On CNN. Tucker was pushing the “Palin has commander-in-chief experience with the Alaska National Guard,” and Campbell asked him several times to list just one decision she had made.
He couldn’t. It was priceless.
I hope someone has some video.
*** Update ***
Carnage. I have a feeling those talking points will get, um, refined.
*** Update #2 ***
She is laughing at him, and it reminded me of this:
Maybe Tucker Bounds will “disappear” and join Kevin James in the GOP Witless Protection Program.
why is it that the anti-elitist GOP has so many lackeys named “Tucker”?
We’re on it right now John, should be very soon. She just didn’t want to give up, did she? hehe
Because ‘F’ and ‘T’ are close to each other on the keyboard.
And that is the definition of the difference between “repeating” something someone said and “reporting” on something someone said.
I look foward to four, and possibly eight, years of McCain’s unique brand of shoot-from-the-hip decision-making.
Because what this nation needs after 8 years of Bush/Cheney is a doubling-down on the whole ‘going with your gut’ thing.
zuzu's petals
Sorry to bear bad tidings, but some depressing news here:
Hillary Supporter Defects to McCain.
John Coale is Mr. Greta van Susteren, by the way.
ABC News covers the secession angle.
I just saw the Tucker segment and it was harsh.
Hi John,
A bit off topic, but why do you advertise Michelle Malkin and Hugh Hewitt ? You generally scorn them as idiots. I would hate to think you are willing to take their money on the one hand yet denigrate them on the other.
Please explain.
I just saw the clip on CNN again just now. It was a total beat down. Man! Tucker Bounds is going to be smarting for awhile over that. It was brutal.
Wow, Campbell just destroyed him. I’m getting the sense that the typically snoozy media that is content to swallow Republican talking points is actually getting personally offended that McCain could be so reckless in his VP pick.
Small loss. She works for Faux, anyway.
Campbell: So, what decisions did she make as commander-in-chief of the ANG?
Bounds: She like, decided stuff and stuff. Why do you hate the troops?
VIDEO: Campbell Brown rips into McCain advisor Tucker Bounds
w vincentz
Geesh! Puleeze give Heckuvajob Sarah a break!
Look, has Alaska been invaded by the Russkies?
Have landing craft sent by the evil Putin shown up on the shores of Wassilla?
Admit it. Because of Heckuvajob Sarah’s wise leadership, everyone in Alaska has been safe for the past 19 months, excepting, of course, polar bears, wolves, and a hormone driven defiant daughter.
Heckuvajob Sarah!
Anyone have a video of this? I just watched it on CNN, but wanted to see it again. Can’t find it on CNN.com
Y’know, it’s been a while since we’ve been on a “wow, that Obama guy’s a pretty good presidential candidate” roll. So here are a few links from some folks over at ScienceBlogs:
P.Z. Myers is sold on Obama’s answers to the Science Debate 2008 questionairre.
Jared of ERV says: “Obama’s answers are great… I kinda teared up a little. He’s actually going to support science . . . . his answers make it clear he is listening to scientists . . . .”
Naturally, McCain has yet to answer the questionairre. I guess he’ll wait until Gov. “If the pledge of Allegience was good enough for the founding fathers, its (sic) good enough for me” Palin weighs in on the topics.
OMG, we’re gonna have a POTUS who listens to scientists! OMG OMG OMG!
Forgive me if this has already been discussed:
-She is 17 and he is 18. Are we missing something here, or can you have sex with a minor in AK?
-Why did they decide to announce this during a hurricane? I thought today was America first day?
dr. bloor
Your lips to God’s ears. No, wait…
Um, did McCain decide sometime in the last 10 days that he doesn’t want to be president anymore, and is now trying to purposely lose? Cause it certainly looks like he’s trying.
Warren Terra
Of course, after politely pointing out that Tucker was pulling his answers straight out of his nether orifices, Ms. Brown let him end the segment, or at least the posted clip, with a 20 second stream of pure, scripted, bull-patootie sound bite.
Lucinda Flynn
The questions need to be asked, but had Campbell Brown been male and Tucker Bounds female, and Campbell had wrapped it up with Ok Tucker baby, the male Campbell would have lost his job. Thank goodness for David Gergen who swung it back to a professional level.
Age of consent is 17 in a lot of states. It definitely is in NY.
“Ollie.” I said – “Do you remember Sarah Palin from your time in Alaska?”
