Sorry for all the threads, but this really deserves a thread of its own:
News outlets are increasingly challenging false or questionable claims by the McCain campaign, whether it’s the ad accusing Obama of supporting sex-ed for kindergartners (the Illinois legislation clearly describes “age-appropriate” programs) or Palin’s repeated boast that she stopped the Bridge to Nowhere (after she had supported it, and after Congress had effectively killed the specific earmark).
The McCain camp has already accused the MSM of trying to “destroy” the governor of Alaska. So any challenge to her record or her veracity can now be cast as the product of an oh-so-unfair press. Which, needless to say, doesn’t exactly please reporters, and makes the whole hanging-with-McCain-on-the-Straight-Talk era seem 100 years ago.
As for the sudden insistence that Palin is a delicate flower who must be shielded from harsh rhetoric, take this example. Joe Biden, asked if Palin as VP would be a step forward for women, said: “Look, I think the issue is: What does Sarah Palin think? What does she believe? I assume she thinks and agrees with the same policies that George Bush and John McCain think. And that’s obviously a backward step for women.”
A typical political shot? Not according to the RNC, which said the “arrogant” remarks are “better suited for the backrooms of his old boys’ club,” while Palin is trying to break “the highest glass ceiling.”
Of course, she wasn’t picked because she is a woman, was she? And I’m sure if Hillary was the nominee, the RNC would be extremely respectful of her attempt to shatter an even higher glass ceiling.
That was Howard Kurtz, pretty much shooting straight down the middle. There wasn’t even one attempt at false equivocation.
The McCain campaign has been so scummy, so dishonest, so full of shit, so trivial, so small-minded, and so utterly full of contempt for the voter that they have lost Howard Kurtz, the go-to guy for right wing spin, the man who single-handedly has pumped more bullshit memes from the right wing blogosphere into the mainstream discourse than anyone else.
And they have lost him. If I were the McCain campaign, I would begin to worry. You are no longer fooling the WSJ, Fred Hiatt’s WaPo editorial page, or even Howard Kurtz.
Even George Bush never lost Howard Kurtz.
I blame Obama (he wouldn’t do town halls).
the man who single-handedly has pumped more bullshit memes from the right wing blogosphere into the mainstream discourse than anyone else.
Sorry, but that’s probably Mark Halperin.
Even tweety seems to be growing a noogy back. He needs both, though.
Conservatively Liberal
Yes, Senator McPOW made it very clear that if Obama had only done some town hall appearances with him then global warming would not be an issue, teen pregnancy would be a thing of the past and the press would all love Sarah Palin.
Obviously it is long past the time for Obama to come forward and say you sir, are full of shit. Wait! You have got to be kidding.
The press is actually questioning the McPOW/Failin narrative? Even some on the right are starting to do this?
McCain: Send out the BBQ invitations, stat! And bring me a donut! Yes, with sprinkles!
The McCain campaign has been so scummy, so dishonest, so full of shit, so trivial, so small-minded, and so utterly full of contempt for the voter that they have lost Howard Kurtz
Damn, Kurtz will be voting for Obama. McCain might as well just concede now. LOL.
So judging Palin on the merits of her political convictions belongs in the backrooms of a boy’s club, and saying she can’t be criticized because she’s a woman isn’t sexist?
Forget about that Swiss super-collider, these RNC talking points must be on the verge of collapsing under the weight of their own hypocrisy and spawning mini-black holes that will devour the American landscape before November 4th.
He still had to get a “didn’t-pick-Hillary” dig in there, like the McCain lies and smear ads would have disappeared if Obama had.
The bullsh!t has reached critical mass and it is collapsing in on itself.
He may be gone too
These are all newspaper journalists though.
TV is far more important and I guarantee you will not hear anything like that from Brokaw, Williams et al for the next 8 weeks no matter what happens in the campaign.
Well, one good piece does not “losing Kurtz” make. We shall see how they treat the next piece of BS.
Blowback is a bitch.
Just Some Fuckhead
You said they lost him twice in a row.
Even so, I’m confident that Kurtz will find his way back.
I think that Obama saying ‘They must think you’re stupid’ was pretty close. I’d give him the points for that one.
