Old one was stale.
Deep thought- Has it occurred to the GOP that it is hardly a compliment that after eight years of uninterrupted Republican rule, they need to run as reformers in order to have a shot at getting elected. I guess they plan on reforming themselves.
9:51 pm- I guess they decided to have Laura Bush open for W. to make him appear like a dynamic speaker.
BTW, for some comedy gold, go watch Red State get openly mocked by the Politico.
9:53 pm- Bush should get more credit for the Africa Aids stuff. A legitimately good thing.
9:57 pm- OMG, John McCain was a POW! I did not know this, and it is truly new and exciting information.
10:01 pm- Off topic, but this is funny:
Palin’s pastor, Larry Kroon, introduced [David] Brickner, [the founder of Jews for Jesus] on Aug. 17, according to a transcript of the sermon on the church’s website. “He’s a leader of Jews for Jesus, a ministry that is out on the leading edge in a pressing, demanding area of witnessing and evangelism,” Kroon said.
Obligatory video.
11:12 pm- Really not sure what they are trying to accomplish, to be completely honest. They seem to be trying to run this as a reform ticket, when this is the party that has been in charge for eight years, and all the people advocating from reform are the same tired faces we have seen since Clinton was President. I mean, Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay? Shouldn’t they avoid cameras? Tom DeLay trumpeting reform? Is the public really this stupid?
Laura Bush is a robot…
Chris Huston
Anyone else find the roll out of veteran stories that have absolutely nothing to do with the GOP platform exploitative and insulting?
Oh and Lauara Bush is also so full of shit her eyes are indeed brown!
I doubt it. They like blaming everything that has gone wrong since 2006 on the Democratic Congress in general and Pelosi in particular, ignoring all the shit that went down during their hegemony. Not to mention that that kind of self-reflectiveness seems rare in the Republican leadership.
Some Guy
I know the first night of the DNC was boring but this blows. That is one un-enthused, pasty-faced crowd.
And the pandering is truly painful.
dr. bloor
“Hurricane Goosestuff?”
Missed that one.
Tonight we are all Zombie-Reagan.
Palin’s church loves Jews For Jesus
There we have it “If the Hanoi Hilton couldn’t break McCain’s resolve then neither will the Angry Left”. Say good night Gracie.
dr. bloor
I like being a member of the “Angry Left” more that the “Democrat Party.”
Wait, I thought Bush had seriously slashed funding for birth-control initiatives in Africa. What “Africa Aids stuff” are you talking about?
Bush should get more credit for the Africa Aids stuff. A legitimately good thing.
He only supported the A in ABC and then gave lots of money for the results.
He’s not the King of Africa, despite what you might think.
The one is on now and has been hitting on all the right points . . . to get the base fired up.
the events of a veteran’s life should be private!
joe in oklahoma
I have been thinking that Palin will leave for “family reasons”.
but i am wondering now what sort of Commander in Chief McCain will look like if his candidate is replaced at the last minute.
i dunno…but either way i think he is hurt.
Some Guy
Chris Huston, yes, I find it obnoxious. Oh, nice shot at the “angry left” W. What a buffoon.
W is truly a crappy speaker. Reminded of how he always manages to sound dim and condescending at the same time.
What “Africa Aids stuff” are you talking about?
Is it the program that wasn’t allowed to mention condoms?
dr. bloor
I see that speaking on a remote feed does nothing to worsen his already terrible sense of timing and delivery.
The Africa AIDS stuff where we didn’t stop genocide in Darfur so more people, probably terrists with AIDS get killed. Or the Africa AIDS stuff that was in their head.
Just had my first taste of tear gas, courtesy of St. Paul’s finest. My wife got shoved with a bike by a fat fucking pig wearing a gas mask. The cops provoked some of the protesters. Can’t get all dressed up in riot gear and go home without at least firing off some teargas rounds.
Joe Vegas
C-bot McCain looks more Stepford-ish than ever.
Too bad Andy Griffith died. They could have had Matlock address the crowd.