“Yep, I ‘member that gal. Good looker she was. Great point guard an’ dang near won a beauty contest – too bad for her there were better lookin’ gals there. What I ‘member most ’bout ‘er was the way she fired!”
“Oh yes…” I said “…I hear she was a great hunter and has a bear rug on the sofa in her living room.”
Ollie replied, “Naw – not that kinda’ firing – the other kind. You know, she just likes firing people – an’ she were mighty good at it! ‘Course, everyone knows about “Troopergate,” her firin’ ol’ Walt Monegan an all – ‘course then she lied about why she did it – didn’t seem right – for such a God fearin’ woman an’ all. Anyway, the guy what replaced ol’ Walt had’a quit in a couple o’ weeks on account of his sexual harassment problem. Randy folks we got up here in the land of the midnight sun. ‘Course, ain’t nothin’ gonna come of it all – heck the Alaskan government investigation won’t even get to depose her ’till a few weeks from now an’ she’s got herself all lawyered-up to keep slowin’ it all down – by the time they’re ready to get at ‘er Bush, Rove and Cheney will make sure that problem goes bye, bye. Yes sir.
Then there were the time she got all righteous when she were Mayor of Wasilla – fired the Chief of Police and the Library Director for not supporin’ her election. Serves ’em right – what’s not to support ’bout that girl – her being such an upright Christian an’ all. Mind you, the recall effort forced her to rehire the Librarian and she settled out of court with the Police Chief. Good thing they rehired the Librarian – every town Wasilla’s size ought to have at least one person that can read AND write.
Well then we got the time ol’ Todd Palin, Sarah’s other half, got upset when Sarah’s long time friend and long time aide started to date Todd’s friends ex-wife and ol’ Todd got her to fire him. Serves him right – messin’ with ol’ Todd’s friend like that – what’s a buddy for, eh?
It’s hardly worth talkin’ ’bout but there were that “Dairygate” thing too. When she were elected as Governor the “Creamery Board” had decided (after years of study) that they had to unload a money losin’ state owned diary. “Nonsense” she said – or somethin’ near like that. So she fired ’em all an’ replaced them with her hand picked dairy creamery expert friends – not everyone has a pile of ’em – but our Sarah had! ‘Course – they come around to agreein’ with the guys what she had done fired. Heck, they only spent $200,000 more tryin’ to save the place ’till she got ol’ Uncle Sam to step in with some good ol’ mainland greenbacks.
Yep, that’s our Sarah. Say, did I ever tell you she dang near won a beauty contest?
Video of Palin focus group: EPIC FAIL
Just watched th’ vid . . .
Unfortunately, a lot of people will come away with the “she has military command experience” talking point, and not much else . . . even though she demonstrably does not!
In other words: Tucker lied on CNN, and will probably get away with it.
Oooo. So angry.
gil mann
It’s a Pajamas Media package-deal thing, isn’t it?
However it works, this reminds me of when Skippy went on his dumb jihad against liberal bloggers who accept wrong-think ads. Somebody—probably Kos or Atrios, but I don’t remember—explained it pretty much this way: “If I refuse to run ads I don’t agree with, that means I actively endorse the ads I do run.” Obviously, that’s just untenable, so why not take money from people who’re willing to get, like, no bang for their buck?
Yeah, it’ll be interesting to see if they try this CiC of the Nat’l Guard BS again.
Check out this story over on HuffPo. Maj. Gen. Craig Campbell, adjutant general of the Alaska National Guard, said he and Palin play no role in national defense activities, even when they involve the Alaska National Guard. The entire operation is under federal control, and the governor is not briefed on situations.
I saw something on this elsewhere.
-She is 17 and he is 18. Are we missing something here, or can you have sex with a minor in AK?
The age of consent in Alaska is actually 16. There are some restriction with respect to the age of the older party but there is no issue of that here. Here is a link to a discussion of the laws in that particular State.
Anyone know where we can send flowers to Tucker’s loved ones?
wow — Mre dan senor is trashing a republican
wait till dan watches this
Blue Buddha
Actually, it’s 16 in most states. Also, there is often a 2 or 3 year “margin of error” for teens (ie: it might be okay for a 17 yo to boink a 15 yo, but not a 37 yo to boink a 15 yo). I guess this is to avoid awkward situations where say, a senior boyfriend has a sophomore girlfriend.
