Military service does not qualify you to be president. Good night.
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This post is in: Election 2008, Did You Know John McCain Was A POW?
Military service does not qualify you to be president. Good night.
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Conservatively Liberal
Agreed. Neither does being a POW.
…or else all those Republicans would have been forced to vote for Kerry in 2004.
2004: Kerry faked his wounds!
2008: You can’t vote for a guy who never served in the military!
What a difference four years makes.
Really?! /incredulent Bob Schieffer
Conservatively Liberal
I am starting to get the feeling that it just might be possible that McCain is deliberately leading the Republican party off of a cliff. I know it might sound odd, but bear with me here. In 2000, McCain was slandered to no end by the evangelicals and fellow Christians. They wanted Bush, and McCain had to be taken out because he was serious competition for the empty suit called Bush. They smeared his name and his family in the vicious rumors they spread around and McCain’s campaign was never able to recover afterward.
McCain pissed the religious nuts off with his ‘agents of intolerance’ bit and many other statements dismissing them. Now fast forward to this year. McCain’s campaign wins the primary but he makes the mistake of assuming that he would be the one to pick his running mate. No way! says Karl the Rove (just think along the lines of Jabba the Hutt), you have to pick someone the evangelicals will love. You MUST excite the base and revive your campaign!
At this point, maybe McCain had had enough of the shit from the right so he chose someone who would not only excite the religious wingnuts, but someone totally unqualified for office. Maybe he is secretly enjoying watching the party faithful make a cake out of the pile of shit he handed them, and he wants them to choke on it once and for all. After they lose this fall, his career would be over, but so would the total influence of the religious right over the Republican party.
It is painfully obvious to any person with a working brain that Palin is patently unqualified for president and that the only people who would be promoting her would be the ideological fruitcakes. So many on the right (who are not rabidly worshiping Jeebus) are aghast at his choice and it clearly shows.
I wonder if McCain’s ‘Hail Mary’ is really a great big ‘Fuck You!’ to the Republican party.
You want to let the religious nuts run the party? Well choke on this you assholes!
It would be so funny if McCain, after losing the election, came out and said that he did this deliberately to show the Republicans that kowtowing to the evangelicals would be the downfall of the party.
That would be sweet! Well, one can wish anyway.
Totally random, but is Michael D. an established writer? I seem to have a fuzzy memory that he was a writer or editor at an online gay magazine or something?
L. Ron Obama
I believe Michael D. played Worf on Star Trek: TNG.
Matt D
Isn’t Worf the son of Robert Moog?
Bill H
But the Republican Party is the War Party. Medals of Honor, POW’s, Veterans… Endless repetitions of the glorious POW service of John McCain. VFW hats and jackets everywhere.
Ned R.
And I well remember him from those ads where he went “HYPERKERATOSIS?”
Wesley Crusher maybe.
That’s kind of depressing given McCain’s horrible record on veterans issues. I guess the equivalent is dem politicians who voted for NAFTA, ect, being surrounded by union folks.
Well I knew that.
Yeah, me and a friend of mine were talking about that today. But we went with the alternative theory: John McCain has been replaced by Andy Kaufman!
It’s the greatest performance art piece in the history of humankind.
L. Ron Obama
CL: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Conservatively Liberal
That would explain everything! If it was an orchestrated disaster, Andy was the one to do it.
Conservatively Liberal
As I said, one can wish! It sure would elevate John in the eyes of a lot of people on the left and the right, and is sure would be a memorable way to end a career.
By ending a party!
Ladies and gentlemen,
ElvisJohn has left the building. Turn out the lights, the party is over.Wish! :)
McCain was a “War Hero” not a “War Leader.”
McCain finished 4th from the bottom of his class at the Academy and was a very unaccomplished airman. He was shot down, suffered for his country, and is a “War Hero.” BUT, the guy has no meaningful “military experience” and his recent votes against benefits for todays veterans is disgraceful.
As to this election – McCain has morphed from the “Maverick” of 2000 to an appalling, near incoherent, dangerously unstable (appointing a totally unready VP candidate with more baggage than Santa on Christmas eve), forgetful, mere shadow of the man America once knew and respected.
