A preview:
Did they have Cindy speak before him to make him appear dynamic by comparison?
9:58 pm- The Potemkin Presidency:
According to Nicole Wallace of the McCain campaign, the American people don’t care whether Sarah Palin can answer specific questions about foreign and domestic policy. According to Wallace — in an appearance I did with her this morning on Joe Scarborough’s show — the American people will learn all they need to know (and all they deserve to know) from Palin’s scripted speeches and choreographed appearances on the campaign trail and in campaign ads.
How authentic!
10:07 pm- The music in this video sounds like the intro to Call of Duty or something else for XBOX.
WOO. Orson Swindle.
10:08 pm- This is absurd. His is a larger cause. Jeebus. I am actually looking forward to listening to him speak, if only to stop this video.
10:15 pm- The flag in the background is making me seasick.
10:25 pm- Apparently dirty hippies are disrupting the place.
10:32 pm- This is painful. I would honestly rather listen to Sarah Palin be nasty, his delivery is so bad.
10:35 pm- Why is he talking about economic pain? His economic advisor told us we are all whiners.
10:40 pm- This is not only the worst acceptance speech I have ever heard, but perhaps the worst speech by a major candidate in any race. The crowd can’t even figure out when to “Boo.”
10:49 pm- We are all moose now.
10:53 pm- “The constant partisan rancor…” Did he not watch his fucking running mate and the asshats who preceded her last night? Jeebus.
Channeling Forrest Gump- “Senator Obama does not (awkward smile.”
10:55 pm- You can hear a pin drop.
10:58 pm- Which, I guess, is fitting, since we are now in the POW phase.
Tune into NBC at 10pm for the coverage and see if they get many shots of McCain in High Def.
He really looks old in high def.
Put McCain side by side with Obama in High Def and you get a real past future contrast.
I hope they keep pissing off the media folks. And that the threats and barbeque don’t pull them all back to being Repub-fluffers.
D.N. Nation
I, for one, am not watching this shit.
Momma’s boy? WTF? That was jarring.
Funny where’s the mention of the Keating Five?
Blue Buddha
40 rods per hogshead. Let’s see… that’s an eighth of a mile per 63 gallons. Yep, that sounds like the type of fuel efficiency that McCain prefers.
Nicole Wallace is right. The American people will learn all they deserve to learn, unless they actually pay attention.
I’d rather watch the Oakland A’s getting pounded by the Kansas City Fucking Royals than Grandpa Simpson’s speech.
Just Some Fuckhead
Is it true what they say about John McCain, that he was a prisoner of war for five and a half years, turned down early release and endured untold torture only through his faith in God and his country, thousands of miles from home???
Brian J
First, as I asked in the other thread, why in the world would they lead off a video that shows nothing but war with Roberta McCain calling her son a momma’s boy? It’s not even remotely funny.
Second, it’s clear that they have absolutely nothing to run on but hatred of Obama and the fact that McCain was a POW. It’s no doubt admirable, but it’s mentioned so many times without a proper context.
Question: we just heard (and will continue to hear over, and over) how McCain was given the chance to go home early, but said no.
Now, it is my understanding that John would have disobey orders of the ranking officer in the POW camp if he had said yes. So it really wasn’t a heroic choice, but just following orders.
If this is true, is this one of those untouchable John McCain narratives? I’m not suggesting that his POW service is something to question, but I never see this point ever brought up.
So apparently McCain’s speech is about how he’s going to go to Washington and put and end to “partisan rancor”. Do these people have ANY memory that extends beyond the last thing they said or heard? Did last night not happen? They had a convention hall full of supposed adults hissing and booing at the idea of working for your community and loudly cheering when their VP candidate said the Democrats want to coddle terrorists and lose in Iraq. Not to mention the ridiculous idea that stretched through the entire night that the party that’s had almost all the power for the last 8 years is campaigning on coming into Washington and cleaning up the mess. Jesus fucking christ this country is screwed.
Heresssssssss JOOOOHHHNNNY!
Is it just me or was that video like a weird time warp to a parallel yet old as hell universe?
OK. The high def is not is not coming in as clear as it could be tonite.
This crowd is quite a contrast to Obama’s 80,000.
Green screen!
Radon Chong
I’m telling ya, they are working on stealing the election. There is no way they think this schtick is going to work.
Green screen behind. Ha!
Ooh! The green screen!
Green screen! Holy shit, green screen!
