiny objects sparkle.
Just posting this musical video of McCain because it’s so damned funny.
Dennis - SGMM
Seems to me that the Obama campaign would be best served by simply ignoring Palin. She truly doesn’t belong on a national ticket and ignoring her seems to be the best way to reinforce that. Any responses or attacks would be a tacit admission that she has the stature to be considered as VP.
John H. Farr
Here in northern New Mexico, my wife and I have been eating buffalo for years. I agree about the better-tasting good ol’ greasy cow meat, but buffalo seems more moral, somehow. No stinking feedlots with cattle standing in their own shit, for one thing. And hell, buffalo are native to the continent! Buffalo burgers work great if you add cheese and butter or even add some chopped uncooked bacon to the meat before cooking (highly recommended). Cook it fiery hot and for hardly any time at all.
As for whats-her-name (and I vow to never spell it out again), I think John is right. Don’t attack, just let her have the microphone and let the show begin. This either works out or it doesn’t, and if the country is so stupid as to allow the inconceivable, then what in Zoroaster’s name am I doing wasting time commenting on a blog?
wasabi gasp
I’m a proctologist because I live next to an asshole.
Warren Terra
RE the tagline: Palin was retroactively against the Bridge To Nowhere, but is still for the Road To Nowhere.
See TPM’s coverage of an Anchorage Daily News story for explanation.
Slightly OT: the New York Times is now reporting that Bush and Cheney have cancelled their convention speeches, and I saw someplace (incredibly) that McCain might do his from the Gulf Coast.
I agree there’s no need to attack her.
I think the best thing is for Obama to continue to make the same case for himself and against McCain, and let the media deal with Palin. The stories coming out now – that McCain chose her on a whim when he was told he couldn’t choose Holy Joe, that he met with her ONCE and his campaign did almost zero vetting, her complete lack of any real experience, and her own lying in the Toopergate will soon negate any advantages she might have brought.
Meanwhile, a lot of women (including my wife) find the choice insulting – obviously pandering and assuming they’ll vote for anyone with the same plumbing.
BTW,Mooseburgers taste a lot like Venisonburgers.
Okay, that might not help. Think of very lean beef with a slightly gamey flavor. They’re good, but you have to be sure not to overcook them.
Moose is a little too gamey for my tastes, but buffalo on the other hand, has been my red meet for a couple of years.
Splitting Image
The more I think about it, the more I think Palin may have been a good pick for McCain but a complete disaster for the Republicans as a whole.
The Republicans are split into three groups right now: the super-rich, the evangelicals, and the libertarians. McCain is as much a stooge of the super-rich as Bush was, but he can’t unite the other two groups the way Bush did. Palin is a bible-thumper and a corporate whistle-blower, so she has street cred with the other two. McCain’s donor base seems to have expanded significantly because of her. So in that sense she’s good.
But I also get the sense that they’ve given up a major asset to try to keep McCain’s ship afloat. Palin makes more sense as a presidential candidate for 2012 than a VP candidate today. In four years, she would have had six years of tenure, she would still have been a fresh face and had credibility with two thirds of the base, and Cheney or Rove would have had the time to make her an offer on behalf of the rest. As long as she didn’t seem to be repeating them, the scandals that are dogging her now would be dismissed as rookie mistakes. In 2012, she would suddenly have emerged with a $300 war chest, funded by the same “concerned citizens” who funded Bush in 2000, and she would have launched a run against Barack O’Carter. Presto. Eight more years of pigs at the trough.
Now they won’t be able to do that. She’s running alongside one of the most corrupt politicians in the country and by November she’s going to be completely tied to the “old guard”. No more points for “fighting the system” after this. Plus she’ll be a loser, unless they somehow pull off an upset. In the midst of corruption, she was a clean-looking Republican, and in the midst of losses everywhere in the country, she was a Republican holding her own. It looks to me that they’ve wasted a potentially valuable political property.
she makes Obama look like the elder statesman. the only compelling argument the republicans had has now been rendered futile. When Hillary starts stomping for Obama the contrast between her and Palin would be palpable. I’m struggling to see how she helps McCain with Independents or even disgruntled Hillary supporters. this is the political equivalent of Russian roulette.
It probably helps that he’s got a federal government that’s on his side, while Blanco had an openly hostile one. Plus, I don’t recall much coverage of the pre-Katrina preparations during the actual pre-Katrina period. Of course, I was coming out of the Florida version of Katrina, so I could have easily missed something.
John Cole:
But I can’t resist making fun of her. She’s just so mockable, and such an easy target, and I am: weak.
Notorious P.A.T.
Kind of like in 2000, when some enterprising journalist asked Bush if he could name a world leader, and he smugly shot back “can you?!?” thus revealing him to be a fraud and ending his presidential hopes.
Dennis - SGMM
It was after McCain found himself “holding his own” at the thought of her that he offered her the VP spot.
John O
She’ll be ready for the Sunni-Shia question, if it doesn’t come with any detailed follow-up questions.
Does anyone not thing she’s sequestered away doing her GOP talking point homework as we speak?
Oh, and on the political question, just leave her alone, and hope Biden can restrain himself. He doesn’t suffer fools easily, which in my mind is great because I don’t either.
She’ll prove herself to be unqualified soon enough, without any help. IF the media does their job.
OK, I take that back.
D. Mason
I think the Obama campaign can skip attacking her because the republicans will do it for them. After the realities of the situation start to sink in at the convention I think we will see a deep divide among the McCain loving republicans and the Palin loving republicans that sit in opposite camps. McCain/Palin is a marriage of convenience that’s starting to fray before the ink on the pre-nup has dried.
Notorious P.A.T.
Do people really think the media is going to do that? Really?!?!?
On a separate note, I’m a prince whose family fortune is currently locked away. If you send me your life’s savings I can use it to regain our ancestral riches, and you will be paid back tenfold.
Tim (The Other One)
I agree, don’t even acknowledge her presence on the ticket though I can imagine Biden (when he heard the news) thinking:
“oh man,I can’t wait !”
He’ll have to be cool, but that debate should be wonderful.
Well, the conservatives are starting to sort this out for themselves:
John, you may not think that this is a valid issue to decide an election over, but clearly other people do. This isn’t about smearing her or attacking her over something that shouldn’t matter, but pointing out an issue that you *know* her supporters would base their vote on and making sure that they are aware of it. It looks like a shitty thing to bring up to us, because we really don’t give a shit about that kind of thing – but a good 20% or so of the GOP base pretty much ONLY care about that kind of thing.
You don’t frame your opposition message around things that your supporters care about, you frame it around things that *his* supporters care about. This whole thing about the baby matters because it matters to them. And to them they see it as a sign not just that Palin isn’t one of them, but also that McCain isn’t one of them. The whole prairie muffin community that they had expected to gain can easily be pushed off here. This is their GOTV crowd and if they can get be turned off of McCain, that’ll never happen.
Not only is Alaska close to Russia, its also super close to Canada! That’s two foreign countries. And not only is it close to Canada and Russia, its closer to Canada and Russia than it is to the rest of the United States, which I think makes the US even more foreign than Russia or something.
Hey, congrats on the server fixes. No problems at all now.