I’m trying to watch the whole convention, but they’re making it so difficult.
t jasper parnell
“They will cast their ballots” versus “They will greet us as liberators” Obama wins.
Stuck in the Fun House (nj)
He wisely learned from Kerry the importance of placing front and center your military service. I even heard he was a POW>
I’m glad John McCain has the support of Cindy McCain. I would be worried if she was thinking about calling in that pre-nup!
Joe Vegas
Is it me or is McCain’s wife dressed like one of the aliens in the old “V” miniseries?
I think they were piping in an applause tape for Bush’s speech. The same sounds start the applause each time.
Chris Huston
Two thoughts on Bush.
It may or may not be telling he made vague mentions of the “Angry Left” but never directly mentioned Obama.
And did anyone else notice what sounded like one guy going “Yeeeeaaaaaahhhh!” over the entire crowd every time there was applause during his speech?
To be fair, I’ve seen 3 or 4 African-Americans in the crowd.
How dare you talk about John POW McPOWY KAPOW POW that way?
They’re doing the Ronald Reagan tribute and the said ‘he never forgot who he was…’. Wrong to poke fun at?
dr. bloor
Soulmates come and go, but divorce attorneys are forever.
A POW? Really? I find that hard to believe. Why, if the distinguished Senator from Arizona had been a POW I’m sure we would have heard someone, somewhere mention it by now.
Soylent Green
What’s the deal with Tom Brokaw? He keeps solemnly repeating whatever cheesy narrative the GOP spinmeisters feed him, like this craptastic comparison of Sarah Palin to Teddy Roosevelt. Didn’t he used to be a journalist?
You know, it’s like watching a movie, they really live in an alternate universe.
OMG, NBC is showing the Pres remarks (taped) without the applause and the awkward pauses. This so amazing. Can anyone say clusterf_ck?
Geez, Gus, I’m sorry to hear that. Hope your wife is okay.
I looked up and saw they were doing a video retrospective, and waited for details of McCain’s sainthood, but it’s Saint Ronny instead.
I guess most of the commenters here have blocked out my comments.
Funny thing. I know about the AIDS effort in Africa because I work with Africans.
Almost all funding from the bush Admin has been for Abstinence. The “A” in ABC.
We now know how well that works for Rebuplicans.
t jasper parnell
They’ll soon get sick of being asked to fetch drinks.
Halperin’s fronting these “Republican zingers” as he calls them:
Can’t they do better than this?
That’s terrible, Gus. That’s something I’d expect to see in Malaysia, not in the U.S. Hope you and the wife are okay.
o rly?
Lieberman To Break Vow Not To Attack Obama Tonight
Some Guy
“They’re doing the Ronald Reagan tribute and the said ‘he never forgot who he was…’. Wrong to poke fun at?”
Must . . . not . . . laugh . . . so . . . mean . . .
Dude, wish I was there, but know a lot of us are with you and would be there if we could.
Angry? I haven’t stopped laughing for 5 days.
Chris Huston
Thompson’s speech would be fantastic, if we lived in the same universe he appears to live in.
I gotta admit, I wasn’t planning on going to a protest. I came out of the Daily Show, and kind of got caught up. The cops wouldn’t let us cross their lines, so we sat and watched. People were moving through an intersection and a cop got on the bullhorn and told them they must keep moving. There’s no way that cop didn’t know that would provoke some of the more adventurous to disobey. We were on our way out when the teargas got fired. Assholes.
Fred Thompson sounds like he’s about to die.
Soylent Green
OT, but one photo from Wasilla is worth a thousand bloggers.
Just Some Fuckhead
I’m pretty sure large portions of Arthur Branch’s story about John McCain’s capture by the North Vietnamese were lifted from Matthew 27.
But that pales in comparison to finding out John McCain was a POW.. holy wow!?? This is like an October Surprise one month early.
“God bless John McCain and John bless America.”
Oh God, don’t tell me BTO has been groping McPOW.
George will be jealous.