A green background? Really?
Jesus fucking christ this
countryparty is screwed.It sure as hell ain’t all of us. Hopefully it’s way short of half of us…
Whoa, some heckler just got “escorted” out.
Brian J
Did I just see Uma Thurman in some Nancy Reagan-style dress?
Blue screen!
Plants in the audience?
We now take an unscheduled break for a Code-pink interruption!
Code Pink, FTW.
Just Some Fuckhead
You can tell John McCain is pissed as hell about Code Pink shitting on this speech. I guarantee the first thing he does when he gets backstage is stomp a little kitten to death.
So when is he going to get some real meat in this speech?
What are his policies he plans on enacting?
What change is he supposedly bringing to Washington, even if he’s been a part of that Washington for over 2 decades??
God Damn Code Pink assholes. They are doing more to hurt peace efforts by being so crude and classless. McCain just gained a couple of percentage points because of their antics.
Colonel Danite
I’m just glad that John McCain is so loathe to speak about his war experiences.
Well, according to Survey USA, independents now love her because she read a speech she didn’t even write off a teleprompter, so the McCain camp may very well be right, here.
What was that heckler thing? Looked like they tore her dress off!
Mavericky stuff. Did you know he was a POW?
Palin is sooooo hot and I just saw side-boob….oh ya!
Oh my spaghetti monster, that was creepy. “I can’t wait, to introduce her… (mouth breathing) to Washington.“
Code Pink……… or Karl Rove plant?
Just Some Fuckhead
When McCain says “Change is coming” with that maniacal smile and robotic hand gestures, it scares holy hell outta me.
“I’m not in the habit of breaking my promises” Right John
Brian J
“I’m just glad that John McCain is so loathe to speak about his war experiences.”
Wait, wait, wait…when did this come up? I must have missed it.
Half hour in. Can I get a woot woot for the policy proposals?
Watching this speech is gonna give me a damn aneurysm (sp?).
I have turned to Dave Chappelle’s comedy special on one of my many HBO channels. Much more bang for my buck, so to speak.
Oh, and I just gave another $100 to Obama/Biden.
Just Some Fuckhead
No way, it reminds folks we’re still at war, spending 10 billion dollars a month. It’s useful as it provides context to McCain’s talking about everyfuckingthing else.
“I fought tobacco companies and drug companies” Is it smart to alienate his contributors?
That background is disconserting. It makes his head look a little fuzzy.
Kansas City 9, Oakland 1. It’s still not bad enough to make me watch McCain.
I’m not in the habit of breaking my promises?
Umm just wedding vows, and those promises you swore under oath, when you adopted 2 children, to raise them…and you walked out not only on their mother, but them as well. Turned your back, for greener, richer pastures.
[Paraphrasing McCain] “To the people who put themselves first, and their country second, ‘Change is Coming!’ ”
Crowd: “Wait a minute… is he talking about us?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
That wasn’t Code Pink, was it? there were a bunch of guys too. Could they have been Paulites/9-11 Truthers?
zuzu's petals
Sort of sad, really.
Do you imagine people look at this and think … ooh, Presidential!
I think I am ashamed to be white.
How does McCain “fight” for these people? How? In what manner? What is his plan?
Oh wait – I’m asking McCain for specifics. My bad.
Grampa, tell me a story…
Bill Arnold
Not a word about policy yet. Weird. He will fight for various families in troubles but doesn’t say how. Oh yeah, making this country safe from its enemies.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
The crowd has cheered inappropriately two times in a row.
A bio of McCain…given by McCain.
Where is the policy??
D. Mason
Watching the speech with a buddy who just noted about McCain’s ability to speak: “He’s not as good as George Bush”. It’s true and that’s fucking sad.
Universal health care…..
I’ve just seen some old guy on TV talking about drilling. Is he the head of Exxon?
Dammit, I had so many (in my mind) comments that were lost to the ether.
Question: is it still a drinking game if you’re not watching the speech, just reading blogs, and if you drink steadily instead of trying to score points in any meaningful way? Because I’d hate to think that this election may be my first step towards a twelve step program.
Mary, +400 ml.
(Err, who’s the other Mary posting a few comments above? Can you modify your handle the next time you post to avoid confusion?)
I like the inter-paragraph flip-flops. Paraphrasing: “Obama says we can do this without more drilling, but Americans know better. We’ll drill. This is an ambitious plan, but Americans are ambitious people and can make this succeed.”
