“You ain’t got no problem Sarah, I’m sending the Wolf.”
Sarah: “Shit, mothafucka! That’s all you had to say!”
FLILF Hunter
I don’t know who deserves credit for this, but I just saw it here.
Sarah Palin: Caribou Barbie.
I decree this must go viral.
w vincentz
It seems to me that this trap goes way way to the Nixon/Agnew days…same game, different time.
On a side note, though some have claimed I’m “sesist”, in fact, I’m in favor of women’s rights. Please, if you are a woman (or care for them, go over to kos and read 19 days.
The freedoms of 98% of our women are about to be severely limited.
w vincentz
It seems to me that this trap goes way way to the Nixon/Agnew days…same game, different time.
On a side note, though some have claimed I’m “sexist”, in fact, I’m in favor of women’s rights. Please, if you are a woman (or care for them, go over to kos and read 19 days.
The freedoms of 98% of our women are about to be severely limited.
w vincentz
sorry for the DP
Just Some Fuckhead
I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that me and Joe Biden think John McCain is a fanfuckingtastic guy. Just a real mensch. Why, I remember once when John McCain ran off with my wife to an outta the way little dive and got her drunk and then put the moves on her. It’s a good thing I found ’em or I’d be raising one of John Sidney McCain’s kids right now, that rascal. lolz.
Um, JSF–are you really MyIQ, in camo? Cuz I wonder, man, I wonder.
It’s kinda cool that Biden doesn’t take the campaign disputes personally, but I’m sure Obama’s campaign would prefer that he keep the funny McCain anecdotes to himself.
FLILF Hunter
No, no, no: Mooselini…
(BTW, I’m told Stephanie Miller’s show came up with Caribou Barbie.)
Just remember folks, when some Arizona fish-picker sends a bunch of fancy Washington types to tell another state how to conduct an investigation into a state matter, it is not at all the least little bit elitist or arrogant.
Stuck in the Fun House
I know David Frum is a wanker usually, but this email exchange of his with a fellow wingnut is mildly fascinating. He is spot on with the problem of the Palin pick and in general how the GOP picks it’s candidates these days.
Just Some Fuckhead
My point is simply that when we’re out there sucking John McCain’s dick for the world, we’re actually making a case for him and undercutting our own attempts to portray him as, say, Bush II, outta touch, elitist, ill-tempered, etc.
It’s not rocket science. John and others make very good points about McCain’s awful (insert the blank). Biden, Obama and other prominent Democrats promptly go out and undercut our efforts to define him, assuming like Kerry that no one would be stupid enough not to vote for Democrats this time.
oh really
Refusing to cooperate with an investigation is simply a necessary part of preparing to be a Republican office-holder.
Sarah (and all the mooses sigh) is doing what it takes to become a hero to the GOP. In a way, the investigation has made her a prisoner. Which means she’s a prisoner of war.
John said she’s his “partner” and “soulmate,” and he wasn’t kidding.
Conservatively Liberal
No, no, no: Mooselini…
(BTW, I’m told Stephanie Miller’s show came up with Caribou Barbie.)
Mocking and ridicule: The nukyular option.
No shit, Mooselini is an excellent play on a nickname for her. It reflects her political position perfectly.
I don’t know who deserves credit for this, but I just saw it here.
Sarah Palin: Caribou Barbie.
I decree this must go viral.
Okay, but small potatoes. I’m hoping ala patriot Republican conservative Matty Sanchez, star of Tijuana Toilet Tramps, there’s some spicy Northern Exposure video series in Governor Hot Lips past.
First I’d buy the series. Next I’d buy popcorn futures while the patriot fundies and Dobson try to spin that also into affirming Republican family values.
JSF, it’s not about stategy here on the intertubes. It’s about strategy with the large audience.
If you fail to notice, I’m sorry, but Palin and McCain drew audiences equal with Obama. And those audiences — I know likely all the same people — got to hear the McCain stroy again and again.
I for one like the fact that Biden knows the former McCain. It shows that he is not the same person.
And then Biden goes for the issues.
I like it.
And it does hurt that Obama is up and has been for quite a while in the electoral college vote.
You can worry over the little things. I trust Obama/Biden.
FLILF Hunter
Okay, but small potatoes. I’m hoping ala patriot Republican conservative Matty Sanchez, star of Tijuana Toilet Tramps
I still think it would be cool if some artist came up with a short video clip called Palinocchio. I think it would go viral in a heartbeat.
See Palinocchio’s nose lengthen with every lie!
McBush/Mooselini ’08: We’re Unsteady and Unready!
Peter Johnson
You’re talking about a guy who tasered his own son, who issued death threats against the Palin family. Cry me a river. This is the biggest non-story since Scootergate, Attorneygate and all the other gates the Daily Chaos crowd made up.
Free At Last
I don’t know who deserves credit for this, but I just saw it here.
Sarah Palin: Caribou Barbie.
I saw it first at Tbogg’s
Just Some Fuckhead
I like it.
Did you like it when Kerry did it? Howz that working out for us?
See, here’s the difference between how Republicans run and how Democrats run. Republicans run like there is SOMETHING at stake so fucking important that any means necessary must be taken to achieve it. Democrats run like the only thing at stake is our personal popularity while claiming there is so much more at stake.
That’s why John McCain will be out there making the regular point that Obama is a traitor and wants to lose a war so he can win an election and Obama is out there making the point that McCain is a hero, and Biden is lauding him with personal tributes that serve to underscore McCain’s personal courage, integrity and maverickyness.
Anyone that reads those comments from Biden should feel betrayed, no matter how likable he is. And telling a story that like that casts his wife in such an unfavorable light indicates to me he’d rather lose to his personal friend than win with the black guy.
Here’s what it comes down to: Republicans are having a metaphorical war with Democrats and killing us left and right and we’re claiming we’re too damn good to kill ’em back.
t jasper parnell
As I read the Democratic strategy, Obama argues that McCain is a decent man who is just flat out wrong about everything and will continue to rely on the policies that created the multiple messes in which we currently find ourselves and that the only way out is for Americans to work together to overcome the these problems. As I read the Republican stategy, they argue that Obama and co are gay-marrying, abortion-forcing, unamerican loons. As I read the current GOTV efforts the Democratic strategy beats the Republican.
Hey! I was able to make sure I am registered!! Woo hoo. I am relieved. I know I won’t show up and be turned away. Have you checked??
Ed Marshall
My point is simply that when we’re out there sucking John McCain’s dick for the world, we’re actually making a case for him and undercutting our own attempts to portray him as, say, Bush II, outta touch, elitist, ill-tempered, etc.
Color me torn. This is my experience, if someone starts dishing on John McCain and doesn’t know what your politics are they come back and start saying what a terrible thing it was that happened to him in Vietnam. Maybe it’s pavlovian and the media tought them to do it, but I don’t remember anyone ever doing that when they made fun of Bob Dole. No one, ever, ever, ever, made fun of Kerry and said anything respectful about his Vietnam service.
Either way, I think it’s totally sufficient to pat McCain on the head and just say “Well, good on all that, he’s a crazy old coot. Fuck him, I’m not voting for him”.
You know what would be so effing fun? Well, nothing about this, really. But fun to imagine, anyway.
We prove we are as dumb as they think and elect them. Then, as Palin’s scandle juggernaut catches up with them, like, on January 25 or something, the Democratic congress moves to impeach. She gets impeached.
Nancy Pelosi becomes Vice President.
I won’t play it out further, but, well…..
You’re talking about a guy who tasered his own son, who issued death threats against the Palin family. Cry me a river. This is the biggest non-story since Scootergate, Attorneygate and all the other gates the Daily Chaos crowd made up.
This would seem more credible if:
1) Palin actually cooperated with the investigation, like she said she would, instead of currently working to shut it down;
2) There weren’t lots of people who suddenly decided to refuse to testify;
and 3) Palin and McCain were actually interested in transparency, instead of just pretending to be.
It’ll probably amount to nothing, sure, but you wouldn’t guess that by the way they’re reacting. Rather, you’d guess that it could amount to a lot.
Just sayin’.
Stuck in the Fun House
Here’s what it comes down to: Republicans are having a metaphorical war with Democrats and killing us left and right and we’re claiming we’re too damn good to kill ‘em back.
I’m with you in principle, but don’t think the same kind metaphors would work for dems, we don’t want to spin lies to win. My take on why the GOP kills us is our lack of focus on attacks. Wingnuts have developed a kind of equivalent to the Blitzkrieg in warfare. They concentrate their attack around a single, or a few talking points and are relentless and disciplined in deploying their surrogates like little mini tanks to attack. Over and over in the same place, until they break thru and surround us with urban legend. We got surrogates who jump around all over the place and are more concerned with impressing by windy analysis.
Oh BTW, for everyone making a big deal about Palin hiding away for two weeks, Glenzilla makes a good point – it won’t matter:
When they decide in a couple of weeks that Palin is ready to do so, she’ll go and sit down with Brit Hume or Larry King or Charlie Gibson or some other pleasant, accommodating person who plays a journalist on TV and have a nice, amiable, entertaining chat about topics that are easily anticipated. Having been preceded by all sorts of campaign drama about her first interview and the excitement that she’s not up to the task, her TV appearance will be widely touted, score big ratings, and will be nice entertainment for the network that presents it. It will achieve many things. Undermining propaganda isn’t one of them.
Did you like it when Kerry did it? Howz that working out for us?
It’s not the same and you know it. McCain just had a three day testament to his experience. Not one thing in the Bush/Kerry thing approaches that. One possible tac you might take is if this is such a big deal, then why didn’t the Republicans nominate McCain 7+ years ago. Why was W beter than McCain then?
Republicans are having a metaphorical war with Democrats and killing us left and right and we’re claiming we’re too damn good to kill ‘em back.
You sound like a Hillary Dem. There is another way. Acknowledge the achievement and then point out the lackings.
There is a difference between attacking and meeting and rebuking every lie.
Breschau, I don’t put much trust in extremists. It won’t happen that way.
You do know that Greenwald is a Libertarian, right?
You’re talking about a guy who tasered his own son, who issued death threats against the Palin family. Cry me a river
I think everybody here can quite possibly agree that the brother-in-law could be the biggest asshole around. But that’s not who she fired. Instead, she fired the head of public safety, who was well-respected and had gotten good performance reviews. This was after all sorts of people put pressure on that guy to fire the BIL and he told them to back off to avoid the appearance of political pressure.
If you do not like the laws, you work to change the laws.
You do not, like our last president, decide that the laws do not apply to you because you are in an executive position. This idea that you can just disregard any sort of law you want to is the dirty little hallmark of the Bush administration. Those of us who actually respect the Constitution and the balance of powers that the Founding Fathers so believed in would like to see this willful disregard of our laws stopped.
And I would care about that… why?
Do you refute what he said about the Washington media, or about how this is probably going to play out when she does show up? Do you really think her first interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News is going to go any differently than Greenwald described?
I thought one of the great points about the political left was that we didn’t dismiss anyone out-of-hand, simply because of their political leanings. Instead, we could judge someone based upon their word. Thanks for removing that blinder.
Just Some Fuckhead
It’s not the same and you know it. McCain just had a three day testament to his experience. Not one thing in the Bush/Kerry thing approaches that. One possible tac you might take is if this is such a big deal, then why didn’t the Republicans nominate McCain 7+ years ago. Why was W beter than McCain then?
Christ Jesus, talk about missing the fucking point.
You sound like a Hillary Dem.
It was a well-known fact in Washington that George HW Bush had a longtime mistress. (Barbara spent most of his career back in Texas.) When Clinton won the democratic primary in ’92 despite the constant “bimbo eruptions”, the first thing the Clinton campaign did was send an emissary over to the Bush campaign to tell them “we know all about Ms. whatshername who you’ve been shagging for the last twenty years and if you bring up Clinton’s affairs, we’ll go public with it.”
The Bush folks never brought it up in the ’92 campaign and Clinton went on to win with massive help from Ross Perot who spent literally months and months telling us what an absolute shitbag George HW Bush was.
If so, then she would have given it for tomorrow morning.
The political left has been sucked in by a writer that is a libertarian. I know it is hard to accept, but Greenwald is a libertarian and has sucked lots of people in.
Do you know who he credits for helping him fact check his books? She’s well known on the intertubes.
I am a progressive — not just born of the last few years — but for life.
It was a well-known fact in Washington that George HW Bush had a longtime mistress. (Barbara spent most of his career back in Texas.)
This is the first I’ve ever heard such a thing. Link?
The Moar You Know
I’m with you in principle, but don’t think the same kind metaphors would work for dems, we don’t want to spin lies to win.
Fixed for the inevitable rehash of 2004. Too many of us spewing this high-roader line of shit again.
Dems may learn one day, but I doubt it.
She’s not doing it tomorrow, because 1) all of the major network shows already have a guest, and 2) the build-up plays right into their hands. Get everybody to start thinking she can’t handle the media, give her an easy interview, and bingo – she’s a star again. “Exceeded expectations”, etc.
Greenwald is a civil libertarian. In my world, it’s not a bad thing to argue vehemently for the Constitution. I don’t know why it is for you.
What difference does it make that Glenzilla is a libertarian?
He’s giving an opinion, not an edict. I tend to agree with him seeing how the media has reacted over the past 8 years.
Just Some Fuckhead
You mean I got it better than you thought I would. Typical.
Yeah, that’s what I meant fool.
FLILF Hunter
She’s not doing it tomorrow, because 1) all of the major network shows already have a guest, and
Negatory. Any producer on any talking-head show would bump the baby Jesus himself to interview Caribou Barbie. To miss the opportunity would be a firing offense.
2) the build-up plays right into their hands. Get everybody to start thinking she can’t handle the media, give her an easy interview, and bingo – she’s a star again. “Exceeded expectations”, etc.
That’s pretty much a “duh.” No effing way are they going to put her in front of anything but the most sycophantic Fox News propagandabot. And with sufficiently lowered expectations.
You changed your tune there. She could have shown up, but you were making Greenwald’s argument.
Google Mona, Hypatia and greenwald and you will see. Greenwald deleted the comments from his old blogspot blog. He didn’t start at Salon. He only started blogging in October of 2005. That was when the NYT broke the story about wiretapping.
Obamba is gonna win this thing. You all need to chill out. Palin won a news cycle, and let her win it. The media has an ego and they are “the fourth estate”, dammit. Don’t try and sell me on how they are all GOP agents, they have their own agenda and everything she’s done is suicide. You need to understand the terrain you are fighting on, and if you think that it’s all “they are gonna suck McCain cock no matter what” you don’t get it. The American media has massive flaws and I’m not arguing with that, but you can’t stonewall them without them firing back. They are going to tear her to shreds. Don’t send Biden, Don’t send anyone, what they have done is suicidal. You send a surrogate to fight back and they wind up in the penalty box, not Palin.
It’s all these Greenwald libertarians that are running up the race.
