Jesus flipping christ. I get back from dinner, check memeorandum, and find out Palin and McCain are lying about the god damned jet. They never sold it on e-bay, and they sold if for a loss.
These are such stupid things to lie about, so easy to check, and we really are dealing with sociopaths. They will simply lie about anygoddamnedthing.
I am just exasperated. At least the press is calling them out on it. Can they go one damned day without lying blatantly about something? I will even ignore tiny white lies. Just no blatant lies for 24 hours. Can they do it?
PS- Outback has just hideous food. I hate chain restaurants.
*** Update ***
This and this are just damned hilarious. Rudy recycling attacks against McCain to use against Obama, and stock photos of black people in the McCain video intro. Are they trying to throw this?
Then again, Bush got away with this kind of incompetence for eight years, so they probably think they can too.
Why are you attacking Palin’s family? Sexist.
Another fantastic bit of news: Feds are bailing out Frannie and Freddie big time.
Jesus, John, this is just incredible. You ate at Outback?!
I guess the answer to your question, my friend, would be no.
Or maybe, Fuck NO!
Sorry you didn’t like Outbacks but you know … I like most anything, provided it’s brought to me on a tray.
Unrelated, I’ve known people like this. They are incapable of telling the truth. Even when there is no advantage to be gained. There’s no reason to lie. But they just do it because it’s second nature.
On the other hand, McCain hadn’t even heard about this plane until a day or two ago, so the old dumbshit can’t be expected to absorb all that information in such a short perid of time. And by the way, their supporters don’t care. They actively WANT to be lied to.h
Jon H
I read somewhere that, early on after it was acquired, the jet was primarily used for transportation related to the use of Arizona prisons to hold Alaskan inmates, because Alaska’s jails are overcrowded.
Her predecessor as governor wound up using more of the jet’s time, but unless Palin did something about prison overcrowding, I expect they’re still paying transportation costs between Alaska and Arizona.
I wonder how that expense compares to the money saved by not having a state plane.
Palin could have easily truthfully qualified what happened by saying: “We put the state jet up for sale on ebay…we didn’t get any sufficient bids there, and were eventually forced to sell it through other channels, but sell it we did.”
Instead of implying that it was as simple to successfully unload the jet off the taxpayers as selling it on ebay.
Jon H
via Atrios: today’s bank failure was a Nevada bank which had Andy McCain on its board.
>>Feds are bailing out Frannie and Freddie big time.
How do I killed currency?
Ned R.
With great regret.
I see Tucker Bounds was quoted in that link in the main story. Busy week for him.
It was sold to a Republican contributor.
The wing-nuts will soon invade, McTrolls are everywhere now, claiming they didn’t sell it at a loss if you consider depreciation to determine the plane’s “book value” compared to the selling price.
That’s not the point, of course. The point is John McCain directly said today that they sold the plane on e-Bay. They didn’t.
Luckily, Cindy McCain’s gold plated dress will go up in value.
I’m pretty sure McSame was about as clueless about this as he was about the “Walter Reed” speech backdrop. [That in itself, is pretty amazing, BTW. Doesn’t the dumb bastard know what the hospital looks like? Last time I was there had to be in the 1970s, and even I could see the Hospital’s 19th century architecture frontage didn’t look anything like the School].
What’s really frightening here is how totally f*cking out of touch with reality this crew is. If they bobble basic facts completely within their control, imagine what their ability will be to interpret national security intelligence if (God forbid) they ever win.
Stuck in the Fun House
I think they’re borrowing heavily from the Bush credo, throw so many lies against the wall, the press won’t know which to scrape off first and end up just staring in bewilderment. MCcain thinks he gets to start at square one and we all should just forget about the 8 years of heaping piles of republican horseshit, and not question him cause he will clean it up while at the same time depositing his own. More and more the press is starting to recognize their credibility is circling the drain. And while creating drama from a stream of lies can boost ratings, having the public believe not a word ever is not good for business.