Uh, Obama’s was a more ambitious plan. So Americans aren’t really all that ambitious after all? I don’t get it.
Just Some Fuckhead
Man, he is crashing and burning now. He’s fucking up the words and sentences because he’s tired of being up there speaking. They shoulda kept him to under fifteen minutes.
As McCain was going down the list of Palin’s accomplishments as a politician at the beginning of his speech, citing that she had “stood up to corruption and faced down special interests,” was anyone else immediately reminded of this old Chris Rock routine? (nsfw)
“I stood up to corruption!”
“You’re supposed to stand up to corruption! What do you want, a cookie?”
This is the problem – people are applauding McCain, Palin, et al for standing up to corruption when, on principle, that’s what every politician is elected to do.
re you guys still awake?
I would so put the wreck to Cindy, though. Plus maybe she’d get me high.
This is an awful speech. I can hear channels switching all over America. Actually, POW is the one that sounds like he’s on Soma.
BJ Bjornson
“I know how to do all sorts of things, I just won’t bother telling you how”
Thomas Allen
Donna –the policy is in a TIGER CAGE. In VIETNAM. For FIVEANDAHALFYEARS!
After Palin’s speech, it really does take a maverick to complain about partisan rancor.
“scars to prove it” huh huh huh! Conservatives really know humor!
Wow. JM is pandering full-tilt to the home-schooled “everyone hates me cause I listen to Rush” lunatic fringe.
And BTW, Obama wasn’t a POW.
New GOP phone number:
Did he say anything? I zoned out and the clock is almost at 11:00.
Wait for it . . .
Stuck in the Fun House
I think we’d better get em over to the CIA. They’re the sneakiest infiltrators we have. Some kind of National Security experts those wingnuts. Can’t even secure their own convention from militant peaceniks in pink.
The mental images that quote conjured made me shiver in fear and disgust.
Just Some Fuckhead
Whoa.. what is this story John McCain is telling about Vietnam??
BJ Bjornson
Big Finish!
“Do you know what happened to me in Vietnam? Let me tell you”
Very funny
It’s too lame to even mention how lame it is that he wraps up with pow, pow, pow. No wonder I zoned out.
This is boring.
Texas Dem
God this speech is awful. It will probably smother all of the sizzle created by Eva Braun’s (er, I mean Sarah Palin’s) torch parade last night like a wet blanket. It also makes Mark Warner’s dreadful speech last week seem like the William Jennings Bryan “Cross of Gold” speech.
So guys, how’s the speech going? I’m not watching. Sounds enthralling.
OMG! McCain’s not wearing a flag lapel pin!
Wow, John McCain was a POW? That’s incredible!
BREAKING!!! McCain was a POW!!!!
McSame claims he’s always been a servant. Isn’t he the same one that said his staff (workers) would get back with how many homes he owns.
I am still wainting on the word ‘torture’. Dare he speak it?
Will Hunting
Cross in the sand story??? Bets?
Just Some Fuckhead
Wouldn’t it be cool if McCain used his torture story to launch a broadside against Republicans that torture is never ever acceptable? Only a maverick would do that.
I resent the comparison of McCain to Grandpa Simpson. Grandpa Simpson is curmudgeonly, sure, but he’s lovable and sweet deep down.
McCain is just an asshole.
“Strut a little after I got roughed up”
He’s actually describing his torture and how it broke him. He’s saying this to a crowd who believes in torture and I’ll bet not one of them hears the inconsistency.
Or, maybe that’s the dead silence and vacant stares on the crowd.
My God, I’ve never heard anyone make a story of life, death, war, torture and heroism so completely boring. You were a POW. We know. You also prefer the United States of America to, for instance, Norway. We could have figured that out on our own.
Still waiting on the word ‘torture’. Dare he speak it?
Okay.. is it just me or was McCain acting like they “crushed up a little something into his applesuace” to get him though the night and it sort of kicked in at the wrong time.
Typical liberal responses. Anger and bitterness 24/7. Then again, maybe I’d feel the same if I was about to lose a third straight election.
And the protester? That was Joe Biden in drag.
Rome Again
He’s going to work with Lieberman, and THAT will be non-partisan… (of course it will, Lieberman no longer has a party).
Wow. I heard maybe three minutes of the speech (that was all I could take, I live in AZ and I have been listening to this motherfucker for 25 years).
