Hear “Elitist snob,” read uppity negro. The good ole boys knew that of course, but the rest of us weren’t supposed to make the link in such explicit terms.
I know that John mentioned this below, but it bears repeating that the Southern Strategy never died and it never will as long as there are lizard brain racists who freak out at black people who don’t wait for permission to speak.
Community organizer equals shiftless negro.
Three hundred thousand dollar convention dress equals normal housewife.
Quality VP candidate equals mayor of meth town.
Pregnant teenage white girl equals just another one of lifes things.
Pregnant teenage black girl equals the Fall of Western Civilization.
Hey! This is fun!
Just tossed $100 to Obama. Need. Moar. Palin.
Avoid commen translation errors, eg:
‘pit bull with lipstick” /= bitch.
And it was not the dress that cost $300,000. It was the earrings.
Conservatively Liberal
I gave another $25.00 after Palin’s speech, and I have another $100.00 to toss in the pot after McCain speaks tonight.
Timing is everything, even when giving your support to someone. :D
Community organizers=do nothing jerks.
Mayors and Governors=politicians, they’re the new working class heroes.
Awesome!! GOP running a boogety-boogety video right now.
You know, Republicans can go fuck themselves for playing that video. Fucking shameless assholes.
Good thing John wasn’t watching. He’d have to get a new TV.
Westmoreland was obviously saying that Obama is always, like, “Hope-ity, Need Grow.” The reporter just misheard him.
Studly Pantload
Holy shitknockers, I saw that video, too. It was NOT, as advertised, a tribute to the victims. It was TERROR/WAR PORN for the exterminate-the-brown-people crowd.
Wow. Holy shit.
And now Olbermann raking the video over the coals for its graphicness. Rightly.
Ah, but what was in this video of which you speak?
Warren Terra
It wasn’t really the dress or the earrings that was worth $300k; it was the retail therapy to temporarily assuage her inner self of self-loathing over what her husband’s campaign has sunk to, including hiring the slimeball that demeaned her daughter.
Taxes = Your hard-earned money being spent on welfare for lazy negroes or schools and health care for illegal aliens.
I think Westmoreland’s press secretary’s “clarification” of this comment is even more indicative of the point here:
So uppity, which I don’t think has ever been used in a way that isn’t racially charged, is just another word for elitism. Good to see them admit that the two are interchangeable.
Seriously, though, wow. Not even just a “9/11! boo!!”, but a fearmongering documentary covering all things Jihadi!
Why is it that blatantly racist comments are always supposed to be “obviously” non-racist?
Uppity was used against me when I was younger and first starting out in the fidhing industry. I was an uppity woman because I did not know my place.
So for me being “uppity” is about not knowing your place. Yeah, racist.
Because Westmoreland doesn’t have a racist bone in his body, that’s why. Heck, some of his best friends are colored fellas.
I’m telling you, we’re going to get an n-bomb before this is all over. Maybe more than one. Of course, Westmoreland might just be stupid enough to not realize that uppity used that way is racist–he’s the one Colbert fucked with over the Ten Commandments.
Studly Pantload
Iran hostage crisis. Scary brown people. The still-free bin Laden. The second tower exploding, in glorious slo-mo. The towers collapsing.
The reserve in KO’s condemnation of airing the video was quite remarkable. If ever there was a reason to go all-out Howard Beale, that was it.
Christ on a stick.
According to the Associated Press, objectively speaking, John McCain is a “POW and political rebel.“
Joshua Norton
Close. They really mean another “n” word, though.
It goes beyond this, of course. The whole un-American thing for Obama isn’t based on his name. It’s based on his being black. To the GOP, only whites are true Americans.
In the Sarah Palin bio, would it have killed them to hire actual musicians instead of using what sounds like the MIDI from a child’s keyboard?
Jesus. Early 90’s video games had better sounding music.
According to that video the Iranians started the war.
John McCain vows to finish it with honor.
This country is rotting off of the bone.
Noah, for a second there I read that as being,
Westmoreland is from Georgia, he knows.