Uh, no. That’s the problem with promoting someone like Palin to the VP slot. She’s got no record, except the made up one. And even that one’s nothing impressive.
The GOP is in a bind, big time, as the tent shrinks while the base takes over the party. I’ve said this 1000 times this year, but the GOP never learned the lesson in the old aphorism: “dance with the devil and the devil don’t change, he changes you”.
I weep that they get as many votes as they do, but retain some hope that America is coming to its senses enough to continually shrink the number of elected Republicans. I can only hope that someday after that, actual progressive policies (universal healthcare, better business regulation, reasonably progressive taxation, worker’s insurance) get passed to get this country back on track.
Davis X. Machina
Then again, Bush got away with this kind of incompetence for eight years, so they probably think they can too.
Ask a cop. Criminals never change their MO until they have to, usually when they get caught.
Not to mention the “private jet” was often used for transporting prisoners. You’d think law-and-order Republicans would approve.
At this point, is there anything in Palin’s speech that hasn’t been revealed as a distortion, gross exaggeration or outright lie? Christ, Cheney has probably had 24-hour wood since Wednesday night. He finally found someone worthy to step into his shoes.
Jesus, John. Outback? Outback is the Republican party. Dont’ the servers there have to wear “pieces of flair” like “Office Space?”
I confess that I’ve been there, but want you to know that I’ll be very, very happy if I never again see the vile concoction call a “bloomin’ onion” ever again in my life.
They make everything extra salty so you buy more drinks.
As far as I can determine, Palin’s speech was composed entirely of lies and half-truths, sprinkled liberally with a personal philosophy somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun.
I’ve been observing our politics from a more or less adult perspective since 1968, and I’ve never seen a more backward-looking ticket than this one. Barry fucking Goldwater is a liberal compared to these two.
You are in Charleston, SC and you ate at an Outback? You have no one to blame but yourself.
Here’s the deal about being on blogs all day long … You stagger away from the computer after 12 hours of trying to find out what in hell is going on, eat leftover Chinese food cold (fair enough and we should all be so lucky), turn on the tube and just want to shoot yourself after 10 minutes of CNN and MSNBC. Kathleen Hall Jamison (sic) was hard to listen to on Moyers tonight but 20 minutes into it I got into her groove and was grateful. God help us all.
Ned R.
Yeah, that’s…yeah.
I propose we turn this into the ‘help John eat better in Charleston’ thread:
The Homily Grill for breakfast
Blend for lunch.
Jim F.
Much as I hate to defend her, Gov. Palin simply stated that she put it up on EBay, not that the action was completed. Apparently there were no bids so they went through a plane broker. Sen. McCain is the confused one.
Ned R.
God, did I say ‘Homily’? HOMINY. Duh.
Outback’s parent company is in big financial trouble. It is very possible they will go the way of Bennigans.
Ned R.
So to correct that link:
Equal Opportunity Cynic
Given John’s roots in WV I assumed he was in the other Charleston, but I’m just speculating.
I don’t think Outback is that bad — within the scope of chain restaurants that no one in my family is going to complain too loudly about. I don’t think it’s fine dining or anything, but then, I also have no taste.
Conservatively Liberal
It’s almost like they are running a parody of an actual campaign, it’s like they just don’t care anymore about how anything they say or do is perceived. Almost like they don’t care because either McCain is deliberately driving the Republican party off the highest cliff he can find or Rove has this election in the bag so they might as well give the public a show.
Anderson Cooper was just talking about this, and the report is she lost the state $600,000.00 in the sale. This is blatant lying and Rachel Maddow went after her and said exactly that. This is outright lying, no ifs, ands or buts about it. Palin knows that the story is not true and she is lying her face off to everyone about it.
She is just another slimy lying politician who has an ego so large that she actually thinks that she would make a great president. She would put our country at risk just to further the goals of the Republican party, and of course her career.
John McCain and his campaign has been exposed for the bumbling, incompetent idealistic assholes that they really are. They do not care about anything but retaining control of the highest office in the country.
Why does John McCain love the Republican party and hate America?