I am rather at a loss for words. The epic bad is so bad, it’s disturbing in a creepy personal level. Forget politics, policy, and government. I mean, this was just disturbing on a personal one to one level.
I think he loses big. I pray that he loses, big or small. This country is finished if these people are elected.
This is one of the dumbest points I’ve ever read on this site.
Sunken Dream
Unintentional Truth from Lindsey Graham. Watch the image they show behind him as he declares we’re on the road to victory in Iraq. Didn’t these guys used to be good with messaging and presentation?
Will Hunting
1 – you should think about changing your handle to 0
When I first saw the words “Raisin McCain” on somebody’s sign, I got confused.
I’d feel the same if I was about to lose a third straight election.
I guess it’ll only be your second, if you count the 2006 midterms.
Brian J
I thought it was terrible. He’s not a natural speaker, of course, but that doesn’t have to kill it. It was meandering and oblivious to reality. I can understand that I am not likely to be swayed to Republican policies, but I’d like to hear more about his plans for updating unemployment insurance, for instance. But where the hell was it? I wasn’t expecting a detailed journal paper; Barack Obama didn’t give a speech resembling that. I didn’t watch a lot of the coverage, but it seems from the coverage that there was almost no mention of actual policy.
On a different night, did anyone notice that the rafters looked sparsely populated? Maybe that’s not the way that it was, but it certainly looked like it from where I was. I understand that the Republicans aren’t going to have the same level of enthusiasm as the Democrats, but if he can’t fill a smaller venue on the night when he’s giving his big speech, that can’t be good for his campaign. Even if Palin helps close the gap a little, I imagine the enthusiasm gap will remain significant. And if he can’t get people to the polls, I don’t see how he wins.
P R O J E C T I O N.
You need to learn what that word means.
It really does take a maverick to pick a VP who wants to ban library books.
Will Hunting
scrappy – how about if you were the dumbass holding up the handwritten sign that said “The Mavrick” tonight? Jeesh…
McCain has become a broken record. All POW, all the time. Great story. If this election is about John McCain’s past, he certainly has a shot.
On the other hand, if this election is about the future, and specifically, my future, then he has no shot. I know what it’s like to have John McCain working for me. I serioiusly doubt that you could walk down the street here in Phoenix and find three people who could name three things that this man has done for this state in 25 years.
Aside from the fact that he is a liar, a crook, a hypocrite, a damned fool, an egomaniac, a friend of lobbyists and crony to the rich, he is a guy who does nothing for real people in real time. Nothing.
Liked how the crowd sat in confused silence when he started in on the “we lost the people’s trust” stuff. Mavericky move, John!
And now, after that trainwreck of a speech, the pundits are dutifully shining his balls for him. Fucking asshats.
I only caught the last bit of the speech on CNN, when he was halfway through the POW part. First thought: the blue background isn’t as bad as the green, but not by much. Second thought: I thought it was alright. Touching story, even if he doesn’t have the greatest delivery in the world.
Of course, I didn’t have to sit through the speech for an hour, so I don’t know how it was overall.
Anger and bitterness? Have you HEARD any of your speakers? They are BEGGING for a Godwin.
And that Biden joke was clever; as far as I know, however, none of the Dem speakers have ever actually dressed in drag…unlike yours.
Oh, and one of those protesters was a veteran of the Iraq War (according to the liveblog at Reason)…watch yourself, ass. He is a real soldier, unlike the ones in your pledge video.
scarpy? You’re like this?
I didn’t think he was as bad as the crowd was awful. It started with them (the crowd) paying far too much to a bunch of hippies with stupid signs. Ignore them, people. There’ more going on here than your stupid convention. But, that is the problem with the modern GOP, it’s all about them.
And they had no idea where to clap and boo. Retards. Seriously.
Also, when he mentioned “tapping the walls” during the interminable POW story, I immediately thought of Larry Craig.
I’m a bad person.
Conservatively Liberal
Wrote this a bit ago, but WP was not co-operating at the time.
I just got back from a motorcycle ride (it was 85 at 6pm and that was a great excuse!) and I asked the wife how the speech was going. She said Noun, verb and the clincher, POW, which is nothing more than I expected. As I was taking my gear off I heard McCain talking about how he was ‘broken’ by his guards (tortured?) and how his friend in the cell next to him gave him the strength to carry on.