Notorious P.A.T.
Wow, I’m shocked. Just because he lied to get re-elected (“no one is more anti-war than I am”) I didn’t think he’d lie about Obama.
Stuck in the Fun House (nj)
Somebody shut that idiot Thompson up, I half expect Minnie Pearl to come out and kick him in the shins.
That’s some convention…
Hey did anybody see this from ? Obama got sucked into the wrong comparison. He compared his campaign with her experience as mayor. He seemed to have forgotten she is Governor.
t jasper parnell
No, they have nothing but abortion and war.
Nice rear screen. Is there a power point coming up?
Thompson’s most effective line was on taxes. Corporate taxes are ineffective and do get passed down to everyone via prices or employment practices. Granted, I don’t think increased corporate taxes are a major part of Obama’s tax plan so it isn’t entirely honest, but it is reasonable for a Republican talking point.
Now THIS is an obligatory video.
Some Guy
Thompson and Lieberman just sheered off from reality.
First, its all POW pathos, no substance with Thompson, but that was his job. (That was good for him, he usually looks like a basset hound vampire on valium).
Second, the reformer who has been in DC forever running as an outsider is just idiotic. Bullshit flowing mightily from both of them
Third, digs at Obama are pretty light and whiny. Most who watched Obama’s speech last week will find the snide innuendo off key and just wrong. No body blows like they went for in 2004. “Obama is all talk and ego and no resume” has not worked for 18 months. They got nothin’.
I feel like I am watching rally before a bingo game. Honestly, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and Joe Biden were three white haired dudes who spoke with passion and seemed connected to the real world. Thompson and Lieberman seem like they are going out for a phosphate after the speeches.
Your server ate my comment!
It was suppose to read ..Hey did anybody see this from CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360?
Now THIS is an obligatory video.
I’m trying to figure out if this really is much worse than last week’s convention or if I’m biased.
Just Some Fuckhead
I’m still trying to figure out if John McCain is so fucking cool and James Dean rebel and all, what the fuck is he doing running around with the political equivalent of Lenny & Squiggy, Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman. Something just doesn’t add up.
Conservatively Liberal
Lieberman referred to 9-11 as a “great natural disas… unnatural disaster…”
He does have a gift with words, eh?
I think this convention needs more flags and chants of USA. Quite frankly I can’t tell if they love their country or not. Lieberman isn’t even wearing a flag lapel pin!
gil mann
This convention looks like yesterday.
Gus, black power salute, man. Hope you guys are okay. Maybe you should get out of that hellhole and come to America.
You are talking about the St. Paul that used to be part of the Soviet Union, right?
Sorry for the double post, but it’s a good ‘un.
Happens when the server goes repeatedly tits-up for forty minutes, I guess.
Ned R.
Hahah, as soon as I saw the YouTube still of that video I knew EXACTLY what it was…
Lieberman, you shithead, you’re not a Democrat anymore. So quit describing yourself as such.
Rome Again
Lieberman says he’s a Democrat? Hmmm, I thought he was an Independent. Yes, he has caucused with the Democrats, but he won under the “I” designation, not a “D”.
Sure wounds like a wingnut Republican to me.
Arena of the Dead
Scott H
Max Headroom fan that I am, I will be interested to see the comparison of ratings for the DNC and the RNC.
In the meantime, Jon Stewart is on.
Just Some Fuckhead
When they sewed up the feminist HRC vote with a young beauty queen, it only seemed natural to use Jews for Jesus for the Jew vote.
On another note, it was pretty creepy seeing Joe Lieberman doing an evangelical alter call for John McCain. Pretty good for a Jewish guy. Of course, he forgot the first line: “Every head bowed, every eye closed..”
Rome Again
Whoops, hit the “w” instead of the “s”, but I guess that works too!
Lieberman’s speech, and the droning voice in which he delivers it, makes me want to hurl. I guess the silver lining of the 2000 election is that this guy didn’t get to be VP.
dr. bloor
It was all he could do to keep from calling it “the biggest break PNAC ever lucked into.”