But enough of that… Tucker got pwned!!!
He is a bald faced lying asshole when it comes to the NG stuff and hopefully someone from the Alaskan NG command will call him on it, the only control she has is to call up the Guard in case of emergency, any overseas or otherwise deployment is federal, as well as the equipping and management of the guard. Full time employees that manage and maintain the armories and equipment are civil service employess as well as guardsman. He is a fucking liar.
FLILF Hunter
Jesus snowboarding Christ.
Somewhere between 1988 and 2008, then GOP morphed from the party of Reagan into the party of Morton Downey, Jr.
In my heart of hearts, I hope this is all just a contest between GOP insiders to see who can spin the most ludicrous tale and get away with it. That I could respect.
Unfortunately, I know these half-wits are actually serious.
I’d give Campbell Brown kudos, but this has become so otherworldly that even Wolf freakin’ Blitzer, Gloria Borger, and John King were restraining themselves from laughing at McCain’s spokesbots the other night.
Tim (The Other One)
Tucker says: “Napolean, I need you to tow me into town”.
In other words: Tucker lied on CNN, and will probably get away with it.
I am horrible at figuring out how other people read these sort of political conversations but I really don’t think very many people will believe that Bounds came off well in that piece. Even Brown was a little embarrassed for him by the end. That was really slightly painful to watch and I feel pretty confident that is what most people will remember from that.
Blue Buddha
Is that Jeff Gannon leading that focus group?! O_o
Command! Executive! Iraq! Belittling! Hyuck, hyuck, hyuck!
Good lord. I really hope they push “General Palin.”
Blue Buddha
Actually, I meant to say Frank Luntz. I’m terrible at names. :(
And yeah, after watching the video again, it does say that it indeed is Frank Luntz.
For anyone who wants to help the McCain campaign vet Governor Palin, now’s your chance:
Vet Sarah Palin!
McCain’s campaign freefall continues:
McCain Hires GOP Operative Who Helped Smear Him in South Carolina in 2000
Lewis Carroll
Caligula: But you see my horse has been in battle and therefore has the requisite military experience to serve in the Senate. And you’re only opposed because of a sexist attitude about female horses.
I didn’t see it, but apparently Carville just destroyed some GOP wingnut on Larry King. He’d brought a photo of the Wasilla town hall with him. He said it reminded him of a bake shop in LA or something.
I really can’t stand that guy, except when he’s on our side.
It is understand who Campbell Brown is. She is the wife of Dan Senor, the neocon fabulist spokesman for the Coalition Provisional Authority, and very much of that mindset herself. If she is doing an interview like this, it means that the neocons are very very unhappy with McCain’s choice.
Joshua Norton
In other news – Associated Press is in full spin mode over Fournier. Why would an unbiased news source need “talking points”, I wonder.
Not really….
I guess Tucker is too young to remember the guffaws Limbaugh bellowed back in ’92 when Bill Clinton’s operatives said calling up the National Guard in Arkansas was real CIC experience.
The one thing that Republicans won’t be able to spin in all of this is the AIP angle.
You can’t spin secession.
Not when your motto is “Country First”
I have no doubt that there’s a lot of trepidation among Republicans who care about national security. (Their ideas may be all wrong, but they do care.)
And I’m thinking that there may be some big endorsements Obama’s going to be getting – maybe Powell, Hagel, Lugar.
Robert Johnston
And there’s the problem with our media in a nutshell. Anyone who refrains from laughing at the McCain spokesbots is utterly failing at being a journalist.
Yet another Tucker… this time Tucker Eskew.
I tell you again… why does a party which campaigns against elitists, have so many people named “Tucker” working for it? Tucker is not exactly a name you’re going to find this often amongst the proles…
I liked how he accused her of belittling accomplishments he hadn’t named yet.
Good googly, I just want to strangle those guys with their own shoelace, and I could totally do it, and I’m a girl who can’t even do a proper pullup.
Davis X. Machina
The one thing that Republicans won’t be able to spin in all of this is the AIP angle.
Their base looks back on Secession with a certain nostalgia. The AIP’ll play fine with them, tempered slighty by jealousy.
16 years ago? Shit, the Republicans count on their sheep forgetting what they said yesterday. Why would Republibots care what Rush Pillbaugh said 16 years ago? IOKIYAR.