How might this sound from someone we held as an enemy combatant, tortured, broke, later released (if they were lucky) and now is vying to lead the government of another nation on the other side of the world after one of their fellow captives gave them the will to carry on? What would they say about that?
We torture and John thinks that is just dandy. He wants our sympathy yet he shows no thought for others who are being held and tortured in his (and our) name. The terrorists are wrong but I am sure that the Vietnamese thought we were just as wrong. Does that mean what both sides did (and are doing) in regards to torture make it right to use?
Fuck him and the shitheads who think like and support him. They are people who only care for themselves and care less about anyone who does not walk and talk like they do. They are always right and everyone who disagrees with them is wrong, although a couple of other options they also offer to those who disagree with them are imprisonment or death.
What a country. I just sent some more money to Obama. We need it.
What is depressing me is that my wife, more or less democratic, who rarely pays attention to politics was very impressed with McCain after this speech.
Simple, direct prose. Not a polished speaker. This worked for her.
I think she found this compelling. And, like I told her, if your political involvement over the last 8 years begins and ends with a convention speech or two you too might find this compelling.
We have to keep this in mind. I am not sure how to communicate the damage that the republicans have done to this country in a compelling way.
This is why the country is so evenly split.
Sigh. Time for a drink.
Did anyone catch the the “Mavrick” sign?
Green Screen Challenge #2!
It featured a green screen and a blue screen. I trust that Colbert will not disappoint.
Rome Again
I noticed he was green-screened for a while, then I went out to take care of something for a few mins, come back and he’s behind a blue-screen. When did they change it and why? I wonder if this was planned?
Brian J
“We have to keep this in mind. I am not sure how to communicate the damage that the republicans have done to this country in a compelling way.”
Think of it this way. This is pretty much all McCain has to offer, aside from childish, offensive swipes at Obama. Even Bush had something to offer in 2004, no matter how strongly some people disagreed with it. These people only hint at policy. They don’t want to talk about it. I’m confident that this will catch up with him.
Joshua Norton
Show her a 401k statement. If it’s anything like mine, all the money you invested since January has disappeared.
John McCain wants to “fix” the problems he’s responsible for creating. Elect him so he can teach himself a lesson. Suuuure. Sounds like a plan. If you plan on dropping dead sometime in February.
I’ve been “fighting” with my republican friends left and right the last couple of days (they’ve shown their true colors, for sure). It’s fun in a sad way, but also frustrating as hell. I have a simple question: why should they retain control of the executive after the last 8 years? I want one good reason. And no one can provide one.
Oh, and Buchanan thinks this election is about “couples”? WTF?
Original Lee
Did anyone else catch this? He was talking about all the different kinds of people who are Americans (I think), and said “a boy whose descendants came over on the Mayflower”. Um, if McPOW is suddenly advocating federal support of time-travel research, he may scoop up the Trekkie vote. I would think he meant “ancestors,” but that is such a totally different word than what he said that I’m wondering if that mistake was actually on the Teleprompter. I betcha the speech was vetted as well as Palin!
Yeah, I did. That moran should get a brain.
We should all admire McCain for POW the way POW he refuses to POW POW POW politicize his POW POW POWY POWERFUL POW status.
Perverts of Washrooms.
I’m down 2% on the year. Maybe you are just a shitty investor.
blah blah
These people are stupid and illiterate! I saw two signs on said,” Vote Mavrick” I guess the board was to small for the e… Spotted another one that said, ” Hisponics 4 McCain” Are you really Hispanic?
That’s pretty generous. The flat affect that many that many politicians have isn’t the greatest delivery. McCain stumbling over all of his lines as though he has no idea what he hell he’s supposed to be saying is simply terrible.
Look, the point of a speech is that it should give something of the appearance that you are expressing YOUR ideas to the audience. When you restart sentences, it makes the viewers wonder if you’ve even read the speech before. A semi-talented speaker will simply power through the stumbles by continuing with the thought extemporaneously until they can reconnect with the teleprompter. McCain came off sounding completely fake to me because when he slips, it seems as though he has no sense of the ideas behind his words. He could have been giving the speech in swahili with phonetic cues. But I do a lot of public speaking, so I’m a bit more attuned to it.
In terms of content, there were parts that were decent but then parts that were just dumb: “Obama’s energy plan is unrealistic without drilling, so we must drill. Our plan, with drilling, is ambitious, but Americans are ambitious and so we can do this.” Uh, Obama’s plan was merely *more* ambitious, so Americans aren’t really as ambitious as Obama feels they are? We’re just a bit lazier than that, eh? Those inconsistencies within a paragraph really stood out when I could follow what he was saying.