Eural Joiner
True story – went to work today and thought I might chat with many of my conservative friends some of whom I’ve worked with for 12 years or more.
They were angry. Unpleasantly angry. Spitting, cussing, staggering around in a haze angry. At liberals. At the media. At all of us who were attacking Palin after giving Edwards a “free ride” on his affair. I have never seen so many Republicans so angry in all the time I’ve worked there.
Apparently, Palin did her job – the base is riled up, but good. Very unpleasant.
(Here in Columbia, John. Stop in for a cold one sometime!)
Dennis - SGMM
Republicans know that “Country First” is short for “We’ll Do the Country First.”
Jon H
“le. This is blatant lying and Rachel Maddow went after her and said exactly that.”
Rachel Maddow is just a woman-loving woman who hates women.
These lies — bridge to nowhere, eBay, Obama’s legislative record — are feeling more and more like bait to me. Get media and liberals o sputter incoherently about what many voters may see as small stuff. Then when the bigger stuff gets brought up — like, say, Palin’s core dishonestly, lack of competence and bullying ways — it just sounds like more of the same biased liberal complaining.
Equal Opportunity Cynic
I went to the Homily Grill, but it was awful. The staff just kept preaching at me.
I love this site, but it makes me want to pull my hair out.
Jon H
I went to the Homily Grill for some fish but they never served me and instead kept telling me about how I should learn to fish.
Still took my money, though.
Ned R.
EOC, I owe you a drink.
Hey, I like Outback! They have fabulous baby ribs, wonderful salt-crusted baked potatoes, and the bar makes an excellent Lemon Drop. I don’t eat there very often, because I’d be a blimp if I did.
Uh… McCain/Palin? Balls-out crazy, mean spirited pathological liars, both of ’em; IOW, perfect Republicans. If they win in November, which all the gods forbid, I’ll start advocating for Washington State to secede.
maxbaer (not the original)
The Hominy Grill sounds down home American enough. But, the Blend is definitely elitist. I saw arugula on the menu.
Ned R.
Horrors. I will only eat proper American dirt and sticks from now on.
maxbaer (not the original)
There’ll be secession movements in every state. Being a NYer I might just hop the border, VT has a head start.
maxbaer (not the original)
It actually sounded great, Ned. Worth a road trip!
maxbaer (not the original)
It actually sounded great, Ned. Worth a road trip! I’ll bring a passport in case you guys secede.
Gah. Blockquote screwup. Second line is mine.
maxbaer (not the original)
Not exactly a double post. More of a one and a half.
You know what? It’s time to get serious and fight. I went through the links posted on another thread and this has me madder than hell at the lies being told by McCain and Palin. It’s time to focus on something that will stick, a label that is 100% true and can be proven with facts. Gov. Sarah Palin is the Earmark Queen of the United States. Drive that one point home and all the other bullshit about the jet and the bridge and the trooper falls into place. Gov. Sarah Palin is the Earmark Queen of the United States. McCain is lying about her. All you have to do to prove it is cite the facts.
maxbaer (not the original)
The word press Gods are angry tonight.
maxbaer (not the original)
Yeah, Alaska sucks hard at the federal teat. How does the average person in the lower 48 feel about subsidizing these moose killers?
This has got to be made into a campaign commercial:
“No wonder they think the economy’s doing so well – they think selling a jet for more than you paid for it is a profit” or some such.
I mean it’s childish and all but it’s in the ‘Al Gore invented the internet’ vein, isn’t it?
Rome Again
I was just told by some female windbag (sorry, didn’t get the name) on CNN that “Sarah Palin is hard to dislike”.
Uh, NO! I don’t find it hard to dislike liars at all.
This shit would be hilarious if the idea of these people winning weren’t so fucking scary.
I discovered today that I actually know someone who believes that the Clintons killed people.
How was your day?