The Dem’s shouldn’t attack her. Read Nixonland and how the GOP loves to bait an attack, feign the victim, then attack back with the higher morality of victimhood.
Since this is an open thread, check out this quote from Diane Irey, a Republican county commissioner in Pennsylvania who challenged Murtha for his seat last cycle:
Now, whose supporters look at him as the messiah, again?
I think it’s a mistake to bring up because the decisions we make inside our families and the decisions we make when we’re in charge of something come from two different places. Otherwise reasonable people make decisions about their families or their behavior inside those relationships that seem insane to lots of people, but that doesn’t always translate into executive decisions. I compare this sort of thing to the Duggar family, as well as Bill and Hillary Clinton. Trying to understand why people make the calls they do about their families is pointless–that’s why we need to focus on what they’ve done in government in the past when making decisions. Because our prediction ability is generally pretty shitty if we’re using our imaginations.
Dennis - SGMM
It’s also closer to Japan than it is to Washington D.C. Therefore, Palin has more foreign policy experience than anyone in government.
Wouldn’t that make you a prick?
The critical vetting question was, “How tall are you?”
Dennis - SGMM
I thought it was “What’s your sign?”
wasabi gasp
Has any other president ever been elected after withdrawing their fist VP pick due to brainfartin’ stupidity? If not, it sure seems like the time could be ripe in America for McCain to make this completely different kind of history.
I think a simple question about the “conflict in Georgia” will be enough to sink her. I can pretty much guarantee that she’ll suggest that “we’re all Americans” and need to get along.
Buffalo occasionally shows up at the local market. I tried it a couple of times, but the results were disappointing. Buffalo is so lean that it seems to go from raw to tough with no intermediate stage. So, what’s the secret? Is it preparation? Special cuts (although buffalo in my market is so exotic, the cut isn’t even marked)?
Yep, cuz them there rednecks all think pregnant women should be barefoot and in the kitchen.
Why don’t you try finding out what they think before speaking for them.
BTW – Be careful with terms like “prairie muffin community” People will think you are an elitist.
I wonder what Cokie Roberts thinks about Alaska.
John McCain is 5’7″.
Mitt Romney is 6’2″ and Tim Pawlenty is 6’0″, genetics killed their chances when they were born.
Lieberman is 5’9″, but then he’s not a real republican (yet).
So McCain had to pick a woman.
Dennis - SGMM
It just might be that Palin is being positioned for a run in 2012. I’d imagine that the Republicans will work overtime to hang the mess that Bush left around Obama’s neck and then run Palin as the savior candidate in the next go-round.
Once again I think we are overestimating the competence of the journalists out there and the intelligence of the electorate.
First, she is a terrible pick, horribly unqualified to be President (and therefore VP) if qualifications mean anything in a President. The conservatives have now made it clear that ideology is the ONLY qualification for higher office. They really are making fools of themselves and forfeiting any right to serious argument.
Nonetheless, I think John is missing how this will play out. She was a communications major, she can handle herself in front of a camera and at rallies. The McCain campaign will not allow her to be questioned by other than friendly journalists (expect appearances with Rush and Sean, but no pressers). There is a VP debate, but just one, and that works to her disadvantage. Biden has to lay back, otherwise he will be seen as mean and misogynist. She will give rote answers to questions using simple conservative themes. She may come off as a bit of a lightweight, but in just one debate she can keep any of that minimized. There will be no major scrutiny of her by the mainstream media. All the while McCain will play up her reformer credentials.
Troopergate may be a problem, but don’t be the least bit surprised if the investigation is delayed for fear of any appearance of it being political (plus there is zero chance of her agreeing to be deposed during the campaign – zero chance). The audio of her laughing while the State Senate President is called a bitch and a cancer (while being a cancer survivor) has greater potential of causing her problems, but again, my guess is that the MSM simply punts on the whole thing.
ronathan richardson
Jindal/Palin 2012 is what some of my winger friends are cheering.
BTW, the moment I’m waiting for in the VP debate is “Governor Palin, what is your opinion of Senator Biden’s federalist solution to political struggles in Iraq? What would you do if Kurdistan uses oil revenue money to initiate attacks on the Turkish border?”
Of course, she’ll get to “learn national security at the foot of the master”, and while shouting “I LIVED IN A CAGE YOU FUCKERS” won’t work in the debate, I’m sure she’ll cook up some version of it. What do we think it will be?
FWIW, the Obama campaign decided to pretty much ignore her in their first national ad after the pick. The ad makes the point that nothing about McCain’s platform has changed, and suggests that his real running mate is Bush.
It’s effective. I don’t think they went for the bait or the distraction.
No – they’ve got Petraeus waiting in the wings for that. He’ll be the 2012 Republican nominee if Obama wins. Bank on it.
Tony J
From the talking points they were spouting immediately following McCain’s announcement it looks like the wingnuts are banking on the MSM to frame the VP Debates as “a problem for Biden” because he won’t be able (read: allowed) to attack Palin without looking like a bully, so the Palin pick is “good for John McCain, and bad for Barack Obama” because it turns Biden’s attack-dog instincts into a weakness.
Once they’ve set the frame, the MSM will wait for Biden to either play their game and try to go easy on her in the debates – in which case Biden will be depicted as a “muzzled old dog” who somehow couldn’t present a strong enough case despite his opponent’s obvious inexperience, and Palin will be declared the winner by default, or he’ll reject their expectations and savage her on live TV, in which case Biden will be depicted as a partisan brute who may well have turned off a large swathe of female and religious voters by showing disrespect for a candidate many of them see as “one of them”, and Palin will be declaed the winner by default.
Will the MSM play along?
Bear – Woods – what comes next?
Oops, I meant one debate works to Palin’s advantage not disadvantage.
But the answer to this is blindingly obvious: Biden just ignores Palin entirely and uses the VP debate to attack McCain.
It’s what usually happens in VP debates anyway, so I can’t imagine it’ll be any different this time. It’d be a tremendous mistake for him to do anything else.
Exactly right re: ignoring her.
Joe Biden needs to smash Cheney over and over, and ignore her presence. No need to run against her at all, much less debate her.
She is emminently ignorable.
Dennis - SGMM
The MSM will concentrate on her “success story,” her maternal instincts, her mavericky nature, her recipe for mooseburgers, anything other than her complete lack of qualifications and experience for high office. Watch as the MSM falls in love and gins up a narrative that portrays her as a combination of Annie Oakley and Joan of Arc.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
On further thought, I’m not sure if we’re underestimating the campaigning skills of someone who did beat the Murkowski dynasty. That wasn’t any small feat, even if ol’ Frank was neck deep in corruption.
The same people who don’t already know you’re a Republican ratfucker?
I live close to Nevada, does that give me enough foreign policy experience to be vice president?
Whenever I hear the Alaskan Proximity talking-point, I can’t help but think of that “Finland” song from Monty Python. “You’re so near to Russia/So far from Japan/Quite a long way from Cairo/Lots of miles from Vietnam….”
Hey waitaminit. That song was sung by Michael…PALIN! I feel a new protracted conspiracy brewing here…
The Moar You Know
Who are you voting for, MyIQ?
Simple question, you have only two choices:
McCain or Obama?