Just Some Fuckhead
I’d argue they’re more stupid based on two terms of Bush disasters and now McCain is polling even.
Republicans are actually aiming for the stupid voter and they’ve got a numerical advantage there.
I fear Palin and McCain will cross the critical point of cascading reaction in Stupid and set off a chain reaction where the entire Planet is destroyed.
Over the past few days, it almost seems like the media reached deep into its collective underpants and discovered the wizened, vestigial remains of testicles there.
We’ll see how long it lasts. If Obama starts building up a respectable lead again, I expect we’ll see the usual suspects revert instantly to POW Fluffer Mode.
It’s a new reality show:
McScumbag and Mrs. Mooseburger
Where Camp McPOW seriously fucked up (as opposed to the other 9,999 fuck ups) is by expecting the press to blow Gov. Sarah “Who?” Palin, with as much enthusiasm as they blow GOPers who’ve been around forever.
Like McPOW.
It doesn’t help that Palin essentially emerged from hibernation, stomped up to the podium and started shrieking “Respect mah authoritah!”
So it would be like the CERN reactor, but for bullshit?
Check out the webcams from the LHC.
The media has seen that Palin really brings to the table, which is nothing but bluff and puffery, and has seen her long trail of lies and malfeasances, and decided that not even they can cover up for her. She is on her own.
I said she was worth 5 points to Obama when she was picked, and I am sticking with that prediction. She’s a fucking disaster.
Conservatively Liberal
For those of you who like a good laugh, I love the first comment at The Volokh Conspiracy thread about the Palin interview:
and a couple of posts later:
Then after some other commentary, an astute observer came in and said:
Plus they are arguing that the Bush Doctrine question was a setup:
Freakin hilarious reading. What a bunch of morans.
Just Some Fuckhead
Oh, and it’s just a matter of time before Magoo starts to sag in the polls, the media are all over the idiotic Palin, and the righties are screaming for McCain’s scalp.
Everything in the fullness of time.
Brian J
I think we can talk about her and her beliefs and convictions, but there are some rules:
1. We can’t talk about the ethics violations, because they are ongoing and won’t any more lucid until she participates, which she cannot do because she’s now on the receiving end of unfair scrutiny because she’s part of the campaign. She’ll also be too busy to be deposed because, even though the people investigating her don’t have any connection the presidential campaigns and started their work before she was picked, they would be unfair. Besides, she doesn’t have time to clear herself of any wrong doing. She is on the campaign trail trying to tell voters she hasn’t done anything wrong.
2. We can’t talk about small town matters because it doesn’t deal with the issues relating to the job she’s seeking, despite this constituting the majority of her record. This means leaves out trying to ban library books and leaving her town saddled with debt, for instance.
3. We can’t talk about issues relating to the governor, unless all of the facts are clear or they don’t in any way reflect badly on her. This leaves out pretty much her entire eighteen months in office.
4. We can’t talk about foreign policy unless we mention Russia, Canada, China, Japan, India, and whatever countries they add to the list with no thought whatsoever. But we can’t talk to HER about her alleged experience, because she’s too busy actually dealing with these countries.
5. It’s absolutely out of bounds to bring her family in these discussion in any way, shape, or form. Thus, whenever we see them on an air strip, surrounded by cameras, or at a campaign stop, when the camera pans to them every thirty seconds, we can only look on in awe.
6. We can’t talk about her alleged ties to a secessionist party. While she addressed the group and discussed its platform in favorable terms, she was never a member. Only her husband was.
7. We can only make certain comments relating to her gender. One such example is to mention her beauty queen competitions. Anything else would be sexist.
Brian J
I need to edit before I hit “Submit Comment.”
Soon they’ll tell the world than neither George Bush nor John McPOW are real conservatives.
You just know there’s a bunch of fReichtard necromancers somewhere, desperately trying to bring back Reagan.
Chris Johnson
I’m seeing all sorts of blowback in various places. This is from a working sound engineer forum-
I’m not sure what that guy’s usual politics were, but he was all New Yorker and all pissed off. The way the Republicans are behaving is starting to make people REALLY angry.
McDishonorable and Joan of Anthrax also threw down the gauntlet and called all the media a pack of losers too.
Palin, talk about presumptuous.
