Just two weeks ago, Sarah Palin sat in on this sermon:
Brickner also described terrorist attacks on Israelis as God’s “judgment of unbelief” of Jews who haven’t embraced Christianity.
“Judgment is very real and we see it played out on the pages of the newspapers and on the television. It’s very real. When [Brickner’s son] was in Jerusalem he was there to witness some of that judgment, some of that conflict, when a Palestinian from East Jerusalem took a bulldozer and went plowing through a score of cars, killing numbers of people. Judgment — you can’t miss it.”
Palin was in church that day, Kroon said, though he cautioned against attributing Brickner’s views to her.
Like Andrew Sullivan, I can’t wait to watch Sean Hannity eviscerate the man. Er, never mind.
swwooooop! right down the memory hole.
this won’t be new because the Dems don’t have the ability to steer the media the way the GOP does.
They sure as fuck weren’t “cautious” about attributing other people’s views before…
Well, this could be fun. Obama vs Mittens, 2012. Let’s hope.
This is different than Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
SHUT UP, that’s why.
Jeri Thompson: hot
Jeri Thompson standing next to much-older husband Fred Thompson: creepy
oh, this is delicious.
and lieberman is behind this woman. seriously, i’m ODing on popcorn here.
Oh wait, he’s Caucasian.
Cancel red alert.
Seriously, fuck Bricknerd and the rest of the “Ha ha God Hates U” crowd.
In before Wilfred
You should post a Youtube of the scene from Airplane with the guy walking through the airport slugging all the pamphleteers, including one for “Jews for Jesus.”
Scroll down, Ugh. Already posted.
This pisses me off far more than anything Wright said. Those 2000 years of being kicked out of countries seeps into our culture. I know that my grandparents had a plan to get out of this country if they ever had to and it always sits in the back of my mind. I don’t frequently feel like a minority in the US but reading comments like that makes me do so.
Does Joe Vogler hate America?
As renato noted above, this is totally, completely, absolutely different than Jeremiah Wright. Wright never spent 5 years locked in a cage, with a single light bulb illuminating the kitchen table that was not there.
Got it?
Scroll down, Ugh. Already posted.
Why would Hannity respond. He did not say G-d damned America, he said G-d damned the Jews if they do not convert. That is mainstream Evangelicalism, the correct religion of the US.
+ This
I look forward to Holy Joe’s
conversionexplanation of how he can support Sarah Palin. It should be…amusing.blogreeder
You buffoon’s seemed to have missed this part:
Brickner isn’t her pastor.
You guys are just pathetic.
Strategically we shouldn’t bring this up now. Like most of this stuff we should just wait for the inevitable smear campaign against Obama then bring this up as an example showing that smears shouldn’t matter thus winning over independents. We lose the moral high ground bringing this up now. Long term strategery people, keep your powder dry.
blogreeder(sic):I don’t think this changes very much. And quite frankly, I think that it’s going to go down that road anyway.
In any case, I said this would happen when the Wright thing occured. And now it’s happening. Yay for me I guess.
harlana pepper
I think it would be safe to say, blogreeder, that Pastor Kroon was loving him some David Brickner in a serious way. And I don’t think the members of *that* congregation viewed Brickner’s comments with deep hostility:
D. Mason
If it makes you feel any better at all, my family history is in no way Jewish and I have a plan to get out of this country if necessary. I think that’s just a good idea..
Joshua Norton
Palin was asked to handle a much smaller task: addressing the graduating class of commission students at her one-time church, Wasilla Assembly of God.
Her speech in June provides as much insight into her policy leanings as anything uncovered since she was asked to be John McCain’s running mate.
She painted the current war in Iraq as a messianic affair in which the United States could act out the will of the Lord.
“Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending soldiers out on a task that is from God,” she exhorted the congregants. “That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”
Jesus is in “war-mode”. Which seems rational, as I seem to recall that Jesus spoke so often about war that he was dubbed the Prince Of War . . .
If that doesn’t sound as bad as the worst Jihadi crap they can dig up then no one is paying attention.
Frank Jacobs
Well, first off, I’m pretty offended both as a Jew and a rationalist at these idiotic remarks. That said, I’m not sure about attempts to make these somehow stick to Palin. The guy was a guest speaker at her congregation. It just strikes me as somewhat obtuse and disingenuous.
Even more importantly, though, I think it really overemphasizes the idea that American Jews vote out of Zionist concerns in some sort of bloc. This leads, of course, back to the “fact” that the American government is controlled by Israel and the Jews have aligned themselves with the intelligentsia to betray American interests. This isn’t an unfamiliar story to Jews.
The fact is, most Jews in America pretty much vote in the same way everyone else does. They seek some kind of equilibrium between the desire for lower taxes and and the need for better services. In short, they vote in their own self-interest, just as the average American voter. When they vote by “traditional Jewish values”, they tend to think in terms of social equity, health care and education. Are there Jews who vote with the single issue of Israel in mind? Sure. There are also folks who vote with only the “death tax” in mind, but we don’t hear story after story in the media about how every candidate has to pander to the all-important offspring-of-aging-millionaire vote every election cycle.