Am I the only one who resents Lieberman identifying himself as a democrat? He beat our candidate, as I recall. Lets all write to Reid and demand that he toss him out of the caucus TODAY. We don’t need him anymore.
Some Guy
zzyzx wrote: “I’m trying to figure out if this really is much worse than last week’s convention or if I’m biased.”
It seems a lot worse to me. The speeches were often dazzlingly boring the first couple nights in Denver, but the ones that were good were really surprisingly good like Michelle and Hillary. Then Wednesday and Thursday were off the hook.
The speeches tonight were not bad given the soporific people giving them but they were not powerful.
The problem is the energy and the tiredness of it all. This truly is a party that has nothing left but a sense of victimage and denial over the hell they brought on this country.
The lies were so thick and fast, it was a blizzard of make believe. Running against themselves is complete horseshit.
I will be interested to see the comparison of ratings for the DNC and the RNC.
Me too. Is there some way the Pubs can bulk-buy TV ratings like they do with their “bestseller” screedbooks?
I am sick to death of hearing politicians complain about “gridlock” in Washington — and I’ve heard it in both conventions now. I only wish the Bush administration had encountered gridlock. Instead, he’s had eight years of both Republican and Democratic congresses bending to his every whim.
Father Ted was awesome, too bad Dermot Morgan died.
Rome Again
No, you’re not. Far from it. Lieberman is a traitor and needs to be tossed NOW!
Just Some Fuckhead
Was that Republicans that Joe Lieberman was lecturing about partisanship? Is he a super secret double double agent?
Or where you can score some coke.
Why the heck is Harold Ford a spokesperson for the party?
Agreed Cris, gridlock in Washington is a good thing, it means fewer new laws. My message to Congress remains: Don’t just do something, sit there!
Stuck in the Fun House (nj)
Any damn fool can call themselves a democrat. and Lieberman tonight proved it. He catterwalls about putting country over party. I just wonder which country he’s talking about.
maybe im wrong but the GOP or the DEMS talk about the economy in real life terms, we just had another bank to fail. That’s makes 10
its about my pocket – im sorry
jesus, that was the most boring coupla hours of television i’ve ever seen.
Sully notices:
Conservatively Liberal
If they showed this to the detainees at Guantanamo, if the detainees had any secrets you can bet they would be coughing them up to stop the torture. In Denver, all you could hear was the roar of the crowd in the distance. With the repubs I can hear individual voices and cheers during the speeches. They sound very strained, almost as if they are only going through the motions just to get it over with.
They have nothing to run on other than Washington politicians have screwed this country up and we, the very same politicians who were in charge, are just the reformers you need to clean it up!
Didn’t you hear? Rick Davis has told us the election is NOT ABOUT THE ISSUES.
And McPOW is all character, and so is
LolitaSarah Palin!DonnaInMichigan
Dayum straight we are ANGRY.
We are angry that our sons and daughters are being slaughtered over a war that should of NEVER been waived. And while IRAQ is sitting on 78 billion dollars, the taxpayers in THIS country is paying the price to protect them!
We are angry that gas prices have been over 4.00 a gallon, and that basically a family that has 2 spouses working cannot afford to take a vacation with their family. Barely making it last to go to their jobs! Literally living paycheck to paycheck!
We are angry that because of those gas prices, FOOD has gone up. Does John McCain even know how much groceries cost for a family of 4, for a week?
We are angry, that every day, we are seeing OUR jobs go overseas. Another plant is closing in our cities all over the U.S.
McCain has had 3 decades or more to CHANGE Washington. Why do you think he can do ANYTHING different as a sitting President that he has NOT yet done as a United States Senator?
The man owns 7 houses, a private jet, a staff of chefs, maids to see to his every need, want and whim. He doesn’t understand the “little people”. He thinks middle class is someone making 5 million dollars!
That and his judgment of his pick of Vice President, someone that wasn’t VETTED until last Thursday…is a test of his judgment and character.