PLEASE understand that I have to point out that Greenwald and Mona and Hypatia are Libertarians.
michelle wrote,
The political left has been sucked in by a writer that is a libertarian. I know it is hard to accept, but Greenwald is a libertarian and has sucked lots of people in.
When Democrats try to be Republicans, they suck at it and get their asses kicked by the guys who have years more practice being Republicans. I’d much rather have Obama and Biden just be Democrats, even if it means that I have to hear them tell me what a nice guy John McCain is from time to time.
PLEASE understand that I have to point out that Greenwald and Mona and Hypatia are Libertarians.
And what is your response when I say: I don’t care?
What is inherently evil about Libertarians?
John, maybe you need to tell people you are not a progressive.
I see this weirdness with Greenwald, but with you it would seem to be a given. Sad to say it isn’t.
Wait – is this a “purity” thing? They aren’t 100% progressive, so they can’t be trusted? Even if they’re on our side?
Go fuck yourself, Concern Troll.
Nancy Pelosi becomes Vice President.
MaryQ, it doesn’t work that way. 25th Amendment:
Section 2. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.
Besides, if they didn’t impeach Bushcheney, they sure won’t impeach Eskimo Nell
Show me where Greenwald or Mona or Hypatia has made a progressive argument.
w vincentz
Back to the beginning of this thread, now that the other things have been dealt with, it seems to me that Palin is playing the role of Agnew much more than Nixon.
And yes, those days were the beginning of the “cultural revolution”. The “culture war” has since continued.
Believe me, the repugs know that game. They’re still playing it.
As long as they can polarize and divide, they will.
The “WE” that Obama posits is quite opposite to their beliefs.
It’s all these Greenwald libertarians that are running up the race.
You’ve lost me :\
I’m dumb, explain why libertarians acting like libertarians instead of Republican gestapo enablers is a bad thing? I’m not a libertarian, I come from an anarcho-syndacalist tradition that sees them in the same way Koreans see each other from the north-south border “misguided cousins”
Breschau, do you really think Greenwald is a progressive? Greenwald is no more a progressive than John Cole is. And you are commenting on John Cole’s blog.
You might buy aq clue.
The Moar You Know
Show me where Greenwald or Mona or Hypatia has made a progressive argument.
Who cares? They make good arguments, and we pay attention to those.
You, on the other hand, are vomiting out a bunch of stupid and fail.
Alaskans are supposed to be independent to the point of being contrary, right? Seems like Washington coming in and trying to interfere with the state legislature isn’t going to go down well, even with the Republicans.
Michelle, did a libertarian shoot your dog or something?
Breschau, do you really think Greenwald is a progressive?
I don’t know about Breschau, but I think that Greenwald advocates passionately and effectively for some extremely important progressive causes. Yes, I’m aware that’s not the same thing as being a progressive, but political success usually depends on building coalitions across ideological lines.
Mrs. Peel
What’s up Michelle? A little PO’d because the gang at Unclaimed Territory aren’t impressed with the wonderousness of you? Glenn gets all types at his site from troll wingnutz to libertarian Mona.
I know batshit libertarians and Glenn’s not one. He’s more concerned with protection of the Constitution than whether someone like you approves of him or not.
That’s just fine with me.
null pointer exception
This whole election is getting very, very depressing.
Ed Marshall
And please do not go and make anarcho-syndacalism wallow with the Greenwald and Mona crap.
I *see* it. I can get why why you don’t like them. At this moment, I’m fine with Greenwald. There is an overlap right now, and for all the problems of a black-red coalition at this moment I can’t see any good reason to throw a brick at Greenwald.
Hey, I’m pretty much a liberatarian–but, I do believe government is a necessity. It should be small, and it should keep its nose out of my gawddamned business. If you do drugs? Hurts you and your loved ones, not the state (unless you maim others in your quest for a fix).
BUT. The difference between being a libertarian and a liberaltarian is that I believe that government is the best way to do some things–national defense, consumer protection, and the social safety net things like education and health care. Public resources should be for the benefit of the PUBLIC, and not in the trickle-down sense.
I can count the number of times on one hand (in 25 years) I thought a Republican could do such a thing. Even then, I probably didn’t vote for him because group think in Republicans = BASTARDS.
So, Glenzilla is a libertarian. Thank the Gods. No wonder he has been willing to go after Republicans. No castrato Glen.
The Moar You Know
This whole election is getting very, very depressing.
I’ll say. The lunatics are crawling out of the woodwork.
“Progressive” has become a synonym for “Too pure to be a Democrat.”
Totally OT, but where are all the “small government” conservatives? I can’t find any… Read this article about Insurance in South Florida.
Republicans are always keen on nationalizing stuff (or generally having the government step in) if it keeps shareholder profits or fat cats from losing their shirt.
Republicans are not, and haven’t in the last 40 years, been promoting small government in America – just government that enriches the ultra rich and fucks the rest of us. Democrat seem to be at least trying to promote a government that might enriches the rest of us and barely puts a dent in the lifestyles of the ultra-rich. If we get to pick between those two, I pick the latter.
The Moar You Know
We still have our creds.
Maybe it’s just me, but this screams “basement-dwelling loser”.
w vincentz
It amazes me that some feel the need to label themselves or others soas to digress into an investigation and rationale for their differences. Amazing.
That disunity and separation totally misses the strongest premise of Obama’s appeal.
That being, if rather than dwell on those things that devide us, obstruct us, and challenge us, if WE refocus our attention on objectives wherein WE all benefit, common mutually agreed goals, by directing OUR efforts together, WE can (CAN!) achieve those goals.
michelle says:
Breschau, do you really think Greenwald is a progressive?
My God. What part of “I don’t care” did you not get?
I don’t judge people based upon their political stances. That is the type of behavior we see from W. Bush, or Karl Rove, or James Dobson.
I judge people based upon *WHAT THEY SAY*. You, apparently, pre-judge people based upon their political stance, and know how you feel about their opinions even before you read them. Congratulations – you are now reacting exactly the same as George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Sen. Inhofe.
So – please argue against what Greenwald said. Just tell me – what did he say write that was wrong, and why?
Not so much. Michelle is probably still referring to the time he told a bunch of handwringers that if a woman decided to be a prostitute it was none of their damned business. Oh, the howls were something to behold. Crap like how the women were abused and should be criminalized/locked up for their own good.
Quite frankly I agree with Glenn on that one. And I’m not even within flirting distance of being a liber/looneytarian.
Stuck in the Fun House
“Progressive” has become a synonym for “Too pure to be a Democrat.”
That’s why when people ask what I am politically, I’m going to start saying the Not-Republican Party. Life is so much simpler that way, and it’s probably closer to the truth.
Breschau, do you really think Greenwald is a progressive?
First of all, not everything that a libertarian says is incorrect; nor is everything that a progressive says necessarily worth listening to.
Events have already proven Glenzilla to be largely correct. The NY Times recently wrote how conservative talk radio has already jumped onto the Palin bandwagon with near-surprising unanimity. On the way home, I heard a conservative talk show host who usually is a straight shooter minimize every complaint against Palin. Given that in his day job he works in the legal system, it was surprising to hear him flat out lie that Troopergate Alaska Style was being thoroughly investigated.
In short: while Caribou Barbie attends finishing school for the next couple of weeks, friendly radio talk show hosts and compliant pundits are serving as her advocates, making sure that every controversy is addressed with a plausible response, no matter how dishonest. They are self-appointed advance men and women, smoothing the way to insure that her interview debut will go well.
LiberalTarian Says:
So, Glenzilla is a libertarian. Thank the Gods. No wonder he has been willing to go after Republicans. No castrato Glen.
I agree with you here. It is interesting though, to see how easily libertarians have rolled over like lapdogs for Bush and now McCain/Palin. They talk a lot of stuff about keeping the gummint out of people’s business, but then STFU when Christianists roll out laws to “protect” society or the family.
The Moar You Know
Totally OT, but where are all the “small government” conservatives?
A good question. What I find nowadays are what I think are best referred to as “freeloading citizens” – those who want all the bennies of big government (and some new ones, such as “privatized profits and socialized losses”), but who refuse to pay for them. Save for a few libertarians (and even very few of those) I can’t find anyone who believes that small government is a virtue.
A guess, and it’s only a guess, is that most of them got co-opted during the Reagan years by the defense industry.
Gawd I love cowbell. Thank you ConLib!!
So, I suppose lots of folks were thinking that nobody this week could top the offensiveness of Rep. Lynn Westmoreland calling Barack and Michelle Obama “uppity.”
King, who represents western Iowa and is known for making provocative statements, made a speech here asking the Iowa GOP delegation what part of Obama’s upbringing, relationships and education would be appropriate for someone who wanted to be president.
“There is no part of that that I would subject a child, a young man or woman to. I don’t think that there’s a nurture there that shows a thread of patriotism or a sense of appreciation of free market capitalism or the destiny of America or what has made this country great,” he said.
I suppose since Obama has spent his entire life being black, it’s not surprising that there’s no part of it that King would “subject” anyone to.
Mrs. Peel
I suppose since Obama has spent his entire life being black, it’s not surprising that there’s no part of it that King would “subject” anyone to.
The wingnutz don’t call it the White House because of the paint job.
It is interesting though, to see how easily libertarians have rolled over like lapdogs for Bush and now McCain/Palin.
This is SO true of the cesspool that Reason’s Hit and Run has become. (Which makes no sense given Welch’s anti-McCain book and how much they loathed and mocked McCain before the campaign began. It must be the new, much more “conservative” crew.) Since even before Palin came along, they have routinely, completely ignored anything that reflects badly on the Republican ticket, including McCain’s comments in early August about sending the military into the cities to “make sure that the known criminals are kept under control.” They bought the bridge-to-nowhere line from the get go and I’ve yet to see anyone acknowledge what an earmark hog Palin really is.
I guess it really was just the campaign finance law that bothered them. Since McCain has taken to abusing his own law, I guess they’re in love. John, I don’t suppose you’d consider moving them to “Blogs We Monitor and Mock As Needed”?
KRK, I think King’s a stupid fucking asshole and calling his droolings “provocative” is putting it charitably, but his statement doesn’t top Westmoreland. “His mom took him to forn parts and um … didn’t encourage him to spit on the filthy natives and um … Madrassa! Capitalism! Flag pins!”
He’s really going after Obama’s mom but I guess he had to tread carefully in light of recent events.
And what the flaming hell is “A nurture?”
Conservatively Liberal
Gawd I love cowbell. Thank you ConLib!!
No prob! I was in a local Spokane party band in the early 80’s and that was one of the songs we played. I always got a laugh out of our drummer because he would sit bolt-upright like he had a stick up his ass and whack the cowbell to death with this stupid grin on his face. We were always telling him LESS COWBELL!
When I saw that SNL skit for the first time I couldn’t stop laughing for some time. Damn that is hilarious!
Quick Question: How does the band know when the stage is level? When the drummer is drooling out of both sides of his mouth.
In the G.O.P., Bush love is now the second most popular love that dare not speak its name.
I’m telling y’all; there are gonna be quite a few “Macaca” incidents over the next two months. As soon as I figured out that the “elitist” tag was going to be stuck on Obama (remember BeerGate and BowlingGate and ArugalaGate and all the other “hard-working ‘real’ American” Gates* during the primaries?) I knew . . . knew. . . that “uppity” would pop out of some white Southern Republican gentleman’s gaping pie hole.
They can’t help it. It’s how they were raised. Hell, we all have this problem in some way**, but the “Southern Strategy”/”Law and Order” crowd’s stumbling block is, you know, that whole brown people thing.
As some wry commenter put it the other day, “my dog’s ears are bleeding.”
The nation’s dogs will be stone dead from massive eardrum hemorrhaging by October.***
*BTW, “-Gate” should be read as “distractionary non-scandal,” unless the scandal literally involves the Watergate hotel.
**I occasionally fuck up and say “retard,” meaning “stupid person.” I’m working on it.
***Also: I’ve always found the term “dog-whistle” to be rather insulting (who you callin’ a “dog,” mister?), but I can’t think of a better term right now.
Huh. Lost a post in there. Did I use a bad word?
I did use the phrase “William F. Buck**y” in there. That kinda counts as bad language in my book, but I’d be surprised if Mr. Cole’s filter would moderate it.
I think I understand your Palin problem.
Obama had it made after his acceptance speech. He was beating McCain regularly in the polls. Easy street to November. McCain beating Obama? The press wasn’t even buying it.
Then Sarah came. Your opponents were electrified. Oh no, your easy street’s in trouble. You guys threw a tantrum. Like you always do when you think you are right and everyone is wrong. I still can’t understand how YOU can say she is a bad VP choice. Why should that bother you? It’s your OPPONENTS ticket, remember? You should be DELIGHTED he picked a bad running mate. McCain won’t get elected, right? Unless you see a weakness in Obama?
You people are running scared. These pages should be filled with Biden not Palin.
Conservatively Liberal
I occasionally fuck up and say “retard,” meaning “stupid person.” I’m working on it.
Kudos to you for doing so. I know developmentally disabled people and my wife’s brother and his wife had a special needs daughter who passed away just over a year ago at the age of 19.
No Republican could ever hope to hold a candle to her or any of the other special needs people I know or have known. They all have something that the right lacks: compassion and kindness.
I used to use the ‘tard slur all of the time when I was younger and it is something I regret to this day. It wants to slip out at times but I am much better at correcting myself now.
No Republican could ever hope to hold a candle to her or any of the other special needs people I know or have known. They all have something that the right lacks: compassion and kindness.
Sounds prejudiced to me. Not even a republican mother??
You should be DELIGHTED he picked a bad running mate. McCain won’t get elected, right? Unless you see a weakness in Obama?
Reading comprehension FTL.
I still can’t understand how YOU can say she is a bad VP choice. Why should that bother you?
Because she might actually be VP or even P of the country. Because everyone who isn’t a Republican partisan cares at least as much about what happens after the election as what happens on election night.
(How convenient that the thread is titled SATSQ.)
I used to use the ‘tard slur all of the time when I was younger and it is something I regret to this day. It wants to slip out at times but I am much better at correcting myself now.
That one and “gipped” are the two that I still work on. Being someone that has been on the receiving end of “did you Jew ’em down?” you think I’d know better.
Reading comprehension FTL
When a blog is running non-stop stories about their opponents running-mate and not their own, you’re not delighted, you’re scared.
Conservatively Liberal
You people are running scared.
Borgreefer, you are on drugs if you think we are scared of Palin. Are we the ones in hiding? Are we the ones who are so insecure about the choice that we have cut off all access to her? Do you think Palin should open herself up to the press or should she remain in basic training with the McCain team? What is McCain afraid of? That his choice will blow out like a candle in the wind and expose him for the doddering old fool that he is?
Damn right. He is scared shitless that if Palin falls on her face then he looks like a fool. If you are looking for scared, look at who you are supporting.
That you support an empty pantsuit for the backup to McCain tells me all I need to know about you.
You are fucking stupid, end of story.