I noticed when she said “put it on eBay” in the speech and thought, but did anyone BUY it? Who shops for jets on eBay? And isn’t it pretty illogical to expect that one would make a profit selling used aeronautics equipment? I don’t buy and sell jets, but wouldn’t it be rather more like a car than a house? Why would you assume she made a profit, for heaven’s sakes?
It’s a really dumb thing to go on about, but selling a jet is a pretty good stunt. You don’t have to try to make it into an unbelievably fantastic stunt.
I’m actually beginning to think McCain doesn’t understand economics a whole lot.
then someone would have to loudly explain that the reason the jet didn’t sell was because nobody goes on to ebay looking for a damn private jet.
and they would look just foolish.
After that speech the other night, economics is the least of it.
Rome Again
Of course he doesn’t. He’s a kept man who doesn’t own anything. (disclaimer: neither do I, but I don’t go around telling people I’m qualified to be president).
I too agree with what cmorenc says…….
Cindy McCain
Speak for yourself. You’d be surprised at the deals you can find!
L. Ron Obama
Planning and URLs aren’t really necessary around Charleston. Just drive around for a bit and stop at a roadside place. We did that coming back from the Charleston Tea Plantantion. There was a random roadside shack called JB’s, we stopped in, and it was great.
Isn’t Hanna about to hit?
I’da put it on craigslist. eBay charges a % of the selling price. It sold for $2.1 million.
Sarah Palin, “I put it on EBay to get national attention for what a mavericky maverick maverick I am. THEN we sold it for a loss to a contributer. Couldn’t stray too far from the fold, or the neanderthals that vote for us would be confused!”
Will Hunting
Guys – please. He is still in West Va. He drove from Morgantown to Charleston. He didn’t drive to south carolina. There is no way he would have made it that fast or posted anything else today.
I like charleston SC by the way! The WVA one, not so much…
I think that was either Bennigan’s (RIP. OTOH, ENOMOREMONTECRISTOS) or Friday’s that had “flair”.
Ned R.
A report on the ground from Walter Reed — the school. (That Tucker Bounds gets around, doesn’t he. What is he, the budget Ben Domenech?)
Bill Arnold
She didn’t actually say it sold on eBay. Though it appears McCain and probably millions of Americans heard it that way. (Including me.) The eBay sale was purely a political stunt.
When speeches are written by these professional Republican speechwriters, one must carefully parse every line for all possible interpretations – they usually have at least one interpretation that is arguably true. This also is true for prepared statements made by Republican political operatives. GWBush is a special case – we expect him to mangle his “true statements” into lies.
Soylent Green
Republicans are projecting onto others the shame of their impending defeat and their unhappiness with their leaders. They know their power to control the nation’s business is fading fast. They know that the GOP is dedicated only to itself and the enrichment of its cronies and is not interested in conservative principles or effective governance. They know they have only themselves to blame (not that many will admit it) for putting that dipshit cowboy in the White House. They are upset with themselves for giving the nom to befuddled old McCain (not that they had any better choices in that pathetic slate of candidates they put up last year). They know he is too old and confused just as well as they know Palin is unqualified and mean-spirited. But their backs are against the wall; they are doing what people and cornered animals do — putting on an aggressive display.
When this is over, I hope we can reach out to many of these folks and help bring them across the threshold.
Except for the 28-percenters. Fuck those morons.
Mr. Tactful
I was at a swap meet and traded my private jet for a Vespa.
That story about the Walter Reed mixup in McCain’s slide is pretty amazing. Mixing up a vet hospital and a school means that either
(a) McCain has never visited nearby Walter Reed hospital even after a major controversy or
(b) He never bothered to review the slides for the most important speech in his life or
(c) both
Sarah Palin: Mavrick
McCain sure said that; he even claimed that she made a “profit” on the sale.
At this point, is there anything in Palin’s speech that hasn’t been revealed as a distortion, gross exaggeration or outright lie?
The pipeline deal was a distortion as well. It was in the works before she became governor and it won’t be built until 2018, if ever.
And my worst nightmare is that they will. And they’ll get the White House.
I guess I have no faith in the American public at all anymore. That they could be duped by this shit YET AGAIN.
