Here’s a fun contest: try to come up with a better definition of elitist than a convention full of people who don’t know what a community organizer does.
by Tim F| 67 Comments
This post is in: Republican Stupidity
Here’s a fun contest: try to come up with a better definition of elitist than a convention full of people who don’t know what a community organizer does.
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A former CEO from Massachusetts with forty five tons of hair gel.
Someone you says they put “country first” even though they hate approximately 50% of the citizens of that country.
ooh, ooh–someone who mocks someone else for being a celebrity, yet has hosted Saturday Night Live, made more Daily Show appearances than any other guest, had a cameo in The Wedding Crashers, and had a bio-pic made about his life.
wasabi gasp
A black guy.
Asking the press to respect their daughter’s choice while simultaneously campaigning against the right for anyone else’s daughter to make that choice.
Someone who talks about the housing crisis in terms of the real estate investments were lost.
Ding! Wasabi wins.
Rick James
Me, bitches!
Trick question. There’s no such thing as communities, only nukular families, you commie sumbitch.
Who has the nerve to be Ivy-League educated and run for President.
No, wait – that’s uppity
My bad…
Or, the person who throws the match at the book burning.
Jon H
Republicans think a Community Organizer is the old lady in a small suburban mostly-white upper-middle class town who organizes the annual Strawberry Festival.
Eric Lindholm
Ooh, I know! A guy who went to private school then Harvard who belittles people in flyover country as “bitter” who “cling to their guns and religion”.
A community organizer.
Conservatively Liberal
People who visit food banks. If they are visiting a food bank then it is obvious that they are only there to show off the fact that they don’t need the food.
The Republican candidate’s wife wearing 10 years of middle class American income to clothe herself.
John H beat me to it.
/tips non-existent hap
Reading comprehension FTL. Thanks, but we already have our quota of lame-ass trolls here.
That should be hat.
Jon H
An elitist, on the other hand, is someone who frowns at the upper-middle-class people who drive to the local Strawberry Festival in their Mercedes SUVs and Escalades, which are considered necessary because they might have to drive over a curb and park on grass.
Soylent Green
We don’t know what Bristol’s choice would have been if Sarah weren’t her mother, or what went down in the Palin household. Maybe she share’s mom’s views, maybe not. Maybe she was bullied into submission. We also don’t know if she really wants to marry her meathead boyfriend, or is looking down the barrel of mom’s shotgun.
Elitist is using a five-month-old infant as a TV prop.
wasabi gasp
Mr. Lindholm sounds a wee bit bitter.
Ouch. Best frame of the week.
Conservatively Liberal
Great diary at Kos about the new meme coming out of the McCain camp regarding the lack of access to Palin and the reason for it. The title alone is a killer!
New GOP Spin: Sarah Palin’s Not Ready
They are admitting Palin is not ready and we are supposed to believe that she will become an expert by November. What a mavrick!
Todd Harris: Worst. Surrogate. Ever.
Stuck in the Fun House
Elitism is picking a VP, sing her praises, then not allow anyone in the media to talk to her.
wasabi gasp
That’s just sexist.
But not as sexist as hap tipping.
Telling people they live in “tough times” over and over again without mentioning that you were part of the reason they’re living in those tough times.
Dennis - SGMM
Modestly mentioning that you were a POW only 9852 times.
Conservatively Liberal
When I tip my hap, its size and girth makes women swoon. Its like they view my hap as some kind of object or toy for them to fantasize about.
I’m not clever enough for this, but I know you guys are. Todd Harris as a defense attorney: Go!
Big E
any asshole who believes and says that
5 million dollars is middle class…..
Dennis - SGMM
Joe Lieberman saying, “What, after all, is a Democrat like me doing at a Republican convention like this?”
wasabi got it. The right is using “community organizer” as a code term for *angry* black guy driving race politics. They will ride this for the next 8 weeks, so get used to it.
Someone who pays the help more than what my house is worth.
A party that gives huge tax breaks to wealthy individuals and huge multi-national corporations and then tells middle and working class people that if they’re experiencing tough times, it’s only in their heads and they need to stop whining.
Conservatively Liberal
I have seen the proof of how some in the South used to treat “Community Organizers”. They harassed, beat, jailed and murdered them if they had the chance. White or black, it didn’t matter except that they were “ni**er lovers”.
I hear the dog whistle and it is shrill and irritating.
Mr. Tactful
A person who doesn’t believe Jesus ate Paleo Brand dinosaur maple & sage (lite) sausage.
Joshua Norton
a day.
Someone who both
a) has a chance in hell of being elected, and
b) actually wants the job.
Someone who travels a lot and eats at the Outback restaurant.
Joshua Norton
People who keep asking me why I picked what’s-her-name. She’s my soul mate, what’s-her-name is.
Johnny Mac
Eric Lindholm
Somebody who has made no significant achievements in life and writes not one, but TWO, autobiographies.
Elitist is NOT wearing $300,000 jewelry.
I mean, NOT wearing $300,000 jewelry, that’s just showing off how you can dress impressively without needing all those diamonds. It’s just elitist to have that much dress sense.
Someone who arbitrarily decides that their blog visitors are more deserving of Wordpass > Error than actual content?
(And the audience knew what a community organizer was, but they’ll take down any arbitrary population in order to assault one individual. If they thought they could have gotten away with calling him a nigger, they would have done it.)
Common Sense
Actually Eric, John McCain has written more autobiographies than just two. Apparently every two years or so the entire country suffers massive amnesia, we forget he was a POW, and he writes a book to remind us.
Unless you consider getting shot down a significant achievement.