It was like blood in the water. The best part is when Larry King asked the Con if Palin was the best possible Republican choice for VP. Her response was some blather about that being McCain’s choice and was interrupted by LK and asked again, followed by a few seconds of silence.
She was a member when Bill Clinton was President.
Secession leanings spun.
Blue Buddha
Hagel has already endorsed Obama. Sometime just before the DNC convention, IIRC.
One would hope so. You’ve got to think those guys are all really disappointed in McCain over this, if not concerned for his mental health.
It’s got to be one of the most reckless things a Presidential candidate has done in recent memory.
Yikes. I think it’s fair to say at this point that the McCain campaign has seen better days.
Remember remember the First of September when the McCain campaign goes completely off the fucking rails…
Robert Johnston
Yep, and that’s where McCain needs the real help in this election. He’s got the media to help him with the indies–it’s the base that doesn’t trust him. But given how little they did in vetting her, well, something else will pop up.
And if McCain doesn’t jump up and say something about this arrest, he might lose the media. Or, the media might just act like Amy Goodman doesn’t exist–you never can tell.
I put it right below Bush (read: Rove?) raising the nation to “orange alert” right before the ’04 elections, ruining one of the U.K.’s best anti-terrorism programs. Now that was some irresponsible campaigning!
We’re going to see some epic, epic nasty shit come down th’ pike before November. All snark aside, I’m getting a little nervous here.
I’m really speechless, I wonder how it feels to get paid to lie for a living. Does Tucker take an extra long shower at night? or roll around in a mud pit.
Oh and by Tucker’s definition, Palin has more “executive” experience than McCain, too…so we should just elect her.
My impression is that he walked right up to the line of endorsing w/o going over. It was around the time he praised Obama for picking Biden.
We need video of the Carville delousing, STAT!
Blue Buddha
…and something tells me that putting Palin on the ticket isn’t going to change Hagel’s endorsement.
Splitting Image
I’m warming to the theory that McCain actively trying to turn this fall’s election into a 538-0 rout. He’s been pretending to be trying while laying the groundwork for all of the deep red states to turn Democratic at the same time.
He’s almost got the red part of Nebraska ready to go blue, as soon as Chuck Hagel endorses Obama, but McCain has really had to work hard at Wyoming and Utah. He laid the groundwork by criticizing their water agreement with Colorado and the others, and he’s just now ready to land the coup de grace.
As soon as he publicly defends Palin as a better pick than that “brain-addled buffoon and his magic underwear”, Utah will be ready to vote Democratic, and after saying Palin “upholds the legacy of Dick Cheney” so will Wyoming. Alaska will end up being so embarrassed by all of this that they’ll be a shoo-in for Obama too.
That will more or less leave Idaho, Oklahoma, and Alabama. If I’m right, we’ll see McCain do something to antagonize each of those three very soon.
Studly Pantload
I have to say, when I heard McCain had
tapped Sarah Palin— er, named her his veep, the first song that came to my head was Starship’s 80s rock ballad of the same name. And it’s really not looking out of the realm that soon we’ll all be singing,dmsilev
Hey, remember a few weeks ago when everyone was moaning and clutching their pearls because “McCain’s attacks were going to destroy Obama and Obama wasn’t fighting back”?
Me neither.
The “media” (i.e., the “main stream” television/print media) has no fucking idea who Amy Goodman and Democracy Now are.
Sorry, I’m a little tetchy about the protests in St. Paul. See the end of the previous thread.
They might be able to spin it to fellow repubs though. Did you read some of their views on property rights? They’re right out of the Republican “ownership society” bible (2nd edition)
Joshua Norton
Boy – Karma is one humongous bitch. The Repigs prayed for the weather to screw up the Dem convention. They prayed that Denver would turn into another Chicago ’72. And now it’s being all flung right back in their faces by the ethereal powers-that-be.
If someone is hearing their prayers they’re just saying “no”.
Just Some Fuckhead
I agree. They’re gonna go into full-out assault on Obama. Imagine ads like the Ayers ad running nonstop as we get closer to November. Even if Obama wins, it’s gonna be fucking awful. I’m sure Democrats will take the high road and stay away from the sorta character assassination the Republicans will do. All we can hope is that Republicanism has run it’s nasty course with the electorate.
Blue Buddha
Ah yes… the good ol’ days. McCain’s just made our jobs much much easier.