I’m thinking the lying is a feature, not a bug. The more the damn libruls call BS, the more the base rallies.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Yup. And Gov. Palin most certainly didn’t deliver the line to give the impression that, not only was the plane put on eBay, but that it was sold (like a mav’rick). Yup, yup.
Bush and Cheney went around talking about Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein but they never explicitly said that they were in cohoots. Yup, yup.
Cindy McCain says you need a plane to get around Arizona…and although that’s ridiculous, I actually think you might need one to really get around Alaska.
That’s one humongous state geographically and not everything is connected nicely.
But, yeah, I don’t get the patent lying about the checkable stuff. I mean it’s tradition that you twist your opponent’s record on taxes and voting, not that you make stuff up about your own record.
Jon H
“That story about the Walter Reed mixup in McCain’s slide is pretty amazing. ”
I am deeply offended that TPM and Andrew Sullivan suggested the blame for the mixup belonged to the techs handling the show.
Dude, if the techs made the Middle School appear, it’s because they’re contractors, and actually are liberal, and meant for that to happen. Probably specifically in order to put McCain in front of an expanse of green.
But most likely, the photos were provided by the campaign bigwigs.
zuzu's petals
About the “Sarah the Moosehunter” myth…
My dad taught my older sister to fish and hunt when we lived in Alaska. She killed at least one moose. Here’s something from her latest e-mail:
Jon H
Here’s a scary thought.
John McCain is a discardable sabot for the Christian right and the GOP.
If McCain wins, and brings Palin in with him, I bet that the GOP will do everything they can to force McCain out some time in his first term.
It’d probably start at the earliest point at which Palin would still be eligible for two terms of her own after completing McCain’s term.
And of course she’d probably appoint some utter crook or wingnut Dominionist rapture kook to be her VP. Not elected, just appointed and then perhaps given powers similar to those of Cheney.
I know people like that. You might be surprised to learn (or probably not) but that belief is pretty standard for the talk radio set. Vince Foster, ect. Crazy
ArabsAmericans and their conspiracy theories.matt
Does anyone have a sense of whether the fact that Palin is against abortion, even in the cases of rape and incest, is getting out to the general public?
I feel like I’m not hearing or reading much about it.
Soylent Green
Uh, yes and no. They’re docile until you get within their fight-or-flight distance. The cows will usually flee, the bulls will usually charge you. And can easily kill you if you don’t run fast. Vamoose from a moose.
Now as for killing one from two hundred yards with a high-powered rifle — no heroism required.
zuzu's petals
Well, this was around 1956, so I’m pretty sure it wasn’t anything that fancy. Don’t know if it was a cow or bull, but I know my dad would never have put his 14 year daughter at risk.
L. Ron Obama
lern 2 red L RON!!
The Clintons are now hilariously off-limits for Republican attacks until election day, but I wonder if there will be any slip-ups.
I was going to put this up but Bill beat me to it.
Here’s that meme again. Nobody but you people care about this. EVERY candidate has a speechwriter. Even Obama. Nobody cares about this. In fact, it could be bad that Obana wrote his own acceptance speech. All the other candidates had better things to do. Is he not busy enough? Palin just got into the race. She’s still governor. So you expect her to take the time to write her own speech? But, again NOBODY cares.
This Ebay story could be something but she didn’t say she sold it there. So, you’re already working with a deficit.
Keep trying though, you might find something.
About Outback, that is that faux-Australian place, right? Do you folks realize that the Australian contribution to world cuisine is limited to vegemite, spaghetti on toast and meatpie floaters? What would you expect eating there?
L. Ron Obama
See, now you’re starting to get the hang of this trolling thing.
“I put it on eBay” == “Mission Accomplished”?
If you had been paying attention you would know that McCain specifically said that the plane was “sold” on eBay “for a profit”.
L. Ron Obama
Who’s this McCain guy? Is he part of the Palin campaign?