I’ve been enjoying the way the Republicans are building Palin up. If I take their talking points as fact, here’s the picture that emerges:
John McCain –
1. Shot down by the VC.
2. Held prisoner.
3. Wife handles the family finances.
4. Looks every year of his 73 with a few added on.
5. Maverick.
Sarah Palin-
1. Military commander.
2. Expert on international relations.
3. Shoots large things.
4. Performs executive duties.
5. Economic experience (managing household affairs).
6. Looks really good after 44 years and five children.
7. Maverick.
Yeah. Keep up the good work guys. Then explain to the raging PUMAs why she isn’t good enough to be President. Le Rooooaaar!
Don’t … look … at … the … glasses!
Of course he is. He’s a Republican. They were Democrats.
Incertus, I think you’re missing Martin’s point.
Whether or not we think it’s a mistake to bring up family decisions, the target audience for this criticism of Palin is the same audience that supported government intervention in the Schiavo case.
Clearly, they feel intrusion into private family matters is fair political fodder.
I forgot:
McCain – Washington insider.
Palin – As far outside Washington as you can get.
Palin/McPOW 2008.
Look, Troopergate is not the point. Everyone gets distracted because it involves a vendetta against her alledgedly abusive ex-brother-in-law. This is a woman who has been abusing political office since she was mayor of a town of 8000. The name I’d like to see everyone use is Sarah “no power to small to abuse” Palin.
Edge of the American West has some posts with newspaper quotes from 1997:
Upon taking office as mayor – asked all managers to resign as a sign of loyalty to her (and trust that she’d retire them) and required staff to have her approval before speaking to the press.
Specifically wanted to fire the police chief, librarian, public works director, and finance director because of their support for her opponent.
Gave as an explanation, “You know in your heart when someone is supportive of you.”
Again, this was as a MAYOR of a tiny little town.
Tony J
In which case the MSM call the debates for Palin on the grounds that Biden didn’t show her enough respect, and seemed strangely unwilling to debate his opponent on the issue, instead choosing to rely on scripted partisan diatribes on yesterday’s issues, and attacks on people who aren’t even up for election this year, thus undermining the Obama campaign’s promise of change and a new politics, etc, etc.
But what do I know? It’s the last day of my holiday and I’m clearly too depressed to post anything but morose augeries about how shitty the MSM is going to be over the next few months.
McCain has a BBQ for Palin
JGabriel wrote,
Damn straight.
This—including Palin—is the crowd that thinks parents should be given almost complete control over whether a minor daughter gets an abortion.
If indeed it’s true that the baby is Palin’s daughter’s, not Palin’s, then it raises questions regarding the intent behind and wisdom of that view.
Whether it’s wise tactics on the Democrats’ part to raise these issues in the middle of a presidential campaign is another matter.
D0n Camillo
Compare McCain’s choice of VP with Reagan, the present holder of the record for oldest person ever to assume the office of President. While I was never a fan of George HW Bush, I never had any doubt that he was perfectly qualified to take over in the event that Reagan died, which very nearly happened when Reagan got shot.
I’m no fan of Biden and was happy to see him lose the nomination fight early. Still, I would have no problem seeing him take over if something were to happen to Obama. Governor Palin? I don’t think so.
Notorious P.A.T.
Exactly which party do you want to win in November?
Robert M.
The foreign-policy talking point is dumber by far. It’s over 4,000 miles from Juneau, the capital of Alaska, to Moscow. It’s over a thousand miles just to get from Juneau to the western coast of AK.
She’s a joke.
People, you are all talking way too much about Sarah Palin.
Again: She’s a distraction. The target is McCain. From now until November 4th.
Sarah Palin is not John McCain’s running mate.
George W. Bush is John McCain’s running mate.
Don’t let McCain pretend otherwise.
Correction: They think intrusion into other people’s private family/personal lives is fair game.
Don’t forget the mantra “IOKIYAR” and that every member of the TalEvan thinks he has a Get out of Hell Free card straight from Jesus. And now that I think of it, that’s why Palin wouldn’t need to lie to cover for her daughter. Just say “We’re all sinners and Jesus has forgiven her,” then look affronted that anyone would dare to pry.
I bet you that if during the election Palin is confronted with something she did that is clearly illegal/immoral that will be her response. “I’ve sinned, I ask you to forgive me as Jesus has already done, so pppfffbtt!”
Look, all you meat eaters are doomed flavor-wise if you stick to the supermarkets. Vertical integration of meat production started with poultry in the 1960s, hogs in the 1980s, and now they’re getting serious about cattle. The breeding incentives in a vertically integrated system are all for ease of mechanized slaughter, leanness, and disease resistance. Nobody cares what it tastes like.
I was at an industry meeting in 2002 where the main pork guy told the crowd, “The future is in condiments.” That is, they know their “successful” breeding programs have left their product flavorless and unappealing, so they’ve got to get a foot in owning and marketing flavors that will be used to hide what they haven’t got.
Soylent Green
It’s not a sin, is it, for Real Americans to be devoutly wishing what they are wishing?
That is, for God to take John McCain into His heavenly kingdom soon after he takes office.
After all, God has already spared McCain’s life three times. First from the fire on the U.S.S. Forrestal, then when he was shot down on his 23rd mission of dropping bombs on godless communist women and children, and later from cancer. He has lived a full life, with many homes and hot blondes as his earthly reward. Let us pray.
Notorious P.A.T.
How many children should we have? What school should we send our children to? These are family decisions.
Flying from Alaska to Texas and back while 8 months pregnant is NOT. That is a horrible error in judgment, just plain a stupid thing to do. It’s half a step below drunk driving. She deserves to be criticized for it. No doctor would advise in favor of that. Dumb dumb dumb.
I’m supporting Obama this time around, but if Jindal ever runs for President, he has my vote (crazy religious beliefs aside). Here’s a great story about him:
“Sunni vs. Shiite? Oo, I know that one from the menu at the sushi restaurant! Sunni is raw tuna, and Shiite is raw eel.”
Good God you are such a tool.
What makes you think I don’t know this community? Have you met my neighbors? I have.
I didn’t write the quoted piece – and it’s not an obscure person in the conservative evangelical community. You probably don’t know that, however.
‘prairie muffin’ isn’t my term. It’s theirs. And yes, I know people that proudly refer to themselves as prairie muffins. Hey, look at this website I just made up in the last 30 seconds, just for you!
These communities aren’t very well known because they tend to run in their own circles. We’ve got a family friend that runs in this community, but aside from us, she doesn’t interact outside the group as far as I’m aware. Not many rednecks here in socal either, so I don’t know where you got that from. They’re splendid people, but have a different point of view on things. I have no problem with that. I’m not disparaging them and it seems I have a lot more respect for them than you do. I never said barefoot and pregnant – you did, dickwad. Oh, and for a point of comparison, how long did you live in the anabaptist community? I did for 4 years. Don’t fucking lecture me.
So, how are you enjoying Hillary getting booed down at the Palin rallies? Everything falling into place for you?
Soylent Green
About beef and bison: if you’ve read “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” you know that grass-fed, free-range bison meat is healthier for you than the antibiotic and hormone laced meat from overfed, overstressed, unnaturally corn-fed cattle.