I can’t wait to see her and Biden match wits. McCain can only hope that their trained parrot will be able to fly on her own. All they can do right now is lower expectations in the hope that she will do better than ‘expected’. I don’t know how well that will work because they lowered the bar to the ground with Bush. I guess it is time to get the shovels out and start digging, eh?
Because she might actually be VP or even P of the country.
This shouldn’t bother you. Your Candidate will get elected because of McCain’s bad running-mate, right?
I suppose somebody should ask you the obvious question. If Greenwald’s evil because he’s a libertarian and you know perfectly well that Cole’s not a progressive then what the hell are you doing at Balloon Juice?
Mrs. Peel
you’re not delighted, you’re scared.
Ah, the wingnut love of overstatement. How about telling how much we all “hate” her next.
Trying to bully everyone into not talking about how unfit their little Moose-alini is.
Take a hike rightie. You’re not needed here.
When a blog is running non-stop stories about their opponents running-mate and not their own, you’re not delighted, you’re scared.
You really are a dumb shit. Have you not noticed the mocking, humorous tone of much of the snark about her?
Want to know why people here aren’t round-the-clock touting Joe Biden? He’s perfectly capable of making his own case, unlike Natasha the hunter of Moose and Squirrel, who needs to be shielded from the press.
I can’t wait to see her and Biden match wits
That is absolutely what you should be saying! What will Biden do? What do you think he will open with?
Trying to bully everyone into not talking about how unfit their little Moose-alini is.
Again, why should you care about how unfit she is? How am I bullying?
What will Biden do? What do you think he will open with?
This is actually a very good question.
Mrs. Peel
How am I bullying?
By trying to control the conversation and telling everone what YOU think WE should be talking about. As if anyone needed you half-assed concern troll advice.
You really are a dumb shit. Have you not noticed the mocking, humorous tone of much of the snark about her?
I noticed it the first week. Yes, you made your point. Now can’t you guys move on to something about McCain? The top candidate?
Conservatively Liberal
Not even a republican mother??
I guess I need to find a special needs child who has a Republican mother, eh? Seems the ones I know are Democrats, probably because they know that the Democrats support the social programs that assist them and their child.
Odd how that works, eh?
What will Biden do? What do you think he will open with?
I don’t concern myself with that part of the process because anything I say is totally worthless to Biden. I am not an adviser and speculating is a waste of my time. Biden will do as he has to and all we can do is watch, groan or cheer.
How about Palin freely speaking to the press? You conveniently skipped over that and the other questions I posed to you.
I answered you, can you do likewise or are the questions too tough?
By trying to control the conversation and telling everone what YOU think WE should be talking about.
I didn’t know I was that powerful. Sorry. I’m just soooo tired about reading about Palin day and night.
Here, of all places. This certainly isn’t the Dish.
How about Palin freely speaking to the press? You conveniently skipped over that and the other questions I posed to you.
You realize that Palin just entered the race, don’t you? A few weeks ago she said something about what does a vice president do. Maybe she needs polishing.
These pages should be filled with Biden not Palin.
But as to your point, blogreeder: the reason that we are endlessly talking about Gov. Palin (it is getting a little thin, to tell the truth*) is because she’s . . . well . . . remarkable**. In a not-vetted, totally outta-th’-blue, crazy nutjob, corrupt, unbelievably cynical, irresponsible sorta way. Oh, and her bio is full of weird facts (the AKIP? Jews for Jesus?) and rather sordid details (i.e., involving sex/babies).
Of course we’re talking endlessly about her. She’s made for internet humor (much like McCain’s quixotic obsession with green screens: maybe that’s their strategy! Capture the snark demographic!).
If McCain picked, oh, say, Olympia Snowe . . . then we’d be worried.
*And it’s only been . . . what . . . a week or so? Jeebus, this campaign is wearying.
**As in: we are remarking upon it.
Mrs. Peel
Now can’t you guys move on to something about McCain?
Talking about what a lousy, unqualified candidate old man Fibber picked IS talking about McCain. The fact that making Machiavellian political points is more important than actually doing what’s best for the country IS talking about McCain. Talking about how they’re trying to interfere with legal investigations to hide what a world-class screw up she is IS talking about McCain.
I guess I need to find a special needs child who has a Republican mother, eh?
Really? You don’t know any?
Seems the ones I know are Democrats, probably because they know that the Democrats support the social programs that assist them and their child.
Democrats aren’t the only ones who start social programs. Church groups do it all the time. So do Muslim groups. Jewish groups. The only place Democrats support Social programs is if the Government starts it.
The only place Democrats support Social programs is if the Government starts it.
Unlike, say, community organizers?!?
You know, people who “start social programs” like the church groups that Barack Obama worked with?
[Doublethink make brain hurt. Brain Hurt!]
I noticed it the first week. Yes, you made your point. Now can’t you guys move on to something about McCain? The top candidate?
Are you kidding? When there’s a woman they can attack?
Mrs. Peel
The only place Democrats support Social programs is if the Government starts it.
I hardly think we need any snarks from the party that made greed, corruption and robbing the American people an Olympic event.
Mrs. Peel
When there’s a woman they can attack?
Wazzzup, PUMA scumbag? Did they flush out the usual sewers you float around?
But as to your point, blogreeder: the reason that we are endlessly talking about Gov. Palin (it is getting a little thin, to tell the truth*) is because she’s . . . well . . . remarkable**. In a not-vetted, totally outta-th’-blue, crazy nutjob, corrupt, unbelievably cynical, irresponsible sorta way. Oh, and her bio is full of weird facts (the AKIP? Jews for Jesus?) and rather sordid details (i.e., involving sex/babies).
McCain didn’t have to vet her. Hasn’t Limbaugh been talking her up for months? If she’s good enough for Limbaugh… She’s no Eagleton. The biggest no-vetting episode in recent politics. That’s what it sounds like to me when you say that you know.
Sex/babies? What?
When there’s a woman they can attack?
Yes. I am attacking Gov. Palin because she is a woman and I hate women. Because I am sexist. This is why I did not vote for Sen. Clinton, as well. It probably explains my evident distaste for Sec. Rice, of course*.
Thank you for pointing this out to me. You are a bastion of righteous feminism, and all of my Women’s Studies classes and knowledge of the feminist movement are only brainwashing me into a “Politically Correct” heteronormative, patriarchically sublimed phallo-dynamic thought process, wherein I secretly hate women while fighting for red-herrings such as the right to choose, contraception equality, equal pay, and other such distractions.
Wait. Why did I just waste my time writing this? Does Cleek’s pie filter work in Safari**?
*Or is that because I’m racist as well? That would be extra-double-irony.
**Yes. I am also an elitist.
The Moar You Know
I, for one, am absolutely thrilled at the selection of Sarah Palin as McFail’s VP.
McFail’s selection of Klondike Barbie has managed to switch the votes of my father, step-father and grandmother to Obama from McFail. We’re talking three lifelong Republicans, here. This will be the first election that any of them pull the lever for a Democrat. They are enraged that McFail would put the country in danger of being run by someone as immature and unstable as Sarah Palin (let’s face it, we all know the odds of McFail living through his first term are slim at best).
And let me also just say I’m thrilled with McFail as the candidate himself. His decision-making, wisdom, and magnificent public presentation are winning votes for Obama every day.
I’d like to see my Dems be willing to get a little bit more into the fight and throw a few punches, but I’m not even sure it’s going to be needed this election – seems McFail’s first target is his own foot.
You know, people who “start social programs” like the church groups that Barack Obama worked with?
Good point. OK.
If she’s good enough for Limbaugh… She’s no Eagleton.
Oh. I see. You are spoof. Whew!
Sex/babies? What?
People like to read and talk about sex (teenage daughter having unprotected sex with a self-described “fucking redneck”? A mysterious rumor about a cover-up over a pregnancy? Have you ever watched a day time television show?). It’s titillating. Not to excuse the more . . . salty . . . remarks here, but it’s pretty darn predictable, no?
wasabi gasp
blogreeder’s pushy talkin’ way ’bout what the small town folks o’ this here blog might be a discussin’ sounds wee bit elitist to li’l ol’ me.
McFail’s selection of Klondike Barbie has managed to switch the votes of my father, step-father and grandmother to Obama from McFail. We’re talking three lifelong Republicans, here
See, you didn’t have to say anything to them, right? Or did you talk and talk and talk until they said, FINE, we’ll vote Democrat just to get you out of the room.
Ooh. I like that. But then, I’m a sucker for all things “fail.”
People like to read and talk about sex (teenage daughter having unprotected sex with a self-described “fucking redneck”? A mysterious rumor about a cover-up over a pregnancy?
People talk but you have the choice of not repeating what they say. And, really who cares what the boyfriend of the daughter of the running mate of the Presidential Candidate has to say. Who cares.
. . . did you talk and talk and talk until they said, FINE, we’ll vote Democrat just to get you out of the room?
Cripes! That works?!? I gotta go have a long ass chat with my new in-laws.
You people are running scared. These pages should be filled with Biden not Palin
I think you completely misunderstand most of the people here and most Democrats.
We are scared of Palin, but not that she’ll help McCain win. We’re scared that the GOP and all of these people that support this ticket think that she and people like are qualified for governance. We’re as scared of her as we were of Michael Brown, of Alberto Gonzalez, and of Harriet Myers. We’re scared of people that put party above country, that think that power matters more than service.
We’re not fucking around here. Running the nation isn’t a goddamn game, yet the GOP keeps treating as one. That’s scary as shit. We’re not talking about Biden because we have no concerns about Biden running the country if something happens to Obama.
As for Palin in the race, she really doesn’t change things. Obama is crushing McCain, but nobody is paying attention to the things that matter. Here’s the math:
From the Pew Research Center a week ago:
“The Democrats have a 13-point lead in party affiliation (51% vs. 38%) among registered voters, when independents who “lean” to either party are included.”
Assuming each candidate secures about 90% of their ‘base’ (which Palin insures for each side), this mostly comes down to GOTV + landing independents.
The GOP have no significant GOTV effort this year. They had great ones in 2000 and 2004. The Democrats have a fantastic one this year and had crappy ones in 2000 and 2004. Even if we assume that each party brings out their registered base in comparable numbers, McCain needs to grab 2/3 of the independents and turn them out. Of course there’s the state-by-state turnout – Obama loses if all of his voters are in CA, but the statewide polls are even more strongly in favor of Obama than the national ones.
Explain how Palin changes the math here. Sure, she helps get that 38% to show up, but she also helps get Obamas 51% to show up. This is going to be a landslide barring any colossal fuck-ups.
Does Cleek’s pie filter work in Safari**?
Alas, no. And my elitism is greater than yours since I ditched Safari for Omniweb.
We’re scared that the GOP and all of these people that support this ticket think that she and people like are qualified for governance
She’s qualified to Govern! She’s a Governor, it’s got the word govern in it. Wasn’t Clinton a governor of a small state and he did just fine.
Explain how Palin changes the math here.
I think right now she’s exciting which is a lot more than can be said for McFail. There’s a slight possibility she could add sympathy votes with all the personal attacks.
We’re not fucking around here. Running the nation isn’t a goddamn game
I forgot to say that I got the image of Clinton and the cigar when I read this.
The GOP have no significant GOTV effort this year . . . she helps get that 38% to show up, but she also helps get Obamas 51% to show up
That’s it in a nutshell, yup yup. Right on target (tho’ I’m personally thinking that the evangelicals may very well turn out in greater numbers than we might now expect, but will not tip the electoral calculus).This is why I’m telling everyone to more or less chill (btw, “chill” does not mean being apathetic: volunteer! GOTV! make the calls! etc. etc.).
This is going to be a landslide barring any colossal fuck-ups.
Uh-oh. Colossal political fuck-ups are the Democratic party’s speciality. (Colossal governmental fuck-ups are the Republicans’)
. . . we have no concerns about Biden running the country if something happens to Obama.
Hey, I have some serious concerns if something happens to Obama! Yikes. But those concerns don’t involve Sen. Biden’s self-evident qualifications to take the helm in an emergency.
. . . ditched Safari for Omniweb.
You win the SuperSpecialElitistOlympics tonight. I, myself, am eagerly awaiting the Mac version of Chrome. Very eagerly. [wipes sweat off of palms, tries to calm panting]
The Moar You Know
See, you didn’t have to say anything to them, right?
Actually, no. Haven’t seen dad and grandma in almost three months, they just got back today. But thanks for playing!
And, really who cares what the boyfriend of the daughter of the running mate of the Presidential Candidate has to say. Who cares.
This symbol – ? – is known as a “question mark”, and it’s quite helpful to use when you are attempting to convey, in writing, that you are asking a question. For example:
Is blogreeder a total fucktard?
Was blogreeder dropped on his/her head often as a child?
You see? Good.
So the questions are best phrased like so:
And, really, who cares what the boyfriend of the daughter of the running mate of the Presidential Candidate has to say? Who cares?
And the answer is – no one cares, he’s a stupid fucking redneck who knocked up an equally dumb slut, and all we, the public, can hope for is that the baby won’t have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome as then we the taxpayers will be on the hook for paying for its special ed classes for the rest of its misbegotten, rotten life.
However, the fact that there is an unplanned baby being born to Palin’s daughter and Levi the self-described “dumb fucking redneck” is of political relevance on at least two levels:
1. Palin is incapable of managing her own family. How is she supposed to managed the presdiency that she is likely to inherit?
2. It points up the utter futiliy of Palin’s rabidly deranged “abstinence only” stance. Reality once again trumps ideology here. Two people who have no business being parents are about to become parents. How much longer will we allow the Republican party to continue to indulge in this brand of wishful thinking?
You realize that Palin just entered the race, don’t you? A few weeks ago she said something about what does a vice president do. Maybe she needs polishing.
Um, Biden just entered the race as well and he’s talking. When Obama entered the race, he sought out the press. The time for polishing was before her announcement.
Stop making stupid excuses. Will she be able to put off Iran or China or a hurricane for two weeks while she ‘polishes’. Man you guys have low standards for the executive.
The Moar You Know
I, myself, am eagerly awaiting the Mac version of Chrome.
You pretty much already have it. Chrome is largely built on WebKit, which is what Safari (and the iPhone) is based on. The browser’s ID tag even shows as being “Safari 1.3” when I check logs after a Chrome hit on a website.
This is a joke and snark blog, basically
Palin is a joke. Biden is not.
Ergo we mostly post about Palin.
Man you guys have low standards for the executive.
See Bush, George W.
Damn, I just remembered that douche continues to be president. It’s amazing how much that still rankles.
The Moar You Know
Also, WRT Chrome – there’s nothing it does that Opera doesn’t do better, although I think you Mac users are screwed as far as getting a good version of Opera as well.
But if you’re a Windows or Lunix user, there is no better browser out there.
And the answer is – no one cares, he’s a stupid fucking redneck who knocked up an equally dumb slut, and all we, the public, can hope for is that the baby won’t have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome as then we the taxpayers will be on the hook for paying for its special ed classes for the rest of its misbegotten, rotten life.