Does this mean that McCain will have to send Charlie Sheen upriver to “deal with” the renegade Col. Kurtz?
or would calling in the B-52’s be a better option?
El Caballo de Sangre
I didn’t start reading this blog until well after JC came over from the dark side, as it were…I know he tells people to go back and read the archives to see his evolution, but I don’t really have the time or inclination to read months/years of old entries – can anybody point me to at least a general time frame in the archives to get a sense of it? Thanks –
Brian J
It’s almost as if they’ve had…oh how do you say it…ENOUGH!
Conservatively Liberal
Another great smackdown from a post at The Volokh Conspiracy thread on Palin:
Feb-March-April 2005.
This pretty much confirms my view that team Obama’s strategy this last week or two has been a version of rope-a-dope, wherein they allow McCain et al to scream, lie, and generally act in such bad faith that the media gets fed up and turns on their old mavericky buddy. It seems to be working.
Just Some Fuckhead
It was when they tried to reanimate the corpse of Terry Schiavo. All the other stuff, meh. John draws the line at necromancy.
Conservatively Liberal
Teh BJ mod gawd isa holdin me werds o’ wit an I canna shar dem wit udders!
Calling in the B-52s is ALWAYS a good option.
From what I’ve heard, John McCain and airplanes isn’t such a good mix.
Brick Oven Bill
The American press should not be following McCain’s leads. Obama already made his wishes clear when he yelled at them:
And then he said again:
“Enough is enough.”
These press outlets need to get with the game plan.
Just Some Fuckhead
A stern look is called for.
El Caballo de Sangre
Thanks TZ/JSF.
So according to the RNC the ‘highest glass ceiling’ for a women is to be number 2 to a man.
Surprised I am not.
sorry if anyone else has said this, but Obama gave them enough rope.
Now Palin and McCain are hanging themselves with it.
Palin is up in Alaska. McCain can’t have any more cheerleader appearances. If he goes back to town halls — someone might ask him about Palin’s Russia fixation.
It’s all bad for them.
The election is in November.
Maybe he should carry a ruler too.
El Caballo de Sangre
Okay, I’m a fucking idiot – where do I find these archives?
Just Some Fuckhead
See the address bar? Change the number after the ?p= to something lower, like 7500 or so.
Tin roof….rusted?
Just Some Fuckhead
Alot of that early stuff is pretty low.
OT what if Ike is worse than Katrina. Bush is AWOL. Does it make a difference?
Change the URL to something with this pattern to start:
That will give you some snark on Sully’s retirement from blogging on Feb 1, 2005. Just keep changing the number to see each new post.
John Cole
One day I am going to come to my damned senses and delete those archives.
Just take my word for it. The wingnut force was strong in me.
L. Ron Obama
But John, those archives are a part of Internet traditions.
El Caballo de Sangre
Of course, I’ll take your word for it; but I kinda want to read it as it happened anyway. FWIW, my own “evolution” happened over ’90-’92. I thought – still do – that GHWB was a decent, intelligent, pragmatic guy, and that we could do a lot worse for president (like Dukakis, for instance). Then the crazy jingoism that accompanied Desert Shield/Storm, the rise of Pat Buchanan’s candidacy (and the fact that it highlighted that GHWB just wasn’t enough of a crazy Christian/abortion-doctor-killing/nigra-hating/fag-bashing/Democrat-slandering nut for the modern GOP to be totally behind him), and just generally learning more about the world moved me towards an anti-Republican political stance.
Does anyone else think that she might be just a placeholder? I think that McCain chose her to shore up the base, and as soon as they are elected(oh, GOD MAKE IT STOP), or after a suitable time frame, she is ditched for some other joe. Seriously, how could he possibly think she’s qualified? I know this is only rampant spec on my part, but come on.
Either way, he is an affront to any human with a sense of justice. If he thinks she’s the best, he’s an angry, incompetent, crazy fool. If he’s using her in the way that I think he is, he’s playing with the electorate in ways that are despicable. Which is par for the course. Why can’t everybody see this?
Just Some Fuckhead
Christ, no. The one takeaway you should get from the entirety of the site is to not believe a word he sez. Just enjoy the good times.