Or perhaps the buffalo ranchers are now using the same awful industrial methods, I wouldn’t know.
fyi, Whole Foods has a $10.00 coupon if you purchase $50.00s worth of meat, fish, chicken. Since I forgot my first coupon on my kitchen counter, customer service gave me another one. It goes on until tomorrow I think. Anyway today I forgot my coupon again and they gave me another coupon. I haven’t bought tenderloin in a long time but I did yesterday and today.
As if they need an incentive or even a strawman to start playing victim and faint all over the place. If they can’t find celebrity who bashes her mooseburger recipe they’ll find a quote from that nasty, nasty internet and if that doesn’t work there is always “some people say”.
Tim (The Other One)
What about the notion that they know they’re going to lose, so they trot out Palin to set the table for 2012 ? McCain just has to suck it up. Thoughts ?
Agreed. The internets is a wonderful thing. We can get grass fed, non-factory raised beef shipped through the tubes.
The new Republican Party..woohoo…creationism in schools and now we don’t have to worry about poluting our air because man is not causing global warming.
The morning talk shows really bummed me out, listening to Cokie and Maria and David all giving her praise for her strengths.
The problem with your theory is that we have no MSM to ask questions.
Eye-candyGov Palin is and will remain a zero. Ignoring her is more important than not since McInsane only can gain from any attacks, even if based on fact. The person that is running for president against Obama is McSame, a bushwhack clone who is, will be and remains the only person Obama or Biden need to attack. The air head creationist is a joke on Obama, American voters and any thinking person; hence, a perfect fit for McInsane’s base of religious loonies.LarryB
From the “Every dark cloud has a silver lining files”…
Maureen Dowd is pretty useless as a political commentator, her columns having veered off into Heathers country long ago with her non-stop cat-scratches against Hillary Clinton. Imagine Modo’s relief, now that HRC is out of it, when Sarah Palin showed up. It must have seemed little gift from heaven. Maureen Down really has only one column, but I must say, she writes it well. “Vice in Go-Go Boots“, indeedy.
The Republican convention becomes a subdued affair and the setting president and VP do not come because of a possible hurricane in NO. The convention is massively changed at the last minute because of the overwhelming clusterf**k of Katrina by a certain Republican president and new BFF of John McCain.
NR was correct. Whose yer Daddy, McCain? Certainly not Gov. Kiddy-litter.
zuzu's petals
I lived in Alaska when I was little. I know my dad hunted and we had moosemeat in the freezer…but sorry, no memory of any particular taste.
Blue Buddha
There’s one town in Alaska that’s part of the leg that stretches southward toward British Columbia. The only road in and out of the town goes through Canada. Therefore, if you ever want to go there or leave, you have to go through customs.
gil mann
I think you meant “stumping,” but I like this better.
zuzu's petals
I think most people would see it that way, but remember, McCain basically ignored Rick Warren’s questions, turned to the audience/cameras, and launched into his stump speech talking points. It was ludicrous, but guess what … the audience loved it.
I saw Arnold win a short-timeframe election by doing little except media blitz with tightly controlled talking points…and he “won” the single debate against far more qualified opponents by sticking to those talking points (granted, he had the questions beforehand).
Never underestimate the stupidity of the audience.
t jasper parnell
TPM is now reporting that the Republicans have sorta kinda maybe canceled their convention. This is weird. Also, Elk is very tasty as is moose.
Bubba Dave
Plus he has the advantage of knowing what happened the last time. I mean, we were better prepared for an airplane-hijacking-with-box-cutters on 9/12 than on 9/11, and it’s not because the people in charge on 9/12 were smarter than the people in charge a day ago; preparing for the unforeseen is ALWAYS harder than preparing for a repeat of a prior event.
I suggest that anyone who expects Palin to appear at a debate and appear to be a bubble-head is in for a rude surprise. Despite her “whacko” beliefs, she is apparently otherwise “articulate” on topics with which she is comfortable/conversant.
This video from CNBC is well worth a look-see. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, maybe?
L. Ron Obama
zuzu gets it. Under Schmidt, McCain’s campaign has clamped down on the maverick’s press appearances and limited his responses to five-word talking points. With Palin, they’ll do the same, probably with a bit more face time. No reason that won’t work.
Newsweek has an interesting article about beauty pageants and public speaking. http://www.newsweek.com/id/156275 She is a great speaker although she says little.
Palin is currently telling us that she’s a maverick because she said “No Thanks!” to Congress on the Bridge to Nowhere
She took the money though.
Maybe we can ask when she’s going to send it back.
I almost forgot about it, but a while ago there was a suggestion that McCain should pick this woman as his VP. Obviously since she’s not 35 he had to go with a former Miss Alaska runner up instead…
So what’s going to happen to gas prices once Gustav hits? Another jump of $1.00 like after Katrina?
w vincentz
I’ll say that mooseburgers are very good, but not as good as back steaks. Mine came from Quebec, so I’m not sure if it tastes like Alaskan. It tastes more like horse than deer. Just don’t leave it on the grill too long or all those red juices will go away.
Now, I’ve never eaten polar bear, but it seems that Gov Palin really doesn’t like them. Shucks, she was even scheduled to unveil the new Alaskan quarter at the state fair and opted for a grizzly over a polar. Guess her trip to Dayton, OH precluded her appearance. The photo at Huffpo showing her reclining on a dead grizzly kinda proves she doesn’t like them either.
Anyway, it will be interesting to see how the upcoming case wherein she is attempting to have polar bears listed not as “threatened”, nor “endangered”, so as to pave the way for environmental degradation via drilling and mining interests, comes out. The case is “American Petroleum Institute, etal v. Kempthorne etal.
Now, regarding her “Christian” religious beliefs, I just hope she’s not part of “Joel’s Army” (google it), nor the Christian Dominionists (though she seems to be).
And, before I forget to mention it, wander over to Alternet.com and read the article about why her candidacy should be taken seriously, very seriously.
One of the best steaks I ever had was a buffalo “new york strip” that I bought at the farmer’s market. Had a hot zone and cool zone on the (charcoal) grill. seared the meat on the hot side then put it on the cool side until it was medium rare. Juicy, tender, perfect.
Does anybody know why Big Tent democrat, Armens wahtever, is allowed to pretend he is an actual Democratic Blogger at TalkLeft?
He has been defending Palin as a Vigilante Governor whose experience is equal or better than Obama’s despite the fact that Obama has been studying National Security Issues for years, lived abroad, travels abroad, and has met with European and Middle Eastern Leaders who were all impressed.
But palin was PTA president and BTD says she only abuses her Office to go after bad people who also happen to be people she has a personal vendetta against
I have been watching this fraud BTD for months. Can anyone explain how he gets away with calling himself a democrat?
Notorious P.A.T.
Great idea! I’m sure he’ll leave his crazy religious beliefs at church, and govern reasonably and rationally!
Just Some Fuckhead
Thanks for the heads up w. The actual article is here and it’s worth a read for those BJ’ers who think elections just magically win themselves for the noblest and smartest people.
On the bright side, we’re practically guaranteed to win in 2012 after four years of McCain. And if not then, then surely 2016 when things get really super super bad.