I won’t even go into what he did to his first wife and 3 children….when he came back from Vietnam, as you can see was completely scrubbed from any mention tonight. Character counts? Country FIRST? Nah…its John McCain FIRST.
J. Michael Neal
Norm Coleman was the mayor at the time. Besides, the only real problem with the St. Paul Civic Center was that it didn’t have enough luxury boxes to get an NHL team.
w00t! DonnaInMichigan brings th’ righteous fury!
Hell, I think I’m gonna change my voter registration from “Democratic” to “Angry Left” for the 2010 mid-terms. Hell of a lot more accurate.
Dude.. Andy Griffith is not dead. I think I would know as captain of his fan club if he was dead.
Bush won in 2004. That’s pretty much all you need to know; yes, they are that stupid.
Hi-larious comment to a recent WaPo article about what the vetting actually looked like.
Viewing tonight’s program from an alternate universe:
As the camera scanned the entire audience of the RNC.
Ask yourselves this question.
What was different in THIS Republican crowd, that was so different in the audience at the Democratic Convention???
See if you can spot the difference.
50 pts to the first person who’s answer is right.
The DNC crowd were living, breathing humans?
I don’t remember where I read it, but some blogger was talking to one (of 35) African American delegates at the RNC and said: “I look forward to seeing you on tv tonight.”
The real comedy gold is reading the right wing conspiracy theorists over there talking about how easy it is to figure out the last four digits of a SSN with a simple computer program. Um, yeah. I can write two lines of code that will print the digits from 0001 to 9999 in several languages. But what, pray tell, am I comparing it against to know if I got a hit or not? I have to either:
A. Already know the number, so why did I write this stupid program, anyway?
B. Have some login of some kind I can throw it against that won’t lock me out after several thousand failed attempts.
Conservatively Liberal
Someone blogging the convention for Kos said ‘A cookie to the first person who can find a black man and people enjoying themselves’, or something to that effect.
I”m thinking Bush knocked down Obama’s lead by a point or two, Laura Bush knocked it down by a point or two, Lieberman knocked down by a point or two and Thompson knocked it down by two or three points.
Oh, wait – knocking Obama down by that much?
McCain, maybe.
The Republican public is, yes. Facts have the same value as factoids. Truth has the same value as lie. The only thing that matters is the theatrical and rhetorical value of an idea or a phrase. If it produces the desired reaction, then it is worth saying.
It is Ends Justify Means perfected and polished like a rhinestone, for rubes who don’t care that there is a difference between costume jewelry and real gems. For the, the sparkle is enough.
Rome Again
It is Ends Justify Means perfected and polished like a rhinestone, for rubes who don’t care that there is a difference between costume jewelry and real gems. For the, the sparkle is enough.
Oooooh, I collect gems :)
I have never collected any rhinestones.
Rome Again
Sorry TZ, I didn’t blockquote you and I should have. I think my braincells are toast after watching that Lieberman charade. Apologies.
I feel your pain, I cannot listen to that guy. I can’t process that much cognitive dissonance at one time.
oh really
George Bush, President and Decider of the United States of America, January 2001 to January 2009.
Yes, they are this stupid.
If in January 2009, John McPOW takes the oath of office, you can safely conclude that they are even stupider than this.
t jasper parnell
John McCain is such a maverick and Sarah Palin such a military genius that, should he become president, when next Putin threatens the freedom loving inhabitants of, say, the Ukraine, he will:
1) Issue a decree legalizing polygamy
2) Marry his VP (bigamist polygamy is the polygamy mavericky enough for him)
3) Dispatch her to Alaska where, at the head of her elite National Guard mounted on Moose, she invades Canada.
4) McCain orders the immediate bombing of the Isles of Man and Wright.
5) Profit.
yeah, george, fred and joe are the most popular dudes around. the public just fuckin’ loves em.
once sarah palin talks obama’s lead is gonna get cut by 45 percent, you watch. it’s that crazy GILF magic.