The Gimp
While I am glad to see that Jeralyn has come down off the ledge – aggressively so, in fact – am I bad person for finding great amusement in watching her disbelief at and constant struggles with her own readers who gleefully jumped headlong OVER said ledge? I mean, she held their hands all the way up to the edge of it.
Charlie Gibson was being a condescending prig to that poor woman! How dare he?
Okay, not MY thoughts, but I’m reading this all over the ‘Nets, and not just in the wingnutosphere. This is why I’m very worried about November. That no matter how patently unqualified Palin proves herself to be, the sympathy card is right there waiting for team McCain. In fact, it’s SO right there sometimes they won’t even have to play it, it will play itself.
How is this possible, I’m asking myself? We’re talking about a political machine that spent the better part of eight years trashing Hillary, including of course the run up to the primaries (do people forget so soon all the talk about the “opportunistic evil bitch” coming from the right?)
Oh, that’s right. We’re talking about the American voter here. My bad.
I know y’all like to bag on John for his “conversion”. However, if a conservative can still speak out around here, he was one of the more lucid bloggers around. I’m not exactly sure why Terri Schiavo offended him so much, but he was right on Iraq and a lot of military policy. He was one of my favorite bloggers and then he started spewing liberal bullshit from top to bottom. I still read you John, but just to get the latest DNC talking points in plain text.
Conservatively Liberal
This Volokh poster makes a good point:
Yup, she sure makes a good argument for Obama! :)
Just Some Fuckhead
I wonder if John thinks that? Maybe a great regular feature for BJ would be John vs. John. Just pull something out of the archives at random and fisk it, John.
John is now a leader of the community-based reality.
Studly Pantload
I know this is very sexist/unenlightened of me, and I suspect Pat Buchanan will come knocking at my door at 2:00 a.m. to call me on it, but….
Did anyone else besides me, watching the Gibson/Palin quizfest, find themselves reminded of seeing a beauty queen contestant, having aced the swimsuit finals, struggling to come out of the interview portion with a shred of dignity?
Conservatively Liberal
IMO, no true Republican would have a problem understanding John’s disgust at the Schiavo incident. Government injected themselves into a private situation and politicized the hell out of it all in the name of political pandering. Old school Republicans were disgusted at the three-ring circus that the wingnuts threw up around something that was none of their damned business.
It was disgusting, to say the very least. It was invasive government at its worst, and the Republicans were leading the charge.
I thought the same damned thing when I heard that answer. McCain’s very fortunate that critical reading/hearing skills are not strong with much of this electorate.
Studly Pantload:
Jesus. That is frighteningly on target.
Good observation, SP.
Just Some Fuckhead
I get it! You cleverly switched around the phrase so it seems like there is a different kind of reality for John’s community. Man, that is some good stuff. Seriously, did you think of it another time or see it somewhere else and just look for a place to use it or did it just pop into yer head all at once when you saw Setz comment? Just professional curiosity..
You know, I respect John, for keeping his archives open. I think he’s about 1000% wrong, but I respect that he’s an open book. I read the lib sites myiq….I see how they delete at will any disagreements. They don’t welcome dissent. They talk about it, but it’s bullshit.
The first Schiavo post. Yeah, I remember how impressed I was when I read that for the first time.
The Gimp
As opposed to Republican sites, where there ARE no comments.
They don’t welcome dissent. They talk about it, but it’s bullshit.
LOL. Waaahh waah wahh poor baby. Here, have a sucker.
It was killing someone before their time. I don’t know why that’s hard to understand.
Conservatively Liberal
Absolutely not, watching ratfuckers and dead-enders thrash about because their leader isn’t jumping with them is great free entertainment! Watching Jeralyn trying to deal with them and the oversized ego of Armando is the icing on the shit cake they made. Some day whe might get it cleaned up, but she needs an exterminator to kill off the ratfuckers.
Speaking of ratfuckers, howya doin’ Mikey?!
You get distracted easily, eh? Never mind, carry on as usual.
Last time I checked, the post I was looking for was missing.
Keeping them open but empty is kinda hypocritical
Just Some Fuckhead
It’s pretty obvious to me that the whole fucking deal hinged on the “someone” part. I don’t know why that’s hard to understand. But I’m just some fuckhead, not an armchair neurosurgeon like you.