A Senator whose family is as rich as the Rockefellers, thanks to a Health Insurance empire, telling you that universal healthcare is socialized medicine.
Name rhymes with “wrist.” Once touted a diagnosis of Terri Schiavo based on watching a short video, and proclaimed her almost fit to run for Vice President (well, by the new Palin Standard).
pseudonymous in nc
Nonono. He forgets, decides it’s finally time to write a memoir, and the press don’t want to be rude by pointing it out.
Elitism: not knowing how many houses you own.
I gotta admit, this one has always bugged me at least since 1996 when Jack Kemp was working this same angle. In my mind at least, elites are good things: the Marines, the Chicago Symphony, the math faculty at Caltech, Bell Labs, etc.
There hasn’t been anyone associated with Left/liberalism or the Democratic Party for a long time who is any way elite: not either of the Clintons, not either of the Obamas. What they are is The Establishment, and ought be criticized that way instead.
Actually, I suspect that should be:
Cowardice: not having the courage to admit how many houses you own.
Warren Terra
This is slightly off topic, but I was just catching up with one of those blogs I rarely read, in part because the guy frequently doesn’t post for weeks, and I just wanted to direct readers to the highly enjoyable recent series of essays on the Palin nomination and the Elephant convention at the Phil Nugent Experience.
P.S. Lindholm, y’know, you could troll better if you didn’t make sh!t up. Obama has written two books himself (two more than McCain who’s let Mark Salter publish five under his name). One is a memoir about how a biracial kid raised without strong Black influences in Hawai’i and Indonesia found a purpose in life and a place in the African-American community. It is an interesting and very personal book, which he wrote before he entered politics, and it’s not about his life’s achievements. The other, which I admit I haven’t read, is reportedly more about his political philosophy than his biography. That’s not even to mention your risible assertion that Obama’s never accomplished anything.
C’mon, troll better. It’s hardly as if you couldn’t find something truthful to troll about, with a little imagination.
Someone who’s shoes cost more than my take home pay for a week.
Somebody who has made no significant achievements in life and writes not one, but TWO, autobiographies
So passing legislation regarding death penalty, criminal confessions, healthcare ethics is not significant
Whereas McCain has been in Washington for 26 years and has past 2 or 3 pieces of legislation one of which is a joke. He was wrong about Iraq and Georgia. He believes that being a POW, which happened 40 years ago, makes him entitled to the presidency without presenting any new ideas for the 21st century. The Repubs cannot from their record. People are not stupid as some of you think.
Rome Again
Executive Privilege
John S.
As the race continues to unfold, I find myself wondering if there can possibly be any voters out there that are really buying the GOP bullshit this year. Running on a platform of change (despite having been in power the last 8 years). Running against a candidate they tar as elitist (even though their own has several mansions, wears shoes that cost more than most folks weekly salary and whose wife wears outfits that cost more than most folks annual salary). Deriding someone’s experience as a community leader (while embracing someone’s experience as a hockey mom).
And then Eric Lindholm comes along. From his “blog”:
Thanks for proving that there are still people so partisan and willfully obtuse that they will buy into any line of bullshit that is fed to them by their GOP masters. And for proving that despite such limited intellectual brain function, one can still manage to mash on their keyboard enough to create the appearance of having something to say.
Eric Lindholm
“That’s not even to mention your risible assertion that Obama’s never accomplished anything.”
You know, I apologize for that (and failing to note the critical distinction between writing and ghostwriting.) I did a little research into Obama’s accomplishments. From FactCheck:
“An accurate comparison with the Clinton bills listed in the e-mail would have included only the bills Obama has sponsored that have been signed into law. This comparison favors Clinton heavily, since 19 of her bills in seven years have become law, while Obama has had just two in his three years:
S. 2125, A bill to promote relief, security, and democracy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
S. 3757, A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 950 Missouri Avenue in East St. Louis, Illinois, as the “Katherine Dunham Post Office Building.”
Give than man a Presidency!
By the way that is a partial list.
Give the man presidency,
Both men have to campaign for the presidency.
Eric Lindholm
Well, I’m not counting his time in the Illinois Senate. Is that what you mean?
Someone who would steal Vicodin and Perocet from her OWN Medical Relief Organization, even though she is worth 100 million dollars, not to mention having being covered by HEALTH CARE to be able to visit and Doctor and getting a LEGAL prescription.
Oh and her husband John McCain,helped manipulate the criminal justice system, in protecting her. She was never charged with anything.
Tara the antisocial social worker
Anyone living in a town with more than 10,000 people.
Anyone who wasn’t a POW.
The entire East Coast.
An elitist is a person who holds community organizers in contempt.
You’re an elitist when you have your own Medical Relief Organization.
Generally, it’s tough to get a legal prescription to maintain a drug addiction, even if you are an elitist.
Kerry Reid
Someone who decries “government intervention” and “government healthcare” and thinks “government is the problem” and yet has somehow managed to spend practically his entire life with his lips affixed to one government teat or another and has zero experience in the “private sector” aside from working for his criminally rich — and just plain criminal — Daddy-in-Law for a few months. Oh, but I forgot to count the time he was a POW! (Because he sucked ass as a pilot? Five planes down! You GO, Johnny Top Gun!)
Brachiator said:
Generally, it’s tough to get a legal prescription to maintain a drug addiction, even if you are an elitist.
My reply:
Yea, tell that to all those celebrities who o’d, or those that get pulled over in a DUI case, that have bottles of prescription meds in their car. Or how about that Rush Limbaugh??
Soylent Green
Anyone in San Francisco.