Moar what kind of medication do you take? It’s weird, you can make total sense at the beginning of a comment but disintegrate at the end. It’s like tourettes, I guess. What’s with all the foolish name calling of people that don’t matter? Geez.
Palin is incapable of managing her own family. How is she supposed to managed the presdiency that she is likely to inherit?
Mother should be at home right? Bare foot and pregnant, that’s Moar’s motto. And another thing, presdiency isn’t a word. I looked it up.
You pretty much already have it (Chrome).
But I don’t have all the nifty nifty bells and whistles that the googles promises me! With extra Scott Cloud and everything!
Alas, no. And my elitism is greater than yours since I ditched Safari for Omniweb.
Only the worst sort of liberal elitist would use a Mac AND pay for a browser. Why do you hate America?
You pretty much already have it. Chrome is largely built on WebKit, which is what Safari (and the iPhone) is based on.
But Safari doesn’t have the V8 javascript engine, which is what makes Chrome rock so hard.
She’s qualified to Govern! She’s a Governor, it’s got the word govern in it.
Weak. Why not just change your handle to “I Am a Spoof”?
Um, Biden just entered the race as well and he’s talking.
True, but he did run once. And he is a national figure.
Will she be able to put off Iran or China or a hurricane for two weeks while she ‘polishes’
Why would she have to talk to them? You put too high a standard on Vice Presidential candidates.
The Moar You Know
Moar what kind of medication do you take?
Only the finest, my friend. Nothing else will do.
Only the finest, my friend. Nothing else will do.
Indeed, my good American. Indeed.
[SGEW + not telling]
This is a joke and snark blog, basically
You’re right. I keep forgetting that. Balloon-juice does mean hot air. OK. But why am I always called a troll when I’m being snarky? (oops, almost forgot to add the question mark. Beware of the punctuation police. Beware.)
Weak. Why not just change your handle to “I Am a Spoof”?
Why? I thought it was clever. :(
She is as qualified to govern as any other governor is what I was getting at.
True, but he did run once. And he is a national figure.
So fucking what?! Then pick someone who has run once and is a national figure if those things are necessary to actually articulate your positions.
Listen, we’re not asking Palin to be perfect, but she can articulate her views on all manner of national issues right now. She should have been able to do this before being invited on the ticket if McCain cared about such things. If she could convince McCain that she has good views on Venezuela and when and how the Fed should step in on Fannie Mae, then she sure as hell can convince the media. This woman clearly can string a sentence together – better than McCain by a mile. So what’s the problem unless she has no views on any of these issues?
oh really
The Moar You Know Says:
I, for one, am absolutely thrilled at the selection of Sarah Palin as McFail’s VP.
McFail’s selection of Klondike Barbie has managed to switch the votes of my father, step-father and grandmother to Obama from McFail. We’re talking three lifelong Republicans, here. This will be the first election that any of them pull the lever for a Democrat. They are enraged that McFail would put the country in danger of being run by someone as immature and unstable as Sarah Palin (let’s face it, we all know the odds of McFail living through his first term are slim at best).
I hope it sticks. Watch them closely, backsliding is a constant threat. There will be a lot of absurd garbage coming from the Right in the next two months and much of it will make it easier for your relatives to rationalize doing what is familiar and comfortable.
Keep on the lookout for telltale signs: twitching, loss of motor skills, and seizures are among the most common. These and many others could mean your relatives are fighting a losing battle in which their rational self is ceding ground to their Republican self. Comfort them, give them words of encouragement, and sometimes, because they’re Republicans, large infusions of cash may help get them under control.
Good luck!
But why am I always called a troll when I’m being snarky?
Because you suck at it. BJ is the big leagues.
The Moar You Know
SGEW Says:
Only the finest, my friend. Nothing else will do.
Indeed, my good American. Indeed.
God Bless the United States of America and our brilliant citizenry, who have come up with some of the finest pharmeceuticals known to mankind. We are a beacon unto the world.
Common Sense
You realize that Palin just entered the race, don’t you? A few weeks ago she said something about what does a vice president do. Maybe she needs polishing.
John McCain has had six goddamn months to “polish” this turd. Why didn’t he start earlier? Bear in mind “because he didn’t know it would be Palin until Obama skipped on Clinton” is admitting exactly what McCain actually puts first — and it ain’t his country. If it was “Country First,” he would’ve chosen his candidate based on their ability to lead, and if they weren’t ready at the time, he would have gotten his choice ready first.
Six months to decide.
He decides, without fully vetting her, the day before his announcement.
The Moar You Know
Martin Says:
But why am I always called a troll when I’m being snarky?
Because you suck at it. BJ is the big leagues.
Blogreeder, you suck at trolling, too.
I used to think MyIQ was a great troll until I realized it took itself absolutely seriously. Then I just started feeling really sad for him/her/it.
So what’s the problem unless she has no views on any of these issues?
Maybe she doesn’t have the right views? Maybe McCain has put her in a mini-POW camp to get her the think right.
Also, WRT Chrome – there’s nothing it does that Opera doesn’t do better, although I think you Mac users are screwed as far as getting a good version of Opera as well.
Eh. I never really liked Opera.
I’ve downloaded Chrome, but I haven’t started using it yet–partly because I adore Greasemonkey. I don’t even like reading Balloon Juice on my iPod Touch, because I can’t have my pie filter.
Blogreeder, you suck at trolling, too.
That’s impossible. It’s a toggle switch. You’re either a troll or you’re not. Unless you’re really saying I suck at trolling because I’m NOT a troll? Thanks!
Common Sense
The GOP have no significant GOTV effort this year. They had great ones in 2000 and 2004. The Democrats have a fantastic one this year and had crappy ones in 2000 and 2004. Even if we assume that each party brings out their registered base in comparable numbers, McCain needs to grab 2/3 of the independents and turn them out. Of course there’s the state-by-state turnout – Obama loses if all of his voters are in CA, but the statewide polls are even more strongly in favor of Obama than the national ones.
No kidding. This guy has tabulated voter registration for states that separate by party, and it is a total blowout so far. A few highlights:
Arizona: 32,141 Republicans, 68,480 Democrats, 4,359 Other
From January 1 to September 2
Florida: 77,196 Republican, 209,422 Democrat, 26,100 Independents
From January to June
Iowa: 7,515 Republicans, 69,301 Democrats, -62,922 Independents
From January to August
Nevada: 1,230 Republicans, 51,457 Democrats, 7,550 Independents
From January to August
New Hampshire: -1,285 Republicans, 1,188 Democrats, 269 Independents
From June 12 to August 18
North Carolina: 20,363 Republicans, 171,955 Democrats, 123,605 Unaffiliated
From January 5 to August 30
Pennsylvania: 289 Republicans, 98,137 Democrats, 15,907 Independents (no aff. & all other)
From April 17 to August 25
Because you suck at it. BJ is the big leagues.
Then why are you here?
Conservatively Liberal
Maybe she needs polishing.
In other words, she is not ready for anything. No matter how much you righties polish a turd, it is still a turd. Just a shiny turd. As someone else said here:
Um, Biden just entered the race as well and he’s talking. When Obama entered the race, he sought out the press. The time for polishing was before her announcement.
Interesting. The Democratic candidates are ready, right now, and the Republicans are not. Speaks volumes to me and I am sure others will notice too. McCain/Palin, not ready to lead but please give us some time!
What a campaign motto. For losers.
Democrats aren’t the only ones who start social programs. Church groups do it all the time. So do Muslim groups. Jewish groups. The only place Democrats support Social programs is if the Government starts it.
So it comes out that you are really a fundie? Go figure! I never would have guessed. /sarcasm
What about those people who do not believe in fairies or a dead guy getting up and walking around after three days? What are they to do? Ask for help from people who insist that they become one of them or be shunned as a heathen?
You religious people are the ones who have fucked up this planet, all in the name of your god or his son. You are the ones with the most blood on your hands, and yet you enjoy it.
With that I end any kind of conversation with you. I learned long ago that fundies are lost to the people of this world. You can not communicate with a fundie if you don’t speak their language. You are now a fundie goatfucker. You are here to get goats, and you serve no other purpose.
Speaking of goatfuckers…
myiq2xu GoatBoy Says:
Has anyone seen any of my goats? I went out to the pen for some good hot goat sex this evening and they were all gone! I went over to TalkLeft but Jeralyn is chasing all of the goats away and it is no fun there anymore. The other goatfuckers at Cornfluence are no fun because they all insist on sharing goats and I always get stuck with sloppy fifths or tenths.
Hi there Mikey… umm, I mean GoatBoy! I saw that bit over at TalkLeft earlier and it seems that Jeralyn is tired of your goatfucking antics too. I notice that her property values went up right after you left.
Why don’t you pair up with Borgreefer? It is clear that he is a fundie goatfucker and maybe you can join up and get a little religion in ya? No no, I didn’t mean that way! Put your pants back on GoatBoy. Enthusiastic little bugger, aintcha? ;)
Now to start the tales of the Fundie Goatfucker and the Ratfucking Goatfucker and how they travel together trying to grab life the goat by the horns and ride it for all it is worth.
Rome Again
The GOP have no significant GOTV effort this year.
Nor should they, because that would be like community organizing, wouldn’t it? Since they don’t like community organizers, I think they should go into the election with the votes they have instead of the ones they wish they had.
Since they don’t like community organizers, I think they should go into the election with the votes they have instead of the ones they wish they had.
Rome Again
John McCain has had six goddamn months to “polish” this turd. Why didn’t he start earlier? Bear in mind “because he didn’t know it would be Palin until Obama skipped on Clinton” is admitting exactly what McCain actually puts first—and it ain’t his country. If it was “Country First,” he would’ve chosen his candidate based on their ability to lead, and if they weren’t ready at the time, he would have gotten his choice ready first.
Dear Sarah Palin:
Please realize, the moment the election is over, your job is done. You will be relegated to the back room to sit quiet and let the men do the hard work of governing, while leaving you with meaningless tasks. Your only job is to be a woman for a short period of time. How sad.
The Truth
Maybe she doesn’t have the right views? Maybe McCain has put her in a mini-POW camp to get her the think right.
So if she doesn’t have the right views, what the fuck is she good for? We need people who can lead and make decisions, not sit around until someone tells them what decisions they ought to make.
See, you’re still stuck in this gamesmanship of the election. We’ve all moved on to assessing how this person will act in office – and the next two months is the test. Sarah can’t seem to stop calling mommy for the answers to the questions. If something happens to McCain who the fuck is going to give her the right views?
Nobody is expecting Obama to give Biden the right views. Biden gives his own views. They’re the right ones because Obama knew what they were and chose him because of them.
Conservatively Liberal
Dear Sarah Palin:
Please realize, the moment the election is over, your job is done. You will be relegated to the back room to sit quiet and let the men do the hard work of governing, while leaving you with meaningless tasks. Your only job is to be a woman for a short period of time. How sad.
The Bitter Truth
Improved slightly.
Rome Again
Nobody is expecting Obama to give Biden the right views. Biden gives his own views. They’re the right ones because Obama knew what they were and chose him because of them.
That’s because Biden was seriously vetted.
McCain states he vetted Palin, and he did… the only two questions he needed to know were:
1. Is she a woman (to get Hillbots)?
2. Will she help to get the base re-involved?
McCain is not thinking about how she’ll govern, her only job is to get him elected. The less she is exposed to questions, the better chance he has.
Rome Again
Improved slightly.
Thanks, I like it… and with your help we demonstrated that “Yes, We Can!”
Rome Again
Whoops! Sorry McCain, your pitbull in lipstick is backfiring on you.
Reading the shit over at SwampDaughter’s The Confluence Cornholer just to see how life among the ratfuckers is going (bitter, sucking McCain’s balls, IOW nothing new) and it is pretty interesting to read women saying that they are only interested in putting a va-jay-jay in the White House. They say the political differences are nothing compared to the importance of putting a woman in the White House, and apparently any woman will do. I guess who Hillary was just did not matter to them, only that she had the right plumbing for the job.
Some guys like to talk amongst themselves about how airheaded and just incapable of logical thought women are in general. I don’t subscribe to that line of thought, not with an equal partner wife and an intelligent daughter. In a way, the guys are right. It is not women who are that way, it is people in general. Everybody has their ‘stupid spot’.
I have met some brilliant people in my life. Artists, musicians, engineers, mechanics, electricians, politicians and whatnot. Amazingly brilliant people, but some of them were still idiots in their own way. I think everyone has their stupid spot, the point that they will feel that they must take up a position that is contrary to their interests in some way, solely because of a belief of theirs that overrides any other considerations.
Like these women who are only interested in putting a va-jay-jay in the White House. They don’t care what that woman believes, all that matters to them is installing the correct plumbing in the White House. Of course if McCain wins and everything goes to shit then these same people will blame everyone who voted for Obama for making them vote for McCain.
The racist Democrats who are voting for McCain are another story nightmare, and it is a good thing that we are driving them out of the party. They are really Republican material anyway. Obama is leaps and bounds better than McCain on every point, but they will still only vote white. If the white guy fails, then they just vote for another one. And on and on it goes, just like it has been! ;)
There is no ‘saving’ these people, they are just as lost as the fundies are. These people do not care one whit about substance or a future for our country. They are like animals, they live in the now. They have to have their way or else. They want the instant gratification of knowing that they got what they wanted. If it later turns into a disaster, they just find someone else to blame it on.
These are not mature people. They do not think rationally, they think emotionally and are incapable of anything else regarding their stupid spots. Many of them may be absolutely brilliant people, but they have this huge stupid spot that blinds them to the realities of life.
That is what the Republican party has become, a place for people with large stupid spots to congregate. Be it money, race, sex or whatever their stupid spot is, they refuse to look to the future and instead wallow in the now.
IMO, they act little better than animals. That is what animals do, live in the now. There is no future, only now.
Thanks, I like it… and with your help we demonstrated that “Yes, We Can!”
Indeed, yes we can! :D
Conservatively Liberal
More Cowbell
I wouldn’t grab that for anything…lol! I will just crank up BOC when the need arises. ;)
Notorious P.A.T.
No one, ever, ever, ever, made fun of Kerry and said anything respectful about his Vietnam service.
Did Todd wow them with tales of Snow Machine Heroism?
Tax Analyst
Kudos to you for doing so. I know developmentally disabled people and my wife’s brother and his wife had a special needs daughter who passed away just over a year ago at the age of 19.
I got a couple of first-hand reminders last evening about making assumptions based on ignorant, old stereotypes lodged in your head. I’m on my vacation and as I checked into a motel last night I noticed some kids playing basketball…they were roughly 13 or 14 years old and I believe the kids were Pakistani-Americans. Well, I’ve played a little ball in my time and even though I’m an old fart I can still play a bit. So I grabbed my ball out of my trunk and asked if I could play. Now I didn’t expect nor want to totally dominate the game…for any adult to do that with kids is just entirely lame, but I thought I’d show them how the game is played while making it a point to share the ball, etc. Well, this one kid was just WAY ahead of me. 20 footers? Not a problem…SWIISH! Move up on him to take that away? Feint right, cross-over dribble, and good-bye old guy…2 points. And I wasn’t playing lazy or dumb defense. But after the first 4 or 5 plays I was totally a fan, even though I was getting my old ass handed to me. He was just plain freaking good…at everything…superb ball-handler, wonderful passes off the dribble-drive, hustled and came up with loose balls. Oh, did I mention the lighting was very poor since this was in the motel driveway? Didn’t bother his outside shooting even a little bit. Me and the kid I was teamed with made a bit ofa come back,so we only lost by 11 to 8.