Just Some Fuckhead
McCainx2 Says:
No serious, here, the decenters get LOLed out, on Kos, they get modded down.
Redstate has a lot of liberal comenters who, while I don’t agree with, make me think about my position. I can’t say the same for the liberal sites. I see nothing but modding down of any dissent commentary.
Her time CAME and they stuck her in machines to keep her long past it.
Some people just never learn.
Conservatively Liberal
It was none of our business. End of story.
The Gimp
Bullshit. Red State bans lefties like Tipper Gore at a Gangsta rap summit.
KOS is a pearlclutcher’s paradise, what do you expect? Hell, they downrate other LIBERALS there all the time.
This isn’t a liberal site.
It’s a fauxgressive site.
wingnuts to iraq
Cole, you’re a treasure…
Cole For President!
wingnuts to iraq
please ignore mx.. he/she does it just for the attention.
Hey your girl Sarah really hit one out of the park, tonight. That meanie Charlie Gibson was no match for her rapist’s wit.
Just Some Fuckhead
I troll-rated this comment because Kos isn’t there for you to get all willy nilly in the comments. It’s a site dedicated to getting more and better Democrats elected.
Conservatively Liberal
No thanks Mikey, we all know where your hands have been. I would suggest you head back to Corrente, but I see that they are just a ghost town over there now. Maybe head back to SwampDaughter’s Cornfluence and bump whatevers with the rest of the ratfuckers?
Or is this the M night of your S&M schedule?
If you really want to see what an a-hole John was, read his posts about Katrina and the Bush response to that disaster. Total Kool-aid drinker was John. It was about when I stopped coming around these parts – too freaking frustrating. Nice to see that John has seen the light.
Just Some Fuckhead
Accounts are forever, or at least as long as DailyKos remains in existence. Don’t ask to have your account deleted. Especially, don’t publicly demand that your account be deleted, as this is virtually certain to lead to large amounts of mockery.
(insert mockery here)
Spoof! Spoof!
There are no liberals on Redstate.
Hell, there are no conservatives either, they banned them all.
Blue Raven
You’re not even close to decent if you think it was right for the Federal government to interfere in a legal marriage and deny a husband his rights in regards to his wife. I thought you people held marriage to be sacred.
Fuck. Off.
Just Some Fuckhead
McCainx2 Says:
One would hope that this was the media rediscovering its inner attack dog – even if they are still talking about trivial shit.
I agree that Kurtz was largely on the point; it has just gotten so appalling from the McCain campaign. We’ll have to wait and see what comes of this whole “lipstick” debacle, and keep an eye on the state polls.
Conservatively Liberal
I expect the McCain camp to release a statement soon saying:
John McCain has always believed in putting women first so from now on the McCain/Palin ticket will be known as the Palin/McCain ticket. We believe that this change emphasizes the primary reason Senator McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate and the belief that Senator McCain has in the leadership skills of Sarah Palin.
Delivered with a straight face. ;)
Not long ago, i took a mule ride into Grand Canyon and despite what i’d heard in advance, there was absolutely nothing scary about it. Why not? Because mules are goddamn selfish creatures who would flat out refuse to do anything to endanger themselves (and by extension, anything on their backs). That’s why they’re better than horses for the job and why in nearly 100 years of mule rides a tourist has never been killed. If you think of our press corps in the same light, it all makes perfect sense.
Conservatively Liberal
When I heard that Palin was going into the bunker to hide from the press I said that this was a mistake. The vacuum allowed for everything else about her to be sucked in and digested. While they could have been fighting over what she said, they had to guess who she was and try to fill in the blanks. Then McCain disses the press by saying that she would not be available until the animals learned some manners and could conduct themselves properly. What a way to endear her to the press! In a way it is kind of like teasing hungry lions. Very stupid to do.
All the while the McCain camp is releasing stupid shit, and with no other distractions about Palin the press had to actually look into them. Now they are getting tired of the shit and are fighting back. After her dismal performance with Gibson, the press has tasted blood.
You don’t pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.
Don’t do that!! Digging into them is on my to-do list!
Good point. On top of this, since both McCain and Obama agreed to suspend politicking for the 9/11 observance, there was no noise from the GOP Smear Machine to distract anyone from the Palin interview. And since the interview continues on Friday, the GOP would be stupid to sling more mud and risk trampling over their own attempt to get a heavily stage-managed Palin out in front.
