MSNBC- Storm politics present risks and rewards
Slate- The hurricane upsets the GOP Convention but may be good for the GOP.
I swear they are trying to put the Onion out of business.
by John Cole| 27 Comments
This post is in: Election 2008, Did You Know John McCain Was A POW?
MSNBC- Storm politics present risks and rewards
Slate- The hurricane upsets the GOP Convention but may be good for the GOP.
I swear they are trying to put the Onion out of business.
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ABC reports that the partying must go on, contrary to the “Oh, aren’t we sooooo noble” atitude that the Republicans are trying to project:
Satire has been lapped by reality.
Dickerson sounds like he is writing a theme paper for a high school creative writing class.
It’s …. profoundy.
Word of the raids and arrests on potential protesters at the RNC convention needs spreading.
Can you link to some of the independent journalism Glenzilla reports? The MSM apparently will sit this one out and what is going on there is absolutely chilling.
(and no, I don’t know how to embed links)
They might try, but I think they’re only making the Onion even better. See, e.g.,
Portrayal Of Obama As Elitist Hailed As Step Forward For African Americans.
(Favorite bit: Fox News is given a civil rights award from the NAACP.)
The media might try and outpace the Onion, but the Onion will continue to beat them to the punch.
I just saw video of water going over the sea wall at New Orleans. If there’s a failure and flood, McCain can leverage that opportunity, and then when that dies down, he can move on to showing up at traffic accidents and offering first aid.
We’ve had this press for awhile now, they did this in 2000 and 2004. This is SOP. Why are you still surprised? The only question left is, what isn’t good news for McCain. At this point, I can’t identify one thing including a loss in November.
I can’t wait to watch the press spin a possible Palin crash and burn as a win for Maverick McCain.
You know, if the trade off is that we can either have Republicans partying callously in Minneapolis or getting in the way in the Gulf region, I’ll take the former and cheer them on.
Over at the GOS, they’re all about the vetting.
Oh my. Just caught this bit over at TPM:
Well, that’s mighty magnanimous of Davis isn’t it? “We will try not to overly politicize it.” So, basically, the McCampaign will, as stated, politicize an impending natural disaster, but they’ll try (no promises… nasty Barak could say something mean & then the gloves are off & mean ol’ Barak brought it on hisself) not to over-do it. Well, that’s a comforting balm. I’m relieved that McCain is trying to run an honorable & decent campaign… if it wasn’t for those darned kids & their dog…
I’m up to about even money that Palin won’t be the VP nominee.
joe from Lowell
You have to admit, not having to follow Barack Obama’s acceptance speech definitely has its upside.
b. hussein canuckistani
Has anyone been mocking the Republicans who were praying for rain at the DNC?
Yes, lots of people have but it ran off the praying republicans’ backs like water off a duck. Now they’re saying that they were successful in praying gustav down to a category 2 storm. You can’t win with christianists.
I dunno. The Palin pick has energized the base for McCain. Meanwhile, he’s looking all presidential being on the spot for the storm while Obama seems out of the picture, and worse, old news. I agree with Tristero over at Digby’s place that so far, Gustav HAS been good for McCain.
This is a long game. Don’t be getting your panties all bunched up over 4-days MSM silliness.
You really want to be sure in November, start your GOTV activity now.
Great, cut that up with photos of people waiting in long lines to evacuate and NO getting swamped. Throw in pictures of McBush laughing over a big old birthday cake with pictures of Katrina.
Do I need to point out that if even one member of the DNC is seen smiling today the fReichtards will piss acid?
Didn’t think so.
He then added “We will treat this situation with the same discretion we treat Senator McCain’s status as a POW. That’s a Prisoner of War. You know, because he was taken prisoner. During a war. POW, POW, POW. That’s what John McCain was.”
oh really
More good news for McCain...
Bristol Palin is pregnant.
Her mom is proud she is going to have the baby and proud to become a grandparent, but doesn’t mention being proud that Bristol apparently didn’t pay attention during her abstinence only sex education class.
I wonder if they’re going to name the baby “Gustav?”
This is great news for McCain.
Don’t forget that the Palins are also marrying their kid off to her boyfriend–at 17. Think about that for a second, and then imagine the increasing number of people who’ve seen their kids who got married young and then struggled and got divorced screaming and running in the other direction.
This is kind of sad, and Palin’s personal business.
On the other hand, I don’t know for sure whether Palin advocates abstinence-only sex education. This would be a valid domestic policy question for both her and McCain.
Notorious P.A.T.
Kind of funny:
Why McCain can’t stop saying “my friends.”
oh really
From the Eagle Forum Alaska:
3. Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?
JB: We should not exclude abstinence-until-marriage education programs.
SP: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.
Tony J
It’s funny, isn’t it, that in all the MSM coverage of McCain’s mavericky efforts to exploit a potential disaster in order to distance himself from the Bush legacy, and conveniently avoid the PR hit of a genuine – for which read: fractious and dangerously unpredictable – Convention, not one journalist has even mentioned just who it was hooking-up with El Residente back during Katrina for a cake-based photo-op?
Plenty of talk about why it’s politically smart for McCain to differentiate his response to Gustav from Bush’s response to Katrina, and lots of quotes about how he’d have acted if he’d been President at the time, but not a single reference to the fact that McCain’s actual response to Katrina was to meet with Bush, when there was no doubt how bad New Orleans was going to be hit, and say, apparently, nothing at all to the guy he thought should be personally flying Air-Force One down to the disaster zone with a cargo of sandbags and blankets.
You’d almost think no-one wanted to talk about it at all. Lime I said, funny dat.
I guess I’m biased. In my experience, moms stick around and raise the kids. There are some great dads out there doing most the care giving, but I don’t have statistics. It would be an interesting research project.
oh really
Adam Nagourney’s got a new piece up at the Times explaining what a sacrifice St. John is making for the good of the nation.
I found this especially moving:
The Times pays Nagourney to write. I wish they’d pay him to think.
I swear if McCain held up a piece of glass and told the MSM it was concrete they wouldn’t be able to see through it.
Tony J
Clearly, he would be making a symbolic and electoraly advantageous point about how strength of will and a maverick view on the world can endow even a fragile, glass-like campaign with the durable, rock-like qualities of a substance made with the sweat and toil of genuine, hard-working, white Americans.
They always know what he really means. And it’s always something better than you might initially have assumed from hearing him say it.
oh really
Tony J
Well said.
Nancy Irving
Well, it *has* allowed them to drop Bush and Cheney from the speech-giving lineup; that’s certainly a plus for the GOP.