And then we took a break…and this really geeky-looking, gawky kid got up from his family’s grouping and came out on the court…andhe had the biggest, most “retarded” looking-smile you’d ever imagine…and he was kind of clumsy…and he took a ball and made a couple clumsy dribbles and took a lay-up…and made it…and his geeky smile got bigger…and I was standing about where half-court would be and I joined in with the others giving him a cheer, and so he tossed in 3 more lay-ups…geeky smile almost bigger than his whole face by now…and so was mine. It was as much fun as watching his younger brother or cousin or whatever light the basket up. “Developmentally disabled”? Sure. But I could see by the way the people around him treated him and acted that he was just as special to his family as that incredibly talented younger boy. Oh, yeah, BTW – Young prodigy played without a hint of ego…no chest-thumping, no “in-your-face” smack or trash-talk…just did his thing and went to take the ball out again.
Nice people, too. We took a break after about 45 minutes and the little basketball prodigy’s father came over and I told him how impressed I was with his son’s game…and not just his shooting, the whole thing. He thanked me..mentioned he thought I was very good and thanked me for playing with the kids and playing well and demonstrating good sportsmanship…and asked if he could ask how old I was…when I told him “58” he reiterated, “you play very well”. They offered me some refreshments, we talked a little, and then I took my tired, old, sweaty ass back to my motel room for a long shower.
It turned out to be a whole lot more fun and interesting a motel stop than I had anticipated.
Uh…I guess I went a little OT here, but your comment brought it to mind while it was still very fresh to me.
Conservatively Liberal Says:
IMO, they act little better than animals. That is what animals do, live in the now. There is no future, only now.
I think you may be insulting animals here. The behavior of our primate cousins, chimps and bonobos, for example, show signs of what might be advance planning and consideration of future consequences. But I take your larger point.
The racist Democrats who are voting for McCain are another story nightmare, and it is a good thing that we are driving them out of the party. They are really Republican material anyway. Obama is leaps and bounds better than McCain on every point, but they will still only vote white. If the white guy fails, then they just vote for another one. And on and on it goes, just like it has been!
At lunch the other day, I overheard a group of guys — some white, some Latino — talk about how they were going to vote “McCain, Fuck Yeah!” as though they would be voting for Tom Cruise’s Maverick in Top Gun for president. They were installers for a cable company who all congregated at this local eatery, and I really wanted to ask them what they thought that voting for McCain would actually do for them, and what the Bush Administration had done for them.
But there was more than racism at play here, something more like fear and a deep need to maintain the status quo, and something more. A couple of the guys indicated that their wives or girlfriends were Obama supporters, so their counter move for McCain was somehow proving that they were real (white) men.
Tax Analyst Says:
I got a couple of first-hand reminders last evening about making assumptions based on ignorant, old stereotypes lodged in your head. I’m on my vacation and as I checked into a motel last night I noticed some kids playing basketball…they were roughly 13 or 14 years old and I believe the kids were Pakistani-Americans.
Sounds a bit like Zen and the Art of Basketball Playing. Some very thoughtful insights as you are out there on the road.
It also reminded me of how white bread and homogenized the Republican convention was, and how speech after speech was dedicated to the idea of holding on to ignorant assumptions, false first impressions, and the supremacy of a rigidly narrow doctrine over a more complex, diverse and inclusive reality.
So it comes out that you are really a fundie?
Actually views like that are held by many people that aren’t fundies. Most of them are called libertarians. Look up what libertarians are all about, it might open your eyes.
Now to start the tales of the Fundie Goatfucker and the Ratfucking Goatfucker and how they travel together trying to grab life the goat by the horns and ride it for all it is worth.
Was this comment suppose to be funny? Really, I want to know. Or are you taking the same medication Moar’s taking? Is it a weird tourettes syndrome that only happens when you write?
If this is suppose to be biting commentary; you’ve missed it by a mile. Kids on the playground would do this. They would see how many “Bad” words they can get in a sentence. What a loser.
blogreeder wrote,
Look up what libertarians are all about, it might open your eyes.
Many, perhaps most, so-called libertarians are actually just pro-feudalist thugs who despise freedom and liberty.
On the other hand, there are some—probably a minority—who love liberty.
Greg D
The beauty of America is that any fuck-up can become President! Some of them even last for 2 terms. So if you are stupid enough to believe that this is any worse than having elected Bush for 2 terms, you are severely fucked in the head!
Reality Check (hopin I’m wrong): Old people and Bush conservatives will elect McCain and Palin…so get used to more fucked up, idiotic, someone else is runnin the country shit!
Grumpy Code Monkey
blogreeder Says:
McCain didn’t have to vet [Palin]. Hasn’t Limbaugh been talking her up for months? If she’s good enough for Limbaugh…
Shenanigans! I call shenanigans!
Spoofers shouldn’t make it this easy to detect their spoofiness!
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Sarah Palin = Dickless Nixon
I love the smell of misogyny in the morning.
Stuck in the Fun House
Yep, and on a hunting trip to Moosebutt, AK Sarah “Reagan” Palin shot herself a flying Pig.
McCain: “You ain’t got no problem Sarah, I’m sending the Wolf.”
Well, since the press can’t talk to Palin, they can’t ask her what she thinks about the situation in Pakistan.
FLILF Hunter
It’s all about the Culture Wars.
Just an anatomically correct completion.
Sarah: “Shit, mothafucka! That’s all you had to say!”
FLILF Hunter
I don’t know who deserves credit for this, but I just saw it here.
Sarah Palin: Caribou Barbie.
I decree this must go viral.
w vincentz
It seems to me that this trap goes way way to the Nixon/Agnew days…same game, different time.
On a side note, though some have claimed I’m “sesist”, in fact, I’m in favor of women’s rights. Please, if you are a woman (or care for them, go over to kos and read 19 days.
The freedoms of 98% of our women are about to be severely limited.
w vincentz
It seems to me that this trap goes way way to the Nixon/Agnew days…same game, different time.
On a side note, though some have claimed I’m “sexist”, in fact, I’m in favor of women’s rights. Please, if you are a woman (or care for them, go over to kos and read 19 days.
The freedoms of 98% of our women are about to be severely limited.
w vincentz
sorry for the DP
Just Some Fuckhead
I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that me and Joe Biden think John McCain is a fanfuckingtastic guy. Just a real mensch. Why, I remember once when John McCain ran off with my wife to an outta the way little dive and got her drunk and then put the moves on her. It’s a good thing I found ’em or I’d be raising one of John Sidney McCain’s kids right now, that rascal. lolz.
Um, JSF–are you really MyIQ, in camo? Cuz I wonder, man, I wonder.
Palin’s potential pastor problem.
Just Some Fuckhead
And you fuckers that keep slamming on McCain, all yer proving is you don’t know him. He’s more awesomer than pink leather pants.
DP’s fine in my book, so long as everybody consents.
John H. Farr
No, no, no: Mooselini…
Just Some Fuckhead
It’s kinda cool that Biden doesn’t take the campaign disputes personally, but I’m sure Obama’s campaign would prefer that he keep the funny McCain anecdotes to himself.
FLILF Hunter
(BTW, I’m told Stephanie Miller’s show came up with Caribou Barbie.)
Mocking and ridicule: The nukyular option.
JSF, if you want to fight like Republicans, go ahead.
Biden is doing just fine. He reels them in and then gives them what for.
Instead of criticizing Biden, perhaps you could participate in countering the idea that Dems threw flags away.
Sorry if I insulted your prioritizing.
Just remember folks, when some Arizona fish-picker sends a bunch of fancy Washington types to tell another state how to conduct an investigation into a state matter, it is not at all the least little bit elitist or arrogant.
Stuck in the Fun House
I know David Frum is a wanker usually, but this email exchange of his with a fellow wingnut is mildly fascinating. He is spot on with the problem of the Palin pick and in general how the GOP picks it’s candidates these days.
Just Some Fuckhead
My point is simply that when we’re out there sucking John McCain’s dick for the world, we’re actually making a case for him and undercutting our own attempts to portray him as, say, Bush II, outta touch, elitist, ill-tempered, etc.
It’s not rocket science. John and others make very good points about McCain’s awful (insert the blank). Biden, Obama and other prominent Democrats promptly go out and undercut our efforts to define him, assuming like Kerry that no one would be stupid enough not to vote for Democrats this time.
oh really
Refusing to cooperate with an investigation is simply a necessary part of preparing to be a Republican office-holder.
Sarah (and all the mooses sigh) is doing what it takes to become a hero to the GOP. In a way, the investigation has made her a prisoner. Which means she’s a prisoner of war.
John said she’s his “partner” and “soulmate,” and he wasn’t kidding.
Conservatively Liberal
No shit, Mooselini is an excellent play on a nickname for her. It reflects her political position perfectly.
Okay, but small potatoes. I’m hoping ala patriot Republican conservative Matty Sanchez, star of Tijuana Toilet Tramps, there’s some spicy Northern Exposure video series in Governor Hot Lips past.
First I’d buy the series. Next I’d buy popcorn futures while the patriot fundies and Dobson try to spin that also into affirming Republican family values.
Good God, I finally finished Nixonland!!
Many, many parallels.
JSF, it’s not about stategy here on the intertubes. It’s about strategy with the large audience.
If you fail to notice, I’m sorry, but Palin and McCain drew audiences equal with Obama. And those audiences — I know likely all the same people — got to hear the McCain stroy again and again.
I for one like the fact that Biden knows the former McCain. It shows that he is not the same person.
And then Biden goes for the issues.
I like it.
And it does hurt that Obama is up and has been for quite a while in the electoral college vote.
You can worry over the little things. I trust Obama/Biden.
FLILF Hunter
I’ve only just started reading Nixonland and I see it too.
JSF, do you think Obama camp has refused to read it or something?
Conservatively Liberal
I still think it would be cool if some artist came up with a short video clip called Palinocchio. I think it would go viral in a heartbeat.
See Palinocchio’s nose lengthen with every lie!
McBush/Mooselini ’08: We’re Unsteady and Unready!
Peter Johnson
You’re talking about a guy who tasered his own son, who issued death threats against the Palin family. Cry me a river. This is the biggest non-story since Scootergate, Attorneygate and all the other gates the Daily Chaos crowd made up.
Free At Last
I saw it first at Tbogg’s
Just Some Fuckhead
Did you like it when Kerry did it? Howz that working out for us?
See, here’s the difference between how Republicans run and how Democrats run. Republicans run like there is SOMETHING at stake so fucking important that any means necessary must be taken to achieve it. Democrats run like the only thing at stake is our personal popularity while claiming there is so much more at stake.
That’s why John McCain will be out there making the regular point that Obama is a traitor and wants to lose a war so he can win an election and Obama is out there making the point that McCain is a hero, and Biden is lauding him with personal tributes that serve to underscore McCain’s personal courage, integrity and maverickyness.
Anyone that reads those comments from Biden should feel betrayed, no matter how likable he is. And telling a story that like that casts his wife in such an unfavorable light indicates to me he’d rather lose to his personal friend than win with the black guy.
Here’s what it comes down to: Republicans are having a metaphorical war with Democrats and killing us left and right and we’re claiming we’re too damn good to kill ’em back.
t jasper parnell
As I read the Democratic strategy, Obama argues that McCain is a decent man who is just flat out wrong about everything and will continue to rely on the policies that created the multiple messes in which we currently find ourselves and that the only way out is for Americans to work together to overcome the these problems. As I read the Republican stategy, they argue that Obama and co are gay-marrying, abortion-forcing, unamerican loons. As I read the current GOTV efforts the Democratic strategy beats the Republican.
Hey! I was able to make sure I am registered!! Woo hoo. I am relieved. I know I won’t show up and be turned away. Have you checked??
Ed Marshall
My point is simply that when we’re out there sucking John McCain’s dick for the world, we’re actually making a case for him and undercutting our own attempts to portray him as, say, Bush II, outta touch, elitist, ill-tempered, etc.
Color me torn. This is my experience, if someone starts dishing on John McCain and doesn’t know what your politics are they come back and start saying what a terrible thing it was that happened to him in Vietnam. Maybe it’s pavlovian and the media tought them to do it, but I don’t remember anyone ever doing that when they made fun of Bob Dole. No one, ever, ever, ever, made fun of Kerry and said anything respectful about his Vietnam service.
Either way, I think it’s totally sufficient to pat McCain on the head and just say “Well, good on all that, he’s a crazy old coot. Fuck him, I’m not voting for him”.
You know what would be so effing fun? Well, nothing about this, really. But fun to imagine, anyway.
We prove we are as dumb as they think and elect them. Then, as Palin’s scandle juggernaut catches up with them, like, on January 25 or something, the Democratic congress moves to impeach. She gets impeached.
Nancy Pelosi becomes Vice President.
I won’t play it out further, but, well…..
This would seem more credible if:
1) Palin actually cooperated with the investigation, like she said she would, instead of currently working to shut it down;
2) There weren’t lots of people who suddenly decided to refuse to testify;
and 3) Palin and McCain were actually interested in transparency, instead of just pretending to be.
It’ll probably amount to nothing, sure, but you wouldn’t guess that by the way they’re reacting. Rather, you’d guess that it could amount to a lot.
Just sayin’.
Stuck in the Fun House
I’m with you in principle, but don’t think the same kind metaphors would work for dems, we don’t want to spin lies to win. My take on why the GOP kills us is our lack of focus on attacks. Wingnuts have developed a kind of equivalent to the Blitzkrieg in warfare. They concentrate their attack around a single, or a few talking points and are relentless and disciplined in deploying their surrogates like little mini tanks to attack. Over and over in the same place, until they break thru and surround us with urban legend. We got surrogates who jump around all over the place and are more concerned with impressing by windy analysis.
Oh BTW, for everyone making a big deal about Palin hiding away for two weeks, Glenzilla makes a good point – it won’t matter:
Sad, but true. This country is… broken.
JSF, calm down.
It’s not the same and you know it. McCain just had a three day testament to his experience. Not one thing in the Bush/Kerry thing approaches that. One possible tac you might take is if this is such a big deal, then why didn’t the Republicans nominate McCain 7+ years ago. Why was W beter than McCain then?
You sound like a Hillary Dem. There is another way. Acknowledge the achievement and then point out the lackings.
There is a difference between attacking and meeting and rebuking every lie.
Breschau, I don’t put much trust in extremists. It won’t happen that way.
You do know that Greenwald is a Libertarian, right?
