This seriously is becoming a damned joke:
CREW Analysis: Governor Palin has been quietly undermining ethics inquiry into firing of Public Safety Commissioner
It is our belief that the even the perception of public cooperation is ending.
Palin’s attorney, Thomas Van Flein, is unlikely to agree to depositions, forcing the Alaska legislature to issue subpoenas for Palin and other present and past Alaska state employees. At that time, Van Flein will either move to quash the subpoenas, likely claiming the legislature has no jurisdiction to authorize the inquiry and that subpoenas for records violate the Alaska Constitution’s right to privacy or, those subpoenaed will refuse to appear, forcing the state legislature to seek judicial enforcement of the subpoenas. The delay will push the conclusion of the investigation past November 4, 2008.
That is the same strategy employed by the Bush adminstration to prevent the congressional testimony of Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers.
Whatever happened to “If you haven’t done anything wrong, you don’t have anything to hide?”
A McCain/Palin administration will be just a complete and total train wreck. More here on the efforts to crush the investigation. Those lawyers last week were not flying to Alaska to do a deeper vet. They were flying there to shred.
Question – has anyone seen George Bush and Sarah Palin in the same place at the same time?
Good fucking Lord. Why isn’t the televised media going all-out on this bullshit effort by Palin’s crew to get her off the hook before the election? There should be people constantly asking Palin, “Why are you stalling the investigation? Do you have something to hide?” People should be asking McCain “Why did you pick a person with this kind of active baggage for the VP slot?”
Ned R.
Well, yes. Now when’s that first press conference sched…oh.
Ned R.
Also, I should point that that the CREW analysis is dated on Thursday, where yesterday the report deadline was moved forward some weeks. If the scenario they outline holds, that means during the final few weeks of the election season reports on such delays would be pretty constant. Not sure exactly how that would be a benefit.
kid bitzer
“They were flying their to shred.”
well… flying *there* to shred.
because they believe the constitution is theirs to shred.
She’s a lady John. She doesn’t want people prying into her personal life. Shame on you!
So in Alaska, if someone’s accused of having child pornography on their computer investigators can’t look at the hard drive because that would be an invasion of privacy.
Maybe we should let them secede.
She comes across as the Boss Hogg of the Arctic. A fine addition to the Sh*t Talk Express.
yeah, but CREW comes off as a wee bit partisan given that they have no mention of the week-old story that Charlie Rangel, top House tax boss, didn’t report income from an island villa in the Dominican.
not saying that discounts anything about Palin, but if they want to preserve their credibility they should at least get some mention about this embarrassment online.
Scarpy, have you contacted them about the Rangel story? It’s possible they overlooked it.
they’ve commented repeatedly in the press about Rangel, but given the volume of Palin stories on their site over the last few days, it seems they could have run a notice themselves. but maybe it’s buried deeper than i looked, i don’t know.
What’s horrifying is the realization that it already looks like the Bush Administration in the areas of sheer incompetence, stonewalling and cronyism. Seriously, can the Republic afford such shitbirds as national leaders? If we elect them it’ll be a form of national suicide.
How fu*king ludricous is it, BTW, that a VP candidate is hiding from the press? Christ Almighty!
Dr. Squid
With death squads.
That’s a good point scarpy. Rangle for President is now off the table.
We say shit and fuck here.. no need to add a star.
The fact that she filed an ethics complaint against herself should endear her to the Cheney fan club.
I just love that. Who does that? “You can’t put me under ethics investigation, I put MYSELF under ethics investigation! Now give me all your evidence, so I can investigate myself!”
Hi John, you said:
A McCain/Palin administration will be just a complete and total train wreck
Good job at looking into your crystal ball and predicting the future, I’ll be sure to vote for Obama.
Let’s get down to cases, since I have accepted your knowledge of the future. Frankly, I want some good stock picks, probably best if you email me privately. You probably don’t understand that request, but trust me, it’s the right the to do.
Seriously, since you claim to be able to predict the future, put up or shut up. Make some predictions in the markets, something we can actually verify. Otherwise you are just another idiot posting blather, and one who seems to change his opinion to tally with his own market.
I picture Palin as Nicholson in a Few Good Men
“You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth… You’re goddamn right I ordered the code red!”
Only they think it was a righteous speech, rather than one where he was admitting to illegal acts and was then arrested and taken away.