FLILF Hunter
I was driving home in the jalopy listening to that nice young man’s speech on the Marconi, when I suddenly forgot where I was. But then I realized I was in the U-S-A! U-S-A!
And what’s with this “Drill, baby, drill?” Can’t we just leave that poor Bristol girl alone already?
Thank you. I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to tip your waitress.
Joshua Norton
There’s no way of “beating” indexed funds. And the index is down more than 2%. My big hit was Real Estate and Defense. The Repiggies favorites.
Try again.
The protestors HAD to be plants.
There’s no other explanation — why else would they not have been hustled out by police the instant they appeared?
Damn the GOP is good.
Rome Again
And notice how scripted it was that everyone started chanting the same thing at the same time. Hmmmm!
A 401k is not about investing. It’s about participating in a plan with limited choices. Its big plus is employer contributions. It’s big negative is being locked into equity choices that are often less than optimal.
And, if you are a real “investor”, being up or down for the year is not as important as the long term prospects for your scheme, and the portfolio model you are following.
I myself am up 25% for the year, but that’s not sustainable. I took profits and decided to sit out the next few months. To each his own, but one thing I’ve learned over the years, is that anyone who tells you that they know more than you do is probably somebody to run away from.
The previous poster had a good point. His 401k might not be the best way to make it. A better way would be to just ask people to vote their economic enthusiasm. If they are happy with the way things are going and think they are better off over the last 7 years, vote Republican. If not, vote Democrat. The suggestion worked for Reagan, and I think it’s apropos now.
That’s a horrible attitude.
gopher2b Says:
Conservatively Liberal
I heard a rumor that McCain named his dick Washington because he thought it looked presidential.
I notice that he didn’t say Washington D.C. ;)
Nope, it’s just the head of John McCain talking about his plans for Washington and Sarah.
So the results of the convention is that the crowd loves Palin and hates McCain. The hate the guy with the experience and love the lady who has little.
What a fucking winner of a ticket! Jeebus these people are insane.
Er, what? how’d that happen.
That was my point. It’s silly to blame five nine months of 401k performance on a sitting President, even if he can barely read.
John McCain hates war like he hates touting his POW stories.
plus C
Warshington DC? The hell?
At least they had them moving pictures, since nothing else on the stage could hold anyone’s attention.
Joshua Norton
And the reviews are already on YouTube.
Jeffrey Tubin:
“I thought it was the worst speech by a nominee that I’ve heard since Jimmy Carter in 1980. I thought it was disorganized, I thought it was it was theme-less, I thought it was very, very boring…I personally cannot remember a single policy proposal that he made because they had nothing connecting them. I found it shockingly bad.”
Sometimes I am the Louisville Slugger, sometimes I’m the ball.
All part of the fun.
wingnuts to iraq
That is a horrible attitude. Try some SKF every once in a while. I’ve made a killing this year on it. 10% in 3 days.
Joshua Norton
Jeffrey Toobin even.
Joshua Norton
Bill Schneider:
” What are you going to do about the nation’s terrible economic problems? His answers seemed very much part of the past: cut spending, cut taxes. He really needs to find a new and bolder economic plan.”
As I was saying….
Met a girl called Cindy and I took her back to my place
Feelin guilty, feelin scared, hidden cameras everywhere
Stop! hold on. stay in control
Girl, I want you here with me
But Im really not as cool as Id like to be
cause theres a red, under my bed
And theres a little yellow man in my head
And theres a true blue inside of me
That keeps stoppin me, touchin ya, watchin ya, lovin ya
Met a girl called Cindy and I took her back to my place
Feelin guilty, feelin scared, hidden cameras everywhere
Stop! hold on. stay in control
Girl, I want you here with me
But Im really not as cool as Id like to be
cause theres a red, under my bed
And theres a little yellow man in my head
And theres a true blue inside of me
That keeps stoppin me, touchin ya, watchin ya, lovin ya
I meant to do that.
Of course they had to be. How else could they have gotten on the floor with the delegates, or does the GOP have the worst security and credentials checking ever? And keeping in mind that they have the secret service as part of their security team…
Where is HIS policies?
How is it John McCain being a POW 40 yrs ago, going to help with the economy TODAY?