I think everybody here can quite possibly agree that the brother-in-law could be the biggest asshole around. But that’s not who she fired. Instead, she fired the head of public safety, who was well-respected and had gotten good performance reviews. This was after all sorts of people put pressure on that guy to fire the BIL and he told them to back off to avoid the appearance of political pressure.
If you do not like the laws, you work to change the laws.
You do not, like our last president, decide that the laws do not apply to you because you are in an executive position. This idea that you can just disregard any sort of law you want to is the dirty little hallmark of the Bush administration. Those of us who actually respect the Constitution and the balance of powers that the Founding Fathers so believed in would like to see this willful disregard of our laws stopped.
And I would care about that… why?
Do you refute what he said about the Washington media, or about how this is probably going to play out when she does show up? Do you really think her first interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News is going to go any differently than Greenwald described?
I thought one of the great points about the political left was that we didn’t dismiss anyone out-of-hand, simply because of their political leanings. Instead, we could judge someone based upon their word. Thanks for removing that blinder.
Just Some Fuckhead
Christ Jesus, talk about missing the fucking point.
It was a well-known fact in Washington that George HW Bush had a longtime mistress. (Barbara spent most of his career back in Texas.) When Clinton won the democratic primary in ’92 despite the constant “bimbo eruptions”, the first thing the Clinton campaign did was send an emissary over to the Bush campaign to tell them “we know all about Ms. whatshername who you’ve been shagging for the last twenty years and if you bring up Clinton’s affairs, we’ll go public with it.”
The Bush folks never brought it up in the ’92 campaign and Clinton went on to win with massive help from Ross Perot who spent literally months and months telling us what an absolute shitbag George HW Bush was.
If so, then she would have given it for tomorrow morning.
The political left has been sucked in by a writer that is a libertarian. I know it is hard to accept, but Greenwald is a libertarian and has sucked lots of people in.
Do you know who he credits for helping him fact check his books? She’s well known on the intertubes.
I am a progressive — not just born of the last few years — but for life.
Beware and do your research, Breschau.
You mean I got it better than you thought I would. Typical.
BULLSHIT. That is not true at all.
This is the first I’ve ever heard such a thing. Link?
The Moar You Know
Fixed for the inevitable rehash of 2004. Too many of us spewing this high-roader line of shit again.
Dems may learn one day, but I doubt it.
She’s not doing it tomorrow, because 1) all of the major network shows already have a guest, and 2) the build-up plays right into their hands. Get everybody to start thinking she can’t handle the media, give her an easy interview, and bingo – she’s a star again. “Exceeded expectations”, etc.
Greenwald is a civil libertarian. In my world, it’s not a bad thing to argue vehemently for the Constitution. I don’t know why it is for you.
Read and answer my questions, michelle.
Are you familiar with this site?
Or are you just another silly person?
What difference does it make that Glenzilla is a libertarian?
He’s giving an opinion, not an edict. I tend to agree with him seeing how the media has reacted over the past 8 years.
Just Some Fuckhead
Yeah, that’s what I meant fool.
FLILF Hunter
Negatory. Any producer on any talking-head show would bump the baby Jesus himself to interview Caribou Barbie. To miss the opportunity would be a firing offense.
That’s pretty much a “duh.” No effing way are they going to put her in front of anything but the most sycophantic Fox News propagandabot. And with sufficiently lowered expectations.
You changed your tune there. She could have shown up, but you were making Greenwald’s argument.
Google Mona, Hypatia and greenwald and you will see. Greenwald deleted the comments from his old blogspot blog. He didn’t start at Salon. He only started blogging in October of 2005. That was when the NYT broke the story about wiretapping.
He’s a libertarian, not a progressive.
John Cole is not a progressive either.
Perhaps you got a wrong turn somewhere?
John, maybe you need to tell people you are not a progressive.
I see this weirdness with Greenwald, but with you it would seem to be a given. Sad to say it isn’t.
wasabi gasp
Hey Michelle
You’re hot when you’re nutty.
I wanna get all 911truthy with ya.
wasabi gasp
it looks like I got ya :)
Ed Marshall
Obamba is gonna win this thing. You all need to chill out. Palin won a news cycle, and let her win it. The media has an ego and they are “the fourth estate”, dammit. Don’t try and sell me on how they are all GOP agents, they have their own agenda and everything she’s done is suicide. You need to understand the terrain you are fighting on, and if you think that it’s all “they are gonna suck McCain cock no matter what” you don’t get it. The American media has massive flaws and I’m not arguing with that, but you can’t stonewall them without them firing back. They are going to tear her to shreds. Don’t send Biden, Don’t send anyone, what they have done is suicidal. You send a surrogate to fight back and they wind up in the penalty box, not Palin.
I’m wih you Ed.
It’s all these Greenwald libertarians that are running up the race.
PLEASE understand that I have to point out that Greenwald and Mona and Hypatia are Libertarians.
michelle wrote,
Argument ad hominem.
When Democrats try to be Republicans, they suck at it and get their asses kicked by the guys who have years more practice being Republicans. I’d much rather have Obama and Biden just be Democrats, even if it means that I have to hear them tell me what a nice guy John McCain is from time to time.
And what is your response when I say: I don’t care?
What is inherently evil about Libertarians?
Wait – is this a “purity” thing? They aren’t 100% progressive, so they can’t be trusted? Even if they’re on our side?
Go fuck yourself, Concern Troll.
MaryQ, it doesn’t work that way. 25th Amendment:
Besides, if they didn’t impeach Bushcheney, they sure won’t impeach Eskimo Nell
Show me where Greenwald or Mona or Hypatia has made a progressive argument.
w vincentz
Back to the beginning of this thread, now that the other things have been dealt with, it seems to me that Palin is playing the role of Agnew much more than Nixon.
And yes, those days were the beginning of the “cultural revolution”. The “culture war” has since continued.
Believe me, the repugs know that game. They’re still playing it.
As long as they can polarize and divide, they will.
The “WE” that Obama posits is quite opposite to their beliefs.
wow you are newer than I thought.
Ed Marshall
It’s all these Greenwald libertarians that are running up the race.
You’ve lost me :\
I’m dumb, explain why libertarians acting like libertarians instead of Republican gestapo enablers is a bad thing? I’m not a libertarian, I come from an anarcho-syndacalist tradition that sees them in the same way Koreans see each other from the north-south border “misguided cousins”
Breschau, do you really think Greenwald is a progressive? Greenwald is no more a progressive than John Cole is. And you are commenting on John Cole’s blog.
You might buy aq clue.
The Moar You Know
Who cares? They make good arguments, and we pay attention to those.
You, on the other hand, are vomiting out a bunch of stupid and fail.
Alaskans are supposed to be independent to the point of being contrary, right? Seems like Washington coming in and trying to interfere with the state legislature isn’t going to go down well, even with the Republicans.
Michelle, did a libertarian shoot your dog or something?
Hmm, no, that’s not the way Koreans think. They are more about blood if you ask them.
And please do not go and make anarcho-syndacalism wallow with the Greenwald and Mona crap.
We still have our creds.
Breschau, do you really think Greenwald is a progressive?
I don’t know about Breschau, but I think that Greenwald advocates passionately and effectively for some extremely important progressive causes. Yes, I’m aware that’s not the same thing as being a progressive, but political success usually depends on building coalitions across ideological lines.
Mrs. Peel
What’s up Michelle? A little PO’d because the gang at Unclaimed Territory aren’t impressed with the wonderousness of you? Glenn gets all types at his site from troll wingnutz to libertarian Mona.
I know batshit libertarians and Glenn’s not one. He’s more concerned with protection of the Constitution than whether someone like you approves of him or not.
That’s just fine with me.
null pointer exception
This whole election is getting very, very depressing.
Ed Marshall
And please do not go and make anarcho-syndacalism wallow with the Greenwald and Mona crap.
I *see* it. I can get why why you don’t like them. At this moment, I’m fine with Greenwald. There is an overlap right now, and for all the problems of a black-red coalition at this moment I can’t see any good reason to throw a brick at Greenwald.
Hey, I’m pretty much a liberatarian–but, I do believe government is a necessity. It should be small, and it should keep its nose out of my gawddamned business. If you do drugs? Hurts you and your loved ones, not the state (unless you maim others in your quest for a fix).
BUT. The difference between being a libertarian and a liberaltarian is that I believe that government is the best way to do some things–national defense, consumer protection, and the social safety net things like education and health care. Public resources should be for the benefit of the PUBLIC, and not in the trickle-down sense.
I can count the number of times on one hand (in 25 years) I thought a Republican could do such a thing. Even then, I probably didn’t vote for him because group think in Republicans = BASTARDS.
So, Glenzilla is a libertarian. Thank the Gods. No wonder he has been willing to go after Republicans. No castrato Glen.
The Moar You Know
I’ll say. The lunatics are crawling out of the woodwork.
Needs more cowbell.
Confess! Confess! CONFESS!
Dennis - SGMM
“Progressive” has become a synonym for “Too pure to be a Democrat.”
Totally OT, but where are all the “small government” conservatives? I can’t find any… Read this article about Insurance in South Florida.
Republicans are always keen on nationalizing stuff (or generally having the government step in) if it keeps shareholder profits or fat cats from losing their shirt.
Republicans are not, and haven’t in the last 40 years, been promoting small government in America – just government that enriches the ultra rich and fucks the rest of us. Democrat seem to be at least trying to promote a government that might enriches the rest of us and barely puts a dent in the lifestyles of the ultra-rich. If we get to pick between those two, I pick the latter.
The Moar You Know
Maybe it’s just me, but this screams “basement-dwelling loser”.
w vincentz
It amazes me that some feel the need to label themselves or others soas to digress into an investigation and rationale for their differences. Amazing.
That disunity and separation totally misses the strongest premise of Obama’s appeal.
That being, if rather than dwell on those things that devide us, obstruct us, and challenge us, if WE refocus our attention on objectives wherein WE all benefit, common mutually agreed goals, by directing OUR efforts together, WE can (CAN!) achieve those goals.
michelle says:
My God. What part of “I don’t care” did you not get?
I don’t judge people based upon their political stances. That is the type of behavior we see from W. Bush, or Karl Rove, or James Dobson.
I judge people based upon *WHAT THEY SAY*. You, apparently, pre-judge people based upon their political stance, and know how you feel about their opinions even before you read them. Congratulations – you are now reacting exactly the same as George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Sen. Inhofe.
So – please argue against what Greenwald said. Just tell me – what did he say write that was wrong, and why?
Conservatively Liberal
More Cowbell. ;)
Mrs. Peel
Not so much. Michelle is probably still referring to the time he told a bunch of handwringers that if a woman decided to be a prostitute it was none of their damned business. Oh, the howls were something to behold. Crap like how the women were abused and should be criminalized/locked up for their own good.
Quite frankly I agree with Glenn on that one. And I’m not even within flirting distance of being a liber/looneytarian.
Stuck in the Fun House
That’s why when people ask what I am politically, I’m going to start saying the Not-Republican Party. Life is so much simpler that way, and it’s probably closer to the truth.
Mrs. Peel
I think that’s actually the Greens.
Dennis - SGMM
Or the Naderites.
First of all, not everything that a libertarian says is incorrect; nor is everything that a progressive says necessarily worth listening to.
Events have already proven Glenzilla to be largely correct. The NY Times recently wrote how conservative talk radio has already jumped onto the Palin bandwagon with near-surprising unanimity. On the way home, I heard a conservative talk show host who usually is a straight shooter minimize every complaint against Palin. Given that in his day job he works in the legal system, it was surprising to hear him flat out lie that Troopergate Alaska Style was being thoroughly investigated.
In short: while Caribou Barbie attends finishing school for the next couple of weeks, friendly radio talk show hosts and compliant pundits are serving as her advocates, making sure that every controversy is addressed with a plausible response, no matter how dishonest. They are self-appointed advance men and women, smoothing the way to insure that her interview debut will go well.
I agree with you here. It is interesting though, to see how easily libertarians have rolled over like lapdogs for Bush and now McCain/Palin. They talk a lot of stuff about keeping the gummint out of people’s business, but then STFU when Christianists roll out laws to “protect” society or the family.
The Moar You Know
A good question. What I find nowadays are what I think are best referred to as “freeloading citizens” – those who want all the bennies of big government (and some new ones, such as “privatized profits and socialized losses”), but who refuse to pay for them. Save for a few libertarians (and even very few of those) I can’t find anyone who believes that small government is a virtue.
A guess, and it’s only a guess, is that most of them got co-opted during the Reagan years by the defense industry.
Gawd I love cowbell. Thank you ConLib!!
So, I suppose lots of folks were thinking that nobody this week could top the offensiveness of Rep. Lynn Westmoreland calling Barack and Michelle Obama “uppity.”
Well, I believe Rep. Steve King has done it:
I suppose since Obama has spent his entire life being black, it’s not surprising that there’s no part of it that King would “subject” anyone to.
Mrs. Peel
The wingnutz don’t call it the White House because of the paint job.
This is SO true of the cesspool that Reason’s Hit and Run has become. (Which makes no sense given Welch’s anti-McCain book and how much they loathed and mocked McCain before the campaign began. It must be the new, much more “conservative” crew.) Since even before Palin came along, they have routinely, completely ignored anything that reflects badly on the Republican ticket, including McCain’s comments in early August about sending the military into the cities to “make sure that the known criminals are kept under control.” They bought the bridge-to-nowhere line from the get go and I’ve yet to see anyone acknowledge what an earmark hog Palin really is.
I guess it really was just the campaign finance law that bothered them. Since McCain has taken to abusing his own law, I guess they’re in love. John, I don’t suppose you’d consider moving them to “Blogs We Monitor and Mock As Needed”?
KRK, I think King’s a stupid fucking asshole and calling his droolings “provocative” is putting it charitably, but his statement doesn’t top Westmoreland. “His mom took him to forn parts and um … didn’t encourage him to spit on the filthy natives and um … Madrassa! Capitalism! Flag pins!”
He’s really going after Obama’s mom but I guess he had to tread carefully in light of recent events.
And what the flaming hell is “A nurture?”
Conservatively Liberal
No prob! I was in a local Spokane party band in the early 80’s and that was one of the songs we played. I always got a laugh out of our drummer because he would sit bolt-upright like he had a stick up his ass and whack the cowbell to death with this stupid grin on his face. We were always telling him LESS COWBELL!
When I saw that SNL skit for the first time I couldn’t stop laughing for some time. Damn that is hilarious!
Quick Question: How does the band know when the stage is level? When the drummer is drooling out of both sides of his mouth.
wasabi gasp
Joe Klein’s latest rocks the cowbell.
L. Ron Obama
Frank Rich:
I’m telling y’all; there are gonna be quite a few “Macaca” incidents over the next two months. As soon as I figured out that the “elitist” tag was going to be stuck on Obama (remember BeerGate and BowlingGate and ArugalaGate and all the other “hard-working ‘real’ American” Gates* during the primaries?) I knew . . . knew. . . that “uppity” would pop out of some white Southern Republican gentleman’s gaping pie hole.