Well, maybe it wasn’t sold on ebay, but it was for a profit. The Republican contributor got a discount on a plane and the taxpayers took the loss. That counts as a profit in Republican circles. Privatize profit and socialize losses, bitches.
As has been noted up-thread, if you tell more lies than any amount of media can address and if you tell new ones before the old ones can be addressed and if you tell more lies than anyone who gives you minimal credit (eg the ‘balanced’ media) could imagine (or ‘professionally’ accept you might tell), then you might as well not have been lying at all.
That’s just about the number of lies, not their quality. Of course Rove can quote Goebbels on why the bigger the lie the better – a strategy that that teams up well with an insistence on ‘moral clarity’ (which may or may not be a US refinement on received European wisdom – I’m no expert historian).
Then when ‘unprofessional’ people call you on lie after lie you don’t complain like a pussy – you project with all the fake outrage you can muster. You call them liars and pussies – not only liars and pussies, but liberals and leftists and traitors and whiners and atheists and losers (proud upstanding self-reliant Americans seem to particularly love that last one, even though Jesus was a loser). And when even some ‘professionals’ tumble to your scam, you have the ‘liberal mainstream media’ ploy to fall back on.
That’s the genius of Palin’s selection. What better bait for your ‘LMSM’ hook, and what better climate? The more you’ve stuffed up the nation, the more ignorant angry resentment there is to fuel your strategy.
So stop calling McCain’s puppeteers stupid. Sociopaths yes, but not stupid. If it’s a losing strategy for Nov 08, it worked in 00 02 and 04 (admittedly with a boost from some electoral chicanery) and it’s still far and away their best shot. It’s not as if they’ve left themselves any realistic alternative.
John, you should have gone to Applebee’s and had the salad bar.
Standards have really gone in the shitter around here if that’s considered decent trolling. I’d give it a 2/10 myself.
FLILF Hunter
The GOP convention was the people you can fool all of the time trying to fool the people you can fool some of the time into voting against the people who were never fooled in the first place. — Me
Liars. Every man-jack of them.
Conservatively Liberal
You are wasting your time with Borgreefer. Facts are irrelevant to the right because they create their own reality while we laugh derisively at them, but one day we will appreciate their brilliance, write glowing summaries of their wisdom and then we will truly be in awe.
Shorter Borgreefer: Facts?! We don’t need no stinking facts!
Just Some Fuckhead
Jesus people, John is in Charleston, WV, not Charleston, SC. The “we” is whoever is driving him to his seminar because John doesn’t own a vehicle.
Conservatively Liberal
You mean it wasn’t Charleston, Oregon? Bummer. I thought John was looking for some fresh ocean air, swimming and dune action!
Oh for fuck sakes Cole, she never said it actually sold on ebay. It WAS listed on ebay (as she said) but it didn’t sell there and was subsequently sold elsewhere. Is this a little bit too complicated for you to wrap your mind around? Sure, McCain said it “sold on ebay” because he probably thought that’s what she meant blah blah blah, and besides he’s only slightly less retarded than you lot. This shit-hole has really gone down the crapper.
Rome Again
She was there with McCain today when he said it sold on Ebay, and for a profit, did she challenge him on that? No?
It’s still a lie.
If you ever come to Sacramento for some reason, we can go to The Waterboy. We went there for our post-wedding dinner tonight, and despite the name reminding me of an Adam Sandler movie, the food was absolutely fantastic.
MisterPundit, you can make your points without attacking her family.
Seriously, our media is so fucking stupid sometimes.
This overblown fixation with the pregnant kid was completely the wrong angle to take. Now there’s this affair stuff, but that’s also something that needs to be dropped. If her having a kid who’s having a kid humanized her, then her having an affair will humanize her even more to religious zealots who will forgive anything she does because she’s white, pretty, and Republican. Conservatives are spitting mad at the media for this, and it’s playing into the GOP’s hands, because eventually, when the media eventually does get around to nailing her for something of substance, it’s just going to seem like yet another attack on her by the media.