How is it John McCain being a POW 40 yrs ago, going to help with the energy policy of TODAY?
How is it John McCain being a POW 40 yrs ago, going to help bring HEALTHCARE to millions who need it TODAY?
How is it John McCain being a POW 40 yrs ago, going to help keeps JOBS from going overseas TODAY??
How is it John McCain being a POW 40 yrs ago, going to help those that are losing their homes TODAY?
Most of his speech was about HIS service, HIS POW experience. I am sorry but I just can’t let this man who keeps living in the past, run this country, TODAY.
Obama’s victory speech in June in the same building.
Joshua Norton
Palin too. She has spoken to the American public for a total of 48 minutes and has not had to answer one question from anyone….She will have to come out from hiding and answer some questions.
The American people will want to hear from her and will insist that she is competent on economic and foreign policy issues.
They’re shielding her for a reason…
Where’s Waldo?
Where’s Palin?
Not a plant!
Here’s the heckler (h/t ezra)
Good for him!
Joshua Norton
Not enough flags.
/blatant wingnut slam
How do they make tax cuts permanent? AFAIK they are temporary now because senate rules prevent tax cuts that aren’t tied to budget cuts. Are they proposing budget cuts or are they hoping to change senate rules?
George McCain trotted out the ‘Nam like he was Bush talking up Desert Storm. Seems like such a long time ago to be that relevant.
I liked the first protester (vet with Iraq vets against the war T) whose sign said on one side “You can’t win an occupation” and on the other side “McCain does not support vets”.
He got in some good yells when Johnny McC got to the quiet parts of his speech (though I couldn’t tell what). The crowd tried to drown him out with “USA!” chants and were staring daggers at him like the wedding party at the end of “The Graduate.”
Mac’s bloviating was insincere and ineffective as far as I was concerned but it may provide just enough cover to steal yet another election (“Maverick candidate and moose mom win over undecideds”).
Brian J
That’s Plan B. Plan A? MAGIC, as someone on this site suggested a few weeks ago. Plan A is better, because it also allows him to give every American health care, lower gasoline prices while people drive as much as they want, and to destroy teacher’s unions. Never misunderestimate the power of magic.
Liters? Elitist.
I am so down with Plan A.
Conservatively Liberal
John McCain = John Bush
Freudian slip?
Wilson Heath
Here’s a clip of it that didn’t seem to make it into the transcripts I’ve seen:
“We can’t bust heads like we used to. But we have our ways. One trick is to tell stories that don’t go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for m’shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt. Which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ’em. Gimme five bees for a quarter, you’d say. Now where was I… oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion tied to my belt, which was the style at the time. You couldn’t get white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones… “
Yeah, nice how they automatically assume any protestor is inherently UnAmerican — even if they’re a war vet. Wonderful.
The camera showed that just after McCain said that helping an illiterate adult was one way a person could serve.
I did not see anyone in the convention hall rushing to help the poor gentleman, so I guess McCain’s call to service went unheeded.
zuzu's petals
I hope someone thought to take some pics of the trash bags. Gotta be some little flags in there someplace.
Are you a Mary Chapin Carpenter/Mark Knopfler fan (he wrote it)?
If so, a shout out.
If not, carry on. :)
Common Sense
Sometimes you’re the windshield,
sometimes you’re the bug…
POW is how.
Sometimes you’re the vacuum,
sometimes you’re the rug….
Probably one of the “Student’s for McCain”…
Dennis - SGMM
McCain actually said, “I know how the world works.”
He doesn’t seem to know the names of some of the nations, or where their borders are but, he knows how it works – dadgumit!
Bad dad
Holy crap! I thought her heart was delivered to Bobby Goren after she was killed by Bobby’s old mentor. Yet she surfaces again! I predict six more weeks of anguished D’onofrio over acting.
But really, the McCain campaign would be a perfect place for Nicole Wallace to show up again.
Holy shit! With that and the green screen, I gotta believe there’s a Democratic mole on the inside.
Heh, yeah, I saw it. Loved it.
I dunno, call this a conspiracy theory, but just because he was sincere doesn’t mean he wasn’t a de facto plant. The woman with something written on concealed clothing is one thing, but it’s almost impossible to imagine someone getting in there with a six-foot-wide sign. I can totally imagine someone noticing it but letting him through, figuring that a protest would discredit the protesters. Just guessing, of course.
It folded up quite nicely. Probably looked like a notebook (it was black with white lettering).