They can’t help it. It’s how they were raised. Hell, we all have this problem in some way**, but the “Southern Strategy”/”Law and Order” crowd’s stumbling block is, you know, that whole brown people thing.
As some wry commenter put it the other day, “my dog’s ears are bleeding.”
The nation’s dogs will be stone dead from massive eardrum hemorrhaging by October.***
*BTW, “-Gate” should be read as “distractionary non-scandal,” unless the scandal literally involves the Watergate hotel.
**I occasionally fuck up and say “retard,” meaning “stupid person.” I’m working on it.
***Also: I’ve always found the term “dog-whistle” to be rather insulting (who you callin’ a “dog,” mister?), but I can’t think of a better term right now.
Huh. Lost a post in there. Did I use a bad word?
I did use the phrase “William F. Buck**y” in there. That kinda counts as bad language in my book, but I’d be surprised if Mr. Cole’s filter would moderate it.
I think I understand your Palin problem.
Obama had it made after his acceptance speech. He was beating McCain regularly in the polls. Easy street to November. McCain beating Obama? The press wasn’t even buying it.
Then Sarah came. Your opponents were electrified. Oh no, your easy street’s in trouble. You guys threw a tantrum. Like you always do when you think you are right and everyone is wrong. I still can’t understand how YOU can say she is a bad VP choice. Why should that bother you? It’s your OPPONENTS ticket, remember? You should be DELIGHTED he picked a bad running mate. McCain won’t get elected, right? Unless you see a weakness in Obama?
You people are running scared. These pages should be filled with Biden not Palin.
Conservatively Liberal
Kudos to you for doing so. I know developmentally disabled people and my wife’s brother and his wife had a special needs daughter who passed away just over a year ago at the age of 19.
No Republican could ever hope to hold a candle to her or any of the other special needs people I know or have known. They all have something that the right lacks: compassion and kindness.
I used to use the ‘tard slur all of the time when I was younger and it is something I regret to this day. It wants to slip out at times but I am much better at correcting myself now.
Sounds prejudiced to me. Not even a republican mother??
Reading comprehension FTL.
Because she might actually be VP or even P of the country. Because everyone who isn’t a Republican partisan cares at least as much about what happens after the election as what happens on election night.
(How convenient that the thread is titled SATSQ.)
That one and “gipped” are the two that I still work on. Being someone that has been on the receiving end of “did you Jew ’em down?” you think I’d know better.
When a blog is running non-stop stories about their opponents running-mate and not their own, you’re not delighted, you’re scared.
Conservatively Liberal
Borgreefer, you are on drugs if you think we are scared of Palin. Are we the ones in hiding? Are we the ones who are so insecure about the choice that we have cut off all access to her? Do you think Palin should open herself up to the press or should she remain in basic training with the McCain team? What is McCain afraid of? That his choice will blow out like a candle in the wind and expose him for the doddering old fool that he is?
Damn right. He is scared shitless that if Palin falls on her face then he looks like a fool. If you are looking for scared, look at who you are supporting.
That you support an empty pantsuit for the backup to McCain tells me all I need to know about you.
You are fucking stupid, end of story.
I can’t wait to see her and Biden match wits. McCain can only hope that their trained parrot will be able to fly on her own. All they can do right now is lower expectations in the hope that she will do better than ‘expected’. I don’t know how well that will work because they lowered the bar to the ground with Bush. I guess it is time to get the shovels out and start digging, eh?
This shouldn’t bother you. Your Candidate will get elected because of McCain’s bad running-mate, right?
I suppose somebody should ask you the obvious question. If Greenwald’s evil because he’s a libertarian and you know perfectly well that Cole’s not a progressive then what the hell are you doing at Balloon Juice?
Mrs. Peel
Ah, the wingnut love of overstatement. How about telling how much we all “hate” her next.
Trying to bully everyone into not talking about how unfit their little Moose-alini is.
Take a hike rightie. You’re not needed here.
You really are a dumb shit. Have you not noticed the mocking, humorous tone of much of the snark about her?
Want to know why people here aren’t round-the-clock touting Joe Biden? He’s perfectly capable of making his own case, unlike Natasha the hunter of Moose and Squirrel, who needs to be shielded from the press.
That is absolutely what you should be saying! What will Biden do? What do you think he will open with?
Again, why should you care about how unfit she is? How am I bullying?
This is actually a very good question.
Mrs. Peel
By trying to control the conversation and telling everone what YOU think WE should be talking about. As if anyone needed you half-assed concern troll advice.
I noticed it the first week. Yes, you made your point. Now can’t you guys move on to something about McCain? The top candidate?
Conservatively Liberal
I guess I need to find a special needs child who has a Republican mother, eh? Seems the ones I know are Democrats, probably because they know that the Democrats support the social programs that assist them and their child.
Odd how that works, eh?
I don’t concern myself with that part of the process because anything I say is totally worthless to Biden. I am not an adviser and speculating is a waste of my time. Biden will do as he has to and all we can do is watch, groan or cheer.
How about Palin freely speaking to the press? You conveniently skipped over that and the other questions I posed to you.
I answered you, can you do likewise or are the questions too tough?
I didn’t know I was that powerful. Sorry. I’m just soooo tired about reading about Palin day and night.
Here, of all places. This certainly isn’t the Dish.
You realize that Palin just entered the race, don’t you? A few weeks ago she said something about what does a vice president do. Maybe she needs polishing.
Y’know, I almost agree with this. For instance: Joe Biden talks about the RNC, from his speech yesterday.
Where was this guy on the campaign trail?
But as to your point, blogreeder: the reason that we are endlessly talking about Gov. Palin (it is getting a little thin, to tell the truth*) is because she’s . . . well . . . remarkable**. In a not-vetted, totally outta-th’-blue, crazy nutjob, corrupt, unbelievably cynical, irresponsible sorta way. Oh, and her bio is full of weird facts (the AKIP? Jews for Jesus?) and rather sordid details (i.e., involving sex/babies).
Of course we’re talking endlessly about her. She’s made for internet humor (much like McCain’s quixotic obsession with green screens: maybe that’s their strategy! Capture the snark demographic!).
If McCain picked, oh, say, Olympia Snowe . . . then we’d be worried.
*And it’s only been . . . what . . . a week or so? Jeebus, this campaign is wearying.
**As in: we are remarking upon it.
Mrs. Peel
Talking about what a lousy, unqualified candidate old man Fibber picked IS talking about McCain. The fact that making Machiavellian political points is more important than actually doing what’s best for the country IS talking about McCain. Talking about how they’re trying to interfere with legal investigations to hide what a world-class screw up she is IS talking about McCain.
Really? You don’t know any?
Democrats aren’t the only ones who start social programs. Church groups do it all the time. So do Muslim groups. Jewish groups. The only place Democrats support Social programs is if the Government starts it.
Unlike, say, community organizers?!?
You know, people who “start social programs” like the church groups that Barack Obama worked with?
[Doublethink make brain hurt. Brain Hurt!]
Are you kidding? When there’s a woman they can attack?
Mrs. Peel
I hardly think we need any snarks from the party that made greed, corruption and robbing the American people an Olympic event.
Mrs. Peel
Wazzzup, PUMA scumbag? Did they flush out the usual sewers you float around?
McCain didn’t have to vet her. Hasn’t Limbaugh been talking her up for months? If she’s good enough for Limbaugh… She’s no Eagleton. The biggest no-vetting episode in recent politics. That’s what it sounds like to me when you say that you know.
Sex/babies? What?
Yes. I am attacking Gov. Palin because she is a woman and I hate women. Because I am sexist. This is why I did not vote for Sen. Clinton, as well. It probably explains my evident distaste for Sec. Rice, of course*.
Thank you for pointing this out to me. You are a bastion of righteous feminism, and all of my Women’s Studies classes and knowledge of the feminist movement are only brainwashing me into a “Politically Correct” heteronormative, patriarchically sublimed phallo-dynamic thought process, wherein I secretly hate women while fighting for red-herrings such as the right to choose, contraception equality, equal pay, and other such distractions.
Wait. Why did I just waste my time writing this? Does Cleek’s pie filter work in Safari**?
*Or is that because I’m racist as well? That would be extra-double-irony.
**Yes. I am also an elitist.
The Moar You Know
I, for one, am absolutely thrilled at the selection of Sarah Palin as McFail’s VP.
McFail’s selection of Klondike Barbie has managed to switch the votes of my father, step-father and grandmother to Obama from McFail. We’re talking three lifelong Republicans, here. This will be the first election that any of them pull the lever for a Democrat. They are enraged that McFail would put the country in danger of being run by someone as immature and unstable as Sarah Palin (let’s face it, we all know the odds of McFail living through his first term are slim at best).
And let me also just say I’m thrilled with McFail as the candidate himself. His decision-making, wisdom, and magnificent public presentation are winning votes for Obama every day.
I’d like to see my Dems be willing to get a little bit more into the fight and throw a few punches, but I’m not even sure it’s going to be needed this election – seems McFail’s first target is his own foot.
Good point. OK.
Oh. I see. You are spoof. Whew!
People like to read and talk about sex (teenage daughter having unprotected sex with a self-described “fucking redneck”? A mysterious rumor about a cover-up over a pregnancy? Have you ever watched a day time television show?). It’s titillating. Not to excuse the more . . . salty . . . remarks here, but it’s pretty darn predictable, no?
wasabi gasp
blogreeder’s pushy talkin’ way ’bout what the small town folks o’ this here blog might be a discussin’ sounds wee bit elitist to li’l ol’ me.
See, you didn’t have to say anything to them, right? Or did you talk and talk and talk until they said, FINE, we’ll vote Democrat just to get you out of the room.
Ooh. I like that. But then, I’m a sucker for all things “fail.”
People talk but you have the choice of not repeating what they say. And, really who cares what the boyfriend of the daughter of the running mate of the Presidential Candidate has to say. Who cares.
Cripes! That works?!? I gotta go have a long ass chat with my new in-laws.
I think you completely misunderstand most of the people here and most Democrats.
We are scared of Palin, but not that she’ll help McCain win. We’re scared that the GOP and all of these people that support this ticket think that she and people like are qualified for governance. We’re as scared of her as we were of Michael Brown, of Alberto Gonzalez, and of Harriet Myers. We’re scared of people that put party above country, that think that power matters more than service.
We’re not fucking around here. Running the nation isn’t a goddamn game, yet the GOP keeps treating as one. That’s scary as shit. We’re not talking about Biden because we have no concerns about Biden running the country if something happens to Obama.
As for Palin in the race, she really doesn’t change things. Obama is crushing McCain, but nobody is paying attention to the things that matter. Here’s the math:
From the Pew Research Center a week ago:
“The Democrats have a 13-point lead in party affiliation (51% vs. 38%) among registered voters, when independents who “lean” to either party are included.”
Assuming each candidate secures about 90% of their ‘base’ (which Palin insures for each side), this mostly comes down to GOTV + landing independents.
The GOP have no significant GOTV effort this year. They had great ones in 2000 and 2004. The Democrats have a fantastic one this year and had crappy ones in 2000 and 2004. Even if we assume that each party brings out their registered base in comparable numbers, McCain needs to grab 2/3 of the independents and turn them out. Of course there’s the state-by-state turnout – Obama loses if all of his voters are in CA, but the statewide polls are even more strongly in favor of Obama than the national ones.
Explain how Palin changes the math here. Sure, she helps get that 38% to show up, but she also helps get Obamas 51% to show up. This is going to be a landslide barring any colossal fuck-ups.
Alas, no. And my elitism is greater than yours since I ditched Safari for Omniweb.
She’s qualified to Govern! She’s a Governor, it’s got the word govern in it. Wasn’t Clinton a governor of a small state and he did just fine.
I think right now she’s exciting which is a lot more than can be said for McFail. There’s a slight possibility she could add sympathy votes with all the personal attacks.
I forgot to say that I got the image of Clinton and the cigar when I read this.
That’s it in a nutshell, yup yup. Right on target (tho’ I’m personally thinking that the evangelicals may very well turn out in greater numbers than we might now expect, but will not tip the electoral calculus).This is why I’m telling everyone to more or less chill (btw, “chill” does not mean being apathetic: volunteer! GOTV! make the calls! etc. etc.).
Uh-oh. Colossal political fuck-ups are the Democratic party’s speciality. (Colossal governmental fuck-ups are the Republicans’)
Hey, I have some serious concerns if something happens to Obama! Yikes. But those concerns don’t involve Sen. Biden’s self-evident qualifications to take the helm in an emergency.
You win the SuperSpecialElitistOlympics tonight. I, myself, am eagerly awaiting the Mac version of Chrome. Very eagerly. [wipes sweat off of palms, tries to calm panting]
The Moar You Know
Actually, no. Haven’t seen dad and grandma in almost three months, they just got back today. But thanks for playing!
This symbol – ? – is known as a “question mark”, and it’s quite helpful to use when you are attempting to convey, in writing, that you are asking a question. For example:
You see? Good.
So the questions are best phrased like so:
And the answer is – no one cares, he’s a stupid fucking redneck who knocked up an equally dumb slut, and all we, the public, can hope for is that the baby won’t have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome as then we the taxpayers will be on the hook for paying for its special ed classes for the rest of its misbegotten, rotten life.
However, the fact that there is an unplanned baby being born to Palin’s daughter and Levi the self-described “dumb fucking redneck” is of political relevance on at least two levels:
1. Palin is incapable of managing her own family. How is she supposed to managed the presdiency that she is likely to inherit?
2. It points up the utter futiliy of Palin’s rabidly deranged “abstinence only” stance. Reality once again trumps ideology here. Two people who have no business being parents are about to become parents. How much longer will we allow the Republican party to continue to indulge in this brand of wishful thinking?
Um, Biden just entered the race as well and he’s talking. When Obama entered the race, he sought out the press. The time for polishing was before her announcement.
Stop making stupid excuses. Will she be able to put off Iran or China or a hurricane for two weeks while she ‘polishes’. Man you guys have low standards for the executive.
The Moar You Know
You pretty much already have it. Chrome is largely built on WebKit, which is what Safari (and the iPhone) is based on. The browser’s ID tag even shows as being “Safari 1.3” when I check logs after a Chrome hit on a website.
This is a joke and snark blog, basically
Palin is a joke. Biden is not.
Ergo we mostly post about Palin.
See Bush, George W.
Damn, I just remembered that douche continues to be president. It’s amazing how much that still rankles.
The Moar You Know
Also, WRT Chrome – there’s nothing it does that Opera doesn’t do better, although I think you Mac users are screwed as far as getting a good version of Opera as well.
But if you’re a Windows or Lunix user, there is no better browser out there.
Moar what kind of medication do you take? It’s weird, you can make total sense at the beginning of a comment but disintegrate at the end. It’s like tourettes, I guess. What’s with all the foolish name calling of people that don’t matter? Geez.
Mother should be at home right? Bare foot and pregnant, that’s Moar’s motto. And another thing, presdiency isn’t a word. I looked it up.