By the way, I’ve noticed that a similar version to this same media kabuki plays out every election cycle in regard to Cuban Americans, and I feel it is just as pandering, unfair and xenophobic.
At a certain point, I almost think the GOP is flaunting their control of the media in our faces. They can spend months hyper-analyzing Wright’s sermons, blowing millions of dollars in ad budgets and spending endless hours of their media organs’ coverage targeting Wright as the focal point of Obama’s anti-Americanism.
Then, just as the Wright nonsense is dying down, they nominate a woman to the VP slot who has close ties to a deeply anti-American separatist organization. Palin will never get seriously called on it. And this will be treated as normal.
>>You guys are just pathetic.
No, I think it’s important that her church would host someone whose goal is the annihilation of the Jews by either conversion or destruction at the End Times.
Now go crawl back under your rock.
let me get this straight –
1) obama’s pastor likes farrakhan, that means that obama is linked to farrakhan.
2) palin’s pastor likes brickner and what he says about the jews, that means that palin has no connection.
also –
1) obama listens to crazy sermon, that means he needs to disavow the message or it sticks to him.
2) palin listens to crazy sermon, but it doesn’t stick at all to her.
also –
1) pflegar gives a guest sermon at obama’s church while obama isn’t in attendance, and obama has to answer for it in the press.
2) brickner gives a guest sermon at palin’s church while she’s sitting in the damn pew, and she doesn’t have to answer for anything.
Frank Jacobs
See, here’s the thing, fellas: when Obama was being tarred and feathered with Wright, Farrakhan, Rezko, and the like, we loudly cried foul – and rightly so.
Well, here we are again, revisiting guilt by association, and now we’re expected to argue the opposite of what we pretty much established was the proper, intelligent and honest stance? Sorry, but no thanks. You can’t have it both ways, folks.
There are reasons aplenty to oppose Palin as a veep, but this one is straight up weaksauce.
P.S. – John: WORST WORDPRESS DAY EVER. Seriously, dude, these guys are fuckin’ clown shoes.
I know I’ve been harping on about the Obama pastor vs. Palin pastor difference in terms that may been seen as . . . insensitive to certain demographics, but I can’t help myself:
(It’s OK If You Are White)
D. Mason
Exactly! All white people are racist so it only makes sense that all white churches support racists.
Hey, D. Mason, I think you missed my point, viz a viz racism in the reaction to the Pastor issue, in that I was pointing out the inherent double standard in the media’s portrayal of “radical” pastors and not any supposed racism involved in the . . .
Oh, never mind. GFY.
Check this video, at 4:05.
Sarah Palin says that her oldest son has two tattoos, one of a Jesus fish and the other of Alaska.
Is it common to get a tattoo of your state? Or is this more “Alaska first” pride?
Check this video, at 4:05.
Sarah Palin says that her oldest son has two tattoos, one of a Jesus fish and the other of Alaska.
Is it common to get a tattoo of your state? Or is this more “Alaska first” pride?
D. Mason
No. I got your point, it’s just that your point is bullshit. If a white Democrat had a preacher who was a white supremacist to the same degree that Wright was a black supremacist(which is to say NOT MUCH) it would have been plastered all over the news. The issue really has nothing to do with her being white and everything to do with her being from the media’s favored party. Of course you couldn’t pass by an opportunity to hint that all white people are racist. That’s one of the most repugnant reflexes of the democratic party and the main reason I hold my nose and vote for dems instead of voting for them with a smile on my face.
Hey, sorry D. Mason. No, seriously*.
Substantively, I attribute the different treatment of Rev. Wright (as compared to, say, Rev. Hagee) more to the wide-spread acceptance of the lunatic end-time “Invisible War” evangelicals than outright racism. And, of course, the media’s kid-glove treatment of the right-wing in general.
Like I said, it’s pretty insensitive of me to keep harping on the “Media Doesn’t Care About Black People” thing, and all. But . . . well, it’s hard not to see a certain double standard, especially when you throw Fox “Terrorist Fist Bump” News and the National “We Don’t Hate MLK Anymore, Honest” Review into the mix.
Also: Please put any blame you might have not on the Democratic party in general, but on us ethnic minority folks (whom the Dems, bless ’em, do try to pander to). We’re pretty touchy about the media’s portrayal of non-whites. For some reason. Go figger.
*kind of
D. Mason
I can certainly appreciate your point of view. The media often takes a shit on minorities. It’s not fair, but on the flip side, Fox news is hardly reflective of white America. Yes I know Bill-O claims otherwise.
Maybe you can see my point of view also. I’m white and it doesn’t make much sense for minority dems to simultaneously count on my vote and insinuate that I’m a racist.
Bullshit. A large chunk of the white population in the US is terrified when a black person simply raises his voice, much less preaches fire and brimstone. The real Rev. Wright story was “OMG scary black man!” Everything else was just filler to keep the story rolling.
I don’t doubt that Repugs would try to smear any white Dem who associated with a white preacher who had Wright’s opinions and style. They’d get some cable news mentions for a few days, maybe. The radio blowhards would huff and puff over it. There would be no month-long scary-preacher-palooza like we got with Wright.