Sometimes it’s better if old soldiers, to quote General McArthur – “Just fade away.”
Conservatively Liberal
I saw a comment over at The Field saying that Obama will be on Faux Noize’s Teh O’really Fucktor on Thursday.
Anyone else hear this?
So, about that Alaska Independence Party…
Let’s see what the Great Gazoogle can find!
:type: :type: :type:
Nordic American Aryan Migration Movement?
Southern Independence Party?
Dear oh dear. I wonder what the Great Gazoogle could find with a bit moar digging?
Dennis - SGMM
Heard Fred Thompson speaking at the convention. He went on about how McCain was tortured but he never gave in. Odd that because McCain himself has said that he signed a confession to war crimes. That McCain cracked is perhaps understandable. That he would allow Fred Thomson to lie about it is proof that age and desperate ambition have made McCain into just another old hypocrite.
L. Ron Obama
Yeah, it’s all over the place (WP for example). I guess he met with Murdoch and Ailes a few months ago, the meeting is described near the end of this page.
It’s on Politico that he’s on on Thursday.
There is no way, Obama would show up and talk to that fuckstain. He’s a goddam hack. what’s next an interview with Rush Limbaugh? He’d probably have the balls to do this.
zuzu's petals
Not to mention Gore in 2000.
In other News, Gonzales breaks the law, the AG refuses to prosecute.
Gee whiz, I sure hope when Obama snaps up the WH, he gets to do all these fun things too.
Feds kick the shit out of Republican Officials? No worries, we won’t press charges!
Dennis - SGMM
Probably not. Once Obama is elected the Republicans will all turn into Constitutional scholars, well versed in the limits of the authority of the Executive Branch.
Warren Terra
When the British Tories had completely destroyed themselves, Murdoch, sensing the shifting winds, threw his outlets behind New Labour until the Tories had rebuilt. Maybe Obama going on O’Lielly signifies something similar. I can hope, at least, although O’Lielly may be too dumb and stubborn to make a deal like that.
Murdoch has a history of making sure he is on the winner’s side. Check out this story which I read on Ben Smith’s blog today which details a meeting between Obama and Murdoch which Murdoch had repeatedly requested.
I suspect that we’ll see a change in tone in Murdoch newspapers over the next few months. I’m not sure he’ll be able to change Faux News short of a complete change of personnel.
My my, I sense a little worry. Could it be the nuclear war you’ve declared on Sarah Palin has completely energized a previous lethargic conservative/libertarian base? The Obamas as flawless Messiah storyline is not going as planned?
“Barack Obama may think family is off limits as far as Sarah Palin is concerned. I disagree. Republicans have made traditional family values the centerpiece of every election for the past decade or more.”
And her husband had a DUI 20 years ago! And her mother once told a misbehaving kid to “Get lost!” And her dog once vomited on a neighbor’s welcome mat! And her cat scratched up the carpet last year and then had the nerve to hide in the pantry and pretend to deny it! This. CANNOT. Stand.
Do I need to mention that Obama was doing crack cocaine a little more than 20 years ago and was born to a 18 year old single mother? But you don’t hear us talking about this every FUCKING FIVE MINUTES.
You stay classy Democrats. And John Cole, you stay classy too.
Phil, is there anything that can be said that would slap some sense into you? Every post you do this, make a complete fool of yourself. Like now with this whiny ‘the Dems are saying bad stuff about us’, turning around and spitting out some vulgar mindless trailer trash O’Really smears, then ending it with the sublime ‘stay classy Democrats.’
Is there any way out of your endless brainwashy loop that you are stuck in? May I make a suggestion that would help you in the long run, and at the same time lower the pain threshold of actually reading your posts? Take your own advice. Attempt one ‘classy’ post here, see how it goes. No vile ranting, just a calm post about some FACT that caught your eye that you think might start a good conversation. That’s how these things work. Unless you are just a sad low-info dim-bulb with social issues who doesn’t know how to communicate with actual people, and makes up for the emptiness by provoking his betters to post long responses that he can then piss on. You wouldn’t want to be that sort of pathetic worm, would you, Phil?
zuzu's petals
Well well. In a delicious bit of irony, the National Enquirer takes uhm, “credit” for forcing Palin’s hand on the pregnant daughter story.