Joshua Norton
Erp. I meant Chicago ’68, obviously.
Hey, remember
a few weeks agothis morning when everyone was moaning and clutching their pearls because “McCain’s attacks regarding politicizing Gustav were going to destroy Obama and Obama wasn’t fighting back”?Seems like a few weeks ago.
The crazy that Carville got into it with was Michele Bachmann.
Just Some Fuckhead
I’m not sure Obama’s ready for them (who can be?), but I’m pretty sure he’s not afraid of them. Thank fucking Christ we finally have a Democratic nominee who doesn’t operate from a defensive crouch.
“ABC News Confirms That McCain’s VP Pick Was AIP Member”
To put a finer point on it, re: “nasty shit” that might come, remember still-President Bush? How he’s shitting his pants that Obama might sit in his chair, and then arrest his ass for war crimes*? That has to worry him and Rove. Not to mention Cheney (remember him?).
They still have their fingers on all sorts of triggers. What’re they gonna do? What’re we gonna see?
Now that is what worries me; not character assassination and sliming . . . I’m talking about real-world consequences in meat-space. You know, peoples’ lives in danger, that kind of thing.
Or am I just being paranoid? Please tell me I’m just being paranoid.
*Not that I actually think that a President Obama actually would prosecute (but one can certainly hope), but what Bush et. al. are worried about.
L. Ron Obama
New talking point: Those guys are part of the Washington establishment and their endorsement is further proof that only John McCain can bring change to Washington.
Blue Buddha
You have to remember that Palin’s name didn’t just pop out of a vacuum. Not long after McCain secured the GOP nomination, several fringe rightwing bloggers began to search for a VP candidate that was young and charming, a minority, pro-gun, pro-life, and not associated with Bush. Palin was the name they came up with that fit these criteria, so they ran with it and began to punt her name around the Internet.
Apparently, McCain’s campaign bought into the hype and picked her at the last minute without even vetting her or doing basic due diligence. I guess they assumed the bloggers already did this for them.
WIN!! I would so pay money to see that. Can’t wait for the video. Oh, please please hurry with that one.
Just Some Fuckhead
I don’t think they give a damn. And I don’t think Obama will be interested in looking backwards.
Blue Buddha
Ah yes… good ol’ Michelle “I hump Bush’s leg whenever I greet him” Bachmann.
Soylent Green
About Palin’s ties to the Alaska secessionist movement:
This explains why she recklessly traveled from Dallas to Wasilla after going into labor, to be sure her son was born in Alaska. How else could he meet the nativeborn requirement and be able to serve as the Republic of Alaska’s first president?
I’m okay with the secession as long as the citizens of Alaska pay back the $7.2 million Seward paid for it, in today’s dollars, plus interest for 141 years.
Just Some Fuckhead
This might doom her chances of staying on the Republican ticket but I think it vaunts her to the top of the list for President of the Republic of Alaska.
@gbear – it was great; Bachmann trotted out a couple of hits on Clinton (Palin didn’t ride anyone’s coat tails to get to where she is; she hasn’t been running for Pres. her whole life), and Carville did an excellent job of handling her. And the picture of the “bait shop” (aka Wasilla city hall) was classic.
So who’s endorsement is he going to seek? Ted Kaczynski?
You forget that:
Protests and arrests in Denver = bad news for Democrats
Protests and arrests in St. Paul = bad news for Democrats
zuzu's petals
Thank God some are starting to get it:
Disclosures on Palin Raise Questions on Vetting Process
The fact that she had a DUI back in the day only seems to be the latest revelation.
Joshua Norton
Could we make that “pre-Bush” dollars? They were worth a lot more back then.
Just Some Fuckhead
I guess when you get someone like GW Bush elected, alcoholic into his 40s, cocaine user, DUI, pro-choice when he ran for Congress in the 70s, AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard, multiple failed businesses all in a row, dumber than a sack of hammers and a terrible public speaker you start to think this shit is easy and get a little cocky. Tha’s all that can explain the Palin thing.
w vincentz
Does AP stand for Assorted Propaganda?
I sense that you’re being snarky here, but I think it’s actually true. Her husband said, in explantion, something along the lines that they couldn’t have a fishpicker born in Texas.
This explanation for the birth situation, along with her involvement in the AIP, and her go-to question when asked about the VP spot being “what’s in it for Alaska?,” all point to a pretty weird (and scary in a VP) degree of attachment to what isn’t even her birth state (I guess Idaho is dead to her now).