Blue Buddha
Well a little bit of good news on Gustav is that it dropped back down to a cat 3, and with cooler water being dumped out of the Mississippi, there’s little chance that it will gain strength before landfall. It’s projected to hit sometime tomorrow afternoon.
now i hear McCain might accept his nom from remote, while in the Gulf somewhere?
christ, why do i see a couple–wait, no–MANY–shots aimed at the Dems for “having a party” while the Republicans skipped theirs, “preferring to be out there, working for you, the american people”?
I don’t think anyone is suggesting that she’s a bubble-head. I think the suggestion is that if the debate gets into anything in-depth at a federal level, she’ll have nothing. She’ll quickly run out of her comfortable/conversant role. Remember, she knows what she’ll speak about before she goes on CNBC. She won’t in the debate. She’ll have an idea, but Biden could swamp her easily if he handles it right.
Biden is a broad thinker. McCain isn’t and I suspect Palin isn’t as well (not sure). That WOT question might get a response from Biden that talks about Sudan and Indonesia. I don’t know if Palin can get up to speed on issues in time to even bullshit an answer. A lot will depend on the format of the debate and whether the media gives her a pass or not. I suspect they won’t be terribly kind to her. Heaven help them if they ask a ‘diamonds or pearls’ question. Biden will probably tell them to go fuck themselves.
But she’s a good speaker, just doesn’t seem to have much political depth and not much time to gain it. I think Fallows has it about right, though. She’ll be up to speed on the broad themes, but there’s no way that she can get the details in time – and Biden can crush her on details and make her look like a fool if the debate permits it and Biden chooses to do so.
Blue Buddha
The same way that Lieberman is a “Democrat”.
Notorious P.A.T.
Hahaha! If that girl isn’t a Republican, I will eat the Sunday funnies for dinner instead of the steak on the grill.
Of course she is. I want to hear her wax poetic on why rape victims should bear their rapists child. That ought to be a crowd pleazer for most. And World Peace, she’ll do fine there expounding on the Lieberman/Mccain doctrine of “bombing is tough love for the heathens”. Can’t wait.
Joshua Norton
They dodn’t want Bush there anyhow, and if Gustav gets him and Cheney out of town, so much the better. And the convention can’t be cancelled at this point, so scaling it back is about all they can do.
What ever happens, the fallout will be disastrous for the RNC – at best, their convention will be toned down, somber, and quieter – with McSame phoning it in. At worst, it will be a complete debacle.
It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch.
I want to hope that you are right. However, in her tease for this interview on MTP this morning, Bartiromo mentoned that Palin had some very cutting commnets to make about biden’s support of the recent bankruptcy legislation. That portion of the video is not available yet, but I want to see it. But, if Biden and Co. walk into a debate expecting to pwn Palin and come out with their asses in their hands, I am going to be one pissed off SOB.
Hell, if she can even string together a sentence without sounding like McBush or read a teleprompter, she is ahead of the fucking game.
Just had the same thought.
Jeralyn should kick his ass out of there and then he could set up camp at No Quarter or Corrente.
Jeralyn is a Clinton supporter and BTD is supposedly an Obama supporter. Right.
Looks like Jeralyn is a bit pissed about McCain trying to get Clinton voters to vote for him by dangling Palin in front of them.
BTD is still pissed about Obama winning…
Yep, I saw round one on the CBS Evening News Friday night. Ablsolutely fawning coverage.
i dunno.
i mean, I HOPE SO, but McCain doing it from remote lessens his atrocious speaking style, since it won’t be in front of a huge group with reporters hanging around.
christ, this might work out for them, in some bizarre way–don’t tell me you can’t imagine hordes of Idiot-Americans going “hey, yeah–the Dems partied, but the Republicans are out there doin’ stuff! MAC IS BACK! MAC IS BACK!” etc, etc.
i need a drink.
I disagree. If McCain uses the occasion to look post-partisan and residential, and the Republican governor of LA and Bush don’t completely fuck this up, it could be a huge turning point. The next week is going to be extremely interesting.
Stuck in the Fun House (nj)
Don’t count on it. They’re talking about turning it into a giant phone bank for disaster relief. You know, to show they’re compassionate conservatism and all. And Mccain will pop in on the Big Screen now and then, neck deep in the storm surge to rally to big hearted troops. And Andrea Mitchell will gush on about our national hero. Wingnuts are good at shit like this. Of course people will still go hungry and without shelter because Bush/Mcain don’t likes Big Government standing in the way of progress.
Joshua Norton
Like they really had a choice. Only the most benighted one-celled freeper would applaud the fact that a national disaster changed their plans. The fact is that a McCain acceptance speech from the disaster area while recovery efforts are underway would be an unneeded distraction from those efforts.
And a satellite hookup would be a complete failure, too. while some great communicators might have pulled it off, McCain has shown little evidence that he’s a great communicator.
w vincentz
@ Just Some Fuckhead,
Thanks for putting the link up. I admit I’m not too good at doing the linky thing, and rather than piss JC off again…
Anyway, this is one half of the time I agree with you (or likewise). BJers should take the time to read it.
On a side note, in the debate with Biden, I’m thinking that all he needs to say is, “Gov Palin, I know Hilary Clinton. And you’re no Hillary Clinton.”
Again, thanks for putting the link up.
Actually, it’s looking like Gustav won’t be hitting as hard as previously thought. Still a big storm, but I expect the GOP will overplay their hand – wanting to look like the saviors in a catastrophe when none happens. When the next Cat 2/3 storm shows up, McCain will be nowhere to be seen.
That’s the risk to what they are doing. Mostly canceling the convention may have made sense against a 4/5 hitting NOLA, so they need to make the event look sufficiently important to justify the decision. If they play it bigger than it is, they’ll look as out of touch if a 4/5 hit and they did nothing.
Joshua Norton
But cake will be served.
I think that the “mooseburger” line gets a lot of traction from people that haven’t eaten it, or reindeer sausage (the tourists love t!).
Moose is like elk (we have a freezer full),,it’s a big deer basically. Nice and lean, but once in a while you wind up craving some really fatty rib eye or even chuck.
Now if she was eating seal liver..THAT would be exotic (and tasty, too..it helps to have native friends..but the rest of the seal..gack, I tried, I really tried.)
My favourite Alaska food is fresh eggs from the Sockeye salmon. The sockeye is the best of all the salmon..I ma not kidding. Fresh, not canned.
So let me see if I have this right, JSF, because, you know, you operate at these multiple layers of profundity and all:
McCain picks the absolute worst possible choice he could have made for his running mate (according to, you know, Republicans as of any time before Friday) …. and you think this gives him the election?
Fascinating. Apparently you graduated from the Pangloss Institute of Political Science? Aside from this choice being the worst one he could have made, it’s really a pretty good choice?
Wow. What won’t we read in here next?
The cake is a lie.
Hedley Lamarr
“Sooner or later, some enterprising journalist is going to ask her the difference between Sunni and Shia”
You can bet Bob Scheiffer won’t. Sarah’s new BFF was a POW.