Her entire central plank is that she’s a reformer, yet the media hasn’t called her out on her being Queen of Earmarks or being for the damn bridge that she’s been saying she was boldly against. Notice how she and McCain and the GOP keep repeating this, even though it’s completely false. Why? Because no one will actually, publicly, call them out for it. And until someone does, they’re going to keep trying to reinforce this image and try and drill it into the undecided voters’ minds. AND IT’S WORKING.
Look, if the media nails her as an (alleged) adulterer, she’ll still be self-proclaimed MISS BOLD REFORMER. And, frankly, people will remember that Clinton proved that you could still be a pretty good prez even if you let your judgment go out the window when it came to a little sex on the side.
But if you rip out the central plank of her entire resume and prove that she’s not a reformer, then she’s just an (alleged) adulterer.
See the difference?
You got married today and you’re posting on blogs?
Baron Elmo
And what are the odds that the “contributor” (spoken through clenched teeth) got a fat tax write-off on the whole deal? After all, he was doing the state of Alaska a favor, taking that dirty old jet off their hands.
My best and oldest childhood friend lives in AK and has for years. He said Palin is a serial liar.
Of course not John. Facts are boring.
If McPalin gets elected we all will. Protein will come from the people we’ve had to fight and kill to get the dirt and sticks.
New theory, and as damn good as any my feverish imagination can concoct. John McSame is engaged in a torrid affair with Meg Whitman. Hence the need to endlessly pimp Ebay. You can sell your spare jets there! 150 million Americans now make their livings there! Ebay! Ebay!
Wait. Just saw a photo of Meg. New theory. John McSame is engaged in a torrid affair with Meg Whitman’s college-age daughter. An heiress. Hence the need…..
Wait. Just found out that Meg has only two sons. But, happily, college-aged. The scions. Torrid, and Christianists might say, tawdry affair with young blond Princetonian…..
i thought al gore was a serial liar due to stuff like this.
sorry dogg, turnabout is fair play.
Bill Arnold
Here’s that meme again. Nobody but you people care about this. EVERY candidate has a speechwriter.
Are you being deliberately obtuse? The point is that this form, deliberately using tricky language on a national stage to inject false ideas into millions of American minds, is a Republican specialty, at least in modern times. In this case it was so over-the-top that even John McCain appears to have been taken in and repeated what he thought he heard rather than what he actually heard. (I don’t know where the “profit” bit came from, perhaps some staffer feeding him a pure “made up fact”.)
These sorts of lies, for they are deliberate attempts to mislead, led us into the Iraq war. I had smart friends in New York who actually advocated for the Iraq war because they were convinced by speeches and scare talk that Saddam Hussein was about to give 1 or more nuclear weapons to terrorists to blow up Manhattan.
I’m beginning to think that Palin’s lies are all like all the illnesses in Monty Burns (Simpsons). There’s the episode where Dr. Hubbard explains that, basically, Burns has “everything”, but that having so many illnesses prevents any one of them from hurting him (the visual is trying to push lots of little stuffed animals through a door all at once).
The Bush administration is the same way. It really is near impossible to keep up with the breadth and depth of the scandals. Not a week goes by that you don’t find out about some heinously corrupt Senator, Representative, Cabinet member or about some horrible action the Bush administration took contra-what they told the public. It’s almost as if the conspiracy theorists were right!
But because of that, combined with the public’s general politics fatigue, I wonder if people don’t really think it’s as bad as it is?
Jon H
“Just found out that Meg has only two sons.”
Huh. I always thought she had never married – the Condi issue – which I figured was what kept her off the ticket.
After all, she’s a billionaire, and has experience selling toy plastic dress-up potatoes to children, and running (but not starting) a giant online tag sale.
David Schraub
That’s sad. I love Outback. Try the rack of lamb (as a rack, not chops) next time. My dad raves about it — and he’s the sort of guy with a picture on the wall of The Palm.
eBay also charges a listing fee regardless of whether the item sells. So Palin wasted state money on a dumb gimmick that didn’t work. A Reformer with Results!(TM)