Because right-wing bloggers have such an awesome track record on that front. I betcha they know what kind of countertops Palin has.
but… but… they checked her kerning! And countertops! What else is there to know?
Just Some Fuckhead
I’d love to know who Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr. is. He totally punk’d the McCain campaign.
Just Some Fuckhead
The Moar You Know
I think you’re just being paranoid. There are not going to be any war crime prosecutions, not now, not ever. We set a precedent for this level of criminal behavior with Nixon, and it’s a bad precedent – but a precedent nonetheless.
And frankly, I don’t think war crimes proceedings are appropriate. Treason would be far more realistic, but for a number of reasons (Nixon precedent and a complicit Congress the most primary) I don’t see that happening either.
Bush will walk and live out his existence as a miserable, wealthy, alcoholic asshole. He’ll be reviled as, at best, the second coming of Herbert Hoover, and I don’t anticipate that reputation improving over the years.
He’s gonna die alone and hated, just like LBJ.
zuzu's petals
Arthur B. Culvahouse, Jr.
Oh jeebus. Palin didn’t even win the Miss Congeniality award she claims to have won. Did the McCain do some sort of bizarro anti-vetting on her?
It’s not the wet-dream prosecutions I’m talking about (which, as I mentioned earlier, I seriously doubt will ever occur (on U.S. soil)), but the Bush/Cheney team freaking out about Obama gaining the Oval Office, and what they might do (extra-legally) to stop it.
I obviously am not aware of all Internet traditions; would someone point me to an explanation of this “countertop” joke?
Scott H
Soooo… McCain really is the Manchurian Candidate, and the alluring Sarah Palin (Sarah Palinova, more like) is in to hand the keys to Alaska and its resources back to Russia.
john b
she didn’t get a dui, it was her husband i’m pretty sure.
Not too long ago the Democrats had a kid, Graeme Frost, who had been in a horrible car crash and whose parents used S-CHIP to provide health insurance, give their weekly radio address, asking President Bush to sign the S-CHIP expansion to help cover more families. The borderline-psychotic Michelle Malkin led an online jihad against this family, basically saying that unless you’re living on the streets and eating out of dumpsters, you shouldn’t get government health care. It was actually suggested that their house was a valuable asset that they “chose” to retain over getting coverage, as if they could sell it to buy health insurance and just live in a pup tent down by the river. Malkin blogged about having driven past and snooped around their house, noticing brand-new countertops, which proved in her mind that these people were welfare queens and frauds. A very ugly and shameful episode all around.
L. Ron Obama
Kevin: look up Graeme Frost and SCHIP. Wingers stalked the family and neighbors and “proved” that the Frost family were too rich to have their medical bills paid after a horrible accident because they had “granite countertops” and “glass-fronted cabinets”.
It has to do with a 12 year old boy that got money through S-CHIP and delivered a speech for the democrats. Michelle Malkin sent out her foot soldiers to gather information and one of them found out that the family had granite kitchen counter tops.
There really should be a wiki for the nutjobs. Like wikinuttia or something. Would make it a lot easier.
Thank you, Sleeper. I remember the whole thing about the Frost family, but I guess I’ve managed to tune out the ravings of Michelle Malkin enough to have missed that part of it.
L. Ron Obama
Heh, beaten. Anyway, PC’s link is amazing if true. I guess when your resume is paper-thin you need to pad it any way you can.
“My Friends” is his subconscious trigger.
The Moar You Know
SGEW: I honestly don’t think they care. They’ve stolen pretty much all there is to steal. I think Bush wants out to drink himself to death, and I think Cheney wants to build himself an android body and go around shooting young children in the face.
I’m snarking a little (Cheney’s taste in targets seems to run more to old men) but you get my point. What motivation do they have to hang around? They sure as hell don’t care about their party’s welfare, or the welfare of this country (I laugh so I don’t cry) and they sure as shit don’t care if McCain gets elected or not.
They know damn well Obama won’t come after them. I think they’re more than happy to let a Dem come to power and take the fall when the economy goes right into the toilet, thanks to them spending the country into unrecoverable debt. Win-win…for them.
See: Carter, James Earl, 1976. But worse.
Just Some Fuckhead
With no repercussions to Republicans at all.