But I don’t have all the nifty nifty bells and whistles that the googles promises me! With extra Scott Cloud and everything!
Only the worst sort of liberal elitist would use a Mac AND pay for a browser. Why do you hate America?
But Safari doesn’t have the V8 javascript engine, which is what makes Chrome rock so hard.
Weak. Why not just change your handle to “I Am a Spoof”?
True, but he did run once. And he is a national figure.
Why would she have to talk to them? You put too high a standard on Vice Presidential candidates.
The Moar You Know
Only the finest, my friend. Nothing else will do.
Indeed, my good American. Indeed.
[SGEW + not telling]
You’re right. I keep forgetting that. Balloon-juice does mean hot air. OK. But why am I always called a troll when I’m being snarky? (oops, almost forgot to add the question mark. Beware of the punctuation police. Beware.)
Why? I thought it was clever. :(
She is as qualified to govern as any other governor is what I was getting at.
The Moar You Know
Rob Novak: Still Alive, Still A SElf-Absorbed Partisan Dick
So fucking what?! Then pick someone who has run once and is a national figure if those things are necessary to actually articulate your positions.
Listen, we’re not asking Palin to be perfect, but she can articulate her views on all manner of national issues right now. She should have been able to do this before being invited on the ticket if McCain cared about such things. If she could convince McCain that she has good views on Venezuela and when and how the Fed should step in on Fannie Mae, then she sure as hell can convince the media. This woman clearly can string a sentence together – better than McCain by a mile. So what’s the problem unless she has no views on any of these issues?
oh really
I hope it sticks. Watch them closely, backsliding is a constant threat. There will be a lot of absurd garbage coming from the Right in the next two months and much of it will make it easier for your relatives to rationalize doing what is familiar and comfortable.
Keep on the lookout for telltale signs: twitching, loss of motor skills, and seizures are among the most common. These and many others could mean your relatives are fighting a losing battle in which their rational self is ceding ground to their Republican self. Comfort them, give them words of encouragement, and sometimes, because they’re Republicans, large infusions of cash may help get them under control.
Good luck!
Because you suck at it. BJ is the big leagues.
The Moar You Know
God Bless the United States of America and our brilliant citizenry, who have come up with some of the finest pharmeceuticals known to mankind. We are a beacon unto the world.
Common Sense
John McCain has had six goddamn months to “polish” this turd. Why didn’t he start earlier? Bear in mind “because he didn’t know it would be Palin until Obama skipped on Clinton” is admitting exactly what McCain actually puts first — and it ain’t his country. If it was “Country First,” he would’ve chosen his candidate based on their ability to lead, and if they weren’t ready at the time, he would have gotten his choice ready first.
Six months to decide.
He decides, without fully vetting her, the day before his announcement.
The Moar You Know
Blogreeder, you suck at trolling, too.
I used to think MyIQ was a great troll until I realized it took itself absolutely seriously. Then I just started feeling really sad for him/her/it.
Maybe she doesn’t have the right views? Maybe McCain has put her in a mini-POW camp to get her the think right.
Eh. I never really liked Opera.
I’ve downloaded Chrome, but I haven’t started using it yet–partly because I adore Greasemonkey. I don’t even like reading Balloon Juice on my iPod Touch, because I can’t have my pie filter.
That’s impossible. It’s a toggle switch. You’re either a troll or you’re not. Unless you’re really saying I suck at trolling because I’m NOT a troll? Thanks!
Common Sense
No kidding. This guy has tabulated voter registration for states that separate by party, and it is a total blowout so far. A few highlights:
Arizona: 32,141 Republicans, 68,480 Democrats, 4,359 Other
From January 1 to September 2
Colorado: 13,352 Republicans, 66,516 Democrats, 23,437 Independents
Florida: 77,196 Republican, 209,422 Democrat, 26,100 Independents
From January to June
Iowa: 7,515 Republicans, 69,301 Democrats, -62,922 Independents
From January to August
Nevada: 1,230 Republicans, 51,457 Democrats, 7,550 Independents
From January to August
New Hampshire: -1,285 Republicans, 1,188 Democrats, 269 Independents
From June 12 to August 18
North Carolina: 20,363 Republicans, 171,955 Democrats, 123,605 Unaffiliated
From January 5 to August 30
Pennsylvania: 289 Republicans, 98,137 Democrats, 15,907 Independents (no aff. & all other)
From April 17 to August 25
Then why are you here?
Conservatively Liberal
In other words, she is not ready for anything. No matter how much you righties polish a turd, it is still a turd. Just a shiny turd. As someone else said here:
Interesting. The Democratic candidates are ready, right now, and the Republicans are not. Speaks volumes to me and I am sure others will notice too. McCain/Palin, not ready to lead but please give us some time!
What a campaign motto. For losers.
So it comes out that you are really a fundie? Go figure! I never would have guessed. /sarcasm
What about those people who do not believe in fairies or a dead guy getting up and walking around after three days? What are they to do? Ask for help from people who insist that they become one of them or be shunned as a heathen?
You religious people are the ones who have fucked up this planet, all in the name of your god or his son. You are the ones with the most blood on your hands, and yet you enjoy it.
With that I end any kind of conversation with you. I learned long ago that fundies are lost to the people of this world. You can not communicate with a fundie if you don’t speak their language. You are now a fundie goatfucker. You are here to get goats, and you serve no other purpose.
Speaking of goatfuckers…
Hi there Mikey… umm, I mean GoatBoy! I saw that bit over at TalkLeft earlier and it seems that Jeralyn is tired of your goatfucking antics too. I notice that her property values went up right after you left.
Why don’t you pair up with Borgreefer? It is clear that he is a fundie goatfucker and maybe you can join up and get a little religion in ya? No no, I didn’t mean that way! Put your pants back on GoatBoy. Enthusiastic little bugger, aintcha? ;)
Now to start the tales of the Fundie Goatfucker and the Ratfucking Goatfucker and how they travel together trying to grab
lifethe goat by the horns and ride it for all it is worth.Rome Again
Nor should they, because that would be like community organizing, wouldn’t it? Since they don’t like community organizers, I think they should go into the election with the votes they have instead of the ones they wish they had.
Rome Again
Dear Sarah Palin:
Please realize, the moment the election is over, your job is done. You will be relegated to the back room to sit quiet and let the men do the hard work of governing, while leaving you with meaningless tasks. Your only job is to be a woman for a short period of time. How sad.
The Truth
So if she doesn’t have the right views, what the fuck is she good for? We need people who can lead and make decisions, not sit around until someone tells them what decisions they ought to make.
See, you’re still stuck in this gamesmanship of the election. We’ve all moved on to assessing how this person will act in office – and the next two months is the test. Sarah can’t seem to stop calling mommy for the answers to the questions. If something happens to McCain who the fuck is going to give her the right views?
Nobody is expecting Obama to give Biden the right views. Biden gives his own views. They’re the right ones because Obama knew what they were and chose him because of them.
Conservatively Liberal
Improved slightly.
Rome Again
That’s because Biden was seriously vetted.
McCain states he vetted Palin, and he did… the only two questions he needed to know were:
1. Is she a woman (to get Hillbots)?
2. Will she help to get the base re-involved?
McCain is not thinking about how she’ll govern, her only job is to get him elected. The less she is exposed to questions, the better chance he has.
Rome Again
Thanks, I like it… and with your help we demonstrated that “Yes, We Can!”
Rome Again
Whoops! Sorry McCain, your pitbull in lipstick is backfiring on you.
More Cowbell
Conservatively Liberal
Reading the shit over at SwampDaughter’s The
ConfluenceCornholer just to see how life among the ratfuckers is going (bitter, sucking McCain’s balls, IOW nothing new) and it is pretty interesting to read women saying that they are only interested in putting a va-jay-jay in the White House. They say the political differences are nothing compared to the importance of putting a woman in the White House, and apparently any woman will do. I guess who Hillary was just did not matter to them, only that she had the right plumbing for the job.Some guys like to talk amongst themselves about how airheaded and just incapable of logical thought women are in general. I don’t subscribe to that line of thought, not with an equal partner wife and an intelligent daughter. In a way, the guys are right. It is not women who are that way, it is people in general. Everybody has their ‘stupid spot’.
I have met some brilliant people in my life. Artists, musicians, engineers, mechanics, electricians, politicians and whatnot. Amazingly brilliant people, but some of them were still idiots in their own way. I think everyone has their stupid spot, the point that they will feel that they must take up a position that is contrary to their interests in some way, solely because of a belief of theirs that overrides any other considerations.
Like these women who are only interested in putting a va-jay-jay in the White House. They don’t care what that woman believes, all that matters to them is installing the correct plumbing in the White House. Of course if McCain wins and everything goes to shit then these same people will blame everyone who voted for Obama for making them vote for McCain.
The racist Democrats who are voting for McCain are another
storynightmare, and it is a good thing that we are driving them out of the party. They are really Republican material anyway. Obama is leaps and bounds better than McCain on every point, but they will still only vote white. If the white guy fails, then they just vote for another one. And on and on it goes, just like it has been! ;)There is no ‘saving’ these people, they are just as lost as the fundies are. These people do not care one whit about substance or a future for our country. They are like animals, they live in the now. They have to have their way or else. They want the instant gratification of knowing that they got what they wanted. If it later turns into a disaster, they just find someone else to blame it on.
These are not mature people. They do not think rationally, they think emotionally and are incapable of anything else regarding their stupid spots. Many of them may be absolutely brilliant people, but they have this huge stupid spot that blinds them to the realities of life.
That is what the Republican party has become, a place for people with large stupid spots to congregate. Be it money, race, sex or whatever their stupid spot is, they refuse to look to the future and instead wallow in the now.
IMO, they act little better than animals. That is what animals do, live in the now. There is no future, only now.
Indeed, yes we can! :D
Conservatively Liberal
I wouldn’t grab that for anything…lol! I will just crank up BOC when the need arises. ;)
Notorious P.A.T.
Rome Again
Here we go again!
oh really
I wonder what they talked about over lunch?
Did Todd wow them with tales of Snow Machine Heroism?
Tax Analyst
I got a couple of first-hand reminders last evening about making assumptions based on ignorant, old stereotypes lodged in your head. I’m on my vacation and as I checked into a motel last night I noticed some kids playing basketball…they were roughly 13 or 14 years old and I believe the kids were Pakistani-Americans. Well, I’ve played a little ball in my time and even though I’m an old fart I can still play a bit. So I grabbed my ball out of my trunk and asked if I could play. Now I didn’t expect nor want to totally dominate the game…for any adult to do that with kids is just entirely lame, but I thought I’d show them how the game is played while making it a point to share the ball, etc. Well, this one kid was just WAY ahead of me. 20 footers? Not a problem…SWIISH! Move up on him to take that away? Feint right, cross-over dribble, and good-bye old guy…2 points. And I wasn’t playing lazy or dumb defense. But after the first 4 or 5 plays I was totally a fan, even though I was getting my old ass handed to me. He was just plain freaking good…at everything…superb ball-handler, wonderful passes off the dribble-drive, hustled and came up with loose balls. Oh, did I mention the lighting was very poor since this was in the motel driveway? Didn’t bother his outside shooting even a little bit. Me and the kid I was teamed with made a bit ofa come back,so we only lost by 11 to 8.
And then we took a break…and this really geeky-looking, gawky kid got up from his family’s grouping and came out on the court…andhe had the biggest, most “retarded” looking-smile you’d ever imagine…and he was kind of clumsy…and he took a ball and made a couple clumsy dribbles and took a lay-up…and made it…and his geeky smile got bigger…and I was standing about where half-court would be and I joined in with the others giving him a cheer, and so he tossed in 3 more lay-ups…geeky smile almost bigger than his whole face by now…and so was mine. It was as much fun as watching his younger brother or cousin or whatever light the basket up. “Developmentally disabled”? Sure. But I could see by the way the people around him treated him and acted that he was just as special to his family as that incredibly talented younger boy. Oh, yeah, BTW – Young prodigy played without a hint of ego…no chest-thumping, no “in-your-face” smack or trash-talk…just did his thing and went to take the ball out again.
Nice people, too. We took a break after about 45 minutes and the little basketball prodigy’s father came over and I told him how impressed I was with his son’s game…and not just his shooting, the whole thing. He thanked me..mentioned he thought I was very good and thanked me for playing with the kids and playing well and demonstrating good sportsmanship…and asked if he could ask how old I was…when I told him “58” he reiterated, “you play very well”. They offered me some refreshments, we talked a little, and then I took my tired, old, sweaty ass back to my motel room for a long shower.
It turned out to be a whole lot more fun and interesting a motel stop than I had anticipated.
Uh…I guess I went a little OT here, but your comment brought it to mind while it was still very fresh to me.
Conservatively Liberal Says:
I think you may be insulting animals here. The behavior of our primate cousins, chimps and bonobos, for example, show signs of what might be advance planning and consideration of future consequences. But I take your larger point.
At lunch the other day, I overheard a group of guys — some white, some Latino — talk about how they were going to vote “McCain, Fuck Yeah!” as though they would be voting for Tom Cruise’s Maverick in Top Gun for president. They were installers for a cable company who all congregated at this local eatery, and I really wanted to ask them what they thought that voting for McCain would actually do for them, and what the Bush Administration had done for them.
But there was more than racism at play here, something more like fear and a deep need to maintain the status quo, and something more. A couple of the guys indicated that their wives or girlfriends were Obama supporters, so their counter move for McCain was somehow proving that they were real (white) men.
Sounds a bit like Zen and the Art of Basketball Playing. Some very thoughtful insights as you are out there on the road.
It also reminded me of how white bread and homogenized the Republican convention was, and how speech after speech was dedicated to the idea of holding on to ignorant assumptions, false first impressions, and the supremacy of a rigidly narrow doctrine over a more complex, diverse and inclusive reality.
Actually views like that are held by many people that aren’t fundies. Most of them are called libertarians. Look up what libertarians are all about, it might open your eyes.
Was this comment suppose to be funny? Really, I want to know. Or are you taking the same medication Moar’s taking? Is it a weird tourettes syndrome that only happens when you write?
If this is suppose to be biting commentary; you’ve missed it by a mile. Kids on the playground would do this. They would see how many “Bad” words they can get in a sentence. What a loser.
blogreeder wrote,
Many, perhaps most, so-called libertarians are actually just pro-feudalist thugs who despise freedom and liberty.
On the other hand, there are some—probably a minority—who love liberty.
Greg D
The beauty of America is that any fuck-up can become President! Some of them even last for 2 terms. So if you are stupid enough to believe that this is any worse than having elected Bush for 2 terms, you are severely fucked in the head!
Reality Check (hopin I’m wrong): Old people and Bush conservatives will elect McCain and Palin…so get used to more fucked up, idiotic, someone else is runnin the country shit!
Grumpy Code Monkey
blogreeder Says:
Shenanigans! I call shenanigans!
Spoofers shouldn’t make it this easy to detect their spoofiness!