Joshua Norton
According to them, anyone who went beyond 10th grade, has all their teeth, a waist smaller than their chest size and doesn’t want to paw through the marked down underwear bin at Walmart is an elitist. Gee, like that’s supposed to be some kind of insult.
From a comment on Yglesias’ blog:
This needs to be beaten like a drum into the talking heads on the MSM.
That 9/11 video is just part of the GOP plan. Next up – four beefy Vietnamese guys in Viet Cong uniforms role a bound up McCain out in a bamboo cage, all the while poking him with bayonets while he accepts the nomination.
Yep, and that’s why they killed them community organizers down in Ol’ Miss. Comin’ down there and get the negras all stirred up. Them boys got what was cummin’ to them.
Warren Terra
Tom Ridge claims some called the Founding Fathers Mavericks? Isn’t that ahistorical?
Also, they’re airbrushing Cindy’s dad’s first wife and his decade distributing booze for a mobbed-up guy before he became The Man From Anheiser.
You’ll wear out a case of titanium hammers on some of those people, and still get nothing for your effort.
Speaking of elistist… Michelle Obama is shouted down by Malkin for suggesting $600 would buy a pair of earrings, and Cindy shows up for the convention in $280,000 earrings. But she’s not elitist. Nosiree…
Oh, and can someone explain to me how this statement:
doesn’t suggest that McCain is protecting bin Laden by refusing to disclose the information on how to get him. I mean, if he really knows how, why hasn’t he told the CIA? If he doesn’t actually know how, if it’s merely a statement of intent, then how is that not a lie and smear by suggesting that both Clinton and Bush didn’t have the same intent?
Blue Buddha
Liveblog comment at fivethirtyeight.com:
8:14 CDT: [Nate] Is that a Casio Keyboard remix of the theme song from Dallas in the Sarah Palin video?
He’ll do it in October.
Survey USA has a new poll out giving Sarah Palin good numbers with independents for her speech last night. Like, shockingly good.
I now officially hate the American electorate. If all it takes to make them forget the disaster of the last eight years is for someone to get up in front of a friendly crowd and read a speech that she didn’t even write off a teleprompter, we are well and truly fucked.
What can you do when the voters are so stupid? Seriously, what?
They called them traitors and criminals, mainly, because let’s face it, they were. So, it would be fair to say that the founding fathers took political risks and could be considered (not explicitly called) mavericks. Of course, that would hold true of Hitler as well. He was pretty mavericky. So was Pol Pot. And Stalin.
Wait, Ridge was trying to help McCain?
I could not bear watching the Palin speech last night. Watched Idiocracy on HBO. Switched back to journalists interviewing delegates who informed us that Palin is great because she is a ‘real’ person. No explanations, just passionate love for her because she is ‘real’. Maybe she is real because she has electrolytes.
Fucked, fucked, fucked. We are fucked. Even if Obama wins, we have to keep living in a country with these people.
Palin is what plants crave!
Didn’t anyone notice that he said the Obamas are part of a class “that thinks they’re uppity”. The Obamas think that they themselves are uppity? Is it too much to ask that racially charged slurs at least make a lick of danged sense? IS OUR WINGNUTS LEARNING?
Move to Canada. I’m seriously thinking about it.
Soylent Green is Palin!
The modern meaning of maverick dates from 1860 or so, after Samuel Maverick, who refused to brand his cattle. Another Samuel Maverick was a Founding Father, of sorts. He was killed in the Boston Massacre.
Sebastian Dangerfield
What tomboy said. Indeed, the template for the Republicans’ definition of “community organizer” — or its colorful RNC variant “street organizer — is this.
They called them traitors and criminals, mainly, because let’s face it, they were
John McCain did a propaganda statement for the Vietcong that said, “I am a black criminal and I have performed the deeds of an air pirate,” so he’s a criminal and traitor, too!
Fixed. He’s supposed to be scary, not shiftless.
The one thing that makes me doubt the efficacy of their southern strategy was the bright idea of scheduling the GOP Convention after the start of college football. Let’s see; boring old man droning on about boring old crap or the ‘Doors shocking South Carolina in a fantastic thursday-night SEC matchup?