L. Ron Obama
From that NYT article:
I guess none of them were about the Pledge of Allegiance.
zuzu's petals
Interesting article written at the time she was running for Governor, with lots of insights on her “no power to small to abuse” reputation as mayor and councilmember.
Anchorage Daily News
Also repeats the “Miss Congeniality” thing.
zuzu's petals
Ah, you are correct, sir. Thanks.
Scott H
I expect Obama to disappoint in the matter of indictments, but that does not stop The Hague, or other nations, from stepping in. Members of the current Administration may find their travel opportunities very limited.
Conservatively Liberal
I wonder if Tucker is a contraction of raTfUCKER.
CB did a good number on him. This fucker known as Tucker got suckered.
Carry on.
zuzu's petals
Not to mention the wives:
Marilyn Tucker Quayle
Who then foist it on their kids:
Tucker Quayle
Though to be fair, young Tucker seems to have taken a more nonpolitical course.
Notice my caveat, above, about there being no trials . . . on U.S. soil.
Donald Rumsfeld already cannot travel to Europe, as there is a warrant for his arrest in all Universal Jurisdiction (e.g., Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, etc.) nations. For war crimes and crimes against humanity.
It’s gonna be an interesting few years for us students of International Law. Yup yup.
The Moar You Know
Now there’s an inconvenient truth.
But we’d best leave the subject alone. Fainting couches can only be fallen on so many times before the legs break and send the user to the floor in an undignified heap.
Does the phrase “IOKIYAR” mean anything to y’all?
zuzu's petals
Okay, I’ve been mulling about all the pieces that just don’t make sense.
It seems evident from interviews with the neighbors that the daughter’s pregnancy was not much of a secret. Which means the daughter didn’t spring it on Palin this weekend.
Which means that Palin knowingly chose to put her teenage daughter in the national spotlight and put her very personal circumstances under intense scrutiny. How humiliating is this for the daughter?
I just don’t get it. What kind of a parent chooses to do that for the sake of a political campaign?
Excuse me for saying this, but neo-con women are some of the scariest people on the planet. They’re always on some kind of a mission from god that allows them moral purity in their every move.
The Moar You Know
Wow, I am astonished! Who would have thought?
Looks like asking the question got some results, although I was reassured that it wouldn’t – that all it would do is make Obama look bad and lead to an inevitable McCain victory.
b. hussein canuckistani
Come on team, don’t knock Palin out of the running until the convention is over at least. It would be too embarrassing if the nominee didn’t last a week.
Wow, Larry King is drawing blood? It is generally not a good sign when Larry King is too tough to handle. This is starting to look like an epic disaster. And as it gets worse, the media will smell blood and it’ll be a feeding frenzy.
Top story on ABCNews.com: “‘Alaska First– Alaska Always’: Did Palin Want Her State to Secede? ” The other major media organizations also have largely unflattering stories on Palin.
God cannot really like us godless Democrats so much as to give us a Palin nomination that doesn’t even make it into next week.
If McCain has to ditch her – and my money says he will have to – the Obama ads write themselves, starting like this:
zuzu's petals
There’s that, and there’s also the question of McCain’s judgment, if he actually knew.
You’ve got a pregnant teenage daughter? No prob! Bring ‘er along!
oh really
Late to the thread, but I sure wish I’d watched it earlier. I would have been spared a whole lot of anguish in trying to decide who to vote for.
With a commanding performance like that of Tucker Bounds to guide me, I’ve now decided there is no possible way I can not vote for John McCain — with the understanding that I’m really voting for Sarah Palin and I will pray daily that the Baby Jesus will call John McCain home ASAP so Commander-in-Chief Palin can assume her rightful position.
We’re SAVED!!!
Video of Carville on Larry King:
oh really
PS It’s amazing how easy it is for a skilled rhetorician like Tucker B. to make an airtight case for Palin. I stand in awe.
Now, I have to kneel to puke.
James Carville also destroyed some wide eyed smiling republican woman on tonight on CNN. Jedreport has the video. The republicans are embarrassing themselves at this point.
I LOL’ed IRL. Oh Really, I officially nominate you as winner of the internet, that was genius.
Why is that woman smiling so vapidly? I mean she’s kind of cute and all but that stare and smile strikes me as a bit odd. Slippery as an eel though!
oh really
As much as I dislike James Carville, I have to admit he did a great job with Congresswoman Bachman von Stepford.