It is not a stark difference to our ears. The Shia/Sunni split can be compared to the difference between Catholics and Protestants in that they both believe in the same god and prophets, but disagree about the holiness of their descendants; of course the latter two sects don’t spend so much time trying to kill each other as the former two.
This just proves McCain is a maverick that make mavericky choices, trusting his gut and shooting from the hip, while he twists his wedding ring and lets his eyes wander over his new soul/running mate. btw, did you know McCain was a POW?
I also disagree with this. Gustav aside, this is not a year that smiles on high profile Republicans. The less coverage McCain and his troupe of clowns get, the better for him.
Just Some Fuckhead
Hiden can’t win, the best he can hope for is a tie. The MSM will handicap the debate for the underdog, just like they do every time. Add to that the phenomenon that because Palin is a girl or mom of a special needs child or something she should be immune from the criticism or attack or the same sort of speculation that *every* male candidate gets. THAT is coming from our side. Imagine how that phenomenon will manifest itself in a plutocratic press hostile to a Democrat agenda.
w vincentz
@ TZ,
Not to defend JSF (cause he’s capable of his own), take the time to read the link. It might answer the question you pose.
Now, I’ll stay clear and listen to the exchange.
Peace, bro.
w vincentz
You’re correct, JSF. The best Biden will do is ignore her and focus on McCain. Hammer away.
Mrs. Peel
Most definitely. I believe JSF was addressing a bunch of “Stockholm Syndrome” hand wringers who were here yesterday with their “loser” mantra of how everything the Repugs do is political genius and everything the Dems do to counter it makes the righties mad and we should take the “higher road”.
You know, the same BS that’s kept us in the wilderness for the last 8 years. They want more of the same.
Rome Again
Sorry, I disagree. I see silence as passive acceptance. While she isn’t qualified to be VP and talking about that may lead some to believe that she is due to talking about it, remaining silent and not talking about it at all will surely do so.
Dissent does allow us to put the reasoning for our doubts in play.
Silence = acceptance, IMHO.
…any more.
I have an idea for a political book, not that I am qualified to write one. The title will be “Why does a dog lick his balls?”
I think the answer (“because he can”) sums up pretty much everything about American politics. Why do politicians lie? Because they can. Why did McCain pick a small-town mayor to be his VP? Because he can.
The media’s failure to perform even rudimentary fact checks and to hazard even the most mild opinions about the most obvious of shams (like McCain’s selection of Palin) explains everything about our political system. There’s nothing else to know, nothing else to say.
But maybe that’s just the viognier talking.
I think the thing that bugs me the most about this is it points out once again the crazy filters through which everything is seen. You know that if Sarah Palin were the democratic nom for VP she would be roasted about her life choices by these same pundits who are lauding Sarah’s.
Anyway, my personal belief is that most people believe McCain is well and truly toast, but folks are lining up to see who can be the biggest chip off the big GOPper to position themselves for 2012. The Republican party heavily rewards loyalty (see McCain, post-2000). That’s the party that brought us Brownie and Goodling and Gonzo and more.
For Gods sake people – please, I hope they don’t fuck it up – these are real humans who will die! I hope to God they do a great, outstanding job and ever thing works right and who gives a flying fuck if they crow about it.
The Moar You Know
Rome Again
That an evangelical pastor could pray for rain of biblical proportions raining on the Democratic National Convention would mean God was angry with the Democrats; but if a powerful Hurricane called Gustav could dump five feet of water on parts of New Orleans Metro area and interrupt the playbook of the Republican National Convention means only that hurricanes occur.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Only two VP’s in recent memory arguably helped vault their candidate over the top, and nobody will mistake Palin for what LBJ and Dick Cheney brought to their respective tickets. In fact, I think McCain screwed the pooch by not overriding his advisors and going with his first instinct.
McCain didn’t need to rally the base. He’s a war hero going up against a black liberal with a funny name. If that doesn’t get the base out, picking the Phyllis Schafely of Juneau isn’t going to help much either. And rather than rally the disaffected Hillary supporters to his side, he insulted their intelligence and pride and drove more into Obama’s camp than he did into his.
On the other hand, had he stuck to his guns and named Joe Lieberman, the Maverick headlines would’ve written themselves. There would be no question of McCain’s Mavericky credentials with him on the ticket. Sure, the base might not have been that happy, but again there’s that black liberal with a funny name. Plus Holy Joe likes him some dead brown people. The net positives of giving Hillary’s undecideds something tangible to think about, not to mention the independents and Republicans that had been considering Obama, could’ve taken the wind out of Obama’s sails. As it is, Palin doesn’t hurt Obama’s turnout at all.
All in all, much ado about nothing. Palin might wind up like Eagleton or hold her own at the debate, but it’s all mashuguana compared to the big picture.
Stuck in the Fun House (nj)
In the Matrix, no one can hear you scream.
The Moar You Know
Fixed, to my disgust. The pearl-clutchers and high-roaders are doing their best to cost us another one – and this time we really can’t afford it.
I am beginning to have some real disgust for my party these days. There is no commitment to winning and an almost palpable delight in losing – as then we get to play the victim, seemingly the only thing Dems are good at these days.
I still hold out some hope that Obama will be able to kick this party’s ass into a victory, but it’s a lot to ask of one man. He needs our help, but we’re just too busy kneecapping ourselves.
I don’t see how essentially canceling the convention is “good” for the Republicans no matter how anyone tries to spin it. It would be absolutely wonderful, from my point of view, if the threat of a hurricane ends the Republican convention and Gustav takes a turn back out to sea and doesn’t physically harm anyone in the Gulf Coast. If that happens I’m sure the evangelicals will take it as a divine sign that McCain is not meant to be president (given that it would be the exact opposite of their prayers for weather to disrupt the Democratic convention). Or not.
On a total different topic, I finally watched the Bernard-Henri Levy interview on Fareed Zakaria’s GPS. One thing that struck me was his description of how many Europeans have become “peace extremists” because they’ve actually experienced war in their own countries, and have understandably developed an extreme aversion to it. The other was how ironic the overwhelming European support for Obama is, given that he would never stand a chance of getting elected if he were actually French or German or British. That last bit made me feel really good about the US.
Just Some Fuckhead
Christ, almost outted myself as a Lee Atwater/Karl Rove Dirty Tricks Republican.
w vincentz
@ Doug J,
You said,”Only two VP’s in recent memory arguably helped vault their candidate over the top, and nobody will mistake Palin for what LBJ and Dick Cheney brought to their respective tickets.”
Though this VP didn’t “vault his candidate” over the top, he certainly had a role in pardoning him. His name, Gerald Ford.
Expect, if elected, the next GOP administration (junta) to pardon the current war criminals.
Bank on it.
Oh and one more thing. Did anyone see Lieberman’s response to the Palin pick?
This is of course the same Lieberman who was concerned that the Dems weren’t serious enough about national security.
Lieberman: welcome to Pretzel-ville (where you twist yourself up in knots).
h/t The Plank (TNR)
Rome Again
Who said the convention was being canceled? The hurricane is changing the playbook (tomorrow’s partisan festivities have been canceled and they will do convention business only, adjourning in early evening), but the convention is still going to happen.
Try again.
Just Some Fuckhead
That is, many European civilians still have memories of war on their own soil, while the closest many American civilians have come to it is 9/11.