So much for blaming it on all them librul bloggers.
Why would we worry when it’s your party imploding in ways that parody couldn’t even mimic? It has been a hugely entertaining election cycle and however you want to characterize the players, even a dim bulb like you can’t deny that it’s not Obama who’s looking like a clown. Now if you want to choke down the shit sandwich that the Republicans are serving up this year, that’s your business. But don’t expect us to agree with you that it’s tasty.
Let me give you an example of facts vs. that style of garbage dump you are so fond of. Obama’s poll numbers have gone up since the Palin announcement. Your guys went with Palin because in the words of someone working with McCain ‘We either get the Hillary women, or we lose the election.’ And after this pick, twice as many Hillary women are less likely to vote for McCain than more likely. So it hasn’t worked. And my bet is things are just going to get worse for McCain as it sinks in on people what a horrible choice he made. That last part was opinion, but still, based on FACTS.
See how it works?
Not to mention how the Hillary voters will swing once Hillary herself hits the campaign trail to take Palin apart. Which Hillary seems ready to do in spades. I don’t think McCain had any idea what he was going to provoke there. But then he plays craps, and Obama plays poker.
Blue Raven
Aw, c’mon. Phil’s just trying to sharpen his act. He wants to be the next Stephen Colbert, and he’s picked us to try his material out on. Of course, there’s this small problem of hubris that he has, but maybe he’ll eventually realize that we’re only telling him he stinks for his own good.
Conservatively Liberal
No. You have to have some smarts to start with, and Freeper Phil’s cranium is a perfect vacuum. Besides that, Freeper Phil’s heart really isn’t in his screeds. He’s just working on getting some extra McCain points so he can get his hands on McCain’s balls. Golf balls from his gift shop (at least I hope those are the ones).
Freeper Phil just drops by to post a few screeds from the drivel that he has saved into text files. That makes it easy to post his drivel with a minimum of effort, and all he does is re-arrange it periodically so people won’t notice. This is just a game for him and not much more than that.
If you see Freeper Phil post, just pretend that it is the pile of shit that it is, and if he keeps coming back trying to get attention then just consider it the flies buzzing around the shit.
That or just make shit up about Freeper Phil and post it here. Works for me! ;)
Phil could learn to love reality, I know he can. So much less nightmarish than being Foxified in the brain.
One thing he is right about, Palin has the fundie base fired up and ready to go, though where to I am unclear on. Only problem is, that base scares a large percentage of other Republicans, not to mention the independents, not to mention the Hillary voters, not to mention sane people. McCain has put himself in a box, if he drops her he loses the base, if he keeps her he runs the more moderate Republicans into the Obama camp.
I have two comments ‘awaiting moderation'(actually the same, one reworded to attempt to get by whatever filter is in play here), and John has gone to bed. What is up with that?
oh really
I just realized that if McCain/Palin win, Levi will probably be in the cabinet.
Rome Again
I realize that Republicans may find me reprehensible, but, at least I’m consistent in what I believe.
Do these crazy Repubs not remember what they’ve said previously, or do they just change like the wind with no conscious understanding that they are indeed taking a different stance? I’m amazed by this trend we’re seeing. It is so blatantly obvious. Do these people really believe in anything besides winning?
Conservatively Liberal
Ok, the Straight Talking Train Wreck Express just keeps chugging along! Turns out that Palin is holed up in a hotel and McCain’s camp has made it clear that they will be carefully controlling access to her as they ‘roll her out’. They are completely reworking the speech as it was written for a man to deliver (really?!), and they don’t want her going gung-ho on Obama’s ass.
In other news, Bristol Palin’s squeeze, Levi Johnston, had a MySpace page (now down) where he called himself a “redneck”, that he is in a “relationship” and says “I don’t want kids”. Maybe this has something to do with the word that Bristol disagreed with her mother when she was planning for her daughter and Levi to get married immediately after the convention, then they would let it be known that she was pregnant. Seems that the Enquirer and a disagreeable daughter kind of fudged those plans.