Was anyone else troubled by the unchanging expression of her face? Is it Botox or the Manchurian Brain Massage? Enquiring minds want to know.
zuzu's petals
I’m troubled by their deep cynicism. All of ’em.
Breathtakingly unpatriotic, when you think about it. Politics before country.
BTW Larry King asks the same question with Carville to some other person, and it’s the same talking points. See it here
d0n Camillo
You’d think the choice of Palin would worry even movement conservatives. I mean, with McCain’s vetting skills, we’d probably wind up with a Supreme Court justice who performed abortions to pay his way through law school.
Just Some Fuckhead
Just Some Fuckhead
This observation belongs on the front page.
There was a time – a very short time ago – when Big Media OWNED us. We had no opinions unless they provided us with the information on which we formed them, we had no input, no recourse, no hope to make any impact on the direction of the discourse in our own country.
Now, thanks to blogs like this & Daily Kos and MANY, MANY others we OWN the channels of information. Big Media RESPONDS to the thoughts, ideas and dreams of US the PEOPLE. The Internet BLOGS have changed the nature of this country – they have FREED the PEOPLE.
All POWER to the PEOPLE!
McCain is a VET, and a POW for 5 and a half years. He knows more about vets than you ever will you damn kids. Now get offa my lawns.
Except for the John Coles of the party finaly leaving in disgust.
Rome Again
It wasn’t enough, sorry. Crazy wingers will not have enough of a brain to realize he never actually named an example. He was counting on that with the answer he gave.
This is like watching a really ugly weasel get run over by a Semi in slow motion. And then having it back up and do it over again because it didn’t get all of it the first time.
Horrifying, but fascinating.
Rome Again
The kind who thinks having babies is solely done to create soldiers for Jesus. This is part of Bristol’s basic training in God’s army.
Thomas Edward Theadore
Who is that hot chick in the first video? I would so do her.
Being an exposed as an idiot on national TV will probably earn a promotion.
oh really
Tommy, it must be past your bedtime.
No one can stop you from thinking whatever you want, but why not save your really mature thoughts to share with your middle school friends?
Picking the anti-Clinton as VP to try to get Clinton voters to vote for you is an enormous slap in the face…
I had no idea Campbell Brown was married to a heavy-hitting neocon. I know Andrea Mitchell is married to Greenspan, and Howie Kurtz is married to a lobbyist. Who else in our media beltway is compromised? Someone should maintain a list.
I don’t get how this is being spun as a positive for dems.
One, Campbell comes off as the biased, condescending bitch that she is.
Two, Bounds gives a fair answer, just not the one she insists — for what purpose? — on getting. I mean, Palin is in charge of the Alaskan National Guard. Period. That’s more experience of any type than Obama or Biden have had.
Three, Americans aren’t interested in the question Brown asked. That is, they don’t care whether the Republicans can consistently criticize Obama for lack of experience and maintain that Palin has it.
Again, only morons care about this question. The real question is whether Obama has any experience worth talking about. Clearly he does not. The pathetic part is that Palin has more executive experience than Obama, so on that score Palin is more qualified than Obama, which comes to the forefront when considering this episode.
The experience issue is going to be front and center when people decide in Novemember, and guess whose candidate comes up very, very — pathetically — short?
Okay, you morons keep gloating about this supposed little vicitory. When reality dawns on you, as it cruelly will in November, you recall this little exchange between Brown and Bound.
Just Some Fuckhead II
I am laughing my ass off at all these comments. Your candidate is in huge trouble and you know it. So you try to bash his opponent’s reputation. Oh no, wait, he’s not running against Palin is he? You wouldn’t know it from all these posts.
You guys better get focused and start doing something to help you candidate, not constantly hurt him. Your bashing (and that of your saviors Olbermann, Cooper and Brown) only makes more and more people go to the other side.
I was not even for McCain until all this bashing started and persisted. The more it went on, the more I thought to myself, “Do I really want to be assoiciated with and vote with people like that?” The answer was and always will be a resounding no.
You are all only hurting yourselves. You’ve turned a 12 point Obama lead into a 4 point McCain lead and yet you still don’t open your eyes and realize what you are doing.
Keep going. You will only make things worse…. or what you perceive to be worse anyway. I think it’s great what you’re all doing. Keep up the bashing. Thanks for helping me make my decision.