Not that this would necessarily stop the GOP from embracing teh stoopid.
On the other hand, Saturday Night Live returns this weekend. They have had a long time to get loaded up for a little political satire.
This might actually be fun.
Bedlam UK
Two quick things from watching UK news last night on Ch4 before Daily Show came on:
First was that they intro’d the US Election as
” Over to the US where Conservative candidate McCain is trouncing Senater Obama in the current polls…”
Trouncing means beating by a wide margin. I know each poll seems to give different readings, but is McCain so strong now to show up as a clear leader on our News??
That would be un-fucking-believable.
Secondly, they showed a clip of Biden standing in front of a crowd saying how Clinton would be a better VP choice and Obama made a mistake.
anyone know about this speech of his???
zuzu's petals
I just gave a nice chunk of change.
Nice that I can add to the “retiree” demographic for Obama.
Adding Obama to the “retiree” demographic will be even nicer
I have said this before – the press (particularly the DC press) is very classist – remember what they said about Clinton when Lewinsky broke – and I have no doubt that they look down their noses at Palin. Expect to see more of this.
I have to admit that was pretty funny, myiq.
I mean, if I were a McCain supporter I’d want to stay as far away from comments about retirement as possible, for several reasons, but more power to you when it comes to the comedy.
No. If that happens before the election, it is a major shit-storm. If after, the replacement will be picked by the Democratic Congress. Now, the Dems might be expected to show some deference if she should (God forbid) die or get in an accident, but they wouldn’t if it was some political maneuver.
Conservatively Liberal
Palin to Gibson about hubris:
Fixed. ;)
No. If that happens before the election, it is a major shit-storm. If after, the replacement will be picked by the Democratic Congress. Now, the Dems might be expected to show some deference if she should (God forbid) die or get in an accident, but they wouldn’t if it was some political maneuver.
The team they sent to Alaska could be not simply destroying evidence, but hoarding it, grounds for her to resign when some shocking revelation comes out in March.
Wouldn’t Congress just be confirming? I wouldn’t think McCain would be in any hurry, he could keep nominating people for 4 years or until he no longer had a personal stake in the pick. Hell it would keep Congress busy and out of his hair.
Also, I wanted to offer this thread this.
The Schiavo case was not just about privacy, but about Federalism. It really seperated the conservative men from the boys, the true principled conservatives from the hacks and fakers.
Those conservatives who saw through it realized they had more in common with the post-great society Democratic Party than they did with
Murder Incorporatedthe RNC.And that is when I started reading this site for Coles stuff, not just when I felt like a flame war with Dougj. Of course, that part of it was a joke at my expense.
As for Palin, this feels like Geraldine Ferraro all over again. Lots of enthusiasm for someone to give bounce to the ticket (Mondale got a huge bounce), followed by endless distraction, and then a devastating 17 point loss. Mondale did not know what hit him. Too old, too slow.
I’m hoping it will happen–after he’s served 2 successful terms as president. :D
Don’t delete the archives. In order to be smart you have to remember what it was like to be stupid.
I wouldn’t say that Kurtz is “lost” because it’s pretty clear to me that he will come back to McCain in a heartbeat if there’s any chance to do so.
Conservatively Liberal
DougJ is the professor of wingnut spoof here. I damn near bit a couple of times but I was able to restrain myself until I figured him out. Knowing him, we are probably chewing at another one of his puppets in the gallery of wingnuts here…lol!
mortimer icabod marker
It doesn’t matter what these fuckheads do. They’re still gonna win the election thanks to shit like this.
mortimer icabod marker
And, I’ve mixed up Ohio and Florida, as one does when it’s early and one is a moron.
The McCain campaign sent sham absentee ballot applications to registered Dems in Florida. They fucked over their own side in Ohio.
mortimer icabod marker
And, I’ve mixed up Ohio and Florida, as one does when it’s early and one is a moron.
The McCain campaign sent sham absentee ballot applications to registered Dems in Florida. They fucked over their own side in Ohio.
Brave New Films has a nice piece up dissecting the McCain lies.
Blown entirely out of proportion, as usual.