What a f’ing mess. This shit is supposed to instill confidence in the public that McCain can lead our country and Palin is a great spare tire? This is almost to soap opera level of discourse now. What’s after that, tabloids?
Oh, right… ;)
Jeralyn has lifted her ban on discussing the Palin family at TalkLeft. Seems that since Sarah has decided to drag Levi and Bristol into the national stage show and spotlight, Palin herself has decided that it is fine to discuss them (as far as Jeralyn is concerned). She is pissed that Sarah would parade Levi, her daughter and her pregnancy out like she is, and she believes that Sarah is trying to benefit from her daughters situation and condition.
I agree. Parading those kids around on stage is craven, IMO, and Palin should not expect privacy for her daughter when Mom herself is parading her onto the national stage. What set Jeralyn off was dragging Levi into it just shows that this is a situation Palin is exploiting for political gain.
The gloves are off.
Rome Again
The scary thing is, if he were to win, that is how he would run the country. No thanks!
Conservatively Liberal
The spam filter gotcha! If it happens, just post that the BJ Mod God gotcha for using a bad word (v i a g r a, p o k e r, etc) and John will pull it out and post it for you if/when he sees your message. You can use the ‘bad words’ with spaces but sometimes figuring out which bad word tripped the filter can be fun.
Rome Again
Nah, he’s just an idiot.
We’ll know for sure if he challenges Palin to a wrestling match.
Since I decided to watch the US OPEN, I missed the fine speeches last night at the Republican Convention. The local news had a clip though of Lieberman calling Barack a fine young man. Since Joe brought up the age issue, we can now call McCain a dangerous old coot.
Rome Again
McCain’s camp is stating that he knew about Bristol’s pregnancy before he chose Sarah Palin as his VP pick and that the campaign felt that the information would not be damaging (not so surprising when you’re so brazen as to think you can be president when you dumped your first wife for your second wife) but, the question I have is this:
If the McCain campaign was so sure of their choice that the pregnancy would not cause a storm of controversy, why did they NOT just announce it themselves on the day of unveiling Palin in Dayton? They could have owned it then, they chose not to – and the answer is: because they knew it wouldn’t wash and they are scared now that it’s gotten out.
Rome Again
Oh, just a minor misunderstanding, you know, we hear “John McCain confessed to war crimes” and they hear “he gave the names of the Green Bay Packers as his brothers in arms”. It’s a cute story (of course, he recently recalled it was the Pittsburgh Steelers, so I don’t believe it for a second, but…) tell a cute anecdote about a serious situation and the worst parts of it are forgotten, it gets him a pass with idiots.
Phil’s war on straw proceeds apace.
Of course, only an idiot would need such a reason to excuse or forgive a man who broke under torture. Real men never break!
Edmund Dantes
Did they actually say McCain was tortured? Or did they say he was beaten, put in stress positions, etc.? You know, enhanced interrogation techniques or some other euphemisms??
No, just that the Viet Cong weren’t terribly kind to him.
And purple heart Band-Aids.
w vincentz
I so enjoyed the great tunes being played to rouse the GOOOPER crowd. Was isn’t great to see all those cellulite butts groovin’ to the 50’s hit by Chuck Berry, “Johnnie be Good”?
I’m a little disappointed they didn’t have Glen Miller, The Andrews Sisters, and Lawrence Welk on their playlist.
Maybe tonight.
After Caribou Barby gives her speech tonight, can we at least hear the theme from “Northern Exposure” (with the photo of her in her starspangled bikini (see Salto’s site) on the screen in the background?
Prediction…tonight wil be all “pro life”, anti-abortion, and war (hey…doesn’t war kill people too?)
Half baked Alaska is being served tonight.
Rome Again
I didn’t mean it that way. Of course torture is meant to break someone and it works, but, notice two things:
1. the person who was tortured sees no problem with advocating for the use of this horrifying technique that assured he would never be able to lift his arms over his head again.
2. his use of a football team line-up proves that the info being sought is not reliable – so what is the reason for using it? Revenge, plain and simple.
And still he advocates for torture and they are appeased.