Uh, sure. Okay, if JSF was posting the link to make the case that the concern angle is a bunch of shit, then I am doing the same thing to JSF that he is doing to alternet.
On the other hand, if JSG is pimping the concern, then I am saying that JSF is full of shit. Either way you want to decorate the cake, it’s the same cake.
And, does JSF really need lawyers representing him here? I didn’t realize that he needed that kind of protection.
I stand by my 5:29 post as written. In the best of all possible worlds, it scores either way you want to spin it.
Rome Again
By the way, my five feet was a “conservative” estimate. ;)
Some forecasts are calling for up to fifteen feet.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Um.. and this has what to do with what I was talking about? Ford wasn’t even on Nixon’s re-election ticket.
Holy Joe Shriver is ensuring he’ll still be ready, in case of emergency.
I never said I hope they fuck it up. I love New Orleans. I found Katrina heartbreaking. Nor did I hope we would lose the Iraq war. I just hope that a well-handled disaster doesn’t make people forget Katrina and the other colossal fuckups of the last 8 years.
w vincentz
@ dewberry,
When I open the door to let some fresh air in, it’s cause I’ve experienced a magnificent dump and the bathroom needs to be made ready for the next dumper.
Open a window, light a candle.
There’s still a lot of stink despite the best efforts to get rid of it.
And, no, I can’t blame it on my little cat with the big stink.
Just Some Fuckhead
Teez, I’ve actually already stated for the record that Palin was a not very good option for a campaign without a lot of good options. Recognizing that a lousy candidate doesn’t automatically defeat themself just as a really good candidate doesn’t automatically win doesn’t mean I have any special insight. However, it appears to indicate I’m a little more advanced than you.
Rome Again
No matter how you spin it, it’s still a hypocritical double standard.
Personally, I believe that evangelical pastor so filled with hate that he would wish to ruin the Democratic convention brought this all on himself.
Edited for extra fReichtardery.
Bets: A shit-eating Bible waver will blame Gustav on Obama’s nomination [X] days after the storm moves off.
Stuck in the Fun House (nj)
Lieberman is a fool, but that’s not breaking news. No amount of media spin with flowers and bows will make this pick work. This woman is a radical of the first degree and even if the Christian Right and the wingnuttosphere think they’ve been delivered from the wilderness, they haven’t, and they are nuts to think so. They are in free fall as a party and an ideology and the smart ones know it. Independents voters are going to depart Mccain in disgust for this choice, and they are the ones that decide elections in this country. Not Evangelicals.
As Moar says, the High Roader liberal purists are the only ones that can defeat Obama this year. And they’re working their little bleeding hearts out to do so.
And “ewwwww,” yes?
He keeps twisting his wedding ring and scoping out her ass … then she leans away from him like he’s UnclePervy …
Funny, but you feel like you need a shower after watching it. :D
Rome Again
Such victimizing crybabies. Where are their bootstraps now?
On an unrelated note: I think I’ve figured out how Palin was chosen. Her name was programmed into the Bible Code, I think.
Funny thing that Bible Code. A book those people don’t read much and have little understanding of apparently has some sort of secretive forecasting powers. Yeah, RIGHT!
I wonder if they looked at the meaning of “Son of Cain”?
There’s the old MyIQ. I wasn’t there for the Hillbot/MUP cage matches, which apparently caused hard feelings with a lot of people, but I’m fine with you. Just be funny, and I’ll be your friend.
Which may be a dubious accomplishment, but whatever.
Just Some Fuckhead
While you’ve been investigating new unanswered questions, I’ve been making friends, bitch.
Eye-candyGov Palin is a grift to the Dems that will save them by giving them the best attack angle of all – McCain is a liar. First McCain said someone like Obama as too inexperienced but now,Eye-candyGov Palin has enough, even though she has less than Obama.McInsanes best and greatest point (straight talk) and best attack (inexperience) are undone by his pick of the air head creationist with almost no high level experience. Screwed if the Dems hammer these points home and it doesn’t need anyone to attack the bimbo creationist.
w vincentz
@ Doug J,
In case ya missed the point I was making, a VP choice has repercussions, not just for electability, but to exonerate WAR CRIMINALS for their actions.
Palin (if elected) will certainly affect Supreme Court appointees with regards to overturning Roe v Wade, defending the Bush junta from facing their day in the World Court, teaching science in public schools (though her children are home-schooled), environmental concerns, on and on.
You’re looking at this as bringing “electability”. I’m looking at other consequences.
Bill Arnold
The main point with Palin’s nomination should be that it clinches the argument that McCain’s judgment is too poor to allow him to be president.
You are missing an essential point here. Evangelicals do not care about credentials or experience.
In their world view, if you a truly born again, you can always depend on the baby Jesus to guide you in the paths of righteousness. Just as there are people who believe that the US will win every fight just because we are ‘Muricans, dammit, there is a special subset who believe that a devoted Christian politician can never make a wrong choice.
And these people are absolutely energized by Palin’s selection. According to a Washington Post blog item (hat tip to Andrew Sullivan),
Meanwhile, the foreign press has been far more honest than homegrown pundits in noting the degree to which senior Republicans are angered over Palin’s pick (Republican backlash as it emerges John McCain only met his beauty queen running mate once)
The Mail story also features a photo of Palin demonstrating the right stuff as she handles a military weapon while visiting troops in Kuwait, as well as a loving picture of Palin and her daughter next to a caribou that Palin brought down.
Palin is to McCain as Harriet Miers was to Dubya, an appointee who appealed to those on the extreme right, but who provoked a revolt by Republicans who were outraged by Miers mediocrity.
The problem here is that even if somehow Palin ends up withdrawing her name, McCain’s judgment will continue to be called into question. So McCain may be stuck with her, and it will be up to the voters to reject McCain and Palin.
On the other hand, if McCain gets a huge bounce in the polls over this abysmal selection, then America may well be doomed.
Just Some Fuckhead
One other thing and I’ll let ya go back to sleep, Teez. I think the worse possible VP choice McCain could have made was just letting Cheney stay on another four years. I’m sure from Republicans’ standpoint that woulda been easier than asking him to move outta the Governor’s mansion what with him being armed and dangerous and crazy as a june bug. So at least McCain got that one right, for now. Don’t be surprised if Republicans throw the election so Demccrats have to evict him.
you rat fuckers delicious caek
The storm will not dump five feet of water on NO – that is, rain. A storm surge of 5, 10 to even 15 feet may hit NO. That is seawater from the gulf will be pushed towards NO by storm winds causing a tide of 5 – 15 feet above sea level. Rain may hit 12 inches or so at most.
Fuck. And just when I found a bar there that sold $5/bottle Hitachino White.
Bill Arnold
Specifically wanted to fire the police chief, librarian, public works director, and finance director because of their support for her opponent.
My wife has a thing for local access TV and often watches the local town council/business meetings. Sometimes I watch as well. Town has a little more than 30000 population. Two observations:
(a) No way do any of my local politicians (male and female) have what it takes to be Vice President of the U.S. They muddle through, but they would not be appropriate for national-level duties, e.g. state visits with foreign dignitaries, or politicking during close Senate votes.