Someone at a town meeting asked a question, saying how glad he was that Biden was chosen and that Hillary would’ve been a bad choice. Biden absolutely had to push back, and said she was immensely qualified and then, in what was clearly false modesty, said maybe even more qualified than him.
And Obama will be there. Funx2.
Does anyone remember when we took myiq2xu seriously for a few posts? Man. Those were the days.
harlana pepper
Reading some of the transcript, looks like Palin did better with all those foreign policy questions than Bush would have as I’m guessing he still knows about as much about foreign policy as Sarah Palin does.
Yup. Just reading the quotes posted around the internons reminds me of the girl who flamed out in the teen beauty contest.
This one:
And all she wanted was a fucking tiara.
That’s a lot of teh stoopid you’re asking us to ingest before noon. You could serious long term brain damage exposing us to stuff like that before we’re ready.
This comment from a reader over at TPM made my morning:
Did you guys know that you can actually see Russia from land in Alaska?
You know I think she really picked up something by attending five different colleges on the way to her journalism degree from BeautyQueen Community College.
McCain’s Acid Gambit
The Strategy is:
Make a play so ridiculous, so completely insane, that your enemy cannot articulate just how insane it is, due to sheer limits of language. One which James Joyce couldn’t properly describe. This confuses your enemy and costs them valuable time to adjust to a suddenly surreal reality. It’s like McCain dosed Obama’s morning coffee. And now it’s lunch and his sandwich is melting. He’s not sure how to eat it, or if he even wants to.
Isn’t it amazing to see the stooges wake up after their good pal and BBQ buddy McCain essentially told them to bugger off? These people need to redraw the line they crossed when they began treating the politicians they cover as friends. Rove’s decision to cut off McCain’s unlimited press ramblings may have been the jolt needed to break up the love fest.
I thought blogreeder was
goatboymyiqis2. Sure sounds like him.John Cole
Where did anyone get the idea that this was a liberal or progressive site? It certainly was not from me.
And MYIQ, I have no idea what you are talking about. The only time I have deleted posts have been when we got spam attacks and old posts have been hit with thousands of comments. The last time I had to do something like that was a few months ago, when Tim and I noticed we were getting hammered with p.o.k.e.r. sites, and I deleted about ten old posts. I have no idea what they were, but they are gone. Life moves on.
If you really want, try the way back machine.
Stuck in the Fun House
Being evident for sometime now, neither does MyLowIQ – The trash talking FauxDemocrat.
b. hussein canuckistani
The liberals on RedState are the ones who only say Bush is a great President.
John S.
I think myiqis2 is really Jean Cummings from Politico. Both are utterly fucking clueless about anything that even remotely resembles reality.
This morning on Diane Rehm she insisted that voters like Sarah Palin because she is AUTHENTIC. Wrap your head around that one, folks. Even though the media spent most of the week telling us how full of shit Palin is and even though we can all SEE it with our own eyes, voters like her authenticity.
Voters like the mirage that is Sarah Palin because they don’t realize that the water they are drinking is really sand. Or in the case of Republicans, they don’t care because it’s GOP sand.
Wayne T
why isn’t this a bigger issue? From what I can discern McCain wants to tax health insurance benefits as income and in additional payroll taxes.
How is that going to increase competition or decrease costs? It’s the most bizarre logic I’ve ever heard. Employers will just offer less and Employees will just get the least coverage. It seems he thinks it’s a disadvantage to those who pay for all of their own isurance – then why not just give a bigger tax deduction for those who pay their own??
I just don’t get this idea at all – and I’m sure if O made this into a commercial it’s something that would freak everyone out –
Brian J
Oh for the love… Now Roger Simon is on MSNBC saying that probably aren’t 1,000 people in America who can describe the Bush Doctrine. We need a new open thread.
Mwahaha. Take that!
And that!
Brian J
It’s actually a move to make the system more progressive. Jason Furman, one of Obama’s main economic advisors, was written positively about this. The problem, as you describe, is that there’s no mechanism to help people who would lose their insurance or don’t already have it.
This whole Palin, McCain slide into complete and utter hypocrisy shows why any Hillary supporter who is contemplating voting McCain is a complete moron.
I was a big Hillary supporter (hey, check the archives). I even had a twinge of sadness when Obama picked Biden (although I like Biden). But there was never a moment, even before McCain picked Palin, that I thought voting Republican would be a good idea.
His pick solidified everything that’s I disagree with the Republican party about. To name just a few: dangeously bellicose/hawkish, anti-science, anti-birth control/choice, bad for the environment (“drill baby drill”) and tax cuts uber alles (but mainly for the rich). Palin is the embodiment of all of that, with the lack of self-awareness (hint: you are the rich/elite/whities that you supposedly look down on) that exemplifies the GOP these days.
Again, any Democrat seriously thinking of voting for McCain/Palin is a complete fucking moron. I’ll expand that – anyone who believes in science, caring for the environment, not getting us mired in another war and having a stable economy who votes Republican deserves nothing but scorn and derision.
There are more than 1,000 people on DailyKos that can describe the Bush Doctrine. Hell, there might be 1,000 people here that can.
I’m not sure I could describe the Bush Doctrine adequately, but I’m not running for [Vice] President. For that matter, there are probably not 1000 people who are qualified to be President. However, there are a lot more who think they are.
Peter Johnson
Now Roger Simon is on MSNBC saying that probably aren’t 1,000 people in America who can describe the Bush Doctrine.
I’d never heard of it before. I have to wonder if it’s something Olbermann or Maddow or Soros made up whole cloth. And somehow duped Gibby into talking about.
Peter Johnson
There are more than 1,000 people on DailyKos that can describe the Bush Doctrine.
If the Kossacks believe, then it must be true. Just like with Sarah Palin’s faked pregnancy and 9/11 being an inside job.
Brian J wrote,
I thought another big problem was that people would be forced to purchase insurance in the individual market, which means there’s no risk pooling.
Maybe there are details about community coverage or whatever that I don’t know about.
Not only was “the Bush Doctrine” made up by liberals to make conservatives look bad, but so was the entire Bush presidency. In fact, Al Gore has been president the past eight years, but, with the aid of the liberal media, he has managed to convince Americans that all of his policy failures were the result of one powerless former governor, George W. Bush.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Setz Says:
The federal government’s powers are not supposed to be limitless. I don’t know why that’s hard to understand.
Families across the country have to make decisions like this every day. If they’re lucky, the decision is easy and uncontroversial; the person in question is truly brain dead, on total life support, and would die within minutes of that life support being removed. The Schiavos and the Schindlers were not that lucky.
But these kinds of decisions are not federal issues; they are appropriately handled at the state level. Congress’ involvement was horrifying for several reasons: it was naked political opportunism (look, a stick that we can beat the Democrats with and an excuse to avoid real work); it was a clear rebuke of the whole idea of states’ rights (not that the GOP really gives a shit about states’ rights anyway, although they pay lip service to it); it was literally making a family issue into a federal case.
How much authority should Congress have over the lives of individual citizens? My understanding that among those of the conservative persuasion, that answer is supposed to be “as little as possible.”
As to the whole “judicial murder” thing, that’s something that at least some states do all the damned time. We in Texas are somewhat notorious for it. We rationalize it as an appropriate punishment for certain crimes, but we’re still killing people “before their time.” Congress has never felt compelled to step in there (the SCOTUS did, for a while, but then changed their minds).
John – keep the archives. It gives me hope that others could follow that path.
Rome Again
You can also just google “Balloon Juice, Schiavo” as well. Look for the lowest thread number and start from there.
Greg D
Hmmm…glad I’m living in Japan, cause I don’t want to be anywhere near the US after McCain takes the reigns. If you thought no one could fuck the country up more than George Bush, you were wrong…lol!! Good luck over there with President McCain and VP Palin~
I couldn’t describe it either, but I sure as hell would have the sense to look it up before attempting to convince the American voters that I was fit for the Vice Presidency. It’s bad enough that people like Palin are as ignorant as they are, but it’s truly shocking (although perhaps not surprising) that it doesn’t even occur to them that they should do something about it.
Personal Designation
I’m drawn to this place like an insect to bug zapper. I don’t know if it was seeing JSF, B 52s, necromancy, "meh" or witty battonage stemming out of the proper use of italics
I hope I can fit in somewhere.
Personal Designation
a bug zapper even