(b) If any of them tried to pull this sort of power stunt, they’d be tied up in permanent legal knots by the evening, and voted out the next election. But that’s East Coast U.S. style. “Troopergate” may also have some legitimate legs as a further example of power abuse. So does the eminent domain case which was a fiscal mess for a small town.
This pick is another demonstration of McCain’s very poor judgment.
Sorry if this has come up already, but Roger Ailes has it all figured out:
I’m surprised the dhimmwit wingnuts haven’t yet figured out that Sarah Palin is an anagram for:
Sharia Plan
And that thing on McCain’s face looks like a crescent.
Yeah, it’s fun to call people names and question their loyalties but IIRC most of the actual hand-wringing was over whether we should obsess over her last pregnancy.
Look, I think she’s a ripe target but going all Atwater/Rove now tarnishes Obama’s “new politics” image and a lot of other attacks are likely to play up the “elitist” thing because Palin is very much a “one of us” pick for the low information crowd (and forget about the fundies, we weren’t getting them anyway and they still hate the top of the ticket). Anything that seems to be going after her disabled child is 100% sure to damage only the attackers, the press will play it this way and in this case I really couldn’t blame them. They need to play this smart, and yeah, we shouldn’t roll over for her but the pitfalls are pretty obvious here.
I want us to do things that will help and avoid doing things that will hurt, period. But don’t worry, I’m sure MoveOn.org will make a TV commercial that McCain can use in his GOTV effort shortly.
Conservatively Liberal
With an election ahead? I doubt it. The oil companies are interested in keeping the top office in the hands of Republicans and jacking up fuel costs will quickly remind everyone how fucked up our economy and financial situations are.
Of course, if the prices don’t jump like they did before I don’t expect anyone in the MSM to notice this oddity. Even if they do, the Repubs will give a vacuous answer that satisfies the MSMs requirement for even asking the question.
Regarding the Repub convention, I have a feeling that they would like to skip it this year. With the Barr and Paul people causing problems for them, the timing of the storm, the inevitable comparisons to the Democratic convention and its theme of unity, having Bu$h/Cheney show up and reminding everyone that they created the mess we are in, (or) not having Bu$h/Cheney show up because the GOP doesn’t want to remind everyone that they created the mess we are in (yet their absence will say the same thing), and those are just a few I came up with off the top of my head.
They are not looking forward to their convention and they are trying to lower expectations so when it is the massive fail that it is expected to be then they will be able to crow what a success it was. Of course, if they cancel it than that shows that they are more concerned about what is going on in our country, unlike the Democrats who will party while the country burns.
Our country has been ruled by stupid for the last eight years and I have a feeing that the idiots in this country are ready for more.
Google bomb.
Rome Again
I said “dump”, I didn’t say how. That you interpret that as “rain” is your own mistake, not mine.
One way or another there is going to be a lot of water in NOLA, and that to me is the meaning of having five (or perhaps fifteen) feet of water dumped on the area.
I said “essentially cancelled” as in for all intents and purposes, because if you’d planned a big event with 45,000 people and you’re forced to replace it with a candidate beamed in via satellite, and most of your bigwigs absent, I doubt it has anywhere near the same impact as the Democratic convention. You think the media coverage of the Republican convention will even approximate what we saw last week? You think the 38 million people who tuned in last week (and many of them watched C-SPAN, thank God) will suddenly develop amnesia and won’t have an impact on the election?
Try what exactly?
Very republican of you or at least your logic.
Reading about this woman on various web sites I say there is no way she is still the VP pick when the election rolls around. She is an absolute disaster.
I think it was “Do you come here often?”
Or maybe “What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”
Rome Again
Funny, I’m not a Republican. I have never been a Republican. I voted Republican once in my life at the behest of my Republican father. I grew up in a family full of Republicans. I am the only one who isn’t one. My family and I don’t speak because they are reprehensible people as far as I am concerned. I am currently an Independent who votes Democratic, and have voted Democratic since realizing the mistake I made in that Reagan choice. My Independent status is temporary, I hope, and I will go back to registering as a Democrat when we get good Democratic people with a backbone in Congress (ie: not Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid).
Rome Again
Look, that this RNC convention isn’t going to be all fun and games doesn’t mean that the business of the convention will not be performed. The convention is NOT cancelled. The fun is canceled (boohoo… serves them right) and after their convention, they will continue to pull the same campaign tactics they are famous for. The convention is occurring, will occur and will produce the results they seek by holding such a convention, which is to nominate a candidate.
Rome Again
Touche’ – and all the more telling since McCain seems to think Palin has a fine ass.
Conservatively Liberal
From all indications, the turnout for the convention was going to be horrible. Now they have the perfect excuse for it to be horrible and walk away looking like they sacrificed their huge gala just for us by keeping it to the basics. Bu$h has an excuse to bow out, McGoo/Qualyn are headed to the gulf states to save the day and the convention has an excuse for low attendance.
You just know that this is how it is going to be reported.
I’m listening to Jonathan alter on msnbc discuss how hurricane gustav is good for mccain! Give me a break!
I’m listening to Jonathan alter on msnbc discuss how hurricane gustav is good for mccain! Give me a break!
Well, the convention is also about rallying the base and throwing them red meat about the Democrats. I don’t think the Repubs will get the results they seek in that regard and in light of the success of the Democratic convention, this is a big deal. Sure they’ll keep running attack ads, but how effective do you think those will be with a disastrous VP pick that calls the candidate’s judgment into question and does nothing to bring in moderate voters?
Obama has run the best political campaign I’ve ever seen and responded effectively to attacks even with the media often spouting the Repub talking points. The first Obama rally I attended (in November ’07) was a “let’s see what this guy’s about” deal for me; I was leaning more towards Hillary at the time. The campaign gave each attendee the phone numbers of registered Democrats. By the end of the evening, I’d called up 5 people on my cell phone to convince them to vote for him. That is something I never imagined I’d do for any candidate/political campaign. With his great GOTV operation, the fact that there are millions more registered Democrats than Republicans, and the fact that 79% of Democrats support Obama (Kerry and Gore had 77% support at the same stage of their campaigns), I think the real story here is how the media has grossly underestimated Obama. And continues to do so.
Yeah, I think its about time we started back on the talk about how Obama kicks McCain’s ass in every possible way.
And really, watch that video gbear posted. Pretty much sums up the whole McC/P team.
Rome Again
Well, I for one am not unhappy that they have no chance to bring in moderate voters. ;) This is unfortunate for them, but with the way they treat others, I think it’s poetic justice.
Music to my ears :) Keep shouting it from the rooftops!
Bill R
I love how they are pitching her experience as “commander-in-chief” of the Alaskan National Guard. Ready to guard agaimst any invasion from “neighboring” Russia/
Someone should show her the McCain “how are we going to beat the bitch” clip and ask her what she thinks of his response.
Just give her a microphone and let her go.
Agree; from “will someone tell me just what it is a vice president does all day” to “my experience is good experience” to “I told Congress,’Thanks, but no thanks, on that bridge to nowhere'”, she seems to comport herself rather as a fool. I’m sure the media is just showing us whatever they think will stir up the most controversy, but still….